0 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula ENGLISH Quarter 4 – Module 8 Delivering a Self-Composed Speech Zest for Progress Zeal of Partnership 8 Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________________ Name of School: ___________________________


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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula


Quarter 4 – Module 8 Delivering a Self-Composed Speech

Zest for Progress

Zeal of Partnership


Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________

Name of School: ___________________________


In this quarter, you have learned much about the various ways of communicating with other

people. It’s about time to showcase how well you have learned the lessons by applying the skills

which you have acquired.

For most students, delivery is one the most intimidating aspects especially while speaking in

public. Although there is no known cure for nervousness, you can make yourself much more

comfortable by making yourself familiar with the basic knowledge on speech delivery.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

• Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions. (Uncoded)

✓ write an informative speech; and

✓ deliver a self-composed speech.

What I Know

The activity that follows will give you an opportunity to use your prior knowledge in writing

and delivering an effective speech.

Activity 1: Multiple Choice

Directions: Answer the following questions and write the correct answer on the space provided

before the number.

_________ 1. During the speech delivery, which of the following steps is acceptable?

A. Chewing a gum

B. Using of slang words

C. Maintaining eye contact

D. Using a monotone voice

_________2. Which part of the speech provides the main points which are supported by using facts,

examples, and statistics?

A. Main Idea

B. Introduction

C. Conclusion

D. Body

_________3. Which part of the speech summarizes the main points?

A. Main Idea

B. Introduction

C. Conclusion

D. Body

What I Need To Know




_________4. Which element of writing an informative speech establishes credibility by demonstrating

expertise and knowledge of the subject?

A. Key Points

B. Knowledge

C. Interest

D. Opener

_________ 5. During the speech delivery, which of the following steps should be avoided?

A. Having good posture

B. Using of slang words

C. Maintaining eye contact

D. Having a well-modulated voice

Activity 2: Say you…Say me…

Directions: As we go through the process, let’s start by comparing these two pictures of speakers delivering

their speeches.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:

1. What can you say about the two speakers?



2. Who do you think is the more effective: Speaker 1 or Speaker 2? Why?



What’s In


Here is an example of a short informative speech about COVID-19 by the director of the WHO last March

20, 2020.

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, wherever you are. Every day, COVID 19 seems

to reach a new and tragic milestone. More than 210,000 cases have been reported to WHO, and more than

9,000 people have lost their lives. Every loss of life is tragedy. It’s also motivation to double down and do

everything we can do to stop transmission and save lives. We also need to celebrate our successes.

Yesterday, Wuhan reported no new cases for the first time since the outbreak started. Wuhan provides

hope for the rest of the world, that even the most severe situation can be turned around. Of course, we

must exercise caution so the situation can be reversed.

One thing we are learning is that although older people are the hardest hit, younger people are not

spared. Data from many countries clearly show that people under 50 make up a significant proportion of

patients requiring hospitalization. Today I have a message for the young people: you are not invincible.

This virus could put you in hospital for weeks, or even kill you. Even if you don’t get sick, the choices you

make about where you go could be the difference between life and death for someone else.

I’m grateful that so many people are spreading the word and not virus. As I keep saying, solidarity is

the key to defeating COVID-19, not only solidarity between countries, but also between age groups.

Thank you for heeding our call for solidarity.

Activity 3: Comprehension Check

Answer the following questions and write your answers on the space provided.

1. Based from the statistics given, how many cases of COVID-19 were recorded as of March 2020?





2. What have you learned in the information given about COVID-19 for the young people?





3. What new information did you acquire after reading the speech?





What’s New


As a language learner it is important for you to learn the basics of speech writing and speech

delivery. There are different types of speech that you can choose from, but the most common speech

type is the informative speech.

What is an Informative Speech?

An informative speech is written to provide interesting and useful information to increase the

knowledge of your audience. This might involve providing information about a person, an animal or

an object. It might center on information regarding a process, a 'How-to' speech, e.g. How to Surf the


The Main Elements to Writing an Informative Speech

The main elements to writing a successful and effective informative speech are to convey your

knowledge and your ability to explain the subject:

• Knowledge - Establish credibility by demonstrating expertise and knowledge of the subject -

conveying information, presenting ideas, facts and statistics to adequately inform the

audience about the subject

• Key Points - Repeat all the key points to ensure maximum knowledge retention.

• Interest - Conveying the subject with enthusiasm and including unusual facts or anecdotes

about the subject

The Structure and Outline of an Informative Speech

• Your Opener - Give the opening, ice-breaker or attention grabber.

• Introduction - Tell them what the speech is about and what your main points will be.

• Knowledge - Establish credibility by demonstrating expertise and knowledge of the subject -

conveying information, presenting ideas, facts and statistics to adequately inform the audience

about the subject.

• Confirmation - Confirm and repeat the key points.

• Conclusion - Try to end with a memorable punch line or positive statement.

The Five-Step Method for improving Delivery

Step 1: Read aloud your full-sentence outline. Listen to what you are saying and adjust your

language to achieve a good, clear, simple sentence structure.

Step 2: Practice the speech repeatedly from the speaking outline. Become comfortable with your

keywords to the point that what you say takes the form of an easy, natural conversation.

What Is It


Step 3: Practice the speech aloud. Rehearse it until you are confident you have mastered the ideas

you want to present. Once you know the content, you will find the way that is most

comfortable for you.

Step 4: Practice in front of mirror, tape record your voice practice, and/or present your speech to a

friend. You should be looking for feedback on the rate of delivery, volume, pitch, non-verbal

cues such as gesture, card usage if you have, and eye contact.

Step 5: Do a dress rehearsal of the speech under conditions as close as possible to those of the actual


Activity 4: The Informative Speech Topic

Directions: Choose 5 possible topics you wish to consider for your informative speech. Beside each topic,

explain why you want to discuss about such.

Topic Reason for the choice






Activity 5: My Speech Outline

Directions: Before writing your self-composed speech, you must first create a topic outline. This way you

can easily arrange all the necessary subtopics and the supporting details of your speech. First, decide

which main topic you intend to deliver based from the previous activity. Write the topic inside the

template and fill in the blanks with the list of things you may say about your chosen topic or the subtopics.

What’s More










Now that you have your speech outline, we will now proceed to your speech delivery. Answer the activity


Activity 6: Speak & Spark

Directions: Check how prepared you are in delivering your speech by referring to the checklist

below. Answer each question with yes or no.


______ Have you chosen an effective strategy to begin your speech?

______ Have you formulated a clear, concise, specific purpose statement?

______ Have you developed substantial reasons that explain why the audience should care about your

purpose statement?

______ Have you organized your main points that you will preview?

______ Can your main points be developed sufficiently in the time allotted for your speech?

______ Do you have any special expertise on the subject that could enhance your personal credibility?


______ Have you chosen a clear organizational pattern such as topical, chronological, spatial, causal,

problem-solution, or problem-cause-solution?

______ Have you used the correct symbol system to outline your main points and subpoints?

______ Does your outline follow standards of coherence, completeness, balance, and division?

______ Do you provide effective examples to clarify and support your points?

______ Do you provide credible and recent statistics to support important points?

______ Are standards for competent use of supporting materials (credibility, relevance, and sufficiency)


______ Have you prepared a speaking outline so you can deliver your speech extemporaneously?







______ Have you prepared a concise summary of your main points?

______ Have you included a brief reference to your introduction?

______ Have you developed an attention-getting finish for your speech?

Activity 7: Think and Share

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. What new realizations do you have about writing a self-composed speech?








2. As a student, how do think delivering a self-composed speech helps in developing your speaking skills?









What I Have Learned


3. Do you see the significance of delivering a speech? How can it help you improve as a language learner?

Explain your answer.










Activity 8: True or False on Speech

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

_________1. Delivery outline should be as brief as possible.

_________2. Eye contact is not necessary on speech delivery.

_________3. Conclusion summarizes/reviews the main points.

_________4. The body of the speech should be well organized.

_________5. Introduction must grab the audience's attention.

What I Can Do

Activity 9: Love to Talk

Now you are ready to compose your own speech using your speech outline. Do not forget to use the

checklist provided as your guide in writing. I know you can do it!

Directions: Complete your speech entries. Make sure that you have supplied each part with the

message that you truly wish to convey.



(Speech Title)



























Checklist in Writing your Speech

Topic Choice

• Have you chosen a topic that's appropriate for the audience?

• What is your real intention? In an informative speech you must take a neutral position.

• Have you chosen a topic that is narrow enough to allow you to cover it in depth in a 3-to-5-

minute speech?

• Have you chosen a topic that will present us with new information?

• Have you chosen a good, snappy title for your speech?

Specific Purpose Statement

• Have you written it correctly "To inform my audience about ________"?

• Does your specific purpose statement contain no more than one idea (no use of “and”)


• Have you organized the body of the speech effectively, according to one of the organization

patterns discussed (Chronological, Spatial, Causal, Topical)?

• Have you chosen the best organizational pattern for your topic and audience?

• Will your organization pattern help your audience to follow the logical flow of your


Activity 10: Speech Indeed

Directions: With the know-how on informative speech delivery, showcase how well you can deliver an

informative speech. Use your self-composed speech from the previous activity and record a video of

yourself delivering your speech. This will be submitted to your teacher for evaluation. Be guided by the

rubrics below:



Introduction: 8 Points

_____ Introduction caught audience's attention (2)

_____ Introduction gave a clear, specific purpose of the speech (2)

_____ Introduction established credibility (2)

_____ Introduction previewed main points (2)

Body: 8 Points

_____ Body was well organized; speaker wasn't rambling and repeating self (2)

_____ Main points (three) were obvious (2)

_____ Main points were supported using facts, examples, and statistics (2)

_____ Transitions were used between points; speech was easy to follow (2)

Conclusion: 6 Points

_____ Conclusion restated the central idea (2)

_____ Conclusion summarized/reviewed main points (2)

_____ Conclusion had a call to action or memorable statement (2)

Delivery: 13 Points

_____ Eye contact was on entire audience (1)

_____ Posture was good, legs weren't crossed, no swaying or leaning on podium (1)

_____ Gestures and body language complemented ideas (1)

_____ Did not read notes or memorize speech (1)

_____ Voice was loud enough to hear, didn't drop off at end of sentences (1)

_____ Not monotone, used emphasis & enthusiasm, voice was conversational (1)

_____ Fillers (um, uh, and, you know, like, etc.,) were minimal; slang was not used (1)

_____ Rate of speech was good; did not speak too quickly or too slowly (1)

_____Correct grammar, pronunciation; articulation was clear. (1)

_____ No gum or chewing (1)

Time: 3 Points

_____ Met speech time requirement (2-3 minutes)

Total Points: ______________


Directions: Answer the following questions and write the correct answer on the space provided before the


_________1. Which part of the speech provides the summary and review of the main points?

A. Main Idea

B. Introduction

C. Conclusion

D. Body

_________ 2. During the speech delivery, which of the following steps is NOT acceptable?

A. Having good posture

B. Using slang words

C. Maintaining eye contact

D. Having a well-modulated voice

_________3. Which part of the speech provides the main points which are supported by using facts,

examples, and statistics?

A. Main Idea

B. Introduction

C. Conclusion

D. Body

_________4. Where can you find the part of the speech that provides you a clear, specific purpose of the


A. Main Idea

B. Introduction

C. Conclusion

D. Body

_________5. In speech delivery, which of the following is considered acceptable?

A. Using vocal fillers

B. Poor posture

C. Chewing a gum

D. Using of gestures

_______6. If you were the speaker and you missed the first part of your speech, what did you lack?

A. Main Idea

B. Introduction

C. Conclusion

D. Body



________7. You noticed the speaker chewing a gum while delivering his speech. What convention did he


A. Delivery

B. Introduction

C. Conclusion

D. Body

________8. During the speech delivery, which of the following is acceptable?

A. The speaker’s voice is loud enough to hear.

B. The speaker is using vocal fillers.

C. The speaker using monotone voice.

D. The speaker is reading the whole speech.

________9. Which of the following is acceptable in writing the body of the speech?

A. It provides the main points of the topic.

B. It gives the introduction of the topic.

C. It gives the summary of the topic.

D. It provides a short generalization of the topic.

________10. In writing the conclusion of the speech, which of the following is NOT acceptable?

A. Conclusion restates the central idea.

B. Conclusion summarizes/reviews main points.

C. Conclusion criticizes the main topic.

D. Conclusion has a call to action or memorable statement.

Answer Key

What I Know What’s In What’s New What’s More

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5

1. C 1. Answers may vary 1. Answers may vary 1. Answers may vary Answers may vary

2. D 2. Answers may vary 2. Answers may vary 2. Answers may vary

3. C 3. Answers may vary 3. Answers may vary

4. B 4. Answers may vary

5. B 5. Answers may vary

What’s More What I Have Learned What I Can Do

Activity 6 Activity 7 Activity 8 Activity 9 ASSESSMENT

Answers may vary Answers may vary 1. True Answer may vary 1. C

2. False 2. B

3. True 3. D

4. True 4. B

5. True 5. D

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. A

10. C


References: Textbook

Anama, Gina A.; Anna Lea A. Davide; Ricardo Ador Dionisio; Lerma L. Flandez; Armi Victoria A.

Fiangaan; Marcelino E. Ibañez; Gizelle V. Laud; Jovelyn A. Lita; Roselyn D. Mujal; Christine H. Pepito;

Prudencia M. Sanoy; Grace Annette B. Soriano; Peter S. Tentoco III; Riza R. Zuñiga. Voyages in

Communication: Learning Material Grade 8 English. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2013, 570-576.


“The Informative Speech” 2017, Date Accessed: January 28, 2021, Retrieved from:


“Tips for Effective Delivery” Amy Gaffney, Date Accessed: January 28, 2021, Retrieved from:


World Health Organization. “WHO Director-General’s Opening Remarks at the Media Briefing on COVID-

19.” Accessed on January 29, 2021. https://www.who.int/director-general/speeches/detail/who-director-







Writer: Jennifer Leonor F. Jamiri, Basilan National High School


Language Editor:

Proofreader: Sayana S. Hasan, EPS

Illustrators: Jennifer Leonor F. Jamiri and Christianvil T. Garcia

Layout Artist: Christianvil T. Garcia, Basilan National High School

Management Team:

Julieto H. Fernandez, Ed. D., CESO VI

SDS-Isabela City

Maria Laarni T. Villanueva, Ed. D., CESE

ASDS-Isabela City

Henry R. Tura, CID Chief

Elsa A. Usman, LR Supervisor

Helen De Leon, EPS-English, Module Coordinator


Region IX: Zamboanga Peninsula Hymn – Our Eden Land Here the trees and flowers bloom

Here the breezes gently Blow, Here the birds sing Merrily, The liberty forever Stays,

Here the Badjaos roam the seas Here the Samals live in peace

Here the Tausogs thrive so free With the Yakans in unity

Gallant men And Ladies fair

Linger with love and care Golden beams of sunrise and sunset Are visions you’ll never forget

Oh! That’s Region IX

Hardworking people Abound, Every valleys and Dale

Zamboangueños, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,

Cebuanos, Ilocanos, Subanons, Boholanos, Ilongos,

All of them are proud and true Region IX our Eden Land

Region IX

Our.. Eden... Land...

My Final Farewell Farewell, dear Fatherland, clime of the sun caress'd Pearl of the Orient seas, our Eden lost!, Gladly now I go to give thee this faded life's best, And were it brighter, fresher, or more blest Still would I give it thee, nor count the cost. On the field of battle, 'mid the frenzy of fight, Others have given their lives, without doubt or heed; The place matters not-cypress or laurel or lily white, Scaffold or open plain, combat or martyrdom's plight,

T is ever the same, to serve our home and country's need.

I die just when I see the dawn break, Through the gloom of night, to herald the day;

And if color is lacking my blood thou shalt take, Pour'd out at need for thy dear sake To dye with its crimson the waking ray. My dreams, when life first opened to me, My dreams, when the hopes of youth beat high, Were to see thy lov'd face, O gem of the Orient sea From gloom and grief, from care and sorrow free;

No blush on thy brow, no tear in thine eye. Dream of my life, my living and burning desire, All hail ! cries the soul that is now to take flight; All hail ! And sweet it is for thee to expire ; To die for thy sake, that thou mayst aspire; And sleep in thy bosom eternity's long night. If over my grave some day thou seest grow, In the grassy sod, a humble flower, Draw it to thy lips and kiss my soul so, While I may feel on my brow in the cold tomb below

The touch of thy tenderness, thy breath's warm power.

Let the moon beam over me soft and serene, Let the dawn shed over me its radiant flashes,

Let the wind with sad lament over me keen ; And if on my cross a bird should be seen, Let it trill there its hymn of peace to my ashes.

Let the sun draw the vapors up to the sky, And heavenward in purity bear my tardy protest Let some kind soul o 'er my untimely fate sigh, And in the still evening a prayer be lifted on high From thee, 0 my country, that in God I may rest. Pray for all those that hapless have died, For all who have suffered the unmeasur'd pain; For our mothers that bitterly their woes have cried, For widows and orphans, for captives by torture tried

And then for thyself that redemption thou mayst gain

And when the dark night wraps the graveyard around With only the dead in their vigil to see

Break not my repose or the mystery profound And perchance thou mayst hear a sad hymn resound 'T is I, O my country, raising a song unto thee. And even my grave is remembered no more Unmark'd by never a cross nor a stone Let the plow sweep through it, the spade turn it o'er That my ashes may carpet earthly f loor,

Before into nothingness at last they are blown. Then will oblivion bring to me no care As over thy vales and plains I sweep; Throbbing and cleansed in thy space and air With color and light, with song and lament I fare, Ever repeating the faith that I keep. My Fatherland ador'd, that sadness to my sorrow lends Beloved Filipinas, hear now my last good -by! I give thee all: parents and kindred and fr iends For I go where no slave before the oppressor bends,

Where faith can never kil l, and God reigns e'er on high!

Farewell to you all, from my soul torn away, Friends of my childhood in the home dispossessed!

Give thanks that I rest from the wearisome day! Farewell to thee, too, sweet friend that l ightened my way; Beloved creatures all, farewell! In death there is rest!

I Am a Filipino, by Carlos P. Romulo I am a Filipino–inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to the uncertain

future. As such I must prove equal to a two-fold task–the task of meeting my responsibility to the past, and the task of performing my obligation to the future.

I sprung from a hardy race, child many generations removed of ancient Malayan pioneers. Across the centuries the memory comes rushing back to me: of brown-skinned men putting out to sea in ships that were as frail as their hearts were stout. Over the sea I see them come, borne upon the billowing wave and the whistling wind, carried upon the mighty swell of hope–hope in the free abundance of new land that was to be their home and their children’s forever.

I am a Filipino. In my blood runs the immortal seed of heroes–seed

that flowered down the centuries in deeds of courage and defiance. In my veins yet pulses the same hot blood that sent Lapulapu to battle against the first invader of this land, that nerved Lakandula in the combat against the alien foe, that drove Diego Silang and Dagohoy into rebellion against the foreign oppressor.

The seed I bear within me is an immortal seed. It is the mark of my manhood, the symbol of dignity as a human being. Like the seeds that were once buried in the tomb of Tutankhamen many thousand years ago, it shall grow and flower and bear fruit again. It is the insignia of my race, and my generation is but a stage in the unending search of my people for freedom and happiness.

I am a Filipino, child of the marriage of the East and the West. The

East, with its languor and mysticism, its passivity and endurance, was my mother, and my sire was the West that came thundering across the seas with the Cross and Sword and the Machine. I am of the East, an eager participant in its spirit, and in its struggles for liberation from the imperialist yoke. But I also know that the East must awake from its centuried sleep, shake off the lethargy that has bound his limbs, and start moving where destiny awaits.

I am a Filipino, and this is my inheritance. What pledge shall I give that I may prove worthy of my inheritance? I shall give the pledge that has come ringing down the corridors of the centuries, and it shall be compounded of the joyous cries of my Malayan forebears when first they saw the contours of this land loom before their eyes, of the battle

cries that have resounded in every field of combat from Mactan to Tirad Pass, of the voices of my people when they sing:

“I am a Filipino born to freedom, and I shall not rest until freedom shall have been added unto my inheritance—for myself and my children and my children’s children—forever.”