@ . q .. 40. r' Sj : .. .s a.% A *. o - * N ) . >' . . .. . / ' - p t x ,. ï o ykl'! zpf s tz .h>. a- ., . 1% THE 9FFI CI AL GAZETTE 0F TrE C0L , , 0y , N , Y AN , D . PROTECTORATE 0F KC1Y4. Ppillisilvd tlndgr ihe Atltinriiï cf His Excellency tie Gcvernor ef the ' r ' ' .';'' ' ' ' 'N - ' k ' . 'b Colony and Prdecier>ip cfKeqyq. V 77 (1 - ( 2è -- 2 Vo1 XXIX.- NO.1 134J NAIROBI,M arch 30,1927. ( PRICE50CENTS Regisiered asa Newspaperaitàe q.P.0. Published every Wednesday. . ''' ' ' - w T & B L E CONTENTS N l83- Arrivals Appointments,etc. - . . . Govt.Notice o. , 184- Bil1s forintroduction inëo Legislative Council:- The Biljs of Exçhange Bill . . . . . . . . . 363 TheStamp (Amendment)Bill . . . . ' . . . . 391 185- TheKenya Protecforate(DispositionofLands)OrderinCouncil . . 402 186- TheCommissionsofInquiry Ordinance- costof Living Com- m ission . . . . ' . . 403 187- The Legislativ' e CouncilOrdinance- The Legislative Council ') (Amendment)Rules, 1927 404 l88- contirmation ofOrdinances .. 4O5 189- The Courts Ordinance- Appointments 4O6 lgo- conErm ation 6fOrdinances. . 4O7 1 gl- M unicipalCorporations Ordinance- A ppointment 407 t, ,, ,, 1 92- The N ative A uthority Ol-dinance- A ppointm ent 407 G eneralNotices Nos.284-31 1 409-421 PAGE 362 @

PROTECTORATE 0F KC1Y4. - Gazettes.Africa

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0F TrE

C 0 L, , 0y , N, Y A N, D. PROTECTORATE 0F KC1Y4.

Ppillisilvd tlndgr ihe Atltinriiï cf His Excellency tie Gcvernor ef the' r ' ' . ';'' ' ' ' 'N - ' k ' . ' b

Colony and Prdecier>ip cf Keqyq.

V 77 (1 - ( 2è - - 2

Vo1 XXIX.- NO. 1 134 J NAIROBI, M arch 30, 1927. ( PRICE 50 CENTSRegisiered as a Newspaper ai tàe q. P. 0. Published every Wednesday.

. ''' ' ' - w

T & B L E C O N T E N T S

N l83- Arrivals Appointments, etc. - . . .Govt. Notice o. ,

184- Bil1s for introduction inëo Legislative Council :-The Biljs of Exçhange Bill . . . . . . . . . 363The Stamp (Amendment) Bill . . . . ' . . . . 391

185- The Kenya Protecforate (Disposition of Lands) Order in Council . . 402186- The Commissions of Inquiry Ordinance- cost of Living Com-

m ission . . . .' . . 403

187- The Legislativ' e Council Ordinance- The Legislative Council')(Amendment) Rules, 1927 404

l88- contirmation of Ordinances . . 4O5

189- The Courts Ordinance- Appointments 4O6

lgo- conErm ation 6f Ordinances . . 4O7

1 gl- M unicipal Corporations Ordinance- A ppointment 407

t, ,, ,, 1 92- The N ative A uthority Ol-dinance- A ppointm ent 407

G eneral Notices Nos. 284-31 1 409-421





:! '' 1 Flom ieave ol ,

. oate ot ieavlng I Date ol .j Da:e oz arzivalRank ,

on 1st sngunti , j Embarkaljoo. j' at l'ttlku.lym.l . Appolntment. jl

r 'J. E. Shutt Artizan 1st class, K. & U. Rly. . From Leave. 18th Feb., 1927 18th Feb., 1927. 19th Mar.. 1927J, P. McBrierly Station Master 2nd class, K. & ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,. ,, ,, .,W. Aitken ) Clerk, K. & lJ. Rly. ' 1st appt. . r, yj

R. Cunningham Clerk, K. & U. Rly. From Leave. ,, ,,l

APPOINTM ENTS.S. 20064 f' 15.

Fltlozsuc VIVIAN Pxœsrrow, to be Acting Assistant Establish-ment Oficer, Secretariat, with bffect f rom' the 5t.h M arch,1927 ' '

KSXNS'I'H GORDON LINDSAYJ tfl be Jnl3ior Seoretarj'r lzlead-quarters Section, Native Affairs Department, wi '-t-ï effectf rom the 21st M arch, 1927.

S. 21515.ARTSUR JAxxs FIELD, to be Assistant Establishment Olllcer.Secretariat, with effect from the 1st January, 1927.

MAJOM BRIAN W. ILLOTJGHB/ BOND, .V.c., to be Actinj DistrictCommissioner, Nandi District, Nyanza Province, witheffect f rom the 10th M arch, 1927.

GXORGE HEINR'.T CARNE BOTJLDERSON, to be District Cclmmis-sioner, Central Kavirondo District, Nyanza Province. witheffect from the 14th M arch, 1927. .

JAMES M osi'yN SlLvyrsTE1t, to be Acting District Commis.sioner, Machakos District, Ukamba Province, with effectfroèp 14th February, 1927.

Csclta THORNI<ILL DxvElœoa'r. to be Actipg Distz'ict Cogln-missioner, Kitui District, Ukamba Province. with effec'tf<om 25th February, 1927.

KKNNFJTI.I LEGGAI''.I, HVNTER, to be Assistant District. Com-mi-ioner, Nairobi District,. Ukamba Province, with effectfrorn 28th February, 1927.

S. 20064 / 8.IVALTSR MIGI.IELLS LVND>;, F.é-I., to be Assistallt Director ofPublic W orks, with effeet from the 17th April, 1926.

S. 20064 / 8Syoxy:v CI-ZRISTMAN BENN/TT. Assoc.M .1nst.C.E. Assoc.M .7Inst. M un. & County Engineers, to be Acting Assistant .Directer of' Public W orks, with effect f rom the 5th M arch,1927.

HZNRV. EswAuo LAw BxArssFono, to be Assistant DistrictCommissioner, M asai Province. with effect from 17thMarehy 1927.

NVILLIAM Rvlmoc:lt KloD, to be Assistant Distviet Commis-:ioner, Sotlth Nyerî, Kiknyu Province, with effect f rom14tb M arch, 1927.

I-IERBERT ARTIITJR BAILEV, Assistant Aceountant, to be ActingW orkshops Aecountant, with effect f rom 14th March,1927, rice CI-IARLES HSNRX BLOOMFIILP, proceeding onleave.

Sco:r TooTlLL, Senior Foreman, to be Assistant Superin-tendeut (Maintenance), with effect f rom 1st January, 1927.

FltElAEulcx CHARLZS l-lchwlroru, Foreman, to be Senior Fore-man, with effect ,f rom 1st Januaryf . 1927.


Hslqmx Erww&xI) LAw BRAzrsspoztp, to be a M agistrate oî tlzeSecond Class. with power to hold a Subordinate Court ofthB Second Class, whilst holding his present appointmentas Assi.stant District Commissioner, M asa'i Province.

SVILL:AM Ruoooclt Kloo, to be a M agistrat'e of the SecondClass, wfth power to hold a Subordinate Court of theSecond Class in athe South Nyeri District, KikuyuProvince, whilst holding his present appointment asAssistant District Commissioner, South Nyeri.

KENNS'I?U LEIIG-&I''.p HCNTSR, to be a M agistrate' of the SecondClass, with power to hold a Subordinate Court of theSecond Class within the Nairobi District, UkambaProvince, whilst holding his present appointment asAssistant District Commissioner, Nairobi.



,T. F? S. M ERRTOK,Io'r zzicff'n.g Colohial Sdcrtlftm/.

Mazrch 30, 1927. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 363

Colony and Protectorate o' f K enJpa.


H TS EXCELLENCY the Acting Governor has approvedof the following Bills being introdueed into LegislativeCouncil :-

G. R. SANDFORD,Cleri fo t%e Twcgfdlcfïrc Counoil

A Bill relating to Bills of Exchange, Cheques,

and Prom issory Notes.

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony ofKenya, with the adviee and consent of the Legislative Councilthereof , as follows :-

1. This Ordinance may be dted as t < the Bills of Exchange short tItle.Ordizlance, 1926. ' '

2. Tn this Ordinance, lznless the (jontext otherwise ynterpretatioy,requires :-

; d Acceptance '' means an aeceptance completed by delivery5or notifcation ;

' d Action ' ' includes counter-claim and set-off ;

' ' Banker ' ' includes a hody of persons whether incor-porated or not who carry on the business of banking ;

10 ' ' Bankrupt ' ' includes any person whose eataie is vestedin a trustee or assignee under the law for the time being inforce relating to bankruptcy ; .

d * Bearer ' ' means the perstm in possessitm ofnote which is payable to bearer ;

' ' Bill ' ' m eans bill of exehange, aud m eaus1 5prom issory note ;

' ' D elivery ' ' m eans transf er of possession, actual or coz)-structive, from one person to another ; '

d f H older ' ' m eans the payee or indorsee of a bill or notewho is in possessiou of it , or the bearer thereof ;

20d t Tndorsem ent ' ' m eans an infb rsement cozzapleted by

delivery ;

t t Tssue ' ' means the first tlelivery of a bill or note, com-plete in form , to a person who takes it as a holder ;

6 ' Value ' ' means valuable consideration ;25



Fow'm avtd lnterpretation.

8. (1) A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in siu of exchangewriting, addressed by one person to another, signed by the deflned.

30 i in it requiring the person to whom it is addressedperson g v g , .

to pay on demaud or at a flxed or determinable future timea sum certain in m oney to or to the order of a speciûed personor to bearer.

(2) An instrument which does not comply with these35conditions, or which qrders any act to be done in addition tothe payment of money, is not a bill t)f exchange.

(3,) An order to pay out of a particular fund is notuncotlditional within the m eanm g of this sed ion ; but anunqualified order to pay , coupled with--

((/) an indication of a particular fund out of which thedrawee is to reimburse him self or a. particular acoouùtto be debited witl'! the amount ; or

(b) a. statelnent of the transaction Which gives rise to thebill, is tlnconditional.

A. bill is n('lt invalid b)z reason

((:z) tllat it is not dated ; 10( 1.? ) that it does llot specif y thè va ltze given , or tlïat any

. ' ' ' ''''

. Jval t1e llas been given. therefor ; .

(c) tllat it does not spec if y the place 'where it is drauzn or. . . . ; .the place wllere it. is payable.

1 n I and andf oreign bills.

2 0


flffgct where 5. (1) A bi 11 znay b e drawn payable to , 01- to the order of ,difterent partles the drawer

, or it m ay l)e' dr' awtl payable to, or' to' thei ord'er ofto bill are tlae >same person. the drawee. 25

(2) Avhere in a bill drawer and drawee are the sanleperson , or where the. drawee is a ftctitiqus person or a personnot having capacity to contract, the, llolder lnay treat theinstrum ent , at his option, either as a bill of excllange or as aron-lissory note. 30P

àddress to 6. (1) The draweç rnust be nanted or otllerwise indicateddrawee. iu a bill with reasonable certainty.

(2) A bill may be addressed to two or more draweeswhether they l'Jre partllers or not , but an order addressed to

. ,

a5two drawees in the alternative or to two or lilore drawees insuccession i's not a bill of exchange.

. *

(?' ertqinty 7. (1) A'Vhere a l)ill is not payable to bearer, the payeed . . . . .reqlllre as l,o t be nam ed or otherwise indicated therein with reasonablem us

Payee. .certainty.

l le to t'Uo or rùore payees 40(Q) A bill may be mpde paya )intly or it may be made payable in the alternative to onejo ,

of two, or one or som e of several payees. A bill m ay alsobe m ade payable to the holder of an offiee for the tim e being.

(3) W here the payee is a fictitious or norl-existing persontl bill m ay be treated as payable to bearer. 45le

What bills are 8. (1) Mrhen a bill contains Jvords prohibiting transfer,negotiable. . . ' .or indicating an inteziiion that it should not be transferable,it is valid as between the partiés thereto, but is not negotiable.

(2) A ne'gotia' blè bill may bë payable either til orde/ orto tearer. 50

(8) A bill is pa#àble to bearer which is ekp' ressed to beso payable, or on which thè only ok last irtd/rsèlezit ii ailindorsem ent in blank. '

March :9, 19Q7. TH E OFFICTAL GAZETTE 365

(4) A bill is payable to order which is expressed to be sopayable, or which is expres

.sed to be payable to a particular

person, and does not eoitfain words prohibiting tra' nsfer orindicating an intention that it should not be transferable.

(5) Rvhere a bill, eithel- originally or by indorsement , is5expressed to be payable to the order of a specified pçrson, and

iheless payable to him ornot to him or his order, it is neverhis order at ltis optiou.

9. (1) The sum payable by a bill is a sum certain within Sum payable.. . : ''1.0 the m eaning of tlais Ortllnance , although it is required to be


(a) with interest ;

(!)) by sta' ted instalmënts ;

(c) by stated instalments, with a provision that upondefault in payment of any instalment the whole shallbecom e due ;

(d) accorcliilg t.o .an inclicatetl rate of exchange or accordingto a rate of exchahge to b,e ascertained as directedby the bill. '

2() (2) W here the stzm payable is expressed irè words .arld alsoln figures, and there is à, discrepancy between the two , thesum denoted by the words is the am ount payable.

(3) 'Where a bill is expressed to be payable with interest,tmless the instrumen.t otherwise provides, interest runs from

25 the date of the bili, ' and if the blll ij undated from the issuetherçof .

1O. (1) A bill is payable on demand-

(aj which is expressed to be payable on demaud,sight, or on presentatiop ; or ,

30 (b,b in which no time for payment is expressed.

(2.1. W here a bill is' accepted or indorsed when it is over-due, it shall, as regards the acceptor who so accepts, or anyindorser who so ipdorses it! be deemed a bill payable ondem and.

35 11. A bill is pavable at a determin@bte future time within Bill payable at. . .= > ' a f uture time.the m eaning of this Ordinauce which is expressed to be


Bill payableo1l demand.

or at


An instrum ent expressed to be payable on a contingencyis not a bill, and the happening of the event does not cure thedefect.

(1) at a flxed period after date or sight ;

(i!) on or at a ftxed period after the occurrence of a specifedevent which is certain to happen, thopgh the tim' e ofhappening m ay be uncertain.

.45 12. W here a bill expressed to be payable at a flxed period Omission of datein bill payableafter date is issued undated , or where the acceptance of a bill fter date.. &

payable at a fxed period after sight is undated, any holder m ayinsez't therein the true date of issue or acceptance, and the billsllall be payable accordingly :

:3641 THE OIPFTCIATJ GAXETTE Marcb 30, 19:7.

Protidèd .that '. . ' '; '

(1-) wller.e ihe holder i n good f aith ancl by mlstake insertsa 'Wrtlrli dates and . ' '

(2) in every case where a wrong date is ins' erted,if the bill subseqtzently com es into the' hands of a holcler in 5t'lue course, th' e billc shall not be 'avoided theréby, but shalloper&te and be payable ag if tlae date so i'nserted had been tlletrue tlate. ,

dating and 13. (1) AVhei'e a bill or an acceptance or any indorsementAnte- .

post-dating. on a bill ls dated, the date shall , unless the contrary be proved , 1.pbe deem ed to be the true date of the drawing, acceptahce, orindorsem ent , as tlle case m ay be.

(2) A. bill is not invalid by reason only that it is ante-datetl or post-dated , or that it bears date on a Sunday.

14. W here a bill is not payable on demand , the day on 15Comptltation of which it falls due is determ ined as follow s :-time Ot payment.

(1) Three days, callecl d ï days of grace' ' , a.re, in every casewhere the bill itself does not otherwise provide , added to thetim e of paym ent as fixed by the bill, and the bill is due andpayable on the last day of grace : Provide'd tllat- :()

(tz) when the last day of grace falls on Sunday, ChristmasDtty or Good Friday, the bill is, except in the çasehereinafter provided for, due and payable ot'l thepreceding business day ;

(à)) when the last day of gracq is a publid holiday (other 25than Christmas Day or Good Friday) under thePublic H olidays Ordinance, or when tl'le last day of

(z'rv. Jp. grace is a Sunday and the second day .of grace is a'

public holidày, the bill is due and pa#able on thesucceeding business d ay. '

here a bill is payable at a' fixed period after date, 30(2) Wafter sight , or after the happening of a specified event, thetim e of paym ent is determined by excluding the day fromwhich the time is to begin to run and by including the day ofPaym ent.

(3) MTllere a bill is pttyable at a fxed period aftqr sight .the tim e begins to run frott'l the date of the acceptance if thebill be accepted., and from the date of noting or protest if thebill be noted or protested for non-acceptance, or foy non-delivery .

( 4 )

Case of need. J.5. The drawer of a bill and any indorse.r m ay' insert

f whom the hùlder m ay r' esbrtthqrqin thè nanle o a, person to 's'Nin case 'of need . that is to say, tn case tlle bill is dishonouretlby non-acceptautce or non-payment. Such person is called the' ' referee in case of neecl ' ' . Tt is in the 'optiou of t'he holder to 4, 5resort to the referee in case of need or not as he m ay tlail'tk fit.

Optiolla! ' :6. The drawer of a bill and any indorser m ay insertstipulations bydrawer or . ttherein an express stipulation .in d a rjer. . . .

(1) riejativing or lim'ititng his own liability to the hùlder ;(2) waiving as regards llimself some or ;tll of t'he laplder's 50

dllties . .'.

M arch 30, 1927. TJ-IE , OFFICJAL GAZETTE /167

17. (1.) The acceptance of a bill is the signifcatinn b y the Despition audrequlsites (; f'drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer. acceptance.

. (2) An acceptance is invalid unless it complies with thefollowing conditions, namely-

((z) it must be written o1A the bill and be signed by thedrawee. The mere signature of the drawee withoutadditional words is sul cient ;

(t?) it must not express that the drawee will perfo' i'm hispromise by any other means than tlle paym ent of

jtj 'mtm ey .

1.8. A bill m ay lpe accepted- Time foracceptance.

(1) before it has been signed by the d/awer, or whileotherwise incom plete ;

(2) when ît it ovéfdue , or after it has been dishopoklredby a previous refusal to accept, or by non-paym ent ;

(3) when a bill payable atter sight is dishonoured by uon-acceptanee, and the draw ee subsequently accepts it,the holder, in the abyence of any different agreem ent,is entitled to have the bill accepted as of the date

20 of first presentment to the drawee for acceptance.

19. (1) An acceptance is either- Genlral pudquahlied(a4 general, or accepfances.(b) qualitled.

(2) A general acceptance asse'nt's witllout qualiftcation toj?,5 the order of the .drawer. A qualifled acceptance in express

terms varies the effect of the bill as drawn.Tn particular an aéceptance is qualified whicla is-

(tz) conditional, that is to 'say, whic'h makes payment bythe acceptor dependent oll.tlae fulfllm ent of a con-

30 dition therein stated ;

(b) partial, that ts to say, an acceptance to pay part onlyof the amount for wh,ich the bill is drawn ;

1 l that is to say, an acceptance to pay only at a(c) oca, ,particular specitled place ;

3$ (An acceptance to pay at a particular plaee is a general. acceptance, unless it expressly states that the billis to be paid there only and not elsewhere.)

(d) qualifie'd as to time ;(c) the acceptance of some one or m ore of the drawees,

40 but not of all.

2O. (1.) W here a, simple signature on a blank stamped Inchoate. . s struments.paper is delivered by the signer in order that it may be converted

into a hill, it operates as a primâ jtzcfc authbrity to fi11 it upas a com plete bill for any am ount the stam p will cover, using

45 the signature for that of the drawer, or the acceptor, or anindorser ; and , in like m anner, when a bill is w anting in anym aterial particular, the person in possession of it has a primâlttcï6 attthority to fIll up the omission in any way he thinks fit.

(2) Iu order that any such instrument when completed50 may be enforceable against any person who became a party

theyeto prior to its conapletion, it rnust be filled up within areaspnable time, . and strictly in accordance with the authoritygiven . Reasonable time for this purpose is a qnestion of fact

868 TH.E OFFICI/L (9 AZETT 1$2 M arch 30 , 1927 .

liovided that if imy such instrument after èompletiùn isnegotiated to a holder iri dué couréè it shall be kalid andelectual for al1 purposes in his hands, and he m ay enforceit as if it had been filled up within a reasonable tim e andstrictly in accordance with the authority given. '

. . . . ' ; . ' '' 1 ' ,

21. (1.) Every contract on â bill, whéthet ' it be thedrawer's, the acceptor's, ok ai1 indorser's, is incotaplete andrevocable, until cleliyery of the instrum ent in order to giveeFect thereto : . . . . , ,

Provided that where an acceptance is written on a bill, 10he drawée gives notice tô isr aècordin/ 'tö thè' dirlctionsand t

of the perjon Untitled to the bill that lle h'as. accepted it, theacceptance then becom es com plete and irreyocable:


(Q) As bétween imtnédiate pai'tie:, :nd aB #egards aremotetpérty ùthèr than a hbldef- ih due cotti'se , the delivery- 15

j . ' , . .

. , ' ..1. .

(a) in order to be effectual pust be made either by or. ' ' f ' . ; .under tlle authoritv èf the partv draqing, accepting,

, 't.' J . ..... . v ,



or indorsing, as the case pày be ;

(b) may be shown to have beén 'cim'ditiùhal 61 fol' a specialpurpose only, and not fpr the purpose of traniferring 20the property in the bill.

But if the bill be in the hands of a holtlèr in due course ,a valid delivery of the bill by all parties prior to him so as tom ake them liable to him is 'conclusively presum ed.

(3) W herq a? bill is no longer in the possession of a party 25tlf tor or indorser, a valid andwho has signed it as awer, accep ,

unconditibnal delivery bj- hizh i;s presûriled until the contraryis proved. . . ' . .

Capacity and ztlzûf/zodfp Parties.

la city of 22. (1) Capacity to incur liability a's a party to a bill is 30i p!Ilartles ' ' ' '' co-extensive witi capacity to cgntract :

Provided th@t nothing . in this section shall enable a czor-jokation to make itself liable as d rawer, acceptor, or indorserof a bill unless it is com petent to it so to do under the 1aw for

35the tim e being in force relating to corporations.

h bill is ilràWn o' r'indorsèd b y àn infant minor(2) W ere a , ,or corporation having no capacity or poWer to incur liability

' on a bill, thè drawing .ov indorsement entitles the , holder to'

receive payment of the bill., .and to .enforce it against any otherarty thereto. . 40P

Slgnature g8. .No person is liable ,as d, rawer, indorser, or acceptorrsseptial to . .k,aulity. of a bill .whq has zlot signed it as suçh .. Pm vided that-

(1) where a person signs a bill in a trade or assumedname . he is liable thereon as if he had signed it inhis own nam e ; 45

(2) the signature of the nam'e of a firm is equikalent to'i i b the pers'on so sijiiilij of tll' e ùamedt e signy ure y. j ( jjyaj jjym. .of all persons liab e as partners n


24. Subject to tlae provisions of this Ozdinance, where Forged orupauthorîseda sigrlature on a bill is forged or placed thereon without the slgnature.

autlaority of the person whose signature it purports to be ,the forged or unauthorised signature is wholly inoperaiive, and

i '1 t to retain the bill or to give a discharge tlierefor or to5 no r g Aenforce paym ent thereof against any party thereto cau beacquired through or tm der that signature, unless the partyagainst whom it is sought to retain or enforce paynzent ofthe bill ii precluded from setting up the forgery or Waut of

10 authority t

Provided that nothing i13. this seetion sllall affect the ratifi-cation of an llnauthorised signature not am oulating to a forgery.

25. A kignature by procuration èperates as notiee that Procnrationsignatnres.the agent has but a limited authority to sign , and the principal

15 is only bound by stzch gignature if the agent irt so signiug wasacting within the actual limits of his autlaority.

26. (1) Avhere a pel-son signs a bill as drawerr indorser, Person signing' th t he a'S avent or inor acceptor

, aud adds words to his signature , indicating a mpresentativesign.s for or on behalf of a principal, or in a representative capacity.

20 character , b.e is not personally liable tlzereon ; but the m ereaddition to his signature of words describing him as an agent ,or as tilling a representative character, does not exempt laimfrom personal liabilfty.

(2) Tu determining whether a signature on a bill is that25 oî' the pzincipal or tlnat of the agent by whose laand it is

written, the constructiou m ost favourable to the validity ofthe instrum ent shall be adopted.

Tlte Co?ztvïtft?ztltïo'n jor a Oï/I.27. (1) Valuable consideration for a bill may be constituted Value andholder for

0 b)'- value.

(tz) any consideration sufftcient to support simplecontract ;

(é)) an arltecedent debt or liability. Such a debt orliability is deemed valuable eonsideration whether

:y5 the bill is payable on demand or at a future time.

(2) W here 'value has at any time been given for a billthe holder ig deemed to be a holder for value as regards theacceptor and all parties to the bill who becam e parties priorto such time.

4(.) (3) W here the holder of a bill has a lien on it , arisingeither from contract or by implication of law , he is deem edto be a holder for value to the extent of the sum for whichhe has a lieu.

28a (1) An accommodation party to a bill is a persön who Accomzriodàtiop. !jj!! or patjy..45 has signed a bill as drawer, acceptor, or indorser, without

receiving value therefor, and fol' the purpose of lending hisname to some other persou. '

(2) An accommodation party is liable on the bill to ahilder fpr value ; anil it is immaterial Whether, when such

g: holdqr tclok tbe bill, lae k llew slpcla party to be a,n accpmmodationparty or 'not..

Holder in due 29. (1) A holder .in due course is a holder who has takenCO''rSe. a bill com plete and regular on the face of it, under the

followillg conditions , nam ely-

(a) that he became the holder of it before it was overdue,and without notice that it had been previùusly dis-honoured , if such was the fact ;

(è)) that he took the bill in good faith and for value, and#that at the tim e the bill was negotiated to him he hadno notice of any defect in the title of the personwho negotiated it . 1.0

(Q) In particular the title of a person who negotiates abill is defective within the m eaning of this Ordinance whenhe obtaitzed the bill , or the acceptance thereof , by fraud , d'qress,or force and fear, or other unlawful m eans, or for an illegalconsideration , or when he negotiates it in breach of faith, or 15under such circum stances as am ount to a fraud.

(3) A holder (whether for value or not) who derives histitle to .a bill through a holder in due course, and. who is nothim self a party' to any fraud or illegality affecting it , has allthe rights of that holder in dtze course as regards the acceptor 20and al1 parties to th' e bill prior to that holder. '

laresumptson of 30. (1) Every party whose signature appears on a bill isvalue alld g0Od. l,rinztâ facie deemed to have become a party thereto f or value.faith. 1 ,

(2) Every holder of a bill is pïimâ Jcfcftl deemed to be aholder in due course ; but if in an actiorl ol'l a bill it is adm itted :5or proveil that the acceptance , issue or stzbsequent negotiationof the bill is affected with fraud, duress , or force and fear, orillegality, the burden of proof is shifted, unless and until theholder proves thkt , subsequent to the alleged fraud or illegality,value has in good faith been given for the bill. ' t;tl

Negotiation of Bills.

Negotiation of 31. (1) A bill is negotiated wlAen it is transferred from6ill. rie erson to another in such a m anner as to constitute the 'O p

transferee the holder of the bill.

(t2) A bill payable to bearer îs negotiated by deliveyy. 35

(3) A bill payable to order is negotiated by the indorse-ht of the holder com pleted by delivery. 'm e

(4) W here the holder of a bill payable to llis ordertransfyrs it for value without indorsing it , the transfer givesthe transferee such title as the transferor had in the bill , and 40the transferee in addition acquires the right to laave theindorsem ent of the transferor.' . x.

(5) W here any person is under obligation to indorse abill in a representative capacity, he may indorse the bill insuch term s as to negative personal'liability. 45

Aeguisites pj a 8g. An indorsement in order to operate as a negotiationYal'd l with the f ollowing 'conclttions

, nam ely :-u:-doriement.

m qBt com p '.Fln

(1) It must be written .on the bill itself antl be signetl bythe indorser. The sim ple signature of the indorseron the bill, without additional wortls, is suffpcient. 50

An indorsement wriiten on an allonge, or on af < ' ' f bitl issued or nejotiatetl in a éountrycopy o awhere f f copies ' ' azïe recognised, is deem ed to bewritten on the bill itself .

M areh 30, 1927. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 371

(2) Tt must be an inclol-sement of the entire bill. Apartial indorsem ent, that is to say, an indorsem entwhich purports to transfer to the indorsee a partonly of the am ount payable, or which purports totransfer the bill to two or more indorsees severally,does not operate as a negotiation of the bill.

(3) 'W here a bill is payable to the order .of tw'o .or morepayees or indorsees who are not partners , all m ustk'ndorse , unless the one indorsing has authority to

10 indorse for the others.

W here, in a bill payable to order, the payee or indorseeis wrongly designated, or his name îs mis-spelt, hem ay indorse the bill as therein described, adding, ifhe thinks fit, lais pz-olaer signature.

(5) Avhere there are two or more indorsements on a bill ,each indorsem ent is deem ed to have been m ttde în theorder in which it appears on the bill, llntil tlleoontrary iB proved..

Au indorsem ent may be m ad.e in blank or special ; itmay also coutain terms m aking it restrictive.

83. W here a bill purports to be indorsed conditionally, conditionalthe condition m ay be disregarded by the payer, and paym ent indorsement.to the indorsee is valid whether the condition has been fulfilledor not .

25 34:. (1) An indorsement in blarlk specifles no indorsee, Indorsement inblank andand a bill so indorsed beeom es payable to bearer. pecsal?tndorsement.(2) A special indorsement specifies the person to wlaom


or to whose order, the bill is to be payable.

(3) Tlze provisions of this Oz'dinance relating to a payee30 apply with the necessary modifcations to an indorsee under a

special indorsem ent.

(4) 'W hen a bill has been indorsed in blallk , any holderm ay convert the blank indorsement into a special indorsementby writing above the indorsee's signature a direction to pay

35 the bill to or to the order of him self or som e other person.

85. (1) An. indorsement is restrictive which prohibits the sestrictivefurtlàer negotiation of the bill or which expresses that it is a indorsemenb.mere authority to deal with the bill as thereby directed andnot a transfer of the ownership thereof , as, for exam ple, if a bill

40 be indorsed ' ' Pay D only ,' ' or f d Pay D for the accotm t of X ,' 'or ' ' P ay D or order for collection. ' '

(2) A restrictive elldorsement gives the indorsee the rightto receive paym ent of the bill and to sue any party theretotlaat his indorser could have sued, but gives him no power to

45 transfer his rights as indorsee unless it expressly authorise himto do so .

(3) W here a restrictive indorsement authorises furthertransfer, al1 subsequent indorsees take the bill with the sam erights and subject to the same liabilities as the first izldorsee

gtj under the restrictive indorsement.

86. (1) -W'rhere a bîll is negotiable in its origin it continues Negotiation ofoverdue orto b.e n'egotiable until it has been dishonouredllill.(a4 restrictively indorsed

, or

(b) discharged by payment or otherwiso.

ç!'2) A'Vhere an everdue bill is ntjgotiated, it can tnnly benegotiated subject tc' a'tly defect of title affectiug it at itslnaturity, and thetlcetero,ard no person who takes it can aequireo%. give a better title tllan that which the person from whomhe took it had. '

(3) A bill payable on demand is deemed to be overduewithin the m eaning and for the purposes of this section when itappears on the face of it to have been in circulation for anunreasonable length of tirne. 'W laat .is an unreasonable lengthof tim e for this purpose is a q uestion oî faet. 1()

(4) Except wlzere an indorsement bears date after thematurit# of the bill, every negotiation is pfimâ ./, acie deemed tohave been effected before the bill w as overdue.

(5) 'W here a bill which is not overdue laas been dis-honoured , any person who takes it witla notice of the dishonour 15

. . ' ' ' '

takes it subject to any defect of title attaching tlzereto at thetime pf dishnnour, but nothing in thts sutj-section shall affectthe rights of a holder in due course.

Negotiation of 87. Avhere a bill is negotiated baclt to the drawer, or tobill to pqrty k i aorser or to the acceptor such party m ay

, subject to 20lready llable 2 Pl- Ol- IR ' ,atlzereon. tlae provisions of tlais Ordinarlce , redssue and further negotiate

the bill, but he is not entitled to enforce paynaent of. the billagainst any intervening party to whom he w as previouslyliable .

Rights of the 38. The rights and powers holder of a bill are 25holder. j luws :as o

(1) H e may sue on the bill in his own narne.(2) 'W here 1le is a holder in due course , he holds the bill

free from any defect of title o.f prior parties, as wellas from mere personal defences available to prior 30parties am ong them svlves, and m ay enforce paym entagainst al1 partîes liable on the bill.

(:$) A'Vhere his title is defectiveif he negotiate's the bill to a holder in due course,that holder obtains a gootl and. complete title to 35the bill ; and.

( !)) if l)e obtains payment of the bill, the person whc?pays him in due c'ourse gets a valid discharge forthe bill.

General Dzffït?,s oj the .J.fo/(J?z. 44.,wlten present- 89. (1) MThere a bill is payable after sight ,, prejentm entment f0r for acceptance is necqssary in order to fix the m aturity of theacceptance isnecessary. instrum ent.

(2) W here a bill expressly stiptllates that it shall bepresented for acceptance, or where a b' ill is drawn payable 45elsewhere than at the residence or place of business of thedrawee, it m ust be presented for acceptance before it can bepresented for paym ent.

(3) Jh no other case is presentmezlt for acceptancenecessary in order to rbnder liable any party to the bill. 50

t4) W here the holder of a bill, drawn payable elsew-herethan at the place of business or residence of the drawee, hasnpt tim e, with thc exercise of reasonable diligence, t

,p presentthe bill for acceptance before presenting it for paymeni on theday that it falls due, the delay caused by presenting the bill 55for acceptance before presenting it for payzhent is' excused, all4does not discha'rge the drawer a'nd indorsers.

M h 30 10:7. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 3t3&rC y.


G0. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance , when Time f?r' presentlng bilia bill payable after sight is negotiated , the holder must either syyable afterpresent it for acceptance or negotiate it within a reasonable S'ght.tim e.

5 t2) Tf he do not do so , the drawer and a11 indorsers priorto that holder are discharged.

(3) In determining what is a reasonable time withinthe m eaning of this section: regard' shall be had to the natureof the bill, the usage of trade with respect to sim ilar bills, and

10 the facts of tlne particular case.

41. (1) A bill is duly presented for acceptance which is Tttdes as topresentznellt f orpresented in aecordance with the followiug rules : acceptanee, altd

. excnses for 'lorà-(tz) The presentment must be made by or on behalf of the presentmet/s.

holder to the clrawee or to some person authorised15 to accept or refuse acceptance on his behalf at a

reasonable hour on a business day and before tlle billis overdue.



(b) 'W izez'e a bill is addressed to two or more drawees, wl)oare not pal.trlers , presentrnent rnust be rnade to tlternall, tïrkless one has atzthority to accept for all, thenpreselltrneut naay be m ade to him 0111y.

(c) 'Nvhere tlle drawee is dead , presentment m ay be nladeto his personal representative.

((@) Ivhere tlle clrawee is banltrupt, preseutrt3ent rnay l)enlade to him or to his trustee.

(c) 'W here autllorised by agreem ent or usage , a present-ment through the Post Office is suëcient.

(Q) Presentmeut in aecordance with these rules isexcused, and a bill m ay be treated as disllououred by non-

:30 acceptance-

(cr) where the drawee is dead or bankrupt , or is a fictitiousperson or a person not having capacity to contractby bill ;

where, after tlae exercise t)f reasonable diligence, such:5 presentm ent cannot l)e effeeted ;

(c) where , although the presentment has been irregular ,acceptance has beeu refused on som e other ground .

(3) Tl-le fact tllat the holder has reason to believe thatthe bill, on pl-esentment, will be dishonocred, does not excuse

..40 presentm ent.42. svhen a bill is duly presentetl for acceptance, and Non'acceptance

is not accepted within tlae custom ary tim e, the personpresentîng it must treat it as dishonoured by non-acceptance.If he do not , the holder shall lose his right of recotkrse againstthe drawer and indorsers..45

43. (1) A bill is disholzoured by non-acceptance Disllonour bynon-acceptanlteand it,

(c) when it is duly presented for acceptance , and such au eossequences.acceptance as is prescribed by this Ordinance isl-efused ov cannot be obtained : or

.5O (bj wheu presentment for acceptance fs excused aud thebill is not accepted.

(;) wlnen a

bill is t.tisl'l.ollor.ll'et1 by non-acceptance , an irylnlediate rigllt ofreeo urse ag'ai.z1st tlle draw-er and indorsers acerues to the holder ,

' and no presentrnent for payn-lent is necessary.

Dutios as to 44. (1.) The holder of a bill l'rlay ref use to take a qualifiedqttlali.flef.l j

. jj )je (jtjes uot ob tain alA unqualifpécl accept- 5. a'q' cept ance , an ,:tc'2e1 Wtzypcos.arlea , n'lay treat the bill as disholnoured by zlon-acceptance.

(.2) A/vllere a qualilèed acceptance is takeu , a'ntl' the drawer.or an indorser laas not expressly or inRpliedly authorised tlleholt-ler to take a qualified acceptance , pr d oes not subsequently

thereto , stzch drawer or indorser is discharged from llis 10asselltliability on the b ill.


The prcwisions of this sub-section do not apply to a partialacceptance, whereof dtle notiee has been given. Avhere aforeign bill has been aeceptèd a.s to part , it lnust be protested

the balance . 15as to

(r$' ) Avhela. the drawer or iudorser of a bill receives noticeef a q tzalified acceptance , ala.d does not. , within a reasonabletina.e , express his dissent to the holder, he shall be deenled tohttve assented thereto.

l-tulos as to 45. Subject to tlle provisions of tllis Ordinance , a l'')ill 20presontynent f or . . ( tae ('jujy presented f or paylnent . If it be not so presented ,11 1 tl S)ê..t y' 13'.:.()11 tï .

the drawer and indorsers shall be discllar ged .

A bill is duly presented for payn-lent whieh is presented iltaccordauce with the following rules :

(1) Avhere the b'ill is not payab le on deuland , presentnAeut 25.11l.:1st be lzlade on the day it falls dlze .

(2) A'Vllere the bill is payable oIA den-land, then, subject totlèe provisions of this Ordinatlce , presentnaent m ustbe n'lade within a reasonable time after its issue inorder. to render the drawer liable , and within a 30reasonable tin'le after its indol'senaent , in order to'render the indorser lîable.

Tll determining what is a reasonable tiizle, regardshall be had to the nature of the bill , the usage of

:.) :5.trade with regard to sim ilar bills, and tlle fycts of

tlae particular case.

(3) Preset-ttment 114.:1st be l'nade by tlte llolder or by solneperson authorised to receive paym ent on his b ehalfat a reasonable hour on a business day at the properplaee, as hereinafter defined, either to the person 40designated by the bill as payer , or to som e personauthorised to pay or ref'use paym eut on his behalf ,if with tlae exercise of reasoltable diligence suel)persol-t can there be found.

(4) A bill is presented at the proper place 45

((z) where a pljkce of paylzàent is specified in tlae billand the bill is there presented ;

(b) wlaere no plaee of payment is specified , but theaddress of the drawee or acceptor is given in theill arld the bill is there pl-esented ; 50b


(c) wllere no place of paymetat is specifked , aud noaddress given , and the bill is presented at thedrawee's or acceptor's place of business , ifknown , and if not , at his ordinary residence, ifkn own ;

((/) iI1 any otlaer case , if preseuted to the drawde or. . aeceptor wlaer. ever. he can be .f ouud , . or if

presented at his last-kllown piace of busiuesg orresidence .

(15) Avhere a bill is presentetl at the proper place , allé ,after the exercisë of reasonable diligelnce , no perso'lauthorised to pay or reftzse paym ent .can be foulpdthere , no f urther presentm el-tt to the drawee ('t'acceptor is required.

f6) Avhere a bill is drawn upon, or acceptecl by two o'rm ore persons who are uot partners, and no place ofayment is specified, presentmeiat must be rnade toPthem all.

(7) A'Vllere tlae drawee 0r acceptor of a bill is (letl d , :: 1) t1no place of paynlet-tt is specified , presentllAent n3.ust l)el'nade to a personal representative, if such there be,arztl with tlae exercise of reasonable tliligenee J)ecan be f ound . '



(S) A'Vhere authorised by agreement or usage , a present-Iuent throllgh tlle Post Oftice is sufficielat .

46. '( 1) Delay in naalting pl'esentn-lent f or paylnent is Excmses f ordelay or non-

excused 'when the delay is caused by circurnsta nces beyclnd tlle presentmest forcontrol of the holde'r , aud not l'rnptttable to 14is default , Jtlis- P'lyltlerit.contlu pt oi- iltvglig. 'ta. 1) ce . AVI-inIA tl') e ca 1 lse of tlt?! :-.)7 ('(-.. a. st-?s t o

20- operate, presentmen.t nàtlst be lnade x''vith l'easolAable diligeltce .

(2) Presentnaent for payn-len.t is dispensed with

ftt) wllere, after tlle exercise of reasonab le diligence ,presentm ent , as required by this Ordiuallce , ealtzlotbe eff eeted.

The fact that tlle holder llas reason to believethat the b ill will , on presentm ent , be d ishol-lollred ,does not dispense with the rlecessity for (p1-. esentlnent ;

( é) ) wllel'e tlle drawee is a flctitious person ;

(c) as regards tlle drawer, where the drawee or aceeptol'is laot btluntl , a,s between llinnself and tlae drawer, toaccept or pay the bîll, and the drawer has 1A0 reasonto believe that the bill would be paid if preselated ;

(d) as regards ala. intlorser, 'where the bill 'was acceptetl orn-tacle for the aeeolaal-nodation of that indorser, andhe has no reason to expect that the bill 'woul d l)eaaitl if presentecl ;l

(c) by waiver of preseutznent , expressed or il-nplied .

'b(Jr 4/4j


47. (1) .X- bill is (11 sllon ottred by llon-paynlent. Dislloncur byn on-p a yn'). c rtt .

(.n ) when it is duly presented for payment and p'ayment 1'srefused or cannot be obtained ; or45

o '

(.2) Sublec't to the provisions of this Orclinalwe , wheu abill is dishonoltred by non-paym ent , an im m ediate right c)frecourse agaînst the drawez- and indorsers accrues to the h'older.


376 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE M arch 30, 1927.

xotice of *s. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, when adhhonour and bill has beezl dishonoured by non-acceptance or byeffect of non-netice. non-payment, notice of dishonour must be given to the drawer

aud each indorser, and any drawer or indorser to whom stzchnotice is not given is discharged : Provided that-

(1) where a bil,l is dishonotzred by non-acceptance, andnotice of dishonotzr is rlot given, the rights of a holderin due course, subsequent to the omission, shall notbe prejudiced by the omission ;

(Q) where a bill is dishonoured by non-acceptanee, and due 1:notice of dishonour is given, it shall not be necessary .to give notice of a subsequent dishonotlr by non-paylnent tm less the bill shall in tlle m eantime havebeen accepted.

Rules as 1.1) 49. Notiûte of dishonotlr in orcler to be valitl atltl eFectual 15ngtice of .4,

. yjce with the following rules :lrlust be given in acct)l adlsllonour.

(1) The notice must be given by or on bellalf of theholder, or by or on behalf of an indorser who, at thethe tim e of giving it , is him self liable 'on the bill ;

(2) Notice of disllonotlr lnay be given by alz agent either 20in his own nam e, or in the nam e of any partyentitled to give zloLice, whether that party be hisprincipal or not ;

(3' ) W here tlle notice is given by or on behalf of theholcler, it enures for the beneftt of all subsequent 25holders and all prior indorsers who have a right ofrecourse against the party to whom it is given ;

(4) W here notice is given by or on behalf of an indorserentitlecl to give notice as hereinbefore prtwided, itenures for the benefkt of the holder and all indorsers 3:subsequent t.o tlle party to whom notice is given ;

(5). The notice lzlay be given in writirlg or by personalcommunication, and may be given in any termswhieh sufficiently indentify the l)il1, and intim' ate thattlie bill has been dishonoured by non-accep tance or 35jlon-payrnent ;

(6) 'Tlle return of a dishonourecl bill to the drawer or anirtdorser is, it'l point of forl'n, deem ed a suëcientnotice of disllonour ;

(7) A written not.ice need 13ot be signed, and an insuffcient 45written notice m ay be supplem ented and validatedby verbal commtmication. A rnisdescription of thebill shall not vitiate the notice unless the party. towhom the notice is given is in f aet misletl thereby ;

(8) W here notice of dishonour is required to be given to 45any person, it m ay be given either to the partyhim self or to his agent in th.at beh'alf ;

(9) W here the drawer t)r indorser is dead , and the partygiving notice knows it , the notice m ust be given toa peysonal repregentative , if such there be , artd with 50the exercise of reasozlable diligence lae can be found ;

(10) W here tl4e drawer or indorser is bankrupt, .notiee maybe given either to the party himself or t.o the trustee ;.


Vàrch' 399 19Q7. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 377

(11) W here tlAere . are two or more drawers. or ' indyrserswho are not partners, notice must be given to eachof tlaem t unless one of them has authority to receive 'such notice for the others ;

(1Q) The notice may be given as soon as the. bill is dis-honoured, and must be given within a reasonabletim e thereafter. '

In the absence of spsciai circumstances, noticeis not deemed to have been given within a reasonable

10 time unless((z) where the person giving and the persoq to receive . '

notice resitle in the same place, the notice is ' ' 'given or sent oîî in tim e to rcach the latter orltlte day aftqr the dishonour of the bill ;

15 ('?p) where tlze person giving and the person to receivenotiee reside ilA. diffeient places , the notice isserlt ot'f' on the day after the dishonour' of thebill, if there be a post at a cortvenient hour olzthat day, and if tllere be no such post on that

20 day then by' the next. post tllerea fter ;' (13. J Svhere a bill when dishonoured is in the hands of an

agent, l)e m ay either hhnself give lyotice to tlleparties liab' le ot'l the lJill, er he nxay give notice tollis pl'incipal . Tf he give llotic!' e to llis pril-lcipal , he

- n) t1st do so within tlae same ti m' e as if l1e were the2)5holtier , and tlle principal up0ll reeeipt of sucll noticellas hittlself tlïe sam e tilne for givilag notiee as if theagelzt 1&aa:l been an irzclapendent halder ;

(14) W here a party to a bill receives due notice of dishonourhe has, after the receipt of such notice, the same30period of tim e for giving notice to antecedent partiesthat the holtler has a,fter the dishonour ;

(15) W here a notice of dishonour is duly addressed andposted, the sender is deem ed to have given due noticeof dishonour, notwithstanding any miscarriage b' y3the Post Oë ee.

50. (1) Delay in giving notice of dishonour is excused Excuse! fornon-notlce apttwhere the delay is caused by circum stances beyond the control delay.of tlae party giving noiice, azad not im putable to laîs default,misconduct or negligence. 'W llen the cause of delay ceases to40operate, the notice must be given with reasonable diligence.

(2) Notice of dishonour is dispensed with(a) wlàen, after the exercise of reasonable diligertce, notice -

as reqtlired by this Ordinance cannot be given to or45 does uot reach the drawer or indorser sought to be

charged ;'

(b) by waiver express or implied. Notice of dishonour maybe waixed before the tim e of giving notice has arrivedor after the om ission to give due notice ;

(c) as regards the drawer in the following cases, nam ely : ,50(i) where drawer and drawee are the same person,(ii) where the drawee is a Ectitious person or a person

not having capacity to ctmtract, '(iii) where the drawer is the peroon t.o whom the bill

is presented for payment,55i (iv) where the drawee or acceptor is as between

himselt 'antl the clrawer under no obligation toaecept or pay the ' bill, .

(v) where the drawer has countermanded payment ;

378 TblE OFFICIAL GAZHTTE M arch 30, 1927.. ' .

(d) as regards the indorser izz tiàe following cases, namely .

(i) where the drawee is a fctitious person oy a personnot havlng capacity to contract ancl the izldorserwas aware of tho fact at the tim e he indorsedthe bill,where the indorser is the person to whom thebill is presented for paymelzt,

where the bill was acceptecl or made foraccom modation. '

it 10Noting orprotest of bill. 51.. (1) W here an inland bîll has been dishonoured,

may, if the laolder think flt, be noted for non-acceptancenon-paym ent, 'as the case m ay be ; but it shall not be necessaryto note or protegt any such bill in order to preserve the recourseagainst the drawer or indorser.

(t2) svhere a foreign bill, appeariug on the facte of it to 15be such, l'las been dishonoured by non-acceptance, it must beduly protested for nozt-aaeeptance, and where such a bill , whichhas not been previously dishonoured by non-acceptance , isdishonoured by non-payznent , it m ust be duly protested fornozl-paym ent. l'f it be not protested t14e drawer and 20indorsers are Jisclcargetl. Avhere a bill does not appear on theface of it to be a foreîgu bill, protest thereof in ease of t1 is-honour is unnecessary .

(3) A bill v'llieh has been protested for non-aceeptarlccem ay be subsequentiy protested for non-paynaent. 25

(4 ) Subject to the provisions of tlqis Ordinance , when abill is noted or protested, it m ay l)e noted on the day of itsdisholzour and m ust be notecl not later than the uext svzcceedingbusiness day. Avhen a bill has been duly noted, the protestmay be sabsequently extended as of the date of the notlng. 30

(5) 'W laere tlae acceptor of a bill becomes bankrupt orinsolvent or suspends paym ent before it m atures, the llolderm a,y cause the bill to be protested for better security againstthe drawer and indorsers.

(6) A bill must be protested at the place where it is 35dishonoured ; Provided that

(tz) when a bill is presented tlarough the Post Oëce, andreturned by pqst dishonoured, it m ay be protestedat tlle place to whicth it i: returned and on the day.of its return if received cluring business h'ours, and 40if not received during business hours, tllen not laterthala the next business day ;

(b) wllen a bill drawn payable at the place oî' business orresidence of som e person otller than the drawee hasbeen dishonoured by uon-accteptallce , it m ust be pro- 45tested for non-paym ent at tlle place where it isexpressed to be payable, and no further presentm entfor paym ent to , ot dem ancl on, the drawee isneeessary.

(7) A protest must contairt a copy of the bill, and must 50be Bigned by the notary m aking it , and m ust specify-

((z) the person at whose request the bill is protested ;(t)) the place and date of protest , the cause or reason for

t b il1 the demand made and theprotehting t ze ,.7

answer given, if any, or the fact that the drawee or 55acceptor could not be found .

M arch 30, 1927 . TH E OFFIC 1AL GAZ 10u Trrlsl 379

(8) Vrhere a bill is lost or destroyed , or is wronglydetained from the person entitled to hold it , protest may bem ade on a copy or written particulars thereof .

(9) Protest is dispepsed with by any circumstaucest4 tice of dishonour. Delay in5 which woulcl dispense wit no

noting or protesting is extwse) when tùe delay is caused byi t be ond the control of the holder and not im-c rcums ances y ,plztable to his ' default , m isconduct or negligence. W hen thecause of delay ceases to operate, tlle bill m ust be noted or

10 protested with reasonable diligence.

52. (1) W hen a bill is accepted generally, presentment Puties ofholder asfor paym ent is not necessary in order to render the acceptor regards

liable. drawee oracceptor.

(2) M'hen by the terms of a qualified acceptance present-15 ment for paym ent is required, the acceptol', in the absence of

an express stipulation to that effect, is not discharged by theom ission to present the bill for payment cn the day tllat itm atures.

(3) Tn order to render the acceptor of a bill liable it isgtl not neeessary to p'rotest it , or that notice of dishonour should

be given to him .

(4) Nvllere the lèolder of *a bill presents it f or payment ,he shall exhibit the bill to the person fron'l whom he demandspaym ent, and 'wlban a bill is paid the llolder sllall forthwith

25 deliver it up to the party paying it .

Liabilitien oj Pc'ràïtyy.53. A bill of itself does not operate as an assignm ent of Bill not

assignment osfunds in the hands of the drawee available for the paym ent funds in handszh f aud the drawee of a bill who does not accept as 'Of drawee.t ereo


:4: required by this Ordinanee is not liable on the instrument.

54 The acceptor of a bill by accepting it Liability of

(1) engages that he will pay it according to the tenor ofhis acceptance ;

(Q) is preeluded from denying to a holder in due course

:.)5 (a) the existence of tlae drawer, the genuineness ofhis signature , and llis rapacity and authorityto draw the b. il1 ;




(b) in the case of a bill payable to drawer's order, thethen capacity of the draw er to inclorse, but notthe genuineness or validity of his intlorsement ;

(c) in the case of a bill payable to the order of athird person, the existeuce of the payee and histhen capacity to indorse , but not the genuinenessor validity of his indorsem ent .

55. (1) The drawer of a bill by drawing it- Liability ofdraw er or

(c) engages th'at on due presentment it shall b.e indorser.accepted arlcl paid according to its tenor, 'andthat if it be dishonoured he will compensate theholder or any indorser who is compelled to payit, provided that the requisite proceedings ondishonour be duly takeu ;

880 TITE OFFICIAL GAZETTE Mareh 80, 1927:.:

(5) is pzecluded from denying to,a holtler ip due m ursethe exîsfence of the payee. and his then oappcityto ilzdorsv.

(2) The indorser of a bill by ipdorsing it-

engagbs that ou due presentment it shall be 5accepted and paid according to its tenor, aildthat if it be dishonoured h,e will compensate théholder or a subsequent indorser who is com pelled

' ttà pay it, provided that the requisite proceedingson dishonour b e duly takeu ; 10

(. 5) is precluded fronl tleoying to a holder in duecotlrse the genuipeoess' and regularity in al1respects of the drawer's sigzlature and all pre-vious indorsem ents ;

is 'preclude'd fronl denying' ' to his inarnediate or a 15sttbsequeltt indorsee tllat the bill was at the tim eof his iln.tl orsenae'n t a' vttlid and subsisting bill,nd tlla. t l l e llad then a good title thereto. '

Stranger signing 56. Avhere a person 'Xg. 'ns a bil l otlterwise tban as drawertill liable as . ' .

- .

. . . gtj(urser. Or 3'cûte'ptor , lle therèby iltt?.tl1-s tlïe liabilities of an indorser toilà

a holder in due ctollrse .

Atleasure of 57. IV.lae'l'(.z :$ llill is (11- sl-.tono. ured , the nneastlre of d am ages ,damages againstrties to dis- 'wllich sllall !)e ti een) e(1 to be 1i(j l1î (1a ted t'I a rf'kagt?s , shall be aspa .

1) on o u red bill. f o) lo w- s : .


t 1) T' he 1:1:) l (1e1. rr' :1),- repover frorn :). ! k y tlarty l(i able on the 25bill , 1) k ) (1 t.l'1 (a ('1 l-:t''tv-tzlr ''azl-lt'l 1) as btaen lrol-npe'l led to paythe bi I !. .1.-1) ay reco ver f roln. tlle acceptor , and an in-dorser who llas been tlom pelled to pay the bill m ayrecover from tlae acceptor or from th: drawer orfrom a prier indol'ser ' 30

(c) the ' amount of the bill ;

(:) interest thereon from tlne time of presentment forpayment if tlle bill ' is payable on demand, andfrom tlne m aturity of the bill in any othe'r case ;

the expenses of noting, or when protest is 35neeessary, and the protest has been extended,the expenses of protest.

(Q) Tn the case of a l)il1 which has been dishonouredabroatl , in lieu of the above dam ages, the holderm ay recover from the drawer or an indorser, and 40the drawer or an indorser wllo has beeil com pelledto pay the bill m ay recover from any party liableto hiizl, the am ount of the re-exchange with interestthereoll until the time of payment.

t3) W here by tllis Ordinance interest m ay be recovered 45as damages, such int#iest may, if justice require it,be withheld wholly or in part, and where a bill isexpressed to be payable with interest at a given rate,interest as damages may or rzzay not be given at thesame rate as interest proper. 50

Transferor by .58. (1) 'w here tlte laolder of a bill payable to bearerdehvery and 'transferee. negotiates it by delivery withotzt indorsihg it , he is called af ' transferor by deliverjz-' '

(Q) A traujferor by delivery is not liable on theinstrum ent.

(3) A transferor by delivery who negotiates a bill therebywarrants to his immediate transferee, being a holder for value,that the bill is what it purports to be, that he has a rkht totrausfer it, antl that at the time of transfer he is not aware

5 of any fact which renders it valueless.

Discltarge oj .Bfll.59. (1) A bill is discharged by paym ent in due course b), Payment hï' due

COlIrSe.or on behalf of the drawee or acceptor.

$ E Paym ent in due course ' ' m eans paym ent m ade at orjo after the maturity of tlie bill to the holder thereof in good

faith and without notice that his title to the bill is defeetive.

(2) Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained , whena bill is paid by the drawer or an indorser, it is not discharged ;but-

45 (cf) where a bill payable to, or to the order of , a thirdparty is paid by the drawer the drawer m ay enforcepaym ent thereof against the acceptor, but m ay notre-issue the bill ;

(b) where a bill is paid b. y an indorser, or where a bill'g() . payable to dt-awer's order is paid by the drawer, the

party paying it is remitted to his form er rights asregards the acceptor or antecedelzt parties, and hem ay, if he thinks ftt , strike out his own and subse-quent indorsem ents, and again negotiate the bill.

gr$. (3) 'V/llere an accolnt-noclatiou bill is. paid in due courseby the party accom m oclated, the bill is clischarged.

6O. W hen a bill payable to order on dem and is drawn Banker payingdemand drafton a bauker, 'ancl the banker .on whom it is drow n pays the bill whereon kadorse.

in good faith and in the ordinary course of business, it is not ment is forged.:)0 incum bent on the banker to show that the indorsem eni of the

payee or any subsequent iudorsem ent was m ade by or undertlae autlaority of the person whose indorsem ent it purports tobe, and the banker is deem ed to have paid the bill in duecourse, although such indorsem ent has been forged or m ade

.35 without authority.

61. Avhen the acceptor of a bill is or becom es the holder Acceptor theL .1 t the bill is holder atoz it at .or after its maturity

, in his own rig A , matmlty.


62. (1) 'W hen the holder of a bill at or after its maturity Express waiver.bsolutely and unconditionally renounces his rights against the4: aacceptor the bill is diseharged.

Tile rellunciation m ust be ilz writing, unless t'he l)ill isdeliver.ed up to the acceptor.

(2) The liabilities of any party to a b. ill may in likem anner be renounced by the holder before, at , or affer its.45maturity ; but nothing in this section shall afect the rights ofa llolder in due course witlyout notice of the rerlunciation.

63. (1) 'Where a bill is inteutionally cancelled by the cancellatiop,holder or his agent , aud the cancellation is apparent tllereon,

t5() the bill is discharged.(i2) Tn lilte manner any party liable on a bill may be

discharged by the intentioual cancellation of lzis signature bythe holder or his agent. J.u such case any indorser wll0 wouldhave had a right of recourse against the party wlaose signature-is cancelled is also dischakged.

(3) A cancellation naatle un'intentionally , or tllltlel- am istake , or without the authority of the holder, is inoperative ;but where a b Jl1 or any signature thereotl. appears to have 1-$-. eencancelled the burden of proof lies on tlae party who allegesthat the cancellation was m ade t'lnintentionally , or under anaistake, or without authority.

Alteraticl'l of' 64. (1) Alvhere a bill or .acceptance is lio aterially alteredbill. 'w'itlèout th'e assent of a11 parties liakle on tl').e bill, the bill

is avoicled, exeept as against a pal-ty wllo has hirnself m ade,autlzorised, or assented. to the alteraiion, an.d subseknent 10indorsers :

Provided that where a bill llas been m aterially altered, buttlae alteration is not appatent , and. the bill is in tl'le hands of allolder in due course, s/clt holder m ay avail l'limself of the billas if. it had not been altered , a'nd may enforce paymeni of it 15according to its original tenor.

(Q) In particular the following alterations are m aterial,naulely , any alteration of the date , the sum payable , the tim eof paym ent , tlae place of paym ent, ancl , where a bill has beenaceepted generally, the addition of a place of paym ent 'without 20'the acceptor's consent.

/1 cceptanee and Payment /oT Honolu.

Accepk iln:'i: j or 65o (1) Avhere a bill of exchang. e laas been protested forhonour F;: ïlari't ' 'otest. dishontmr by non-acceptance , or protestecl for better security,prand is not overdue, any person, not being a party already liable :5.thereon, m ay, with the consent of the holder , intervene anclaccept the Bill suprx'a protest, for the honour of any partyliable tllereon, or for the honour of the person for whoseaccount the bill is drawn.

(2) A bill may be accepted for honour for pazt only of the :?(/.sum for which it is drawn.

written on the bill, and indicate thatacceptance for honour ; 35

(4) 'W here an acceptauce for honour does not expresslystate for wlaose hol-zour it is m ade, it is dèem ed to be anacceptance for the honour of the drawer.

(5) W here a bill payable after sight is acceptcd forhonour, its m aturity is calculated from the date of 'the notingfor non-acceptance, and not from ' the date of the acceptancefor honolzr.

1,q :: h'i lity of 66. (1) Tlle acceptor for honour of a bill by accepting itlltyklcrltC)r foz.lkonour. engages that he will , on due p resentn-lent , pay the billhaccording 45.

to the tenor of his acceptance , if it is fwt paid by the drawee ,provided it has been duly presetlted for payment , and. protestedfor non-paym ezlt, pald that 11e rreceives not, icq of thege facts.

. ; ' . . . y g . . '

2) The >ccçptor for hpppur i's liable to tlle ltlplder and to 50'(all parties to the bill &ubsequept to the party for whose honou'rhe has accepted. '

67. (1) AYhere a dishonoured bi: h:.l,s been accepted fot' Presentment t..'aceeptotv f orhonour supr)u protest

, or 'contains a ref erence in ca se of zneetl , lyouour.it m ust be protested 1or nou-paym eut before it is preseuted forp aym ent to the acceptor îor llonou.r or referee in case of need.

5 (2) Avhere the address of the acceptor for honour is in tlkesam e place where the bill is protested for non-paym ent, lllebill must be presented to him rlot later than the day f ollowingits m aturity ; and phere the address of the accepttli- fel'houour is il'l som e place other than the place where it w a:

10 protested for non-payment , the bill must be ferwarded not laterthan tlae day following iis m attlrity for presentm eut to l-lina.

(3) Delay in presentment or non-presentmerlt is exctlset'lby any circum stauce wbich would' excuse delay in preserltm entfor paym ent or non-presentm ent for paynïent.

15 (4) Nvlaen a bill lf exchange is dishonoured by theacceptor for honour it m ust be protested îoi' non-paym ellt byhim .

68. (1) Avhere a bill has been protested.. fôr non-payment Payment for. jyoy.j our supràany person m ay intervene and pay it supr)u protest for the

.otrst.p)20 honour of any party liable thereon , or for the hollour of the

person for whose account tlae bill is drawn.- r ' , a ,.


(i!) &A, here two or lnaore persous offer to pay a bill fo1 tlkcthonour o$' different parties , the person whose paynaent w illdischarg'e m ost parties to the bill shall have the pref erencta.

.:. Jj (3) Paynxen't f'or l'lonour supr2% 1) nrotest , in order. to operateas sucih and uot as a nlere voluntar y payzvtent , rzlust Jpe attest et1by a notarial act of honour. whi.rll lnay b e appendecl to tllerotegt or form arl èxterlsîon of ît.P

(4) The notarial act of laonour must be fou' nded on Adeclaration made by the payer f or honour or his age'nt in that,30 ,

behaif , declaring his intentitm to pay the bill f or honotlr, autlf or whose honotzr he pays. '

(5) Avhere a bill 'flas been paid for honout, all partiessubsequent to the party for whose honour it is paid are

'.35 discharged, but the payer for honour is subrogated for , aml

succeeds to both the rights ancl cluties of , tlae holder as regardsthe party for whose horlour he pays, and all parties liable t()that party.

(6) The payer for honour on payinp' to the holder slleampunt of the bill and the notarial expenses incidentai . to its40dishouour is elltitlecl tfl receive both the bill itself anf.l theprotqst. If tlAe laolder do not on dem and deliver them up laeshall be liable to the payer for llontlur in dam ages.


(t)' 'W-here thè flolver of a', bill refuses fo receive paymeutsuprzt protest he slaall lose his 'right of rgcourse against any

,45party who would have been discharged by such. paym eut .

L' o'st fznlf.zrzfçezltil'zf,ç . '' ' ' '

69. -$ V here a bill has beep .loqt beforè i.t îs overdue , tlle uolcler's cightperson who was the laolder of it may apply to tlae drawer to to duplieate ofl

ost 1) J J1.give him another 'bill of the rsame tenor , giving security to the

.50 drawer , if required ; to indem nify him against all, persons wlaat-. ., evtjr in case the . bill alleged to have been lost' shall b e found

again.' , : '

If the drawer ozi reqpèst as aforqs'aid refusès to give such. . 1. ' '. .. , .

;duplicate bill he may be compelled to do io.


Actiou on lost 70. Il,l any action or proceeding upon a bill, the Courtbill.

' or a J'uclge t-nay order that the loss of tl..'ie instrrtznelkt sllall notbe set up, provided an indem ni ty be given to the satisfactionof the Court or Judge against the claim s of any other personupon the instrum ent in question.

Bill ï?z a ($'tlf .

llules as to sets. gj. (1) 'kvj-yere a bill is drawn in a set , each part of theset being numbered, and containing a reference to the otherparts, the whole of the parts constitute one bill.

(;) W here the holder of a set indorses two or m ore parts 10,,to diflerent persons, he is liable on every such part, and everyindorser subsequent to him is liable on the part he has him selfindorsed as if the said parts were separate bills.

(;$) W here two or more parts of a set are negotiated todifferent holders in due course, the holder whose title flrst 15accrues is as b. etweezl such holders deem ed the true owner ofthe bill ; but nothing in this sub-section shall affect the rightsof a person who in due course accepts or pays the part firstpresented to him .

(4) The acceptance may be written on any part, atzxï it Z)m ust be written on one part only.

If the drawee accepts m ore than one part, and suchaccepted parts get into the hands of different holders in duecourse, he is liable .on every such part as if it were. a separatebill. 25.,

(5) W hen the acceptor of a bill drawn in a set pays itwithout requiring the part bearing his acceptance to bedelivered up to him , antl that part at m aturity is outstandingin the hands of a holder in due course, he is liable to theholder thereof .

(6) Subject to the preceding rules, where azly one partof a bill drawn in a set is discharged by paym ent or otherwise ,the whole bill is discharged .

Conpict oj .Lrzzctç.Ruïes where 72. A'Vxere a bill drawn in one cotmtry is negotiated , 35.Jaws conflict. .accepted, or payable in another, the rights, duties, and

liabilities of the parties thereto are determined as follows :

(1) The validity of a bill as regards requisites in form isdetermined by the law of the place of issue, and thevalidity as rega' rds requisites ifl form of the super- 40vening contracts , such as acceptance , or indorsementor acceptance suprà protest, is determined by the lawof the place where such confract was m ade :

Provided that-

(a) where a bill is issued out of the Cololay it is notilw alid by reyson only that it is not stam ped inaccordance with the 1aw ot the pl>ce of issue ;

'(b) where a bill issued out of the Colony conforms, asregards requisites in form , to the laW of the


Côlony, it may, for' thè ptirpose of enforcing 5(/,payment thereof , be treated as valid as b. etweena11 . persons who negotiatex hold, or beeom eparties to it in ih: Cqlolay..

March 30, 1927. TJ-IE OFFICIAL GAZETTR 385. . --- .

' - . .- --- . .. --- .. .- -- . - . .. . .- . .-


(S) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the inter-pretation of the drawing, indorsement, acceptance, oracceptance suprà' protest of a bill, is determ ined bythe law of the place where Buch contract is m ade :

Provided that where an inland bill is iudorsedin a foreign country the indorsem ent shall , as regardsthe payer, be interpreted according to the law of theCololly.

(3) The duties of the holder with respect to presentmentfor acceptance or paym ent, and the necessity fob- orsuëciehcy of a protest or notice of dishononr, orotherwise, are deterniined by the law of the placewhere the act is done or the b' il1 is dishonoured.

(4) W here a bill is drawn out of but payable in the Colonyand the sum payable is not expressed in the currencyof the Colony, the amount slaall, in the absence ofsom e express stipulation,. be calculatecl according tothe rate of exchauge for sight drafts at the plaçe ofpaym ent orl the day the b. ill is payabie.

(5) W here a bill is drawn in one country and is payablein another, the (lue date thereof is determinetlaccording to the law of the place where it is payable.




25 73. A cheque is a bill of exchange drawn on a banker cheque desned.payable on demalzd.

Except as ofherwise provided in this Part, the provisiol'sof this Ordinance applicable to a 'bill of exchange payable ondemand apply to a cheque.




7z.t. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance :- wesentmeut o'fcheque f otPalment.

(1) W here a, cheque is not presented for payment withina reasonable time of its issue, and the drawer or theperson on whose account it is drawn had thé rightat the time of such presentment as betweeh him andthe banker to havé the cheque paid and sulers actualdamage through the delay, he îs discharged to theexteut of such damage, that is to say, to the extentta which such drawer or person is a creditor of Buchbanker to a larger amotznt than he would have beenhad such cheque b. een paid.

tû) In determining wlaat is a reasonable tim e regard sbailbe had to the nature of the instrument, tlae usage oftrade, and of bankers, and the facts of the particularCJSO.

13, The holder of Buch èheque as ' to which such draweror pvrkon is dischargecl shall be a creditor, in liell ofsuch. drawer ozk #ei'stm , of such banier to the extentf stzch didcharge, and entitled to recover the amounto

t 'from h m .

rr H E4. .

Revocation of 75. The d. uty and authority of a banker to pay a chequebanker ' s j (y jo r-ity. drawn on him by his customer are determ ne )author

(1) countermand of payment ;(2) notice of the customer's death.

Cross'ed Clkeques.

Genrral and 76. (1) W here a cheque bears across its face an additionspeclal crossings f. .Odeflned


(ab the words ' G arld company ' ' or any abbreviitionthereof between two parallel transverBe litles, eitherwith or without the words d 1 not negotiable ' ' ; or 10

(b) two parallel transverse lines simply, either withwitheut the words d é not lzegotiable ' ' ,

that addition constitutes a crossing, and the cheque is crossedgenerally.

(2) 'W here a cheque b. ears across its face an addition of 15the lzame of a banker , either with or withou.t the words é i notnegotiable ' ' , that addition constitutes a crossing. , and thechequ.e is crossed specially and to that banker.

crossing by 77. (1) A cheque m ay be crossecl generally or specially bydrawer or after tjye drawer.


(2) MThere a cheque is uncrossed, the holder may cross itgenerally or specially. .

(3) 'W here a cheque is crossed generally, the holder maycross it specially.

(4 ) A'Vhezhe a 'eheque is crogsed generally or specially the 25holder m ay add. the words f ; not negotiable ' ' .

(.5) 'W here a chequ.e is crossed specially, the banker towhom it is crossed m ay again cross it specially to anotherbanker for collection.

here an uncrossed cheque r ()r a Cheque crossed 2t1(6) Wgenerally, is sent to a banker for collection, he m ay cl-oss itspecially to him self .

crossing, a 78. A crossing authorised b y this Ordinance is a m aterialmaterial part of part of tlae cheque ; it shall not be lawful for any pefson tooheque.

obliterate or, except as authorised by this Ordinance, to add 35to or alter the crossing.

puties of 79. (1) W here a cheque is crossed specially to more thanbanker as to Ilauker except when crossed to an agent for collectionorze

,crossed cheques.being a banker, the banker on whom it is drawn shall refuseaym ent thereof . 4 0P

(;) 'W here the banker on whom a cheque is drawn whicllis so crossed nevertheless pays the sam e, or pays a cheque


crossed generally otherwise tban to a banker, or if crossedspecially otherwise than to the banker to whom it is crossed,or his agent for collection being a banker, he is liable to the 45true owner of the cheque for any loss he may sustain owingto the cheqce having been so paid : ,

P rovided that where a cheque is presented for paym entwhieh does not at the tim e of presentm ent appear to be crossetl,or to have had a crossing which has been obliteratezl, or to 50have been added to or altered otherwise than as authol iseflby this Ordin' ance , the banker.paying the cheque in good faithand without negligence shall not be responsible or incur anyliability, nor shall the paym ent be questioned by reason of theclleque having been crossed , or of the crosàing having been

M arch 30, 1927. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 887

obliterated or having been added to or altered otherwise thanas authorised by this Ordilzance, and of payment having beenmade otherwise than to a banker or to the banker to whomthe cheque is or was crossed, or to his agent 1or collection

5 being a barzker, as the case m ay be.

8O. W here the banker, on whom a crossed cheque is Protection tobauker anddrawn

, in good faith and without negligence pays it , if crossed drawer pheregenerally, to a banker, and if crossed specially, to the banker cheqqe ls

crossed.to whom it is crossed, or his agent îor collecticm being a

10 banker, the banker paying the cheque, and, if the cheque hascom e into the hands of the payee, the drawer, shall respedivelybe entitled to the sam e rights and be placed in the sam eposition as if paym ent of the cheque had been m ade to thetrue owner thereof .

15 81. W here a person takes 4 crossetl cheque which bears Effect of wordson it the words < d not negotiable ' ' he shall llot have, and '' not>

uegojj ajjje ; 3 .shall not be capable oî giving, a better iitle to the chequethan that which the person from whom he took it had.

82. (1) W here a banker in good faith and without negli- J'rotection tocollecting20 gence receives paym ent for a custom er of a cheque crossed banker.

generally or specially ttl him self , and the custom er has ntl titleor a defective title thereto, the banker shall not incur alzyliability to the true owner of the cheque by reason onljr ofhaving received such payment.

25 (2) A banker receives payment of a crossed cheque for acustomer within the meaning of this section, notwithstandingthat he credits his custom er's account witla tbe am ount of thecheque before receiving paym ent thereof .

PART 111.


88. (1) A promissory note is an unconditional promise in Promissory notedefined.writing made by ohe person to another signed by the maker,

engaging to pay, on demand or at a fixed or determinablefuture tim e, a sum certain in m oney, to, or to the order of ,

35 a specified person or to bearer.

(2) An instrument in the form of a note payable nomaker's order ia not a note within the meaning of this sectiontmless arld until it is endorsed by the maker.

(3) A note is not invalid by reason only that it contains4: also a pledge of collateral security with authority to sell o)-

dispose thercof .

(4) A. note which is, or on the face of it purports to be ,both m ade and payable within the Colony is an inland note.Any othez note is a foreign note.

45 84- A promissory note is inchoate and incomplete until Deliverynecessapry.delivery thereof to the payee or bearer.

85. (1) A promissory note may be made by two or more Joint andh b liable thereon jointly, or jointly and BeVOO1 notes.makers, and t ey may e

sevèrally, according to its tenor.

(Q) W here a note runs < ' I promise to pay,'' and is signed50by two or more persons, it is deemed to be their joint and'

several uote. '

388 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE M arclï 30, 1927.

'Note payable on 86. (1) Where a note payable on ' demand has beendemand. indorsed

, it must be presented for payment within a reasonabletim e of the indorsem ent. If it be not so presented the indorseris discharged.

(2) In determining what is a reasonable time, regardshall be had to the nature of the iùstrum ent, the usage oftrade, and the facts of the particular case.

(3) W here a note payable on demand is negotiated, it isnot deem ed to be overdue, for the purpoge of afecting theholder with defects of title of which he had no notice, by 10reason that it appears that a reasonable tim e for presenting itfor paym ent has elapsed since its issue.

Presentment of gn (1) w here a prortlissory note is in the body of itnote for *Payment. m ade payable at a particular place , it m tzst ' be presentetl for

payment at that place in order to render the maker liable. In 15any other case, presentm ent fo< payment is not necessary inorder to render the m aker liable.

(2) Presentment for payment ' is necessary in order torender the indorser of a note liable.

Liability ofmaker.

(3) W here a note is in tlae body of it made payable at a 20particular place, presentm ent at that place is necessary in orderto render an indorser liable ; but when a place of paym ent isindicated by way of m em orandtzm only, présentm ent at thatplace is suë cient to render the indorser liable, but a present-ment to the maker elselhere, if sufflcient in other respects, 25shall also suëce.

88. The maker of a promissolry note by making it-

(1) engages that he will pay it according to its tenor ;

(2) is precluded from denying to a holder in dtze coursq theexistence of the payee aud his then capacity to 3:indorse.

Application of 89. (1) subject t'o the provisions in this Part and, excep'tPart I to notes.a,s by this section provided, the provisions of this Orclinancerèlating to bills of exchange apply, with the necessary m odifi-cations, to promissory notes. 35

(Q) In applying those provisions the m aker of a note shallbe deemed to correspond wilh the acceptor of a b) ill, and theftl-st indorser of a note shall be deem ed to corresponcl with thedrawer of an accepted bill payable to drawer's order.

(8) The following provisions as to bills do not apply to 40notes, nam ely, proviBions relating to-

(c) presentnaent fpr acceptance ;

(b) acceptanc: ;

(c) acceptance suprà protest ;

M arch 30, 1927. TIIE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 889



9O- A thing is deemetl to be done in good faith within Good f aith.the m eaning o.f this Ordinance where it is in fact dcme honestly,

5 whether it is done negligently or not.

91. (1) A'Vhere, by this Ordinance , any iustrument or Signature.writing is required to be signed by any person, it is notnecessary that he should sign it with his owrt hand , but it issufflcient if his signature is written theretltl by som e other

10 person by or undez' his authority.

(2) ln the case of a corporation , whel'e b y this Ordinanceany instrurneut or writing is requil-ed to be signed, it issufficient if the instrunzent or writing be sealed with thecorporate seal, ' ' . '

But nofhing i11 this section shall be construed' 'as requiring-15the bill or note of a (J' orporation to be under seal .

92. 'Nk-llere , l)y tllis Ordinance , the tul'le lil-nited for doing Computatic?n of. tinle.any act or thing is Iess tl3al1 three days, in keckouing time , non-

business days are exelud ed .t ; 'Non-business days ' ' f or the p'tu-p. oses . ()f tlstis 0r dinance20


(.'(r) Sunday ;

(b) a' public holiday under the Public H olidays OrdinanLte- (v'al). 50.Any other day is a btlsiness day .

25 98. For the purposes of this Ordinance , where a bill or Whgn notirzg- ired to be protested within a specified time, or eo'R'vale''t tonote is lequ

test.probefore some f l'rther proceeding is taken, it is suëcient that thebill has been noted for protest bef ore tlle expiration of thespecified time .or ihe taking of the proceeding' ; and the formal

3() protest m ay be extended at any tim e thereafter as qf the date ofthe noting.

94. Avllere a dishonouzed bill or llote is authorised or larotest whenrequired to be protested and the services of a notary cannot notarr not

> accesslble.be obtained at the place where the bill is dishonoured, any

35 llotzseholder or substantial resident of tlàe plaee m ay, in thepresence of two witnesses, give a certihcate, signed by them ,attesi'ilng the dishonour of the bill, and the certiflcate shall inall rèàpects fjpèrate as if it were a formal protest 'of ' the bill.

The form given in the schedule to this Ordillanee m ay be4: used with necessary modifications, and if used shall be

suë cient.

95. The provisions of this Ordinance as to crossed pividendclleques slïall apply to a warrant for paym en.t of dividend. ''rarrants may be


96. (1) The . rules in bankruptcy relating to bills of Savings.45 exchange, , promissory notes , and eheques, shall continue to

apply thereto notwithstanding auytlaing in this Ordinancecontained.

(2) The rules of common law including'' the' law merchant ,save in so f ar as they are inconsistent with the express pro-

5: visions of this Ordinance, shall continue to apply to bill.s ofexchange, prom issory notes and cheques.

89O '1'ilE ol?lnlclA.tz GAz.Er.rrlns ' M apclz :0, 19u7.

(3' ) Nothing în this Ordinance shall affect-JcJ?. 57. t

q(zl the provisions of the Stamp Ordinance or any 1aw orenactm eut for the tim e being in force relatiug to thereverlue ;

(lap. 93. (b) the prcwisions of the Companies Ordinance or anyOrdinallce relating to joint stock banks'or companies ;

(c) the vatidity of any usage relating to dividend warrants,or the indorsements thereof .


(Seciion 94.)



Cola('N:! .&No PlloqrEcq?onArrls otp (KI!XNr.&.

KNOW ALT; MEN that 1J, .1. ..P. (householder) , of . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .in tl').e above-lllentioned Colotl.y ,at the request of C.D. , there being no Notary Ptzblic available,d- id OI1 thC..................d2y Of.................., 19...j at.......w....... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . demand paylnent t0r acceptance) of .the bill ofexchange hereunder written , from E .F . , to which iem and hemade answer rtvàtztfl annmer, ï/ tzzrlplj , wherefore I now, in tlaepreselwe of G .H . and 'I.Ii . , do protest the said bill of exchange.

(Signed)A.B .

G.H . W itnesnes.J'

.K .

X .19 .- Tl1e bill itself should be annexed, or a copy of thebill , artd all that is written thereou should be underwritten.

OBJECTS Axo Rl-&sox's.

The Tm perial Bills of Exchange Act , 1882 , applies toKenya as a Statute of genèral application by virttle of Articl'e4 (2) of the Kenya Colony Order in Council, 1921. This Acthas been amended by the Bills qf Exchange (Crossed Cheques)Ad, 1906, and the Bills of Exchange (Time for Noting) Act,1917, but as these am ending enactm ents were subsequeut tothe 12th August, 1897 , they do not apply in the Colony.

For convenience of reference it is considered desirablethat the law relating to Bills cd Exchange should be madethe subject of a local Ordinance, and, accordingly, the presentBill has been prepared. The Bill represents the Bills ofExchange Act, 188Q, as a'mendetl by the two later enactmentsm entioned above, with such m inor adaptations as are neeessaryto suit local conditions.

The two am endm ents relating to Crossed Cheques andTime for Noting yppear respeetively in Clauses 812 (Q) and51 (4) of the Bill.

A Bill to A m end the Stam p Ordinance.

BE IT ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony ofKenya . wlth the advice and consent of the Legislative Ooullcilthereof , as follows :-

1. This Ordinanee may be cited as ' ' the Stamp short tttle.5 (Amendment) Ordinanca, 1927 ,' ' and shall be read as one withthe' Stamp Ordinance (Chapter 57 of the Revised Editiotl) ,hei-einafter referred to as d ' thé Principal Ordinance.' '

2. Paragraphs (2), (19) ancl (f22.J ofPriucipa,l Orclinanee aTe hereby repealecl,

10 shall be read the following :-

section 2. of the amendment ofnd irt. lieu thereof interpretation:.t. . . 4 <of Bfil of

exehange '' .' ç Policy ofinsurance ''and (< Promissory note.' '

. f ( (2) < Bill of exchange ' means a bill of exchangeàs (leflnecl by the Bill of Exchange Ordinance, 1927, andincludes also ta draft, order, cheque, letter of credit, antlany other docum ent, entitling or purporting to entitle anyperson, whetl-ler nam ecl therein or not, to payment by anyother person .of , or to (lraw upon any other person for,n sum of m oney. ' 'a, y

' Policy of iusurance ' izlcludes :-

(J,) Any instrument by which one person , in con-:?() sideration of a prqm ium , engages to indem nify another

against loss, damage, or liability arising from an unknownor contingent event ;

(b) A policy of insurance upon any life or lives ortin ency relating to or dependingupon any event or con g

upon any life or lives ;

(c) A policy of insurance against accident, whichexpressioù means a policy of insurance for any paymentagreed to be m ade upon the death of any person onlyfrom aceident or violence or otherwise than from a naturalcause, or as compensation for personal injury, or during.30

. ' ' the sickness of any person, or his incapacity from personalinjury, or by wa# of indemnity against loss or damage toany property, and includes any notiee or advertisement ina newsp' aper or other publication which purports to insurethe payment of mollèy upon the 'death of , or injury to ,or sickness or incapacity of , or loss or dam age to property


of , the holder or bearer of the newspaper or publicationcontaining the notice or advertisem ent only from accidentor violence or otherwise than from a natural cause.''

ï f (22) f Promissory note ' means a promissory noteas dçftned by the Bills of Excilaange Ordinance , 1927. ' '

. . k . ,3. Subsiùtion (1) of sectlon 3 of the Principal Ordihance Amrndmenb of

i heteby amehded by' thb insertion of thç words ' ' or oëcers ' ' Seqtlop 5 ofsz . Prznclpal

after the word $ d pë cer ' ' irl the second line tlîereof . Ordinance.j. , ' ' '



.,45 +. ryhé' following shall be inserted as section 8,: of thePrincipal' O/dinance' :- . . '

' ' 8A. (1) 'W here any person isstling policies of insurance Compositionoî stazknp dutyagainst yccident shyll? in the opinion of the Senior R evenue u polImes of

.. - , . . . . ?

'Akthbritv. sù carrv' on the business of such insurance as to lnstlrance.

*' - *' . ' . agàlnstferider it ifnptacticable ot inexpebient to require that the tluty acéident.( . '' . . ' .

392 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE M arch 80, 1927.

of twenty cepts. ,be . ch. arged and paid upon the pplides, theSenior Eevenue Autltority may enter into an agreement withthat person for thet i.elivery to, him of quarterly accounts of allsums receivetl .in respect of premiums on p olicies of insuzancàagainst accident. 5

(:) The agreement shall t)e in sutil) form alèd shall containsylch term s and conditions as the Serïior 'Revenue Autboritymay think proper, and the person witl) whom the agreement. i,eùtered into s'hall obsemze the rules în tlne Seeond Schedple to

1 0this Ordinànce.

(3) After an agreement has been entered into betweenthe Senior Revenue Authority. and any person , and during theperiod for which the agreement is irl force, no policy ofinsurance ag'ainst accident issued by tbat person shall bechargeable with any duty, but in lieu of and by wa# of com 15position for that duty there shall be charged on the aggregateamount of al1 sum s received in respect of premiums on policiesof insurarlce against accident a duty at the rate of five percentum as a stam p duty. '

(4) Tf the duty charged is not paid upon the delivery of 20the account it shall be a debt due to tlze Senior RevenueAuthority from the person by br on whose behalf the accountis delivered. '

(5) In the case of neglect to deliver such an account asis hereby required or to pay the dtèty in conformity with this 25section the person shall be liable to pay to tlze Senior RevenueWuthority a sum equal to ten per centum upon tlae amount ofduty payable, and a like penalty for every month after thefirét m onth during which the neglect continues.''

Amsndment of s section 16 of the Princkpal Ordinance is hereby 30sectlo!z 16 of *Prinmpal am ended by the deletion of the words :-Ordinance.

.' by endorsement under the hand of the r'evenueauthority or in such other m anner (if any) as the Governorin Council m ay by rule prescribe ''

and the substitution therefor of the words :- 35

' t in such znanner as the Governor in Council m ay byrule ptescr e.

P ision as to e vue fouowîng shall be iuserted as section 16A of theTOVduplicates and *counterparts. Pfincipal Ordinance :-

$ d 16A. The duplicate or counterpart of an instrum ent 40chargeable with duty (except the counterpal't of an instrumentchargeable as a lease, such counterpart not being executed byor on behalf of any lessor or grantor) is not to be deemed .dulystam ped unless it is stam ped as an original înstrum ent or


unless it appears by som e stam p im pzessed thereon that tla, e full 45and proper duty has been paid upon the original instrumentof which it is tbe duplicate or counterpart. ' '

Amen'dment of 7. ,section 17 of the Princlpal Ordinance is herebysection 1.7 of - ' < ( ) aemazyd ()rhe prjneipaj . Amendefl by the deletion of the words payab e pn

. t' ' in the sixth S0Ordiuance at not more than thirty days from sight or date

and seventh lines thereof .

8. Subdection (3) of sectiofi 34 of the Principal Ordinance Amsndment ofi hereby am ended by tlae deletion of tlne proviso thèreto , and SectIon 34 (5) ofS

tjje yalyjyjcjpa!by the subqtitution therefor of the followin: proviso :- Ordinance.

' 6 Provided that nothing in this section shall authorise a5 revenue authoçity to endorse :-

(c) Any instrument (other ' than ' instrumentsmentioned in paragraph (b)) executed or ftrst executed inthe Oolony and brpught to him after the elpir>tiou ofthirty datyk from the date of its execution or fkst execution,as the case m ay be ; or ' .' . 1 $ '

(!)) Any instrument chargçable with duty of ten cents- , ; ' v.

or twenty cents or prom issory notes and bills of exchangedrawn and executed in the Colony when brou'j'hi to himafter the drawing or execution thereof not dïlly stamped ;or

(c) Any instrument (other th:n iùstrumentsmentioned in paragrhiph (#)) executed or first 'executed outof the Colony ànd brought to him after ithe expiration ofthirty days after it lias been rece' ived in tlae Uolony ; or

20 (#) Arly promissory note or bill of exchànge executedout of thp Colony, when brought to him after the èxpira-tion of seven days after it has been first received iu theColony. ' '

9 section 37 of the Principal ordinançe is hereby Arnendment* . ' of section 57 of25 amqnded hy tlaq iukertion . in paragrapb (tz) pf the proviso the prkucipal

thereto of the' words ' ' till o' f exchange or ' ' betwçen the words Ordinance.' ' a ' ' and ' $ prolaàissory ' ' in the tlaird line thereof .

10. Subsection (1) of section 42 of the Principal Amendznent ofsection 42 ofOrdinance is hereby am ehded by the insertiorl of the words the larincipal

30 ' ' bifl of exchange or ''' between the words ' ' a ' ' and Ordinance.t t prom issory ' ' in t'he fifth liue thereof .

11. Section 43' of thç Principal ördinance is hereby Amendment ofd d f hange or ' ' Section 45 ofam ended by the insertion of th e words bill o exc oe prilacspa;

between the words < $ a ' ' and & ; promissnry ' ' in the third line Ordinance.35 thereof .

1.2. Paragraph (1) of sectiop 52 of the Pzincipal Arntpdznens oîi f th e words Seotlon 52 ofOrdinauce is hereby amended by the substitut on o the priucipal

d < six m onths ' ' for the words d $ two months ' ' in the second Ordinance.line thereof .

40 l:. Section 57 of tltë Prihcipal frdinance is hereby Amendment ofded by the deletion of the words :- Section 57 ofam ell

the Principalupon application made within one moùth ' ' Ordinance.

arld the substitution therefor' of the words(( :upon productlon to him of the new debenture duly

45 stam ped, within one m onth 'from the date of the 'exemltionof such new debenture ''

14. Section 67 of the Principal Ordinance is 'hereby Penalty for' ' d the föllowinlj :=- Offences inrepealed

, aud in lieu theret)f shall bç rea reference to. . 7. ' ' g . ' .

' ' 67 Any person who :- recelpts.. . . . . . . , . , s e . .

50 (tz) Gives a receipt liable dtlty 'anil , zmt dulystam ped ; or ' '

(b) In any case where a ' receipt would bb liable toduty refuses or neglects to give a tecèipt dùly' ktatnpbd ; or

. . . '- . ' ''''' . . '''''' ..

(c) Upon a payment of.money or delivery of property55 of two pounds or over in valuy..gives a receipt' for a sum

not am ounting to two pounds or separates or divides the

am ount paid or property delivered with the intent to evadethe duty ;

shall be punishable with a fm e which m ay extend to tenounds . ' 'P

Amtmdment of 15. section 68 of the Principal Ordinance shall be read 5sectlon 68 ofoe I'rincipa! with the addition of the following proviso :Ordinance. ,, provided that this section shall not apply to policies of

iztsurance against accident iu respect of which an agreem ent forthe comàosition of stamp duty has been entered into undersection 8.4 of this Ordirtauce. ' ' lo

Penalty f?r not 16. Section 69 of the Princiyal Ordinazlee is herebydrawing iullber of bills repealed , and in liqu thereof shall be read tlle following :numor sea-policies ( $ 6: A

.u ersorl drawing or executing' a bil! of exchangeting to ' Y Ppurporbe in sets. or a policy of sea-insurance purporting to be drawn oz. executed

in a set of two or m ore and not at the sam e tim e drawing or 15executing, on paper duly stam ped , th'e wholt, nurnber of billsor policies of which such bill or policy purports the set toconsist , shall !be punishable with a fine which m ay extend toone hundretl pounds.' '

Anlendmen: of 17. The Schedule to the Principal Ordinamce is hereby 20the schedute () (j as follows :h P 'incipal 9'I'f1OD. Oto t e l

Ordinance (1) Article 4 is hereby amended by inserting the words' ' a statutory declaration and ' ' after the word ç< including ''


..in the ftrst line thereof .(2) Article 5 is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof shall 25

be read the following :

Descriptjo'n oj f nstrument. Pvoper ;S'fJ?z?-2.?-#v,y.

Aqr6ement or Afezzltprflzltz/?f- oj anAgreem6nt. .

If relattng to the sale of a Twenty cents.(c) ,Government securityy or share in an '

incorporated company or other bodjrcorpora'te, or a bill of exchange. '

(!?) If not otherwsse provided for. One slaillit,g.Exnwtla'rloxs.

Agreement or mèmorandum anagreement :-

(c) For or relating to the sale ofgoods or merchandise exclusively notbeing a note. or memorandum chargeableunder Article 40 ; .

(/?) Made in the f orm of tenders tothe Government f or or relating to any1 an ; 'o .

(c) Being à, eontract of service 'attested in manner provided by theEmployment of Natives Ordinance

. (Chapter 139) or the Resident Native' Labourers ' Ordinance, 1925 or any '!Ordinance amending or in subptitutionfor such Ordinancee or either of them ;

(é) Agreement made with theKenya' an'd ' Ugandtt Railway for theconveyance of goods ;

(e) Such agreements lnade . with theKenya and . .uganda Railway whichpurport to limit the responsibility ofthe Rallway as ' are in a form approvedbg the Governor in Council. .

March 30, 1927. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 395

Descviption of Jnafrptzzl ent. prty3/e'r Stamp vlnty.

(4)9-& :

The following Article shall be inserted as Article

Descviption oj Instrument.

:A. Ausent lo Bequest (whetherhand or seal).

(5) Article 11 is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereofshall be read the following :

Deecription oj lnntrument. Proper &$'fJplF-#Mf#.

Bill oj Ezchangn (as dehned by section2 (2) and (5) not being a bond, bank-note or currency-note) :-

(tz) Where payable on demand or Twenty cents.at sight or on presentation or withinthree days after date or sight.

If drawn lf drawn If drawnsingly. in set of in set of

two for three for(5) Where payable otherwise than each part each part

on demand, but not more tllan one of the of theyear after date or sight :- set. set.

l'î the amount of the bill or not'e Shs.cts. Slas. (3t,s. Shs.cts.

does not exceed fifty pounds. 1 00 O 50 0 50!And for every f urther ffty poundshereof . 1 0 50 50or fractional part t

EX/MPTION.Renewal or extension by endorse-

ment or re-acceptance if such extensiondoes not extend beyond the period coveredby the duty paid and aExed.

(c) Where payable at more than Twice the dtlty on a Mortgageone year after date or sight. (No. 38) for the same

. amount.

P'royev tvfczzùy-tflzfp.

(6) Paragrasph (3) of Article 13 is hereby repealed, and inh f hall be read the following :lieu t ereo s

De8cription oj Inutrument. Proper sfftlzm,-#'l1 ty.

(3) By way of collateral security, for Two shillings, but not exceed-every suna of f1O0 or part thereof secured. ing ten shillings.

(7.) Açticle 22' is hereby amtjnded. by the addition of tllefollowing proviso before the word < : Exemptions ' ' :

DeLcriytion oj I zà,sf zwpz6ztf. Ppo' yez stamy-dut y.

Prt/rl'#6# alno that in the case oi adecree or order for, or having thç effect. ofan order for, f oreclosure, the ad 'pcltpzez?zFtamp Duty upon any stzch decree or ordershall not. exceed the duty on a sum equal tothe value of the property to whicla thedecree or order relates, and whtjre thedecree or order states that, valtte that state-ment shall be eonclusive f or the purpese ofdeterrnining the amount of the duty ; andwhere ad ralovem Stamp Duty is paid upon'such decree or order, any conveyance f o1-lowing upon such decree or order shall betlutiable with f opr shillings under the

risions of section 5 of this Ordinance. )pro:

(8) The following shall be inserted as Article 26A :--

Descviption oj Jndfrkz?ncnr. Proyer Stamm-dyty.

r4A. D6ed Poll, '. f attested and not other- Ten shillings,wise provided for.

Article 38 is hereby am ended as f'ollow s :

(a) By the adclition of the following' parajraph '..--

Description oj fn,sfzzfzltt?ztf. Proper Stamp-duty.

(c) Memorandum of equitable T:#o shillings.mortgage or lierf by deposst of doctzu .ments as prescribed under the CroWn 'lLands Ordinance or the Registration ofTitles Ordlnance or ally Ordinanceànielldinj or in substittltion for such. I0 rdinanees, or eitll er of them ) f or !eery sur.iz of one hundred potlnds or 1e:'t? thereof secured . ' l . .pal

(10) Article 44 is hereby amendecl by tlae deletion ofD ivision A and Division C , and the substitution therefor of tllefollowing :

P'roye,r tvf(t?n.2.?-f'.?kf ty.

T en eents.

M arch 80, 19:7. TI-IE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 397

Deucriptihn ()/ Instrument . Prope' iW.zzz3y-#'?z@.

(2) For time :In respect of evevy f nll sum of

one hundred pounds an1 alqo anyfractional part of one bundre' d poundsinsured by the policy :

(i) Where the insurance shall Twenty cents. Ten cents.be made for any time not exceed.ing six months.

(ii) W here the insurance shall Fifty cbnts. Twenty-fvebe made f or any time exceeding cents.six montlas and not exceedingtwelve months.

C.- policy of Insurance againstaccident and policy of insurance f or anypayment agreed to be made during thesickness of any person, or his incapacityfrom personal injury, or by way of in-demnity against loss or damage of or toany property :

(tz) Against railway accident valid Twenty cenfs.for a single journey only.

(5) In any other case, for the Twenty' cents for every onernaximum amount which may become hundred pounds or partpayable in the case of any single thereof but not exceedingaccident or sickness. two slzillings.

(11) Article 49 is hereby amended by the acldition öfthe following note :-

Pçoy6r Sfczrv-dvft/.

(1i2) Article 59 is hereby repealecl antl in lieu thereofshail be read the. following :

Descviption oj Inttrumtnt. P'rtlye'r Stamy-duty.

5:. l'yanujtv :((t) Of shares . in an incorporated

company or other body corporate, or' (5) Of debentures, being market-able secùrities, wheth'er the debentureis liable to duty' or not. . .

(i) 'Without co-' ideration. Ten shillings.(ii) 1. n any otheq case. The sape ndujy 'as a Mortgage

(ko. zd) on tlie grpount or- l :f th conkiueratioik''Ya làe () e .

Deseription tp/ lnstrument. Proper Stamy-duty.

Transfer (whether witb or withoutconsideration) :-..

(c) Of any interest secured by abond, mortgage-deed or policy ofinsurance :-

i) If the duty such bond, The dlzty with which such(-tgage-deed or policy does not bond, mortgage - deed ormoz

hiuings. policy of insurance iqexeeed ten sclzargeable.

' ther case. . Ten shillings.(ii) In any od) Of any trust property from one Ten shillings.(

rustee to anpther or from a trusteeto a beneficiary.

Of any. property under the Ten slaillings.(6)Public Trpstee's Ordinance, 1925, oryny Ordinance amending or in substi-tntion f or the same, to a trustee, heiror beneficiary.

ExEMlpTlows.Transfers by endorsement :

(i) Of a bill of exchange,cheque, Or Profllissor)r note.

(ii) Of a bill of lading,delivery order, warrant for goods,or other mercantile document ortitle to goods.

(iii) Of a polic)r of insurance.


I8. The following shall be inserted as the SecondSchedule to the Principal Ordinance :-


(SEE SEclnlox 8-20.

Rules as fo Composition jor tsftzAnp Dutien.

1. Every account shall be m ade in such form and shallcontain all such particulars as the Senior Revenue Authorityshall require.

2. Every account shall be a full and true account of allunstamped policies of insurance against accident issued duringthe quarter of a year ending on the quarterly (lay nextpreceding the delivery thereof , and of a11 sums of moneyreceived for or in respect of such policies so issued during thatquarter, and of a11 sum s of m oney received and not alreadyaccounted for in respect of any other unstamped policies ofinsurance against accident issued at auy time before thecommencement of that quarter.

3. Accounts shall be delivered to the Senior EevenueAuthority within twenty days after the first day of January,the first day of April, the hrst tlay of July, antl the first dayof Octtober in each year.

4. The duty shall be paid upon the delivery of theaccount.

March 30, 192t. THE OFFICIAL GAZETT F.$ 399

OszzcTs ANo REAsoxs.

This Bill has been drawn to co-ordinate E enya legislationwith the 1aw in force in Uganda and Tanganyika as completelyas local conditions at present permit. If the Bill becomeslaw there will be few differences between the Ordinanceg ofthe respective territories and these diserences will be generallyso small as to be practically negligible, the rates in this Colonybeing on the whole lower than those of the territoriesm entioned.

For consideration in detail of the amendments attentionis directed to the com parative table. '


Clau.se. Aerztzw/cqs.

1. Short title.

Substitution of new definitions of the terms << Bill of exchange '',CT Policy of insurance '' and (< Promissory note.''7

New definitions of the terms Ct Bill of exchange ' ' and ' f Promissorynote ' ' are required in consequence of the introduction of alocal Bills of Exchange Ordinance.

The new defhaition of $< Policy of insurance is intended to covera class of insuranee not contemplated or provided in the presentStamp Ordinance, and which local instzrance companies are nowprepared to introduce. (&/. Stamp Act, 1891, section 98, asamended by the Finance Act, 1895, section 15, and the FinanceAct, 1907, section 8 (i).) This new definition should be readin conjunction with the new section 8,6. Lride clause 4 of the Bill).

Amendment of section 3 of the Prineipal Ordinance.It is desired by the Stamp Commissioners to strengthen their

numbers by making provision which will ena,ble theCommissioner of Lands, as head of the department to whichthe Senior Reverme Authority belongs, to be appointed aCommîssioner.

Composition for Stamp Duty on policies of insurance againstaccident.

&/. Stamp Act, 1891, 54 and. 55 Vic. c. 59 s. 116. The necessityfor this new clause is explained in the note against secfion 2zuyva.

Amendment of section 16 of Principal Ordinance. This is requiredto agree with the new section 16 A.

6T/. the Stamp Act, 1891, 84 and 55 Vic. c. 55 s. 11. Provisîon isbeing made in the Rtzles intended to govern the over-embossingsystem wlaereby a proper denoting stamp wili be brought into11 Se .

Addition of a new section 16 A to the Principal Ordinance.Cj. the Stamp Act, 1891, 54 and 55 Vic. c. 59 s. 72. The provisions

of section 16 of the Principal Ordinance render the counterpartof an instrument chargeable as a lease, though executed bythe lessee only, dutiable as an 'T original '' unless bothtl original'' and dd counterplrt '' are produced for stamping atthe same time.

The adoption of this proposed new section will remove thisdisability while ab the' same bime strengthening tlae applicationof section 16.

Repeal of part of section 17 of the Principal OrdinanceyThe Stamp Ordinance, as orikinitlly drafted, provided that

all instruments executed in the Colony had to' be stampedat or before execution. Section 17 as finally passed permitssuch instruments to be stamped within tllirfy daysî. Theproposed 'amendment will bring . our Ordinance into line withthat of neighbouring territories.

4O0 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE M arch 80, 1927.

COMPARATIVS TABLI o:n CraAusls- tt-zontd.).

c. la.in6. ' ' lt6mavkr.

'8. Substitution of new clausps (c), (à) , (c) and t#) in section 34subsection (3) of the Principal Ordinance.

' These amendments are consequential upon the deletion of thewords Ef payable on demand or at not more than thirty daysfrom sight or date '' appearing in the proviso to section 17. '

9, 12 In sectiens 37, 42, and 43 of the Principal Ordinance, tvhe woz'ds<t bill of exchange or '' were- due to an unobserved typographicalk 11

. error- omitted.

In the Principal Ordinance application for allowance f or spoiled12. stamps is limited to two months. .The extension to six months

brings our 1aw into line with English law.

13. Amendment of section 57 of the Principal Ordinance. Under theStamp Ordinance, 1925, the << new debenture '' ref erred to inthis section may be stamped within thirty days of executionand a ref und of the stamp on the old debenture mightconceivably be applied f or and made bef ore tjhe new debenturewas actually stamped. The words <t within one month '' in thesection are ambiguous, and it is now sought to make quite clearfrom what date the &é one month '' ià to be calculated so asto instzre the new debenture being stamped before the refundis made. '

14. Repeal and z'e-enactment of section 67 of the Principal Ordinance.

Cj. the Stamp Act, 1891, 54 and ,55 Vic. c. 39 s. 105. Experiencehas proved the necessity of constituting the giving of a receipt,chargeable with duty, unstamped, an offence, and in order tomake the intention perf ectly clear s. 105 of the Stamp Act,1891, has been adopted as being more suitable than s. 67 ofthe 1925 Ordinance.

1.5. Amendment of section 68 of the Principal Ordinance.The insertion of the proviso is consequential upon the addition of

section 8A.

16 Repeal and re-enactment of section 69 of .the Principal Ordinance.

Penalty f or not drawing full number of ' bills or. sea policiespurporting to be in sets.

It is now proposed to follow section 67 of the Indian Stamp Act,1899, and Articles 15 and 47 of tEe Schedule thereto whichpermit of bills of exchange and policies of sea-insurance beingdrawn in sets. The Stamp Ordinance, 1925, makes the duplicateof a bill of excllange or policy of sea-insurance dutiable as acounterpart or duplicate under Article 24 of the Schedule. It hasbeen represented that this ccmstitutes a hardship in the caseof bills of exchange of low value, as in thqse cases the duplicatewould bear the same duty as the original. Articles 11 and 44have accordingly been amended and section 69 recast.

Amendment of Article 4.This amendment is inserted to make it clear that a Statutory

Declaration is liable to the same stamp duty as an Aëdavit.

Amendment of Article 5.17 (2).Contracts of service under the Employment of' Natives Ordinance

t fro'm' duty and there appears to be no good reasonare exempwhy contracts under the Resident N ative Labourers Ordinance.1925, should not be exempted also.

. The rearrangement of titles of four classes of instruments followingkl t3)- .A. ticle 5 is to f acilitate ref erence and make it clear' that theser

are not included in the t1 Exemptions.''

1'; (4). lnsertion of new Article 9A.'

ific ' rovision exists for this class of instrument. TheNo spec present amendment refrtedies the omlssion -nd is a clear guidePto the public who might otherwise be in doubt.

M arck 3#, 1927. . T I-TE OFFICTAL GAZETTE 4@1

CozrzaAzla'rzvs TASI,E ()àn CLAtisEs-tcontd.l.

C'lauzz. Aczzltzr/cs. .

17 (5). Repeal and re-enactment of Article 11.The necessity f or this amendment is explairkd in the note against

section 16 supra.

17 (6). Amendment of Article 15.Under the Stamp Ordinance (Chap. 57), where a mortgage is

collateral to a bill of sale both instruments sre chargeable withduty at the same rate as a mortgage, ï.e., one quarter percentum. W here, howevery a bill of sale is collateral to amortgage the former is only chargeable with two shillings.This ambiguity is removed by the amendment and subjects aVill t)f sale to a duty of one-tenth per centum on the amountinvolved, subject to a maximum duty of ten shillings.

17 (7). Amelkdment of Article 22.The proviso added is the outcome of a report by a Seleet Committee

of Legislative Council whieh was adopted in Legislative Councïlon the 19th of September, 1924.

17 (8). Insertion of a new Article 26A.This provision is added to cover a class of instrument nct

iofreqtzently met with.

17 (9). Amendment of Article 58.The uew clause is inserted to make dutiable a class of instrument

which has thus f ar escaped duty.

17 (1.0). Repeal and re-enactment of Division A oî Article 44.' See note against section 16 'znpra.

Repeal and re-enactment of Division C of Article 44.See note against section 2 ultpra.

17 (11). Amendment of Article 49.This makes clear the difference between proxies and powers ol

attorney. '

17 (1g). Repeal and re-enactment of Article 59.W hen this Article was drafted it had to be in a f orm differiug

fronl that fn the Indian Stamp Act, 1.899, where the words:< whetller with or without consideration '' were correctlyplaced at the head of the Artide. The present method ofcharging duty on share transfers makes tbe retention of thesewords elsew-here than indicated incongruous. There is nomateriat alteration otherwise.

18. Schedule .:1'. Rules as to Composition for Stamp Dlzties.

1 85.



NVHEREAS by an Order .of His late Majesty KingE dward tlae Seventh in Council bearing date the 122nd day ofvoctober, 1906, a.nd entitled t ;. the East Africa Order iwCouncil, 1906,' ' provision was made for the apppintmezzt of aGovernor and Commankl' er-in-'chief in arzcl for the East AfricaProtectorate and for the constitutiort of an Executive Counciland also a Legislative @ouncil in and. for the sgid Proteetorate :

AND AVTTEREAS by Article X T of the said E ast AfricaOrtler in Council, 1906, it was provided tllat the Governor, inHis A'fajesty's nîtme aucl ozt ltl-is lvfajesty's bahalf , might makeand execute, under the Public Seal, grants and dispositions ofarzy lancls w ithin the Proiectorate which might be lawfullygranted or disposecl of by 1:1 îs A/fajesty : Provided that everysuch grant .or disposition shoulcl be ulatte i'ta couf orm ity , eitherwith som e Orcler in Council or law tllen or thereafter iz1 forcein the Protectorate, .o, r witla some lustructions whicl) l'nkht beadtlressetl to the Governor under lclis A'lajesty's Sign Atfanualancl Sigmet , or through one of t-1' is ATajesty' s P ziucipal Sep-e-taries .of Statc :

AND A'Ai-.I'T-EI'tF-AS by an Order in Cotèncil bearing dtlte. the 11tl1 day of J'uue, 152.0 , and. entitled ' d tl4 e Kenya(Annexation) Order iu Council, 1920, ' ' the territori es comprisedin the East Africa Proteetorate, save and excep. ting only suchteraritozies therein inclutlecl as form pal't o: the dominions ofH is T-Tighuess the Sultau of Zanzibar, were annexekl- to ant'l' now form part of Tlis A'lajesty's deminions anr.l are ltnown asthe Colony of (Kellya :

AN D MFHEREAS by an Ortl' .er in Cotmcil bearilag clatethe 13 th clay of August, 1.920, a'n.t'l entitled f d the : KenyaProtectorate Order in Oouncil , 1920,*' it is' pro'dtled ilaat theterritories com prised in tlae E ast x-hfrica Protectorate 'otherthan so annexecl as af oresaid slaall 'be known as the Protectorateof K enya :

AND AVHEREAS by an Order in Council bearing datethe 27t1) day ol June, 1921, arlcl entitlecl ;t the K enya ColonyOrder in Council, 1921., ' ' it is atnougst otlaer things provicledthat the Governor m ay m ake grauts or leases of any Crtlwl)land.s in the Colony or m ay permit them to be tem porarilycccupied on such term s ancl contlitions as l1e m ay see fit,subject to the provisions of any Ordinanee :

AND AVH ERE AS by Article XV of the said é d KenyaProtectorate Order in Council, 1920, ' ' it is provided tlaat theGovernor, in His Majesty 's name and on .'H'is Alktjesty's behalf ,m ay m ak'e and execute, under the Public Seal, grants anddispositions of azly lands within the Protectorate which maybe lalvfully granted or dislxsed of by His A'lajesty : Providedthat every such grant or dispositiou be m ade in conformity,either with some Order in Council cr law rlow or llereafter inforce in the Protectorate, or with som e Instzuctions whicll m aybe addressed to the Governor under His Atajesty's SignA/lamual and Signet, .cr through one of His ATajesty's PrincipalSecretaries of State :

Atlaeeh 30 , 192. 7 .' TH'.E O FFICIAL G AZ ETC1'1iU' 493

A.k I1N). 1 ) A''VI--i 1t3 1''t..E A S . t 1-l e s a. 1 tl ' i 1'u- tt st A f ri c a ,0 rcler 1 uPoullcil , 1906 , ' ' has ceased to appl-j- to tlle. Colony of '-lxrenva,Q

b ut st i l l t'tj )J.)11 e s t o t.1-) e 1Drc) t e. c t or a t e : '

AN D AVH E REAS doubts have arisen whether theprovisions of Article X.T of the saicl -E' ast Africa' ProtectorateOrdez. kn Oouncil, 1.9 0O' , sllould be tletlpned to curtail the powerof the Governoz' azld Legislative Cotzntlil of Kelk/a to nlakeprovision ior tlle t orrzl, executi cl1a., and conditiorts of grants oflazld în the Protectorate ; antl it is desù-able to rem ove sucsladoubts :

NOMT 7'I-YTiUA1%E'F())l)tE J-'J i s Alnjesty , by virtue and in7 ' 7exercise of the po wers b)z tlle Foreign J llri scliction A ct , 1890 ,or otherwi se f t-t l--fis Atfaj esty vestecl, i s pl eased , by anf.'l 'wi th theaclvice of his Privy C'ol.4'n cil , to orcler , a1? t-1 1 t-. is laer. eby ortlered ,as follc-w-s :--

2 . z''îrticle X(1( of the said E ast Africa. Order in Council ,1906, shall be and îs hereb y azlneo tlecl by the ad dition .of thefollowizlg provision :---

d ' Nothîng i11 this Article sllall be d eem etl to affectthe power of t-he Goverlaor aqld Legislative Council toenact legislation regarding tlle f or'l-1l , execution ancl con-ditions of such gz-ants and. dispositions. ' '

3. This Order slaall be published in tlae Offlcial Gazetteof the C'olony and Protectorate of Ifenya , ancl shall thereuponcom m ence and com e into oparation .

tim e revoke, alter,

Ancl the Rîght. Honourable Loopoltl Stennett Amery, orleof His Alajesty's Principal Secretaries of State, is to give thenecessary clirections herein .



THE COMAITSSION S OF TNQUIIRY ORDINANCE.(C/zcpf (?,r 25 oj f/?.t? Llezoised Jft/fàftlp o.f f lte Tutzztcyl .

A CoAfwllsslox.

ANR1)''1E1't1'-l AS on the l2th day of January, 1927 , E dwardAvilliam Aiaclepcy Grigg, K night Oom m ander of the RoyalVictorian Order, Com panion .of th: Alost Distinguished Orderof Saint lWiellael al-ltl Saint George, Conapaoion of tlae Dis-tinguislaed Serviee Order, up .on whom His A1' ajesty has con-ferred the clecoration of the Atlilitary Cro'ss, Lieutenant-colonelin His llajesty's Arnay (retired) , Governor and. Commander-in-chief of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, did, byvîrtue and în exercise of the powers conferred upon him bythe Cornmissions of Inquiry Ordilaance (fhapter 2' 5 of tlaeRevised Edition of the Laws) , issue a Commission under hishand appointing Com m issioners to inquire into and report onm atters therein set out : .

T ' ' -'k Aleka' Ilcler ' StafforclAND M HEREAS T, Geoffl. * . ' '. ' ' .

Nortlacote, ' Acting Governùr's Deputy, have deemed it fit toalter the said Com m ission b''$

., n-laking a f urtlaer ap pointm ent

theret'o :


.rck % , 1927.

NOW , TH EREFORE , I do hereby appoint KENNETHLEGGA'I'T H'CXTER, EsQ., Assistant District Oommissioner, tobe Assistant Secretary to the said Commissioners.

AND I DO I-IEIREBY direet that such appointment shalltake effect from tlle 1.8th day of M arcl), 1927.

GIVEN under my hand at Nairobi this 21st day ofM arch, 1927.

G.. A. S. NORTH COTE,zlcàbzfy Gorervtoç's D cp@ffg.



IN EXERCTSE of tlce powers conf errecl upon laim bysection 29 of the Legislative Couucil Ordinance (Ohapter 24 ofthe Revisell Edition), I-lis Excellency the Acting G'overnor inCouncil has been pleased to m ake the following' Rules :-

1. These Rules m ay be cited as t t the Legislative Council(Ameudment) Rules, 1.927, ' ' and shall b e read as one withthe Legislative Council Rules contained il1 tlle Second Scheduleto the Legislative Couzzcil Ordinance lchaptar 24 of the RevisedEdition), hereinafter called d ' the Principal Rules.' '

2. Rules (8) to (10) inclusive of the Principal Rules arehezeby rescinded and the following substïtuted therefor :

Notice inviting t $ (8) On o.r before the first day .of J'arluarjr in everytlaims. otification shall be published in the G ézette callingyear a n

upozl al1 persons desirous .of having their llames inserted 'in any register 'of 'voters to fozwazd their claim s to theproper registering officer. Stlch elaims shall reach theregtistering officer before the first day of the followingSvptember. Every claim shall contain the partieularsspecified in rule (1) (à), alad shall be signed as therein

larrparation of (9) (aj The registering officer shall, on ,or before there: lsed - 'first day of the succeeding m onth of October preparereglsters.

zevised registers of voters.

(b) In preparing sutth l'evisecl registers theregistering offlcers shall includn the nam es of a1l personsappearing entitled t.o have their names inserted therein,and. shall expunge from the registers the name of anyperson wlzo is dead or who laas becom e disqualified or hasleft the electoral area. The registering officer shall alsocorrect any m istake or supply any om ission which appearsto have been made in the register.

(c) 0n. eompletion .of the registers, copies thereofshall be published in the (-èlazette, together with a list ofall names of persons wllicll laave been expunged from theregister, and n'otice shall l)e given in tha principal news-papers ckculating in the Colony that copies of the register,and of the list of nam es expunged, lzave been publishetlas aforesaid, and that the ragisters, or copies thereof , areopen for inspectiozl at a1l reasonable hours of the day attlae 'offices of the registering officers of tlle several electoralareas, and at such otlner places, if any, as shall be specified

#in the notice.

March &)', 19:7., YHE OPFICIAL GAZETTE 405'

(10) (tz) Claims and objections may be made with regard Clilipr andoblectlons withto the revised registers in the manner provided by rule (5) regjrd toand within the tim e therein prescribed. Such claim s shall revlsed

reglsterbe heard and determined by the registering offlcer in th'emanner provided by the saicl rule.

(b) Appeals may be made to the revising officersfrom the decision of the registerihg ofhcer in the m annerprovided by rule (6), and the registering oflicer and therevising ofticer shall respectively proceed as thereinprovided.

(c) The registering officer shall certify the revisedr'egisters in manner provided by rule (7), and the z'egistersso certified shall com e into opertètion on the first day ofJanuary following the publication of the register underrule (9) (J), and shall continue iu operation until super-sedecl by other revised registers.

(db. Tf any revised register is not prepared in duetinae, the register irl operation imm eciiataly before thetime at wlaich the new register ought to have been pre-pared shall continue in operation until the new register isprepared .

(e) Thez'e slaall be an appeal from tlne deeision ofthe z'evi.siug officer in any case to the Stlprel'ne Court. ' '

By Conartlanr.l of l'Iis Excellency the Acting Governor inCouncil-

N airobi,This 28th' clay of A'Tplrcll 1$127

J. E . S. ATERRICK ,Clevk to the E'zpcztffrtl Conmcil.

G OVERNMENT N o-rlcs No. 1 88.


TH E Secretary of State for the Colonies llas been pleaseclto notify that l-lis Afajesty's power of disallowance will not beexercisefl with l'espect to the underm entioned Ordinances :

ù ù AN O'RDIN.&NCE 'ro PllovloE Fou 'r11l( TAlposl'1'loN Ax1)CorursEcqrlox o:n Coxs t-zllpTloN TAxEs ()x 'yAFIA-.ES AxpSlolltlTs.' ' (No. XXAFI of 1926.)

Y ' AN ORDINANCE TO At-, THORISE THE AG G'REGATION OFSElw lca IN T1-II! PoralcE -&ND Plusoxs SER'î7ICES F()RTl-ls2 PtllllaosE oya 'rI4l: A'w-,&Rr) o1ë C..II?.-&TI-'I'rTES . ' ' (No.XXVTTI of 19 26 . )

i ( AN O1t1)1N,&Ncl1 RIELZ&r1'ING To ST.&TL-TIIIR5r DECLARA-T1ONs.' ' (X (). XXTX of 1926.)


7 I AN Oltoix-xNcE To AMEND 'r14E CRTMINAL PROCFIDUREOltDIN-&NCE.' ' (N' o. XXXI of 1926.)


By Com rnand of H is Excellency the Acting Goveruor.

N airobi)D ated


406 '1-l-1E OFFICIAL (JAZ ETTE M arch 30, 1927.


(Ohcpf6?' 5 of f/'l: Rerised Edition, Sec'tion 11.)THE NATW E T'IU BUNAL VALIDTTY RULES, 1924.


TH E INTEIRPRETATION AND GENEIRAL CLAUSES OIRDINANCE.(tlhvpfcp' 1 OJ fh,6 .1:161,686: Fdffïo'n,, Scctïg'l'r 13.)

GOVE.RNMENT Norrlcll No. 99 o:a 1924.. APPOINTMISNTS.

IN E'XERCISE. of the powers fhereunto enabling rrln, T hereby grant jurisdic-tion to the Couneils of Elders named in the Schedule allzlexod hareto within theareas namecl in the Sehedule.Nairobi G . V. M AXW ELL,

.,, ér ,. ..' f hls 17th day of March, 1927. Chiej Xtlfkt!c Conbmzu8ioner.SCHEDULE.


Name of Council. President of Council. j' Area of Jurisdictiorl. Remarks.

1 Kidanga wa Marua The Duruma Locations t f Govt. Notice Nc . 78 ofDuruma.Samburu. Jomvu. Pemba, 16th Feb., 1926, is hereby

Jabu wa M buthia Ndavaya, M wereni, cancelled.(Vice President). Bundini, Mwena. Kiliboli ,

Kinango, Kibandaongo 1,1' Dzivani, Puma, in the I

! area knr w as Southern Jlt l Nyika Reserve t .

lAkamba. Ngui wa Ithitu I The Akamba Locations of Govt. Notice No. 1 84 of

Ngati wa Kztotu Kixazini, Kinango 12th lune, 19!6, is hereby( Vice President) I Mariakapi. cance'lled so far as it

l relates to the K ambaj Council of Kirazini

. . 1

Midzichenda. Suleman Dzilali. W a-Digo Loeations of W aa. General Notice No. 39! ofTiwi, Matuga Magojoni, 6th May, 1924, is hereby'!Ngombeni, Klteji, Bombo cancelled so far as it relatesand M uteza to the Midzichenda Coun-


shimba. ' Mbwana I The Wa-Digo Locations of General Notice No. 391 of$ Gtalini, Vuga, and Trans- 6th M ay, 1924, is herebyMwaclzangoma! Shimba area from Vinuni cancelled so far as it relatesito vidziani to Kirewe to to Shimba Council.i Mwele and back to! I M jubamba.t Wa

l! Nassoro Mungwaja The Wa Digo Locations of Govt. Notice No. t84 ofKinondo-Muhaka- E ! Muhaka, Matofia, Kinon- 18th June, 1916, is hereby1 ' . d Galu, Ukunda Diani, cancelled so far as it relates.5 i 0,J Nzole bounded as follows : to

.Digo East Council.'; N.? Mwacheme River1 S. & W . , Mktlrumuji River,3

E. Sea. lI .Salim Mwajereko The Wa-Digo Locations of Govt. Notice No. 184 of

Masambweni, M afsini 12th lune, l 9 16, is herebyDalgube, Kikoneni Mrima, cancelled so far as it relates:.Kigomberu, M buguni, to Digo Central Council.M kongani bounded asfollows : N., River Mku-rnmuji and sources ofMkancla, W ., Raznisi River,S., M wena River, E., Pung-we arnd Sea.

J echa N Rengwa TlRe S ttlement of Shirazi, Govt. Notice No. 184 ofPunzi ancl Aleni. 12th June, 191:, is hereby

j r eancelled so far as it relates:1, t to W a-shirazi Council.

Pon' we Majereni. Mohamed Nzai Pongwe Majereni bounded Govt. Notice No. t84 ofas follows :- 12th June, 19l 6, is herebyN. , Lower Ramisi River cancelled so far as it relatest4., Mwena River to W a-segeju Couneil.E., Coast1 W . crown Land.

lShehe bin Fumo Wassin lsland. Govt. Notice No 184 of

12th June, 1916, is herebycancelled so far as itrelates to W assin Council.

l Locations of Jego and Genja Govt. Notice No. 184 ofUmba Digo. Gunda M wamvunoMwabakari I bounded as follows :- 12th June, 191 6 is hereby. Chuo

(Vice President) l N., Mwena River; cancelled so far as itb l S. T T. Boundary; relates to Digo Southy ( 1 'l E. Sea and Vanga Town- Council.l

shlp boundary;W ., Livunduni River. '

M arçh 30, 1927. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 407. . .. . ....... ........' . . ... - . . .. . .

. '



THE Secretar# of State for the Colonies has been pleasedto notify that His Afajesty's power of disallowance will not beexercised with respect to the pnderm entioned Ordinances :-

d i Ax OuolxzkxcE To CoxsorulozN'rE .&xI) AMENO 'rI4s LAwRELATIXG To BAxltltt/prrcv.' ' (No. I of 1926.)


&. T4. SAN DFORD ,Clel'k fo tlste fst?f/ïqçlcfïrtr Council.


Lchaplier 84 of f/zc Rerised Edffft??z.l1, Edward Brandis Denham , Com paniou of tha

M ogt Distinguishetl Order of Saint M iehael azlclGeorge, Acting Governor and Comm ander-in-chicfol the Colony azltl Protectorate of Kenya, in exerciseof the powers vestad in me by the MunieipalCorporatlons Orclinance (Chaptar 84 of the RevisetlEdition) hereby nppoint T-1. E . Henderson, Esq. , tobe a Councillor of the N 'airobi A'funieipal Couneilduring m y pleasure for a, period ending on the 30thJune, 1927, 'tlQe W . H . E . Edgley, Esq . , appointeclunder Government Notice No. 5 of fhe /th Januazy,1927.Nairobi, E . B . DENHAM ,25th M areh, 192.7. Aqtting Go't?6?'?zt?T.


(C/ztzpf er 12.9 0/ 'th,e f-l6ztlf8tlcl E J''f @04, Seciion 8 (1) . )AND


(Chapier 1 o/ f b,6 Xth'tli8c# Ediiien, Sccfft)?z 13.)GovsltxMsx:r NoTrcs No. 4O6 olz 1926.

APPOINTMENT.IN BXERCISE. of the powers thereunto enabling

m e, 1 hereby appoint the person nam ed in theSchetlule annexed hereto to ba Offeial H eadnlan1or tlle nres named therein.

Eldam a Ravine,T'his 18th day of M areh, 1927.

G. 1-T. OSBORNE,Senior Oozlxz?zzl8ït)?z6k'.



( Nairobi,Nnme. Area, With effect from k Rentarks.

--1- 14th A1' areh, 192M/ .1 d

Tuitayek arap Locatios j 10th Mar., 1927 I Vice Cherutieh arapCherop 2 ' 1 Chebon deeeased. .1 lAppointekl by Govern- IZ1. W . BORAOAV,f ment xotice xo. 95 of1 1920.) for .zlcff'n,g Commissionel' oj Iuand8.

No-rlcE No 260

TRE CROW N LANDS OTQDINANOE', 1915.Tswlpoltu v OcculazvTzox OF Nzoyto TowN L.ANos.

NorrlcE .T'ENDERS izl term s o,f rent per annum are invited

for the rights t.o oceupy tem porarily the under-mentionecl blocks of Njoro town lands under thefollowing conditions :-

Bloek 12, nortll,12, south4

Ryy.sERv.xTlo,x.The standing tim ber on azly block.

Tztsxs.Two per cent. of the area ol eaeh bloek to be

planted per annum with trees speeified by theNakuru District Com n-zittee ancl in positionsapprovecl by the Comnaittee. Tbe areas planted inaceoz'danee with tlle loregoing condition to be keptfree of grass azld weeds and protected fronA fire.

SSVEET GztAss .Ten per cent. of eaeh bloek to be under sweet

grass at the termination of the tenaney.Plans showing the approxim ate boundaries of the

bloeks offered m ay be seen at the Public M ap Offieeof the Land Departm ent, Nairobi, or at tlle ofllce Gfthe Rcsident Com talsssioner, Nakuru.Tenders should reach the Acting Com m issioner of

Lands, Nairobi, by the 6th April, 192:7.The highest or any tencler will not necessarily be


408 THE. OFFTCTAL GAZETTE M arch Bf), 19:7.


NOTIC'Z:SESSIUNS of His Majesty's Supreme Coupt èf ltenya will be held at the

plaees and on the clates hercinafter set out :- ' ;


NAxurtu, 3. ls'r M AltCH, 1927.

Criminal Case No. 5/27. I4ex v&. C. 'L. Garvin.Criminal Case No. 28/27. Eex 'pa. Kipkemai arap Serem.Criminal Case No.. 33/27. Itex r8. JISU. 54588 Apuot s'/o Odero.

Nakuy'u Dfyfrfcf BeginTry.

Civil Case No. 11/25. Owaro s/o Fumbi 'vs. Ochola Nyapusi.. . , , 3/26. W airegi Karuri 'v8. Samueli.

2#2//t?6. Herm an Stahm er 'tJfl. 'W . A. Liss.30/ 26. Karia Badil '?J8. Nalarnuto d/o Ngoime.32/26. The 1.) ift Valley Service Garage, Ltd. r8. Buket bin

Biial.38/26. Saudi wa Muhsa 'v8. Kihura wa sfuhia.315 26. NK'(T. 0404095 'W-anderi wa Xabakai r.:. Nandia wa

Nyese.36/26. KBD . 489863 Wanyeri wa W arainge 'py. Kinyanjui

wa 'W anyiyerl.37/26. NSA . 0400490 Kipuleting arap Ruto -t):. Arap

Af anyambei.1/ 27. Zeri d /'o Njeroge .3)8 . Mislaole wa Trage .2/27. ELD. '03 90405 Omari s/o Kamarial 'c8. Fatuma binti

Sukar.3- /27 . NK U . 0402227 Hamusa q jo J'aho rs . Kithiri wa'

'M unyogoi .4 .'' 27. K)$U. 475197 A'fwigai wa Thgo 't?: . Kitau wa Trage.5,/27. N1(U. 0407091 Kiogo wa Gecheru rp. Kinorl wa

W aweru.6 /27. NKU . 0407822 Kom a Ifom u wa'# t

K arunge.

ELO.ztMA TIAVINES 6:r1: APRIL, 1927,

Crilninal Case No. 3 /27. ltex r8. Kamau wa Ndirangu.,, ,, 1.3 /27. Rex v8. 1 . Lowalau wa Limenle and 3 others., , , , 18/27. Rex v8. Talai d/o Yator.

32/27. Rex ,t?8. Soso wa Kiragu.NAIVASHA, 9'rI.I APRII., 1927.

Criminal Case No. 6/27. Rex 'py. Njeroge wa Kimimia.Nairobi,14th Februarz, 1927.

D . E D q' ' A RD S ,Regi8brar,

H . J,f. Supre3ne ctnkzrf of Kenya.

GENERAL No-l-lcs No. 179


SE,SSIONS of His Majesty's Supreme Court of Kenya will be held at tlleplaces antl on the clates hereinafter set out :-

NvElu, 281.1.1 M Aucu, 1927.

Criminal Case No. 19/27. Rex r&. Choani wa Kethenge.22/27. Rex .r8. M'Rintuara s/o Mbaia.26/27. Rex r:. Gakenge wa Kanyi.39/27. lxex r8. EBU. 777838 Mtumoga sj'o Mtuthambura.40/27. Rex r8. Njeru wa Kibugwa.42/27. Rex 'ti:. Morage wa Mwanilki.')FOR'.r HALL, BOe1'H M Aacs, 1927.

Criminal Case No. 24/27. Rex 1:8. Margerina wa Kori.,, 41/27. Itex v8. Shiambugi wa Njaga.

Nairobi,24th February, 1927.

D . EDW ARD S,Itegiztrar,

H. M. Jsull?'cln e Court of Kenya.

M arch 30, 1927. TRE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 409



SE,SSTONS of His Majesty 's Supreme Court will be held at the places and onthe dates hereinafter set out :-


KILIF'I, 9'.rr1 M aucu, 1927.

Criminal Case N' o. 14/2:7. Ttex 'v8. Matini Oluko, Mkavirondo.., , , 25/27. Rex .v8. Unda wa Magolo.,, ,, 37/27. Rex v8. KSU. 31838 Were Agunja..

M ALINDI, 10Tl1 M ARCH, 1927.

Criminal Case N'o. 15/27. 14ex 'v8. Karisa wa Mwarabu, Giriama.

AT01, YlsT M Altcu, 1927.

Criminal Uase No. 11/27. Rex 'v8. (1) Manyama . (Mka M wzandugu) wa.' Ngonga, (2) Mwahyango wa Mati, (3) Mashonguwa Kisai.

Kwzuus, 191.1.: A'f ArtcI-I, 1927.

Criminal Case No. 29/27. Rex 1)8 . (1) Nclimoru wa Borasi, (2) RasiBorasi, (3) ltuwa wa Mangolo. '

Alom basa,25th January, 1927.


FTxs:r M sEtrzxcl o:n CltElllrrolts aNo PTJBLIC EXAMIN.KTIOX.D6*tor's wtzpze.--lha.zlda Silzglz s jo Pahtl Singh.zzltftîztr8.s-- N'airobi.beucription-- M otor Driver.C//zrrr-- supreme Conrt, Nairobl .Number oj mat ào'r.-3 of 1927.Dat e, Atpzfr and' ylc6tl oj /ö'd( 'meetittfl oj cr6#ïtt)w.s-7th April,

1927, at 2 p-m. at Registrar-General's Ofllce, OldSecretariatz Building, Nairobi.

Date, /?.t)7zw aud y/tzce oj Public tlzctzpz'zàtzfïozl.---8th1927, at 1S a.m. ath Law Courts, Nairobi.

oj ordel' /(p3* .skt??%?n avy cf./' '?z? 't'ïlzl'''?t ?'tz(.f()?z.--C4th Afareh,1927.



Deotor'n zlcwe---tthmed Haji..4 ##'?'e8s.- Nairobi and. Embu.Descriptiolt.-Tlobor Driver.tz'fp-/zzl.- supreme Court, Nairobi.Number oj zn.c4/6r.-No. 2 of 1927.Date oj ()4'tf6:'.- 25rd March, 1927.Date oj petition.-svà January, 1927.

N ' air ob i.925th Af arch, 1927.

Nairobi,22nd M arch, 1927.

W . M. KEATINGE,OFcial ffecefrer.

W . M . KEATINGE,Oycial Iteceiver.


THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANC.E, 1925.Fltts'.r M RETING oF CREDITORS Axr) PuBr-tc EX-&MINATIfIwDebtov''q 'ntzpze--Baga Siugh s/ o Jaimal Singh.At'ltxlret.s-- Ga,s, Narok, Afasai Reserve.Dtl8crfAlf/zt-- tleneral Merchant.fa'ok/rà-- supreme Court, Nairobi.xVvI,?? llev oj :?zcII60'.-No. 1 of 1927.Date, /I(?'ff?' and Aîcctl oj év.,sr z,14$64ï,46/.....-.12th April, 1927, at

2 p-m . at Registrar-General's Omce, Old SecretariatBuilding, Nairobi.

Date, âtlzf/ and place o.i zpkzllffc e-'rt/zzffncffop-- l!th April.1927, at 10 a.m. at Law Courts, Nairobi.

Dat e oj order ytl/' Dwnmavy cf3zz? ?'zl?-:frf'/fïon.-26th March,1f27.

Nairobi,25th M arch, 1927.

%%-. M . KEATINGE.OFcial Aeccfre ?'.





To all whom it may concern.ITPON the application, dated the 11th day of January,

1927 filed on the 14th day of J'anaaryr 1927 anfl upon! :readzng the affidavit of Harjt s/o Lalji and Kanli s/o Laiii,the above-named insolvents, and upon hearing E. C.Harrison, Esq. , Advocate, in support thereof , it is orderedthat the insolvents be and they are hereby discharged forth-with, and it is further ordered that the Receiver be and heis hereby also discharged.

Given under my hand and the seal of the Court this' 18th day of M arch, 1927.

J. E. R. STEPHENS:Jgtdge,

H. M . lg'tz,rczzle Court t?/ lcetlyq-



To a1l whom it may concern.UPON tlle application of Kalajee Naranjee, Receiver in

the above catzse, flled on the 5th day of M arch, 1927, andupon readizlg the asdavit of the said Kanjee Naranjee, andupon hearing V. V. Phadke, Esq. , Advocate, in stpportthereof , it is ordered that tlae said Receiver be and be ishereby discharged, and if is f urther ordered that t.he 0f1l. cialReceiver be and he is llereby appointed Receiyer of theestate.

Given under rny hand and the seal of the Cotàrt this22nd day ()f M arch, 1927.


J. E. R. STEPHENS,Judge,

I1. ijl. zsk/y??'e??ze l()kf'rf oj ./Cenp(t.

GENERAL NoTlcE No. 29 1.



Ix 'l'lu ESTA'I'B oF FRANK KEyEs, EEIECEASEJA.To all whom it may concern.

TAKE NOTICE that the final accollnt in the estate ofthe above-named deceased, has beelï lodged by the a(11))î llis- 'tratrix, and that this Court has flxed the 27th day of Aprîl.1927, at 2-15 p.m. for the passing of the account af ter 'wltichdate no o'bjections thereto will be lleard.

D. EDW ARDS,1t eryi.s 1. ?'g r ,

lI. 21/. Supre )r?. e t7(?.lzrà oj /t-c ?./ ya.



IN' SOLVENCY J'URTSDICTION .(?zAvss No. 8 ol- 1924.

IN TuE Mzkrrl'ls.tt o>n NVALTER CHTITSPTN PIERPOIN!I? A''-&R3r.To al1 whom it may concern.

UPON tlle application of Kanjee Naranjee, Receiver inthe allove cause, filed on the 5th day of March, 1927, andupolt reading the amdavit of the said Kanj ee N arartj ee, anclupo pl heaz' i ) lg' 5-.. ' A.''' ) ll'la d k e , Esq . , ..& ()1 vocate , in supp ortthepeof , it is ordered tlzat t'ae sai :1 R ereiver l)e aud he ishereby discharged, and it is further ordered that the OlficialReceiver be and he is hereby appointed Receiver of theestate.


Nairobi,24th Alarci) , 1927.


IN THE MATTER ():n GOPAL KARSAN DECBASED.7To al1 whom it may concern.

TAKE NOTICE that all persons having arly claitllsagainst the estate of tlae above-named Gopal Karsalï, wll()died at Nairobi on the 6th day of Alarch, 1927, are reqltiredto prove such claims bef ore me the undersigned ort or beforethe 30th day of M ay, 1927, after which date the ('lainls soproved will be paid and the estate distrilauted accortlillg tolaw.

W . AI . KEATI NGE ,Public 7'/.?r.?lr6t,

STEPHENS)irudge, GlxsrRac xozlcs No

. 29:$.bl . ij..l'. Stéyrep/e C'ourt o / IL epptt.



(JzkusE No. 5 o>' 1925.1Ie A'Ioluku o RATANSUI.ys'z yarte T11E DEs'rort.

To a11 Nvhonz i t rnay colzcern.W H EREAS Af ohamed Ratanslai, of Alombasa, Kenya

Protectorate, mert'hallt, the above-llamed debtor, has appliedto this tiourt that the seheme of composition passed hereinon the 14Lh A iay, 1925, be varied as follows :-(1) that thetrustecs of his estate appointed by the Court oli tk''ik saidl4t.h M ay, 1925, do halAd over a1l books of account audre-assigzt to him all such outstanclings (excepting that ofShs. 75 122 due by Khosla Brothers ; Shs. 149 /75 due by:Alilàhal Esmail, and Shs. 151 due by Haiderali Rajanbhai)as are not yet retzavered in lieu of the debtor givizlg to thesaid trustees, eight promissory lïotes, each f or Shs. 500 tol)e da.ted tlle day tne appiication is granted and payablerespeetively 50, 60, 93, 120, 150, 180, 210, 2(0 days af ter thesaid date, ()n tl-le trusts eontained in the said original schemeof composition, ancl (2è tbat. the debtor on lnîs giving thetrustees the said promissory notes ba deelared absolutelydischarged from llis 'liability in respect of a1l debts entered5n the sehedule finally f ramed by the Court on the 5th'September, 1925.

Notice is hereby . giveu that the said application ofA'fohamed l-tatauàhi will be heard on the 14th day of M ay,1927, at 1.0 o'cloc'it in the f o'renoon .

Dated this 22114 day of (Harc'h, 1927.

N' : 't i r o b i ,25th A'farch, 1027.

KE AT TX ( ) E ;.#''?r ?//?'c 11'.2, ?? -? / ..'. e .



PgsLlc Tltt7sTEl's Czkuss N o. 56 ola 1927.IN 'I'zlE: MATTER oF SAlo slN SHAIS Alsrnl pEcE.xsEo..h

To all whom it may concern.TAKE NOTICE that on or af ter the 15th day of Ap ril,

1927, I intend to apply to the Supreme Court of K ellya atNairobi, for an order to administer the estate of the ttbove-named Said bin Shaib M suri, who die:l at Alatondoldi- fa:tlnuon the 30th day of April, 1926.

Nairobi,28th M arch, 1927.

ERIC '1'. JOH NSON,,% 72 %l-

jor Dezakzfg ltegintyar,zv?zyz'ezzèty ('oltt.t oj ./t'tyz/g/tt. W . M . KEATI N GE .

Pltblic Tvust ee.



To al1 whom it may concern.TAKE N OTICE that on or af ter the 13th day of zï1')l'i1r

1927, I intend to apply to the Supren'ie Court of l'fell v:t atN' airobi, f or an order to ad nainister t11 e estate ()f t.11 e :l':)()ve-nal-ned Mwinyi bin Baisa, who died at Kisttulti-lkf ()rn l3llsa oltthe 15th day of J'anuary, 1927.

GEN>-RA L N o'rlcp: 1X' o. 295

1. N r'l IS Af AJ'E' S TY ' S S'U 1914 EM E COURT OF KEN YAA T N & 1RO B 1

Czvcss N o. 65 o:a 1927.J x Tillt MATTER ol- LAMBERTS, LIwîIT>:I), AN0 REllucEo,

ANl71 x 'r:.1E THxqpa'E:'tz ol- '.puE CoMewpilzs OROINANCE.

N O 7a i ( ,.E is hereb y givelt that a petitio 11 was orl tlle11t 1 à (1a)r of A.f' ar c h , 1927, pres ented to l1i s A:ll aj es t,y ' sStzpl'e lzle Ctlurt of 1,f ellya at N airobi , f or tlqe conflrmationof the relluction of tlne capital of the above-zlal-ned Colnpanyf rtlzlz 1..1 u pees 450,000 to S1) i llings 15,000, and llotice is la ereb-yf urtlp er gî ven t hat t13 e said petition is directed to be heard1-)).- tlle sa i d Co art o)1 the 6th day ()f April, 1927. . Any personil) terest ed îl1 the srtid Oomparly whether a.s a creditor ovotherrvîse desirous of opposizlg th e r.ta akilRg of an order f or acolyf /1.;4:11 titlll o f thg said red uction of capital, should appearat tlèe tilne o't hearil) g 1))r hirnseq f ()r 1) is ad vocate for tla ep1).1,.1 )()se y al ) cl a copy o f tlae saî d peti tï o1) u-ill be f urnisla e d toa ny s u (! h p erso 1-1 reqtzi ri llg' the sam e by the un dersign ed onp11.:$-11) ellt of tlne regul atetl ctharge f ()r the sanAe.

H-A.Af ILTON . HARRISO N & M ATHEW S,,>'(')??'cf to s'c:t fo ?' I/f c st'lùl 47,7/://? pan f/, LhTtliivobi.

GFX F.RA L N' ' oI'ICE X o. 296.



To :1.11 whona it may colïcern.PIJRSI'F. A N T to al1 order of the District Delegate's

Ctlltrt', ltt. Eldoret, dated the 25rd day of Atarch, 1927, inwlhicl' Catharina A'lagdalena Oliviez' tborn du Preez), of theTrans Nzoia llistrict of the Colony of Keoya , was appointedthe exequtrix of tbe above deeeased , who died oz) the 12thday of Jllly, 1926.

TAKE NOTICE tllat. all pel-sons having any claimsagai:lst the said estate are required to qodge and prove suchclaims llef ore me the undersigned on or bef ore the 25th datvof A,))'i1 , 1927, af ter whieh date only tlle elaims so provedwill l)e paid and the estate distrilluted according to law.

'Datecl at Elcloret this 24th day of M areh, 1927,

'W' ' . A . S 1-1 A M 7 ,Ada.-ocate frp?' t J c Eirecutriir.

XOTICE.lx THE M.xq?rrEzt o>> Tlu ColkrpAxlss OltolxAxcE, 1921,

ANo os'T Il:l Klsuwtv 'I-IOTETU Co. LTs.

. .'

(1x LlouloATloNl.N O rrlt?E is hereby given that a general meeting of the

above named Company will be z-eld at my olces, Nakuru,on M ollday, the 211d day of A/fay, 1927, at 2-30 pvm. precisely,f or the purpose of having the accoullt of the liguidator,showing the manner in which the wilzding up hks beenconducted ancl the property of the Company dfsposed of ,laid llef ore sueh meeting, and of hearing any explanation thatmay be given by the liquidator.

GRNEItAL X (JTICE X' (). 298.

l)1S SOL (71110 N 0F Pktltrf N EX SHIP .N OTICE is hereby given that tlle partnership lately

subsïsting between Bernard Hezldry Afyers and Natha Singh,at N airobi alld Kitale, in the Cotony of Kenya, under thestyle or firm of (B . H . Arlyers & Co. , was dissolvecl on t'he22nd day ()i' A' f arch, 1927, by the retirement of the saidNatlla. Singh f rtan'l tla.e said N airobi f'irm, and the saidB. H . A'f yers f rom the Kitale fsrm .

rrhe Nairolli flrzu will l)e (Tal'lrie:l on by the said B. H .Myers f r om tlais date on his own acclourlt llnder the name ofB. 11. (Myers & (-8.0. . azicl the Kîtltle firm under the name ofN atha Singh on l'lis owu account.

Jzl debts now due to or owing by the said B. H . A'fyers& Co., of Naîrobi, will be recaived and paid by the sa.idBernard l-tendry Alyers, and those of tlle Kitale firm ofB 1-1 A'f yers & O0. ' by Natna Sipgh.-

Datecl tl-tfs 22nc1 day of Aiarch 1927..'

B. H . M YEE S.

N Arf H A S1N G lf .

-k. F . A((A Cl:tX&E ,A.d tlrpcttr 6, xvcd i p't? 1) .i.

A. NEW TON,4 (1 'c o c a t t' , ihTa i 'r o b ,7 .




.4ppLlcAzlox N(). 42 /27.TRADF MARK

o?4&wRe @ 4 4. aa. o 4. -.- + A om 4

. kl .z. m x.tl œ xF- , .e,a z.w tp a (l)

è' ' -o. # 'o w'xe k'*.' . -' - 4eNs . Jexs% N

'l'o al l whom it may concern.'1'A1f E NO rf1CE that an application f or tile registratfon

of tll e Trade A ( arlt sl-1tlwu abo-v e in Ulass 1 of Part 111q oft'he Sclledule to the above-nlentioned Ordinance, in reslaectof flllemiklak sullstanees used ïî1 manqf alztu'r as . photography ,()r ))la îlosophicrtl research aud anti -corrosives : la as been lodgedl)y .To1AI1 P atel'soll and Company , Linliteql- , ()f Clellsel A'Vorks,I'le, lrietta Street , () lasgow, E. , Scot! and ; M anuf acttlrers ,whklse :1 ddress f or service in the Colony is 'F . l-lopley , Esq. ,A (1 voca t e, N' a i robi .

lkegistratiou ïs not claîmed under the special provîsionsof paragraph 5 of Section 7 of tlle said Ordlnance in regardto nrtmcs, signatures or words.

The saîd Trade M ark will be registered after tbeexpiration of the period mentioned in Section 13 of the saidOrdînance, provided no notice of opposîtion is received.

.A. specimen of the Trade Af arlt the regïstration of whichis applied f or can be seen at the ofllce of the undersignedat Nairobi.

Nairobi,15t'h M arch, 1927.


(TN LIQUIDATION).TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Sectiou. 186 of the

Tndian Compauies Act, 1882, a general meetilzg of themembers of the above-named Company will be held at theoflices of AV. C. Hunter & Co., Sixth Avenue, Nairobi, onM onday, the 25th xApril, 1927, at 10 o'elock in the forenoon,f or tlle purpose of haviug an account laid bef ore them show-ing the manller in whch the windiug up has been conductecland the property of bhe C ompany disposed of , and of hearingauy explanatiozl that may be given by the liquidator, andalso of determilaing by extraordinary resoltztion the mannerin whieh the books, accotlnts azad documents ()f the Conapailyand of txïe liquidator shall be disposed of .

Date:l the 21st (Margh, 1927.

N O T 1 t; ET Idx S'.rAxoAno BAxx o:- Sovqlu -A.F.LR,ICA, TuIAtITE?-').SIGHT Draf t N o. 10 / 2O, datsd 17th May, 1S26, in

f avour of Alrs. C. 'W . Straub f or ..E5, drawlk by the StandardBank of 501.1th xY' f rica, Ltd. , Nakuru, ()n their PretoriaBranch.

The above-m entioned draft has been reported lost, andit is our intention to isslze a duplicate thereof if it is not,produced witlzin oue month f rom date hereof .

N aktlru,221-14 Alarch, 1927.

W . M . K E A T I N G E , 'We.gïsfrrtz'r oj ql''rccle. Markz.

Standard Bank of South Af ricrt, Ltd. ,

A. CHEESAIAN,M anagev.


N OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned goods will be sold by publicauction at the Custom House, M ombasa, on tha 2nd M ay, 1927, if not cleared beforethat date and the proceeds will be applied first to the payment of freight and charges andnext of duties. .

The surplusy if anyy will be paid to the proprietor of the goods on his application inwriting for the sam e within twelve m onths from the date of sale, but if on expiration ofthat date no such application shall have been received the surplus will be forfeited and shallbe applied as if it had originally been paid as duty due and payable.

Custom House, E. G. BALE,M om basa, 19th M arch, 1927: Ag. ti-t/zzgzziz'-çxçcet7zlcr o

.f Customh Kenya (zzzt/ Uganda.

Date. Steamer. M arks and Num bers.

17th Nov. Perla, Europe 773


1 case m erchandise

25th N ov.

29th Dec.


FoR SALE ox 2x0 M AY, 1927.

M atiana, Europe

Jagersfontein, Europe K. & S. 199/200 2 cases merchandise

Steam er. M arks and N um bers.

1926231-d Oct.25th Nov.

3rd D ec. .10th

K arapara, BombayU nknown

FigueredoRV . E. M/ilsonF. B . ColburnNilN i1

B . M O KM rs. SeatonM iss Inskter

2 bottles Goa liqueurs1 cask m erchandise1 case m erchandise1 bag merchandise1 bundle chairs1 chair '1' chair1 chair

Date. Steamer. M arks and Numbers


6th Aug. U sam bara, EuropeH . 1$1 . G .

orH. W . C. No. 8O1

1 case m otor parts


Ri ceSvheat meal and flour . . . . . .Ale, Beer, S tout, etc. .. . . .. . .*coff'ee raw' . . . . . . . .Cl



h e e .. .. . . . . . . . .

W hisky . . ' . .Sugar . .. .. .TCa .. .. .. ..Other articles of food and drinkTobacco cigars and cigarettestCl 0 al . . . . . . . .* Crotton t . . . . . . .

'X-sisal ûbre . . . . . .*Hides, dry and dry saltedWskins, sheep and goat . .'X-lvory, elephant . . . . . . . . . . . .Wother raw materials and articles m ainlv unm anufactured(EI) (2, 142 () .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .Chinaware, etc. q .Glass and. glasswareCelnentx building . .. . .. . . . . . .Other manufaetured, mining and quarry productslron sheets, galvanised and corrugated . . . .Hollow-ware, enamelled . . . . . . . .Other iron and steel manutactures . . . . . .Non-ferrous metals and manufactures tllereof . .Cutlery, hardware, instrum ents and im plements . . .Electrical goods and apparatus . .M aclainery . . . . . . . .Manufactttres of wood and TimberCotton Piece Goods :Grey, unbleached

BleachedPrinted . . . .Dyed in the pieceColoured . . . .

Cotton Blankets . .tbread .. .. .. .. ..rz

y yarns .. .. .. ... ..manufactures unspecified . . . .))

W oollen and W orsted Yarns and manufactures .Silk and Silk manufactures . . . . . .Cordàéé', ropés, twine, ètc.Jute bags and sacks . .



12 1




8,3371 ,209

! *8,245l 87

3,9323947,675l ,267



5,0785, 16?12,296414


100, 1 165,935

154,75263,71035, 1942O1 , 16476,84468,0235,838

6,2651 1,51210,7432,494


28,3099,463,2992,727,8951,348,8857, 129, 1721,386,7491,049,79935,497

. 5,8 1.1349,24186,859

7,333340,75295, 14O

1 ,27 196,02823,7 13



Jute Piece Goods

Linen Piece Goods and manufacturesOther textile manufactures . . . .W earing apparel and H aberdashery . .Chemicals, Drugs, Dyes and ColoursCandles . . . .Fuel oi1 . . . .Lubricating Oils . .

Greases . .j)M otor spirit . . . . . . . .M ineral oil, illuminating or btlrningSoap, common . . . . . . . .

t O i 1 e t . . . . . . - . . - - ., zOther Oils, Fats, Resins and m anufactures thereof . .Leather and manufactures thereofPaper, cardboard and StationeryCycles (not motor) . . . .M otor cars . . . . . .

car parts and accessories)7lorries and. tractors . . . .,#

,, ,) Parts) etc.;'cycles, sidecars and tricars . . . . . ...' )

,r , ,, ,, Parts, etc. . .(Other englnes, vehicles and carriages, including ships,

lighters and boats . . . . . . . . . . . .Tyres and tubes for motor cars and motor cycles . . . .

Tyres and tubes for power lorries . .

other . . . . . .)) /)Rubber .manufactures, unspecihed . . . . . .

Miscellaneous articles ; mainly or wholly manufacturedAnimals, not for food . . . . . .

Parcels post . . - - . . . .

Bullion and specie on private account

1 ,497, 1568 ,9 18






65,33324,67613,6305,3308 1 9

4,6 1618,23883,81441,92314,44259,50017,51714,2822,834

1 8,24418,6945,40219,0912,473


1 587,362

Such imports do not enter Uganda.1 Im ports into Uganda are either by direct cotzsignment or from open stocks held in Kenya.t Hides, Skins and Ivory imported into Uganda from Belgian Congo.

M arch 30, 1927. THE OFW CIAL GAZETTE 415



1925. 1926.COU NTRIES OF O RIGIN. - - . - -

Relative RelativeValue. percentage. Value. percentage.

f JGREAT BRITAIN 3,068, 192 38.06 2,762, 178 37.12

BRITISH POSSESSIONS :India and Burmah . . . 878,745 10.90 757,847 10.19Ceylon . . . . . . 10,600 0. 13 19,236 0.26M auritius . . . . 4, 127 0.05 3O7 . .Zanzibar . . . . 1 1,722 0. 14 6,402 0.09Union of South Africa . . 137,889 1.71 104,388 1.40Australia . . . . . . 5,805 0.07 1 1,824 0.16Tanganyika Territory . . 1 , 187,960 14.74 1,278,8 18 1?. 19Other British Possessions . . 256,532 3. 18 98,655 1.32

TOTAL, BRITISH POSSESSIONS f 2,493,380 10.92 2,277,477 30.61

GRAND TOTAL, BRITISH EMPIRE f 5,561,572 68.98 5,039,655 61.73

@FOREIGN COUNTRIES :Austria . . . . 22,005 0.27 27 309 ' 0.35)Belgium . . . . 90,433 1 . 12 99,054 1.33China . . . . 32,909 0.40 34,431 0.46Czecho-slovakia . . 13,695 0. 16 20,643 0.28France . . . . 90,756 1. 12 101,580 1.37Germany . . 420,920 5.22 275, 125 3.70H olland . . 437,749 5.43 354,349 4.77Italy . . 49, 1 18 0.69 59,265 0.80Japan . . 312,536 3.87 290,048 3.90Norway . . 6,351 0.07 4, 163 0.06Sweden . . . . . . 50,480 0.62 49,890 0.67Switzerland . . . . 20,842 0.25 26,270 0.35Other European Countries . . 8,496 0.10 15,022 0.20Other Asiatlc and African Countries 220,914 2.74 293,646 3.95United States of Am erica . . 721, 146 8.94 748,636 10.06M iscellaneous Ports Of America 1 ,526 0.02 1,563 0.02

TOTAL, FOREIGN COUNTRIES . . . . 2,499,876 31.02 2,400,994 32.27

GRAND TOTAL ..é 8,061,448 100.00 f 7,440,649 100.00

E. G. BA LE,xz1 ct. Commissioner V Customs, Krnya a/zff Uganda.



W heatM aizeltice . . . .A/.I illets . .Other grain . .Ptllse . . . .Dhall . . . .W heat m eal and flourM aize meal and flourOther meal and flourBran .. ' .. .,Cake, oil seed, otherH ay and forage . .Bacon and Ham . . . .M eat, tinned, canned, etc.Cattle for food . . . .Sheep and goats. for foodAle, Beer, Stout, etc. . .Beche-de-M erButter . .Cheese . .Chillies . .Cocoa, raw . .Coffee, raw . . . . . .

prepared . - . .)#Fisln, salted, pickled or dried . .Fruit, fresh . . . . . . . .Garlic and Onions, not preservedGhee .. .. .. .. ..Lard and its compounds, etc. . .Potatoes . .Provisions, freshSalt, other . . . .Stlgar Uaggery) . .'

ther (relined) . . . .Otller articles' of food and drinkTobacco, unmanufactured . .Cedar W ood . . . . - . .M angrove Poles . . . . . .Wood and Timber, fine . .Timber, hewn an4 sawn . .

other sorts . . . . . . . .Carbopate of soda - . . . . . . . . .

Other Non-Metalliferous, Mining and QuarryProducts . . . . . .

M etalliferous Ores, Non-FerrousCotton, raw

1 , 7 141 8




2 1 41,59911



Flax, fibre ..., tow1

Sigal, fbre . .tow . .

Seeds, castor . s . .. cotton

flax (linseed) . .,' ., , sesan'le . . . .

other . . . . . .1)Copra . . ; .Groundnuts . . . .Cocoanuts . . . . . .G- u l'n S ' . . . . . .Beeswax . . . . . . . .Oil,. Cocoanut . . . . . .

S CS a,l'ne . . ' . . . . . .Hides, dry and dry saltedSkins, sheep and goat . .

other animals . .Rubber, Plantation, raw ...

wild 'M angrove Bark . .'W attle bark . . . .

extract . .)yCharcoal, wood . .Hippopotamus teethIvory, elephant . .KaPOk .. .. .. ..Plants, bulbs shrtlbs and trees . .Rhinoceros horns . . . ..'Shells, marine

tortoiseA,'W OO1 . . . . . . . . . . . .

- Other' Raw M aterials and Articles mainly un-manufactured . . . . . . . . . .

S oar, , comrizon . . . . . . , . . .Other'Articles, wholly or mainly manufactured . .' Anim'als not for fo' od :#

Bulls . . . .Cows . . . .C alves . .- . . .

. ' . Other' animals . ... . . . . . .' . Ciold Bl' :1 llion ' . . . . . . . .. .

194 88?

4, 13O

27,3585, 174




Ilècteases o n

418 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE M areh 30, 1927.



1 925. 1926.COUNTRJES 0* DESTINATION. - - -- - ------

Relative RelativeValue. percentage. Value. percentage.

; gGRE'A'.r BRITMN 4,410,544 56.39 2,976,990 49.53

'BRITISH POSSESSIONS :India and Burmah 1,925,559 24.62 1,285,224 21 .39Zanzibar . . 54,810 0.70 45,955' 0.76Union of South Africa . . 79,625 1.02 72,.373 1 .2OAustralia . . . . . . 3, 151 0.04 29,651 1 .5OTanganyika Territory . . 67,741 0.86 1 14,4.37 1 .9OOther British Possessions . . 14,371 ' 0.18 24,980 ' 0.42

WTOTAL, BRITIS!I POSSESSIONS 2,145,257 27.42 1,572,620 . 26.17

TOTAL, BRITISH EMPIRE 6,555,801 83.81 4,549,610 75.70

F COUNTRIES : 'OREIGNArabia . . ' . . 10,748 0. 14 1 1 , 194 0.19Belgian Congo . . 1,475 0.02 1,018 0.02Belgium . . . . 275, 1 13 3.52 326,71 7 5.44

'*Egypt . , . . . 31,226 0.40 64,453 1.07France . . ' ; . 102,302 1 .31 ' 153,417 2.55Germ any . . . . 195,915 2.50 73,507 1.22Holland . . . . . . . . 122,851 1.58 104, 138. . 1 .73Italian East Africa and Colonia Erytrea 69,579 0.89 46,586 0.77'ltaly . . . . . . . . 125, 1?9 1 .6O 64,945 1 .O9Japan . . . . . . . . 167,893 2. 15 466,215 7.75Other European Countries . . 19,302 0.2S 34,952 0.5:

' Othcr Aslatlc and African Countries 10,407 0. 13 6,720 0. 1 1M iscellaneous Ports of America . . 24,786 0.32 4,275 ' 0.07Ships' Stores . . . . . . 4, 13O 0.05 5, 169 0.09Umted Syates of Ameripa . . . . 105, 137 1.33 97,470 1.62

.)k ... .U - - - -

TOTAI-, FOREIGN COUNTRIES . . 1,266,043 16. 19 1,460,776 24.30

GRAND TOTAL f 7,821,844 100.00 :6,010,386 100.00= . . - -

-> Previous to 1926, Egypt was included with British Possessions.E. G. BA LE,

A t7#. Commissioner of tlr/zzix, Kenya zzzzl Uzqnda.




1925. 1926.AATICLES. , . -- - -- - -

Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.

g giMaize . . . . . . Cwts. 5,690 2, 175 800 ' 24O-l-Rice . . . . . . ,, 1,207 1, 151 1 2,569 7,691W heat M eal alld Flour . . ,, 1,378 1 ,432 1 ,779 1,782Ale, Beer, Stout, etc. lmp. Gals. 6.288 1,29 1 7.909 1 723

. ' ' '' 7ichillies . . . . Cwts. 3,222 4,718 665 8O2icoffee 99,403 463,982 ' 104,Q55 458,503Ghee ? 40 10 76W hisky 2,907 4,254 2,316 3,419Sugar . . . . 96. 6 1,020 1,201 1 ,296Tea . . . . . . . . . . 1, 1O1 10,936 1, 162 12,304Other Articles of Food and Drink . . 12,645 . . 14,377Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes 155,251 18,932 ' 169,705 20,247icotton . . . . . . . . 252873 140,538 ' 41,875 164,874lsisal Fibre and Tow 249 9,995 438 1 7,215#seed, Sesame . . 2O3 7,033 358 7 61 7#iGroundnuts . . 3,792 82,642 8, 123 138,561lGurkis . . . . . . 10,475 19,, 166' ' 4 343 8 208

. ) rf H ides, dry and dry salted 17,620 73,256 17,822 60,959lskins, Sheep and Goat . . . . . . 422,416 25.679 170.341 6 336

. . ' # .A


ilvory, Elephant .. . . . . . . . . 256 1 7,322 78 5,553iother Raw M aterials and Articles M ainly 'Unmanufactured . . Valtte l 7 32s


Chinaware, etc, . .Glass and GlasswareCement, Building . . . . . .Other Alanufacttlred Xlining and Quarry:

Products . . . . . . . . ValueGalvaniseti lron Sheets corrugated . . . TonsFH' ollow-ware, Enamelled . . . .Other Irc?n and Steel M anufactures . . 'k on-ferrous Metals and Manufactures

thereof . . ' . . . . . . . .Cutlery, Hardware, Instrum ents and

Implements . . . . . . . . ValueE' lectrical Goods and Apparatus . . ,,I$'f achine:ry . . . . . . . . . . .' r,M anufactures of W ood and Timber . . ,,Cotton Piece Goods :Grey, unbleaclzed Yds.

Cwts.rr . ?)' . Bleached . . .Yds.. Prtnted . . . ., :7Dyed in the Piece 'Coloured . . 11Cotton Blankets No.

' Thread . . Lbs.. )*'

Y rns .. ..' r? 2t * * * *M anufactures, unspec' itied . .!,

w oollen and W orsted Yarns and M anu-f actures . . . . . .. . .

s' ilk and silk Mihufactules . .L. ordaee, Ropes, Twine, etc. . .

B' ags an d S ack s . . . .f uie

Jpte Piece Goods

Other Textile M anufactures . . . . .'Wearing Apparel and Haberdashery . .Chem icals, D rugs, Dyes and ..l7i-rolours: v. - . . . .,Candles . . . . , . . . .Fuel Oi1 . . . . . . . .Lubricating Oil . . . . . .

Greases . . . .## - .

M otor Spirit . . . . . .M'ineral Oil, illuminating or burningSoap, Com rtcglz . . . . . . .

rfoilet . . . - .. . . . .,., .Other Oils, Fats, etc. and M anufac' . t kl re S . . . . . . s . .L ther M anufac'tures thtreof . .e:3. > rrPaper and Cardboard . . . . /5cycqes fnc,t motclr) . - No.M otor Cars . . . - . r?A'îotor Lorries and Tractors . . . . ,7M otor-cycles. Sidecars and Tricars . . ,,'Other Velaicles and Parts of 'and Acces-, 8.; O f i Q.S . . . . . + ' . . . .'

- , d Tubes for M oto' r-cars and-1 yles an, : tI;lyrc leS . . . . ' . . .. . . . .Tyres and Tubes, P. ower Lorry . .

.. .. , t oth er . . ' . . . .s , , . . , . .: .tRubbe' r )$' 'ianufactures, unspecif ed . . NralueM iscellaneous Articles, W holly or M ainly ' . '

Afanufactured . . . . . .Qnimals not for Food


68O4, 18 14,8088,410


3O77 6654,308

. 9,801

6,8 19


1 1 , 1261 ,058

69,89721,35218,93643,8896 1 ,55431 99375,48217 1

6, 2O6







1 2981741791


1,9052,37815,316- 2;498124


17 18410,8303,4706 1 4



1,7942,35212,932' 2, 187

2 150,6525,8746O4


. jyar.s646

6241 ,5283,3728,48721,09831,389' 3,448



1 , 24O ''

2 14' 1,496



E. G. BALE,.,dl ct. Ct/zzi/zsi'.ç.çz'(?Fzt?F' oj Customs, Kenya tzzitf Ucanti'a.

420 THE OFFICTAL GAZETTE M arch 30, 19:7.

GSNERAL NoTlcE No. 308.


1 975. 1 926.COU NTRIES OF DESTINATION . - --- - - -

Relative RelativeValue. percentage. Value. percentage.

f fGREAT BRITAIN . . :3 18,028 18. 13 330,025 18.00

BRITISH POSSESSIONS :India and Burmah . . 82,857 4.73 106,647 . 5.8 1Zanzibar . . . . 49,817 2.84 45,195 2.46U nion of South Africa . .'. 5,593 0.32 10,094 Q.55Tanganyika Territory . . 696,999 39.73 726,663 39.62Pol't Sudan . . . . 42,1 16 2.40 28,392 1.54Other British Possessions . . 9,404 0.53 3?, 1O4 2.02

TOTAL BRITISH POSSESSIONS 886,786 50.55 954,095 52.00

GRAND TOTAL, BRITISI'I EMPIRE 1,204,8 14 68.68 1,284, 120 70.00

FOREIGN COUNTRIES :Belgium . . . . 12,752 0.73 52,686 2.87Belgian Congo . . 26,467 1 .51 22,550 leJ.3*Egypt . . . . . . 58,260 3.32 98,048 5.35France . . . .. . . 82,824 4. 72 78, 1 17 . 4-26Germ any . . . . . . . . , 95,690 5.45 78,941 4.30H olland . . . . . . . . 97,921 5.58 78,525 4.28Italian East Africa . . . . . . 43,814 2.50 30, 1 15 1-64Italy . . . . . . . . . . 19,569 1 . 1 1 1 2,538 0.69Other European Countries . . . . 21 1 0.01 1,494 0.08Other Asiatic and African Countries 49, 1 l 9 2.80 52,080 2.84United States of America . . . . 25,732 1.47 6,270 0-34Ships' Stores 37, 136 2. 1 2 38,8 1 1 2. 12

TOTAL, FOREIGN COUNTRIES . . . . 549,495 31.32 550, 175 30.00

GRAND TOTAL f 1,754,309 100.00 /: 1,834,295 1G0.00

* Brior to 1926, Egypt was include-l with British Possessions.


1925. 1926.

L' J141,081 120,861

@) CUSTOM: REVENUE ;Net Duty collected on Trade lmports 1 , 182,254 1, 139,335Net Collections On account of Sundries 10,665 1 1,258

TOTAI- NET CUSTOMS REVENUE . . f 1,192,919 f 1,150,593


A'f arch 30 , 1927 . TflE OIPFICIAL GAZETTE 42 1


Total lmports during 1926 are valued at . . f 9,071,317Governments lm/orts ,, ,. ,, . . f 1,390,740

Therefore the Total Trade 'lmports (including goods impofted dttring the year and.emaining in B ond at 31st December 1926) is . . . . . . . .. . . ..< 7,680,577

Tlae Total D omestic Exports were. . . . . . 6,C10,386Total Re-Exports were . . . . 1,834,295 7,844,681

From these fgures it will be seen that there is a favourable balance of trade of f 164,104

or 2 per cent.

ATote.- Tbe Annuai Trade Report for the year 1926, giving full details of the foreign trade of Kenya and U ganda, isin course of completion and will be available for issue to tlae public immediately it is possible to obtain delivez'yfrom the printers.

CUSTOM HousB,M ombasa 17/â M arcll, 1927.

E. G.' 'BALE,Act. tl'tpzpirzzz'vçlwftprrr of Cvxezzi.q, Kàpya rzziff Uganda.

S. 18381/2.N'UTI'UE .

The follywing Billk have been pdblished for inform ationprior to introduction into Legislative Council and can bebtained at' the Uove'rnment Press. Price, Cts. 50. Posted ,oCts. 60 :-

Tlle Kenya and Uganda Railway Ordinallce? ' 1926.The Defenee Force Ordinance, 1927.

' The European Officers' Pensions Ordinance, 1927.

NOI''ICE .A descriptive catalogue of som e of the 'Comm on Tree's and W oody Plants of

Kenya Colony by E. Battiscombe, F.L.S. Price Sh. 10/- ; Posted Sh. 10/55.

General Notice No. 31 l ..GENERAL N OTICE N o, 310


.zïltltrvztc OF KENYA M .&lss Ix EXOLAND.

IT is notifletl for general inform ation that the'm ails despatehed from: M ombasa on the uncler-m entfoned date arrfved fn England as statad ;

Datc of despalcil Name of vessel by Date of arrivalfrom Mombasa. which despatched. ln Englaad.

6th M ar-, 1927 S.S. 'Leconte de Lisle'. 24th March, 1927.

General 17ost Ofllce,Nairobi,

'25th M areh, 1% 7.


M olfBAszk Towxsluta.

A Governm ent ttuetion o.f resiclential sites inSection 'VII1l of M om basa Township, will be con-sidered on eviclence of a dem and being shown.

lnterested parties are desii'ecl t.o furnislz theDepartm erlt of Lancls, Nairobi or Mom basax, witltpârticulars of any site they 'wish to aequire.

Plans showing available sites m ay be seen at theLand Oë ces, Nairobi and M bmbasa. where approxi-:m ate term s ancl ientative eondltiong m ay beobtaïn' ed.

D . CORM ACK ,for J'o8fixcyfcr Gencral

Tfezzpa, and Uganka.


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P'ublications obtainable /z'o:?z tlte (ltlz:c'mkoztlrtf Press.Reviged Edition of the Laws of Kenya Colony, 1926, in three volumes,

Price : â17 7s. per set (carriage extra) .Conference of Governors of the East African Dependencies, 1926.

Summary of Proceedings. Price : Shs 2/50 ; Postage, Cts. 35.Report of the Port Commission of lnquiry, 1925. (W ith map.) Price :

Shs. 5/- ; Postage, Cts. 35.

Bound copies of Ordinances, Vol. TV, 1925 (New Series). Price :Shs. 7/50 ; Postpcl, Shs. 8/20.

Sh,. cts.Bound volume ,of Official Gazette 25 00

Ordinances . . . . . . 7 50Proclam ations, Rules and Regulations ... 7 50

Ordinances (per copy) . . . . .. . . . . ' ' . . . 8 00(Postal charges must be added to above if forwarded through the Post.)