Consumer satisfaction and attributions of improvement among fully recovered schizophrenics ANNE-KARI TORGALSBéEN Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway Torgalsbùen, A. -K. 1999). Consumer satisfaction and attributions of improvement among fully recovered schizophrenics. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 42, 33±40. As people with serious mental illness are viewed as consumers rather than patients, their views and needs are increasingly seen as essential to the treatment process. The aim of the present study is to add valuable knowledge about how to help patients by reporting what fully recovered schizophrenics, as consumers, had found helpful in their treatment as well as which factors contributed to their recovery. In addition to a semi- structured interview, two instruments were used: the ``UCLA Social Attainment Survey Premorbid Adjustment Scale'' SASPAS) to measure patients' premorbid adjustment and the ``Global Assessment Scale'' GAS) to obtain an assessment of the present general functioning of the subjects. The results showed that a majority of the recovered subjects emphasized their own will-power and the human qualities in their therapists as helpful to them in the process towards recovery. The therapeutic relationships were characterized by the kindling and sustaining of hope in the clients. Key words: Schizophrenia, prognosis, treatment, full remission, follow-up studies Anne-Kari Torgalsbùen, Norwegian Psychological Association, P.O. Box 8733 Youngstorget, N-0028 Oslo, Norway. E-mail: [email protected] Accumulating empirical research on the etiology of schizo- phrenia indicates that schizophrenia is a disorder of the mind arising in the brain Andreasen, 1997). What a biologically based distortion of one`s humanity means for the person who suffers it and for the interventions required, is a task for psychotherapy, because this treatment deals with meaning and understanding Coursey, 1989). The ongoing work of differentiating among the groups of schizophrenias allow us to be more discriminating about how individual psychotherapy can be useful. Fenton & McGlashan 1997) concludes after commenting on the design and results of the Hogarty 1997a, b) study, that relative to supportive and family therapy, individual psychotherapy proved superior in promoting a progressive improvement in psychosocial adjustment. They also find it likely that experienced and committed therapists providing continuity of care over a period of years contributed to a better than expected outcome among all patients in the study. The failure of committed psychotherapists to embrace new data and new knowledge, such as distinguishing between causal etiology) and meaningful historical and phenomenological) associations that are unfolded in therapy Sandin, 1993; Levander & Cullberg, 1993) leads to a psychodynamic reductionism that produces a schizophrenia treatment literature that vexes the critical reader Carpenter, 1993). Reductionistic concepts of schizophrenia and its therapy have diminished the potential role of interpersonal treatment. Intensive interpersonal contacts of some kind for some people with schizophrenia may still be important. Demonstrating this notion with scientific rigor has been a difficult task According to Fenton & McGlashan 1997), available research on psychotherapy of schizophrenia has done little to slow a mean-spirited and profit-driven erosion of compassionate care for psychiatry's most vulnerable patients.This research was often based on now out-dated paradigms: psychotherapy versus medication or supportive therapy versus investigative treatment. Gunderson et al., 1984; Stone, 1986). The negative results from these controlled studies are also related to heterogeneous patient populations being studied, in which a few patients profit from such treatment and the majority does not. Without a distinction between valid subgroups we will continue to land in the traps of averages, where important differences, such as responses to different kinds of treatments, tend to cancel each other out, and more conclusive research is made impossible. To my knowledge there are only three effect-studies reporting positive results of psychotherapy of schizophrenia: the one carried out by Karon & VandenBos 1981), another by Ricks 1974), and the recently published reports from randomized clinical trial of personal therapy for schizophrenia Hogarty et al., 1997 a, b). A failure to differentiate among the group of schizophrenia patients as to who will benefit from this type of intervention at which particular phase in their course of illness or recovery, seem to be the one of the major reasons why psychotherapy of patients with schizophrenia has failed. According to Carpenter 1993), a more comprehensive understanding of severe mental disorders, such as schizo- phrenia is gained through both empirical causal explanations and the discovery of meaning. It is a challenge to integrate the # 2001 The Scandinavian Psychological Associations. Published by Blackwell Publishers, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA. ISSN 0036-5564. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2001, 42, 33 ± 40

Consumer satisfaction and attributions of improvement among fully recovered schizophrenics

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