In order to improve co-operaƟon between the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, AdriaƟc Fair has conƟnued its co-operaƟon with the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, under whose organisaƟon it will assist businessmen in Central Bosnia Canton and Zenica-Doboj Canton. The ConstrucƟon fair introduced, as a separate segment, welding. With the parƟcipaƟon of the electrode Piva” Ironworks factory and the InsƟtute of Ferrous Metallurgy, they will jointly organise a lecture on the topic of obtaining internaƟonal cerƟcates, with the possibility that the demo booth will display a variety of welding methods, to be closer to customer products. Members of the Organising CommiƩee of the 36 th Civil Engineering Fair, which includes representaƟves from relevant government agencies and companies in the construcƟon industry of Montenegro, draŌed for the programme, giving special aƩenƟon to the maintenance of roundtables on energy eciency- renewable energy sources and connecƟng businesses. A representaƟve from the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Danilo Gvozdenović, said that the fair is an ideal chance to form a synthesis of employers, craŌ shops and the engineering chamber, with the Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty. This is in order to clearly dene which human capaciƟes in Montenegro are available, as well as to start solving the problem of insucient sta, through co-ordinaƟon with the Secretariat for development projects, that would develop a presentaƟon of structural projects in Montenegro, who implemented them, and what stathey need. At the 36 th Civil Engineering Fair discussions will be held on the law on construcƟon products and the law on standardised construcƟon, the compeƟƟveness of Montenegrin companies in tenders, creaƟng a catalogue with Montenegrin companies in the areas of construcƟon, standardisaƟon in Montenegro and the implementaƟon of Eurocodes and the coupled system of mulƟ- story structures. Official Newsletter of the Adriatic Fair July 2014 No. 91 85310 Budva, Trg Slobode 5 Tel: +382 (33) 410-400 Fax: 452-132 [email protected] www.adriafair.org EXPOBUDVA 36 th Construction Fair info

36th Construction FairCanton and Zenica-Doboj Canton. The Construc on fair introduced, as a separate segment, welding. With ... 2nd Energy Fair 1 - 4 May 2014 36th Civil Engineering

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Page 1: 36th Construction FairCanton and Zenica-Doboj Canton. The Construc on fair introduced, as a separate segment, welding. With ... 2nd Energy Fair 1 - 4 May 2014 36th Civil Engineering

In order to improve co-opera on between the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, Adria c Fair has con nued its co-opera on with the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, under whose organisa on it will assist businessmen in Central Bosnia Canton and Zenica-Doboj Canton. The Construc on fair introduced, as a separate segment, welding. With the par cipa on of the electrode “Piva” Ironworks factory and the Ins tute of Ferrous Metallurgy, they will jointly organise a lecture on the topic of obtaining interna onal

cer fi cates, with the possibility that the demo booth will display a variety of welding methods, to be closer to customer products. Members of the Organising Commi ee of the 36th Civil Engineering Fair, which includes representa ves from relevant government agencies and companies in the construc on industry of Montenegro, dra ed for the programme, giving special a en on to the maintenance of roundtables on energy effi ciency-renewable energy sources and connec ng businesses. A representa ve from the Ministry of Sustainable Development and

Tourism, Danilo Gvozdenović, said that the fair is an ideal chance to form a synthesis of employers, cra shops and the engineering chamber, with the Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty. This is in order to clearly defi ne which human capaci es in Montenegro are available, as well as to start solving the problem of insuffi cient staff , through co-ordina on with the Secretariat for development projects, that would develop a presenta on of structural projects in Montenegro, who implemented them, and what staff they need. At the 36th Civil Engineering Fair discussions will be held on the law on construc on products and the law on standardised construc on, the compe veness of Montenegrin companies in tenders, crea ng a catalogue with Montenegrin companies in the areas of construc on, standardisa on in Montenegro and the implementa on of Eurocodes and the coupled system of mul -story structures.

Offi cial Newsletter of the Adriatic Fair • July 2014 • No. 9185310 Budva, Trg Slobode 5 • Tel: +382 (33) 410-400Fax: 452-132 • [email protected]


36th Construction Fairi



Page 2: 36th Construction FairCanton and Zenica-Doboj Canton. The Construc on fair introduced, as a separate segment, welding. With ... 2nd Energy Fair 1 - 4 May 2014 36th Civil Engineering

EXPOBUDVA i n f o • July 2014 • page 2


Austrian companies at the 9th Water, water supply and sanitary technologies fair

Joint ac vity by the Ministry of Economy and Adria c Fair aims to bring Chinese companies from the energy sector to the Fair in Budva. Representa ves of the Montenegrin Embassy in Beijing said in an interview, that discussions they had with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for Interna onal Trade, confi rmed the interest of Chinese businessmen to be present at the Fair and to make

it easier to invest in Montenegro. Showing interest can have mul ple benefi ts for the economy of Montenegro, as China is one of the leading investors in the region. Current funding China has at its disposal for development and investment in the region of South East Europe is US$10 billion, but in the case of quality projects are ready to increase the funding to US$100 billion.

The water, water supply and sanita on technologies fair, which will be held this year from 24-28 September, the 9th at the Adria c Fair in Budva, aims to gather exhibitors from the region and from other countries.

Evidently, there is great interest from Austrian companies to be present at this event. Their par cipa on, as reported by the company, GLYNWED GmbH, Vienna, which in addi on to successful sales ac vi es in Austria, is known as a long- me partner in Eastern Europe.

Iden fying those who will present at this year’s fair, include: PE-Elektrofuzija OD20-OD1200 mm, PE-House connec on, industrial piping systems and equipment for welding. In par cular, we would highlight the presence of the company, which will have its premiere at the Adria c Fair.

Their offi ce is also in Vienna, and is the company SCHIEBEL Antriebstechnik GmbH. Their range includes fail-safe spring return actuators, frequency converter drivers, mul -turn, par ally rota ng, linear and penstock actuators, gearboxes, and integrated control units..

The NGO Green Home will, as part of the Energy Fair, organise lectures on the topic: 1. “Environmental fl ow in Montenegro; downstream from intake to the rivers: The application

of new methodologies and legisla on” Speakers: Dr. doc. Danilo Mrdak, Faculty of Science, Nataša Kovačević, lawyer, NGO Green Home

2. “The transformation of the energy complex development Pljevlja to sustainable solu ons" Speaker: Aleksandar Kovačević, an economist in the fi eld of energy

Lectures as part of the Energy Fair

Page 3: 36th Construction FairCanton and Zenica-Doboj Canton. The Construc on fair introduced, as a separate segment, welding. With ... 2nd Energy Fair 1 - 4 May 2014 36th Civil Engineering

EXPOBUDVA i n f o • July 2014 • page 3

34th Security, protection and rescue fair

ANNOUNCEMENT17th Automobile Show

Ac vi es are under way to prepare the Biennial Fair Security, Protec on and Rescue, which will be held from 24th to 28th September at the Adria c Fair.

With par cipants from the fi elds of technology

security and personal protec on and facili es, systems monitoring, control and management of the programme will be held at the Regional Conference on “Contemporary Security and private security

companies” organised by the NGO Alpha Center, in co-opera on with Adria c Fair. Renowned speakers during the conference will present their views on the major issues - the role and place of private security companies in the security system, the priva sa on of security and aspects of supervision and control to the sector providing services effi ciently and in accordance with democra c standards. In anticipation of the fi nal conference agenda and list of participants, more information on activities of Alfa Centre can be found on www.alfacentar.org and www.adriafair.org.

From 8th to 12th October the Adria c Fair will hold the 17th Automobile Show. This year’s pres gious event will provide an excellent promo onal - sales opportunity for importers and distributors of famous brands of cars, motorcycles and accessories.

The tradi onal characteris cs of the event - the largest number of brands of the automo ve industry present at one place in Montenegro during the fair - high quality and diverse range of models in all price ranges, favourable purchase terms, makes a short and effi cient process for obtaining the vehicle, remains the best recommenda on for visitors

and poten al customers comparing off er terms and making the right buying decisions. Compe ve condi ons and the fi ght for every customer in the market of Montenegro, ensure exhibitors are off ered ample opportuni es for impressive presenta ons in the exhibi on area, thus confi rming the reputa on and posi on in the market; with measured and sustained a en on and a professional a tude toward customers, current and future. A business policy of favourable condi ons, of exposure and signifi cant discounts for mely repor ng, this has been carefully designed to provide a step forward compared with previous

exhibi ons. The quality and number of brands present indicates how we support the eff orts of exhibitors to create an eff ec ve fair presenta on for the audience in the best light and take advantage of all the opportuni es off ered by the fair pla orm to the specifi c market of Montenegro. The event will include thema c follow-up ac vi es and programmes aligned with the needs of both par cipants and audience. Lectures, presentations and promo ons by novelty car enthusiasts will bring the latest trends in technology, design and safety in the auto industry, as well as post-sale services. These aspects are o en crucial in the process of buying a new car; furthermore, it is a strong selling point prevalent in the market.

Signing up for 17th Automobile Show is underway, and more can be found at:

+382- 33410423 [email protected] www.jadranskisajam.co.me

d b f

Page 4: 36th Construction FairCanton and Zenica-Doboj Canton. The Construc on fair introduced, as a separate segment, welding. With ... 2nd Energy Fair 1 - 4 May 2014 36th Civil Engineering

85310 Budva, Trg Slobode 5Tel: +382 (33) 410-400Fax: [email protected]



ISSN number 2337-0033 Monthly


Rajko Bujković

EXPOBUDVA i n f o • July 2014 • page 4

38th Furniture, household equipment, office and interior decoration

19 – 23 March


8th Art Fair - ART EXPO 19 – 23 March


23rd International Tourism Exchange and Tourism Fair, Equipment for the hospitality and catering industry - METUBES

3 - 5 April


40th Food Fair 3 - 5 April


20th Ecology Fair 03 - 05 April


32nd NAUTIC SHOW - Nautical Fair and equipment for sports, camping and recreation

1 - 4 May


40th Bazaar consumer goods

15 May - 15



40th Summer Fair

15 June - 15



2nd Energy Fair 1 - 4 May


36th Civil Engineering Fair

24 - 28



16th Business Fair

24 - 28



9th WATER Fair -Waterworks-Sanitary technology

24 - 28



34th Security Fair, Protection and Rescue

24 - 28



17th Automobile Show8 - 12 October


Calendar of events for 20142014

1. We would like to during the upcoming organised exhibition events expand business meetings with our partners, distributors and agents. What kind of advice may be given regarding the organisation?

• My fi rst advice is: go back to basic principles of the organisation of events (known 5W`s) and ask yourself: Why? Do you really need a meeting, if it is not possible to achieve the goals by direct communication during the fair days in terms of with whom your partners are comfortable. Then the answer to the question is still in favour of the organisation’s business

meetings during the fair, then access its implementation.

2. What are the basic elements of a successful meeting?

• Firstly, the meeting must have a purpose and a clear section. The fairs should

be organised as a short business meeting, for at least two reasons: a) Time is a limited resource for most participants. b) The organiser of the meeting, and you, pay rent for meeting rooms for a specifi c term. Therefore, it is especially important to manage the meeting and to fi nalise it.