4 -Sll^ lM:l::^Z^$ j^ : . 2S Ti I i I \'l ' in the Bible the histoi d from Abraham nicious superstition in their souls, if it Ordinances ; against practica l evils; ^who gAvet ^M ^ 1 116 AfDC TlCSn ISfclBIIIf ll to Solouion , theexodUB , th e cpnque8t of even docs not lead to BuBSBian atrooitieB , and < ? ^ . ; ^v '^?^ , »- ¦ . ' . ' : ' ' ' ^ ^^ W^^^^ S^ ' :: - S ^ , >^ . ' "/, Canaan , the republic of the twelve can hardly be called moral. , That Ordinanc es stimulating the mind to death ; 'i the " people of the 'land shaH The eypnte that M LEO WI SE a CQ.» tribes , Samuel , Saul , David and the be- standard of ethics which makes it a Belt-culture and progressive improve - stone him yrith stones " ( Leviticus xx. tion ^oftne feast of Purim , as related in the ^Apocry ph ^ Publumkm and 1' BOFRrerou g. ginning of Solomon 's rei gn; Any thing condition tine qua non to . be a Christian ment , . . ' ¦[. . ' * ' ¦ ¦¦ ' 2 )- ¦¦ I^tXca«e, hw^ Office:- N, W. Cor . Fift h and Vine Sta. found in Egypt throwing light on that in this or that form befo re a human : be- The nouri shment of, t^i^ mance ra t h^^ ¦ . . . ' —— . ' . . . . ;-;¦ / age will be of grove importance to the . log could be considered of equal value the cogitati on and cognition . of truth ; , to Moloch werob urnt to death ; He iastilV A cloaer examinati pn of the book Reveals " Pi^^^ i^^^^ ^Snt^E - ' -^5S» ^^B ¦ *?^^>:^^ ^» ,, xi.aii - - : ,iii:^-^ iiL ISAAC M. . WISE , - - - - iy«tor three religions of the book! before God and man with the Christian The more tru th >ne graspsi with his in- severe beyon d his own ¦standard Cincinnati , 0., March 20, 1891. ,,- ' « ' / church member , is «viden«y a very ^ l ow uai ^ r '^^ ,^^ .^ii*t^/. . th 0 >n^t^^ o«^«A^e^ ^J ^SS Se Sd^S ' &^^^0^m sanM'I L^Mh.B ' .- l. m.rt Tn B new party, called the Bubbo- one* , as low aa there ever was one aifibng more ener getic, and buoyaht it , will ' be. son ;that , turheth . afte r Vsuch as, have ihWeveritk descr ibed are aiippo sed to t^^ i^^ l^^ ' ^^^i immiSSS m? tim Pukranian Radical Party (Rutheniaris J , : civilized pagans. ,;.,, ;, The strongest ^teUeotuaVcapacity may fainihar spirit ^ andafte ^^^ . ^OTH PEia; , FEa ms. - . .. ¦¦ .,..,. itra repreB^t in g V Slavonic ,w^^ ^ ^ K) ti Simr AM Tear " ' ' ' ' * 100 eigh teen millions ol peopl e m Southern THVecciesiastical. ^ ¦ . . . ' ' . . " " .:¦ ' " ' ' Russia and Austria , is thbroughly demo- ing Dr. Howard McQubar y guilty ; of .taUon ^and yoognition;;of: truth ii; it^U ' t^f ^i^ ' ^X^X^ ' ^^^)- . ^ i^^^^ SS^S^ . a PW^??!#*?^ com 1imcnu AT S«^uttol^SobituariM woo CI,atio ' inclining toward Bcientitib social- heresy and tej ppsing the penalty on him , natural: tp nian: tp ; be;l ed;^ say ^W^tke ^ Butyeo^ ¦£?&' ^ ff^ih ° T^' T— * - torjr °til Bei^i^! u wrUg^,m^XithB<fe!c^h i oo ism, In its program its attitude toward did an. .unwise thing s to say ' ¦ the exercisei jjjf the innate la^ ' of causality, pfcrim e thus ::; ^ There shall J iot be found atatemente aw taken ;, fo Advorttaoi Bent. of congregation ,, , unie« other - imperial Russia is thu s expressed ; "For least , for Dr. McQueary enjoys the rep- which is ' , coequal with search after amo-ng you : any Wthat ' maketh his melte |obriften; " ^?< ^.^. 2 $ ' f ^&ffi&ff l^^ ^ ' &M wtoeorte ^ sre ^ ^uj^fM^ to TOcuwa U8 Russian civilization can presen t no utation of a man of honor and integrity truth , and , *o feel happy by. , discovering spn vbr his ^aughter ^ sis th roug h the ^ Kw ortered dtecontinued . h Tho chaije fotthe attractions , until such time as Russia and a r ipe scholar , whose views and the cause of;' some affec ts ; hence , we fire , pi that useth divination , ' or an ^ ^ 8 %^?<.:; *^ d ?^. '*^ 9 e ,-te; to^ remrd to ° the number of Smca ° pftbi tehtS. shall become either a free state or a opinions are well interpreted in his pub- may say, man naturall y.Beeka and loves server of times , or an enchanter , or a guagei presentaticta and ! cbntent a ' mor e 7^r iv?^' "? ¦ ^*^"™ l n *rb ublfr ;^ ttemUXfgWng 'Ih^orf ^ H tSS federation of free nationalities. " Is not lication s. The verdict of that court or truth , if let alpne by corr uptiv e persons witoh ^ or a oharber , or a cbunBelor with closeijr. : Past ; critics ^ have-; already ^^ ^SiS^S^^ A ^^ f SiSS^ w&^. tt .1^iMSVwd this a sign of morning dawn in darkest board demonstrates that Christianity, at and awkward disturbances. ; " ¦ ; > iarniliar spirits , or .£&&' or a necr * drawn proofB ;from tt e ^ang ^of the . ^ ¦ At^pre sbn feon the : SfSv^- *~**UT the pubiiaher . whei, giving their RuflBi a? leaflt in the EpiBCopalian form , is not Ifthisk so^ it follows that falsehopdor mincer , for aU; that doi these ' things are ffS rS aS^S^^iSSSw ^^^ ^^^ M one Pmian ^^ o-^sktakv " *^^ ;*! naointfen. «f n ' * - ' . _.. . - . "*?. iU f *^6? P~t«nd , tt to be, a the absence of truth is aa ; da%tgUi g;tb an ^bomination unt o the Lprd J eto, ¦ (j^.^'^Vn^^^a^;^ ^Se r aS^m^ S^ ^ »n> nature whauoever are published in the Characteristic of RuB Bian officials , religion of love, humane princip les and the intellect in proportion tp quantity We do npt know exactl y what each pressiPh s)/ . - , ? ¦ ¦^' . ¦ ' '¦^ '^ ' ^^ - ¦ ' ¦ "' : " : —j Ham k ^h \, T ' !> " —'' ¦ '^ e w- ' , *l ; ' ^itorm ehar gx oV g.oo ea y Ch " ^ ^^ >l * from the corporal or the night watch- practices , to Enlighten , elevate and and quaH ^as darknesVor tne ' absefl be of those ' Hebrew terms signifies; or what < I?^ w ponsider ^the presen tetibn ; pf q ^ ^ i^^gg 90 ^ % itate ^for dibpx^dv^tisemeK^ ™«ii. *<* °W* way up ; to the emperor ^ are aanctify the ind ividual , ciVilize,; human ^ of light is "te%e ey^ighfc ^^ ^pt^nly ^ ,^^yr^^ ^^ :^r the 'S u^S^^ ?^T 'B ' 3f 0«$^i. ^MlSM known on appUcatlon , brutalit y, venal ity and falsehood. J ^ OM ize and fraternue the communities ; it preventa .the ' groy/ingXof the intellect , still , from those toms . well understopd , outf - The^ 'Whole bopk^con tainV: but '166 ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦¦ . ' ' , -: , r a T?i^ nS! a .^™ . ; /^»Frepr bduoe^ !a Mweri a g « i/»f tte idurtUeiaenu in th |V * Ter r one of then1 ^ aB haug hty :^ is chiefly a reiigion , of dogmas in ' con- hut alB^' depMi ^^ ^^- ^ ^^ ?^::^Vori. ' ^e jud ge; ffia^it me ' ans 1Aa.sftme: thing, vers esj; jet the ^ words , ? ' : '^ ^ems ' cmd . ^^^^^ J ^ 10 - 1 ^^ ^^ ll p«W.««r«»deM wM «oBfcr aftToruwn toth th« bru tal ; extorts bribery in all pessible fli ct; with science and reason —dogma s fhererore/ i Moses legislates ' against ^ sametabohiinab:e ^ practice gvas the ^nj rfom pcour oyer Wo: hundred : t|mes ; ^f^^^ j,^ : irv ?' "^^ * 6 ^ 1 *^^ •dTertiieM and tke p^lrte rrbrj^^ they manner /and would hpt tell the truth to which stand in no connectio n whatever ^ e ^a in '^ enera ^ witohes : :and , wizardB; ; :bf\this ^ da ^ wj 111 ^ ^e na^e of God/is ;j not ation- . ... ^k^-^ : ^^^^^^ :^ iawtieid«rti feiite»tl atkeAilBBieA! (ISBAELITE. t . . . : ... ,. ., ,„j f „^„. s , ¦ ¦x , . - ^ : .; v j »v- ' laieen a m 8 en ° ra M^ ed even onoe, an omission that Ibn Ez- y ^^-:-;:, "- .:: "^™ . - *^ r ^^ \ ^ ^^.^t^^ fa writer win 8aT * ° Wn ^ f P ^' , wlth F^t»cal religion and ethics ,, , or .,Thou ;shalt - -n of bear false : -#t3«jifc ^^ r^^^ ^^^ -tw^W- -*"!; . ra^ took paini!to excus^ Equally iur -: ^ V.- r- 'V ;;;. -r *? 1 ;: \:\ '^ Um. be^^ pubiiXd^? pre *i^d ' No Ms awJ ii . ity; those hi g hest in rank ; approach per- rather disturb ' and cri pple the latter. . oV eyenyMn ; witness against thy " neigh- tline : telIers , ;: !magicianB ^ fabricators and prising is the pmission pf' the/Bame 'pf ¦: ^y ^: y:^o^ R^^^^ - - »M l^at^it onh^p^bUab^^ eitIa ^tti0^^ faction most closely, as. is evident ;again For . the DoctoVonly maintains that the \^» \ '^^^^^^ ' -!^'^f i. : publishere ofhob gobIia ; stoHes i ; thrp ^ ;srae7 ,^nd; iurtHer v u thW ^,M ^^ d.i/B ^0^^ 0: ^^^ M ¦ ¦ - : " ' ¦> ' . . . " ¦ ¦ ' - , ¦ :. ¦ '" - . ¦ ' . ¦ ' - . ' ' : . " . ' in the last manifesto of the emper or to Biblical record ^of cation and the fa ble ^^ n ^ except Mprdecai ^is menfibried ^ and . tbat :; March 21 -^he v 6^ ; , ; NEWSjTmfs; f " M A Jjnjtf^^ :, wonid be mncbobli g^to th woofonr lri onds 6fJ tawpe >j tojM given the assuran ce be ' understood; literall y, consequently j I ^- 8 id;7^)^ a ^ttV -:to , amB ' ' *>f logical : arts , v spiritu al ; mediums , spirit trag ^y is 'entfed; by l on^ ^^^ toSX^ZS &tt ^ W.W their ri g hts w ill be respected , the story of Re birth , ^ to»e«, before the time specified. . ¦ . - while one after the other is taken from recti onvof r Je sus and the doctrine of the Talmud adds that amonW those who reader s^ and such other abnormitie a : and munity either asking : fo materially .benefited by ^ admi ssion . into ^ pi iHa ^el^j ^ BalUmore. --Kfore MonQE7 noon to «'Dm. persecution of the Jews , fpre; the ¦ ¦; Doctp r ^is guij ty of -/heresy . s i mei falsehoods deaden : the^ intellect. U»«a e . thmg S : and practices are # either decimated populat ions of the provinces , : X^ii^^.A ^^^ b; ' i^^^ ^ clev^ianK^ffKo ' asoutiiWat er Bt; - ¦ ; .;. ^V : ^- '^ ' ¦ *¦ ' - ' : - ' ¦ ' v ' c However, thb.popular inind iwmbe led Therefore / furthermore; Moseslegisiated simp le impoBitionB . orj . as adentifip ph y- as^ttle>Uhe ; inhabitant s ofthe ca ^; ^ ^emy.aBusiness and profess ional^ .^{o mS^^' ' " * t ' : Anato lk Leboi-Beat j lib , member of to gupp lement all th is with the follow- W .violent! ^ and V- even ^ desbotiballv Blcians eay ; a patholog ical state of mind thmk ^ of rMutancevOr ^ reyOT ger- ;^ ^t^j ^ 1 ^ noon to^K;^ My ^ ^^t o the ing : ,TherelpW; '' Christianity :,being ^:&^:f r%^?& ^m^mMm? ^^ ffilSS^3SS&^S£ Sy^llip^^ 1 ^ ^e^O^rlAve 10 ^^^ ^ hlS^S^nobn to ^Hean ^^ ;; i isra ^, No. Dearborn St., Boo ms 715 , 716 Afonrf rt aga infltanti-SemitiBm in ^ general myatioai i interpretation pf: Scriptur es ^ absence Jot truth ^which : bewilde r ' phantasies mistaken for realities , which the malevolent ;per seoutions ~beginv >-It nave Ordered new^ bbhn ets v are castlrj it ' - ; ' l. W ori ^^^ onWnooni J .aD-Me^ T^"^* Ru ^ P^lar ^ithout coptrary io ihe ^ testilts ^ science; anjl ; ^feeblea; defenera ^Vand deadehs the M «M ff » M /& ^^# ^. #P ^ S^SS^uS SS^ftinS ^&^$$!^M^m§ ^ Baronne. : : v ¦ ' . °^ ment oriing t—a fire too terrific to be tllfl ; udifment of reason ' could not nos- Vii -i ' i ' ^ "i. t* - *v - and Suicide - ' ¦ ¦ '' ¦- ¦ '' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ -, :: " ' :7 ; ." r ' V-J tI ^^ T^^J ?W^^ t^^^y ^^ the most sanguine can , discover an via ' -t nan ** , *e*. -rt> "3ohirhMchirim. '' : > v ^AtiWv Tetur ned- and will strikewith ^ )W«ff» i «ff:W. mtolleot , cloga and benigh ten s the rea- W*a ^ W^tf W^v^: %£: We hardly tru st our eyes yfhentwe^ead theleaden ^ skies^ and ; vpene mtmg winds « Pltt ai miTtia, fa-Betore Monday noon % to *™>™*}7 , returned ,^ ndwi» B^nkewi h Blbl y : benefit societyr or any intelbgent BOn . closea ' vthe avenues 1 of thoug ht ^ ^^ However ., correct , or-inoorrect . -th e that the Persian-population permitt ed with - whic i' ^mah ilir ^bite ^S^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ T^^^^^^ particular force .ia Russia , where ; both indi yidu al; on the; bpntra ry; it: must be matea ^sh the ' wise and peVver te itoelfito. be ' massaCTedby - ah ^ enfc : $r. ;^ ^^^^ ¦^•^: ^i??^ T?t o i, Ala ^^ -^:;^^ ;^^ ^ that journal and that author have nu- M nugatory: to the beW interests bf bpth Word a 0f the r ight ^ui - Any devotion matter s^may be, this: much ls^ ^ The L.'A;GE held their usuaim eet-^ u„ : ^;:j z :^::::^s^ -^&^ : :^^-w*- #™^. .&&&-*# 4^* from t^; P ^- of^fc » mg>^ **i^^m^ felm ' fr^^r^aTE^ %0iSMF^W^^ . .RA aBi A. GuTTKA CH.a . pf For t ^^^ Tnd.,;preaches in , BaltimPre r by : special wpuld ^ly recomm end ; those num : ^ court ;or boar d pronoun p ing^ Dr. ^ yOU ^ ;¦& & ^ . ujierBtiU pus persons , ***& , ^hioh is a; milder ,form ofI this ;dis, %& ^Mb rfecai>we are inform eVlthat ^bnf harmbtibu sly; ? aitor whi chS£i invitation; April . 11th and 12th. v;: . , v, ber s of the Mtmte contai ning , the said McQueary.a heretic / has donb an unwise m m^xi ' Witii. -; unheal thy ; pmudiceB/ or: eaae > while that " isa more violent gr ade, btrwa s, pin © pf the iexilea of the time of D^randeis . -th e^ editress ; ' 'of the ' 'Bud ge t^® : - -. : ' .[ ' :. ;. . .:. . ' ¦ ' " * •> •: : . . ." . '" f ¦ ¦{ ar^e to the advocates of :Bussian pol- thing, contra l to the w^ It ls i pra ^ticai evil which destro ys;ihe King Jechcny i (597; B:;a E ); ^Accord i held ; the \ attention ;pf ^e' -aocibly lbrl S :/ Tffb voluniee ' pf ' : 1200 pages but " of icy against the JeWa , and to such niem- j a the last part oi Verse ^seven of^ leviti -&L i^' ar hiW thri Uff h' the tele- mental aid ' physical healt h; energy and ^^^ ^l16™8 '^^ 11 ^ identified: some^inie. i;^er|papM ; ;was; ,pf ; /gobi$; ti i.-i l >. t . tt . t - * «. hfl~ nf tKftt ii-P« iftWBv «i l h rPRd 1 R , rfln ph w»u .; U,,n i.n ^.i, %«^ ¦ W 6 ¦ r?T e °^ J" ™ 6 * 1 ^"" g* tne ^^ ^; ' ' ¦¦ •¦ ¦:/¦ ¦' 'V^^ - .: - . .^-v :,. « . ¦¦ - with np king earher than Xerxes . must quality, fbr ;she viscan apt and readv. ^ eight in which Graet a s ^tory of the b^ scope of theiri ignited passions ;, ' They bu °y»^ Jews will . appeat in : English ; have ap- In eerm an . they, may nntt it in uie ;/; : : . ;: . ;; ..» . . - ¦;¦ , ; ;, ^ ; ;¦;-: , .>,; ; not only misjud ge the ^ ^ pbjects pf their appears , stni more popular ; ^an ^hey 473, when he^ was'125: . year s ^pf ' ageVat ^cbuntbf th e^ usual lack ^f^bntr ibutib n^^ v peared in London , by the generosity of Dtborak tf , tbey . can read that ;; . APHORISMS OF MORALITY * BUp^rgti tion prejudice ci paasibn ^ the aTe nowp Mbses , :faithful to first prinpi- the vei7 least , cohaequently h^ : Fred D: Mocetta . The translato r is Miss ' . " :y y , "• . ' " ./ , >. \ .. ./I . .. ' " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . " ¦: ' /-^- ;;'¦ ¦ ' : "i ' :' ' }: ¦ ¦S: ^- -^. rJLj ^ ^& eld * anfe ^' in these pl«»^ in " ethics? was obUged: to: expunge Esther wm aboUt lWyear a bf ag^ when w^ ^Bella Loewy A«AiKwe re«da gain . as be«Dg »the oia : Thb ' ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦, ¦ - - - ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ¦- . : ,; ' . ¦ ¦ - ._ ' ¦ ¦ » ,m ; ¦ Vj/a ' ¦ ' ¦ v- j 1 ¦¦ ¦¦ ' •i¦ ' ¦ ¦ " -' •¦ ' ^' Ai 1 particular points , but more or less in y . . «" *" ,; : :,T "^° ^*CTr ^ ^ and the Targ um grant that she was sev- themsel ves; to «a little extra tr ouble -, ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " - ¦ - ¦ . ¦ ¦ " * ' ¦ V. - - . - , -:. ' ,. ¦;: ' ; ^ osaI ° La ^ : '' Wh ospsheddeth man s m tnne and eternity is in. the attainment all; fother ^tivi ties- of :^e in^^^^ enty-five; : -E qually ' inconcpivable/ and when Hhe ^ arb ^aUedi npbn to dbt hei^^ SioNoa LczzcTTi , the Italian Minister bbod j by man shall his blood be shed ^ of human ; perfection in wisdom and ^wea i f ctecf aef m prbpbrti pnV JFeed- buoyancy, in obedience to the lavf of opposedto all precedentis the bb' atinacy 8haretbf; ;the: wmmon ;;iab pr. ^ And yet> :'K of the Treasury, is a scion of Don Isaac und non e t ell us where that- law may ri g htepu sness by the individual tthd the ; ._ ^ ^_ ¦^j ] ^,;| ^ f»^ to th e Intel- God| 1 which commands -the^ ^ pre seryatioh: with ' which Mordecai Bhowa ^ his dis d ai n this is ^he/age pf reci pr poity l^ Abatbanei; Who ' tip the end bf vthe fif: be 'found in: Moses. : J A passage ' in Gen- . Bbciety in which ' one ^ -exists. ' $. The in- . \. •:,- ¦ -.. ' ¦ - M^ ^;^ ^n^^^ jjt pf the ¦huinan family; ' ' :< C: ; ' ' i: : / , for Har nan l and;wliirfi ^RPsed the pep, ;]^TBe- J ewisli- population r . of -Omaha 1sS| » ¦ ¦ it . ; ¦ ' ¦ . ^ ¦ r tr- ¦ i V : ¦ . ¦¦ . ' . ,: : X - . ° .'. ¦ ¦ •;.- . v ¦ . . . . ' ' , ¦¦ ¦; , - :: , * .i. - ; j; . lecfr aa poison is . to , : the bodily organism. « '>™ u '»^ ^"^ . ; . _ ; .^ .y Ple to so great danger. : Abraham ^ and BteadU y " increasihe in sbite of '-hiiri l - - ,^n^h centur y^uccesswely ^ : of Finance .in th re e countries , yiz : Port- homil y; but that is certainl y no. law of lori ging and ; endeavors is theL baromete r ^-^ ^' ^^eiotiom have ' thus been dietery and hygieni p laws of . Mc ^ be- less . importan t rpere bnages ^fi^preign; inessj.circlea ; ; : Vwelcome;:intb 5:our # ugal; . Spain and Naples. ; Here , is; a case Moses; as it was; addre sBed to l^oah ; for . .' mania . ' and " society' s[ worthiness or - „ ^„ ^> ;^ -j ^J.i.iini, ; ^w^niiiw :: fore we:cbme to- the ^ thir d category of natibnality. . If this was; folly on Mordfr- midflt .Mr/ and ^MrsVvM ^ Cook: -an'd^ Mr ; ® of avati sm.. : and it is besides no : law at all ; it is a unwort hiness. The degree of goodness ^^^. .v cai s part , it is no . less intelligible , how and Mr s. L; D.;Loewy ^ The gentle men ^ ' ¦ ¦:V v -- ~^~-- - . - . .: prediction , or rather a.prbmise , as ' is evru It is renorted fro m Odessa that a ^ ¦ ¦ ¦-; ' , ' ¦ \i. ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦ i- i 1 - - - : . , .; v . - . / . : j pf moral ity destroye d their , own happi- ?^^^ r- . ".^ "^v " "? " v " : - ' --^" > * ^ whole widely-Bcattered nation , because ¦ , :Faar . - ' .\ from --.Me88rB.> J: ^L;' . 'Brandeu - .''. - fcv:. - n^W ^SlS ^SrS ii ,dent from the ^^ »^ ^>ate ly.pre . earnestness of thislong ing, .and endea r - n ^ 9 ; ieape^m^ery ;^oh their fellow- ™eni ; But the ? e.say has ;: grown sp one courtiervhtid insulted hiinXHaman 's ^o^n^^\: i^^ ?MW^MS l ? p , - f - i ia " sl8 , ' ¦ l ^ r l ceding the above , where it is announced; or to attain human perfection , in wM ^ me^' ' U p 0n ?i ^bm ^ surname ^ Aga^i; ;may ;be Vtraced; to the ;-;Mr.: J ^L; ^Harris , " late ;of. Zabd eri^ viM t Palestine to purchase land tor new tHat '; : God ,will require man ' s blood and righteousness/ The progress]; hence a : ¦; ¦ ¦ . ' ?. ' : . ^v. ^-^ l , j ; ; >i ,^ ' ifi^ defer ;it» " completi pn ' to^ another iiaper. bl d national ehemybf;King Saiil' s ' time;: Harris , has ^gohe into partn ership; with«i: colonies, ' Land ing Sp^ we ^una ^no: ^^ ao^ c . ; p: ^it : is ^g^ that countr y.has risen so hi gh.in ^rice be reqaired m ^l as fronr the hatid bf famUy depends: 6ri this moral inotcr ; ^^^ a ^ s ^^ t f * . $& ¦ ^^ wiiion f -d^ not ^oniprbhehd ^ftm /n^^ S?h^^ ^e^ame firn i np^rema jns^Zunder .B^ tha t the new colonists will havB to ^o to : : ,, . it :.. , . rr? uc i' CUUD u f . .. *?. ". . T *" 1 "' /" ^ and - the importance , . attached ¦w e ,MP ^,«ein r^ "^- . ; ™P?.v .^. m P^ff" V" of Saul' s father-r-r . was v the / ancestor of :, , Mr. Aaj on Zunder . will arrive shortl r ' :; th« ifnrtK - "^w 0»lilP« or ?! ^W^^ m ^- " 8fty8 n9:mpre than this : " nlur- hence-_as has been explained before- - ^ ¦^ e ^v^¦ ^ 1 i^^ v: > Wniyir ¦;; ^ » tbat ^the i power of /the mind :to ^distin ; ^oVdecaC ^Such br;othbr Uke bonsider : with Vhfr bride ;^ : - ' " j p ' " B,I V !e ' or ^ lran ^ or ' derwil l be avenged on: man or beast by : 'it is a law in the Mosaic^ system; of eth; ^^^ ¦ m ^' fr ^ ; :^e0 ^;a]^iii ' iB i- n j B : guiah^facta ^ from ^ fancies , ^Uies r from atfons ;called forth ^ doubts as ;tdV the nia ^): :; The bHd eg^m is^ well knowhi f S danic Ferea , the ;hands of God, ":: Experience teach r ics; a : divine law obligatory.upon all, in- - . " : -: .^0 ¦ ' yj ^ ^s^«.. ^»w ™f phantasmB , is easil y ovewPm e and sup ; truth t; pf :f ihfe s V^ts^re^t^ ^ih w^Omaha ^a*^^ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . , . - •'• . . ¦ eVSihat this ^^ A si-w edition of Taaeoht i with note * j -it -j; ; * -v i. ^ ;^ '., ^. - i,-i i ¦• i- speU it with a capital 8. ; ^™?° 7 ., ¦ ¦' " <\^ ¦ - " , 5 u H'» va °H . ,uo ^ day, an. d well : nigh as striking , as these pltt ck . and energy ;- in+buainess have > ^ S i S^S^;^ a^ " ^- ° ne no w ; v M ^f«^ tribes the human ;famil y, and all prgan ,zat ,onB ^ i^^ i^^^^ ^^ very , same ; suspension - in,every, dream obnaidbratio ns;: themselves , is^the -iabt earh ed'for ^him ta^tatibS bfc ^ ^^^B .^JDt. ASolph and individuals ,, ; / ;and ; fero- in the . same.: The niost 1totwbrthyap- :~#? . «?P? f ^^^^0^ they ^ have . -1 and: every ^ revery ^the that VnpVpne vkhowB ^ any thing taboui hioi^^ rade ? whioh4na ly ^lder ' xtiM Schwara , Rabbi of Karlsruhe , Germany , cioUa ^^ are ^persecuted and ' pbBsi- paxatus of self cultme any lers pnW stv a "^ ^ ,nkfl - W? 0 ! 63 ^ V*™^^ Wakin : g ; coiiditipn - with ; persb oB Sunder them ; : neither lhe Books pf Chrbhioles ¦; li ^m^^^^ ^^^ :^ appears in Wilna;(R om .Bros.). . The bly : extinguished ; by man their ^ blopdis cibiy. can applyas the daily inq ^ir rinto d^ °^ imPrf^^ e '^. fe the - mfiuence ofhysteVia idelb>ium-h^ *ffi P& ^^®^' P ^&. ;p*-»; Dran ^o; first yplume is out Crit ics speak pf it Bhed v;it is a law in. hum an nature , the sentiment av wishes , hopW, projects ^ter ;BO ; indeUAly; a^ d profoundl y, as ; ¦^^^ i^^ ; i w i i 1^^-Si^^ «6^^^- J ^^ SSwl SlS¥ -^ P in term * bf th« hinlKwt imnlatinn ' u i_ ! i i *vr ' ¦:¦ . - . v. !¦¦ . .. ¦ ' : , . ¦ . » v; ' ; , f . ' ; *" . that wb oh lie reneatedlv does; Vir tue " ¦ """ ' *"°""!y> . - ,,. * t. "V" . " ? "' . nrat ; pppR pt, jaacoaoee s apea kB pf , the the near future . The next meetin e will m j erms pf J iie higbest laudation ,, ^ as but nolaw of Moses. - According to the and deeds , to ascertain hpw. much wiser . "" » ^^^ ^peweaiy apes. . ; :. . y™ shockin g fight ; It is by the s uspensicn 13th pf Adar as a feastday ^utdpes npt be hehTpn^ Sunday ;March l 5! 2dr * *%*? being a decided improv ement on the Rabbinica l construction of the Mosaic , and bett erhav e;!become sincb the last OT ^^ ¦ ' » : ^ a ; TO ^ n ^^ pea ^~ pf thi s power ^frbm any i causewh ^ Zuckermandel edition. ,: ,;/ iVpbjects not to the aboliti pn of cap ital inspection. " ' ^ ° ^ v deeds emuch . mor ^vtiwn ^ by freque ^ ^. ¦ ; . - ¦ ' ' . * * .V^. - - - ¦ " ' : J-/:: ptinisnment; it onl y objects to taking In brder to^ acco mplish ^ia tiu ik; or , at *?&&*• ; Eva r ^ita ?bj;practice ; ao. ;j^!^.^: ! &? £ l j ^ ^f i& ^ ^^ B^^^^H ?*** ^ i ^^^ ^0^^ B The Italian government and neoole «»>i« oft m L. ?h/4,i™i»^ tri n J? i i ^* ^ ^ ™S^" . -S™ - '^ ' quired are lesa-curable than fallac ea of * g ?f, ^ ^~ ' : ^.i7 °l?- ^ ^. ^ Buoh: a^ vthe/;time . ; ,It ism ^e ' Beoond paoher and;Kohn atr the ; Lr Av G.;E; ana ^ Italian gove^ mpnt and ^eople any ransom for the murd erer ^ (Num- least , not to impair.the ppasibility pf aor .J£^^ : ^-:-^V^^g- ' '^t : €iimi "i ht- -ii Wn^ ; draeH' or .^ el :'^ e ^ ? f 5"° «^ &ithe ^^'^iwang? %iriy^7^^ are quite liberal to the Israelites in bers xxxv. 31), which suggests that ran- complishing it , it is ateost self-evident tho mind , -J *^ *"« ^ "^T* " - " or diaease by the hobus .pocus ' bf pious years after thb timeih' which the OT ^ ;Italy. There are . no more than ? 35 ,000 som pr fine may he taken in lesser —the mental and phyBicai ; health ^ en ' - P^^^ ^ ^^ ^V^ W 6 ^^ 0r ' impious charlatans ^ andHner like it de»^^ B;tobk ' ;plaie ,;tha t the;e ^ Israelites in all It aly.; Thelaw ia that crimes. - : ergy : and buoyancy:of inan must be p^ ; one Deputy to 50,000 and one Senator , : - , . ¦ > . ¦ , , - . Beryed and prbl ^Wrprptecte dagain rt to every lOO ,000,soulB . be pIected to : WB «n; not hel p repeating again and dem0rali ?a^ the Itahan Parlia ment. l vyet there;are , again what we have said sb o^^ aecpud tiwmghfc ^t « ^en^^erf^re , ^ v-. . - ^. ^ est sdriroe s which' know pfW besides one member and two high pffl- Christendo m always did . and doe* , now if B0) any system : pf ethics , des erv- ttBt ?™^ 6 !%^ 6 ^? f^ cers pf ttie cMo sai c faithln the Cabinet; stan d far 1>elpw the standar d pf ethics; in., :^. ^:. ' -^ e ' -i nii^- , " ppln* i; ' ' , ;int ^.j ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^- ally which ^ is undb ^bfeo:l ^cbnta 1n4s ' ?*?*& ta ^ 1 ^ du ^ in8 > i$$F$ iM tiie ^ Hi gh;;Pive Club pn;W^eB 4iy, 18th ^i ten deputies ijtnd seven senators of the far below it in l^ry and practi pb- be- at lca9t gener a ^ whbn they : kitowi that ^ one fppi^ makes ^^^^ 1^ a li ^i^ ^^ StMSP faith in Parliament. No i^Au, there; Ipw that sta n dard whic^ mpdern thepl p- commiss4 Reading to the ire aervati on Practical ev^are .uch deeds or acta ^ ^ ^^m^ ^ Pe ^P^fHb^^ •^ tT^T ' * ' : gians and ethioista unfurl aB the stand - of mphtal and physical health , energy whi fsh- realii te falsehoods or lead up to .po^. a^hpie ^mpany /aD^'- oneBpirit : ' ' " grahted ^iand ' - , they story of Esther Bipn ^of;th eir sil ver tyedding j last :weekm Dr. W. HBR2BBBO , the faith ful head ard of Evangelic al Christianity The and buoyanov. This ia ih ; consohahoe them , which Remonstra te a,-dis eased ^^j, , medium 1 can : make 'doiiens be: looked- upon: as fiction ; : The ^Persians Thy^cpfteeladiea ": presented Mrs. Heller ^ master and superinte ndent of the Ger - th eory we have discussed in two of our with the Molaio nrst princi ple of ethics , mind or are calculated to carry tt ^ L c^b^ V feast. bf vjoy in ; the s^yenth ^.^^ ° m ^};^^^^ pi: fromn ^T^" ^ 6 - '^^ «* ^ ^ ^t% human ' ta gibn ihto the ^ind. . : 7 ¦¦ , ¦ ' , , ¦; - . « - , ; y: ¦ ^$$$g^^ £ ^ " S^ nSS^aS Si from his post and resides now in Berlin. "Agreements and Disagreement s , " found family, benoe it must explain the epcial Moses is parti pularly Beyere against ofrV PBoro? dlFT th«^ poor: >Thi a pustoni ^aa adopte d by at Linc olh; pn St Patribk^a-Day. 'haa re- >S the saints pf the hply city, be Bays , it far below the ethical doctri ne of Mp ^ i awa of Moses , as it doea the pplitioal in thia ^peoi es ofi human doii gs; Pagan ^^" thfe^ ; Jews;aiter ; ;ibng TbBid em3e in tho se ;turh ed; imubh ; ;b late4 witH ?her . succe»>,;?v ' opposed his liberal methods of educa, pes , and yet none cor rected pur state- pea< .e and war. Therefore , J urthe N wprshi p and the making ' } Of idpls are The followmii letter Explains itself W" ' ^*^ in ^-^'^?«W^' ^Jf tP *- ^^^^^ S^ v tion so persis tentl y and ^entl y that menu and conclusions. In practice , Le , tiie Mosaic leg islation on soc ial- prohibL in the Dec alogue; and diyine ^ & ° W g ^g^' " , ¦SSffifS ^SSP3S2? ? ^2?5S ^- 5B5SSi^SSS?E^^^ :^?? ^- he, a^ralong Btrug gle , had to .uccumb. the history of eig hteen.centuri es of con- iam must bo divided into these twb Oat. punishment , is^ ^reatoned itp ; the .trans- . , . . ' . - . ^S^fe* } gffiS" 5^J SS^aJ ?8$ ^&%^m&& ^ Dr. Herzberg was eminentl y failhM to tinn ed warfare, despotis m, slavery, op- eg ories: gxessor. Mose8 ^.to^ia VAnd to his charge , and did his duty well. His pres Sion, persecution , fanaticism , con- " i. Protection to the health of the in- names pf s trange g^v ^ ye , BhaU not ^^^ ?^- retiring is almost fatal to th e cause of tinua lly setting at naught the righ ts of tellect ; and mentio n nor ahaUV th ey be heard upon ^^ g feS ^^ feoli ^^ te 'SjS m -?^^ d M & ^& ^ ^iS ' tM^S^m^S^ liberal education m Jerusalem . The man and the laws of God renders a tre- •> Pw^rt™, ti. . 'T.« ut . «* ?!,« tK» «,™,+h » 7W^ni *iiii 13V and Jew» i whieh l nav e wad with ; muoh: interest . - ,I ^ ,0n w ti- ' » wi. -- ^ ^ v^^-v '^ ' ' - ' ^ w ^ .7 < * anB , '^ m ^^ t ;^^? u rp -& Drwtnr n„» f,,ii ««n.th. a j- i. ' i !1 T V' , !T 2. Protection to the health pf the thy mouth (ExodUB ; xxui. idj, ana m ^ to leMn ^t 0 jJoctor - bas our fuU sympath y. mend ous verdict , in the face of which body ; both of which are to be Bubdivid - aga in without hjun an punishment to the £D^a« ^&S!ffio^^ is yi8 iting friends in^Omaha . - •-•-• no honest man will maintain that Chris- ed accordhlg to the Species of the van- transgressor. The Bame is the case; tAe ^ ne^ry capitaTean . Se lalaed. iahouid De Per shito ori ginal. " It is Ukel y that th e - MrV i ;Herlnan: ; ^Le^^' of ^Owensboro ,;;; Tua city of the dead near Thebes in tian mor ale any where stood hi gher than 0us provi sibuB ; and both of which re- when he ordains to be don e in the land iMi^^&alw^'K S ^ ^ thevMtival were ; confined ;to Ky, spen t als^^s^ r^ as^eek ^ : E ^pUnwhich the graT esof theP hara phs , tiie morals of heathen Rome Pr ^ Athen s, quire d the firs ^ place-a * said befpre of Can aan (not :eli ewhere):; ^But thus K r^Se^es^^ t^^Pn^o^mmon , were lately Antioch , Susa or Memphis . It is but a Ithe at mospher ^ Pf fr eedpm. The co- Bhall ye d eal with th em, fc ahali; de: ; ^ .Y ! 7 !i™ rl! to the 20th very short time that Eng land , Holland relation of mental and p hysi cal healt h etroy their altars /wid breat ^ dp wh their Kr , Lnbln writes tt at $50 000 of the ^ n * .^^ -0 dynas ty (2500 to 1000 B C.), w»U afford and America (the European continent 0r disease being admitted in physiology images , and ciit dowh ' their (sanctified) ^tf a ' inount i ha * heen subsoHb pd; ^^ V ^^ a W^>°me :Tat ^M^,;Oarpli ^p^f 0 r Cincinnab ,|f new keya tS 1 unlock the mysteries of came long after that! have arm-cached j " ' u v * r " j- .. ¦ ¦¦ _ *' A A v.^ W: . ^^ ?«,»^ ' - , r,^ £ ; V- :^ ^ 7?"^' mudical npt ices seem to indicate (Talm; visited spme pf her friends her e . last ; Eevut Dr Brn cseh whn with JZLZ th« ftnn iit «LaV *a r app ' oaclied and psyohplogy T we discussing MoBes groves, and burn their graven in^es and. tbat effi^^ Week. She will sbbn Btartbn VEur ppe;; ^ S -h JT 7 r B ?" T . ° m ° rall ty ' "nd r ely on htm:for *fc Buperior import ance with fire " (DeuterV vii. 5), or : as fltated the sama We trust ttiai these iwill be ^The composUibn of the b^belbni lo an\t r i p. ;A* ^ ' ^f > :-: . f: ment aid and subvention , has gone to even they are in many points yet far of the mental , and think we may tarn further on (verae 2fi), "The graven aucoes sful;: We are ^ extremely ^ desirous ^ the P^btMaccab eaii perio d , a tinieAeh to JSt% Egypt promis es himseli unport ant re- below it. Those moder n theologi anB the Latm ada ^e intoV«A sound mind images of thefc g^ j ultefr om ttat d scovery The dead and etbiciste tak e that for Christian pr6 flerve8 a sound bpdy. " Therefore , fire; theu shalt ; npt desu-e ^ So^^ hTa lva ^ru 1 m ^ W t Solomon he aaya , gradually resurrect pped as auoh , even m spite of Christi an- protectingthe health ofthe mind . We di- out punishment ^eatene4 , for the omiB- . F ; " ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ . - * ' < ^ : - . know^ not; ¦ OaU :^hb -SSes Ra hW *bsehau ^B ; entitied "The Secret.;: and stand before us bodily, as thoug h ity, anyhow in spite of the chur ch , ^ this into : sion. But when ce Bpeak a oi deeda bf W«m nearta and Weiitj Money. IP ^ ; me : fiotitiouB; (In : the of Mah6met/B SdcpW'' ' / . ' : &• *< H^ they had died but yesterd ay. More im- which opposed to the bitter end the Ordinances against th eoretical evils : thiB kind he becomes ter ^ ^ ¦ ' i > ; :: ^£ k. X ¦ ' ¦ portant however , than the bones or first princi ple pf moralit y, the equal ftnd "'He who aacnfiW to an ^^ ,# mummies pf those decease d kings are ri ghts of all men, and does it yet , npt _ Jehovah shall ' be^iitr in^ ban " ^ Exodiiii ra ^t^XKngl woW , llttT&^ t& to* S tSWS e ^i^.^- Mnrt be^nUr conslderea by the swtHg^ -i the inscri ption , on their coffin, and the merel y in Russia , but everywhere; hoS ^ a^oak xaaAXux, Kp. r. The« ^^^^m^ rolU of papyrus buried with them, from ing to the doc trine that one mus be a ^ternT^a'Saa Si^me ^WhS ^S^ -^ ^f f a ^M^S Sp S S m^^^SM^ &^f ^&!S^^^I whfeh we pxpect much will be learned Christian in order to be a person of ^SS SSSSS the wprsn^f MpIpoo hebe ^meiier rt ^^^^ ^SS ^^S ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^tmtti&3 8^:£Sj ^ which we have not known yet. In the equal value and reapectabilit r before pri o r to their appeamnee lii this J ournal; in the M^ iii^A ' ; wi^i«ii . iift ^ B WWv Ajtox er«^, ,;; Thero ia no dpubt **)5^^ »^Wtod ir ^Mwm»Tew maienlum from 2000 to 1000 we have God and man Perao T. S ttfa S' ^ff Y ^ nran **& -' «** •o '-W ? T S ^^! ^ ^^^ V^^ ^^r^r- , ¦>' ^»^»' . '¦*• ^^ ^nce^nbd, l ^ ^. r tp tf f r W^ * wo vroa ana man. renons witn tins per- attd jenc^ i n Jg^a , 0r itlien hvmg among them, P»Aa^A* tlw pnMrt aad b«rt w

4 -Sll^ lM:l::^Z^$j - AJAcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/4670/TIS-1891... · ¦ - while one after the other is taken from recti onvof r Jesus and ^the doctrine

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4 -Sll lM:l:: ^Z ^$j : . 2STi I i I \'l ' in the Bible the histoid from Abraham nicious superstition in their souls, if it Ordinances ; against practica l evils; ^who gAvet^M^1 116 AfDC TlCSn ISfclBIIIf ll to Solouion, theexodUB, th e cpnque8t of even docs not lead to BuBSBian atrooitieB , and < ? . ; ^v'^? , »- ¦ .'. ' > ¦ :' ' '

^ W^^ S^':: -S^

,>^. ' "/, Canaan , the republic of the twelve can hardly be called moral. , That Ordinanc es stimulating the mind to death ; 'i the "people of the 'land shaH The eypnte that MLEO WI SE a CQ.» tribes , Samuel , Saul , David and the be- standard of ethics which makes it a Belt-culture and progressive improve - stone him yrith stones " ( Leviticus xx. tion ^oftne feast of Purim , as related in the ^Apocry ph^Publumkm and 1'BOFRrerou g. ginning of Solomon's reign; Any thing condition tine qua non to .be a Christian ment , . . ' ¦[. . ' * '¦ •¦ ¦ ' 2)- ¦¦I^tXca«e,hw^

Office:- N, W. Cor . Fift h and Vine Sta. found in Egypt throwing light on that in this or that form before a human : be- The nouri shment of, t^i mance ra th^^¦ . .. '—— . ' . . . . ;-;¦ / age will be of grove importance to the . log could be considered of equal value the cogitati on and cognition .of truth ;, to Moloch werob urnt to death ; He iastilV A cloaer examinati pn of the book Reveals " Pi ^^ i^^^ ^Snt^E -'-^5S»^^B

¦*?^^>: ^ ^»,,


-- :,iii:^- iiLISAAC M. . WISE , - - - - iy«tor three religions of the book! before God and man with the Christian The more tru th >ne graspsi with his in- severe beyon d his own ¦standardCincinnati , 0., March 20, 1891. ,,-' « ' /

church member , is «viden«y a very^low uai ^ r '^ ,^ .^ii*t^/.. th0 >n^t^ o«^«A^e J^SSSe

Sd^S '&^^^0^msanM'I

L^Mh.B'.-l. m.rt Tn B new party, called the Bubbo- one*, as low aa there ever was one aifibng more ener getic, and buoyaht it , will' be. son ;that ,turheth . after Vsuch as, have ihWeveritk descr ibed are aiippo sed to t^ i^ l^ ' ^ iimmiSSSm? tim Pukranian Radical Party (Rutheniaris J ,: civilized pagans. ,;.,, ;, The strongest ^teUeotuaVcapacity may fainihar spirit ^ andafte ^^^. ^OTHPEia;, FEa ms.-... ¦¦ .,..,. itra repreB^tingV Slavonic ,w^^^ ^

K) ti Simr AM Tear " ' ' ' ' * 100 eighteen millions ol people m Southern THVecciesiastical. ^¦ . .. ' ' . . " " .: ¦ ' " ' ' Russia and Austria , is thbroughly demo- ing Dr. Howard McQubar y guilty ; of .taUon ^and yoognition;;of: truth ii; it^U 't f ^i^ ' X^X^ '^^^)-. i^^ ^ SS^S .aPW^??!#*?^com 1imcnu

ATS«^uttol^SobituariM woo CI,atio ' inclining toward Bcientitib social- heresy and tejppsing the penalty on him, natural: tp nian: tp ; be ;led; say ^W^tke ^Butyeo ¦£?&'

ff^ih °T^' T— *-torjr °tilBei^i^!uwrUg^,m^XithB<fe!c^h i oo ism, In its program its attitude toward did an. .unwise thing s to say '¦ the exercisei jjj f the innate la ' of causality, pfcrim e thus ::; There shall J iot be found atatemente aw taken ;, foAdvorttaoi Bent. of congregation ,,, unie« other - imperial Russia is thu s expressed ; "For least , for Dr. McQueary enjoys the rep- which is', coequal with search after amo-ng you: any Wthat ' maketh his melte |obriften;" ^?< ^. . 2 $'f ^&ffi&ff l^ ^

^'&Mwtoeorte ^ sre^ ^uj^fM^ to TOcuwa U8 Russian civilization can presen t no utation of a man of honor and integrity truth , and , *o feel happy by., discovering spn vbr his ^aughter

sis through the ^Kw ortered dtecontinued .h Tho chaije fotthe attractions , until such time as Russia and a ripe scholar , whose views and the cause of;' some affec ts ; hence, we fire , pi that useth divination ,' or an^ 8%^?<.:;* d?^.'* 9e,-te;to^

remrd to °the number of Smca ° pftbi tehtS. shall become either a free state or a opinions are well interpreted in his pub- may say, man naturall y.Beeka and loves server of times , or an enchanter , or a guagei presentaticta and ! cbntent a ' mor e 7^r iv?^' "? ¦ * "™ ln *rbublfr ;^ttem UXfgWng'Ih^orf H

tSS federation of free nationalities. " Is not lication s. The verdict of that court or truth , if let alpne by corr uptiv e persons witoh ^ or a oharber , or a cbunBelor with closeijr. : Past ; critics have-; already

^ ^SiS^S^ A fSiSS w&^.

tt.1^iMSVwd this a sign of morning dawn in darkest board demonstrates that Christianity, at and awkward disturbances. ; " ¦; > iarniliar spirits , or .£&&' or a necr * drawn proofB ;from tt e^ang ^of


¦At^pre sbnfeon the:

SfSv^-*~ **UT the pubiiaher . whei, giving their RuflBi a? leaflt in the EpiBCopalian form , is not Ifthisk so^ it follows that falsehopdor mincer , for aU; that doi these' things are ffSrSaS^S^^iSSSw ^ ^^ Mone Pmian^^o-^sktakv"* ;*! naointfen. «f n

' * -' . _ . . . - . "*?. iU f * 6? P~t«nd , tt to be, a the absence of truth is aa ;da%tgUig;tb an^bomination unto the Lprd J eto, ¦(j^. '^Vn^^^a^; ^SeraS^m S^^»n> nature whauoever are published in the Characteristic of RuBBian officials , religion of love, humane princip les and the intellect in proportion tp quantity We do npt know exactly what each pressiPh s)/ . - , ? ^¦¦¦^ ' . ¦ ''¦^ ' ' ^^ -¦' ¦ "': " : —j Ham k ^h \, T '!>"—' ' ¦'^ew-', *l; '^itorm ehargx oVg.ooea

yCh" ^ >l * from the corporal or the night watch- practices , to Enlighten , elevate and and quaH ^asdarknesVor tne ' abseflbe of those' Hebrew terms signifies; or what <I?^ w ponsider ^the presen tetibn ;pf q

i ^gg90


itate ^for dibpx^dv^tisemeK ™«ii. *<* °W* way up ; to the emperor^are aanctify the individual, ciVilize,; human of light is"te%e ey^ighfc^^ ^pt^nly

^,^ yr^ ^ : r the'Su^S^ ?^T'B '3f 0«$^i. MlSMknown on appUcatlon , • brutalit y, venal ity and falsehood. J ^OM ize and fraternue the communities ; it preventa .the 'groy/ingXof the intellect , still , from those toms. well understopd , outf - The^ 'Whole bopk^con tainV: but '166 '• '' ¦ ' ¦¦ .' ',-:,r aT?i^nS!a.^™.;/^»Frepr bduoe^

!a Mweri ag «i/»f tte idurtUeiaenu in th |V *Ter r one of then1

aB haughty :

ischiefly a reiigion ,of dogmas in ' con- hut alB^'depMi^ ^^- ^^ ?^::^Vori. ' ^e jud ge; ffia^it me'ans 1Aa.sftme: thing, versesj; jet the^ words ,? ': ' ^ems 'cmd. ^^ J ^

10-1^ ^ llp«W.««r«»deM wM «oBfcr aftToruwn toth th« bru tal; extorts bribery in all pessible flict; with science and reason —dogma s fhererore/ i Moses legislates ' against sametabohiinab:e ^ practice gvas the

^njrfom pcour oyer Wo: hundred : t|mes ; ^f^ ^ j,^: ir v ? ' "^ *6^1*^^•dTertiieM and tke p^lrt errbrj ^


manner /and would

hpt tell the truth to which stand in no connectio n whatever ^e a in'^enera witohes::and ,wizardB;;:bf\this ^ da wj111 ^e na^e of God/is;j notation- . ... ^k^-^ :

^^^ :^iawtieid«rti feiite»tl atkeAilBBieA! (ISBAELITE. • t .. . : ... ,. ., ,„j f„^„.s, ¦ ¦x, .- ^ : .; v • j »v- ' laieenV°a m 8en°raM ed even onoe, an omission that Ibn Ez- • y ^^-:-; :,"- .:: "^™. - * r^ \^^^. t^ fa writer win 8aT* °Wn fP^' ,wlth F^t»cal religion and ethics,,, or .,Thou ;shalt - -nof bear false: -#t3«jifc ^ r^ ^ ^^ -tw^W--*"!;. ra^ took paini!to excus Equally iur -: V.- r -' V ; ; ; . -r *?1;: \:\ ' Um.be^ pubiiXd^?pre *i^d' No MsawJ ii .ity; those highest in rank ; approach per- rather disturb ' and cripple the latter. . oV eyenyMn ; witness against thy" neigh- tline:telIers , ;:!magicianB ^ fabricators and prising is the pmission pf' the/Bame 'pf ¦: y ^:y:^o R^^^^ - - »Ml^at^itonh^p^bUab^

eitIa ^tti0^^

faction most closely, as. is evident ;again For . the DoctoVonly maintains that the \^»\' ^ '-!^ ' fi. :publishere ofhobgobIia;stoHesi ;thrp ;srae7,^nd;iurtHer vu thW ,M^^d.i/B ^0^^ 0:^^^ M• ¦ ¦ - : " ' ¦ > ' . . . " ¦• ¦ '-, ¦: . ¦'" - . ¦ '. ¦ ' - .' ' :. " . ' in the last manifesto of the emper or to Biblical record ^of cation and the fable

^ n except Mprdecai ^is menfibried ^ and.tbat :; March 21 -^hev

6^; , ; NEWSjTmf s; f

" MA Jjnjtf^^:, W« wonid be mncbobli g^to thwoofonr lrionds 6fJ tawpe >jtojM given the assuran ce be ' understood; literall y, consequently jI^-8id;7^) a ttV -:to

,amB'' *>f logical : arts , v spiritu al ; mediums , spirit trag ^y is 'entfed; by l on^

^^ toSX^ZS&tt W.W their rights will be respected , the story of Re birth , ^to»e«, before the time specified. . ¦ . - while one after the other is taken from recti onvof r Je sus and the doctrine of the Talmud adds that amonW those who reader s^and such other abnormitie a: and munity either asking : fo materially .benefited by^admission . into

piiHa ^el j^BalUmore. --Kfore MonQE7 noon to «'Dm. persecution of the Jews , fpre; the ¦¦; Doctp r^is guijty of -/heresy . simei falsehoods deaden : the^ intellect. U»«ae. thmg S : and practices are # either decimated populat ionsof the provinces ,: X^ii^^.A^ ^ b;

'i^^ ^clev^ianK^ffKo' asoutiiWat erBt; - ¦ ;.;.^V : ^- ' ' ¦ *¦ ' - ': - ' ¦ ' v ' c However, thb.popular inind iwmbe led Therefore / furthermore; Moseslegisiated simple impoBitionB .orj .asadentifip phy- as^ttle>Uhe;inhabitant s ofthe ca^; ^^emy.aBusiness and profess ional^• . {omS^^' ' " * t ' : Anato lk Leboi-Beat jlib, member of to gupplement all this with the follow- W .violent! andV- even desbotiballv Blcians eay; a patholog ical state of mind thmk

^of rMutancevOr ^ reyOT ger- ;t j ^ 1

noon to^K; My ^ ^ t o

the ing : ,TherelpW;'' Christianity :,being ^:&^:f r%^?& m^mMm?^^ ffilSS^3SS&^S£ Sy^llip^ 1^^e^O^rlAve

10^^^^hlS^S^nobn to ^Hean ^; ; i isra ^, No. s» Dearborn St., Booms 715, 716 Afonrf rt aga infltanti-SemitiBm in^ general myatioai i interpretation p f : Scriptur es

^absence Jot truth ^which : bewilder ' phantasies mistaken for realities , which the malevolent ;per seoutions~beginv >-It nave Ordered new^ bbhn etsvare castlrjit' - ;' l.W ori ^ ^ onWnooniJ.aD-Me ^ T^"^* Ru P^lar ^ithout coptrary io ihe testilts ^ science; anjl; ^feeblea; defenera ^Vand deadehs the

M «Mff» M /& # ^.#P S^SS^uS SS^ftinS ^&^$$!^M^m§^Baronne. : : v ¦ ' . ° ment oriing t—a fire too terrific to be tllfl ;udifment of reason ' could not nos- • Vii -i ' i ' "i. • t* - *v - and Suicide - ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦- ¦' ' ¦' ¦ ¦ -, :: "' :7 ;." r ' V-J tI ^^ T^^J ?W^^t^^^y ^ the most sanguine can , discover an v ia '-tnan**, *e*.-rt> "3ohirhMchirim. '' : >v ^AtiWv Tetur ned- and will strikewith )W«ff»i«ff:W. mtolleot, cloga and benigh tens the rea- W*a^W^tf W^v^:%£: We hardly tru st our eyes yfhentwe^ead theleaden ^ skies^ and ; vpenemtmg winds «Pltt aimiTtia, fa-Betore Monday noon% to *™>™*}7 ,returned ,^ndwi» B^nkewi h Blbly : benefit societyr or any intelbgent BOn . closea' vthe avenues1 of thought^ ^ ^ However ., correct , or-inoorrect . -the that the Persian-population permitted with - whici' ^mah ilir^bite ^S^^^ ^^ T^^ particular force .ia Russia , where ;both indiyidual; on the; bpntra ry; it: must be matea ^sh the 'wise and peVver te itoelfito. be 'massaCTedby-ah ^ enfc :$r. ; ^^^ ¦ • :^i??^T?toi,Ala ^ -^:;^ ; ^

that journal and that author have nu- M nugatory: to the beW interests bf bpth Worda 0f theright ^ui - Any devotion matter s^may be, this: much ls The L.'A; GE held their usuaimeet-^u„:^;:j z: :::: s -^& ::^ -w*- #™ ..&&&-*#4 * from t^;P^-of^fc» mg>^**i ^m felm'fr^^r^aTE^ %0iSMF^W^. .RA aBi A. GuTTKA CH.a. pf For t ^^^Tnd.,;preaches in ,BaltimPre r by:special wpuld ^lyrecommend; those num:

court ;or boar d pronoun ping^ Dr.

yOU ^;¦&

& .ujierBtiUpus persons , ***&, hioh is a;milder ,form ofI this ;dis, %& ^Mb rfecai>we are informeVlthat ^bnf harmbtibu sly;?aitor whichS£iinvitation; April . 11th and 12th. v ; : . , v , ber s of the Mtmte containing, the said McQueary.a heretic / has donb an unwise m m^xi ' Witii.-; unheal thy; pmudiceB/or: eaae> while that " isa more violent grade, btrwa s, pin © pf the iexilea of the time of D^randeis .-th e^ editress ;' 'of the ''Budget^®:- -. : ' .[ ' :. ;. ..:. . '¦ '

"*•> •: : ;¦ . . .". '" f >¦ ¦¦{ ar^e to the advocates of :Bussian pol- thing, contra lto the w It ls ipra ^ticai evil which • destro ys;ihe King Jechcny i (597;B:;a E ); ^Accord i held ; the\ attention ;pf ^e' -aocibly lbrl S:/ Tffb voluniee' pf': 1200 pages but " of icy against the JeWa , and to such niem- ja the last part oi Verse^seven of^ leviti -&L

i^'ar hiW thri Uffh' the tele- mental aid'physical healt h; energy and ^^ ^l16™8'^^11

identified: some^inie. i;^er|papM ; ;was; ,pf ; /gobi$;• ti • i.- i l >. t . tt . t - * «. hfl~ nf tKftt ii-P« iftWBv «ilh rPRd 1R,rfln ph — w»u .; U,,n i.n .i, %«^ ¦ W6 ¦ r?Te ° J" ™6*1 ^"" g* tne ^ ^ ; ' ' ¦¦•¦ ¦:/¦¦' 'V^^ - .: - . . ^ -v :, . « ,¦.¦¦ - with np king earher than Xerxes. must quality, fbr ;she v isca n apt and readv.^eight in which Graet a s ^tory

of the b scope of theiri ignited passions ;,' They bu°y»^Jews will . appeat in : English; have ap- In eerm an . they, may nntt it in uie ;/ ; ::.;: . ; ¦ ;;..» . . - ¦ ; ¦ , ; ;, ^ ;;¦;-: •, . > , ; ;not only misjudge the^ ^pbjects pf their appears , stni more popular ; ^an ^hey 473, when he was'125: . year s ^pf 'ageVat ^cbuntbf th e^ usual lack^f^bntr ibutib n^^v peared in London , by the generosity of Dtbora ktf , tbey. can read that ;; . APHORISMS OF MORALITY * BUp^rgtition prejudice ci paasibn the aTe nowpMbses, :faithful to first prinpi- the vei7 least , cohaequently h^: Fred D: Mocetta . The translato r is Miss' . " :yy , "• . ' " ./ , • >. \ . . ./I . . . ' "' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . " ¦: ' / - ^ - ;;'¦¦ :¦' :"i ':' '— }: ¦¦S: - -^. rJLj ^^&eld* anfe^' in these pl«»^ in" ethics? was obUged: to: expunge Esther wm aboUt lWyear abf ag when w^

^Bella Loewy A«AiKwe re«da gain. as be«Dg »the oia : Thb' ¦ ¦: ¦¦¦ : ¦ ¦¦, ¦- - - ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦- . : ,; • ' . ¦ ¦-. _ •' ¦ ¦ » ,m; ¦ Vj /a ' ¦ '¦ • v- j 1 ¦¦ ¦¦' • i ¦ '¦ ¦"-' •¦ ' ^' Ai • 1 particular points , but more or less in y. .«";¦*" ,; ::,T"^°^*CTr

and the Targ um grant that she was sev- themselves; to «a little extra tr ouble -,' ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦"-¦-¦. ¦¦" *' ¦ V. - -.-, -:. ' ,. ¦;: ' ; ^

osaI ° La

: ''Whospsheddeth man s m tnne and eternity is in. the attainment all;fother ^tivi ties- of :^e in^^^ enty-five; : -Equally 'inconcpivable/ and when Hhe^ arb ^aUedi npbn to dbt hei^^SioNoa LczzcTTi , the Italian Minister bbodj by man shall his blood be shed of

human ; perfection in wisdom and ^wea i f ctecf a ef m prbpbrti pnV JFeed- buoyancy, in obedience to the lavf of opposedto all precedentis the bb'atinacy 8haretbf; ;the:wmmon;;iabpr. And yet>:'Kof the Treasury, is a scion of Don Isaac und non e tell us where that- law may ri ghtepu sness by the individual tthd the ; ._ ^_ ¦ j] ,;|

f» to the Intel- God|1which commands -the ^ pre seryatioh: with 'which Mordecai Bhowa ^ his disdain this is^he/age pf reciprpoity l^Abatbanei; Who ' tip the end bf vthe fif: be 'found in: Moses. :

J A passage ' in Gen-. Bbciety in which ' one ^ -exists. '$. The in- . \. • •:,- ¦-.. '¦ - M^ ^; ^n^^ jjt pf the ¦huinan family; ' ':< C: ; ' ' i : : /, for Har nan l and;wliirfi ^RPsed the pep, ;]^TBe- J ewisli- population r . of -Omaha 1sS|»¦¦ it.; ¦' ¦. ¦ r tr- ¦ i V : ¦ . • ¦ ¦ • . ' . ,: : X - . ° . ' . ¦ ¦ • ; . - . v ¦ . . . . ' • ' , ¦¦ ¦;, - :: , * .i.- ; j; . lecfr aa poison is. to ,:the bodily organism. «'>™ ™u'»^^"^. ; . _ ; . ^ .y Ple to so great danger. : Abraham ^ and BteadU y " increasihe in sbite of '-hiiri l - -,^n^h centur y^uccesswely

^: of Finance .in three countries , yiz : Port- homily; but that is certainl y no. law of loriging and ; endeavors is theL baromete r ^- ^' ^eiotiom have'thus been dietery and hygieniplaws of . Mc^ be- less . importan t •rpere bnages^fi^preign; inessj.circlea ;;: W» Vwelcome;:intb 5:our #ugal; . Spain and Naples. ; Here , is; a case Moses; as it was; addre sBed to l^oah ; for. .' mania .' and " society's[ worthiness or -„^„^> ;^-j J .i.iini, ; w^niiiw:: fore we:cbme to- the^ thir d category of natibnality. . If this was; folly on Mordfr- midflt .Mr/ and ^MrsVvM ^ Cook: -an'd Mr ;®of avati sm.. : and it is besides no : law at all ; it is a unwort hiness. The degree of goodness ^^^ . . v cai s part , it is no . less intelligible , how and Mr s. L; D.;Loewy^ The gentlemen ^'¦¦:V v --—~^~-- , ¦ - . - . . : prediction , or rather a.prbmise , as'is evru

It is renorted fro m Odessa that a ¦ ¦¦-; ' , '¦ \i. ¦ '¦ ¦¦¦ i- i 1 - - - : . , . ; v. - . / . : j pf moral ity destroye d their , own happi- ?^^^ r- .".^ "^v " "? "v ": -' --^" > * ^ • whole widely-Bcattered nation , because ¦ , :Faar . - '.\ from --.Me88rB.>J: ^L;'.'Brandeu -.' '.-fcv:.-

n^W ^SlS ^S rS ii ,dent from the ^ »^^>ate ly.pre . earnestness of thislong ing, .and endea r -n^9 ; ieape^m^ery ;^oh their fellow- ™eni ; But the ? e.say has;: grown sp one courtiervhtid insulted hiinXHaman 's ^o n^^\: i ^^ ?MW^MS™l ?p , - f - i

ia"sl8,' ¦ l

P°r l ™ ceding the above, where it is announced; or to attain human perfection , in wM^ me^'

' Up0n ?i ^bm surname ^ Aga^i; ;may ;be Vtraced; to the ;-;Mr.: J ^L; ^Harris , " late ;of. Zabd er i^viMt Palestine to purchase land tor new tHat ';:God ,will require man 's blood and righteousness/ The progress]; hence a : ¦; ¦ ¦ . ' ?. ' : . ^v. ^-^ l,j ;;>i,^ ' ifi defer ;it» " completipn ' to^ another iiaper. bld national ehemybf;King Saiil's' time;: Harris , has^gohe into partn ership; with «i:colonies, ' Land ing Sp


^una ^no: ^ ao c . ;p: it :is^g^that countr y.has risen so high.in ^rice be reqaired m ^l as fronr the hatid bf famUy depends: 6ri this moral inotcr ; ^^ a^


tf * . $&¦ ^ wiiion f -d^ not^oniprbhehd ^ftm/n^ S?h^ ^e^ame firn inp^rema jns^Zunder .B^tha t the new colonists will havB to o to : : ,, • . it :.. , . ™rr? uci'CUUD uf ... *?.". . T*"1"' /" and - the importance , . attached

¦we,MP ^,«einr^ "^-. ; ™P?.v .^.mP^ff"V" of Saul' s father-r-r .was v the / ancestor of :, , Mr. Aajon Zunder . will arrive shortl r ':;

th« ifnrtK -"^w 0»lilP« or ?! ^W^ m^- " 8fty8 n9:mpre than this : "nlur- hence-_as has been explained before- -

¦ e^v^¦1i v:> Wniyir¦;;

^» tbat ^the ipower of /the mind :to ^distin; ^oVdecaC ^Such br;othbr Uke bonsider : withVhfrbride ;^:- '" j • p ' "B,IV!e' or lran^

or' derwil l be avenged on: man or beast by :'it is a law in the Mosaic^ system; of eth;

^^¦m^'fr^ ;: e0 ;a]^iii ' iBi-njB

: guiah^facta from^ fancies , ^Uies r from atfons ;called forth ^ doubts as ;tdV the nia ^)::; The

bHd eg^m is well knowhi f Sdanic Ferea , the ;hands of God,":: Experience teachr ics; a: divine law obligatory.upon all, in- -. " : -: .^0 ¦ ' yj ^s^«.. ^»w ™f phantasmB , is easily ovewPme and sup ; truth t; pf :f ihfe s V^ts^re^t^ ^ih w^Omaha ^a*^^¦¦ ¦ ¦. , .- • ' • . . ¦ eVSihat this ^^A si-w edition of Taaeohti with note* • j -it -j; ;

* -v i. ; '., ^. - i,-i i ¦• i- speU it with a capital 8. ; ^™?°7 .,¦¦'" <\^ ¦ -" , 5uH'»va°H''° . •,uo

day, an.d well : nigh as striking , as these pltt ck . and energy ;- in+buainess have > SiS^S^; a " ^-°ne now; v M^f« tribes the

human ;family,and all prgan ,zat ,onB ^

i ^ i ^^ ^ very ,same ; suspension-in,every, dream obnaidbratio ns;: themselves, is^the-iabt earhed'for ^himta^tatibS bfc^^^^B.^JDt. ASolph and individuals , , ; / ;and ; fero- in the .same.: The niost 1totwbrthyap- :~#? . «?P? f ^^^0 they^ have .-1 and: every^ revery ^the that VnpVpne vkhowB any thing taboui hioi^^ rade ? whioh4na ly lder 'xtiMSchwara , Rabbi of Karlsruhe , Germany , cioUa ^ are^persecuted and ' pbBsi- paxatus of self cultme anylerspnW stv a " ^,nkfl - W?0!63


Wakin:g; coiiditipn - with ; persb oB Sunder them ;: neither lhe Books pf Chrbhioles ¦;

li ^m^^^ ^^ :^appears in Wilna;(R om .Bros.). . The bly :extinguished ; by man their ^ blopdis cibiy.can applyas the daily inq irrinto d^° imPrf^ e'^.fe the- mfiuence ofhysteVia idelb>ium-h^ *ffiP& ^^®^'P ^&. ;p*-»; Dran ^o;first yplume is out Crit ics speak pf it Bhed v; it is a law in. human nature , the sentiment av wishes, hopW, projects ^ter ;BO ; indeUAly; a d profoundl y, as; ¦ ^ i ^ ;i wii1^^-Si^ «6^^^- J ^ SSwl SlS¥- Pin term * bf th« hinlKwt imnlatinn ' u i_! i i *vr ' •

¦: ¦ . -. v. !¦¦ . .. ¦' : , . ¦. » v ; ' ; , f . ' ; *" . that wb oh lie reneatedlv does; Virtue " ¦" " " ' *"°""!y> . - ,,.*t. "V" ."? "' . nrat ; pppR pt , jaacoaoees apeakB pf, the the near future . The next meetine willm jerms pf J iie higbest laudation ,, ^as but nolaw of Moses.- According to the and deeds, to ascertain hpw. much wiser . ""»^ ^peweaiy apes. .;:. . y™ shocking fight ; It is by the suspensicn 13th pf Adar as a feastday ^utdpes npt be hehTpn Sunday ;Marchl5!2dr * *%*?being a decided improv ement on the Rabbinica l construction of the Mosaic , and bett erhave;!become sincb the last OT

^ ¦' • » : ^




^~ pf this power^frbm anyi causewh ^Zuckermandel edition. ,: , ; / iVpbjects not to the aboliti pn of capital inspection. " ' ^ ° v deeds emuch . mor^vtiwn^

by freque ^^.¦ ;. -¦ '' . * * .V^. - - - ¦ " ' : J - / : : ptinisnment; it only objects to taking In brder to accomplish ^ia tiuik; or, at *?&&*• ;Eva r^ita ?bj;practice ; ao.

;j^! . :!&?£lj ^ f i & ^ B^^^^H ?*** i^ ^0^ BThe Italian government and • neoole «»>i« oftm L. ?h/4,i™i»^ trinJ ? i i * ^

™S^" ™.-S™ -' ' quired are lesa-curable than fallac ea of * g?f, ~ ' : .i7 °l?- ^. Buoh: a^ vthe/;time . ; ,It ism ^e'Beoond paoher and;Kohn atr the;LrAv G.;E;ana ^Italian gove mpnt and ^eople

any ransom

for the murd


(Num- least, not to impair.the ppasibility pf aor .J£^^ :^-:-^V^^g-' '^t:€iimi"iht- -ii Wn^; draeH' or .^el:'^e ?f 5"° « &ithe ^^'^iwang? %iriy^7^are quite liberal to the Israelites in bers xxxv. 31), which suggests that ran- complishing it, it is ateost self-evident tho mind, -J*

*"« "^T*"-" or diaease by the hobus .pocus ' bf pious years after thb timeih 'which the OT^;Italy. There are . no more than ? 35,000 som pr fine may he taken in lesser —the mental and phyBicai ; health en'- P^^^^^ ^V^ W6^ 0r ' impious charlatans andHner like it de»^^B;tobk';plaie,;tha t the;e^Israelites in all Italy.; Thelaw ia that crimes. - : ergy

: and buoyancy:of inan must be p^; one Deputy to 50,000 and one Senator , : - , . ¦ > . ¦, , - . Beryed and prbl ^Wrprptectedagain rtto every lOO ,000,soulB. be pIected to : WB «n; not help repeating again and dem0rali ?a^the Itahan Parlia ment. l vyet there;are , again what we have said sb o^ aecpud tiwmghfc ^t « en^^erf^re,

^v- . .-^.^ est sdriroe s which' know pfWbesides one member and two high pffl- Christendo m always did . and doe*, now if B0) any system : pf ethics , deserv- ttBt ?™^ 6!% 6^? f^cers pf ttiecMosaic faithln the Cabinet; stand far 1>elpw the standar d pf ethics; in., :^. :.'- e'-inii^-

," ppln*i; ' ' ,;int ^.j^^ ^^ ^^- ally which^ is undb ^bfeo:l ^cbnta 1n4s' ?*?*&ta

^1 du^in8>i$$F$ iM tiie

^High;;PiveClub pn;W^eB4iy,18th^iten deputies ijtnd seven senators of the far below it in l ry and practi pb- be- at lca9t gener a whbn they: kitowi that ^ one fppi^makes ^^ 1 ali ^i ^ StMSPfaith in Parliament. No i^Au, there; Ipw that standard whic^ mpdern thepl p- commiss4 Reading to the ireaervati on Practical ev^are .uch deeds

or acta ^ ^^m^ Pe ^P^fHb^

• tT^T ' * ' : gians and ethioista unfurl aB the stand - of mphtal and physical health, energy whifsh- realiite falsehoods or lead up to .po^.a^hpie^mpany /aD^'-oneBpirit :'' " grahted ^iand '-, they story of Esther Bipn^of;their silver tyeddingj last :weekmDr. W. HBR2BBBO , the faith ful head ard of Evangelic al Christianity The and buoyanov. This ia ih; consohahoe them , which Remonstra te a ,-dis eased ^ j, , medium1 can: make 'doiiens be: looked- upon: as fiction ; : The^Persians Thy^cpfteeladiea": presented Mrs. Heller ^master and superinte ndent of the Ger- theory we have discussed in two of our with the Molaio nrst principle of ethics, mind or are calculated to carry tt ^ L c^b V feast. bf vjoy in ;the s^yenth ^. ^ °m^};^ ^ pi:

fromn ^T^"^6

- '^ «* ^ ^t% human' tagibnihto the^ind. . : 7 ¦ ¦ ,

¦',,¦; - . «- , ; y: ¦^$$$g^ £ ^"S^nSS^aS Sifrom his post and resides now in Berlin. "Agreements and Disagreement s," found family, benoe it must explain the epcial Moses is parti pularly Beyere against ofrV PBoro? dlFT th« poor: >Thia pustoni^aa adopte d by at Lincolh;pn St Patribk^a-Day.'haa re->Sthe saints pf the hply city, be Bays, it far below the ethical doctri ne of Mp iawa of Moses, as it doea the pplitioal in thia ^peoies of i human doiigs; Pagan ^^" thfe^ ; Jews;aiter ;;ibng TbBidem3e in those ;turh ed;imubh ;;blate4 witH ?her. succe»>,;?v'opposed his liberal methods of educa, pes, and yet none corrected pur state- pea<.e and war. Therefore , J urthe N wprship and the making '} Of idpls are The followmii letter Explains itself • W"' ^*^

in -^'^?«W^' ^Jf tP *- ^^^ S vtion so persis tently and ^ently that menu and conclusions. In practice , Le, tiie Mosaic legislation on social- prohibL in the Decalogue; and diyine & °W g ^g^'

" , ¦SSffifS^SSP3S2? ?^2?5S ^- 5B5SSi^SSS?E^ ^ :^??^-he, a^ralong Btruggle, had to .uccumb. the history of eighteen.centuri es of con- iam must bo divided into these twb Oat. punishment , is^ ^reatoned itp; the .trans- ., . . ' . - . S^fe* } gffiS" 5^JSS^aJ ?8$ &%^m&& ^Dr. Herzberg was eminentl y failhM to tinn ed warfare, despotism, slavery, op- egories: gxessor. Mose8 ^.to^iaVAnd tohis charge , and did his duty well. His pres Sion, persecution , fanaticism , con- " i. Protection to the health of the in- names pf strange g^v ^ ye , BhaU not ^^ ?^-retiring is almost fatal to the cause of tinua lly setting at naught the rights of tellect ; and mention nor ahaUV they be heard upon ^ gfeS^ feoli ^ te 'SjSm-?^^d M& & iS'tM S^m S^liberal education m Jerusalem . The man and the laws of God renders a tre- •> Pw^rt™, t« ti.. 'T.«ut. «* ?!,« tK» «,™,+h » 7W^ni *iiii 13V and Jew»i whieh l nave wad with ;muoh: interest . - ,I ^

,0n w ti- '» wi. - - ^ ^ v ^ ^- v ' ^ ' ' - ' ^w ^.7 <*anB,' m ^ t ; ^? urp -&Drwtnr h« n„» f,,ii ««n.th. a j- i. 'i !1 T V' , !T 2. Protection to the health pf the thy mouth (ExodUB ;xxui. idj, ana m to leMn ^t 0jJoctor -bas our fuU sympath y. mendous verdict , in the face of which body ; both of which are to be Bubdivid - again without hjunan punishment to the £D^a«^&S!ffio^ is yi8


friends in^Omaha. :¦- •-•-• no honest man will maintain that Chris- ed accordhlg to the Species of the van- transgressor. The Bame is the case; tAe

^ne^ry capitaTean .Se lalaed. iahouid De Per shito original. " It is Ukely that the - MrV i ;Herlnan: ; ^Le^^'of Owensboro,;;;Tua city of the dead near Thebes in tian morale any where stood higher than 0us provi sibuB ; and both of which re- when he ordains to be done in the land iMi^^&alw^'KS

thevMtival were ; confined ;to Ky, spent als^^s r^


:E pUnwhich thegraT

esoftheP hara phs, tiie morals of heathen Rome Pr ^ Athen s, quire d the firs^ place-a* said befpre of Canaan (not :eliewhere):; ^But thus Kr^Se^es ^t^^Pn^o^mmon, were lately Antioch , Susa or Memphis . It is but a Ithe atmospher^Pf freedpm. The co- Bhall ye deal with th em, fc ahali; de: ; ^ . Y

!7!i™ r l! to the 20th very short time that England , Holland relation of mental and physical healt h etroy their altars /wid breat ^ dp wh their Kr , Lnbln writes ttat $50 000 of the^ n*. -0dynas ty (2500 to 1000 B C.), w»U afford and America (the European continent 0r disease being admitted in physiology images, and ciit dowh' their (sanctified) ^tf a'inount iha*heen subsoHb pd; ^


aW^>°me :Tat ^M^,;Oarpli ^p^f0r Cincinnab,|fnew keya tS1 unlock the mysteries of came long after that! have arm-cached j „ " 'u v *r " j - . . • „ ¦ ¦¦ • _ * ' A „A v. W:. ^ ?«,» ' - ,r, £; V- : 7?"^' mudical npt ices seem to indicate (Talm; visited spme pf her friends here . last ; •

Eevut Dr Brn cseh whn with JZLZ th« ftnn iit «LaV *a r app'oaclied and psyohplogyT we discussing MoBes groves, and burn their graven in^es and. tbat effi Week. • She will sbbn Btartbn VEur ppe;;^

S -h J T 7 r B ?" T . ° m°rall ty ' "nd rely on htm:for *fc Buperior import ance with fire" (DeuterV vii. 5), or :as fltated the sama We trust ttiai theseiwill be ^The composUibn of the b^belbni lo an\trip. ;A*^™ ' f > :-: . f:ment aid and subvention , has gone to even they are in many points yet far of the mental , and think we may tarn further on (verae 2fi), "The graven aucoessful;: We are extremely ^ desirous the P^btMaccab eaii perio d, a tinieAeh to JSt%Egypt promis es himseli unportant re- below it. Those modern theologianB the Latm ada ^e intoV«A sound mind images of thefc g^jultefr om ttat d scovery The dead and etbiciste tak e that for Christian pr6 flerve8 a sound bpdy." Therefore , fire; theu shalt;npt desu-e^

So^^ hTa lva ru 1m^

W tSolomon he aaya , gradually resurrect pped as auoh , even m spite of Christi an- protectingthe health ofthe mind . We di- out punishment ^eatene4,for the omiB- . F

; "¦ -¦ ¦ ¦ . - *

'< ^ :- . know^ not; ¦ OaU : hb -SSes RahW *bsehau ^B; entitied "The Secret.;:and stand before us bodily, as thoug h ity, anyhow in spite of the chur ch, this into : sion. But when ce Bpeaka oi deeda bf W«m nearta and Weiitj Money. IP ; me

: fiotitiouB; (In : the of Mah6met/B SdcpW'' ' /.' : &• *< H ^they had died but yesterd ay. More im- which opposed to the bitter end the Ordinances against theoretical evils: thiB kind he becomes ter ¦ ' i > ; :: ^£ k.X ¦ ' ¦portant however , than the bones or first princi ple pf moralit y, the equal ftnd "'He who aacnfiW to an ^ ,#mummies pf those deceased kings are rights of all men, and does it yet, npt _ Jehovah shall 'be^iitr in^ ban" ^Exodiiii ra ^t^XKnglwoW, llttT&^ t&to* StSWSe ^i . -

Mnrt be^nUr conslderea by the


-ithe inscription , on their coffin, and the merely in Russia , but everywhere; hoS a^oak xaaAXux, Kp. r. The« ^^^^m^rolU of papyrus buried with them, from ing to the doctrine that one mus be a ternT^a'Saa Si me WhS S -^ f f a^M^SSp SS m^^ SM &f^&!S^ Iwhfeh we pxpect much will be learned Christian in order to be a person of ^SS SSSSS the wprsn^f MpIpoo hebe ^meiierrt ^^ ^SS ^^S ^^^ ^ ^tmtti&3 8^:£Sj^which we have not known yet. In the equal value and reapectabilit r before prior to their appeamnee lii this Journal; in the M^iii^A ' ;wi^i«ii .iift BWWvAjtoxer«^, •,;; Thero ia no dpubt **)5^^ »^Wtodir^Mwm»Tewmaienlum from 2000 to 1000 we have God and man Perao T. S ttfa S' ^ff Y^nran **& -'«** •o '-W ?TS ^^! ^^ V^ ^^r^r-, ¦>' ^»^»'.'¦*•

^^^nce^nbd, l ^ ^.r tp tf f rW *wo vroa ana man. renons witn tins per- attd jenc in Jg^a, 0r itlien hvmg among them, P»Aa^A*J« tlw pnMrt aad b«rt w