./ < \ «<• tit r P* Tfcey keep fighting-' Ton keep buying Mk* BONDS SIXTY-FIRST YEAR ALTAMONT, N. Y. f FRIDAY, JOCTOBER 6, 1944 (8 PAGES) NUMBER 12. SERVICE •tft-u .mB^'W^m- R6U.TE^V^ZI'' ; 1F6^E:- ••:' ;. R^yefia.:U\p ; vi:,j.o^n. B. 'Mulligan of R,avena fbpk'a leadinis: part .feceiit-. ly.in routing'a : fero^p -of Germans on the 5th .Ai:my : fvdni f iii)itkly.. .'He is : a scout in ; an, : infaatiy':freGbijhaissance : platoon. •••Wt:3iuli0ii,--a.ni>- a small patrol approaoned a.'.farni'housB in the Apennines'; lyto^ir^-^; •®S^aa?s-^Jicee4. 'st'atfdnecl.'T'iJWy' ^ere'tirea oh. by the ; Oej'inansy out returned? the fire" sp.ief- feetiyelj"' the. erjbmy..fled;/' To -screen their' exit; the.'C^rihans"dirove Italian women put of thp house,, forcing the Ambr-icahst.to eeise firing. However, the/ Germans' i;aii! info other' troops-: and .all; were kiille'dvgnd;captured; Pvt; Mulligari ;. ib. the'.son/'.Of- ."Hr.' and/Mrs: John A; Mail.ligaji. : aiti<i''a' graduate, of Coeyraans ..'Hi^ ';-S«;1IOQK ;A veteran- of the Tunisian'c^mpaigny he holds •Bronze- ; Star for;. •ineritor'ibiis-. sei:vi ce 1 in combat, the/• combat infantryman badge.fpr exeibplaiy bbndiio't'.iri action, and the "P/ubple; Heart: (or,wounds. CONPiiR^yf^bf i;Ki ITALY. .,_. r . VoorheesyjiJ* -ifr (Allied 'Force Head- quarters; Itaiy/^ It is ,bne thing to. be c0niirm ; ed;';ihtQ' ; orie , s . religion- in normal times' 1 amid- ripriiial .'• Surround 1 ' ii%8.ritis'4uit^M.*»i£.ef'.in}ii ; g-'-tp cQme to one's' .parents' mother'.country: to', profess one's •faith.;. That ..is-the story* of Ptc. Catherine'•(.Kay) ,M.. Fornera, daughter of Mn arid Mrs. Alee'.T'pniera of Pi'teairhy.Pa,.' Pfc. FOrhea's mbther was:! born 'in; Vsenjc'e;; ier •• father in Turin, italy. Bfc.. Fornera'., pirated history Sept. : ifl,' yihen she was, co'n- a privilege tliat is.«rabely- granted' any-, one.' .The ari'an&^riiients, were made- through lit.. 6oi; Frederick Lamb,.SOS •chaplain;/'-who ai&.o: assisted "witil the ' cerernbny which was: pb/rfprmed in the/ Bishop's-,private.r.c'hapell ;Sgt'.. Maty K L'aponbwicz of ypprhe^syille acted as sponsor]' : . ; 'c. -•:.,.. ' '' At- ; CAM ; i>--C'BO.F|'/'- -••' '"'•'•. Alta'mbht '.^-' Charles. Speley 'Br&c- -. 'kett''h.i'S.'arriyeuiin' ; Gaimp "Cfoft,- South; Carolina,- lot..vb'affc.Kf.&i$in£.: , tie- is: ,' ..the'son of Peaii Bftieketj:of.lAiltamont, H^:.w«s4tt4^ted'iBto!^t3j«;Army Sept 5. at;Albany/.; ;'•:-: '•.'-'.'"••'-"..'.. ""'•',. . . pRb^^|rfei£. v -.:^-L'^ ; '' ; .' •:•• .-'.y •-.. A\i%iMQJh&'^1£$fi^:-'Wr£6rdl Eay- mpna^:C.:®i^t; ;ipa;v:dt $f. and Mrs. J; :&'§v&dilktyi^tei&#iiti ..has.'.be'en.'-pfcp- •• - •'.mbte# iMn^lRW^t^'^jst: Ciasa-tor-hi's-; ^'•^re^^-it^^^^Ui^^^oi^- An r- ' .'•. , s t a i b i p i ^ - f ^ ^ ^ n a t i "ffc '<3: '/"Me: as-' . on duty asKiMb'rdMpGeiiiia'n' i a t Cherry ' Point/- B#brev|h?isting 'July ..23, i'9'48,'- in -:Mbany;;he.,MS /employed . at 'the . . Schenectady A^my; Ijepot,:, ;' PROMPTED' .; Altarnpnt'vU Froin the'Tndia-BUrina section comeskword of the promotion ...from sergeant- to.i Maff;. sergeant' of Ernest. P., Orsini ibf-.Aitampnt,,.Staff S*gL Orsihi/-' recienUy '..Gpniplfeted his . 650 hours of,.flying as,-a radio operator ; a'nd -was" a'Avacd'eti .'iille iDistiiifuisned .; Flying.'.Cross.'- jfeJ is no# worfting'on. '.. radio •maintenance.'..•;''.''. -;"'RETURNS.to-iuCs!,'«''.'.; Elsmere ^ Re^uriimg recently to. the-'- United States' after serving-/at.the :fighting front' is.;Staff 'S'gt. Wdley-.A,-. ,: Dobbsy 17 'iSasi.FembarilJ; avenue,.EIST .mere.' -.--.••"'.' ' ' PROMOTEb:'--^' Quaker .S.t'reilti rr'"Broniotion:. from- second to first'.lieutenant .has, been announced. fbr'bb'Siald' W~ Phillips, 32,' of Quaker Street, : -ine;mb.er ,p| a; com- plement sftuadron at'an. Biglith Fights e'r . Command 'PM /ijiistang' stati'pu iri : England"..' .fii : eu,t:;'Pttil'lipB: is. .ag'signed-. ' to flying 1 coptrbi; a job T.ea'Uirih.g,that . he must kinow at ;iiil : timtfs the status. ' of ai'rci:att.awa.y frpft the station;' Be-., .fore entering. \the,'s;birvi'c'e'in Septem : bbr, 19'42, iJieiit. Phillips--was employ- - tea by the Wew-Yprk.Power, and Light .Corporation,.at-Albany.' - : t l i » ; wife,-; • - Mrs. Mafjorte,' K,•/'Phillips, : lives at Quaker •'Street,.. M./PMlips is. a grad- u,atb of Bpivdeh. college. . ' • '.' IN FRANCE DuarieSbu'rgh —.Mr. and Mrs. Alva C. Shaffef" have .received word from their sbn;.ICpi..Hia.rbld Shafer, that he is now inFranbe,-' FIGHTS"IN ITALY . Aii'tambnt —' .PVt.: -Williani. E. Wor- mer .'Of'-Fullers, AltamOnt, R. p., i» serving with /the 349th Infaiitiy Regi- ment, one of Irt. Genei-ill Mark /AV. Clark's-Fifth. Army units/Thicli sTOatshj ed the 'Gust'fcv: Wti.- -Hitlpr'. Lii.ne$ ^na f chased 'the Germans- ffom ,the Gang- liano to the Airno" Bivser in Italy. Known as the ''Kraut-iKiMers'!, dough-. ibbys of the 349th- fought across some of *he worst m'duritai'hous -terrain to capture Fondi,. key. Jpint'iii the vauiit- ed-A'dolf'-'iO-tlep.'-ailiie',. and: Jiioteoted the i'iank "of tfte-French Coiips in. its pusn. aeros's'j?!^.; A.usonl and Lepilii. VISITS IN'AREA ' Gal!up*ille -4-• i.Cpl, Ttohert Henry Ostfaniier of Camp : !H'kjin, Cal-.'-and; ' his wife /otv.Renaselaer ynsiited; bis . parenis.Mr,; iiiid:Mrs.. Jv,B> Qstrander '• of CJ-ailupyilie' alid nis'isisters--iM,rs. Sllatold E. .'ObWiliMijad' jMrsi.'.George Shalter of Al{ambiit and' m% Kdnneth tv'eid.man- of .:Vbbrheesville.. . CpU -Os^ :ti-'ander ':mis> a '.'brother Pvt: J. p&viQ- Ostrander In ehe'.lnt'autry in Fra;nct. ; ' and'a brother C!{>i,.Itah J> Ostvander statibn'ed -4 Tyftdall Field, Panama city, Fla. • |N FRANCE .. Altamorit-^-Mr.; and "Mrs.- Eluier Finch of Aitainpnt, It. t)„ havfe i'eceiv^ e'd word : from tfieir soih Pre, Diiane Finch;- t h a t he-;-Is' now -in. Fi-ancev Since'his Induction dn Nov. 18, 19.42, lie has -received training at Camp Adair, Oregon,'- aiid iGam,p ;-earspn>, Colorado, CP't'c. 'F-toli' writes: 'I would like to heai' rrbm -all. toy friends, as mail is pretty imj(6i'tant oVfef hfere," ^—- Buy 'Horfe .War Konds- -• tjpati'ouize oui-udvfeftisersi - Paper Collection '. MJenj.b&rs of the- local salvage ,Qorri- ; inittee have given notice that a was.te (paper and rag collection will be con- .'.ducfed in the Village of Altamont on '; Saturday, Oct.; 14'. V The, comimittee asks all those hav- ing papers'..'to donate, to tie. them in 'bundles, and, place them outsjde in a cdnsplcuous place' where the,. Girl Scouts,., who will' conduct, the collec tion; Wiil see them.'•-. The committee reports, tliat', in the past' some col- lections; have ibeen overlooked 1 because^ the bundles were, not seen, or tfiey we're not- placed outside ,until•'after the collector's had finished their work. ies In New Ytirk Q . Foui"times governor 61.': the state, .of 'New;York, and-'Pr-esiclentlai' ca-ndidate. bn:.the Democratic ticket in 1928;--A1- fre'd'E. Sinitii, 1 70,. died early Wednes- day in.-a New York' ho.spi-tal after a long illness. He.-Was'a leading figure in-national-'Democratic politics from 1920 to 19-32, ' . Mr. Smith had been ill most' of the •summer, following ' the death of his wife, Catherine, on May 4. .'• Ai Smith came-, to Albany in 1904 .'as-an :Asseriiblyniai). He was' Assem-' bly speaker. He was 'Governor, .fotir terms 1 /. In-1928 lie ran. for. President,. and.-'in. 1938 his. public, career closed 'Where it. began, in Albany, when -he' served, as a'delegate to,.the Constitu-- tibnal'Cbn'ventibn. ,', The. State Office'building in .Albany today stands 'as 'a' monument to his memory-., •' - —^r? ..Buy -More \Vav- Bonds-—r-*. H; Richard Teejz ranee ... H-arvey llic'bard -Julius /Teetz;' 28; died. Monday; 'riiorniiig- at the home of his. parents- near Esparanoe after an. illness of about, two-years.' •-.• Born"ih-'.-tlie.'Town' of Johnstown; March" "29;. .191*6, .Mie soli of Harvey J. and Martha. Hunter Tes&KS;. ; he.mb.ve'd-' .to.'-Esperaiice when, a' boy ai-icl' resided •with• his .grandpareri'ts whjle attending- Cobleskiir High,-school.' t'.pqn .-gradu-; a'tidn... -from, "that' school he entered business with his. father-in the'--'firm of Teetz and' McKay," leather•inanu-- .facturers, in- Johnstpwii. •• He 'retired-, because of ill health. '- -.Hie was'a.'.inenibB'r of. Johiist6wn ; .Re- fbrm;ed"/chur.c.h',where-'he, served,;as' 4e.acpii;.a ; n' :the-eb'iVsistoi^' i a.n.d('.-w.as'/!a •memier "pi'-the Baraca bias's- ; 'He. was also'active''.-in-the 'Colp'ftTaJ club.-.in': that; city?and• in'..the/.-Diiane. grajigey Diianesburgli. : - Surviving,•.in iidditipn; to his parents- are'-his: wife/- !he ; To.rmer': Miss Eliza-, b'ethJAaien, whom iie;niarned in 193S; two sons, DOi-al Harvey: and William: iiiChard Teetz; > .'brbther, - W'i.I-. lard,... -.Tee! z','. ' of ' G I : o ve rs vil-le-.;' two, ..sister's, Miss-.'Helen T.ee.tz:. and 'Miss Frances;Teetz, of Esperance/ and sev- eral' aunts/and uncles. .• /.. -'Fulieral' services 1 were held .yester-; day afternoon at 2 '.plelbck'I'rom. the- Wassun'g'.and Brown funeral home in : Johnstown, wi th Rev/ Arnold - Byfchui- ,zen. / of. / t h e ' 'Johnstown -'Refprmed church' officiating., -B'tirial was in Es: pe'rarice .cemetery. ••/ '.'"•- '. :. . _ _ _ Bu.v" iyioi'B' VVai-'. Bonds. —— '. Morris ^claresPelaney Cited A Revoked law •A-repealed'.statute, says- D'is.t.' Atty. Eriies't B!.Morris,, is being used by-his' .'.bemopratie. p'red-e'cessor'ln office^ Joh.'n %• .bel'aiiey, as the' basis -for ''charges •tliat''(Albany County; taxpayers "must pay costs bf.'tbe county special investi- gations .ordered by/Governor".Dewey; ••' Addressing'a clj'niier,meeting of Re-., .;.pubiican.' .'org.anizatibiis/ of ".Westerlo and .Hehsselaerville," at MeU'iisa; Mr. Morris said'the exDelise wiil^e- borne by.the state. Expenditures of approxi- mately $7:2,'p00:'tp (late, he pointed-out; have :'been met by tax refunds. Mi'. Morris'said, "Mr. Delaney-was readiing to his radio-audience a statute which'the-"Legislature, has repealed.- The ex-district- attociiey's- evident, de- sire to charge this expense to. Albi'tny. .county..should not require -him to use 'as' 1 - his -authority statute which has been repealed-, You don't -have to 'be a lawyer to know that you can't win a base .on law that the Legislature has .eliminated." . • " - ^ - . B u y .JTo.i-'u :-Wiir ^onds -^— C0MST0CK RETIRES AFTER 53 YEARS WrTHTHED. &H. Glenmont Man Long With The Audit Of Revenue Office; Honored By Employees William J Com&tock Si of Clen mon I toi 3d jeais employed with"the audit oi levenue office of the Dela ware anp H'UttSon ralirpad,has- retired. Prior to his leaving the., corporation; Mr. Coms'tock was presented by his : fellow employes with a ivhite gold Hamilton watch and several other/ gifts; •--- .-•••"• . Mi'. Comstpek is.the-father-, of -Wil- liam J. Comstoc'k Jr., ofd-lenmpnt; an attorney-;' Mi^vAlien/Me.rselis .of DeiV mar; Mrs. Dexter Tijrpe of''Delmar, and John M. Comstock pf;61eninpht. He has- four :grandcliildrenV. Joan. Mei'selis, William J. : Comst ? ock 3rd,' George O. Tilrpe, and Robert.D. Til-- roe.' •.''•'• . ' ; ' " - . ' . ' . -— Buy. More War' Bonds' • .Duanesburgh-.'-— ' ' T h e ' Schbhanna Home Bureau piiit held a.inembership tea. Tuesday, afternoon aind eye'tiing at. the firemen's hall m/.I>elausOn.;' Tii-e afternpph., session: was fronti 1:'3Q,' to' 3":-30;'. aii<i the speaker /was-'Miss v E'V'a Bateman, visual" ediicatipn,.teacher, at 'the Sfihenectady'.-'Museu% '• Her". topic was "The •Ev'piuti'pn'-o'f'-'ta'djeS'-'Dres- ,ses' in A'meriba.1' -Her .lecture, was illiis'- .trated'• with - stides;.' 'H-fis.te's-ses '.\ve'r© Mrs. Pfter Spr'eiis'e'n and- Mrs; Ray- mond Mo'U, Mrs..Alva d. Shafei-'was, ^chairman Of t h e refreshment commit- tee. At t.he.tea ''table .were tyti, .Jlaiph. Mcpougall,.. ch.ai rma/n. of "the-. unit, and Mrs.,' Isaac/' B. 'Gaige, .yiee-chairmanv.'.... •'•' The .evening session, was frpin.8..to ID' o'clock, 'and "the- speaker was/ Mrs,, Marie Cormaek of the. Geographical and Historical -'societies- of Schenec- tady.,.-' Her topic was "Old-House,". 1 Hostesses- were. Mrs. Wendell C/ Wil- ber,'-. treasurer of; the. mnit;' and.- Mrs.-. Charles B. Parker, secretai^v'-E'eliresn'-' men't's' we re in' charge' of; Mrs; Rpla&d 'Au'ciianipaugh,; At. the-tea tablb were Mrs. Er-hes't/Li. Babcock, aid Mrs. Bert JUChf-ySIbr, past-chairmen. pf.:the.H;bnie tBuirbatt.'-uiiit.-'' A;. -Home- Bureau/-["wpffe exhibit. -i.n<aude : a''"siip/ : co\ r ers; /pressing '•pads-/, reiiftjshiffigf fiiimitiire, fabfip. ; bag,S, -table'"Pf-,'oidf.'gi'h&s, poiihty hoine-made toy kits,', abb *. table exhibit -,bf 4-H girls'.work; "..••'-'' '.;'''.•'•• . ' . : . . . ' •. •The general' bommittee lor the.-tea gompiised Sirs. Fred Wilber; cliaiirmain Mrs...' Raymond /Kelly-.and MrS; Frank H/-Gaige.-/:' . - ' . ." ''' The speakers for the .event were ob- tained, through the Citizens' Unit com- mittee bf Sbhenectady. ,. •'• -*—.'B\iy' More' -War'..Bond$--r^-'. Christmas Boxes . Washington, -Di C,—Approximately t,:250,000- Christmas'••boxes-, pack.bd. by Red . Cross volunteers are -.ready for siiipmbnt -to. servieemen ;.iii, overseas ttospi-tais.. and'front-line'/area,''it was- announced today by-Basil O'Connor, chairman- of. the American National •Red Cross. '•', •',.•-• .•'•.-., . Thiese-'holiday/presents, he "said, wo'iild be•/ delivered abroad/ 'hospital ships, planes-,' and. trains; and at-'isplat- .ed .stations'..where -Red Gross'-' club.fa? ..cSiifties- |are':' unavailable. •, 'Dach- bpx; he added,;pbntai.ns-pigkrettes,. cahdy, post eai;dis,: gum,' waterproof-' pouch, identification'' folder, .smaU'imetal. i&uf- rdr, memo book with ealbiidarj/and a pocket-size: condensation of a book Or reprints' of-'three-^h.ort,-stbries.--' / -r—^- Buy, Mpfe'Wav Bb^ds. T:— : ' Sanford Chosen As ' On .Monday night-of - this week a testimonial 'dinner, was-given by the .•members of the Senior /Choir of the .He'l'derherg Jte.fornied- ..cKU-i-clr..' 'Gu.l)d r .erla'iid''''iCeii'tei:; and ' their' wivps and 'hbsbarids, in .'honor--pf -jiVlrg.-.May M- Moffett who lias -announced her retire- ment from active Seri't'ce in the Choir:- •'iMie -giiests assembled at the home of -Mr. .and' Mrs. ILloyd JCOSS; -and -en- joyed'a.'d'elicio'.iis:.chk!ke.n dinner wlii'ch •hail .been prepared by the w^bmen of th'e-"ChoiK.; At the conclusion 'of the 'dinner the iKev, James- B. Van yesse,m expressed the'love and esteem of'her leilONV eheir members for Mrs, Mol'.Cptt aiid -the gratitude of the" entire cprt- •gregatiaii for „he'f /long, loving, and generous- service', 'Mia Moffett - Mis presented with a "biaek silk eo'fde bag, ' The late Rev. Jfl. 0. Moffett and M.rs. •iMoffett came to .'Gui.iderland iCeuter tp" serve, the ffielder'berg church In the j>ear l!)i2, "Since thkt time Mrs, livioffett has served-.continuously as a choir •nleuiiber of the eluuich. rH&r •long aii'd faithful sei'Vice-liiiS been a sptirce of joy and inspiration : and will long foe remennbered by the members of the iHeiderberg' 'Reformed church, ~— Buy More War Bonds Ti'y ah "Acl" iu the Enterprise, It Wiil pay ydii. . , Eugeiie Bi -Sanfoird-, '66,-^yideiy known Albany attorney and/long; active.in Uepublican"'•politics',. Was appointed' by Industrial Commissioner '; E d w & r.'d Corsi last Week as a wprkim'en.'s com/ pen'satlon . referee'. at ?5.,000 a year.' Hie. will serve-in the Alba.'ny area,af- ter completing; a- month's training in. his d-iitie's in" t'h& New; YOfk/city: office. . In 194Q-" he was iRepublican, caii'di- d-ate for Children's Cohrt judge afain-, st John Boyd, Thachier, who -was felepr ted.. Back in 1922V'Mr...Sanford. was. liiS' party's :bahdida.te agiibst'John J; Brady ;for.Pojipe Court'jf^idge.. •.''•-. - -• .Buy .More 'AVur Bprifla — — '' IV'. :.•'* '• MM--'v - '' •'- M' : - i,i • At the regular.comm'uhicatibn of Beriie l«odge.'to 'be'held on'Saturday evening,'.Oct. 8th:, the/apprentice' de- gree will be cOhfirmed, '* WorshiiSirul Master.'. Clifford, V/ihceiit. requests a good attehdah/ce:Add. -visitihg Masbhs from Other lodges will be ..welcomed;. BUy'Jtore War l?pnds He At our last meeting, on Sept. 26lhi 25 -lriembei-s wbrei- .present.' .'•',''' it was d^Ulded- to -have a. cliiolten siippet' on October' -IS. ' a;ii e committee; Frank SpadarQ, Jlildred Upeber, .Domild--Rp.blh- sort, tiinu Brandle; and Elizabeth Wood. Would 'fie pleased to serVQ ,.al) our fri' ohds; KCniuiiilier wo serve lQQ. porsohs at oncie; lots of room. Our he3it .meet- ing will' be,.Gel, ptln , -Blizaboth Wood, lieuturer: , —-r-' BUI?' Mbre.-Wur Builds , VAX eOtfl^RENGE ' Tawiisentha. Gliajitei'j, Daughtera-.of the American Revolution was repre- sented at the New Y/ork- State con- fei'ehce held in Utica Optober.,2, 8, abd 4, by delegate, MKSV Kenneth G, Maybe, an* alternates; SK's, Frederick G. Schefl'erdeeker, Mrs. Clermont 0. Covert and JVlrs; Fisher M-. Joslihv "God Ga?e Us Flowers' 7 This 1* a true story—one which the Enterprise believes will not only be ertjoyed by its readers but also may carry a menage to some Sometime" during the past summer, a Sunday *chool class of vtry young bpys and «>rls, in the Lutheran church, in the f°urse of their lesson, teamed that Goa made all the flowers grow, and tbafc all of the beautiful things of naturi are the handiwork of the Supreme 0,ne After class, their tKacher took them on a tour to inipect the beauties of nature, and ih the courte of their inspection they happened upop » certain garden which his always been noted fox Its^beautJ- , ful flowere - The dwner of the gar- den was ih*re, and he gave each child a flower § h4childL,URt>n .S'rriving home, was eH'.by hep-'*?rents what she had lea'frn/td. at..'Sufnday ;school. She re-- jplied-.tjia'tvijie) 'bad-.learned tha.t God fnak'?S;a)l.:the/.beaut(ful flowers g>ow>—' andi'.',she''-:»ai,g|.:}"*ft6r Sunday schoo.l •w'e ! "**eht. bui';'t<(-'-se?' the .flowers, and we •vrtpt : .upJito-:.Gpd!s" House, and He .Have', us'aj(^,a';flf!ws^.. , ' •'• Co^ecti6h<^|Sags Will Start :. -Aj^-;^ipie'^-- October, "••-.' ..•'R-:.^/l i Kayer. EXAMINE SUB-SOIL IN ELSMERE AREA FOR SUPER-ROAD Location Of Road In Albany District Depends Upon Many Factors More"-thah/-4,'0:0b ' boys;, aiid girls in Albany, .county/are. picking milkweed pods- for •lipss/'./t*?".be used in making. liC'e : 'presefVbfsy;'Paul. W- Thayer, Al- hany/ ;CSuh#.' ,IS#.'i*f*r .for... the' War, 'Industrib's.'jldatd' ..campaigri; annbunc- e'd Friday; ..'•"' ; -'-';:-.-."; V •..'T-he-.,en'li.re-^"bl>P.l.y : /..of 'i.bb'O bags I'pr cbliecting/.p^d^'.^'as distributed-in two day's a'nd.'.an^ld'diw.bnai 1,000.ba-gs/hive" ;beeh',.req/uest^jf:^-Mr. Thayer said the demand''"fb,r''bbi!'^tiii'g..ba.gs far exceed? ed/hi's i 'estiimttefe| "'• •• . 'Tfe.4-H/-)^y*,lii(l/^rIs,.- : Bpy Scouts/ an^/-:Girl u /SepUtsf' and'., various, school •grpup.&'-are'.:ta^nk..flart..' Schools are." .b^mg-'-useiii as-distributing centers for.: the : bags .'.•'-.• -'• ';-?;; ,/. Pods tobst be..dried.for three week's,' after''WhifcH. th£ : Sa&s will, be -picked up ahd,;'20 : -'cpli:ts>'.p i ei5''b"ag will-, be paid in cash" to the -cbliectors, j •'••'• •' -^ Mri';Thayer;sa|d -ipesh"bags are,'the best for .-use-in ;d$yin.g.-the pods, .which j .he,-.said, moi'd/otiiickly unless aerated. ;• -,/fl'e". saia.. dolteciofs'-should have/the.' pods; in: : ihe : .Mg§'.'an ; a' foaiig -these iip : ;bul&ffle so '':t4ey^if/"d'fiv.'. t h e pick ^p ;bf; ; the b'ags'^. wiii : ,«tart-about the" middle of ..the• "months. - 'The-jhllkweed floss, is lighter 'than kap^>k-/pr..other niaterials. tisetl" in_Iife preservers: The' floss is.seiu to Pe.t-- rp'ske, Michigan, for -processing/."• ''"—V'Buy More-War;Bpijds ^-'.-.' JohnH. ) -. Joh'n/H. Rtei, Si, former,.chairman of the. ALlBahy'/City.'.BOara of-. Assessors •.and Widely khown .Republican lawyer,- 'died l a s t #ednesdaj-. at Memorial ho's- pital'/after'-.along illness.'' ' ". A-. meaber, of the Republican .state Gomniitt'ee inore "than '25 'y/ears,- and •JCctiy/e.'.in 1 ' the .'party''for. .'more, than half apehtury, he was 'considered: the dean of -Albany. Republicans. ;A former lea- der.'of''the. 11th .W-ard/under/the. Baiv hes. adiniiiiistratioh,-. -M.i;. Kea- w'as ,a delegate to numei-pus: state Republican :ponv^ntipps and. to. 'judicial; conyen- tipn's.' '• '•• - •','. /",• /••'-.• •".' .':—,— Buy More: "War.; Bonds.- '•"Are Sin. Bipease, and . l>ca:th Real?" -is' -the- subject' o'f -fhe Les'son-Sernioii iii -fl'H Cliurches of .t.'hrlst,.'.ScJ'eiif;ist. on Sun- .dav, -October. S. The. Golden Text- is:. ' O •rjb'rd- iri-y God. 1 cried' untp .tliee, and thpu'hast liealed me. O-Lord. thou hast bfotiglit up my soul fr'P'm.'.-the gfrave: thou- haist'kbpt me alive, -.that; I. should not ?o "down .to-'-tlie' pit" (Psalms 3(1: 2.. 3,1. .. Bible ' reter.encos .eSplaiiiing: thf ,sul'- je'ct- are .taken, from. Psalms 72; IS. 19: •Ti!css'ea-'*e the\ Udrd-God,.--the God-ot 1'sra'ei; who- only-do'cUi ^wondrous: things. And' blessed' b,..- his "glorious .name for ever: arid l6t the'whole aarlh,.be filled with' bis glory:' Am.eti,-'and iVmen." •—^~ Buy ;Afore ;Ayar- Bonds . A'dwtvh'ees-vilf.e "schools- Cilosed last ,Th.ursdky as the result.of the develop- ment, bf ,three easbs of infantile paral- ysis/among the•' Diiplls..' 'fiib schools opened. Monday moiimng. -.'Tlie three chiltjjreri-.':suffering from polioliow In Afeahy.hospital are Lar- ry '-Pianstburg. .eight',: -JOanhe- Livings- ton, "nine, and.James, Salisbury Jr., Seven months. •.'•»""•:• -^-' /Buy. -JlPre _War""Bonds Additional reclasgdfications have been- ahuounced W'-/Local Board 347 of Jbeirhar.. -They'ai-e5 .' lrA-—Floj'd M." Jeifeeii, James L. Many,'Charles Schullz; . •24A—fjctaymond Av..Dbi;sett. .^.(i^Gebrge W. JFr'iiehi Randall Eii- gtene Cross, Daniel ,fc. ,#tpff; William MZ'<3i'Pp'JtS •Peier'J,,%n Vkiktsiiburg. ijdy Hpre.'iWar'/.-Cohd.s " - " Aniibuitee w A son/-was horn .'to..Sir, and Mrs. H. Eafle Brown at "VVashto'gtph, D. C./on Wednesday, Sept: 2.7. They were for- merly-residents pf Slihgerlands. The sttir- 'hasbeen-'nainea,. Jl'oger Conrad. fl&ri. Bro'wni was fpi'Ml6rly Miss Char- lOtteBituly or AWaijiy,, : ... . _?• Biiy Sl,ara .Witl; BoMs -— The HUhiial icbicken super of the New' 'Scotland !Presbytei|ian- chulrch will be Held Wedneaday night, Oct. 2o,-at tlie. eburch; '-"' fielmmrarj to tEe~arawmg ol plans lot a piosposed thruway from r.ew Vork city to Buffalo, lieid exammat >oii 01 suD-soii conaitions is being Pon- diicted in -.Elsmere; and. in Delaware ayepue-; by the N;&vi- York State' De- partment of. Public Works.. - ' '•':' -.', : ' - ..' Although the general 'routb the-ihru:- way, a• post-war project, ,is -to/fp'llbw has'been determined,--the-exabt Joea?- tip.n of a large portion .of the- su'pbr- highway an'.the vicinity : of Albany, will depend, upon,, many factpr.s. including soil conditions,"availability of -neces- s^rj- land, and'•.conyehience. to' nearby' cities, •-.'.-."• ' in general, the proposed. thr-uway will follow through' : from 'New'jersey' line, ..up the Ramaiipp valley; .'skirting Newpurg and'' Kingston, and /bendliig-: wast ;'just south, pf -.Albany:..'At the' present/time''state 'highway- bfti.ciais (have not detpirmjned .whether the. road •'will, pass .Schenectady.oh the south, .or th.e'.np.rth; but- the' route, In- the. vicinity of/Syracuse anr] Sbches-' ter.is. fairly-well defined. The" Elsmere". tests, now 1 liiiderrtray, are.the first yis-ibleindications of;the huge .undertaking, insofar as'' the gene- ra) public in-'this area.is qonGerned;' in the far-• western, part of. the- state;,, howev.er,.. plan's are practically-/.com- plete, :•.'. . . , . • ; -, ''- ._•; '• :./ " For 'a considerabie distance"-in;.Al ; . bany county,, the new road' is exjrect't ed. 10 follbw the route of .-the/prfeseht 9-W. Lea ving. that' road• in. the'-..vqcin- ity.'of 'Bethlehem; Center, -the thnii.w''ay- may bend 'to/-the :west through -.Ms^- mere;, or it; ihay. cut- through; the,' e'i/ treme" southern-' limits- bf''.AJbaij : y. : : '•'- .'The road- through -'Albany, or BlSr mere,' will pass -•under/Delaware.-Ave;-, aiid will run just' to 'south "of :White- haliRd., crossing New Scotland anil ^yes^e^n- Aves/- , In. the event fibal plaris send the. thruNvay.-'spU'th of Sche-' necta'dy, it. vil.ll; follow ' Washinglph' avenue. . If the. supet-.high-way. ,'passbs' north of Schenectady,, if:" will; gross Washington and. Central avenues-: - :'••. ^—. 'Buy .ilpre; Waf-BouSs -~~ , Community Farmers To Share In Refund GrLP Refund Payments Were Outlined At Guilderland Center Meeting J-. Palhier Harcour.t, retired. Army'- captain-and ^yldely kno.wn in'. Albany, political circles;- has .been, appointed .to the 16.700-a year job of .assistant.' administrative 'director pf'.the 'Sta.te •Civil Service-Department./ He will be chief aid .to/Chaiie.s L.i Campbell; ad- ministrative director. Of t h e depart'-; ment.' ' . ' : . - Buy .More'' War . Bonds —•— ''•• WSNY Schenfe<5Udy l-'or the third' consecutive, year;, WSNY is broadcast 'mg the . greatest . sportin?- event in America—ihe .World Series. Every exciting play of every same- is brought, to WSN'T and Mutual listeners on these featured "Cavalcade of Sports" broadcasts. . ' •'-.•••' Now in its- ninth year, the.:dramatic "Shadow" program is"'•a'ttraqfinK" more arid more listeners every week.. "The "sliadoW is hi-oadcast every .Suriaay."af- 't'ernoon f;'6i'n''5:30 to .6:30 o'clock, pve'r WSNT-and Mutual. • '' .' .-'.-. , .'•. . Buv ,'More ; . -War Bonds '——' MARRIED M VERS—HOG/UK — --^t Altamont Re- formed church, feimday. Oct. 1. at 9 p.- '», by Row H. Curtis, Ficken/ Albert-Myers Pf Schenectady , to Viola Hog:le o'f.-Sche- nectady. Witnesses: Adapt Gnara- aiid Mrs. R-uUi .Gna'r<i; • . '——. B.uy M^Qr'e War.-Bonds -^—r ' Service Men's Addresses •' A/S fid^'in J-.-Bradt; ; -i21200aii'SeC. B-13, Sqdn. 1, Flight B,J.lilth £,A:-F. B. L p . B> A. A: P. Byjtheville, 'Ark. —^- Buy More -W.ar,.Bppds..-,^r-< RICHARD -- MEYERS Mrs. Anna Meyers.and John JHch- ard', both of Altamont. wefe -married Saturday. Sept. 80, at 7 p; m.> by/the Bev. H. Curtis- Fickett, at the Reform- ed church. . Their attendants, were Mr. and Mrs. Glare'nee 'Gray . pf' Dil-. ariesburgh. Following the -cpremony.. the/bri- dal party had dinner at Fonda's,- in G-uila'erland. " '/ " Mr. and Mrs. Richard are residing at. 17S Western avenue, Untaniout.. -— Bli/v More. War "Bonds-? r GHiCfKElT SUPPER H'elderberg- Grange will serve a chicken supper on Wednesday night October .18- .Ktrst table at o:30 o'clock and continued until all are .served.. , : . The menu includes: Chicken, biscuits 11 nd" grftvv. mashed potatoes. Chicken salad, and "cabbage sallad. Harvard beets, rolls'and butler, p'icklcs, jelly, -file and coffee. '•••,. - - • ' " ' -—. Buy More War Bonds .-r-f- Meeting At Diinnsville A meeting will be held at Dunns^ ville school Oct. l l at 8 p.. m. flans. Will be discussed regarding.P. T. A, for the coming year. All parents and residents of the district are in- vited. Mrs. Pauline Brehm, Trustee, _i Buy More' War ' Boiids JPaimeis m this community will "ihare in the cash pationage refund ol the Coopeiame G-iange League I*de ration Exchange to the extent ot ?2 60 per ton on danj- and stock feeds and ?J 20 per ton on poultij mashes pui- unasea-aunng rne' six. montns period of. January-June 1944, according' to- an •aanOupceme-nt. .miaide at .the annual patrons'- meeting ./in-the./rief.pr'nied' church at Guilderland Center; on Mon- day night; . . ' .... ." William "E-lisworth, G. L. .P. District Manager who made the ahhoubceineht 'pointed out that a . refund payment -had already been, made to users 'of, .G. L. jr. dairy- and poultry. feeds for •the six months .period.pf july-Dece'm- ber .1913,"and announced that the'pat- ronage- refunds- for.other commoditiBS for'the' fu.il'.fiscal-year ..ending June •30,. 1914 ;-:woiiia.''be as; foliows: $1,20 a ton on mixed-.fertilizers,. 4 pgr cent on .'the. dollar', value '/of Held seed,.' 5 fierce at on- .mixed dusts" and 3' ppr bent-on farm supplies; .- .'./ r T;his refund/'. Mr: "Ellsworth said; .''represents the amount of -money'-re- jn'ainihg. from., the : -year's business af- ter all': costs had been paid,, interest on ou'tsanding stock.declared,,and ne- cessary legal,reserves, set/a^ide: in 'accordance with. cooperative' practice, •it- ,is:_ .being, returned to. the ' farmers who used.<>. -L. F. services/each man's refund ..being in.'-.proportion to his use- of' the:', cooperative.."- ..;*'..•'.• "At- the g-ame; time : Sidbey Smith of Altamont, '-dhairman of thb; local,. G: L; F.- Patron's 'Committee,, 'said' that, tie- Guilderland :'Center'.G. ^L.'-'F; Ser- vice'" did a "volume /of lloj,!^/ .Last year alid wbuld..pay.:.a-'i^k'.cash'patron- age refund/b n dollar..volume, ; ; •/ • "'In his .report 'Mr..- Ellsworth/ termed. the : 'Ainerica'n 'farm."family a. vital cpr- rters'tone in an .independebt d'emobracy and. farmer, .cooperatives a major- cor- nerstone: in -the free;,enterprise 1 sys- teniv •. "As .long as 'the farm family can maintain its self-respect, its ihdep.en- d-enee>;and a reasonably'-'high,,stand- ard of living,''. Mr;:'Ells;-wbrth- s ; aid y "it •Will, continue; to. be'on'e pf the .strong esit forces in .keeping'America, -free. fTpni. influences:, •that'.hav'e .tehded:-to ,bae.ak; : down; the indbpeiilehefe of '•peoV' |'^i^^.;bv4i;,8he^j\so3&^' - ''' i ..'''''',. : ' ... , •" / ir: Buy'.Mior^ /\V/ar Bjjuds '•—•ClarksvilJe CO. SUPERVISORS APPROVE mm FORSNOWIiMOVAL Amount Same As Last Year's Appropriation For State, County Highways The A) banj County Boaid of Supei- visois at a special meeting Fiukiv night appiopnated ?30,000 toi snow lemoval on state and. county high : ways. this winter..- 'i-hei'.ampuht : isthe same, as the last year's appropriation for the purpose.- .;.'•'• .: ;••;' .-;. An inereas-e in pay from' $1,200,-to $1,500-a year w-as authorized for three employes of, the county, clerk's office, T'he.inci'eases, it was stated,.'were to- uring. their salaries,, to .' a level/' cbm-, . parable with .those, of others/employed in similar duties 'in .the Same depart- ment.. - Princeless; historical'"records.,, from the 16th Century' Vaii /Rensselaer pat- ents down ;to de.ed,s .aud/mbr'tgages as . recent' as 1'8&3,...were"assured'pf sake, keeping through'.an-appropriation of- ?569,53.' . - ' / ., '_ /' '.Haying overfiowbd',"' the /available, room'in the cpunty' clerk's".pffi.ee-.years ago;'the old..records/in .recent.years. have,.been .stored'in the-.Cpunty Board; of Efe'ctions' offices;: There, too,.' t/hey- were hampering" the "modern' reiijuire/ m'ents. of the' 1944- Presidential elect- ion with .the additional" Space .heeded f.pr- the work on .ballots from,members of-the armed forces/. Henry Sch'nied'er, .clerk, of the Board of.Supervisors-; was'asked to solve'-the, problem; /'ft was.. de'cTdecl•--to Store; them iri;..the. basement of .-Schopl-,13. However,'phe're.were!no stprage-facili--. ties,' 'Cabjriets had'to be'built.--The: Mil for this was. .'?19:3:P3, Then there was an .'it.e'm/of..ti'UC'kibg,.- -boxing,-, atud iabeiing. .This eame't.o-.1376.50; .The- 'sUperyisors, gladly.'.ypted.-the 5 total sum to: pi'esbryefthe'.recp'rds./ .-:';. —^-"B'uy. More' "War/Bpnds ,^-r- ' / jNeyontidJ |lle^k OKsafveiOctober S-14 MET.HODISY CHURCH NOTES .Rev.: Clarence. Xi. -Hoch, -nunistei-.. Sun'day..October'8..th: v . .". . ,10:4a a. -rn..' Church school. ..." 11:45-'a ;m. Worship and sermon. .7:30' p: hi./ Christian Yputh'-Fellowship. BW^DR^IED'. CHt/RCH NOTES ' Kev. James B.' VanVessem, .pastor.' -.,' Sunday; O'e'tobei: 8th: •USd -:p: .ih: . Bible scbodt. .2:30-p;-nu : ' V\rprsh'Sp.and sermon:', -• .:Thu'rsday afternoon, October 12th.V the Woman's,. Giuld. yf-JU meet-at the. home of Mrs. Eaward. 'Gregory'.-• '"•,. BIRTHDAY, PARTV Mrs. Harvey -Wright Was honored with' a'birthday party, given by the ..girls of 'hejvSuriday school'Class last Friday-even-, tng; in the Methodist lecture room. .Those present besides Mrs'. Wright were, Virgin- ia Capi. June Rarick,- Mary Rosso, Ruth Lounsbury, Irene i-ihufel-t, Shirley. Stadler., •Patty Wlielpley.., Patricia'. Snyder and. Joan-Zeh. It -n-as a: very enjoyable af r fair. - . . . ' . . • ' « ' " PAPER- PICK-UP There., will' tve'.a.. paper pick-up from house- tp house on Saturday :mo-rning at liin.e o.'clock. Please have ' papers out- side. .' ''•-...' Sew For Greensboro, N. C- — Each day from Monday through Friday, *he 20.0 Amer- ican Red Gross ."Arihy Moms", of Greensboro staff nine sewing rooms scattered throughout the post area of Basic 'Mining iGenter 3S T o, 10; Army Air Forces 'technical training cott> mand, doing alterations and repairs' for the Gl's. C A R N i v A ••_.. . The'first annual 'earjirval .for the bene- fit of the OhesqlHhaw'. Volunteer Fire Co.. will be 'held in the fire.house at Ciarks- ville Friday arid' Saturday, evenings. Octo- ber ' 15 and 7, begiri'nin'g- a.t- 8 p. m. There will be games -and other', attraction also a door prize each evening. . Adniissioii free,- Cb.M'M.UNifY NbtES Mrs. flarriet'Whitbeck has-been spend- ing several days with relatives in Green- ville.. • , -- '.. . ' •-.. Mr. and ..Mrs, Ahson RoW^e and- Miss Alice' Wolsteri'holm.e - Were dinner guests of STrs; Lillian Westfall of: Berne on .Sun- day. , •'.-,••' '-. •Mr. and Mi-s. Earl Zeh and. daughters spent Saturday- with friends' in Morris- •towfi. Xew-Jersey'; where Miss Judy was a flower girl at a weSiJing. . Recent "callers at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. 3D. L, Woodward-were'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fonda.. ^Ballstoh L'ako,. Mr: and. Mrs. S.-Dafdis and. Mr.-and Mrs; Fen- way of .Cdhoes, Mrs-, diaries Fonda. Mrs. Roy'Myers and children pf Albany.. Sir: "and Mrs. Jaihe's'R. SlcEcltron of .M'echahic'\-ille. Tech.. .Sergeant'Williani S. Blawis of -Alaska and Mrs. Blawis, Port WaShliigrtOli'..' >*eW York. . Were recent visitors of Mrs. Edwin S. I±ar,ri s - Mrs. Mildred Gordon has- been sfpend- ing- "a, few days in N?e.w Tork city. .Miss Dorothy- Gould was a dinner guest on'Sunday.of Mr..and Mrs. Frank Collins at .Sliiigerlands. Miss Lucy Sternberg of Normansville was.'a week-end guest of Miss Audrey 'toomermuth'.. .. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jochum, have.been spen'ding a few days-in Nyack.-.. Callers at /the .Sutherland home oil Sunday were ilrs. Gardner Wright. .Mrs. Charles M'agill' -and-Mas's .Alice Magill of Albany- an'd Miiss Elizabeth Cronlniie of Guilderland. .. Callers at the Albertis VaiiWie home oh Monday -were Mr." and Mrs. Leon Van- Worfner of Guilderland CCirtcf-. air. and Mi's. Christ Hansel! of Glen- iiiiont .were Sunday guests' at the hon'ie of Mr. and Mrs, MafcUs Hansen. iXr.. and Mrs. John t>are of Delinar re- cently A'isited Uieir gmtfdchildpen, Ohloe and Tomhiy Dare, at the home of Mr. and Mrs,: Frisbie Carpenter. ' Clyde Leonard, ,'tr. S. Navy, is.ciijoying si short leave wlth;his Wife ftii'd; Soh here, •ifiss May Stillweil of Slihgerlands- was a rcce'nt overnight guest of Miss' Shirley Sladlerv •:••.' ... • " . •—- Buy Morp Wai; Boutfs - — • JKeep Clothes Fit Keep your elbihes nt: Ghdbse the right fabric for the. purpose. Air clothing- frfeqUently ah'd y ^ dress shields tb prevent harmful effects on fabrib fforn' either perspiratiob or the deodorant you use. Iii: connectiph'/with the ;0'bserva'ri'c'e . of Fire "Prevention W'eek, October .8 .. to, 14,-the' Altamont ;-Fire.;Dep;ai',tm ; ebt; in ah *a(lverti.semeiit in. -this week's,-, issue -Q! the 33n-tevpi'i§e,.. calls a'.tten- •' to-.the. .fact-that '-'FHtE. is. the .enemy;- ..that', is .never'••' : l'i'o^'d:V-;.; i ..^e-- l ''%epdfit^'. 'ment- appeals- to'<t1$W[;fi&6£l& i 'QtyMitk!S- : nioill and -^ieinity-' to- ;*Wa-ke/i?M-'e'"S%ie- " i-ehtion^Sar't of'•'.YOI/R".wa'i^;.e-^fpi•ti... : Be. ' fai r with.. y'o u rs el f;: .rem py'e;. Aililir.'. t'i re hazards. ' /' J3xtehd' Fire'''^Prevention/-' .Week for. the -other ;51/weeks.-''/.;-.../ / fe-'ecording to the/Rational. Fire; Prb^'. "teotipn".- assbci'atiori,. '.the- .numbers,,ot*'" homes .burned'.' to the."ground'-'or badly- '• 'damaged'- by.fire ..in ,the.United"States •:•• .dbrtn.g- 194o- exceeds-..-.the; n,umher; Of dwellings .in' the.en'tire-state-.of Oi'e-' : ;gon, /-ol- in' -Bihode- . Island '- a i d New-" Hampshire combined: '• These fires'; also took more than, 1,000' lives and'•. maimed' or '.crippled •.Qpttht.les.s; others.. For'these.- reasons,' the" National. Fire. -.Protec'tipn", '.'Asspciatipiv • • has . is-. sued a special appeal ,tb hpusewiv.es . and home-owners to join,in the bb- . servafipe bf: Fire . Pi^yen'tipii/^eek:.-; Amobg" - commpn, pre.yeutabre.'..causes; of ..home/tires are .defective healing-, piaits which sihbuld. be, -cleaned apd " repaired . yearly;...••sp'ai-ks".iighti"ng on', flammable- .wood . shingle - roofs'-' which. - should he/ re-covered' with" fiTe : r'esist- . ahf'robfihg'; ' accumulation'.'.of : - fist'm--/ mabl'e;.rubbish;.defective-.'arid, misuse- of eieetrical - .appliance's;. . carejess handling of .matches' .and/.cigarettes; and use of -explbsi-ve. pleij-.h-ing. fluids.- Buy:-More 'War:.'Bonds••-r-'-rr Delaris0n ' SCHOOL. -NESVS"'- - Meiiihers of Deia'riSoii High school-elep- ted to.the student council include. Clifford Foust. Walter Auchahipati'g'h, James Wei-' daw. Joseph: Dolezsar. .-..and , Lawrence . Ab.ranis. jsecretdryr Walteii. Auchampaugli, ffeasurer., "Miss:.Lela .Van Sphaick/..Wa.s chosen .advisor: • '.' •'•' ,/"' • • '•';, '' The'annual' scliopl play.. "Mr. «tnd Mrs; No'rtli."..wrll.be pi-e'seiited.-Nov, lrr The ' junior .class- dance. WiU .he- held . October 20: On the 'committee are\Ma,r : Ion Case, Michael Hoffman: Doris Laveck, Bettv HaWes, Ruth Dutchei'.. Betty Cddy, Lawrence Abrains, Mildred Wagner Ged, Htemstreet. .AilbeW Humphrey, Walter Auchampa-ttgh'. Royce Patterson, Shirley Hawes, Stella,' Ter'plak..' . ";.,".' Joseph Dolezsar has .been' named chair- man of the local paper drive in. the. fresh-' man room. ' • ... . . „ .,, \ .' .' Grades 1-2. under the guidance of Mrs.. Gordon Barons, have cbOswj..Dla»ne Put- man. Loren Slmfc'r. Nancy Shafer. ^aney Hpffman and Robert Lawrence .to repre- sent Uve classes in. the. grade counsel ol •'°Miss S ' Lmilda Spencer has been"hired by t)i&' Board of Education' as -school nurse for the 194-1-15 .scili'pol year; Mr! a°d Mrs. Otis Xullock were guests pf Mr.' and Mrs. Hiram Quay at I>-elI.y..S; S( Mr° n 'WillU.ui- H. luyiies^i^ .visiting her' sister, Mrs. Rcgilia Newby, at Scheiie- VU MeJviJi Lyhes has taken, a'position with his brp.Oier-fil-law. Attorney ' David Al- •ford, at Middleburgh, '•'*••,•'-'.: „„ Wnr ., been postponed to Oct. % iiv. the. school , auditorium. .. .. ,-- '. '' /. ' ... Mllik WEED. ,PR:iy&, • .. ,". ' Students from all gradea.mnictp.ated. in the milk weed- pod col eCtipri. • The- irst drive netted -70 bags. ,'Jli the second. drive which' ends t-Ma Friday, -a. total of 93 IhX^^f^^e a Wwspaper : a;nd:: magazine' "drivel a" total. PrM^POunds was' collected; The; campaign -will cloSc. Oct..'20. ••• .;"••. •' / .... " , The 'Tout'H ,Feliow'ship:..Wili me£t; jrf-.- day niSht. aL,7i3D'.at the chur.oh .tp Corn^- .jilete. plans for &• bake sale tobe-.neitt St'Dohert's on Oct, « ^ i n i Delanadh 9 M ' ^ B e r t h a De- La'MaWr'ivMs a _gue4t Thursday - Of her ^tighter, Mrs;... Melyin,. ijii'hhart, in Altamont. ,, - ..- . •;. . m •• -.'K-" ! '--- •Sic m. i-'^h &J •; ?t/->^| / « ; , "•f-(J.-o 5 >l 4';-' ''• ' 1 -. - :

7 APPROVE mm .mB^'W^m- - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031266/1944-10-06/ed...' Gal!up*ille -4-• i.Cpl, Ttohert Henry Ostfaniier of Camp:!H'kjin, Cal-.'-and;

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P *

Tfcey keep fighting-' Ton keep buying


SERVICE •tft-u

.mB^'W^m-R6U.TE^V^ZI ' ' ;1F6^E:- ••:' ;. R^yefia.:U\p;vi:,j.o^n. B. 'Mulligan of R,avena fbpk'a leadinis: part .feceiit-. ly.in routing'a : fero^p -of Germans on the 5th .Ai:my:fvdnifiii)itkly.. .'He is : a scout in ;an,:infaatiy':freGbijhaissance:

platoon. •••Wt:3iuli0ii,--a.ni>- a small patrol approaoned a.'.farni'housB in the Apennines'; lyto^ir^-^; •®S^aa?s-^Jicee4.

'st'atfdnecl.'T'iJWy' ^ere ' t i rea oh. by the ;

Oej'inansy out returned? the fire" sp.ief-feetiyelj"' the. erjbmy..fled;/' To -screen their' exit; the.'C^rihans"dirove Italian women put of thp house,, forcing the Ambr-icahst.to eeise firing. However, the/ Germans' i;aii! info other' troops-: and .all; were kiille'dvgnd;captured; Pvt; Mulligari ;. ib. the'.son /'.Of- ."Hr.' and/Mrs: John A; Mail.ligaji.:aiti<i''a' graduate, of Coeyraans .. 'Hi^ ';-S«;1IOQK ;A veteran-of the Tunisian'c^mpaigny he holds •Bronze-; Star • for;. •ineritor'ibiis-. sei: vi ce

1 in combat, the /• comba t infantryman badge.fpr exeibplaiy bbndiio't'.iri action, and the "P/ubple; Heart: (or,wounds. CONPiiR^yf^bf i;Ki I T A L Y . • .,_. •r

. VoorheesyjiJ* -ifr (Allied 'Force Head-quarters; I t a i y / ^ I t is ,bne thing to. be c0niirm;ed;';ihtQ';orie,s . religion- in normal times'1 amid- ripriiial .'• Surround1' ii%8.ritis'4uit^M.*»i£.ef'.in}ii;g-'-tp cQme to one's' .parents' mother'.country: to', profess one's •faith.;. • That ..is-the story* of Ptc. Catherine '• (.Kay) ,M.. Fornera, daughter of Mn arid Mrs. Alee'.T'pniera of Pi'teairhy.Pa,.' Pfc. FOrhea's mbther was:! born 'in; Vsenjc'e;; i e r •• father in Turin, italy. Bfc.. Fornera'., pirated history Sept. :ifl,' yihen she was, co'n-

a privilege tliat is.«rabely- granted' any-, one.' .The ari'an&^riiients, were made-through lit.. 6oi; Frederick Lamb,.SOS •chaplain;/'-who ai&.o: assisted "witil the

' cerernbny which was: pb/rfprmed in the/ • Bishop's-,private.r.c'hapell ;Sgt'.. Maty

K L'aponbwicz of ypprhe^syille acted as sponsor]':.

; 'c. -•:.,.. ' ' ' At-;CAM;i>--C'BO.F|'/'- -••' '"'•'•.

• Alta'mbht '.^-' Charles. Speley 'Br&c--. 'kett''h.i'S.'arriyeuiin';Gaimp "Cfoft,- South;

Carolina,- lot..vb'affc.Kf.&i$in£.: , tie- is: ,' ..the'son of Peaii Bftieketj:of.lAiltamont,

H^:.w«s4tt4^ted'iBto!^t3j«;Army Sept • 5. a t ; Albany/.; ;'•:-: '•.'-'.'"••'-"..'.. ""'•',.

. . pRb^^|rfei£.v-.:^-L'^;''; .' •:•• .-'.y •-.. A\i%iMQJh&'^1£$fi^:-'Wr£6rdl Eay-mpna^:C.:®i^t; ;ipa;v:dt $f. and Mrs.

• J; :&'§v&dilktyi^tei&#iiti ..has.'.be'en.'-pfcp-•• - •'.mbte# iMn^lRW^t^'^jst : Ciasa-tor-hi's-; ^'•^re^^-it^^^^Ui^^^oi^- An r-

' .'•. , s t a i b i p i ^ - f ^ ^ ^ n a t i "ffc '<3: '/"Me: as-' . on duty asKiMb'rdMpGeiiiia'n' iat Cherry

' Point/- B#brev|h?isting 'July ..23, i'9'48,'-in -:Mbany;;he.,MS /employed . at 'the

. . Schenectady A^my; Ijepot,:, ; ' PROMPTED'

.; Altarnpnt'vU Froin the'Tndia-BUrina section comeskword of the promotion

...from sergeant- to.i Maff;. sergeant' of Ernest. P. , Orsini ibf-.Aitampnt,,.Staff S*gL Orsihi/-' recienUy '..Gpniplfeted his

. 650 hours of,.flying as,-a radio operator • ;a'nd -was" a'Avacd'eti .'iille iDistiiifuisned

• .; Flying.'.Cross.'- jfeJ is no# worfting'on. '.. radio •maintenance.'..•;''.''.

-;"'RETURNS.to-iuCs!,'«''.'.; Elsmere ^ Re^uriimg recently to.

the-'- United States' after serving-/at.the :fighting front' is.;Staff 'S'gt. Wdley-.A,-.

,: Dobbsy 17 'iSasi.FembarilJ; avenue,.EIST .mere.' -.--.••"'.'

' ' PROMOTEb:'--^' Quaker .S.t'reilti rr'"Broniotion:. from-

second to first'.lieutenant .has, been announced. fbr'bb'Siald' W~ Phillips, 32,' of Quaker Street, :-ine;mb.er ,p| a; com­plement sftuadron at'an. Biglith Fights e'r . Command 'PM /ijiistang' stati'pu iri:

England"..' .fii:eu,t:;'Pttil'lipB: is. .ag'signed-. ' to flying1 coptrbi; a job T.ea'Uirih.g,that

. he must kinow at ;iiil: timtfs the status. ' of ai'rci:att.awa.y frpft the station;' Be-.,

.fore entering. \the,'s;birvi'c'e'in Septem: bbr, 19'42, iJieiit. Phillips--was employ-

- tea by the Wew-Yprk.Power, and Light .Corporation,.at-Albany.' -: tli»; wife,-;

• - Mrs. Mafjorte,' K,•/'Phillips, : lives at Quaker •'Street,.. M./PMlips is. a grad-u,atb of Bpivdeh. college. . ' • '.' IN FRANCE

DuarieSbu'rgh —.Mr. and Mrs. Alva C. Shaffef" have .received word from their sbn;.ICpi..Hia.rbld Shafer, that he is now inFranbe,-' FIGHTS"IN ITALY

. Aii'tambnt —' .PVt.: -Williani. E. Wor-mer .'Of'-Fullers, AltamOnt, R. p . , i» serving with /the 349th Infaiitiy Regi­ment, one of Irt. Genei-ill Mark /AV. Clark's-Fifth. Army units/Thicli sTOatshj ed the 'Gust'fcv: Wti.- -Hitlpr'. Lii.ne$ ^naf chased 'the Germans- ffom ,the Gang-liano to the Airno" Bivser in Italy. Known as the ''Kraut-iKiMers'!, dough-. ibbys of the 349th- fought across some of *he worst m'duritai'hous -terrain to capture Fondi,. key. Jpint'iii the vauiit-

• ed-A'dolf'-'iO-tlep.'-ailiie',. and: Jiioteoted the i'iank "of tfte-French Coiips in. its pusn. aeros's'j?!^.; A.usonl and Lepilii. VISITS IN'AREA ' Gal!up*ille -4-• i.Cpl, Ttohert Henry Ostfaniier of Camp :!H'kjin, Cal-.'-and;

' his wife /otv.Renaselaer ynsiited; bis . parenis.Mr,; iiiid:Mrs.. Jv,B> Qstrander '• of CJ-ailupyilie' alid nis'isisters--iM,rs.

Sllatold E. .'ObWiliMijad' jMrsi.'.George Shalter of Al{ambiit and' m% Kdnneth

• tv'eid.man- of .:Vbbrheesville.. . CpU -Os :ti-'ander ':mis> a '.'brother Pvt: J. p&viQ-Ostrander In ehe'.lnt'autry in Fra;nct.;

' and 'a brother C!{>i,.Itah J> Ostvander statibn'ed -4 Tyftdall Field, Panama city, Fla. • |N FRANCE ..

Al tamori t -^-Mr. ; and "Mrs.- Eluier Finch of Aitainpnt, It. t)„ havfe i'eceiv^ e'd word :from tfieir soih Pre, Diiane Finch;- that he-;-Is' now -in. Fi-ancev Since'his Induction dn Nov. 18, 19.42, lie has -received • training at Camp Adair, Oregon,'- aiid • iGam,p • ;-earspn>, Colorado, CP't'c. 'F-toli' writes: 'I would like to heai' rrbm -all. toy friends, as mail is pretty imj(6i'tant oVfef hfere,"

^—- Buy 'Horfe .War Konds- -— • tjpati'ouize oui-udvfeftisersi -

Paper Collection '. MJenj.b&rs of the- local salvage ,Qorri-

; inittee have given notice that a was.te (paper and rag collection will be con-.'.ducfed in the Village of Altamont on '; Saturday, Oct.; 14'. •

V The, comimittee asks all those hav­ing papers'..'to donate, to tie. them in 'bundles, and, place them outsjde in a cdnsplcuous place' where the,. Girl Scouts,., who will' conduct, the collec t ion; Wiil see them.'•-. The committee reports, tliat', in the past' some col­lections; have ibeen overlooked1 because^ the bundles were, not seen, or tfiey we're not- placed outside ,until•'after the collector's had finished their work.

ies In New Ytirk Q . Foui"times governor 61.': the state, .of

'New;York, and-'Pr-esiclentlai' ca-ndidate. bn:.the Democratic ticket in 1928;--A1-fre'd'E. Sinitii,1 70,. died early Wednes­day in.-a New York' ho.spi-tal after a long illness. He.-Was'a leading figure in-national-'Democratic politics from 1920 to 19-32, ' .

Mr. Smith had been ill most' of the •summer, following ' the death of his wife, Catherine, on May 4. .'•

Ai Smith came-, to Albany in 1904 .'as-an :Asseriiblyniai). He was' Assem-' bly speaker. He was 'Governor, .fotir terms1/. In-1928 lie ran. for. President,. and.-'in. 1938 his. public, career closed 'Where it . began, in Albany, when -he' served, as a'delegate to,.the Constitu--tibnal'Cbn'ventibn. ,', The. State Office'building in .Albany today stands 'as 'a' monument to his memory-., •' -

— r? ..Buy -More \Vav- Bonds-—r-*.

H; Richard Teejz ranee

... H-arvey llic'bard -Julius /Teetz;' 28; died. Monday; 'riiorniiig- at the home of his. parents- near Esparanoe after an. illness of about, two-years.' •-.• Born"ih-'.-tlie.'Town' of Johnstown; March" "29;. .191*6, .Mie soli of Harvey J. and Martha. Hunter Tes&KS;.;he.mb.ve'd-' .to.'-Esperaiice when, a' boy ai-icl' resided •with• his .grandpareri'ts whjle attending-Cobleskiir High,-school.' t'.pqn .-gradu-; a'tidn... -from, "that' school he entered business with his. father-in the'--'firm of Teetz and' McKay," leather•inanu--.facturers, in- Johnstpwii. •• He 'retired-, because of ill health. '--.Hie was'a.'.inenibB'r of. Johiist6wn;.Re-fbrm;ed"/chur.c.h',where-'he, served,;as' 4e.acpii;.a;n' :the-eb'iVsistoi^'ia.n.d('.-w.as'/!a •memier "pi'-the Baraca bias's- ;'He. was also'active''.-in-the 'Colp'ftTaJ club.-.in': tha t ; city?and• in'..the/.-Diiane. grajigey Diianesburgli.

:- Surviving,•.in iidditipn; to his parents-are'-his: wife/- !he; To.rmer': Miss Eliza-, b'ethJAaien, whom iie;niarned in 193S; two sons, DOi-al Harvey: and William: iiiChard Teetz; > .'brbther, - W'i.I-. lard,... -.Tee! z','. ' of ' G I:o ve rs vil-le-.;' two, ..sister's, Miss-.'Helen T.ee.tz:. and 'Miss Frances;Teetz, of Esperance/ and sev­eral' aunts/and uncles. • .• /.. •

-'Fulieral' services1 were held .yester-; day afternoon a t 2 '.plelbck'I'rom. the-Wassun'g'.and Brown funeral home in :Johnstown, wi th Rev/ Arnold - Byfchui-,zen. / of. / t h e ' 'Johnstown -'Refprmed church' officiating., -B'tirial was in Es: pe'rarice .cemetery. ••/ ' . ' " • -

'. :. .___ Bu.v" iyioi'B' VVai-'. Bonds. —— '.

Morris ^claresPelaney Cited A Revoked law

•A-repealed'.statute, says- D'is.t.' Atty. Eriies't B!.Morris,, is being used by-his' .'.bemopratie. p'red-e'cessor'ln office^ Joh.'n %• .bel'aiiey, as the' basis -for ''charges •tliat''(Albany County; taxpayers "must pay costs bf.'tbe county special investi­gations .ordered by/Governor".Dewey;

••' Addressing'a clj'niier,meeting of Re-., .;.pubiican.' .'org.anizatibiis/ of ".Westerlo and .Hehsselaerville," at MeU'iisa; Mr. Morris said'the exDelise wiil^e- borne by.the state. Expenditures of approxi­mately $7:2,'p00:'tp (late, he pointed-out; have :'been met by tax refunds.

Mi'. Morris'said, "Mr. Delaney-was readiing to his radio-audience a statute which'the-"Legislature, has repealed.-The ex-district- attociiey's- evident, de­sire t o charge this expense to. Albi'tny. .county..should not require -him to use 'as'1- his -authority statute which has been repealed-, You don't -have to 'be a lawyer to know that you can't win a base .on law that the Legislature has .eliminated." . • "

- ^ - .Buy .JTo.i-'u :-Wiir ^onds - —


WrTHTHED. & H . Glenmont Man Long With The

Audit Of Revenue Office; Honored By Employees

William J Com&tock Si of Clen mon I toi 3d jea is employed with"the audit oi levenue office of the Dela ware anp H'UttSon ralirpad,has- retired.

Prior to his leaving the., corporation; Mr. Coms'tock was presented by his : fellow employes with a ivhite gold Hamilton watch and several other/ g i f t s ; •--- .-•••"• .

• Mi'. Comstpek is.the-father-, of -Wil­liam J. Comstoc'k Jr., ofd-lenmpnt; an attorney-;' Mi^vAlien/Me.rselis .of DeiV mar; Mrs. Dexter Tijrpe of''Delmar, and John M. Comstock pf;61eninpht.

He has- four :grandcliildrenV. Joan. Mei'selis, William J. :Comst?ock 3rd,' George O. Tilrpe, and Robert.D. Til--r o e . ' • . ' ' • ' • . ' ; ' " - . ' • . • ' •

. - — Buy. More War' Bonds' •

.Duanesburgh-.'-— ' ' T h e ' Schbhanna Home Bureau piiit held a.inembership tea. Tuesday, afternoon aind eye'tiing at. the firemen's hall m/.I>elausOn.;' Tii-e afternpph., session: was fronti 1:'3Q,' to' 3":-30;'. aii<i the speaker /was-'MissvE'V'a Bateman, visual" ediicatipn,.teacher, a t 'the Sfihenectady'.-'Museu% '• Her". topic was "The •Ev'piuti'pn'-o'f'-'ta'djeS'-'Dres-,ses' in A'meriba.1' -Her .lecture, was illiis'-.trated'• with - stides;.' 'H-fis.te's-ses '.\ve'r© Mrs. Pfter Spr'eiis'e'n and- Mrs; Ray­mond Mo'U, Mrs..Alva d. Shafei-'was, ^chairman Of the refreshment commit­tee. At t.he.tea ''table .were tyti, .Jlaiph. Mcpougall,.. ch.ai rma/n. of "the-. unit, and Mrs.,' Isaac/' B. 'Gaige, .yiee-chairmanv.'.... •'•' The .evening session, was frpin.8..to ID' o'clock, 'and "the- speaker was/ Mrs,, Marie Cormaek of the. Geographical and Historical -'societies- of Schenec­tady.,.-' Her topic was "Old-House,".1

Hostesses- were. Mrs. Wendell C/ Wil-ber,'-. treasurer of; the. mnit;' and.- Mrs.-. Charles B. Parker, secretai^v'-E'eliresn'-' men't's' we re in' charge' of; Mrs; Rpla&d 'Au'ciianipaugh,; At. the-tea tablb were Mrs. Er-hes't/Li. Babcock, a id Mrs. Bert JUChf-ySIbr, past-chairmen. pf.:the.H;bnie tBuirbatt.'-uiiit.-'' A;. -Home- Bureau/-["wpffe exhibit. -i.n<aude:a''"siip/:co\rers; /pressing '•pads-/, reiiftjshiffigf fiiimitiire, fabfip.;bag,S, -table'"Pf-,'oidf.'gi'h&s, poiihty hoine-made toy kits,', abb *. table exhibit -,bf 4-H girls'.work; "..••'-'' '.;'''.•'•• . ' . : . . . ' •. •The general' bommittee lor the.-tea gompiised Sirs. Fred Wilber; cliaiirmain Mrs...' Raymond /Kelly-.and MrS; Frank H/-Gaige.-/:' . - ' . ." ''' The speakers for the .event were ob­tained, through the Citizens' Unit com­mittee bf Sbhenectady.,. •'•

-*—.'B\iy' More' -War'..Bond$--r^-'.

Christmas Boxes . Washington, -Di C,—Approximately

t,:250,000- Christmas'••boxes-, pack.bd. by Red . Cross volunteers are -.ready for siiipmbnt -to. servieemen ;.iii, overseas ttospi-tais.. and'front-line'/area,''it was-announced today by-Basil O'Connor, chairman- of. the American National •Red Cross. • '•', • ' , . • -• .•'•.-.,

. Thiese-'holiday/presents, he "said, wo'iild be•/ delivered abroad/ 'hospital ships, planes-,' and. trains; and at-'isplat-.ed .stations'..where -Red Gross'-' club.fa? ..cSiifties- |are':' unavailable. •, 'Dach- bpx; he added,;pbntai.ns-pigkrettes,. cahdy, post eai;dis,: gum,' waterproof-' pouch, identification'' folder, .smaU'imetal. i&uf-rdr, memo book with ealbiidarj/and a pocket-size: condensation of a book Or reprints' of-'three-^h.ort,-stbries.--'

/-r— - Buy, Mpfe'Wav Bb^ds. T:— : '

Sanford Chosen As

' On .Monday night-of - this week a testimonial 'dinner, was-given by the .•members of the Senior /Choir of the .He'l'derherg Jte.fornied- ..cKU-i-clr..' 'Gu.l)dr .erla'iid''''iCeii'tei:; and ' their' wivps and 'hbsbarids, in .'honor--pf -jiVlrg.-.May M-Moffett who lias -announced her retire­ment from active Seri't'ce in the Choir:-

•'iMie -giiests assembled at the home of -Mr. .and' Mrs. ILloyd JCOSS; -and -en-joyed'a.'d'elicio'.iis:.chk!ke.n dinner wlii'ch •hail .been prepared by the w^bmen of th'e-"ChoiK.; At the conclusion 'of the 'dinner the iKev, James- B. Van yesse,m expressed the'love and esteem of'her leilONV eheir members for Mrs, Mol'.Cptt aiid -the gratitude of the" entire cprt-•gregatiaii for „he'f /long, loving, and generous- service', 'Mia Moffett - Mis presented with a "biaek silk eo'fde bag, ' The late Rev. Jfl. 0. Moffett and M.rs. •iMoffett came to .'Gui.iderland iCeuter tp" serve, the ffielder'berg church In the j>ear l!)i2, "Since thkt time Mrs, livioffett has served-.continuously as a choir •nleuiiber of the eluuich. rH&r •long aii'd faithful sei'Vice-liiiS been a sptirce of joy and inspiration :and will long foe remennbered by the members of the iHeiderberg' 'Reformed church,

~— Buy More War Bonds Ti'y ah "Acl" iu the Enterprise, It

Wiil pay ydii. . ,

Eugeiie Bi -Sanfoird-, '66,-^yideiy known Albany attorney and/long; active.in Uepublican"'•politics',. Was appointed' by Industrial Commissioner '; E d w & r.'d Corsi last Week as a wprkim'en.'s com/ pen'satlon . referee'. at • ?5.,000 a year.' Hie. will serve-in the Alba.'ny area,af­ter completing; a- month's training in. his d-iitie's in" t'h& New; YOfk/city: office. . In 194Q-" he was iRepublican, caii'di-d-ate for Children's Cohrt judge afain-, st John Boyd, Thachier, who -was felepr ted.. Back i n 1922V'Mr...Sanford. was. liiS' party's :bahdida.te agiibst 'John J; Brady ;for.Pojipe Court'jf^idge.. •.''•-.

- -• .Buy .More 'AVur Bprifla — — '' IV'. :.•'* '• MM--'v - '' •'- • M':- i,i •

At the regular.comm'uhicatibn of Beriie l«odge.'to 'be'held on'Saturday evening,'.Oct. 8th:, the/apprentice' de­gree will be cOhfirmed, '* WorshiiSirul Master.'. Clifford, V/ihceiit. requests a good attehdah/ce:Add. -visitihg Masbhs from Other lodges will be ..welcomed;.

BUy'Jtore War l?pnds

He At our last meeting, on Sept. 26lhi 25

-lriembei-s wbrei- .present.' . ' • ' , ' ' ' it was d^Ulded- to -have a. cliiolten siippet'

on October' -IS. ' a;iie committee; Frank SpadarQ, Jlildred Upeber, .Domild--Rp.blh-sort, tiinu Brandle; and Elizabeth Wood.

Would 'fie pleased to serVQ ,.al) our fri ' ohds; KCniuiiilier wo serve lQQ. porsohs at oncie; lots of room. Our he3it .meet­ing will' be,.Gel, ptln , •

-Blizaboth Wood, lieuturer: , —-r-' BUI?' Mbre.-Wur Builds ,

VAX eOtfl^RENGE ' Tawiisentha. Gliajitei'j, Daughtera-.of

the American Revolution was repre­sented at the New Y/ork- State con-fei'ehce held in Utica Optober.,2, 8, abd 4, by delegate, MKSV Kenneth G, Maybe, an* alternates; SK's, Frederick G. Schefl'erdeeker, Mrs. Clermont 0 . Covert and JVlrs; Fisher M-. Joslihv

"God Ga?e Us Flowers'7

This 1* a true story—one which the Enterprise believes will not only be ertjoyed by its readers but also may carry a menage to some

Sometime" during the past summer, a Sunday *chool class of vtry young bpys and «>rls, in the Lutheran church, in the f°urse of their lesson, teamed that Goa made all the flowers grow, and tbafc all of the beautiful things of naturi are the handiwork of the Supreme 0,ne After class, their tKacher took them on a tour to inipect the beauties of nature, and ih the courte of their inspection they happened upop » certain garden which his always been noted fox Its^beautJ- , ful flowere - The dwner of the gar­den was ih*re, and he gave each child a flower

§h4childL,URt>n .S'rriving home, was eH'.by hep-'*?rents what she had

lea'frn/td. at..'Sufnday ;school. She re--jplied-.tjia'tvijie) 'bad-.learned tha.t God fnak'?S;a)l.:the/.beaut(ful flowers g>ow>—' andi'.',she''-:»ai,g|.:}"*ft6r Sunday schoo.l •w'e!"**eht. bui';'t<(-'-se?' the .flowers, and we •vrtpt:.upJito-:.Gpd!s" House, and He • .Have', us'aj(^,a';flf!ws^..,' •'•

Co^ecti6h<^|Sags Will Start :. -Aj^-;^ipie '^-- October, "••-.' ..•'R-:.^/liKayer.


Location Of Road In Albany District Depends Upon

Many Factors

More"-thah/-4,'0:0b ' boys;, aiid girls in Albany, .county/are. picking milkweed pods- for •lipss/'./t*?".be used in making. liC'e:'presefVbfsy;'Paul. W- Thayer, Al-hany/ ;CSuh#.' ,IS#.'i*f*r .for... the' War, 'Industrib's.'jldatd' ..campaigri; annbunc-e'd Friday; ..'•"';-'-';:-.-."; V •..'T-he-.,en'li.re- "bl>P.l.y:/..of 'i.bb'O bags I'pr

cbliecting/.p^d^'.^'as distributed-in two day's a'nd.'.an^ld'diw.bnai 1,000.ba-gs/hive" ;beeh',.req/uest^jf:^-Mr. Thayer said the demand''"fb,r''bbi!'^tiii'g..ba.gs far exceed? ed/hi'si'estiimttefe| "'• •• . 'Tfe.4-H/-)^y*,lii(l/^rIs,.-:Bpy Scouts/ an^/-:Girlu/SepUtsf' and'., various, school •grpup.&'-are'.:ta^nk..flart..' Schools are." .b^mg-'-useiii as-distributing centers for.: t he : bags .'.•'-.• -'• ';-?;; , / .

Pods tobst be..dried.for three week's,' after''WhifcH. th£:Sa&s will, be -picked up ahd,;'20:-'cpli:ts>'.piei5''b"ag will-, be paid in cash" to the -cbliectors, j •'••'• •' - Mri';Thayer;sa|d -ipesh"bags are,'the best for .-use-in ;d$yin.g.-the pods, .which j .he,-.said, moi'd/otiiickly unless aerated. ;• -,/fl'e". saia.. dolteciofs'-should have/the.' pods; in: :ihe:.Mg§'.'an;a' foaiig -these iip : ;bul&ffle so '':t4ey^if/"d'fiv.'. t h e pick ^ p ;bf;;the b'ags' . wiii: ,«tart-about the" middle of ..the• "months. - 'The-jhllkweed floss, is lighter 'than kap^>k-/pr..other niaterials. tisetl" in_Iife preservers: The' floss is.seiu to Pe.t--rp'ske, Michigan, for -processing/."•

' '"—V'Buy More-War;Bpijds ^ - ' . - . '

JohnH. • ) •

• -. Joh'n/H. Rtei, Si, former,.chairman of the. ALlBahy'/City.'.BOara of-. Assessors •.and Widely khown .Republican lawyer,-'died l a s t #ednesdaj-. a t Memorial ho's-pital'/after'-.along illness.' ' ' ". A-. meaber, of the Republican .state Gomniitt'ee inore "than '25 'y/ears,- and •JCctiy/e.'.in1' the .'party''for. .'more, than half apehtury, he was 'considered: the dean of -Albany. Republicans. ;A former lea­der.'of''the. 11th .W-ard/under/the. Baiv hes. adiniiiiistratioh,-. -M.i;. Kea- w'as ,a delegate to numei-pus: state Republican :ponv^ntipps and. to. 'judicial; conyen-t i p n ' s . ' '• '•• - •','. / " , • /••'-.•

•".' .':—,— Buy More: "War.; Bonds.-

'•"Are Sin. Bipease, and . l>ca:th Real?" -is' -the- subject' o'f -fhe Les'son-Sernioii iii -fl'H Cliurches of .t.'hrlst,.'.ScJ'eiif;ist. on Sun-.dav, -October. S. The. Golden Text- is:. ' O •rjb'rd- iri-y God. 1 cried' untp .tliee, and thpu'hast liealed me. O-Lord. thou hast bfotiglit up my soul fr'P'm.'.-the gfrave: thou-haist'kbpt me alive, -.that; I. should not ?o "down .to-'-tlie' pit" (Psalms 3(1: 2.. 3,1. . . Bible ' reter.encos .eSplaiiiing: thf ,sul'-je'ct- are .taken, from. Psalms 72; IS. 19: •Ti!css'ea-'*e the\ Udrd-God,.--the God-ot 1'sra'ei; who- only-do'cUi ^wondrous: things. And' blessed' b,..- his "glorious .name for ever: arid l6t the'whole aarlh,.be filled with' bis glory:' Am.eti,-'and iVmen."

•—^~ Buy ;Afore ;Ayar- Bonds

. A'dwtvh'ees-vilf.e "schools- Cilosed last ,Th.ursdky as the result.of the develop­ment, bf ,three easbs of infantile paral­ysis/among the•' Diiplls..' 'fiib schools opened. Monday moiimng. -.'Tlie three chiltjjreri-.':suffering from polioliow In Afeahy.hospital are Lar­ry '-Pianstburg. .eight',: -JOanhe- Livings­ton, "nine, and.James, Salisbury Jr., Seven months. •.'•»""•:•

-^-' /Buy. -JlPre _War""Bonds

Additional reclasgdfications have been- ahuounced W'-/Local Board 347 of Jbeirhar.. -They'ai-e5

.' lrA-—Floj'd M." Jeifeeii, James L. Many,'Charles Schullz; .

•24A—fjctaymond Av..Dbi;sett. .^.(i^Gebrge W. JFr'iiehi Randall Eii-

gtene Cross, Daniel ,fc. ,#tpff; William MZ'<3i'Pp'JtS •Peier'J,,%n Vkiktsiiburg.

ijdy Hpre.'iWar'/.-Cohd.s " - "

Aniibuitee w A son/-was horn .'to..Sir, and Mrs. H.

Eafle Brown at "VVashto'gtph, D. C./on Wednesday, Sept: 2.7. They were for­merly-residents pf Slihgerlands. The sttir- 'hasbeen-'nainea,. Jl'oger Conrad. fl&ri. Bro'wni was fpi'Ml6rly Miss Char-lOtteBituly or AWaijiy,,

:... ._?• Biiy Sl,ara .Witl; BoMs -—

The HUhiial icbicken super of the New' 'Scotland !Presbytei|ian- chulrch will be Held Wedneaday night, Oct. 2o,-at tlie. eburch; '-"'

f ielmmrarj to tEe~arawmg ol plans lot a piosposed thruway from r.ew Vork city to Buffalo, lieid exammat >oii 01 suD-soii conaitions is being Pon-diicted in -.Elsmere; and. in Delaware ayepue-; by the N;&vi- York State' De­partment of. Public Works.. - ' '•':' -.',:' -..' Although the general 'routb the-ihru:-way, a• post-war project, ,is -to/fp'llbw has'been determined,--the-exabt Joea?-tip.n of a large portion .of the- su'pbr-highway an'.the vicinity :of Albany, will depend, upon,, many factpr.s. including soil conditions,"availability of -neces-s^rj- land, and'•.conyehience. to' nearby' cities, • - . ' . - . " • '

in general, the proposed. thr-uway will follow through': from 'New'jersey' line, ..up the Ramaiipp valley; .'skirting Newpurg and'' Kingston, and /bendliig-: wast ;'just south, pf -.Albany:..'At the ' present/time''state 'highway- bfti.ciais (have not detpirmjned .whether the. road •'will, pass .Schenectady.oh the south, .or th.e'.np.rth; but- the ' route, In-the. vicinity of/Syracuse anr] Sbches-' ter.is. fairly-well defined.

The" Elsmere". tests, now1 liiiderrtray, are.the first yis-ibleindications of;the huge .undertaking, insofar as'' the gene­ra) public in-'this a rea . i s qonGerned;' in the far-• western, part of. the- state;,, howev.er,.. plan's are practically-/.com­plete, :•.'. . . , . • ; -, ''- ._•; '• :./ " For 'a considerabie distance"-in;.Al;. bany county,, the new road' is exjrect't ed. 10 follbw the route of .-the/prfeseht 9-W. Lea ving. that ' road• in. the'-..vqcin-ity.'of 'Bethlehem; Center, -the thnii.w''ay-may bend 'to/-the :west through -.Ms^-mere;, or i t ; ihay. cut- through; the,' e'i/ treme" southern-' limits- bf''.AJbaij:y.:: '•''-. 'The road- through -'Albany, or BlSr mere,' will pass -•under/Delaware.-Ave;-, aiid • will run • just' to 'south • "of :White-haliRd., crossing New Scotland anil ^yes^e^n- Aves/- , In . the event fibal plaris send the. thruNvay.-'spU'th of Sche-' necta'dy, it. vil.ll; follow ' Washinglph' avenue. . If the. supet-.high-way. ,'passbs' north of Schenectady,, if:" will; gross Washington and. Central avenues-: -:'••. ^—. 'Buy .ilpre; Waf-BouSs -~~ • ,

Community Farmers To Share In Refund

GrLP Refund Payments Were Outlined At Guilderland

Center Meeting

J-. Palhier Harcour.t, retired. Army'-captain-and ^yldely kno.wn in'. Albany, political circles;- has .been, appointed .to the 16.700-a year job of .assistant.' administrative 'director pf'.the 'Sta.te •Civil Service-Department./ He will be chief aid .to/Chaiie.s L.i Campbell; ad­ministrative director. Of t h e depart'-; ment.' ' . ' : .

— - Buy .More'' War . Bonds —•— ''••

WSNY Schenfe<5Udy l-'or the third' consecutive, year;, WSNY

is broadcast 'mg the . greatest . sportin?-event in America—ihe .World Series. Every exciting play of every same- is brought, to WSN'T and Mutual listeners on these featured "Cavalcade of Sports" broadcasts. • . ' •'-.•••' • Now in its- ninth year, the.:dramatic "Shadow" program is"'•a'ttraqfinK" more arid more listeners every week.. "The

"sliadoW is hi-oadcast every .Suriaay."af-'t'ernoon f;'6i'n''5:30 to .6:30 o'clock, pve'r WSNT-and Mutual. • ' ' .' .-'.-. , .'•.

. Buv ,'More;. -War Bonds '——' •

M A R R I E D M VERS—HOG/UK — -- t Altamont Re­

formed church, feimday. Oct. 1. at 9 p.- '», by Row H. Curtis, Ficken/ Albert-Myers Pf Schenectady , to Viola Hog:le • o'f.-Sche­nectady. Witnesses: Adapt Gnara- aiid Mrs. R-uUi .Gna'r<i; • .

'——. B.uy M Qr'e War.-Bonds - —r '

Service Men's Addresses •' A/S fid^'in J-.-Bradt;;-i21200aii'SeC. B-13, Sqdn. 1, Flight B , J . l i l t h £,A:-F. B. Lp. B> A. A: P. Byjtheville, 'Ark.

—^- Buy More -W.ar,.Bppds..-,^r-<

RICHARD -- MEYERS Mrs. Anna Meyers.and John JHch-

ard', both of Altamont. wefe -married Saturday. Sept. 80, at 7 p; m.> by/the Bev. H. Curtis- Fickett, a t t he Reform­ed church. . Their attendants, were Mr. and Mrs. Glare'nee 'Gray . pf' Dil-. ariesburgh.

Following the -cpremony.. the/bri­dal party had dinner at Fonda's,- in G-uila'erland. " '/ " Mr. and Mrs. Richard are residing

at. 17S Western avenue, Untaniout.. - — Bli/v More. War "Bonds-? r

GHiCfKElT SUPPER H'elderberg- Grange will serve a chicken

supper on Wednesday night October .18-.Ktrst table at o:30 o'clock and continued until all are .served.. , • : .

The menu includes: Chicken, biscuits 11 nd" grftvv. mashed potatoes. Chicken salad, and "cabbage sallad. Harvard beets, rolls'and butler, p'icklcs, jelly, -file and coffee. '•••,. - - • ' • " '

-—. Buy More War Bonds .-r-f-

Meeting At Diinnsville A meeting will be held at Dunns^

ville school Oct. l l at 8 p.. m. flans. Will be discussed regarding.P. T. A, for the coming year. All parents and residents of the district are in­vited. Mrs. Pauline Brehm, Trustee,

_i Buy More' War ' Boiids

JPaimeis m this community will "ihare in the cash pationage refund ol the Coopeiame G-iange League I*de ration Exchange to the extent ot ?2 60 per ton on danj- and stock feeds and ?J 20 per ton on poultij mashes pui-unasea-aunng rne' six. montns period of. January-June 1944, according' to- an •aanOupceme-nt. .miaide at .the annual patrons'- meeting ./in-the./rief.pr'nied' church at Guilderland Center; on Mon­day night; . . ' . . . .

." William "E-lisworth, G. L. .P. District Manager who made the ahhoubceineht 'pointed out that a . refund payment -had already been, made to users 'of, .G. L. jr. dairy- and poultry. feeds for •the six months .period.pf july-Dece'm-ber .1913,"and announced that the 'pat-ronage- refunds- for.other commoditiBS for'the' fu.il'.fiscal-year ..ending June •30,. 1914 ;-:woiiia.''be as; foliows: $1,20 a ton on mixed-.fertilizers,. 4 pgr cent on .'the. dollar', value '/of Held seed,.' 5 fierce at on- .mixed dusts" and 3' ppr bent-on farm supplies; .-.'./rT;his refund/'. Mr: "Ellsworth said; .''represents the amount of -money'-re-jn'ainihg. from., the:-year's business af­ter all': costs had been paid,, interest on ou'tsanding stock.declared,,and ne­cessary legal,reserves, set/a^ide: in 'accordance with. cooperative' practice, •it- ,is:_ .being, returned to. the ' farmers who used.<>. -L. F. services/each man's refund ..being in.'-.proportion t o his use-of' the:', cooperative.."- . . ; * ' . . • ' . •

"At- the g-ame; time :Sidbey Smith of Altamont, '-dhairman of thb; local,. G: L; F.- Patron's 'Committee,, 'said' that, t ie- Guilderland :'Center'.G. ^L.'-'F; Ser­vice'" did a "volume /of l l o j , ! ^ / .Last year alid wbuld..pay.:.a-'i^k'.cash'patron­age refund/bn dollar..volume, ;; •/ • " 'In his .report 'Mr..- Ellsworth/ termed. the:'Ainerica'n 'farm."family a. vital cpr-rters'tone in an .independebt d'emobracy and. farmer, .cooperatives a major- cor­nerstone: in -the free;,enterprise1 sys-teniv •. "As .long as 'the farm family can maintain i ts self-respect, its ihdep.en-d-enee>;and a reasonably'-'high,,stand­ard of living,''. Mr;:'Ells;-wbrth- s;aidy "it •Will, continue; to. be'on'e pf the .strong esit forces in .keeping'America, -free. fTpni. influences:, •that'.hav'e .tehded:-to ,bae.ak;: down; the indbpeiilehefe of '•peoV' |'^i^^.;bv4i;,8he^j\so3&^'-'''i..'''''',.

:' ... , •" / ir—: Buy'.Mior^ /\V/ar Bjjuds '•—•— •




Amount Same As Last Year's Appropriation For State,

County Highways

The A) banj County Boaid of Supei-visois at a special meeting Fiukiv night appiopnated ?30,000 toi snow lemoval on state and. county high

:ways. this winter..- 'i-hei'.ampuht:isthe same, as the last year's appropriation for the purpose.- . ; . ' • ' • .: ;••;' .-;. An inereas-e in pay from' $1,200,-to $1,500-a year w-as authorized for three employes of, the county, clerk's office, T'he.inci'eases, it was stated,.'were to­uring. • their salaries,, to .' a level/' cbm-, . parable with .those, of others/employed in similar duties 'in .the Same depart­ment.. -

Princeless; historical'"records.,, from the 16th Century' Vaii /Rensselaer pat­ents down ;to de.ed,s .aud/mbr'tgages as . recent' as 1'8&3,...were"assured'pf sake, keeping through'.an-appropriation of-?569,53.' . - ' / ., '_ /' ' .Haying overfiowbd',"' the /available, room'in the cpunty' clerk's".pffi.ee-.years ago;'the old..records/in .recent.years. • have,.been .stored'in the-.Cpunty Board; of Efe'ctions' offices;: There, too,.' t/hey-were hampering" the "modern' • reiijuire/ m'ents. of the' 1944- Presidential elect­ion with .the additional" Space .heeded f.pr- the work on .ballots from,members of-the armed forces/. •

Henry Sch'nied'er, .clerk, of the Board of.Supervisors-; was'asked to solve'-the, problem; /'ft was.. de'cTdecl•--to Store; them iri;..the. basement of .-Schopl-,13. However,'phe're.were!no stprage-facili--. ties,' 'Cabjriets had'to be'built .--The: Mil for this was. .'?19:3:P3, Then there was an .'it.e'm/of..ti'UC'kibg,.- -boxing,-, atud iabeiing. .This eame't.o-.1376.50; .The-'sUperyisors, gladly.'.ypted.-the5total sum to: pi'esbryefthe'.recp'rds./ .-:';. —^-"B'uy. More' "War/Bpnds ,^-r- ' /

jNeyontidJ |lle^k OKsafveiOctober S-14

MET.HODISY CHURCH NOTES .Rev.: Clarence. Xi. -Hoch, -nunistei-.. • Sun'day..October'8..th:v. .". .

,10:4a a. -rn..' Church school. ..." • 11:45-'a ;m. Worship and sermon. .7:30' p: hi./ Christian Yputh'-Fellowship.

BW^DR^IED' . CHt/RCH NOTES ' Kev. James B.' VanVessem, .pastor.' -.,' • Sunday; O'e'tobei: 8th: •USd -:p: .ih: . Bible scbodt. .2:30-p;-nu:' V\rprsh'Sp.and sermon:', -• .:Thu'rsday afternoon, October 12th.V the

Woman's,. Giuld. yf-JU meet-at the. home of Mrs. Eaward. 'Gregory'.-•

' " • , . BIRTHDAY, PARTV Mrs. Harvey -Wright Was honored with'

a'birthday party, given by the ..girls of 'hejvSuriday school'Class last Friday-even-, tng; in the Methodist lecture room. .Those present besides Mrs'. Wright were, Virgin­i a Capi. June Rarick,- Mary Rosso, Ruth Lounsbury, Irene i-ihufel-t, Shirley. Stadler., •Patty Wlielpley.., Patricia'. Snyder and.

Joan-Zeh. It -n-as a: very enjoyable afr fair. - . . . ' . . • ' «'"

PAPER- PICK-UP • There., will' tve'.a.. paper pick-up from house- tp house on Saturday :mo-rning at liin.e o.'clock. Please have ' papers out­side. . ' ' ' • - . . . '

Sew For Greensboro, N. C- — Each day from

Monday through Friday, *he 20.0 Amer­ican Red Gross ."Arihy Moms", of Greensboro staff nine sewing rooms scattered throughout the post area of Basic 'Mining iGenter 3STo, 10; Army Air Forces 'technical training cott> mand, doing alterations and repairs' for the Gl's. „

C A R N i v A ••_.. . The'first annual 'earjirval .for the bene­

fit of the OhesqlHhaw'. Volunteer Fire Co.. will be 'held in the fire.house at Ciarks-ville Friday arid' Saturday, evenings. Octo­ber '15 and 7, begiri'nin'g- a.t- 8 p. m. There will be games -and other', attraction also a door prize each evening. . Adniissioii free,-

Cb.M'M.UNifY NbtES Mrs. flarriet'Whitbeck has-been spend­

ing several days with relatives in Green­ville.. • , -- ' . . . ' •-.. •

Mr. and ..Mrs, Ahson RoW e and- Miss Alice' Wolsteri'holm.e - Were dinner guests of STrs; Lillian Westfall of: Berne on .Sun­day. , • ' . - , • • ' '-. •

•Mr. and Mi-s. Earl Zeh and. daughters spent Saturday- with friends' in Morris-

•towfi. Xew-Jersey'; where Miss Judy was a flower girl at a weSiJing. . Recent "callers at the home of. Mr. and

Mrs. 3D. L, Woodward-were'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fonda.. • Ballstoh L'ako,. Mr: and. Mrs. S.-Dafdis and. Mr.-and Mrs; Fen­way of .Cdhoes, Mrs-, diaries Fonda. Mrs. Roy'Myers and children pf Albany..

Sir: "and Mrs. Jaihe's'R. SlcEcltron of .M'echahic'\-ille. Tech.. .Sergeant'Williani S. Blawis of -Alaska and Mrs. Blawis, Port WaShliigrtOli'..' >*eW York. . Were recent visitors of Mrs. Edwin S. I±ar,ris-

Mrs. Mildred Gordon has- been sfpend-ing- "a, • few days in N?e.w Tork city. .Miss Dorothy- Gould was a dinner guest

on'Sunday.of Mr..and Mrs. Frank Collins at .Sliiigerlands.

Miss Lucy Sternberg of Normansville was.'a week-end guest of Miss Audrey 'toomermuth'.. ..

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jochum, have.been spen'ding a few days-in Nyack.-.. • Callers at /the .Sutherland home oil

Sunday were i l rs . Gardner Wright. .Mrs. Charles M'agill' -and-Mas's .Alice Magill of Albany- an'd Miiss Elizabeth Cronlniie of Guilderland. .. •

Callers a t the Albertis VaiiWie home oh Monday -were Mr." and Mrs. Leon Van-Worfner of Guilderland CCirtcf-.

air. and Mi's. Christ Hansel! of Glen-iiiiont .were Sunday guests' at the hon'ie of Mr. and Mrs, MafcUs Hansen.

iXr.. and Mrs. John t>are of Delinar re­cently A'isited Uieir gmtfdchildpen, Ohloe and Tomhiy Dare, at the home of Mr. and Mrs,: Frisbie Carpenter. ' Clyde Leonard, ,'tr. S. Navy, is.ciijoying

si short leave wlth;his Wife ftii'd; Soh here, •ifiss May Stillweil of Slihgerlands- was a rcce'nt overnight guest of Miss' Shirley Sladlerv • : • • . ' ... • "

. • — - Buy Morp Wai; Boutfs - — • JKeep Clothes Fit

Keep your elbihes nt: Ghdbse the right fabric for the. purpose. Air clothing- frfeqUently ah'd y ^ dress shields tb prevent harmful effects on fabrib fforn' either perspiratiob or the deodorant you use. •

Iii: connectiph'/with the ;0'bserva'ri'c'e . of Fire "Prevention W'eek, October .8 .. to, 14,-the' Altamont ;-Fire.;Dep;ai',tm;ebt; in ah *a(lverti.semeiit in. -this • week's,-, issue -Q! the 33n-tevpi'i§e,.. calls a'.tten- •' to-.the. .fact-that '-'FHtE. i s . the .enemy;-..that', i s .never'••':l'i'o 'd:V-;.;i..^e--l''%epdfit '. 'ment- appeals- to'<t1$W[;fi&6£l&i'QtyMitk!S-:

nioill and -^ieinity-' to- ;*Wa-ke/i?M-'e'"S%ie- " i-ehtion^Sar't of'•'.YOI/R".wa'i ;.e- fpi•ti...:Be.

' fai r with.. y'o u rs el f;: .rem py'e;. Aililir.'. t'i re hazards. ' /' J3xtehd' Fire'''^Prevention/-' .Week for. the -other ;51/weeks.-''/.;-.../ /

fe-'ecording to the/Rational. Fire; Prb^'. "teotipn".- assbci'atiori,. '.the- .numbers,,ot*'" homes .burned'.' to the."ground'-'or badly- '• 'damaged'- by.fire ..in ,the.United"States •:•• .dbrtn.g- 194o- exceeds-..-.the; n,umher; Of • dwellings .in' the.en'tire-state-.of Oi'e-' : ;gon, /-ol- in' -Bihode- . Island '- a i d New-" Hampshire combined: '• These fires'; also took more than, 1,000' lives and'•. maimed' or '.crippled •.Qpttht.les.s; others..

For ' these.- reasons,' the" National. Fire. -.Protec'tipn", '.'Asspciatipiv • • has . is- . sued • a special appeal ,tb hpusewiv.es . and home-owners to join,in the bb- . servafipe bf: Fire . Pi^yen'tipii/^eek:.-; Amobg" - commpn, pre.yeutabre.'..causes; of ..home/tires are .defective healing-, piaits which sihbuld. be, -cleaned apd " repaired . yearly;...••sp'ai-ks".iighti"ng on', flammable- .wood . shingle - roofs'-' which. -should he/ re-covered' with" fiTe:r'esist- . ahf'robfihg'; ' accumulation'.'.of:- fist'm--/ mabl'e;.rubbish;.defective-.'arid, misuse-of eieetrical - .appliance's;. . carejess • handling of .matches' .and/.cigarettes; and use of -explbsi-ve. pleij-.h-ing. fluids.-

• Buy:-More 'War:.'Bonds••-r-'-rr

Delaris0n ' SCHOOL. -NESVS"'-

- Meiiihers of Deia'riSoii High school-elep-ted to.the student council include. Clifford Foust. Walter Auchahipati'g'h, James Wei-' daw. Joseph: Dolezsar. .-..and , Lawrence . Ab.ranis. jsecretdryr Walteii. Auchampaugli, ffeasurer., "Miss:.Lela .Van Sphaick/..Wa.s chosen .advisor: • ' . ' •'•' ,/"' • • ' • ' ; , ''

The'annual' scliopl play.. "Mr. «tnd Mrs; No'rtli."..wrll.be pi-e'seiited.-Nov, l r r •

The ' junior .class- dance. WiU .he- held . October 20: On the 'committee are\Ma,r: Ion Case, Michael Hoffman: Doris Laveck, Bettv HaWes, Ruth Dutchei'.. Betty Cddy, Lawrence Abrains, Mildred Wagner Ged, Htemstreet. .AilbeW Humphrey, • Walter

Auchampa-ttgh'. Royce Patterson, Shirley Hawes, Stella,' Ter'plak..' . " ; . , " . '

Joseph Dolezsar has .been' named chair­man of the local paper drive in. the. fresh-' man room. ' • . . . . . „ . , , \ .' .' Grades 1-2. under the guidance of Mrs.. Gordon Barons, have cbOswj..Dla»ne Put-man. Loren Slmfc'r. Nancy Shafer. ^aney Hpffman and Robert Lawrence .to repre­sent Uve classes in. the. grade counsel ol

•'°MissS' Lmilda Spencer has been"hired by t)i&' Board of Education' as -school nurse for the 194-1-15 .scili'pol year;

Mr! a°d Mrs. Otis Xullock were guests pf Mr.' and Mrs. Hiram Quay at I>-elI.y..S; S(Mr°n'WillU.ui- H. luyiies^i^ .visiting her' sister, Mrs. Rcgilia Newby, at Scheiie-VUMeJviJi Lyhes has taken, a'position with his brp.Oier-fil-law. Attorney ' David Al-

•ford, at Middleburgh, '•'*••,•'-'.: „„Wnr., been postponed to Oct. % iiv. the. school , auditorium. • .. .. ,-- '. ' ' / . ' ...

M l l i k W E E D . ,PR:iy&, • . . ,". ' Students from all gradea.mnictp.ated.

in the milk weed- pod col eCtipri. • The-irst drive netted -70 bags. ,'Jli the second.

drive which' ends t-Ma Friday, -a. total of 9 3 I h X ^ ^ f ^ ^ e a W w s p a p e r : a ; n d : : magazine' "drivel a" total. P r M ^ P O u n d s was' collected; The; campaign -will cloSc. O c t . . ' 2 0 . ••• .;"••. •' / . . . . " ,

The 'Tout'H ,Feliow'ship:..Wili me£t; jrf-.-day niSht. aL,7i3D'.at the chur.oh .tp Corn -.jilete. plans for &• bake sale tobe-.neitt St'Dohert's on Oct, « ^ i n i Delanadh

9 M ' ^ B e r t h a De- La'MaWr'ivMs a_gue4t Thursday - Of her ^t ighter , Mrs;... Melyin,. ijii'hhart, in Altamont. ,, - ..- . •;. .


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