This week at MQOA: Pg. 3 Today’s Mass readings and prayers Pg. 4 Congratulations to our newly confirmed Pg. 5 RCAB in-pew survey next week Pg. 5 Find us on Social Media WELCOME Thank you for joining us for Mass today. We hope that you find us to be Holy Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ, centered in the Eucharist, striving to offer welcome and healing to all. Contact us soon to find out how you can be a part of what MQOA is building here in Salem. JUNE 16, 2019 www.MQOA.org 978-745-9060 [email protected]

1142 immaculateconception salem 061619 - The Pilot...de los enfermos también incluye el perdón de los pecados, un punto importante, especialmente si el momento de la unción de la

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Page 1: 1142 immaculateconception salem 061619 - The Pilot...de los enfermos también incluye el perdón de los pecados, un punto importante, especialmente si el momento de la unción de la

This week at MQOA:

• Pg. 3 Today’s Mass readings and prayers • Pg. 4 Congratulations to our newly confirmed • Pg. 5 RCAB in-pew survey next week • Pg. 5 Find us on Social Media


Thank you for joining us

for Mass today.

We hope that you

find us to be

Holy Spirit-filled

disciples of Jesus Christ,

centered in the Eucharist,

striving to offer welcome

and healing to all.

Contact us soon

to find out how you

can be a part of what

MQOA is building here in


JUNE 16, 2019


978-745-9060 [email protected]

Page 2: 1142 immaculateconception salem 061619 - The Pilot...de los enfermos también incluye el perdón de los pecados, un punto importante, especialmente si el momento de la unción de la



Happy Father’s Day to one and all. As I am writing, I am thinking about all the things my father taught me, without saying much. He was a man of action and few words, unlike his children, who can still talk for hours when necessary. This day we honor all men — fathers, grandfathers, and all those who sometimes were father figures to us. Thanks to all of you men who have loved us and helped us to become good people. This week, I want to conclude my brief series on the sacraments with the final two of the seven sacraments of our Church. They are the sacraments of the anointing of the sick and reconciliation. Depending on your age, you might know them as extreme unction and confession or penance. After Vatican II, the Church expanded how we understand and use these two extraordinary sacraments. The roots for these rites are found in the Gospels, where sinners received welcome and forgiveness in the presence of Jesus. He, of course, also performed miracles of healing. In the Letter of James, there is a quote that we use at the beginning of the rite of the anointing of the sick: “Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven (James 5:14-15).” The rite of the anointing of the sick also includes the forgiveness of sins, an important point particularly if, at the time of anointing, the person cannot confess due to illness or weakness. In both sacraments, the final prayers reveal the intention of the Church. The final two lines of the rite for the sacrament of reconciliation are “…through the ministry of the Church, may God grant you pardon and peace. And I absolve you of all your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” In the rite of anointing, there are many options depending on the circumstance, but the first option, which can always be used is, “...when they are afraid, give them courage, when afflicted give them patience, and when alone, assure them of the support of your holy people.” Even in this (usually) private moment, the whole Church is supporting in prayer all those who suffer. We pray for the sick and suffering at each Mass and of course we practice exchanging peace too, before receiving Communion. It is a reminder that the sacraments are to work in a concerted way, to bring connection to God, give us the power of the Holy Spirit, and to remind us that we are a people in community. When one suffers, the whole body suffers. When one person turns away from sin to follow Jesus, the whole body rejoices. These two great sacraments help us to heal the wounds that we sometimes cause ourselves and others, and to remind us that even when we are suffering, we are not alone. In addition, like the sacrament of the Eucharist, they can be repeated and are given for our benefit and hope. Any Catholic in any spiritual condition can be anointed, and even a priest who has been laicized may, for a person at the point of death, offer the prayer of absolution. It is a sign of the power and the hope that these sacraments can bring. Of course, all priests are bound by the seal of the sacrament of reconciliation, which means that we can never reveal, discuss, or mention, even to the penitent, that we heard their confession. I hope these brief treatments of the sacraments have helped you to understand them a little more deeply. Next week we will begin to examine the Church’s teaching and some systematic theology, i.e., the way the Church organizes how she teaches about various aspects of our faith. Peace, Father Murray





978-745-9060 M-F 9:30AM-3:00PM

Page 3: 1142 immaculateconception salem 061619 - The Pilot...de los enfermos también incluye el perdón de los pecados, un punto importante, especialmente si el momento de la unción de la



Feliz día del padre para todos y cada uno de los padres de nuestra comunidad! Mientras escribo, estoy pensando en todas las cosas que mi padre me enseñó sin decir mucho. Era un hombre de acción y pocas palabras, a diferencia de sus hijos, que pueden hablar durante horas cuando es necesario. Este día honramos a todos aquellos hombres, padres, abuelos y todos aquellos que a veces fueron figuras paternas para nosotros. Gracias a todos ustedes, hombres que nos han amado y nos han ayudado a convertirnos en buenas personas. Esta semana quiero concluir mi breve explicación de los sacramentos con los dos últimos de los siete sacramentos de nuestra comunidad de fe. Son los sacramentos de la unción de los enfermos y la reconciliación. Dependiendo de tu edad, puedes conocerlos como extremaunción y confesión. Después del Concilio Vaticano II, la iglesia expandió la forma en que entendemos y usamos estos dos sacramentos extraordinarios. La base se encuentra en los evangelios, donde muchas personas que eran pecadoras recibieron la bienvenida y el perdón en la presencia de Jesús. Él, por supuesto, también realizó milagros de curación. En la Carta de Santiago, hay una cita que usamos al comienzo de la unción de los enfermos. "... ¿Hay gente enferma entre ustedes? Que envíen al sacerdote y que el sacerdote ore por ellos ungiéndolos con aceite en el nombre del Señor. La oración de fe salvará a la persona enferma y si han cometido algún pecado, allí los pecados les serán perdonados ...”(Santiago 5: 14-15) La unción de los enfermos también incluye el perdón de los pecados, un punto importante, especialmente si el momento de la unción de la persona no puede confesar debido a una enfermedad o debilidad. En ambos sacramentos, las oraciones finales son las que más revelan la intención de la iglesia. Las dos últimas líneas de la fórmula para el sacramento de la reconciliación son: “... a través del ministerio de la iglesia, que Dios le conceda perdón y paz. Y te absuelvo de todos tus pecados, en el nombre ... ". En el rito de la unción, hay muchas opciones dependiendo de la circunstancia, pero la primera opción, que siempre se puede usar es: "... cuando tengan miedo, dales valor, cuando estén afligidos, dales paciencia y, cuando estén solos, asegúrate de darle el apoyo de tu pueblo santo ". Incluso en este momento privado, toda la iglesia está apoyando en oración a todos los que sufren. En cada misa oramos por los enfermos y su sufrimiento y, por supuesto, también practicamos el intercambio de paz, antes de recibir la comunión. Es un recordatorio de que los sacramentos deben trabajar de manera concertada, para conectarnos con Dios, darnos el poder del Espíritu Santo y recordarnos que somos un pueblo en comunidad. Cuando uno sufre, todo el cuerpo sufre, cuando una persona se aparta del pecado para seguir a Jesús, todo el cuerpo se regocija. Estos dos grandes sacramentos nos ayudan a sanar las heridas que a veces nos causamos a nosotros mismos y a los demás, y nos recuerdan que cuando estamos sufriendo no estamos solos. Además, como el sacramento de la Eucaristía, se pueden repetir y se dan para nuestro beneficio y esperanza. Cualquier católico en cualquier condición espiritual puede ser ungido e incluso un sacerdote que ha sido laicado, puede, en el momento de la muerte de una persona, ofrecer la oración de absolución. Es un signo del poder y la esperanza de estos sacramentos. Por supuesto, todos los sacerdotes están obligados por el sello de la Santa Cena, lo que significa que nunca podemos revelar, discutir o mencionar, ni siquiera al penitente del que hemos escuchado su confesión. Espero que estos breves tratamientos de los sacramentos hayan ayudado a comprenderlos un poco más profundamente. La próxima semana comenzaremos a examinar las enseñanzas de la iglesia y una teología sistemática, es decir, la forma en que la iglesia organiza y enseña sobre varios aspectos de nuestra fe. Paz, Padre Murray


The readings for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

in year C can be found starting at number 924in

the Journeysongs book. The prayers for the Mass are found starting at number 140

(grey section).

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THE RCAB WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU The Archdiocese of Boston is seeking feedback through the survey cards that you can find in both our churches. Over the weekend of June 22-23, you are invited to answer the quick questions on the card and add them to the collection basket, and to visit the survey website to share more thoughts: www.disciplesinmission.com/survey

BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER All donations for the Baby Bottle Campaign to support A Woman’s Concern/Your Options Medical are due this Sunday, June 16 (Father’s Day). Please bring your donations with you to the church and turn them in to our Pro-Life Committee members, who will be here to collect them. Your financial support will help to make services available free of cost to those who are in need of support and guidance during pregnancy. Contact Susan Sirois for more information: 508-662-1924

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEWLY CONFIRMED Last Saturday, Bishop Mark O’Connell conferred the sacrament of Confirmation on 12 of our young people. The Mass was beautiful, and we are thrilled to congratulate our newly confirmed. Please join us in praying for them as they continue on their journeys of faith!

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WEDDINGS AT MQOA At Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish, the sacrament of marriage is a sign of God’s invitation to unimaginable intimacy with Him and one another. If you are an engaged couple and want to get married at Immaculate Conception or Saint James Church, please contact our pastor, Father Bob Murray: [email protected] to set a date as soon as possible. Father Murray will also connect you to our marriage ministers, Martin and Stacey Walsh: [email protected] who will help you with marriage preparation and wedding coordination. Please Note: Weddings are scheduled at least nine months to one year in advance.

YOUTH GROUP Our youth group for Spanish- and English-speaking students in middle and high school happens on Friday evenings from 5:30-7:30 PM at Immaculate Conception lower church hall. It’s free, there’s food, and it’s fun ― we promise! Bring a friend or two.


Check out our new parish website

at www.mqoa.org and visit it often

for information and updates.

Stay up to date with our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/MQOASalem

Find us on Twitter at twitter.com/SalemCatholics

Our weekly e-newsletter is a great way to keep in touch, and get a sneak peek at our bulletin each week. Sign up by emailing us:

[email protected]

If you’ve spent much time here at MQOA, you’ve probably heard about ALPHA. But did you know that Alpha is for you, even if you’re a lifelong, faith-filled Catholic? Save the date and plan to come and see what Alpha is all about, Monday, September 16 at 7:00 PM at St. James lower church hall. You’ll be glad you did! You can find out more about Alpha at our website: www.mqoa.org/alpha or at alphausa.org/try

OFFICES CLOSED JULY 1-5, 2019 Our offices will be closed the week of July 1-5, while our staff will be on vacation. Our voice mail and emails will be checked regularly throughout the week, but non-emergency communications will be responded to after July 7. We wish you and yours a happy and safe Independence Day!

HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE / HORA SANTA POR LA VIDA We invite you to the Holy Hour for Life that will take place on Friday, June 21, 2019, 7:00 PM, at the Immaculate Conception Church. Let us come together to pray for those who have been hurt by an abortion, for the respect for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death, and for all fathers that they may be holy and role models to their children and society as St. Joseph was. Lo invitamos a la Hora Santa de la Vida que tendrá lugar el viernes 21 de junio de 2019 a las 7:00 PM en la Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción. Unámonos para orar por quienes han sido lastimados por un aborto, por el respeto a la dignidad de la vida humana desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural y por todos los padres para que sean santos y modelos a seguir para sus hijos y la sociedad como San José lo fué.

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MONDAY, JUNE 17 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception chapel 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room TUESDAY, JUNE 18 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception Memorial: Carmel and Giovanni Milani 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room 7:00 PM La Misa en español ― IC WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception chapel 6:30 PM Men’s Beta Group ― IC lower hall 6:30 PM Bingo ― St. James church hall THURSDAY, JUNE 20 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room FRIDAY, JUNE 21 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room 5:30 PM Youth Group ― IC lower hall SATURDAY, JUNE 22 5:00 AM Hispanic Intercessory Prayer Group ― IC 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room 3:00 PM Confessions at ― IC chapel 4:00 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception Memorial: xxxxxxxxxxx SUNDAY, JUNE 23 7:30 AM Mass at St. James Church Memorial: xxxxxxxxxxxxx 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception Church Memorial: xxxxxxxxxxxxx 10:00 AM Coffee and conversation ― IC church 10:30 AM Mass at St. James Church 12:00 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception Church en español. 2:00 PM Baptism: xxxxxxxxxxxxx 6:30 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception Church

June 8-9, 2019 Offertory: $6,454.50 Online: $1,266.48 By mail: $1,145.00 Total: $8,865.98 Seminarians: $579.00

PLEASE REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR CHECKS TO “MARY, QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES PARISH.” Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish relies on the weekly offertory and other donations to serve God and God’s people. By giving $10 or $20 in our weekly collection, you help make Masses more beautiful, ministries more personal, service to the poor more possible, and opportunities to grow in faith more plentiful. Thank you for your financial and prayerful support.

To request a Mass in honor or in memory of a loved one, please call the parish offices at 978-745-9060, or email

[email protected]

COMING SOON: A NEW WAY TO GIVE ONLINE When a winter storm comes on a weekend, it leads to a lower collection that can cause problems with parish budgeting. Online giving allows you to automatically give to the parish on a schedule. If you’re not signed up to give online, please consider signing up. Watch this space for more details and to learn how you can make single or recurring gifts from your phone.

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PLEASE NOTE* Where you see asterisks in the schedule on this page, that means additional ministers are needed. If you are able to serve, please add yourself to the schedule on our google doc (see “scheduling” below), or sign in to help when you arrive.

NEW MINISTERS ARE NEEDED If you’d like to be trained to serve as a lector, greeter, Eucharistic minister, altar server or sacristan, please speak to Fr. Murray to find out how, or email our office. Your help is needed!

PLEASE CHECK IN Eucharistic ministers, lectors, altar servers, please check in in the sacristy when you arrive to serve for Mass. There’s a log book in each of our churches. Also, please come early and greet our guests at the church doors before Mass. Thanks!

SCHEDULING Greeters, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, and all liturgical ministers can access the schedule via the link in the email sent on 4/24/2019. If you have lost the link, email Margo Morin at [email protected] and it will be re-sent to you.

SATURDAY, June 15 4:00 PM IC Greeters: *greeters needed Lectors: James Fouhey Eucharistic Ministers: Joe Carmody *ministers needed SUNDAY, June 16 7:30 AM SJ Greeters: Beth Griffin Lectors: Patrick Dooley Eucharistic Ministers Judy Quinlivan Dana Dooley * ministers needed 9:00 AM IC Greeters: Victoria Jackson Barbara Kostan Lectors: Marie Brescia Diane Curran Eucharistic Ministers: Beverly Horowitz Joseph Szymanski David Arias 10:30 AM SJ Greeters: David DeVoe *greeters needed Altar Servers: Lindell Dre Valsote Ryker Taguiam Aisling Hinchey Lectors: Mary Lou Britton Aida Oquendo-Nieves Eucharistic Ministers: Claudia Nicgorski Philip Abodeely Diane Lewandowski Betty Richard 6:30 PM IC Lectors: Karen Hayes Millie Bergeron Eucharistic Ministers: Lynne Cunningham Kelly Tetrault Christine Williams

SATURDAY, June 22 4:00 PM IC Greeters: *greeters needed Lectors: Marie Goreham Eucharistic Ministers: Joe Carmody *ministers needed SUNDAY June 23 7:30 AM SJ Greeters: Beth Griffin Lectors: Mary Plue Eucharistic Ministers Richard Poisson Dana Dooley * ministers needed 9:00 AM IC Greeters: Barbara Kostan Ted Kobialka Lectors: Rebecca Goppe *lector needed Eucharistic Ministers: Beverly Horowitz Joseph Szymanski David Arias 10:30 AM SJ Greeters: David DeVoe *greeters needed Altar Servers: Lindth Radley Valsote Steve Szpak Clay Wolfe Lectors: Eileen Luddy Karen Pelletier Eucharistic Ministers: Betty Richard Anne DeVoe Claudia Nicgorski Christine Ndjee 6:30 PM IC Lectors: Karen Hayes Margo Morin Eucharistic Ministers: Lynne Cunningham Christine Williams * ministers needed

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