Please request full CV for more details: [email protected] [email protected] Manuscripts (theses, dissertation) : 5 Peer Review Papers : 29 Books : 1 Contributory Chapters in edited Books : 12 Papers/Articles in Conferences, Seminars : 26 Papers/Articles in Magazines/Periodicals : 14 Blogs : 3 Working Papers : 6 Translation Work : 1 Expert Reports : 33 Training Manuals : 14 Resource Books & Booklets : 5 Newspaper/Magazine Articles : 25 Newsletter Articles : 2 TOTAL : 176 ANNEX.I: LIST OF PUBLICATIONS HASRAT ARJJUMEND

⏐1⏐ HASRAT ARJJUMENDgrassrootsinstitute.net/has-cv-annex-I-publications.pdf2 CV.ANNEX.I as on 31 December 2018 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: HASRAT ARJJUMEND MANUSCRIPTS PhD International

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Please request full CV for more details: [email protected] [email protected] Manuscripts (theses, dissertation) : 5 Peer Review Papers : 29 Books : 1 Contributory Chapters in edited Books : 12 Papers/Articles in Conferences, Seminars : 26 Papers/Articles in Magazines/Periodicals : 14 Blogs : 3 Working Papers : 6 Translation Work : 1 Expert Reports : 33 Training Manuals : 14 Resource Books & Booklets : 5 Newspaper/Magazine Articles : 25 Newsletter Articles : 2 TOTAL : 176




CV.ANNEX.I as on 31 December 2018



PhD International Governance of Biodiversity: A Study of ABS Regime. PhD (International Studies) thesis, MMAJ Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), New Delhi. February 2016. p.570. (Cases of India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Lao, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam, Timor-Leste, Philippines, Mongolia, China, and Russia). Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28437.63201 Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325663561_International_Governance_of_Biodiversity_A_Study_of_ABS_Regime (abstract) & http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/195494 (full thesis)

MPhil Evaluating biodiversity conservation and restructuring its policy framework for conflicts resolution in protected areas with special reference to Great Indian Bustard (Sonchiriya) Sanctuary, Ghatigaon. MPhil (Natural Resource Management) dissertation, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal. June 1998. P.304.

PGDEL Global Environmental Governance and its Influence on India’s Policy & Legislation for Adaptation to Climate Change. PG Diploma in Environmental Law dissertation, National Law School of India University, Bangalore. May 2013. p.90.

MSc Interaction between sulphur dioxide pollution and water deficit stress: Studies on chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and photorespiration in sunflower and sorghum. MSc Environmental Science thesis. G.B. Pant University of Agr. & Tech., Pantnagar. March 1992. p.157.

MBA Transformation of HR in India – HR Outsourcing. ExeMBA project work, Vinayaka Missions University, TN.

August 2010. p.47.


Arjjumend, H. and Konstantia Koutouki (2019), “The Groundwater Crisis in India and Relevant Water Governance in the Making”, in print The Journal of Water Law, 26(3).

Water Law & Policy

Arjjumend, H. and Beaulieu-Boon, H. Henrie (2018), “Customary Institutions and Rules underlying Conservation Functions of Sacred Sites or Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas”, Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 1(2): 1-12. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/nr2581.6853.01021

Aboriginal Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Vasianovych, H., Budnyk, O. and Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Ethics”, Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 1(2): 13-21. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/nr2581.6853.01022

Environment Ethics, Policy & Governance

Bondareva, S.L., Fedorova, N. and Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Environmental Risk for the Freshwater Ecosystem of the Yenisei River with Consequences for Human Health Risks”, Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 1(2): 22-34. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/nr2581.6853.01023

Ecological/ Environmental Science;

Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Recognition of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Domestic Access and Benefit Sharing Legislation and Policies”, Environmental

Policy & Law, 48(5):271-282. Doi: https://doi.org/10.3233/EPL-180088.

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Recognition of Indigenous Peoples in Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Legislation and Policies of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol”, BRICS Law

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance;


Journal, 5(3):86-113. Doi: https://doi.org/10.21684/2412-2343-2018-5-3-86-113. Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Debates on Genetic Resources Accessed ex situ in the Context of Nagoya Protocol”, Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 1(1):5-12. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/nr2581.6853.01011.

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Alam, S. and Hasrat Arjjumend (2018), “Awareness, Education and Capacity Building of Stakeholders for Successful Implementation of Access and Benefit Sharing Regime”, Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 1(1):37-45. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/nr2581.6853.01014.

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Chernov, S., Svitlana Haiduchenko, Tetiana Bielska, Yuriy Naplyokov and Hasrat Arjjumend (2018), “Leadership in the Context of E-Governance: Lessons for Ukraine”, Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 1(1):62-68. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/nr2581.6853.01016.

E-Governance & Policy

Arjjumend, H. and Konstantia Koutouki (2018), “Science of Biopesticides and Critical Analysis of Indian Legal Frameworks Regulating Biocontrol Agents”, International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology, 11(3): 563-571. Doi: http://doi.org/10.30954/0974-1712.06.2018.20. Online: http://ndpublisher.in/countpdfdownload.php?id=3051&pdf=IJAEBv11n3t.pdf

Ecological/ Environmental Science; Agroecology

Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Recognition of Customary Law & Institutions and Community Protocols of Indigenous Peoples in Domestic ABS Legislation or Policies in accordance with the Provisions of Nagoya Protocol”, Scientific Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 5(2): 67-82. Doi: http://doi.org/10.15330/jpnu.5.1.67-82. Online: http://journals.pu.if.ua/index.php/jpnu/article/view/3221

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H., Shingo Shibata and Selemon Thomas Fakana (2018), “Ecosystem Services of Forest Ecosystem in Nechisar National Park, Ethiopia: Identifying the Challenges and Conservation Measures”, Journal of Global Resources, 4(2):16-25. Online: http://www.isdesr.org/sites/vol/July%202018%20issue/3.Hasrat_Final.pdf

Conservation; Protected Areas; Ecosystem Services

Arjjumend, H., (2018), “Nagoya Protocol and Participation of Indigenous People and Local Communities in Policy Making Process and Benefit Sharing", Journal of Politics & Governance, Vol. 7 No. 1: 39-47. Doi: http://doi.org/10.5958/2456-8023.2018.00005.0 Online: http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:jpg&volume=7&issue=1&article=005

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H., Koutouki Konstantia, Honor G. Fagan and Shingo Shibata (2018), “International Overview of Sacred Sites and Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) and the Need for Their Recognition”, Global Environmental Studies, Vol. 13, March 2018: 33-56. ISSN: 18807143. Online: http://digital-archives.sophia.ac.jp/repository/view/repository/20180703003

Conservation Policy; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. and Mifta Negash Seid (2018), “Challenges of Access to Land for Urban Housing in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Journal of Global Resources, 4(1):1-11. Online: http://isdesr.org/sites/vol/jan2018/1.Hasrat%20Arjjumend.pdf

Land Rights; Indigenous Rights; Resource Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Review of Pastoralists’ Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change: Can technology help pastoralists mitigate the risks?”, International Journal of Bioresource and Stress Management, 9(1):118-128. Doi: http://doi.org/10.23910/IJBSM/2018.9.1.1833a Online: http://pphouse.org/ijbsm-article-details.php?article=1098

Ecological/ Environmental Science; Agroecology

Arjjumend, H., Konstantia Koutouki, Sabiha Alam and Timo Koivurova (2017), “The International Environment


Space for Indigenous People and Local Communities: Participation in Policy Making and Benefit Sharing Negotiations ", World Affairs: Journal of International Issues, 21(4): 56-72. Online: http://www.worldaffairsjournal.com/content.php

Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. (2017), “Regulatory Chill, Corporate Takeover and Environmental Governance”, International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 6(12): 7923-7934. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijcar.2017.7934.1254

Environmental Governance; International Law

Arjjumend, H., Simon Neufeld, Viviane Yargeu and Michael Warren (2017), “Reviving Soil Biology and Crop Productivity through New Biofertilizer: Agroecological Performance of Pseudomonas monteilli in Tropical Environments”, International Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 35(4): 1235-1247. ISSN: 0254-8755. Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325103022_Reviving_Soil_Biology_and_Crop_Productivity_through_New_Biofertilizer_Agroecological_Performance_of_Pseudomonas_monteilli_in_Tropical_Environments

Ecological/ Environmental Science; Agroecology

Arjjumend, H., Konstantia Koutouki and Sabiha Alam (2016), “Evolution of International Governance of Biodiversity”, Journal of Global Resources, Vol. 2(July 2016):1-15. Online: http://isdesr.org/sites/vol/vol_july_16/1.%20Hasrat%20Arjjumend.pdf

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H., Sabiha Alam, Timo Koivurova and Nikolay G. Shishatskiy (2016), “Comparative Analysis of Access and Benefit Sharing Regimes in India and Russia in Context of Indigenous People and Local Communities”, Journal of Siberian Federal University: Humanities & Social Sciences, 1(2016.9): 265-290. Online: http://elib.sfu-kras.ru/bitstream/2311/20029/ 4/23_Arjjumend.pdf

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H., Sabiha Alam, Nikolay G. Shishatskiy and Timo Koivurova (2016), “Analysis of Evolving Access and Benefit Sharing Legislation in Russia from the Perspectives of Indigenous People and Local Communities”, Journal of Global Resources, 2(January 2016): 109-120. Online: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2801506

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. (2015), “Analysis of India’s ABS Regime in Context if Indigenous People and Local Communities”, International Journal of Applied Research & Studies, vol. IV(1). Online: https://www.academia.edu/12154393/Analysis_of_Indias_ABS_Regime_in_Context_of_Indigenous_People_and_Local_Communities

Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. (2005), “Governance and Participation in Community Initiated Associations and Sustainable Development in Bundelkhand, Madhya Pradesh”, Eastern Anthropologist, 3 (4): 451-464. Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316623057_GOVERNANCE _AND_PARTICIPATION_IN_COMMUNITY-INITIATED_ASSOCIATIONS_AND_SUSTAINABLE_ DEVELOPMENT_IN_BUNDELKHAND_MADHYA_PRADESH

Governance; Participatory Development

Arjjumend, H. (2004), “Land Alienation: Tribals’ Accountability in Jharkhand”, Jharkhand Journal of Development and Management Studies, Vol. 2(4), October-December 2004. Online: http://xiss.ac.in/JJDMS/issue9.php

Land Rights; Indigenous Rights; Resource Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2004), “Tribal (Land) Rights and Industry Accountability: A Case of Mining in Dumka District of Jharkhand”, Innovations in Civil Society, vol. 4 no. 1, July 2004. Online: http://library.ediindia.ac.in/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=31407&query_desc=su%3A%22Jharkhand%22

Land Rights; Indigenous Rights; Resource Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2004), “Governance and Participation in Community-Initiated Associations and its Implications for Sustainable Livelihoods: Case of Bundelkhand, Madhya Pradesh”. Indian Journal of Good Governance, May 2004.

Governance; Participatory Development


Arjjumend, H. (2004), “People's Control over Livelihood Resources under Tribal Self-Rule in Madhya Pradesh: Challenges Ahead!”, Indian Journal of Good Governance, March 2004.

Governance; Participatory Development

A., Hasrat and R. K. Gupta (1993), “Sulphur dioxide, water deficit and their combination induced changes in photosynthesis, photo- respiratory - 14CO2 efflux and chlorophyll content of sorghum”, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.31: 468 - 471. Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317345606_Sulphur_dioxide_water_deficit_and_their_combination_induced_changes_in_photosynthesis_photorespiratory_14CO2_efflux_and_chlorophyll_content_of_sorghum

Ecological/ Environmental Science; Agroecology


Arjjumend, H. (2001), Anatomy of Village Institutions and Their Interrelationships. Samarthan - Centre for Development Support, Bhopal. June 2001. pp.105. Online: https://www.academia.edu/32267549/ANATOMY_OF_VILLAGE_INSTITUTIONS _AND_THEIR_INTERRELATIONSHIPS_IN_BUNDELKHAND_REGION_OF_MADHYA_PRADESH

Participatory Development


Konstantia Koutouki and Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Intellectual Property Rights, Biopiracy and the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol”, in print as chapter of a book from University of Ottawa Press.

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Rights

Arjjumend, H., Konstantia Koutouki and Anatolii Getman (2017), “Ukrainian Legislation for Safeguarding the Agroecosystems and Environmental Health: The Challenges Ahead”, Kharkiv International Legal Forum: Law and Problems of Sustainable Development in Globalized World, 3-6 October 2017, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University and National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. Kharkiv: Pravo Publishing House [http://www.pravo-izdat.com.ua/], pp. 3-17. ISBN: 978-966-937-291-8. Online: http://dspace.nlu.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/15286/1/Arjjumend_Koiutouki_Getman_3-17.pdf; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325229434_Ukrainian_Legislation_for_Safeguarding_the_Agroecosystems_and_Environmental_Health_The_Challenges_Ahead

Environmental Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Rethinking the Rights of Indigenous People over Bioresources in Emerging Global Biodiversity Governance”, pp. 28-37, ‘Problems of realization and protection of social rights in Ukraine’, 27 April 2018. Department of Social Law, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine. ISBN: 978-617-7617-16-6. ISSN: 2522-1469. Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325229559_Rethinking_the_ Rights_of_Indigenous_People_over_Bioresources_in_Emerging_Global_Biodiversity_Governance

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Rights

Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Nomadic Pastoralism at Crossroads: A Need for Restructuring the Paradigm and Policy of Rangeland Commons”, Proceedings of Conference on ‘Priority directions for the development of agrarian legislation and law in modern conditions’, April 20, 2018, pp.95-108. Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University and the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine. ISBN: 978-966-2740-97-4. Online:

Indigenous Rights; Land Rights


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325229625_Nomadic_Pastoralism _at_Crossroads_A_Need_for_Restructuring_the_Paradigm_and_Policy_of_Rangeland_Commons

Arjjumend, H. and Chuni Lal (2013), “Agrobiodiversity in Great Himalayan National Park: Interventions and Challenges for in situ Conservation”, (ed.), M.M. Sheikh, Biodiversity and Environmental Issues, Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing: 68-88. Online: https://www.academia.edu/35904455/Agrobiodiversity_in _Great_Himalayan_National_Park_Interventions_and_Challenges_for_in_situ_Conservation

Sustainable Agriculture; Biodiversity Conservation

Arjjumend, H. and Sabiha Alam (2013), “Biodiplomacy in ICNP-2 Negotiations of Nagoya Protocol on Access and benefit-Sharing”, (ed.), M.M. Sheikh, Biodiversity and Environmental Issues, Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing: 137-154. Online: https://www.academia.edu/35904933/Biodiplomacy_in_ICNP-2_Negotiations_of_Nagoya_Protocol_on_Access_and_benefit-Sharing

Environmental Governance; Biodiversity Law & Policy

Arjjumend, H. (2013), “New Challenges of Transboundary Water Conflicts and Climate Change for Governance of Indus River Basin”, (ed.), M.M. Sheikh, Environmental Consciousness and Human Perceptions, Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing: 40-55. ISBN: 978-3-659-49573-1. Online: https://www.academia.edu/35904791/New_Challenges _of_Transboundary_Water_Conflicts_and_Climate_Change_for_Governance_of_Indus_River_Basin

Natural Resource Management & Governance

A. K. Bhattacharya and Hasrat Arjjumend (2007), “Decentralization in natural resources management: a review with special reference to Madhya Pradesh (India)”, pp.466-483, (ed.), Ajoy Kumar Bhattacharya, Forestry for the Next Decade: Managing Thrust Areas, New Delhi: Concept Publishing, vol. II Part-III. Online: https://www.eurobuch.com/buch/isbn/9788180694271.html

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Peter Newell, Vaijanyanta Anand, Hasrat Arjjumend, Harsh Jaitli, Sampath Kumar and A.B.S.V. Ranga Rao (2006), “Corporate accountability and citizen action: Cases from India”, (ed.), Peter Newell, Rights, Resources and the Politics of Accountability: Claiming Citizenship - Rights, Participation and Accountability, London: Zed Books Ltd. Online: https://www.zedbooks.net/shop/book/rights-resources-and-the-politics-of-accountability/

Governance; Participatory Development

Arjjumend, H. (2005), “Hunger deaths in Chhattisgarh: State fails to protect right to life”, pp.42-59, (ed.), S. N. Choudhary, Human Rights and Poverty in India: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidences, vol. 4, New Delhi: Concept Publishing. Online: http://keropercrest.comunidades.net/download-book-human-rights-and-poverty-in-india-theoretical-issues-and-empirical-evidences

Governance; Participatory Development

Arjjumend, H. (2002), “Beyond the hunger deaths in Chhattisgarh: Putting chronic starvation and poverty as the issue of human rights”, pp.1350152, In R. Vashum and Prakash Louis (eds.), State, Development and Identity in South Asia: A Search for Alternative Paradigms, New Delhi: Indian Social Institute. Online: http://bookbooth.ru/State-development-and-identity-in-South-Asia--a-search-for-alternative-paradigms--or--cedited-with-a/2/cihdehj

Governance; Participatory Development

Yogesh Kumar, Hasrat Arjjumend and R. N. Tiwary (2001), “Anatomy of emerging village institutions and its implications in decentralized management of development and resources”, pp. 267-289, In S P Jain (ed.), Emerging Institutions for Decentralized Rural Development, Vol. II., Proceedings of NIRD Foundation Day Seminar (January 7-8, 2001). National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad. Online:

Governance; Participatory Development



Arjjumend, H. and Konstantia Koutouki (2019), “A Qualitative Assessment of National Policies Guiding the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits from Utilization of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge held by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities”, Paper submitted in GRASS - EU Conference: Environmental Knowledge and Policy Innovation between East and West: Lessons Learned and not? Minsk, Belarus, 28-30 May 2019.

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance, Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. and Konstantia Koutouki (2018), “Involvement of Indigenous People in Monitoring of Access to Genetic Resources under International and National Access and Benefit Sharing Laws”, Paper presented in 2018 Biannual Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism, Ottawa, Canada, August 22-24, 2018.

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance, Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Regulatory Chill and Environmental Governance: A Case of India”, Paper presented in XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities, Toronto, Canada, July 15-21, 2018.

Environment Law, Policy & Governance

Arjjumend, H. and Konstantia Koutouki (2018), “Science of Biopesticides and Critical Analysis of Indian Legal Frameworks Regulating Biocontrol Agents”, Paper presented in 9th International Congress of Environmental Research, 8-10 February 2018, Gwalior, India.

Environment Law & Policy

Arjjumend, H., Simon Neufeld, Viviane Yargeu and Michael Warren (2017), “Reviving Soil Biology and Crop Productivity through New Biofertilizer: Agroecological Performance of Pseudomonas monteilli in Tropical Environments”, Paper presented in 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Agriculture and Horticulture Sciences, December 16-17, 2017, New Delhi, India.

Ecological/ Environmental Science; Agroecology

Arjjumend, H. (2016), “Improved Governance leads to Restoration and Protection of Pasturelands: Experience of Ajmer Commons Initiative in Rajasthan”, Abstract presented in International Conference on Natural Resource Management: Ecological Perspectives, held on 18-20 February 2016 at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu, India. Online: indianecologicalsociety.com%2Fsociety%2Fwp-content%2Fthemes %2Fecology %2Fpdf%2FIESIC-Compendium-Vol 1(1).pdf&usg=AOvVaw01NuW5qhA2 DyfNOekRYLW5

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2013), “New Challenges of Transboundary Water Conflicts and Climate Change for Governance of Indus River Basin”, Paper presented in Workshop on Governing Critical Uncertainties: Climate Change and Decision-Making in Transboundary River Basins, 21-23 January 2013, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Organized by the Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University and the Earth System Governance Project, Lund University, Sweden. Online: http://www.apn-gcr.org/resources/items/show/1770

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2013), “Environmental and Social Impacts of Hydro-Electric Dams in Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh”, Paper presented in National Conference on Geography of Change: Contemporary Issues in Development, Environment and Society, Mumbai: 11-12 January 2013. Online: www.vpmthane.org%2Fcomm%2FGeography_of_Change_ Proceedings_Jan.2013.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2t6vzfVp0ZRM9PSLit1_f-

Ecological/ Environmental Science


Arjjumend, H. (2013), “Adaptation Options in Indian Agriculture: Case of in situ Conservation of Agrobiodiversity”, Paper presented in International Workshop on Climate Change Impacts and Societal Adaptation (CCISA 2013), 7-8 November 2013 at Central University of Rajasthan, India, organized by Central University of Rajasthan (India) and Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (Sweden).

Sustainable Agriculture; Biodiversity Conservation

Arjjumend, H. and Sabiha Alam (2013), “International ABS Law for Access to Genetic Resources: Implications of PIC and MAT Provisions of Nagoya Protocol”, Abstract presented in International Conference on Contemporary Debates in Public Policy and Management, 7-9 February 2013: Kolkata, organized by Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (India).

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. and Sabiha Alam (2012), “Biodiplomacy in ICNP-2 Negotiations of Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing”, Abstract presented in Sixth Biennial International Conference of Indian Association for Asian & Pacific Studies, December 17-19, 2012, Kolkata, University of Calcutta. Online: iaaps.org.in%2FProgramme_schedule-_Sixth_ Biennial_Conference.pdf&usg= AOvVaw2irREWtdG2RX0CQwh72gZv

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. and Sabiha Alam (2012), “International ABS Law for Biodiversity Conservation: Implication of PIC and MAT in Nagoya Protocol”, Abstract presented in 2nd National Conference on Environment and Biodiversity of India, December 29-30, 2012, New Delhi: North East Centre for Environmental Education and Research, Imphal. Online: www.researchgate.net%2Fprofile%2FJs_Khuraijam2%2Fpublication% 2F291808637_2nd_National_Conference_on_Environment_and_Biodiversity_of_India %2Flinks%2F56a633d508ae6c437c1ae35a%2F2nd-National-Conference-on-Environment-and-Biodiversity-of-India.pdf&usg=AOvVaw29shtQaNmZkLnItXYW0gK7

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. and Sabiha Alam (2012), “WHOSE BUSINESS, WHOSE PARTICIPATION: Can the indigenous people find due space in ABS negotiations?”, Panel Discussion for Side Event “Participation of Indigenous & Local Communities in Biodiversity Conservation: Experiences and Issues” organized by Grassroots Institute and Academy of International Studies (Jamia Millia Islamia Central University) in COP11 of CBD, Hyderabad, 9-19 October 2012, Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada.

International Environment Law, Policy & Governance; Indigenous Studies

Arjjumend, H. and Chuni Lal (2012), “Agrobiodiversity in Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area: Challenges for Conservation”, Presentation for Side Event “Participation of Indigenous & Local Communities in Biodiversity Conservation: Experiences and Issues” organized by Grassroots Institute and Great Himalayan National Park in COP11 of CBD, Hyderabad, 9-19 October 2012, Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada.

Sustainable Agriculture; Biodiversity Conservation

Arjjumend, H. and Chuni Lal (2012), “Linkages of Green Consumerism with Agrobiodiversity Conservation in Himalayan Mountains”, Paper presented in “National Conference on Emerging Consumerism in Context of Climate Change: Issues and Challenges” organized by Government Postgraduate College, Chamba, Himachal Pradesh and Centre for Consumer Studies, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, 3-5 October 2012, Chamba, India.

Sustainable Agriculture; Biodiversity Conservation

Arjjumend, H. and Chuni Lal (2012), “Issues and Challenges of Artisans in Himachal Pradesh: Can we preserve the dying cultures and traditions?”, Paper presented in XVI North West Indian Sociological Association Conference on Culture, Politics and Ethnicity: Emerging Issues in North West India, November 23-24, 2012, Palampur (HP): Government PG College, Palampur.

Governance; Rural Development


Lal, C. and Hasrat Arjjumend (2012), “Diversity of Cultural Artefacts in Himachal Pradesh”, Paper presented in XVI North West Indian Sociological Association Conference on Culture, Politics and Ethnicity: Emerging Issues in North West India, November 23-24, 2012, Palampur (HP): Government PG College, Palampur.

Governance; Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2011), “Impacts of Conservation Policy Reforms on Co-Management of Natural Resources in Protected Areas: A Critical Analysis from Devolution of Ownership Perspectives”, Paper presented in 13th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons (IASC), Hyderabad, 10-14 January 2011. Online: http://iasc2011.fes.org.in, http//dlc.dlib.Indiana.edu.

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2011), “Innovative Non-Formal Education and Vocational Training of Excluded Girls in Western Uttar Pradeshs”, Paper presented in Seminar on “Inclusive Education in the Context of Open Schooling: Transcending Barriers”, 8–9 March, 2011. National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi.

Governance; Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2011), “Educating the Underprivileged Girls in Western Uttar Pradesh”, Paper presented in South Asia Regional Conference on Learning and Development Needs of Out of School Adolescents, 1-3 March 2011, New Delhi (India). UNESCO and Plan India, New Delhi.

Governance; Rural Development

Arjjumend, H and Chuni Lal (2010), “Improving Farmers’ Access to Market for Organic Produce of Traditional Crops: Lessons learnt from small-scale model of agrobiodiversity conservation”, Paper presented in National Conference on Role of Biodiversity in Sustainable Agriculture, Jhansi (UP), University of Bundelkhand, 4-5 March 2010.

Sustainable Agriculture; Biodiversity Conservation

Arjjumend, H. (2010), “No More Shouldering the Nation: Towards fixing the accountability of teachers”, Paper presented in National Seminar on Right to Education: Prospects & Challenges: 20-21 March 2010. UGC-DRS-SAP III, Department of Education, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly (UP) – 243006 India.

Governance; Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2010), “Towards Closing the Access, Quality and Capacity Gaps: Learnings from Muslim Girls’ Education Project in Western Uttar Pradesh”, Paper presented in National Seminar on Right to Education: Prospects & Challenges: 20-21 March 2010. UGC-DRS-SAP III, Department of Education, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly (UP) – 243006 India.

Governance; Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2004), “Tribal Rights and Industry Accountability: Case of Mining in Dumka District of Jharkhand”, Paper presented in IInd PRIA International Conference on Citizenship and Governance, Hyderabad, 19-21 February 2004.

Indigenous Rights; Land Rights

Arjjumend, H. (2003), “Displaced tribes set a model of participatory management of riverine fisheries: Exploring the emergence of sustainable living resource management in Tawa River of Narmada Valley, India”, Abstract published and discussed in ‘LARS2 - The Second International Symposium on the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries: Sustaining livelihoods and biodiversity in the new millennium’ held in February 2003 at Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Online: www.mekonginfo.org%2Fassets%2Fmidocs%2F0003371-farming-second-international-symposium-on-the-management-of-large-rivers-for-fisheries-lars2-sustaining-livelihoods-and-biodiversity-in-the-new-millenium.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1H8DLkynhhr05Y-OHheQ7T

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2000), “Developing locally controlled ecotourism: Better management option for protecting people and biodiversity in biosphere reserves”, Proceedings of National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation and Management with special emphasis on Biosphere Reserves organized by Environmental Planning & Coordination Organisation (EPCO), Bhopal and held on 25-28 November 2000.

Natural Resource Management & Governance



Jana Wendler and Hasrat Arjjumend (2007), “Agriculture and horticulture in Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh, India: Practice, problems, and progress”, Mountain Forum, online library: www.mtnforum.org/rs/ol/browse.cfm?tp=vd&docid=530

Sustainable Agriculture

Arjjumend, H. (2006), “Water wisdom: water management in Pachmarhi biosphere reserve”, Wastelands News, October 2006.

Natural Resource Management/ Governance

Arjjumend, H. and Jana Wendler (2006), “Drum of discontent at Ambikapur”, India Together (an online magazine), December 24, 2006.

Natural Resource Management/ Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2005), “Tribes show way for water management”, Grassroots, New Delhi, February 2005.

Natural Resource Management/ Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2004), “Indigenous practices of post-harvest storage among tribal communities of central India”, LEISA INDIA, vol. 6(3):8-9. Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325252108_Indigenous_practices_ of_post_harvest_storage_among_tribal_communities_of_central_India

Sustainable Agriculture

Arjjumend, H. (2003), “Innovando en el almacenamiento de aguas pluviales”, LEISA-AL, vol. 5(2), http://www.leisa-al.org/web/revistas/volumen-28-numero-2/488-innovando-en-el-almacenamiento-de-aguas-pluviales.html

Natural Resource Management/ Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2003), “Innovations in rainwater harvesting: case of Rajkheta in Chhattisgarh”, LEISA INDIA, vol. 5(2): 23-25, June 2003. Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325252519_ Innovations_in_Rainwater_Harvesting_Case_of_Rajkheta_in_Chhattisgarh

Natural Resource Management/ Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2003), “Socio-ecology of groundwater irrigation in Chhattisgarh”, Research Paper published on web by IWMI-TATA Water Policy Program of International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka: www.cgiar.org/iwmi.

Natural Resource Management/ Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2002), “Communities succeed amid state failures”, Free Press Journal, Indore/ Bhopal. April 2002.

Governance; Participatory Development

Arjjumend, H. (2002), “Paradise under siege”, Down To Earth, Vol. 11, No. 2; June 15, 2002. Biodiversity Conservation/ Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2001), “Drilling of rice bowl and conservation of seeds: Response of peasant society to globalization of agriculture in Chhattisgarh”, LEISA INDIA, vol. 2(2): 13-14.

Sustainable Agriculture

Arjjumend, H. (2000), “Patenting life”, Down To Earth, December 31, 2000.

Biodiversity Conservation/ Governance

Arjjumend, H. (1999), “The bustard vs human in the struggle for an abode”, Exchanges, No. 25 & 26, June & Sep. 1999: p.1-12. Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323127185_THE_BUSTARD_vs_ HUMAN_IN_THE_STRUGGLE_FOR_AN_ABODE

Biodiversity Conservation/ Governance

Arjjumend, H. (1997), “Green terrorism”, Down To Earth, October 15, 1997. Governance; Participatory Development



Arjjumend, H. (2015), “Universalization of the so-called national language, suppression of the local cultures and its impact on education in Jharkhand", IPAN Blog on Public Policy. Online: http://www.ipan.in/universalisation-of-the-so-called-national-language-suppression-of-the-local-cultures-and-its-impact-on-education-in-jharkhand/#more-261

Development Issues

Arjjumend, H. (2012), “Agrobiodiversity cannot be ignored”, Interview broadcast by Rio Conventions Pavilion, CBD COP11, 15/10/2012. Online: http://www.climatechangenews.com/tv/7893

Biodiversity, Sustainable Agriculture

Arjjumend, H. (2004), “Urban Growth and Quest for Sustainability: Case of Dumka, Jharkhand”. Online: http://hasratonline.blogspot.com/

Development Issues


Arjjumend, H. (2018), “Legal History of Water Conservation in India", Working Paper of CISDL, forthcoming. Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, Montreal (Canada).

Environmental Governance & Policy; Water Law

Arjjumend, H. (2012), “Agrobiodiversity in Great Himalayan National Park: Challenges for Conservation", Grassroots Occasional Papers No. 11, September 2012. Online: http://grassrootsinstitute.net/files/grassroots-occasionalpaper11.pdf

Biodiversity; Sustainable Agriculture

Arjjumend, H. (2007), “Agriculture and Horticulture in Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh, India: Practice, Problems and Progress", Grassroots Occasional Papers No. 7, February 2007. Online: http://grassrootsinstitute.net/files/grassroots-occasionalpaper7.pdf

Sustainable Agriculture

Arjjumend, H. (2006), “Baiga and Gond Tribes in Chhattisgarh, India", Grassroots Occasional Papers No. 6, September 2006. Online: http://grassrootsinstitute.net/files/grassroots-occasionalpaper6.pdf

Indigenous Studies; Indigenous People; Tribal Livelihoods

Arjjumend, H. (2005), “Tribals, State and Industry: People’s Struggle for Land-Based Resources in Santal Parganas, Jharkhand", Grassroots Occasional Papers No. 2, December 2005. Online: http://grassrootsinstitute.net/files/grassroots-occasionalpaper2.pdf

Indigenous People; Land Rights; Corporate Accountability; People’s Movements

Arjjumend, H. (2005), “Non-Timber Forest Produce and Tribal Livelihoods in North Chhattisgarh, India”, Grassroots Occasional Papers No. 1, October 2005. Online: http://grassrootsinstitute.net/files/grassroots-occasionalpaper1.pdf

Biodiversity; Forest Management; Livelihoods; Indigenous Studies


Arjjumend, H. (2001), Daastan – e – Swayamsevita (translation into English from Hindi). Submitted to DFID–India (Madhya Pradesh), Bhopal. November 2001. pages - 36.

Participatory Rural Development



Arjjumend, H. (2017), Comments cited in “SPETSPROEKT: Siberia and the Far East in the 21st century”, 15 January 2017, Online: http://sibfrontier.ru/article/zarubezhnyie-ekspertyi/

Sustainable Agriculture

Arjjumend, H. and Kshitij Bansal (2015), Comparative Analysis of Biodiversity Governance: A Study of ABS Regime in India and Russia. IPAN Research Brief No.03/2015. Online: https://www.scribd.com/document/356141982/5566141c6f4db-Comparative-Analysis-of-Biodiversity-Governance-in-India-and-Russia-Hasrat-and-Kshitij-Bansal

Environmental Governance; Biodiversity Law & Policy

Arjjumend, H. (2012), Food and Nutrition Security in India. Contributed the part of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh in the study and report of Meristem Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Sponsored by World Food Programme of United Nations (WFP).

Food Security and Sovereignty

Arjjumend, H. (2009), Social Baseline Analysis for Andaman & Nicobar Islands. UNNATI, Port Blair. Study sponsored by Eni, Italy. December 2009, pages – 125.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2006), Impact Assessment Study of Integrated Women and Child Development Programme Implemented by WAFD in Bharatpur, Rajsthan. Grassroots Institute, New Delhi. November 2006. pages – 40.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2005), Inquiry into Tribal Self-Governance in Santal Parganas, Jharkhand. Grassroots India Trust, New Delhi. September 2005. pages – 91. Online: www.grassrootsinstitute.net/files/inquiry.pdf

Indigenous Rights; Land Rights

Arjjumend, H. (2005), Food & Democracy in Action. Documentation of Achievements of Shri Gandhi Seva Ashram, Chhattisgarh. April 2006. pages – 55.

Food Security and Sovereignty

Arjjumend, H. (2005), Managing Natural Resources. Documentation of Achievements of GKSSS, Madhya Pradesh. September 2005. pages – 35.

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2004), Journey around Water and Prosperity. Documentation of Achievements of Sarguja Gramin Vikas Sansthan, Chhattisgarh. December 2004. pages – 58.

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2004), Tribal Land Rights and Industry Accountability: Case of Dumka, Jharkhand. DRC Study of Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex (UK) and PRIA, New Delhi. February 2004. pages - 110.

Indigenous Rights; Land Rights

Arjjumend, H. (2004), Monitoring Report of Rural Development Schemes in Pithoragarh district of Uttaranchal. Study of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India and Development Communication India, Delhi. September 2004. pages – 102.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2003), Impact Assessment Study of SGSY Programmes in Madhya Pradesh. Study of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India and Centre for Advanced Research & Development, Bhopal. August 2003. pages - 150.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2003), Understanding Primary Education in Jharkhand: Case of Dumka District. Study of PRIA-JRC, New Delhi/Dumka. June 2003. pages-200.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2003), Glimpses of Jamtara Town, Jharkahnd: An Urban Governance Perspective. Study of PRIA-JRC, New Delhi/Dumka. May 2003. pages- 60.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2003). Reconnaissance Study of Dumka Town, Jharkahnd: An Urban Governance Perspective. Study of PRIA-JRC, New Delhi/Dumka. April 2003. pages- 70.

Participatory Rural Development


Arjjumend, H. (2003), Where rainwater harvesting changed lives: A Watershed Story of Rajkheta. Sarguja Gramin Vikas Sansthan, Sarguja.

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2002), Impact Assessment of Watersheds in Chhattisgarh. Study of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India and Development Communication India, Delhi. April 2002. pages - 162.

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. (2002), Impact Assessment Study of Watershed Development Programmes in Madhya Pradesh. Study of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India and Centre for Advanced Research & Development, Bhopal. March 2002. pages - 205.

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. et al. (2002), Kamar Dere Ki Vedna (Hindi). Study Report on Kamar tribe submitted to Jagriti Seva Sanstha, Raipur. pages- 170.

Indigenous Rights; Land Rights

Sudhirendra Sharma (with acknowledgement to Hasrat Arjjumend) (2001), Where Every Drop of Rain Counts: A case study on natural resources regeneration and management in Surguja district of Chhattisgarh. The Ecological Foundation, New Delhi, February 2001.

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. and Kusum Jain (2001), Impact Assessment Studies of the Pogrammes of Ministry of Rural Development: Bastar (Chhattisgarh). Evaluation Report of Centre for Advanced Research and Development, Bhopal. July, 2001. pages - 120.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. and Kusum Jain (2001), Impact Assessment Studies of the Pogrammes of Ministry of Rural Development: Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh). Evaluation Report of Centre for Advanced Research and Development, Bhopal. July 2001. pages - 122.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2000), Poverty Assessment in Chhatarpur. Desk Review Report for DPIP/Sanket, Bhopal. May 15, 2000. pages - 30.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (2000), Concept Paper on Panchayat Information Centre. Submitted to Samarthan - Centre for Development Support, Bhopal. March 2000. pages - 12.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. et al. (1999), Situation Analysis of Rural Women in Morar Block of Gwalior District (MP). GKSSS, Gwalior. Pages-41.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (1999), Development Report of Chhattisgarh. Study Report for Samarthan - Centre for Development Support, Bhopal. November 1999. pages - 277.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (1999), Women Empowerment Project's Documentation Report. GKSSS, Gwalior. May, 1999. pages - 54.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (1999), Zila Shivpuri: Ek Drishti (Hindi). Study Report for Samarthan - Centre for Development Support, Bhopal. May 15, 1999. pages - 89.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (1999), Zila Damoh: Ek Drishti (Hindi). Study Report for Samarthan - Centre for Development Support, Bhopal. May 15, 1999. pages - 106.

Participatory Rural Development

Arjjumend, H. (1999), Comparative Analysis of Forest Laws and JFM Resolutions of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan in Relation to People's Rights. Desk Study Report submitted to Actionaid - India. February 1999.

Natural Resource Management & Governance

Arjjumend, H. (1999), Environmental, social and economic impact of mining on Nandanwara reservoir/dam, Tikamgarg district. Study Report for Samarthan: Centre for Development Support, Bhopal. January 31, 1999. pages - 46.

Environmental Study

Arjjumend, H., Aditya Sharma and M. Saxena (1997), A walk into Satpura forests ...(A Field Study Report). Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal. October 1997. pages - 33.

Natural Resource Management & Governance


Arjjumend, H. (1994), Human and Environment. Monograph. ASHRAYA, Dehra Dun. 1994. pages - 48.

Environmental Study


Arjjumend, H. and Dimpal Kumari (2016), (Draft Bylaws for Village Institutions around Pastureland Conservation & Development). Prakriti Karyashala Rural College (Foundation for Ecological Security - FES). pages - 28.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)

Arjjumend, H. and Ishwar Babu Bairwa (2015), Training Handbook on Common Land Development through MGNREGA. Prakriti Karyashala Rural College (Foundation for Ecological Security - FES). pages - 88.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)

Arjjumend, H. and Dimpal Kumari (2015), (Training Handbook on Village Institutions and Management of Common Lands). Rajasthan Wasteland Development Board, Prakriti Karyashala Rural College (Foundation for Ecological Security - FES), Seva Mandir and BAIF. pages - 56.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)

Arjjumend, H. (2015), (Training Handbook on CPR Lands Protection). Rajasthan Wasteland Development Board, Prakriti Karyashala Rural College (Foundation for Ecological Security - FES), Seva Mandir and BAIF. pages - 17.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)

Arjjumend, H. and Ishwar Babu Bairwa (2015), (Training Handbook for NREGS Mates). Rajasthan Wasteland Development Board, Prakriti Karyashala Rural College (Foundation for Ecological Security - FES), Seva Mandir and BAIF. pages - 80.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)

Arjjumend, H. (2014), (Reference Brochure on the Linkages of Animals and Pastureland). Prakriti Karyashala Rural College, Rajasthan Campus, Foundation for Ecological Security (FES). pages – 4.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)

Arjjumend, H. and Dimpal Kumari (2014), (Training Handbook on Village Institutions and its Governance & Management). Prakriti Karyashala Rural College, Rajasthan Campus, Foundation for Ecological Security (FES). pages - 55.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)

Arjjumend, H. and Ishwar Babu Bairwa (2014), (Training Handbook for NREGS Mates). Prakriti Karyashala Rural College, Rajasthan Campus, Foundation for Ecological Security (FES). pages - 80.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)

Arjjumend, H. (2014), Using MGREGA for Pastureland Development (Training Reference Book for Panchayat Representatives). Prakriti Karyashala Rural College, Rajasthan Campus, Foundation for Ecological Security (FES). pages - 37.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)

Arjjumend, H. (2014), (Training Manual on CPRs Conservation). Prakriti Karyashala Rural College, Rajasthan Campus, Foundation for Ecological Security (FES). pages - 40.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)

Arjjumend, H. (2013), (Reference Booklet on CPRs Claiming & Conservation for Panchayat Bodies). Prakriti Karyashala Rural College, Rajasthan Campus, Foundation for Ecological Security (FES). pages - 14.

Natural Resource Management (Land and Water Commons)


Arjjumend, H. and Arti Joshi (2013), (Training Handbook on Self-Help Groups). Prakriti Karyashala Rural College, Rajasthan Campus, Foundation for Ecological Security (FES). pages - 90.

Participatory Development

Arjjumend, H. (2006), Agro-Technology of Organic Farming. Grassroots Institute, New Delhi. June 2006. pages – 21. Online: https://www.scribd.com/document/208581235/Agro-Technology-of-Organic-Farming

Sustainable Agriculture

Arjjumend, H. (2004), Bioresources: International Treaties and National Legislations. Resource Manual, Gene Campaign, New Delhi. October 2004. pages - 71

Biodiversity Law & Policy


Arjjumend, H. (2006), Other Half is Hungry, Is it a Democracy? Food and Democracy Campaign, Sarguja/ New Delhi. October 2006. pages - 16.

Indigenous Rights; Human Rights

Arjjumend, H. (2002), (Hindi) (Agony of Kamar Tribe: How Development is Betraying the Innocent?). Disha Samvad Publications, Hoshangabad. September 2002. pages - 73.

Indigenous Rights; Human Rights

Arjjumend, H. (2001), (Hindi). Lokshakti, Rajnadgaon (Chhattisgarh). May 2001. pages - 94.

Indigenous Rights; Human Rights

Arjjumend, H. (1999), Liberation Wild - Rescue the Nature from Forest Bureaucracy. People's Resource Centre, Bhopal. 1999. pages - 55.

Indigenous Rights; Human Rights

Arjjumend, H. (1998), (Hindi). Visthapan Roko Andolan, Gwalior and Ekta Parishad, Raipur. August 1998. pages - 28.

Indigenous Rights; Human Rights

NEWSPAPER ARTICLES (to be updated after 2004)

Arjjumend, H. 2004. When the Inspector comes calling. Sahara Time, Noida, 11 December 2004. Arjjumend, H. 2004. Exploitation Unlimited. Sahara Time, Noida, 13 November 2004. Online:

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317012450_Exploitation_unlimited Arjjumend, H. 2004. bl ckj oks rqels t+:j loky djsaxs! (Hindi). Ranchi Express, Ranchi, 22 April 2004.

Arjjumend, H. 2004. lkekftd fHkUurk o vUroZs'kh uxj (Hindi). Deshbandhu, Bhopal, May 2004.

Arjjumend, H. 2003. [k+©Q+ukd [+okc dk ;FkkFkZ (Hindi). Samkalin Janmat, Patna. Vol. 22 # 2-3, September 2003.

Arjjumend, H. 2003. ugha le>rh flfoy l¨lk;Vh dekj Msjs dh osnuk d¨ (Hindi). Mahanagar Today, Patna. 9 September 2003.

Arjjumend, H. 2002. Hkw[k dh jktuhfr (Hindi). Jansatta, New Delhi. 21 December 2002.

Arjjumend, H. 2002. Hkw[k dh jktuhfr djus esa r¨ V¨Vk gS gh ugha (Hindi). Amar Jagat, Agra, 9 December 2002; Vishwa Manav,

Saharanpur, 11 December 2002. Arjjumend, H. 2002. cpiu ls cs[k+cj cPps (Hindi). Navbharat, Bhopal/ Raipur. 11 November 2002.

Arjjumend, H. 2002. tgk¡ ifj;¨tuk ugha] ijEijk gS tylaj{k.k (Hindi). Janmorcha, Faizabad, 31 October 2002; Nai Vidha,

Neemuch, 27 October 2002; Chautha Sansar, Indore, 24 October 2002; Madhya Pradesh, Katni, 11 October 2002; Lokmat, Bikaner, 14 November 2002; Amrit Prabhat, Allahabad, 10 October 2002; Dandkaranya Samachar, Jagdalpur, 20 November 2002; Sabera Sanket, Rajnandgaon, 19 October 2002.

Arjjumend, H. 2002. foæ¨g ds fy, etcwj er dj¨ (Hindi). Sandhya Prakash, Bhopal, 19 October 2002; Lokmat, Bikaner, 13

November 2002; Rajasthan Times, Alwar, 01 November 2002. Arjjumend, H. 2002. ihfM+rksa ds eqag ls cksyrs t[+e (Hindi). Flash Out magazine, Bhopal. July 2002.

Arjjumend, H. 2002. unh] rkykc vkSj ukys] gksa fdlds gokys \ (Hindi). Hindustan, New Delhi. 7 May 2002.

Arjjumend, H. 2002. ty lalk/kuksa ds LokfeRo dk loky (Hindi). Dainik Bhaskar, Bhopal. 7 January 2002.


Arjjumend, H. 2001. taxy esa veaxy (Hindi). Jansatta, New Delhi, 24 December 2001, and numerous other

dailies/weeklies. Arjjumend, H. 2001. Ikjaijkvksa ds uke ij nfyr efgykvksa dk neu (Hindi). Dainik Bhaskar, Bhopal. 23 May 2001.

Arjjumend, H. 2000. Tracing the Origin: Environment Day. Central Chronicle, Bhopal. June 4, 2000. Arjjumend, H. 2000. Mighty Jindals Infringing People's Livelihood. Central Chronicle, Bhopal. January 16, 2000. Arjjumend, H. 2000. What An Option But Joining Naxalites. Central Chronicle, Bhopal. May 21, 2000. Arjjumend, H. 2000. Jarwas of Andaman: The Tribe Under Siege. Central Chronicle, Bhopal. January 2, 2000. Arjjumend, H. 1999. Battling Against Green Terrorism. M. P. Chronicle, Bhopal. March 17, 1999. Arjjumend, H. 1997. Wilderness at Stake. M. P. Chronicle, Bhopal. November 28, 1997. Arjjumend, H. 1997. Bureaucratic Think Tank: Let the Poor Die. M. P. Chronicle, Bhopal. November 22, 1997. Online:

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317012470_Beauracratic_Think_Tank Arjjumend, H. 1997. Ecodevelopment: Toot to Recolonise. M. P. Chronicle, Bhopal. September 25, 1997. A. Hasrat 1991. pakSdkrh gS fo'o dh c<rh tula[;k (Hindi). Parvat Vikas Times, Nainital. June, 1991.

NEWLETTER ARTICLES Arjjumend, H. 2004. lkekftd fHkUurk v©j uxjh; lqvfHk'kklu (Hindi). Gaon Sabha, Ranchi, vol. # 9, June 2004.

Arjjumend, H. 2001. Lkkewfgd vkRegR;kvksa dh vksj (Hindi). Disha Samvad, Hoshangabad. June, 2001.