FORM ROYAL PROBE ON DR M'S SQUANDERING chedet.co.cc December 22, 2009 By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad 1. I welcome Lim Kit Siang's proposal for Najib to set up a royal commission on whether I burned RM100 billion on grandiose projects and corruption during my 22-year reign. 2. Such a commission should not be made up of Government nominees but should have as members impeccable people including foreigners and members of Transparency International. 3. The commission should not confine to one Prime Minister only but to Tun Abdullah Badawi's regime. 4. It should include how RM270 billion of Petronas money paid during Abdullah's five-year term was spent; what projects were financed by this huge fund and the cost of all these projects. 5. It should include how much money was lost due to the cancellation of the crooked bridge and the Johore Baru to Padang Besar railway. 6. What is the cost over-run in the construction of the Bakun Hydroelectric project. 7. The financing of the second Penang Bridge and the procedure followed when giving out this contract. 8. I also agree with Lim Kit Siang that the investigation would reflect Najib's commitment to "combating corruption". 9. In order that the enquiry by the commission would be successful, Government must give the undertaking to give full access to the commission of all the documents and accounts of the Government over the period 1981-2009. There should be no cover-up of any kind. 10. Barry Wain must provide documentary proof of any sum that he alleged I had burned. 11. I will co-operate fully with the commission. 12. Depending upon the result of the commission, I reserve the right to sue Barry Wain, Lim Kit Siang and Malaysiakini.com for libel for a sum to be disclosed later. 13. If the Government is witholding the book: "Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times", I would request that the book be released forthwith. I am not in need of Government protection. 307 Comments By kitloh5Author Profile Page on January 7, 2010 7:59 AM Dear Tun, You did a good job in your regime. 'Bumi mana tak ditimpa hujan' but you develop and bring the country to its heights.

307 Comments By kitloh5Author Profile Page on January 7

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December 22, 2009

By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

1. I welcome Lim Kit Siang's proposal for Najib to set up a royal commission on whether I

burned RM100 billion on grandiose projects and corruption during my 22-year reign.

2. Such a commission should not be made up of Government nominees but should have as

members impeccable people including foreigners and members of Transparency


3. The commission should not confine to one Prime Minister only but to Tun Abdullah

Badawi's regime.

4. It should include how RM270 billion of Petronas money paid during Abdullah's five-year

term was spent; what projects were financed by this huge fund and the cost of all these


5. It should include how much money was lost due to the cancellation of the crooked bridge

and the Johore Baru to Padang Besar railway.

6. What is the cost over-run in the construction of the Bakun Hydroelectric project.

7. The financing of the second Penang Bridge and the procedure followed when giving out

this contract.

8. I also agree with Lim Kit Siang that the investigation would reflect Najib's commitment to

"combating corruption".

9. In order that the enquiry by the commission would be successful, Government must give

the undertaking to give full access to the commission of all the documents and accounts of

the Government over the period 1981-2009. There should be no cover-up of any kind.

10. Barry Wain must provide documentary proof of any sum that he alleged I had burned.

11. I will co-operate fully with the commission.

12. Depending upon the result of the commission, I reserve the right to sue Barry Wain, Lim

Kit Siang and Malaysiakini.com for libel for a sum to be disclosed later.

13. If the Government is witholding the book: "Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in

Turbulent Times", I would request that the book be released forthwith. I am not in need of

Government protection.


By kitloh5Author Profile Page on January 7, 2010 7:59 AM

Dear Tun,

You did a good job in your regime. 'Bumi mana tak ditimpa hujan' but you develop and bring the

country to its heights.

Your friends have become your enemies. Leave them alone and take good care of yourself.

Protect our country and the next generation. God bless you Tun and your family

By modAuthor Profile Page on January 4, 2010 12:16 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Kepada Zaq25.

Selama 22 tahun Tun M memerintah,beliau telah BERJAYA mengadakan apa yang anda Zaq25

telah nyatakan. Syabas Tun.

Bagi Zaq25 pula jika/mungkin anda adalah pemimpin sekarang, apa yang anda telah berjaya

adakan??? Tolor Tomolang.

Perbandingan anda Zaq25 dengan temuramah 'Oprah', cetek sangat pemikiran anda Zaq25.

Apakah dengan temuramah (bualbicara) boleh menyiapkan KLCC.

Perbandingan anda Zaq25 dengan Nelson Mandela. Apa yang beliau telah buat untuk negaranya

melainkan merengkok hampir 1/3 hayatnya (Hayat perdana) di penjara.

Perbandingan anda Zaq25 dengan penyanyi Britney Spear. Dangkal amat pemikiran anda Zaq25.

Anda Zaq25 semata-mata menilai kelebihan/kehebatan individu dengan hanya selalu melihat

ditemuramah oleh pengacara realiti, bukannya dari apa yang telah dibangunkan atau

dilaksanakan untuk agama, bangsa dan negaranya.

Penilaian saya untuk anda Zaq25, anda lebih mementingkan 'approach' atau lebih mudah

'penampilan diri' berbanding pengetahuan/kebijaksanaan/kepakaran untuk memajukan diri. Atau

lebih mudah lagi saya katakan bahawa anda hanya pandai cakap sahaja, tapi tak tahu buat kerja,

kalau ada majikan, anda yang paling kuat mem 'bodek'. Betulkan apa yang saya nyatakan untuk

diri anda.

Anda cuma mencedok maklumat dari internet bagi membuat perbandingan untuk menaibkan

seseorang, bukan dari apa yang anda pelajari dan fahami. Perbandingan yang anda buat tidak

sesuai, malah mencerminkan kelemahan pemikiran anda. Amat malang apabila meludah ke


Kalau nak tunjukkan sikap negatif anda pada seseorang pemimpin biarlah berhemah, jangan

sampai orang lain lihat anda macam sampah.

Cuba lihat betapa hebatnya Tun M yang masih menyiarkan tulisan anda walaupun anda

menunjukkan kebodohan anda sendiri. Anda sedang diketawakan.


By KuyomAuthor Profile Page on January 3, 2010 2:14 PM

Semua orang boleh menerbitkan apa jua wacana,dan kita tidak mempunyai hak untuk

menghalang...kita lebih menggenali Tun dan cara Tun berfikir....banyak isu dapat di atasi oleh

Tun banyak idea telah dilontarkan banyak jasa telah di lakukan dan adakan rakyat Malaysia buta

mata buat hati?Bukan untuk mengampu tetapi inilah kenyatan bahawa Tun telah menjalankan

tugas nya dengan cukup cemerlang demi anak bangsa dan negara....bagi saya yang tahu

menggenang jasa Tun, telah tersemat di hati ini bahawa adalah menjadi kewajipan bagi saya

untuk menyokong Tun dan mempertahankan Tun dari serang mana 2 pihak yang iri hati dengan

kredibiliti Tun...Jika ada yang ingin bersama sama saya mari kita kukuhkan kududukan dan

menjadi perisai kepada TUN DR MAHATHIR MUHAMMAD

By uncle haleebAuthor Profile Page on January 2, 2010 8:17 PM

Salam Tun M. Once I heard about the allegation of you had wasted 100 billion during your

premiership, I just laughed it out. In my mind, those people are just trying to destroy your

credibility since you are actually a fine leader. You could have made mistakes during your

administration but to waste 100 billion is to me is a doctored up issue architectured by certain

parties. One thing I know is you did your job well as our prime minister. You did not build our

country to make you look good, but you built it so that it will be ready to face challenges in the

future. May Allah bless you for that.

By ANTHONGAuthor Profile Page on January 1, 2010 11:32 PM

Go For It Tun,

"Those who do not have shadows will not be afraid of the knock at their door at midnite. " Old

Chinese saying.

"When you don,t have skeleton in your closet,, you are not afraid of any scrutiny" Old English


What is the malay saying? Anyone can advise.??

By NANOAuthor Profile Page on January 1, 2010 11:42 AM

Salam TUN...

TUN akan sentiasa menjadi pemimpin saya.

Berdasarkan pemerhatian saya pada situasi politik semasa, saya beranggapan bahawa parti

BARISAN NASIONAL yang sangat saya sayangi akan kalah teruk pada PRU-13. Buat pertama

kalinya dalam sejarah, MALAYSIA akan bertukar tampuk pemerintahan. PAKATAN RAKYAT

akan menguasai PARLIMEN. PUTRAJAYA akan jatuh ke tangan pembangkang. Apabila

perkara ini berlaku, saya rasa TUN sendiri dapat mencongak siapa yang akan dilantik sebagai

PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA. Apa yang merisaukan saya ialah tindakan yang akan

dikenakan kepada TUN oleh PERDANA MENTERI yang baru. Naluri saya membayangkan

mereka akan mengheret TUN ke mahkamah dan dikenakan pelbagai dakwaan. Sesungguhnya

saya tidak sanggup melihat perkara sebegitu dilakukan ke atas seorang PEMIMPIN AGUNG

seperti TUN. Perlu di ingat... PKR, DAP dan PAS menyimpan dendam yang mendalam terhadap

TUN. Lihatlah apa yang ada dalam pemikiran LIM KIT SIANG sekarang. Belum pun berkuasa

tetapi sudah berani untuk menghadapkan TUN ke Suruhanjaya DiRaja.

Sebagai seorang MANUSIA BIASA yang sayangkan TUN, saya berharap pada masa keputusan

PRU-13 diumumkan, TUN sudah tidak berada di Malaysia. Bukan kita takut kepada PAKATAN

RAKYAT tetapi kita perlu lebih berhati-hati dengan SAMSENG-SAMSENG JALANAN yang

bakal memimpin negara. Kita semua sedia maklum, sebarang keputusan dan tindakan yang

dibuat berlandaskan dendam tidak pernah membawa kebaikan. Perkara inilah yang merisaukan

saya akan menimpa TUN. Berundur bukan bererti kita kalah. Mungkin dengan cara sedemikian

akan memberi kita kekuatan untuk MEMUSNAHKAN musuh kita di masa hadapan... Insya


Saya berdoa agar apa yang saya nyatakan di atas tidak akan menjadi kenyataan. Amin.

By LadyGAuthor Profile Page on January 1, 2010 8:11 AM

Adam and dear all readers,

I want to apoligies for having to comment here after my promise not to do so the last time.

I do not care about you adam so please do not care about me.

I wrote to Zaq25. I do not welcome your nasihat so do not nasihat orang kalau anda sendiripun

membebel-bebel bila dinasihat balik.

Berjela-jela awak tulis.

Awak dah name-calling seperti "loyar buruk" kepada saya.

Awak ketawakan saya kerana komen saya tentang profession dan qualification seorang peguam.

Sekarang awak nak menuduh saya ada intention nak guna the "f word"

That "f word" has never been in my vocabulary. Geli-geleman saya membaca posting awak kali


It has never occurred to me to even think and use it anywhere and anytime especially here.

You have no right to assume to that extend. i have never accused you of using any bad words to

describe Bar Council. The most i can think of is "bias" and never avery bad word.

You think so highly of yourself....actually I do not care one bit but I do not welcome your

teguran so terimasajalah jangan nak membebel dan tahu pun tak suka bila i nasihat you balik...

You think I care or anybody here care that you decided to announce here that you nak join

Pembangkang??? oh except S. tan maybe, not Aziz or Aminah lah tu...Keep it to yourself. KEEP


LEARN TO KEEP IT TO YOURSELF bila orang do not welcome your unwarranted advice.

It is not a crime to use ayat tergantung tapi awak tak berani menghabiskannya kerana awaklah

berkemungkinan besar menggunakan bad words to describe others just like how you

accused/assumed me with that "f word".

The difference between you and me is that I am so feel so free to write anything here because

very bad words have never been in my vocab or writing and my conscience is clear.

Saya akan marah pada anak, anak saudara atau staff saya jika mereka menggunakan perkataan

yang awak cuba bawa di sini.

Dah orang tak boleh terima nasihat awak sudahlah. Awakpun tak boleh terima nasihat orang. So,


Astaghfar banyak-banyak. Saya dah pergi UMRAH dan berkira nak pergi Haji. Sama-samalah

kita bermuhasabah diri.

Jangan biadap.

By S..TanAuthor Profile Page on January 1, 2010 12:06 AM

Dear Tun, salam tahun baru 2010, harap sihat sejahtera berkekalan. Minta izin menjawab ringkas

seorang bersapa....

Sdr 'Adam' on December 29, 2009 3:34 PM


I agree you have 'grown' in this blog. Hope your current spat ends with both parties eyes opened

not blackened.


HAPPY NEW YEAR to all readers and commenters here.

By JanAuthor Profile Page on December 31, 2009 8:07 AM

YAB Tun,

I always have faith in you. Trust you, worship you and will always believe in you. NOt

forgetting my love and respect for you are beyond words.....

God bless you and Mrs Tun,

May your mind stay fresh and strong as ever.

I've mentioned this before.... You're precious and remarkable......One in a Million....no make it 2



By AdamAuthor Profile Page on December 31, 2009 5:41 AM

Dear LadyG,

Mr.Sopan Santun katanya pada saya,


Saya hanya menegur, yang keterlaluan itu saja. Tapi dengan perasaan marah saudara menyerang

saya di dua threads tanpa henti. Guna akal, bukan nafsu. Kalau teguran saya tak boleh diterima

itu terpulanglah pada saudari, macam saudari kata saudari lagi bagus dari saya. Professional kan?


Saya tak gelak pada komen saudari, saya gelak pada komen Tun, saya tak komen langsung pun

pada komen saudari. Saudari yang serang saya di sini lepas marah pada ZAQ25 membuta.


I wrote 'ayat tergantung' because there could be a bad word inside it, it is not nice to openly utter

something bad openly to others. So I chose to speak that way, so what is wrong with it? Oh my

god.. just writing it that way is considered wrong?

Like your method of not putting f...k

So what is so wrong about not finishing my sentence? you said I was being Tuition teacher? it

appears you are more tuition Teacher than I do.


I was not talking about myself, I was talking about WHAT KEPT MANY OF US AWAY

FROM UMNO. Do you know what it means? Go read the previous comment before you

attacked me.

I am not offended, the last hint that I was trying to point at your WAS THAT I AM NOT YOUR

ENEMY. Look carefully at the last point I was asking you to ponder at, but then you misjudged

it as I am taking myself high up.

Well, I am sorry as well. If for any reason there is offensive statements by me against you.

By AdamAuthor Profile Page on December 30, 2009 11:25 PM

Dear LadyG,

Saya hanya menegur, terpulang pada saudara nak interpretasi macam mana. Zaq25 tak respon

mungkin kerana tersekat jadi saya tegur. Kalau tak boleh tegur tak apa, terpulang lah pada

saudara. Saya boleh buat tak tahu pun tak apa, tak dapat satu sen pun.

Yang akhir tu, it is not about how I take myself so highly. Tapi hanya nak tunjukkan yang saya

setuju berkenaan pernyataan saudara sendiri tentang melayu. itu saja.

Cuba baca balik apa saudara tulis sebelum ni

"As for the cow protester tu...bukan semua orang akan buat macam tu kot...main tuduh saja tak

baik....tapi kadang-kadang Melayu kena tunjuk sikit pasal orang lain dah naik tocang....kita di

sini asyik peluk tubuh dan bersopan-santun...hilang maruah hilang semua sikit demi sikitmacam

I cakap tadi lah."

Saya hanya jawab, sebagai contoh hidup hanya sekali. Bukan dua kali, kalau gagal ubah nasib

bangsa, takkan ada peluang kedua. Itu saja. Jangan cepat melatah, kalau terlebih harap maaf.

Ya saya akan sertai pembangkang.

Selamat maju jaya.


By khartoumAuthor Profile Page on December 30, 2009 8:14 PM

My apologies for an abrupt stop to my comments due to a wrong button got hit as I was typing.

Anyway, if Tun did not do things that he did, grandiose or not, we will still be sitting under our

Tempurong and wondering why our world is so dark. There are many countries in the world that

quietly envy our progress. It is a tremendous success by all the people of this country- Malays,

Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Peranakan, Kadazans etc., etc., You should see some of the countries

around us and those beyond. They are struggling to find an identity and to find some satisfying

success. Be thankful that we are one of the luckiest peoples on this earth. I have been to many

countries and believe it or not Malaysia is the best country in the world. Sure there is poverty.

Just visit some of the Kampungs a half hour out of KL, be it Malay or Chinese or Indian

kampung, there are a lot of people that need help from someone so that they can better their

lives. Fortunately, some have had help. Yes we need more transparency but do not be fooled by

your enemies. They are not interested in your welfare. All they want is chaos.

By HBTAuthor Profile Page on December 30, 2009 4:07 PM

Ayahanda Tun,

Malaysian Mirror...

//Najib: No basis to probe Dr M

Wednesday, 30 December 2009 13:01

KOTA KINABALU – There is no basis to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate

the claim that former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad wasted RM100bil during his years

in office, said Najib Abdul Razak.

“Having a commission is inappropriate,” the prime minister said when commenting on the call

by DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang.

Lim made the call following the recent release of a book Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir

Mohamad in Turbulent Times by author Barry Wain, who alleged that Mahathir “burnt”

RM100bil in corruption and grandiose projects during his 22-year reign.//


Since PM Najib said no Royal Commission of Inquiry, then these allegations made on Dr M will

be on personal libel damage... and Dr M should employ lawyers who have experiences

similarthose of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Lawyer Singaporean pun takpa asalkan Dr menang dengan

cara yang adil, the amount is RM1,000,000 (Dr M = RM1juta, YB Anwar = RM1.00 aja...;


By LadyGAuthor Profile Page on December 30, 2009 8:45 AM

Dear Adam,

This thing started from you. You Cikgu tuisyen-sopan-santun.

This is about Zaq25 comments and I am not really interested in you cause you have proven to me

that you cakap tak serupa bikin...you said I "loyar buruk" and you laughed at my comments on


Zaq25 insulted Tun M who is like a father to me so I insulted him but hey! i never used any fowl

language...and if i do that is for the moderator to decide and not you!!!

Mind your own business as you are have never been appointed to be a moderator here or Cikgu

Tuisyen-Sopan-santun to me.

How come Zaq25 never respond to mine, Kimura's and Shafinaz's posting when you pulak yang


I know many so-called smart heads , cikgu tuisyens etc are reading but I will never write "ayat

tergantung seperti...Bar Council is becoming more and more...." because buang masa saja...dan

not fair to Bar Council or readers here trying so hard to understand you..he

I think any political party will not "cry" if you refuse to join any of them so do not think so

highly of yourself. I am sorry if i offended you but I think this is my style and even tho I do not

really agree with you but I have never tried to tell or teach you previously until you started

commented on my posting.

I am not going to respond to you on this matter again. Period.

By watchersAuthor Profile Page on December 29, 2009 4:20 PM


Many Malaysian will support you, we are not blind or simple as to not realise the sacrifice that

you have made for us. We have seen the length at which we have grown as a nation.

We are not afraid of the truth. We are strong and will continue to grow stronger because of what

you and our fore fathers have done for this country.

By AdamAuthor Profile Page on December 29, 2009 4:11 PM

Dear RD,

Thank you RD, I understand. I know there are some in UMNO who is honest, I personally know

a few of them. My late dad was PAS, and so does my mother. But some of my uncles are

UMNO. There are these scourge inside UMNO that is slowly decaying, and destroying UMNO

from within.

Please do not feel offended in anyway over my statements, I understand your griefs.

Bukan berdosa untuk pertahankan Hak melayu, dan majukan bangsa tetapi seorang India yang

sakit dan tiada tempat tinggal HARUS dan WAJIB bagi seorang Melayu untuk tolong, begitu

juga orang Asli, Penan, Iban, dan juga Cina yang miskin, malahan beribu-ribu mualaf yang

disisihkan. Adalah berdosa kalau memejamkan mata hanya kerna bangsa.

The sky is wide open for those who have the heart and the will, but is close for those who do not.

There is nothing that is impossible, only us decide what is impossible, and what is otherwise.

The only way to discover the limits is to go beyond the impossible.It is always my dreams to

change the history of the Malays

"Allah tak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu bangsa kalau kita tak tekad untuk mengubahnya"

By AdamAuthor Profile Page on December 29, 2009 3:34 PM

Dear LadyG,

To Adam....(Kimura and Shafinazh...for your pleasure..)

How could you even say "Please do not insult Zaq25, as he could have been disheartened with

the statements" ???

So.........for Zaq25 to insult Tun M is OK for you???



Self assumptions? Who ever said is okay? Did I say that? Have you ever take the time to look at

my previous post defending Tun? I was against your extreme comments against Zaq25. Not

against going for Tun's defense.


Have you read what he wrote against Tun M and you expect us his supporters to keep quiet like



There are MANY supporters who came into his defense, that includes me. So where is this claim

that I was quiet? I was not against coming into defense for Tun, but against your excessive

retaliation. Not just for Zaq25, but for anyone who went against Tun.

Ask Sypatracus if I was right or wrong, and ask other detractors of him in the past if I was


I feel S..Tan is more honorable than you going against someone using verbal insults.


You remind me of a person who will never fight for his family or friends (tak tahu lah samada

takut atau pun sopan-santun tak kena tempat) even when his family members have been insulted

or spit at the face !!!!


You said so? then what if Zaq25 insults your family? what will you feel? he has the RIGHTS to

defend his family, like you said your friend did not defend his family. So if we are going to use

your version of logic, and arguments we are valid to give Zaq25 a chance to do the same to you -

because you insulted his.


Yeah, we might be emotional but READ WHAT ZAQ25 has written and I do not expect

anything from you if Tun M is not your idol.


If he is your idol, then it is fine for you to insult others? one wrong legalizes more wrongs? Read

my previous posts as whether he is an Idol of mine or not. But it is getting wane, as I see what is

the over zealous supporters are doing.


If you do not want to join UMNO because of what we the supporters wrote then you are childish

because any members of any political parties can be a bit emotional sometimes.


Then all of them are overgrown kids, I was naive myself the first time I came here. Ask S..Tan,

ask Kamal Ahmad and others.

But I do not stack in that position for more than 3 weeks.


Then do not join PKR (Penipu dan kuat kelentong...Anwar takut nak pi court, PAS (kerjasama

dengan UMNO haram tapi DAP pahala)or DAP (nak buat macam Singapore..Melayu 2nd class



I think here you meant to say, "Then do join PKR, right?" .Casting me so much further from

UMNO, thank you. There are watchers here who has been observing, those are smart heads.

They know. Yes..

I know not every one of UMNO is that bad, there are some honest men in UMNO. RD could be

one of them? Sheikh was one, JaneT and others.


either because they are all bad. You saja yang bagus...bagus kerana kesiankan Zaq25 tapi tak

defend Tun M langsung............SHAMEFUL.


Again, if you have the time to observe my previous posts you would know me much better. Take

the time to see my previous posts, and see if I was defending him or not.

Again, for you to ponder at.

The sky is not the limit, but the universe is the limit. The aim is not just to put the Malay as just

another name in history, we only live once. I only live once, not twice. Only a chance to forever

change history and puts the Malay at their place, or fail to do so. When I gave you a good smack

in the face, I meant for you to wake up. The same for my other posts, no offensive means. I am

standing in the line of oppostion and BN. A very thin line.

As for the cow protestors, I did stood for them in the past. But not to that extreme level of peeing

in publics and any others unnecessities actions. I understand their griefs and if you feel offended

there is apology from me. I will never force you or impose my belief in you.

By RDAuthor Profile Page on December 28, 2009 10:12 PM

Dearest Tun Dr.M

I beg your pardon Sir.

Please allow me to comment, the way some of your 'defenders', may I put it, empty their guns,

against people who ridicule or do not seems to like you. Using race card and all.


By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on December 28, 2009 3:08 PM

As salam,

Salam perkenalan kepada semua penulis didalam komen chedet.cc ini,

saya benar-benar tertarik dengan apa yang diketengahkan oleh saudara hazrin. Saya setuju

dengan cara pengiraan yang telah saudara terangkan dan saya percaya tapi tidaklah seratus

peratus. Maaf saudara isu yang kita cuba ketengahkan sekarang ini adalah berkenaan moral,

integriti dan reputasi seseorang.Maaf sekali lagi saudara, bukan niat saya untuk melemahkan

semangat saudara untuk mencari kebenaran akan tetapi dimanakah jalan penyelesaiannya. Fakta

yang saudara beri adalah sahih dan tiada keraguan akan tetapi, apakah yang boleh dikaitkan oleh

Barry Wain dengan penulisanya dibawah tajuk 22thn pemerintahan chedet. Saya tidak mahu

terlalu taksub sangat dengan beliau(chedet)akan tetapi saya mengkagumi cara pemerintahan

beliau selama 22 tahun terdahulu.Saya akui beliau seorang yang sangat cerdik dan mempunyai

pandangan masa depan yang sangat jauh serta seorang bangsa melayu yang cepat bertindak

meredakan tekanan.....soalan saya adakah Barry Wain ini rakyat malaysia dan apakah lim kit

siang itu seorang yang tuli didalam membuat andaian? Fikir dan renung-renungkan

lah.....sekiranya benar seperti mana kata-kata saudara, harus diingatkan ianya berkisar pada tahun

1998-2000 dan ianya amat perlu dibuat pendedahan. Realiti yang perlu diketahui sekarang

adalah apakah jalan penyelesaianya... itu topik kita sekarang.....bukan mengata atau mewujudkan

fitnah yang berleluasa.....

Kepada saudara zaq25.....walau siapa pun anda, saya ingin meningati disamping saya

memperingati diri saya..... sekiranya saudara adalah seorang islam atau sebaliknya perlu

diketahui bahawa didalam islam ada menyebut bahawa sebesar-besar dosa disisi Allah swt

adalah dosa kepada manusia....ini kerana kita bukan tuhan yang boleh menghukum dosa dan

mengampunkan dosa....semuanya adalah terletak dibawah kekuasaan Allah swt.....cuba saudara

bayangkan, sekiranya terjadi dan nyata chedet ini tidak bersalah apakah saudara dapat memohon

maaf dan menyatakan kepada semua bahawa apa perbuatan saudara itu salah..... saudara,

ketahuilah bahawa azab api neraka itu amatlah berat bagi kita manusia dan ketahuilah juga

bahawa api yang ada dibumi Allah ini adalah hanya sebesar zarah berbanding api neraka

jahanam.....Dan sekiranya chedet merasakan ianya adalah kesilapan terbesar beliau dan dosa

yang amat berat ditanggungnya maka kenalah beliau mencari jalan untuk mengakuinya dan

memberitahukannya kepada umum disamping bertaubat nasuhah dan menangis di atas tikar

sejadah memohon keampunan dari yang maha Esa......Saudara juga harus mengetahui bahawa

untuk memohon keampunan dari Allah dengan apa yang telah diperkatakan oleh saudara adalah

dengan cara memohon kemaafan terlebih dahulu kepada orang yang difitnah dan kepada orang

yang telah kita sampaikan fitnah itu......moga-moga dosa kita dapat diampunkan oleh tuhan yang

maha Esa....

Sekali lagi saya memohon kemaafan dengan berbanyak-banyak kemaafan diatas sebarang

ketelanjuran kata saya didalam penulisan saya ini kepada sesiapa yang berkenaan. Kepada Tun

saya menyokong tindakan Tun yang benar-benar ingin mecari kebenaran demi menjaga maruah

Tun sekeluarga.....saya mendoakan kesejahteraan Tun sekeluarga....amin..

Akhir sekali marilah bersama, kita memerangi mereka yang cuba menjatuhkan umat islam dan

memertabatkan islam itu hingga ke hari akhirat.... salam persahabatan dan persaudaraan islam


By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on December 28, 2009 1:08 PM




By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 11:04 AM


Kalau ada free tu..gasak sikit The Hidden Secret..Anti Hadith tu..





















By azlanAuthor Profile Page on December 28, 2009 11:31 AM

Depending upon the result of the commission, I reserve the right to sue Barry Wain, Lim Kit

Siang and Malaysiakini.com for libel for a sum to be disclosed later.

Tun ,

Please sue them...but what I know malaysiakini.com is very racist, they said they not racist but

just read not only their web site but including their books, then you all will know the true behind

the mask...

By RDAuthor Profile Page on December 28, 2009 10:03 AM

Dear Tun Dr.M.

Please allow me to comment:- By AdamAuthor Profile Page on December 27, 2009 1:41 PM.

I am quite new, an UMNO member, although 50years old. I have only vote twice though. My

constituent is Sg. Besi. On both occasion I vote who ever represent BN and I do not earn a living,

using my UMNO membership. I did not vote on the last election, since I reach home from Japan,

late evening on the polling day.

Adam, I am sad the way they degrade & insult your (or Zaq25) parents, especially when they

definitely do not know your mother & father. Not everybody in UMNO are arrogant like them.

They may not be UMNO member, after all and they have never admitted being one. But for sure,

their sheer idolization of Tun Dr.M, makes them defense Tun, the way they did. Surely Tun

Dr.M has never insult & degrade anybody, the way Zaq25 or do.

Anyway, in a physical quarrel between individuals, you can get a black eye, if you repeatedly

insult your foe's parent and the one who throw the punch can get away with it, if you have a

witness of course. Ask any lawyer, if you don't belief.

Thank You Tun Dr.M

By LadyGAuthor Profile Page on December 28, 2009 9:40 AM

To Adam....(Kimura and Shafinazh...for your pleasure..)

How could you even say "Please do not insult Zaq25, as he could have been disheartened with

the statements" ???

So.........for Zaq25 to insult Tun M is OK for you???


Have you read what he wrote against Tun M and you expect us his supporters to keep quiet like


You remind me of a person who will never fight for his family or friends (tak tahu lah samada

takut atau pun sopan-santun tak kena tempat) even when his family members have been insulted

or spit at the face !!!!

Yeah, we might be emotional but READ WHAT ZAQ25 has written and I do not expect

anything from you if Tun M is not your idol.

If you do not want to join UMNO because of what we the supporters wrote then you are childish

because any members of any political parties can be a bit emotional sometimes.

Then do not join PKR (Penipu dan kuat kelentong...Anwar takut nak pi court, PAS (kerjasama

dengan UMNO haram tapi DAP pahala)or DAP (nak buat macam Singapore..Melayu 2nd class

citizen) either because they are all bad. You saja yang bagus...bagus kerana kesiankan Zaq25 tapi

tak defend Tun M langsung............SHAMEFUL.

By hazrinAuthor Profile Page on December 28, 2009 7:41 AM

Mana lesapnya RM 100 billion ?

Berikut adalah cara kiranya. Pada tahun 2000 Tun telah menjual separuh dari reserve Emas

Malaysia dari 72 Tan ke 36 Tan saja. (www.worldgoldcouncil.com) Sandaran reserve Emas ini

adalah serupa dengan nilai reserve pada 40tahun lepas(1969) Emas Negara.

36Tan pada harga tahun 2000 ialah RM40/gm, dengan jumlah 36Tan, ini berjumlah

36,000,000,000 x 40 = RM 144 ribu Juta atau RM 144 billion pada face value.

Mana-mana pemimpin negara yang nak betulkan Sistem Monetary yang telah dibina oleh 4

perdana menteri yang terdahulu akan menghadapi kesukaran. Anwar Ibrahim dan Nik Aziz pun

tidak boleh nak betulkan.

Sandaran matawang Malaysia pada ketika ini adalah 0.8% sahaja. Ini bermakna pada setiap RM

100 billion, matawang Ringgit di pasaran adalah RM1 Trillion.

Masalahnya sekarang, kesemua ini adalah sah di segi Undang-undang, memang ketua negara ada

hak nak buat ini semua. Kesemua negara di dunia telah menerima kerangka "Paper Money

Mechanism(1971)" oleh IMF(1933). Kita tidak boleh buat apa-apa tindakan terhadap Tun.

Yang penting kita menyedarinya, penyelesaian adalah sangat sukar. Inilah kesan daripada

kerangka Ekonomi Riba yang diterima dunia dan ianya adalah SELF DESTRUCTIVE. Kesan-

kesan sistem capitalist yang SELF DESTRUCTIVE ini adalah jelas sekarang, tetapi Yahudi

berjaya mengabui mata dunia kesan ekonomi yang teruk sepanjang satu abad ini disebabkan oleh


Hazrin Salim Marjan


[email protected]

By AdamAuthor Profile Page on December 27, 2009 7:44 PM

Dear Zaq25,

The last time I saw the same comments of yours was praises for Mahathir, and now it has

changed into hatred. There could only be one reason to it - Grafitis. Are you one of them who

defaces wall? Why so much anger? You are in your 30's now. Do you not feel shame?

WORLD-FAMOUS (not just Asia)

You are not to be famous and statesman merely in Asia or the Islamic world or any region. You

are to be a statesman and legend to the world. You are not to go from Malaysia to Asia or worse

still from Asia to Asia. You are to go FROM Asia, TO the world. TO the world!


…An Asian statesman (or European or African or Latin or whatever) simply because you herald


Too many names from Time Magazine’s 60 years of Asian Heroes did not make it into Time

Magazine’s 100 greatest people of the 20th Century. Why? ...Obviously because they were not

great enough. Their greatness was only enough to lift them to an Asian level, but not the world. I

hope you are not one of them.

Besides, there are already too many strongmen in Asia. Almost every country in Asia and even

Africa has at least some sort of strongman. There is no more significance; nothing special



Mr. Zaq25,

The west are of course in favor of those who they think qualified, and by that - The one they

perceive as qualified are mostly those who fought for their cause. It is no surprise that Tun

Mahathir, or any others who spoke against them would not be among the 100 greatest leaders.

You have underestimated Tun Mahathir, If he is not good enough he and Lee Kuan Yew will not

be invited to participate in closed-doors Bilderberg conference. Instead he CHOSE to SERVE his

motherland? for his people, you and me, and Malaysians and most IMPORTANTLY MALAYS

your forefathers!. Are you that blind? That alone is a big sacrifice, if someone would choose the

latter. He will not even be defending his own people anymore, as he is now a retiree. He could

have chosen to otherwise, but did he?

You are denigrating him out of your anger when he cynically criticised those who defaced walls.

Why? are you one of those who defaces wall?

You mean to tell me that you think you are as great as Mandela, Julius Caesar, Queen Victoria,

Einstein, Cleopatra, Tutankhamen, Gandhi, Shi Huang Ti, Marlon Brando, Shakespeare, all your

other admirees, and even Britney Spears that little girl? Then you must be DREAMING!!!


Did Tun in anyway claim he is better than those names? Enlighten me if he does.

The measurement of a men, is not when he is measured by a side of a coin, and is yet to be

measured by both sides, or more than just a side.

Every man has its greatness, but it is just them who failed to see it. When they indulge in too

much externalities, their self at-tunement is getting narrowed.

Do not get me wrong, I do sprays too. But I did not get angered as much as you do. Why are you

then? Yes, disheartened. But the strength of reasons should be able to control emotions, and rage.

When the west claims that going against human rights is wrong, why then do they have Abu

Gharaib prison? why do they detain prisoners in Guantanamo? Why did they kill Iraqian

civilians? why do they BUTCHERED the innocents CHILDREN? MOTHERS? FATHERS?

When the west claims their principles are integrity and justices, why is that. Everything they do,

is justice and everything the other side do is not?


Videos and picture message. (here’s the proof)


Mandela and Oprah Winfrey





Mandela with Will Smith, Annie Lennox, Leona Lewis and scores of other celebrities

How come you’re not there? Not invited?





Mandela with Clinton

What about you? Not big enough?




Mandela and Hell’s Kitchen’s Gordon Ramsay

He even cooked a birthday dinner for Mandela. Will he cook for you?




Mandela with Sarkozy and his girlfriend



Clinton, Rabin and Arafat signing the Peace Accord

Arafat even watched Tom and Jerry at Madeleine Albright’s house.




Clinton and the “Fantasic Four” – the REAL world leaders

Where are you?








Usa and China




Bush and Blair

Love them or hate them, they are the two biggest world leaders



Obama: On my left, PM of Britain; and on my right, President of France

Behind - PM of Msia



Bush driving Putin

Who drove you?



Despots and their computer games

I’ve personally played the Osama one. Pretty fun!






Larry King with Hugo Chavez



President Kennedy eulogying Ataturk even 25 years after his death.

Even after just six years, You’re deader than Ataturk.



Mandela’s concert

Even in Msia nobody threw a concert for you.



Ashwarai Rai on Oprah show



Gaddafi on Letterman



Will they do any of these – even just 5% - for you? No? Why? Because you just a little ASEAN

statesman, right?


* If I mentioned earlier I would be helping you. But now that its too late, It seems that Im

critisizing you. Well...


You amuse me the most, comparing Mahathir Mohamed with Leona Lewis? why dont you put

Michael Jackson instead as comparison? or Black Eyed Peas? They are world standard too, dont

they ?



In case you missed it the first time...

Imagine if all the greatest people since the dawn of time were ranked from first to last; where

would you stand?


And where would you be ranked?


I’m not sure as to whether the great leaders of the past are as great as people claim them to be.

Let me air my doubts as to why.

In saying past I mean dinosaurs like Jesus Christ (and other religious figures), Plato (and the rest

of the philosophers), Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Shi Huang Ti, Asoka, Napoleon

Bonaparte, Queen Victoria, Caesar, some Pharoah and the likes. The list also includes musicians

and scientists like Beethoven and Newton among others.

Firstly I doubt because mostly of these figures are held highly by the west. Perhaps something

about the west and how they perceive make them like these people over others.

Secondly, no one particularly those today would possibly know what these so-called legends

actually did or accomplished and therefore no one would know exactly how great they really


The people today rely on (historical) written, handed-down records to judge these people. There

was no film footage or even photographs. And there is only so much a record can tell. We can’t

visually even to the closest of extents the true situation of their chronicles. We can only imagine

based on what was written. And no ones know whether that which was written is true. All these

are mere assumptions.

Genghis Khan might merely be a Jaguh Kampung. Alexander the Great might not be so great

after all. His influence might only extent to part of Europe here and there. We wouldn’t know.

Their greatness can easily be spun upwards (or downwards) by the intellectuals and authors.

I’m not too sure whether Mandela is adorned by China. Do African honour Gandhi? The only

people who honour all of the above are the western universalists.


You may air your doubts as much as you wish, but there is one thing - unlike what you have said,

no such thing as just WRITTEN records, and relying ONLY on the discretion of the AUTHORS.

The Authors has to abide certain rules of conduct, before they start writing. There are certain

rules. Most unlikely like what you have claimed as, reliance on particulars (historical) written,

handed-down records to judge these people.

By tha-bAuthor Profile Page on December 27, 2009 7:07 PM

DAP dan sekutu-sekutu yang ingin menjatuhkan bangsa melayu dan terutamanya orang islam.

Adalah didalangi oleh "masyarakat rahsia" bebangsa yahud!

Rom dan Parsi ditumbangkan oleh Islam dengan hanya 50,000-60,000 tentera mengalahkan

tentera kafir seramai 300,000 orang.

Pope mereka mengatakan ini adalah dengan bantuan Allah mereka.

Pope mereka mengatakan untuk menjatuhkan islam adalah dengan harta dan kebendaan. Itulah

yang mereka sedang lakukan tanpa kita perasan.

Hanya mentaati perintah Allah SWT seperti apa yang ditunjukan oleh Rasulullah SAW pasti ada


(untuk mengetahui lebih mengenai "masyarakat rahsia" boleh dicari di youtube katanama


By rarunasalamAuthor Profile Page on December 27, 2009 6:09 PM


I wished you peace in a previous blog - however I recognise this is futile.

You obviously feel you need to declare you're innocent of any wrongdoing...but truth be told

Tun, you're a clever man and you know how to work the system and how the system works.

You've obviously ensured there wont be any trail leading to you or your minnions.

And as for your rantings about Tun Abdullah - they are just that. You won't openly file a case

against Tun Abdullah on your purported claims because they are just that - all talk, no action.


By AdamAuthor Profile Page on December 27, 2009 1:41 PM

LadyG..Kimura dan Shafinazh.

You guys are overboard, that is too much. Degrading family? wow, THAT IS WHAT KEPT

many of us away from UMNO. Yes, indeed. Their arrogance, there is no moderation at all.

Know when you eat, eat moderately, when you attack, attack moderately. That is so ... shameful.

By jamesltlAuthor Profile Page on December 27, 2009 1:16 PM

Politik itu kotor. but be able to minimize the 'dirtiness' is a question.

By ManafMubarakAuthor Profile Page on December 27, 2009 9:02 AM

Selamat sejahtera Tun dan rakakan-rakan penunjung.

1. Dunia tanpa sempadan melalui media elektronik telah membuka minda kita untuk memilih

mana satu yang baik dan mana satu yang buruk dalam kalangan manusia. Ada binatang yang

memilih daging yang busuk sedangkan daging mentah yang fresh berada di hadapannya.

2. Sebagai seorang doktor perubatan, Tun sentiasa membuat bedah siasat ke atas isu-isu social

bangsa Malaysia pada masa lalu dan hari ini. Bedah siasat itu menggerunkan sehingga ada dalam

kalangan pengunjung membuat analisa supaya jasad yang dibedah itu terus mati sedangkan

matlamat pembehahan itu ialah untuk mengetahui penyakit dan mencari ubatnya sebaik


3. Tujuan bedah siasat yang dilakukan oleh Tun ialah untuk mengetahui yang benar daripada

yang difitnah. Fakta yang sebenar tetap ada dalam ekod kerajaan atau syarikat milik kerajaan.

Fitnah adalah satu dakwaan tidak berasas daripada cakap-cakap yang tidak ada bukti


4. Untuk mencari kebenaran, satu usaha hendaklah dibauat untuk menentukan mana satu yang

benar dan mana satu yang fitnah mengikut undang-undang yang diamalkan di negara kita.

5. Semua tidak menjadi masaalah kerana Tun sendiri bersetuju dengan saranan Lim Kit Siang

supaya isu itu di bawa ke mahkamah. Makanismanya boleh ditentukan melalui cara yang lebih


6. Cara mengubati penyakit yang kronik ini boleh dipilih samada memotong anggota yang rosak

atau boleh sembuh dengan sekadar memberi ubat.

7. Jika Mahkamah atau Suruhanjaya telah membuat keputusan seseorang itu bersalah maka

orang itu hendaklah dihukum mengikut undang-undang sedia ada atau hukum adat.

8. Atas sifat pembangkang, apa sahaja yang dibuat oleh kerajaan, semuanya tidaka betul. Adakah

anda masih ingatan gelagat Lim Kit Siang yang memimpin DAP yang menentang projek lebuh

raya Utara Selatan dan Projek Jambatan Pulau Pinang, satu masa dahulu. Namun sekrang mereka

pula mahu melebarkan lebuh raya malah mahu membuat satu lagi jambatan pulau Pinang. Orang

ramai tidak harus terperngkap dengan gimik politik seumpama ini.

9. Semua pihak harus memberi peluang kepada Datuk Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri sekarang,

agar dapat menggunakan kebebasamn budibicara dan hikmahnya untuk mengatasi gimik politik

seumpama ini.

By jong52yuaraAuthor Profile Page on December 26, 2009 5:53 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun, do you remember this post?


By sallinaAuthor Profile Page on December 26, 2009 4:59 PM

the Truth will triumph and Falsehood will bound to vanish..so, on you shall have no fear, nor

shall you grief....

By hangjebat007Author Profile Page on December 26, 2009 4:48 PM


Salam Tun,

Terasa amat tidak senang...dengan komen-komen anak-anak Malaysia di blog Tun ni! Inilah

sikap segelintir anak-anak Malaysia, kutuk-mengutuk dengan sewenang-wenangnya. Inilah

kenyataan, dengan sikap-sikap sebegini, macammana kan tercapai wawasan 2020 ataupun

1Malaysia? Serang LKS, serang sesiapa yang tidak bersesuara dengan Tun! Inilah mentaliti

anak-anak melayu Gokal! "Malay Dilemma"...

By hangjebat007Author Profile Page on December 26, 2009 4:44 PM


Salam Tun,

Terasa amat tidak senang...dengan komen-komen anak-anak Malaysia di blog Tun ni! Inilah

sikap segelintir anak-anak Malaysia, kutuk-mengutuk dengan sewenang-wenangnya. Inilah

kenyataan, dengan sikap-sikap sebegini, macammana kan tercapai wawasan 2020 ataupun

1Malaysia? Serang LKS, serang sesiapa yang tidak bersesuara dengan Tun! Inilah mentaliti

anak-anak melayu Gokal! "Malay Dilemma"...

By sullyAuthor Profile Page on December 26, 2009 10:39 AM

salam hormat Tun Mahathir

Pertama2 saya rasa Dr.R Azrin buta dan tuli pikiran sempit sama dgn katak bawa tempurong.

Manusia seperti lim kit siang dan pengikutnya anggota DAP tidak menghargai kebebasan yang

kaum majority berikan.Mereka kalau semut di seberang laut mereka lihat tapi gajah di depan

mata mereka segaja buat buta.contoh upacara pelantikan MB di istana Raja Perak lim kit siang

dan anggota DAP mulanya boycott jelas mereka benar2 tidak hormati Raja2 melayu sama

dengan durhaka dengan Raja2 (money is their life)Sekarang anaknya pula buat penyataan

sebarangan tampa bukti yang anggota dap teoh mati di bunuh.sampai hari ini belum ada motif

pembunuhan teoh dan apa untungnya kalau teoh di bunuh.kali ini kalau lim guan heng tdk ada

bukti dia harus di sidang dan lempar ke penjara

By abu sayabAuthor Profile Page on December 26, 2009 10:16 AM


Whatever you've done is flawless!!

That's why BTN is so damaging to the young minds.

Jet engine got lost and PKFZ scandal, still the UMNO goons say Lim Kit Siang is trying to make

some cheap publicity.

Singapore became a developed one of the world most famous country, UMNO goons are jealous.

Malaysia will be a failed state if UMNO is still being lead by the present corrupted leaders! Don't

blame Lee Kuan Yew,Anwar or the Americans!!

Just blame the Malays... Melayu mudah lupa!!

UMNO is a traitor to the poor Malays!!


By adzulkifleeAuthor Profile Page on December 26, 2009 9:42 AM

Salam Tun M,

Kami rakyat Malaysia, senantiasa menyokong Tun, Tun yang Terbaik.

By shah0728Author Profile Page on December 26, 2009 3:43 AM

Aslm Tun, Isteri dan seluruh ahli keluarga.

Maaf Tun saya nak beri komen sikit kat dalam blog ni.

Mengenai tindakan mat saleh yang ntah dari mana yang seolah-olah terlalu mengenali Tun dan

negara Malaysia ni dan Lim Kit Siang yang memang penderhaka negara Malaysia. Saya

terpanggil nak memberi pendapat sedikit.

Walaupun saya tak dapat mengenali Tun secara dekat tetapi melalui ayah saya serba sedikit saya

dapat mengenali cara hidup Tun selama Tun memerintah negara ini. Dari apa yang saya tahu

memang satu kesilapan yang besar jika mereka ini cuba nak mengungkit segala apa yang Tun

telah lakukan selama pemerintahan. Berikut apa yang saya tahu serba sedikit yang mungkin tak

berkaitan tentang isu yang dibangkitkan tetapi ia amat jelas yang Tun mempunyai keyakinan

yang jelas di dalam setiap apa tindakan yang Tun lakukan.

1. Tun seorang yang teramat teliti di dalam melakukan sesuatu tindakan. contohnya.. saya

percaya setiap apa aktiviti Tun seharian semuanya tercatit lengkap.. tertulis di dalam diari harian

Tun. Ini amat membantu dalam apa-apa isu yang cuba di bangkitkan. Malah pernah suatu ketika

saya mengadakan sebuah rancangan siaran secara langsung yang melibatkan Tun di Jitra (

HIWAR ISLAM ) saya sendiri melihat kata-kata Tun turut di catit oleh Tun Siti Hasmah sendiri..

Ini menggambarkan bagi masyarakat umum kita mungkin lupa setiap apa yang kita lakukan

sepanjang hayat kita, tetapi sekiranya ia tercatit di dalam diari hidup kita, ia dapat memberi kita

keyakinan dan ingatan akan apa yang kita pernah lakukan.

Sebab itu saya percaya & yakin bahawa Tun tidak bimbang atau risau sekiranya apa2 tindakan

Tun sebelum ini cuba di ungkit .. Tun pasti dapat membuktikan akan apa2 tindakan Tun sebelum

ini, kerana Tun seorang yang teliti, merekodkan akan aktiviti yang di lakukan Tun sepanjang


Saya mengambil contoh ini adalah kerana ia menggambarkan keperibadian Tun yang tinggi

walaupun ia suatu contoh yang di anggap biasa tetapi amat penting bagi kita merekodkan setiap

aktiviti kita, kerana kita bukannya dapat mengingati semua apa yang kita lakukan.. dan ini dapat

memberikan kita suatu keyakinan yang tinggi, dan kita tidak mudah di permainkan oleh musuh

kita jika mereka cuba mencari kesilapan kita..

Mungkin apa yang saya tulis tidak tepat, tetapi ia dari apa yang saya tahu dan alami sendiri

selama berada di bawah pemerintahan Tun sebelum ini. Saya akan tetap menyokong Tun walau

musuh apa sekalipun cuba hendak memburukkan nama baik Tun.

Janganlah kita terus menjadi melayu yang mudah lupa.. dan akhirnya kita membiarkan Melayu

musnah dan menjadi sejarah sahaja... Ingatlah musuh itu berada di kalangan melayu juga..kerana

melayu telah di pergunakan oleh musuh kita.

British tidak berjaya memecah belahkan melayu ketika dahulu kerana bangsa melayu amat kuat

dengan semangat kebangsaannya.. maka british menggunakan kaedah sentimen agama untuk

memecah belahkan melayu. Pas menjadi dokongan British kerana melayu akan bergaduh dan

berpecah belah apabila sentimen agama di gunakan.. Melayu menjadi lupa, dan berpecah belah.

Akhirnya bangsa melayu hilang kekuatan dan mudahlah musuh untuk menghapuskan melayu

terus dari mukabumi ini .

Beringatlah semua.. perkara ini telah lama berlaku dan kita semua semakin lupa bahawa

berdirinya sesuatu bangsa itu adalah kerana kesepaduan semangat dan persefahaman yang tinggi.

Mahukah kita membiarkan bangsa kita musnah.. fikirkanlah sendiri tidak kira apa2 parti yang

kita dokong.. adalah kita ingin terus membiarkan bangsa kita di permainkan... dan musnah!!!

mahukah kita melihat akhirnya apa yang tinggal cuma tanah melayu tanpa di dokong oleh

bangsanya sendiri. Malulah kita kepada pejuang2 tidak kira dari golongan orang2 besar mahupun

orang2 kecil yang terdahulu yang jerih perih berusaha mendapatkan keistimewaan untuk

bangsanya sendiri.

Fikirkanlah semua wahai bangsaku

......anakanda shafie nor

By Suzaku_VAuthor Profile Page on December 26, 2009 1:06 AM


By zaq25Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:18 PM

Fine; lets put this to a simple test shall we. you can answer on this blog; yes, you besi berkarat (I

mean wajaperak) and all your other blind supporters whos fav tv channel is RTM.

Yes or No?

1)Dr Mahathir is greater than JULIUS CAESAR?

2) Dr M lebih hebat (bukan sama hebat tapi lebih) daripada NELSON MANDELA

3) Dr M lebih hebat daripada CLEOPATRA?


This should settle it and set things right.


If this question is just a matter of personal opinion than my answer





To me TDM is an important figure in my life because all his action effected my life personally.

If you can pls tell me...

IF Julius Caesar/Mandela/Cleopatra is the PM can they give the same outcome as what had been

given by our TDM? For sure you cant give away a straight answer because each of them have

different background and their struggles are also different. What matter most is not people

around the world chanting your name but what u have have done to the people around u.

If u have a home living with your big family then it is important to bring up your family the best

that u could. To HELL with what the other people around says. Same goes to TDM, he already

did his best for the country so it doesn't matter if the world is not singing or chanting his name

because as long as MALAYSIA is on the world map MALAYSIAN will always remember him

as a HERO.

By Zul Abdul RahmanAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 11:28 PM

Salam hormat Tun Mahathir, beloved wife Tun Dr.Siti Hasmah & family and everyone, salam

penuh kasih dan sayang.



Point no. 1.-Locked!

Point no. 13.-Checkmate.

Barry Wain had created a mess with Malaysian, directly.

Every Malaysian must Stand Up! Hold the line. Stand for our leader and be with them together.

'How could we let our National Leader being accused and let them try to outbargain our National


Stand UP!

Salam hormat.

By S..TanAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 3:52 PM

Dear Tun, salam musim perayaan akhir tahun dan moga sihat bahagia sekeluarga. Kiriman saya

untuk memanaskan topik hangat......

................CRITERIA or HYSTERIA

Tun would have been crowned Asian statesman if his success had not been on the back of so

much 'affirmative action'. The world will not glorify an achievement based on an inherent

unfairness. The growth of post independence M'sia is grounded in affirmative action

(discriminatory) policies.

It is not the man himself but the means he used. For this failure, it is his race that is to blame. If

he had led any other country, there will be no doubt on his greatness.

Stop defending Tun. He does not need it, esp from pathetics and understand your failure cost

him. If you threw away the crutches, stop whining and get going all of us (and the world) would

be proud of him. Tun would be leading 27mil Malaysians, not just worry for 15mil Malays.

Maybe Tun's farewell tears were caused by these?

...............PATHETIC DEFENCE

Some defenders of Tun are pathetic. They should refrain and leave the job to better people. The

more they comment the more they display Tun's failure. Rebut not rant!

By mamacantikAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 3:00 PM

SAH!!!!!!! Zaq25 SAKIT OTAK.

By HBTAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 2:28 PM

Ayahanda Tun,

May I....

//By chasethedragon72 on December 25, 2009 2:33 AM

So, Tun.. I have studied the security issues in Royal Malaysian Airforce recently. If the engines

costing RM50 millions were passed outside, this means...the problem could be started many

years ago...starting with small and cheap spares...ok, waiting for more reports...Thank You..


Dear chaseTheDragon72,

Yes, I agreed with you..and they have been doing these all this while.., and our blogger Col Mat

had hinted this... A theft is a theft, and when you broke the law, you will be charged in

1Malaysia Court... The news reported that the "jet engines" which were stolen are owned by an

individual in Argentina according to our IGP YB Musa Hassan..., as personal hobby

collection...? These jets engines are of the 3rd generation, obsolete and required to be replaced,

and are not owned by any today's International Military Defense Ministry......

Obama (Democrate) and Bush (Republican) are Americans, and this biological tie can never be

replaced.....till the end of the world (dunia khiamat)....unless Americans abandon US.....

In Malaysia, PM Najib is our late Tun Razak's son, YB Hisham is our late Tun Hussein Onn’s

son, YB Mukhriz is our Tun Dr Mahathir’s son, unfortunately, Khairy is Tun Ahmad Abdulah

Badawi’s son-in-law.....till “dunia khiamat”, and they are Malaysians… MCA is MCA,

Gerakkan is Gerakkan, MIC is MIC’s Samy Vellu (Samy tarak salah kerana beliau yang

membangunkan MIC), and they are Malaysians...till dunia khiamat unless they abandon the

parties.... and borowing loans from China and Indonesia will never make our Malaysia less

1Malaysia unless our Malaysians want to make our 1Malaysia to become our Malaysian

Malaysia or our PAS Malaysia..... Will our Malaysian and our PAS Malaysia become the future

leading parties?? Then, we have to see whether our UMNO/BN is willing or not using Malaysia

Constitution that no foreign countries can change and interfere..... eg: if you cook 1 pack maggie

mee for 10 mins, 20 mins, 30 mins, 40 mins Or 59 mins, 1 pack maggie mee is still 1 pack

maggie mee.........

Good day Ayahanda Tun.

P/S: abg samuraimelayu,

QUOTE: I am a millionaire and will never retire early....

Why? It is because I am a Millionaire of “sel2 otak”, mana boleh retire... Kalu retire, generasi ku

makan apa...? Ha..Ha..ha.. My humble prince has decided to study The B.Eng (Hons) in

Mechatronic....I am humble and not rich with “rambut....” , and my prince can apply JPA or

PPTPN loan.....Congratulations, your princess dah besar and has decided to take up Arch. In UK,

good to hear this.........

By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 11:04 AM

Assallammualaikum warahmatullah hi wabarokatuh..

Semoga di izinkan Tun..Ribuan terima kasih..

Abg samuraimelayu many thanks for your kind comments..Wishing you the best in your

health..Cubalah vital tea Dr Azimuth untuk diabetes..Bukan promote ya..Testimoni sahaja..:)

Kalau ada free tu..gasak sikit The Hidden Secret..Anti Hadith tu..

LadyG..Kimura dan Shafinazh..

Sorry..I think you all have gone overboard in downgrading zaq25..Whaever it is..we must leave

family out of any disagreement between two parties..

Look around..many people throw mud against our beloved Tun..and..do we see him stoop so low

in returning them..mud slinging antic?

No he does not..

Anyway let me tries this measures..:)

Poor zaq25..o buddy..They have been hurting you have they not..? It's ok..now comes to

bro..Ow..see..you wet your diapers again..and soil them too..No wonder you cries aloud..

Now listen boy..You are a grown up now..no more cry babies from you..If you soils your

diaper..clean them yourself..Don't be a baby anymore..get it..

Now..I am going to get you a pacifier..I won't be long..be a good and sit quietly..No more cry


Terima kasih Tun..

By truthseekerAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 11:00 AM

Salam to YAB Tun and fellow bloggers,

My tabik to Tun for challenging that DAP empty drum. Common sense will tell us why;

1. Tun dared to resign when he is still alive...from a number 1 post in Malaysia, from being the

chief of chief of police, armed forces, BPR, etc...to a nobody. Why ? Becos he has nothing to

hide, nothin to be afraid of, nothing to blackmail him, to threaten him, etc.

2. Tun dared to poke Dollah's backside becos he has nothing to hide, nothin to be afraid of,

nothing to blackmail him, to threaten him, etc. Why others kowtow to Dollah? Must be

something wrong somewhere.

3. Tun dared kit siang and his accomplices becos these people are selective and purposive in

their so-called fight for justice - why they were quiet about dollah? they knew dollah had no

reason or no justification to spend 270 billion in 5 years with no physical evidents like putrajaya,

klia, klcc, langkawi, sepang, cyberjaya,etc. but yet they want him to stay...justice my foot la kit

siang. Bloody hypocrite opposition.

4. I'm not sure who else dared to be blunt, a real statesman, full of courage like Tun. I must say

most are a bunch of idiots, damned selfish people; govt officers from the lower to the highest

posts, the politicians (BN or opposition), the public,etc.

5. It's true when Tun mentioned that most of us aped the other peoples in other countries becos of

inferiority - look around us...we are still concerned about what foreigners think about us and we

tried our best to fulfill their demands. Tun has all the way, all the time tries to change our

inferiority mindset, but alas, god knows why most of us are sooo bengap!

Tun, our people, the malays especially, would rather listen to others than their own muslim 'true

believer' like you...who really operationalizes the word Islam, the meaning of Islam...not just a

religion or conceptual.

By sakitAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 6:48 AM

to zaq25 or whatever his real name is..

you know what zaq?? the most pathetic thing about you is DR M doesn't even know you or the

existence of you.. huh.. live with it, dreamer!

By tunnusantaraAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 3:55 AM


Salam Tun,

SPOT ON!!!!!!! I LOVE POINT #3!!! :-)

& I "DISLIKE him INTENSELY" for doing #5!!!!!

IF Najib is "smart", he'd START DEMOLISHING Tambak Johor ON OUR SIDE A.S.A.P.!!! as,




MALAYSIANS to Start Questioning his LOYALTY to HIS OWN COUNTRY!!!!



By chasethedragon72Author Profile Page on December 25, 2009 2:33 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun yg dikasihi,

Dear Tun....

I want to express my compliment to Tun for your coolness in handling such a comment

especially from zaq25. Yes, Tun.. he has a right to write and comment about any discussed issue

in your blog. But, while reading to this person writing...I keep asking to my self..maybe he/she

has a personal hatred to you. In 22 years of your time, I didn't hear any statement or article from

you which stated you were among world's popular leader. 3rd World's Spokeperson / Muslim

world's Hero were among the popular names had been given to you during your time. Of course,

those had not been given by CNN, BBC, TIME or any media which to report difficulties,

sufferings face by Palestinian People and the media will be called anti-semetic (they forget Arab

are semetic too). I hope we will judge any good leader or influenced leader by analysing their

track records, their problem-solving skills, their strategic and tactical approaches to any issue.

Many leaders that Zaq25 mentioned were leader to the big country like USA, China and also

popular leader likes Mandela (Tun doesn't need to become prisoner in a jail for a long time to

become popular).

I think most of us have watched the film called "WAG THE DOG" where the media can create

any issue just to put their leader to the top. So, there were no such spinning on your own spin

because we don't care.....we don't want Tun to stand with leader like George Bush Sr/Jr (the

morons), Obama...just few months become Presiden, yet downgraded the NOBEL Prize prestige

and still become proxi. Even now, Tun still actively support the palestinian people. Sometimes

his influence to the people of the world is still useful to current Malaysian Leader. So, please,

Tun Dr Mahathir was not a prime minister now. Before we make a comment about him, please

be fair, throw away your personal hatred...at least Lim Kit Siang's suggestion to set-up Royal

Commission is a one example on how we can give him a chance to defend through a proper

manner. So, Tun.. I have studied the security issues in Royal Malaysian Airforce recently. If the

engines costing RM50 millions were passed outside, this means...the problem could be started

many years ago...starting with small and cheap spares...ok, waiting for more reports...Thank

You.. Tun.

By abu sayabAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 2:25 AM


Why have drag Badawi in? Is on you!!

UMNO= destruction!!

By shafinazhAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 1:02 AM


Izinkan saya sekadar menyatakan pandangan saya terhadap tulisan zaq25 pada December 23,

2009 8:18 PM.

Kata orang cara seseorang itu menulis secara tidak langsung mencerminkan perwatakan, peribadi

dan cara seseorang itu berfikir.

Setelah melihat secara rambang (bukan membaca sepenuhnya) tulisan zaq25 ini, orang ramai

akan dapat membuat kesimpulan mengenai kekeliruan dan kecelaruan minda penulis ini.

Sayang sekali, orang sakit jiwa yang kronik seperti zaq25 ini bukan sahaja berluasa di negara ini

malah di laman-laman web.

Hanya a sick man seperti zaq25 akan menulis sedemikian.

Pada mulanya saya bercadang untuk menjawab tulisan 'pesakit jiwa' ini tetapi selepas merenung

kembali cara tulisannya, saya berpendapat f..k this guy, go to hell dan buat apa membazir masa

melayan orang sakit jiwa ini.

Salam Tun.

P.S, Mohon maaf Tun kerana mengguna perkataan-perkataan kesat sedikit tetapi ia

menggambarkan rasa meluat saya terhadap penulis ini.

By orang2kilang.blogspotAuthor Profile Page on December 25, 2009 12:23 AM

Answering zaq 25..

All taken from wikipedia.. family matters

Julius Caesar

While praetor in 62 BC, Caesar supported Metellus Celer, now tribune, in proposing

controversial legislation, and the pair were so obstinate they were suspended from office by the

Senate. Caesar attempted to continue to perform his duties, only giving way when violence was

threatened. The Senate was persuaded to reinstate him after he quelled public demonstrations in

his favour.

That year the festival of the Bona Dea ("good goddess") was held at Caesar's house. No men

were permitted to attend, but a young patrician named Publius Clodius Pulcher managed to gain

admittance disguised as a woman, apparently for the purpose of seducing Caesar's wife Pompeia.

He was caught and prosecuted for sacrilege. Caesar gave no evidence against Clodius at his trial,

careful not to offend one of the most powerful patrician families of Rome, and Clodius was

acquitted after rampant bribery and intimidation. Nevertheless, Caesar divorced Pompeia, saying

that "my wife ought not even to be under suspicion"


In 41 BC, Mark Antony, one of the triumvirs who ruled Rome in the power vacuum following

Caesar's death, summoned Cleopatra to meet him in Tarsus to answer questions about her

loyalty. Cleopatra arrived in great state, and so charmed Antony that he chose to spend the winter

of 41 BC–40 BC with her in Alexandria.

To safeguard herself and Caesarion, she had Antony order the death of her sister Arsinoe, who

was living at the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, which was under Roman control. The execution

was carried out in 41 BC on the steps of the temple, and this violation of temple sanctuary

scandalised Rome.

Nelson Mandela

Mandela has been married three times, has fathered six children, has twenty grandchildren, and a

growing number of great-grandchildren. He is grandfather to Chief Mandla Mandela.

Who is greater?


Continue your reading and you may find that those your-3-great are not that great anyway.


By lebaikudinAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 11:00 PM

Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,

Saya menyanjung tinggi kesediaan Tun untuk disiasat

Berani kerana benar

Saya yakin seluruh rakyat Malaysia tertunggu-tunggu jawapan Pak Lah dan menantunya untuk

sama-sama disiasat

Sesungguhnya setiap penyelewengan samada besar atau kecil tetap salah dan perlu diadili


By AdamAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 9:47 PM

Well Tun,

Unfortunately I am one of those, but I do not deface wall, nor buildings. Artwork is what I do in

my spare time, with Artwork I explore my own desires for possibilities.

So please do not degrade us. Unlike those who went to air spray and deface walls and buildings,

some only paint on paper, and our own items such as phone, cars and others. These opportunity

actually enable me to explore things as in virtual design. With the deep inclination towards Arts,

I have been able to learn C++, and even assembly language which is very rare for a law student.

Please do not insult Zaq25, as he could have been disheartened with the statements.

We only love to paint, I hope it is not a sin unless we deface public property. There are things

that are worse than these - Mat Rempit, Grunge, Punk, Skinhead. These are the real menaces, not


By Mag58Author Profile Page on December 24, 2009 9:29 PM

Salam mualaikum Tun,

Minta laluan dan kebenaran nak sampaikan pesanan kepada pelawat-pelawat blog Tun.Wahai

bolggers yang cerdik pandai,perasan tak kita tanpa disedari dan dengan tidak dapat mengawal

perasaan marah kita terhadap si ZAQ25 yang memang rata-rata semua mengelar beliau sebagai

individu psychotik......kita telah membuat beliau sebagai 'Bintang'terkenal diantara kita.

Tak boleh ke kita sama-sama bersetuju dan mengabaikan si Gila ini dan lama-kelamaan this

barking dog will eventually stop barking by himself.Ingat,anjing gila selalunya bahaya kalau kita

sergah.kalau disergah dia membawa penyakit pada kita.Biarlah orang gila ni berlalu.His barking

won't even hurt the shadow of Dr.M.TQ.

By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 8:41 PM

By LadyGAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 2:35 PM








Condolences to both your parents (if you do have parents??!!) for having a 'DUMB' child like




al-DinAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:29 AM

Zaq25. Muslims don't seek glorification in this world but in the hereafter. You can pray to the

devil or be the devil itself. Go and lick their balls whoever you admire.








By RidzuwhanAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 8:16 PM

Dear Tun,

This ungratefull chinese and their supporter will never stop from trying to destroy your name...

Be brave as 'my doa' is always with you.

By KIMURAAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 5:45 PM


so pity ur papa n mama 2 have son/dghter/hunsa like u...

ur nothing in this world...

never appreciate to ur parents n god 4 gave birth to u...

if u hve second change birth after die, i hope mama monkey will give birth to u...or myb another

like ooii..oiii...

n i will sing,,,hepi besday monkey,hepi besday monkey, hepi besday monkey zaq25, hepi besday


then, all people see u n shout,,,, anwar or kit siang or karpal singh...maybe..kikiki

as a result, lets go summon before they all transform to be monkey...uk..uk....ukkk...banana...

By sarjan hassanAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 4:52 PM











By Panglima GarangAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 3:21 PM

mengapa tiba-tiba Zaq25 pulak yang jdi glamour dalam ni..?

Sebab caci maki dan kata-kata kesat,sebab tu lah pembangkang amat terkenal dengan kata-kata

sedemikian dan membuatkan ramai orang yang terikut-ikut dan menjadikan bangsa tidak

bertamadun macam si Zaq25 ni...

dan macam tu jugaklah wakil-wakil rakyat pembangkang yang terlalu kurang ajar.Ada baiknya

RTM menyiarkan keseluruhan apa yang berlaku di parlimen,samada dari pembangkang

mahupun kerajaan sendiri supaya dapat dilihat oleh rakyat.

Inilah trand samseng yang dianjurkan DAP,PAS dan PKR...samseng2 yang bodoh walaupun

belajar diatas kertasnya pandai tapi bodoh adapnya tetap terserlah.Ramai yang terpedaya dengan

mereka kerana buta sejarah dan tidak mahu belajar.

Melayu yang didalam PAS ingatlah,DAP tidak akan senang dengan kamu,UMNO,mahu pun

PKR.semua itu adalah lakonan semata...

Matilah kamu DAP,seperti matinya Firaun dan Hamman

By ex-sicAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 3:07 PM

Tun yang dihormati.

Tahun 2009 hanya tinggal beberapa hari lagi. Di penghujung tahun ini, beberapa perkara yang

tidak menyenangkan telah berlaku dan telah di eksploitasi dengan sebaiknya oleh pihak

pembangkang. Kes kehilangan 2 enjin pesawat F-5E TUDM (hilang tahun 2007) dan hanya

didedahkan sekarang menimbulkan pelbagai spekulasi pada rakyat.Dtambah lagi dengan

kenyataan menteri pertahanan yang menyatakan hanya anggota berpangkat sarjan kebawah saja

yang terlibat. Betulkah begitu? Mustahil hanya beberapa pegawai bawahan saja yang terlibat. Ini

kes yang besar, bukanya kehilangan beberapa alat ganti kecil, atau komputer riba. Saya amat

berharap agar kes ini dapat dibicarakan secepat mungkin. Biar semua rakyat tahu kedudukan

yang sebenarnya. Siapa yang terlibat dan dimana enjin-enjin itu sakarang berada.

Berbalik kepada kenyataan LKS, tentang penubuhan suruhanjaya untuk menyiasat kehilangan

wang negara semasa pemerintahan Tun dulu, saya merasakan bahawa tidaklah perlu kita

mengikut rentak mereka. Tulisan Mr Barry tu adalah rekaan dan andaian tanpa bukti yang kukuh.

Siapa dia untuk menyatakan hal-hal seperti ini, melainkan ada dalang atau tangan-tangan ghaib

yang mengupah orang seperti itu untuk menulis yang semata-mata bertujuan untuk mencemarkan

nama Tun sahaja. Saya amat bersetuju jika Tun ingin menyaman mereka ini. Bolehlah Tun

dedahkan sekali apa yang telah dilakukan oleh kroni-krini Anwar dulu. Saman sekali LKS tu.

Orang seperti beliau memang tidak boleh bersikap berlembut.Beri betis nak paha.

By Panglima GarangAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 2:58 PM


Projek pembodohan orang Melayu

Hishamuddin Rais

Dis 4, 09

12:18pm Malaysiakini

Dimanakah nilai-nilai murni bangsa kita sekiranya bangsa kita sendiri memperlekehkan

bangsanya sendiri,bukan untuk menambah baik malah dihina dan diperkotak-katikkan lagi,maka

berketawalah bangsa lain melihat gelagat sesama bangsa kita yang menjadi tidak tentu arah..

saya dapat merasakan betapa sakit hatinya beliau ini dengan sistem beraja,mungkin telah dihasut

oleh mana-mana pihak untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan seperti itu.Seharusnya kita mencari

dimanakah persamaan kita ditambahkan lagi sesama bangsa dan agama,sekiranya ada kesilapan

ditegur dengan cara hikmah dan saling tegur menegur,yang baik dijadikan teladan dan yang

buruk jadikan sempadan,dimanakah nanti melayu yang jati dirinya Melayu,yang sekarang ini

melayu sendiri menceritakan buruk bangsanya kepada bangsa lain,mudahlah bagi mereka untuk

menghentam kita,kalau dulu "mengentam belakang",dan tak mustahil akan "menghentam

hadapan" dengan lebih berani lagi.Bagi Melayu-Melayu di luar sana janganlah kerana menang

sorak kampung tergadai,biar kita putih tulang jangan kita berputih mata di tanah tumpah kita

sendiri.Kita bukan hendak bermusuh dengan sesiapa atau berdendam dengan sesiapa,bahkan

telah banyak terbukti yang bangsa lain yang mendominasi ekonomi dan sgalanya di negara

ini,melayu?...sendiri ingatlah,bila melayu yang diberi projek ada saja kata-kata menghasut yang

mengata melayu ini kroni dan sebagainya,mereka tidak melihat diri mereka sendiri.saya juga

merasakan bahawa bangsa lain juga begitu,lebih kepada tanggungjawab cuma perlaksanaan yang

cekap dan berkualiti yang kita mahukan.

Marilah kita bersama-sama memikirkan halatuju bangsa kita,berbincang sedalam-dalamnya

untuk kebaikan agama,bangsa dan negara...bersatu teguh bercerai kita roboh.

By rashidAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 2:45 PM

what has Kit Siang done to Malaysia??? just know how to be Opposition and talk politics.

By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 2:40 PM




By HBTAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 2:17 PM

P/S: Hi, Abang samuraimelayu (bangsa Melayu), it's good to read your comment again. Happy

New Year and Merry Christmas!!!






samuraimelayu (millionaires always retires early)'UNQUOTE.















Ps. To the young 'samuraimelayu', pls 'protect' our Ayahanda Rakyat Tun always. Thank you

By RAAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 2:39 PM

Assalamualaikum W.B.T Yg Bhg Tun,

Izinkan saya terus menyambung ulasan (komen) saya mengenai isu yang dibangkitkan YB Lim

Kit Siang Penasihat DAP menggesa Perdana Menteri Malaysia YAB Dato' Seri Mohd Najib

Razak menubuhkan suatu Suruhanjaya Bebas bagi menyiasat yang dianggap salah laku dan

melibatkan rasuah oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad membelanjakan wang sebanyak 1 Juta

Billion Ringgit Malaysia dalam projek-projek mewah semasa menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia

ke 4 (1981 - 2003).

Saya tertanya-tanya mungkin juga peminat dan pembaca blogger Tun yang lain bersama-sama

saya merasa hairan, kenapa sekarang baru isu ini dibangkitkan oleh YB Lim kit Siang selepas

Tun Dr. Mahathir bersara lebih dari tujuh tahun yang lalu. Kenapa tidak semasa Tun Dr.

Mahathir menerajui kepimpinan negara isu ini dipertikaikan oleh YB Lim kit Siang, kerana pada

ketika itu beliau juga sangat aktif membangkang berbagai-bagai isu terhadap kepimpinan

kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Parti-parti pembangkang (DAP, Pas & Keadilan Rakyat/PKR)

dewasa ini banyak menumpukan masa dan fokus kepada mencari kesalahn dan kesilapan yang

lalu oleh kepimpinan Barisan Nasional. Strategi ini dengan objektif utamanya melemahkan

kekuatan parti Barisan Nasional dengan harapan rakyat akan beralih arah kepada pakatan

pembangkang. Pakatan rakyat sudah ketandusan isu-isu yang boleh meransang pemerhatian

rakyat kepada parti-parti mereka kerana dari mula hingga kini berterusan dilanda berbagai

masalah dalaman dan luaran antara sesama mereka disebabkan berlaianan asas perjuangan. Pas

dengan gagasan negara Islam, DAP dengan Konsep Malaysian Malaysia dan menolak gagasan

negara Islam dan PKR dengan konsep keadilan untuk semua rakyat dimana hakikat sebenarnya

yang tersirat adalah minta simpati terhadap nasib yang menimpa Penasihat/Ketua Umum PKR.

Apakah model pembangunan, konsep Malaysian Malaysia, gagasan negara Islam dan keadilan

rakyat yang telah diutarakan oleh pakatan pembangkang/pakatan rakyat yang dapat kita lihat

lebih baik dari yang direncana dan sedang dilakukan oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional dibawah

kepimpinan YAB Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Razak. Pakatan Pembangkang hanya buat riuh rendah

di sana sini dengan retorik politik dan mencari kesilapan dan kesalahan pemimpin Barisan

Nasional termasuklah Tun sendiri, walaupun zaman Tun telah berlalu.

Selangor telah dikenalpasti sebuah negeri dalam Malaysia yang mencapai tahap ekonomi terbaik

semasa dalam tadbir urus Kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Tak sampai pun dua tahun berlalu Selangor

manjadi diantara negeri termiskin ekonominya dibawah tadbir urus Pakatan Pembangkang

(DAP, Pas dan PKR)sehinggakan wang zakat diperlukan bagi menampung belanja pengurusan

Kerajaan Negeri. Inikah model ekonomi yang dibanggakan oleh Pakatan Pembangkang,

penyokong dan rakyat yang memilih mereka dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke 12 tahun 2008. Kita

rakyat Malaysia seharusnya membuka mata dan minda atau merubah paradigma terhadap senario

politik yang dibawa oleh Pakatan Pembangkang yang amat merugikan Negara dan Rakyat

Malaysia untuk terus berkembang maju. Isu-isu agama Islam, Ketuanan Melayu, Hak istimewa

orang Melayu/kaum peribumi dipertikaikan walhal semuanya itu telah dipersetujui bersama dan

termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Negara. Orang Melayu akan dilabel rasis jika menyuarakan hak-

hak mereka di negara sendiri. Orang Melayu tidak pernah rasa cemburu, iri hati akan

keistimewaan kaum-kaum lain sebagai warganegara Malaysia yang mencapai tahap ekonomi

yang lebih baik hasil dari dasar-dasar pembangunan kerajaan Barisan Basional yang diterajui

oleh UMNO (parti Melayu/Bumiputra).

Isu perkauman sebenarnya tidk timbul. Ianya hanya dipolitikkan oleh parti-parti pembangkang

untuk menaikkan rangsangan dan emosi rakyat supaya membenci UMNO dan kerajaan Barisan

Nasional. Gerakan seperti ini boleh memburukkan keadaan perpaduan kaum jika ianya

berterusan menjadi agenda parti-parti pembangkang. Toleransi antara kaum telah berjalan

dengan begitu baik sekali di Malaysia semenjak belum Merdeka lagi. Sikap toleransi antara

kaum ini janganlah diganggu gugat oleh mana-mana pihak untuk mencari keuntungan politik,

kerana ianya akan menghancurkan perpaduan kaum dan memusnahkan pembangunan negara.

Sekali lagi saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang cinta damai dan mengharapkan Malaysia terus

maju menyarankan agar Tun terus bersabar, tidak melayan kerenah parti-parti pembangkang

yang ingin melihat kerajaan yang ada kucar kacir dan mereka mahu mengaut keuntungan dari

keadaan sedemikian. Parti-parti pembangkang seharusnya memainkan peranan yang lebih

berobjektif mulia demi kesejahteraan negara dan rakyat. Masih ada banyak isu yang lebih

relevan untuk diutarakan daripada apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh parti-parti pembangkang yang

tidak ada harga dan nilainya dalam jangka masa panjang. Negara yang mengamalkan kebebasan

bersuara dan berpolitik amat memerlukan golongan parti-parti pembangkang yang proaktif,

menjadi check and balance dan bertindak menurut lunas-lunas yang membina.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Wassalam Tun.

By LadyGAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 2:35 PM





TUN M is NEVER a coward like you so SHOW YOURSELF and do not hide and condemn and

critic Tun M on and on. You can see Tun M so let him see you..........COWARD...........

Go migrate to Mandela's country or US or UK or live-in with Madeleine "Penguin"

Albright..............Go fly kite COWARD. Widen your scope to other areas other than world

leaders, COWARD. (Read about COWARDICE and how to be overcome it....COWARD!!!)

They will reject you because you are not an asset to Malaysia so how can you be an asset to their

country because your knowledge is limited to comparing world leaders without fair justification

and your knowledge seems to be used to belittle people and trying to make other people angry

which is so unproductive and is wasting a lot of other people's time and YOUR'S too,


We do not like Lim Kit Siang or the "Tin Kosong Man" and that we are familiar with his and

Anwar Ibrahim's tactic to attack Tun M (that is how they can get easy publicity.........) to bring in

an issue after an issue which may not be so credible at all just to show their supporters that they

are indeed "working and not sleeping" like what you are doing here in TUN M'S BLOG but this

is not your father's blog...........who is your father? DO YOU HAVE ONE???

So, who is your mother?

We can always do what you are doing now against your idols but we don't because our parents

and Tun M has taught us to be cool and prodessional and courteous and respect the youngs and


Condolences to both your parents (if you do have parents??!!) for having a child like you.

By manoukAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 1:45 PM

Salam TDM dan pbaca blog ini.

Saya, bingung memikirkan 270 billion dibelanja untuk 5 tahun berbnding dengan 100 billion

untuk 22 tahun. Mungkinkah ini disebabkan 'susut nilai' RM yang menyebabkan kos meningkat?

Kefahaman saya yang dangkal terhadap ekonomi, bila kos meningkat ditanggung kerjaaan,

alasan selalu diberi ialah kerana 'subsidi'. Yang menghairankan, kos hidup lagi 'parah'

berbanding awal 80an dan 90an. Contoh;-

subsidi beras. membantu rakyat berpendapatan rendah, yang sebenarnya menyebabkan

sebilangan rakyat menjadi susah. penduduk luar bandar terutama di sabah & sarawak menrima

kesan langsung terhadap perkara ini.

Untuk menghantar kampit beras 10kg ke luar bandar menyebabkan kos beras tersebut

meningkat. Sampai di pekan kecil harga pada label RM18 akan dijual dengan RM19 @ RM20.

Bila sampai ke Kg yg jaraknya jauh dari pekan, harga akan berubah menjadi RM21. Tiada

peniaga berniaga untuk rugi.

Di Sabah& Sarawak tidak dinafikan ramai PATI @ PADI(atau dengan Izin) bekerja diladang2

besar. Beras adalah makanan utama. Mereka ini sanggup bayar lebih kerana susah ke pekan @

bandar, samada takut ditangkap polis atau majikan tahan passport. Sekiranya PATI & PADI beli

beras subsidi (sudah tentu, sebab harga murah), berapakah tinggal untuk rakyat yang disasarkan

mendapat beras subsisi. Lagipun perniagaan jual beras kepada PATI @ PADI lebih untung sebab

'tauke' bayar secara 'lump sum' untuk pekerja mereka. 'Tauke' akan kasi hutang pada

pekerja...dan pekerja ini akan jadi pekerja berhutang...tidak boleh ke mana-mana sebab hutang

masih ada. Dengan gaji murah.....mungkin PATI/PADI ini akan jadi 'pekerja seumur hidup'. Ini

akan menambah kepada pengangguran penduduk tempatan. Tiada majikan akan berhentikan

pkerja yang masih berhutang, apatah lagi dibayar gaji murah.

Beras sepatutnya dijadikan barang kawalan tetap harga. Pesawah sepatutnya diberi subsidi yang

besar untuk mengalakkan pemilik sawah menanam lebih banyak padi. Bantu usahwan petani

menjadi penanam padi sawah atau huma. beri tanah jika perlu, dengan syarat mesti tanam padi.

270 billion, beri 1 billion untuk program tanam padi. Dengan tekonolgi canggih sekarang, saya

percaya negara akan cukup beras untuk rakyat dan sedikit beban kos hidup akan dapat


Harap-harap dengan program SUBUR akan suburlah tanaman padi di negara tercinta ini.



By ArzuraAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 1:42 PM

Salam Tun. Semoga Tun sekeluarga berada dalam keadaan yang baik sentiasa.

Tun, I have been following your blog since you've started it. Never miss any entries, but this is

the 1st time am giving feedback. I always promote to my colleagues about your blog and to read

your entries in order to learn very good and simple English and of course to get latest updates

about our nation and worldwide.

There are so many allegations towards you since then, but you always come up with your facts

and evidences. These are from infamous people who wants to get profit out of it without thinking

of what will happen to Malaysia and Malaysian future.

Semoga Negara kita sentiasa diredhai Allah S.W.T. Amin

Have a nice day Tun..

By AZAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 1:41 PM

Akum Tun

Kit Siang tu..cakap english pun tergagap-gagap. Inikan pula BM, memang payah nak faham apa

dia ni nak kata kalau cakap BM.

Career politician...what do you expect, hanya pandai tibai orang saja. Kelemahan diri sendiri tak

pernah nak perbaiki.

By Ath_thaariqAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 12:53 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

I am from Singapore and one of your many fans. I look up to you and your fight for Islam,

Malays and your country Malaysia.

I salute you for everything you have done. You are a rare gem and a warrior.

I am proud and honoured to have lived during the time of Dr Tun Mahathir Mohamad.

-Ath Thaarriq Marthas-

*MELAYU Singapura*

By OrangLamaAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 12:43 PM


RM100billion bukan banyak berbanding dengan jumlah projek yang telah dibangunkan selama

22 tahun.

Kepada YB Lim Kit Siang(harap YB faham Bahasa Melayu, saya tak pandai cakap orang putih

sepert ZAQ25!)

1.Kalau KLIA tak de =======kamu yang pertama sekali komplen Airport Subang sesak

2.Kalau tak de JB-Bukit Kayu Hitam Highway==== kamu nak balik kampung Melaka berpeluh2

rambut kamu, terbongkok2 duk dalam kereta jam. Asyik lap peluh muka kamu. Mungkin dari

Penang pi Ipoh pun berapa jam masa? Kamu lah no.1 tukang komplen di Malaysia.

3. Kalau tak de pejabat kerajaan di PutraJaya==== kamu lah yang no.1 komplen susah nak pi

Parlimen.Sekarang pun masih sesak jalan pi Parlimen.

4. Kalau tak de Proton=====orang Melayu ramai tak pandai pasai repair kereta, tak ramai jadi

mekanik kereta. cuma bangsa kamu saja yang pandai repair kereta.

5. Kalau PERWAJA maju atau tidak maju kamu tetap sakit hati==== sebab pada fikiran kamu

bahawa kerajaan buat segala projek hanya untuk orang melayu.

6. Kalau Universiti Malaysia tak bertambah===kamu no.1 komplen tak de tempat untuk pelajar

bukan Melayu cemerlang tak dapat belajar kursus penting law, perubatan, enginering,dll. Bila

kerajaan tambah IPTS, kamu tak banyak cakap. Banyak untung sebab kebanyakan tawar 2+1

program ;2 tahun di Malaysia, 1 tahun di UK dah dapat ijazah. World class university pula tu!

7.Kalau hospital tak bertambah=====kamu no.1 komplen olang kampung ta lak dapat

kemudahan hospital kelajaan.

*******Kesimpulan kepada YB LIM KIT SIANG****

Banyak lagi YB LIm Kit Siang, projek2 yang YB sendiri mendapat munafaat hanya dengan

perbelanjaan RM100billion dalam masa 22 tahun.

Bagaimanapun ada satu perkara saya menghormati saudara YB. Diatas banyak rungutan dan

bising dari YB, kerajaan Barisan nasional semakin bertambah cekap kecuali pada zaman Pak Lah

kerana YB tak banyak hentam Pak Lah sebab YB dapat teknik2 terkini nak jatuhkan BN dari

bekas orang kuat BN sendiri iaitu Datuk Anwar Ibrahim jatuhkan BNasional.

PAS jangan ikut perangai ayah kepada YB Lebai Lim Guang Eng .

By Triple AAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 12:26 PM

Salam Tun

Jgn baca dan hirau kan apa ke benda mengarut yg ZAQ25 tulis. Dia sendiri xsedar diri dan anak

biadap sebab mak bapak dia xpernah ajar. CRAP Man!!!

Kepada LKS n DAP....hanya pandai omong2 kosong saja. Tiada apa pun sumbangan n

pembangunan yg dpt dilakukan..diorg tu hanya pandai mengutuk sahaja..xde idea...Tgk je lah

Penang apa yg boleh diorg buat...

By sudinAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 11:42 AM

Salam Tun.

Back then when large majority of Malaysians were sick and tired of the 'no quality' ex-PM Pak

Dol which they later translated during PRU12, the likes of Kit Siang, Karpal & opposition

company did not utter a word of dissatisfaction. In fact Karpal did encourage Malaysians to let

the purportedly 'Mr Clean' Pak Dol continue as PM 'no quality', and none of them questioned the

infamous 'never seen before greedy manner' his family cleaned government coffers.

But Tun repeatedly, tirelessly & single-handed tried to barge in uninvited to spoil their planned

grand party in 2013 in anticipation when BN under Pak Dol become history. Pak Dol is their

secret weapon to win PRU13, and they hated Tun for correctly exposing the 'no quality' ex-PM's

101/1001 weaknesses/misdeeds. Even after Pak Dol's political demise , they knew that Tun is

still the single biggest stumbling block to their dream of ruling Malaysia.

Anyway what's the big deal when considering RM100b over a 22-year period gave Malaysians

KLIA (initially Kit Siang complained a lot but later decided to eat his own words and concurred

to the project), F1 circuit & Proton & Perodua (both resulted/saved umteen RMbillions/trillions

in foreign currency inflow and/or exchange), PLUS (Kit Siang once used the highway without

paying), Putrajaya (even the late PAS president ate his own words), Penang bridge (they used to

complain a lot but now Guan Eng badly requested the second bridge, father and son!), KLCC &

KL tower (they are synonimous to the world to our identity), etc,etc.

As for the RM270b (this is only from Petronas, other government coffers and GLCs not

included) exhausted by ex-PM Pak Dol & family's 5-year 'cleansing' reign, rest assured that Kit

Siang & co. will not say a word, since Malaysia's most talked/hated personality blurted at every

kedai kopi/teh tarik discussions is their new secret weapon to win PRU13 -Pak dol's own son-in-


Hope PM Najib is not restricted whatsoever in handling the RM270b & other high profile cases

which Tun had mentioned earlier.

By faaAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 11:38 AM

Dearest Tun,

I am so proud of you. Untuk setiap seorang yang membenci Tun, ada seribu yang menyayangi

dan menyanjungi Tun. You are reasonably right, reserve your right to sue them depending on the

outcome of the commision. Let them do all the work. You have more important things to do...

menyatukan seluruh umat islam di dunia ini. Teruskan usaha Tun.

By mikeyAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 11:31 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Maaf Tun, saya pun minta laluan,

To ZAQ25..,Please stop your comments on this blog.. there's nothing constructive, nor make


You 'sound' and 'think', you are smart, but you are not..!

My late mother always reminded me to be aware of person(s) like you 'dan orang2 yang sewaktu

dengan you....'



You've done the best to Malaysia and we,(our family) are proud to say that you are a good

leader.. and a Prime Minister.

By Panglima GarangAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 11:19 AM

Askum Tun,

Kami mendoakan Tun sihat sejahtera dan dipanjangkan umur.

Saya inginkan Tun menjadi PM lagi,dan saya percaya ramai yang sependapat dengan saya

kerana Tun memang layak dan berani untuk berhadapan dengan anasir-anasir jahat yang selalu

ingin memporak-perandakan negara kita.

selepas Tun,pak Lah..pak Lah slow

selepas pak Lah,Najib..mula-mula nampak bersemangat,sekarang macam dah slow,kalau dulu

"rakyat didahulukan,pencapaian diutamakan",tapi sekarang nampak macam dah tukar "isteri

didahulukan,rakyat kemudian"..

ada betulnya apa yang dikatakan oleh [email protected],janganlah terlalu sombong dengan

cara begitu pekerja awam pun rakyat juga..saya harap Tun dapat menasihati DS Najib apa yang

patut dan yang tak patut,dulu pun Tun Hasmah tak juga kehulu-kehilir ikut Tun..

sekarang ni pemimpin kita banyak yang dengar apa yang orang lain minta dari bangsanya

sendiri.Jati anak melayu sudah semakin berkurangan,tetapi bukan semua pemimpin seperti

itu,yang ada mirip Tun pada hemat saya TS Muhyidin,saya dapat merasakan aura kebangkitan


harap ambil iktibar dari yang lepas-lepas wahai Melayu

By fairuzstoneAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 10:41 AM

Assalamualaikum YABhg Tun dan semua,

this is for zaq25 dan mereka2 yg sewaktu dgnnya....

hehe, engkau ni dah sunat ke belum? harap2 sudahlah kalau tidak maka kau pun sama boloh

dengan itu Lim Kit Siang. Otak tara guna untuk memajukan , memakmurkan bangsa dan negara

hanya tau kondem orang sahaja....kihkih kih, you are so proud with ASIAWEEK ranking????kah

kah kah , yet, ASIAWEEK sulah bankrupt ceased-publishing due to low circulation, tara orang

mau baca rubbish maa..........

you said some of us are mere blindfollowers atau pembodek? kau tak tau ker yg Tun ni dah

pencen takda kuasa bukan PM lagi hanya rakyat biasa takboleh nak sign approve apa2 lucrative

documents as you perceived, so itu pembodek nak bodek apa? let them just tell the truth or

express their opinions whether it is in your favor or not, let them be lah, no need name calling or


In my case, I subscribe to his ideas and visions truely based on the truth and facts that i've found

along the years through is tenure as PM and after, based on his credentials from his past

achievements, portfolios and certain struggle that he fought that only later on be realized by

people as true and right. because as servant of God, i trust that God will preserve the righteous

ones against the fake, sesungguhnya yg benar itu kekal, dan bathil itu sementara (means that

kebathilan itu hanya dapat dinikmati oleh people like you for just this short period by

sensationalizing fake issues to the public through tabloid type assumptions and allegations,

sekejap ajer, when time tkaes its turn, the general public will realize the truth)

Serupa macam DAP, yang sentiasa mencari isu2 sensasi dari masa ke masa demi menunjukkan

yg mereka lah memperjuangkan rakyat yg sebenarnya itu semua hanya alat-alat semasa yg

dipermainkan supaya pengundi sentiasa bersama mereka, sedangkan matlamat sebenar mereka

iaitu 1. untuk menghapuskan sistem raja berlembagaan Melayu terhapus, 2. segala hak atau

terma bumiputera dihapuskan sama sekali 3. menenggelamkan segala unsur-unsur melayu yg ada

di dalam pentadbiran dan upacara 4. menyamatarafkan Islam yg sememang nya Agama rasmi

negara ini, dengan agama lain yg pada asalnya dibenarkan untuk diamalkan tanpa halangan oleh

pihak berkuasa mengikut kepercayaan masing2, kemudian mereka cuba melupakan prinsip asal

ini dengan menuntut hak dan taraf yg lebih dan sebolehnya tiada Agama Rasmi negara Islam,

Kristian, Hindu, Buddha danlain2 hanya dianggap sebagai anutan peribadi masing2 yg sama

taraf dan peruntukan untuk mereka perlulah sama, atas dasar kononnya kesamarataan.

maka, jika engkau hendak bersekongkol dengan kaum DAP ini sebagaimana Dato' Nik Aziz

cuba mewajarkan segala perbuatan DAP demi politik, maka lihatlah bagaimana Allah memberi

balasan yg sedikit saja dengan menggegarkan pentadbirannya dengan isu2 terkini.

Apa yang penting, kita manusia ini, tidak perlulah melampaui batas. Terima kasih

Fairuz Kamarulzaman

By lim74Author Profile Page on December 24, 2009 10:28 AM

Dear zaq25,

You must have lost your mind...whether you are a total idiot or sick retarded b*****d. Please

keep your mouth shut coz nothing good comes from it. Next time write something useful and

knowledgeable...and to measure somebody thru popularity, you might as well go to hollywood!!!


By BahadorAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 10:28 AM

Salam Tun.

Ha..ha..ha...Zaq25@Anwar Ibrahim??? Wow, whats a desprado? If it is true, ha..ha..ha.. Could it

be Lim Kit Siang also right?..or maybe "the false bullet writer" Barry Wain (who is this guy


Kalau Tun bersedia untuk berperang menegakkan, yang si Zaq25 nie merapu bercerita pasai

yang lain untuk agenda apa pulak? Nak ke simpang ke? Taktik singgah dan memang

melambatkan .

Saya nak berpesan kepada bloggers (yg amarah tu), walau macamana benci, meluat pun pada

mereka-mereka (yg seperti diatas tu), janganlah pula kita "termenggunakan" (atas desakan

kenyataan) ayat-ayat yang kurang enak dibaca kerana kita kena selalu ingat "ada usaha nak

mencucuh api" supaya nampak kelak bloggers Tun semuanya kurang waras!!!

Alhamdulillah, sehingga kini Tun sihat walafiat. Itu saya bersyukur sebab masih dapat lagi kita

mendengar penjelasan Tun atas semua tuduhan yang dilemparkan. Jika sebaliknya...siapa nak

jawab? Mungkin mereka lebih bermaharajalela...Suhanallah...

By ideastrategicAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 10:18 AM

As'kum semua,

Takde apa nak cerita... semuanya dah dimaklumkan oleh kwn-kwn. Tp ada sedikit kemuskilan.

Saya rasa ZAQ25 ni ada seseorang yang berpengaruh besar (daripada cara info & ayat yang

beliau bagi). Kemungkinan beliau ni orang besar didalam Pakatan Pembangkang atau pun

Tingkat 4. Jadi kalau gentleman macam Tun - perkenalkanlah diri yang sebenarnya.

*Maaf, tiada lagi maksud Pakatan Rakyat. Ini kerana BN pun adalah Pakatan Rakyat kerana BN

juga dipilih oleh rakyat. Lepas ni, kita kena tukar kepada Pakatan Rakyat Pembangkang

manakala BN kepada Pakatan Rakyat Barisan Nasional.

By HaluAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 10:15 AM

"By I See Stupid PeopleAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 2:15 PM"

I fully agree with you. Tun is lucky becos that time u r able to cover up all the Media and control

all of them. If u were to lead now, i'm sure u will even lose more to the GE. And "By

bangsaMSIA", u r noob i don't blame u.

"education, (pls, our education system are sucks from std 1 ~ form 6) health(Health is organise

by insurance company. Luckily not by BN. Or else no one will get the claim except BN

member), infrastucture (U call this infrastucture? Over 50+ yrs, this all we got), security (CUT


currency never increase. See singapore the best comparison), high economuic growth (U are

noob on economy)"

All Of BN ppl get rich becos of they are hardworking, serve the ppl and help those who is need.

My foot!!!

By akuterfikirAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 10:07 AM

Salam Tun

Sesunguhnya bila lebih tinggi tahap seseorang itu

lebih berat la ujian yang akan dihadapi..

Apa yang terjadi pada Tun mungkin adalah ujian dari Allah..

jadi hadapilah dengan tenang..

Insyallah perancangan dari Allah adalah yang paling terbaik

jaga diri baik-baik Tun.


By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 10:07 AM

Assallammualaikum warah matullah hi wabarokatuh..

Moga di izinkan Tun..

Zaq25..Zaq25..Ark..Ark..( Is it a crow? Or ? Was it a raven ? )

They says since medieval time..This two creatures must be avoided at all cost..Reasons?

Scavenging, or necrophagy, is a carnivorous feeding behaviour in which a predator consumes

corpses or carrion that were not killed to be eaten by the predator or others of its species..

They lives and feed on the dead.Like vultures they circles they would be victim and starts their

meal after the main 'player' have had their fill..

Zaq25 behaves like one.He could not tackle Tun and his band of supporters..Somebody

whispered to him that this measures is required to wears Tun down..when Tun succumbs ( dream

on!! ) there will be a feast and Jackal,Crow and Raven will be invited..

Zaq25 is a totem of bigger menace.He himself is somebody minion or lackey.When he crows

alone..we should not mind him..But..

When he manages to attract and gathers bigger crowds of Jackal,Crow and Raven..that signify


Remember Klang once Bandar Gagak?..They purifies it, I mean cleansed it by shooting down the


So..? I will shoot you down with my flamming arrows if you dare shows who you truly

are..Bring your big brother's and sister's and hide behind them and behind their skirt's..

My tutor once said about bullet proof vest.Some cocky and arrogant blogger here thought they

can hide behind pet name like zaq25 ark..ark..and take potshot at Tun and get away with

that.They have this bulletproof vest mentality..I am safe and it's ok to take potshot at Tun..Baling

batu sembunyi kan lah tangan tu..

Zaq25..suprise..suprise..you can be traced down and must own up for your action..Jangan jadi

budak-budak..Stands up and be like a man!!

And for your information, watch out for silversteel..They can

punch hole through your bulletproof vest..Yes..they do..

Karat is only in your mind..poisoning by them can leads to septicaemia..You don't want that..I

assures you..

Terima kasih Tun..

By harry5265Author Profile Page on December 24, 2009 9:59 AM

Dear Tun,

Allow me to share some of my view in respect to the above development. LKS, DSAI and all

other Pakatan Rakyat are over the line. They are expert in twist and turn of all the fact.

They can hide behind the name of People Right, or democracy or whatever they call and spread

all the twisted fact. They are bunch of power crazy and selfish politician.

In regards to the above, 1. How to justified that you "burn"off country 100 billion? and yet they

can start saying that, So I total agreed your call to form Royal Commission to investigate the


Is true, during your time, there are many corruption, And now is the right time to clean.

Do what is right.

By tzAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 8:58 AM

Dear Tun,

Seeing all those comments (good and bad), i respect you more since this shows your ultimate

courage, and "acceptance" to hear and publish the positive and negative to Tun. (I bet all people

would have censor those negative off).

I think everything in life has a balance. As long we try to do more good things than the bad. We

are no Saint anyhow.

I not 100% agreed to what Tun have done, but I sure remember and recognized the good things

that Tun has achieved for the people. Of all that, for Tun to put your life in the hand of Malaysia

hospital get my out most respect. How many people in current cabinet can do that? You

indirectly make IJN what it is now, and the people working in it shows their pride and work with


For those who criticized a lot, and try to judge Tun, maybe the best way to move our country

forward is also Judge our self better. Make our self a proud Malaysia. Do our work with

DIGNITY. Just like Michael Jackson's music, Man in the Mirror. Look at our self first.

There is no Chinese only, Indian only, Malay only country. We are Malaysian. Isn't that what we

want for our country?

By HBTAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 8:31 AM

Good morning Ayahanda Tun,

Today is a wonderful morning (Christmas's Eve) for me and my family to have the Christmas

spirit after 7 years of of self oppression due to humanity course since 2002.

Malaysian Mirror has nominated our late Teoh Boon Hock as Malaysian Man 2009. Though it is

hurtful and meaningless to know his nomination, I sincerely hope that his family, especially the

wife, will go on with life without hatred and revenge. I am sad to learn of the incidents of 4

children drowned in Kuching... sad and sad....

This morning, The Star Online Headline is... and the details, Ayahanda Tun may lock into this

online news.....

//Thursday December 24, 2009

Is the monster back?


...My ADVICE to The Star Group.....

Please purchase the Columbia Picture of "District 9" to understand the meaning of monster.... if

you oppress and deny the moster's right to cling to their own land by saving the alien, you will be

the alien tomorrow.... and you will be left out alone in the land of monster.....

I sincerely hope The Star Group will continue to shine as The Star... money is not everything in

this world....

Merry Christmas Tun, please enjoy yourself with the family and friends.....

By pakpandir08Author Profile Page on December 24, 2009 7:51 AM

i think there is one interesting question people would like to know ...

If the opposition is in charge of the federal government now .... would Tun still request for royal

commission for this issue and Lingam case as well?

hehe ...

By Mag58Author Profile Page on December 24, 2009 7:43 AM

Salam sejahtera Tun,

On this Lim Kit Siang,please be wary of his cunning move.He don't say that you squandered the

RM100B,but instead wanted a royal commission be setup to find the truth on Barry Wain

claimant in his book titled "Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times".

With this,his defence is that he is not the one that is accusing you but instead will pinpoint is

finger to Barry Wain so it make it ridiculous for you to take him to court.See how cunning this

Apek is.But on the other hand,if there is a prima facie case against you,he will boldly raise both

his arm like 'Rocky' telling Malaysian that he is the hero,the saviour and Mr.Salvation Army.Be

very,very wary and alert on this cunning and shrewd Apek because he got an Army behind him

and for you,you are alone fighting against them.To make the wound bled more,the Apek is

headed and advise by the Mr.De Facto.

Salam again Tun and take care of your health.

By Emma RoslindaAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 7:43 AM

Dear Tun and all bloggers.

No need to get angry to Zaq25 comments.The way his writing could see that he has a character

of inferiority complex,lack of self esteem and irresponsible person. No responsible on what he

was commenting at all because he is afraid to write his real and full name.A 5 year old boy also

can just simply comment like what he wrote. Do you guys wanted to listen or bother to such

character here?

Zaq25 likes to compare people and he forgot that who he is compare to Tun M. When Tun M

wanted to became PM, I don't think he wanted to seek for glory or famous among our people or

the world. I think he wanted to be in a position that can made decision to help our people got

better life, job and education. By what Malaysia has became now, he is already a world

champion in my eyes. I think for Tun, the differences he made to other people's life what matters

to him the most rather to be famous among people in the world.Differences to seek a better life

for his countrymen.

To Zaq25, who are you to compare to Tun M? Are you a PM for another country? Mirror

yourself first before making comparison to other people.

I hope very much that you are not a Malaysian, because if you are a Malaysian and the way you

wrote about LKY compare to Tun M, i think you don't deserve to be a Malaysian at all.


Emma Roslinda Edrus.

By Mag58Author Profile Page on December 24, 2009 7:13 AM

Salam Tun,

Tun ni berapa punya penyabar orangnya dahhhhh!!!!!Depa bagi left and right pun Tun

CoooooooooooL aje.Gini la gamoknya.Apa kata saya sue depa bagi pihak Tun,...........Lim Kit

Siang,Barry Wain dan Malaysiakini.OOOOOOOOOOpppppppp,.....terlupa...lagi sorang haprak

bergelar Zaq25.Dapat jugak buat duit raya2 krismas nii!!!!Jangan marah Tun,gurau aje.Take care

and stay cooL!

By insan kerdilAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 7:02 AM

that is it. The smart arses in Malaysian politics have done it again. They have driven the public to

think backwards instead of going forwards. edwards de bono will surely shake his head in

disapproval looking at how the people in this third world country are thinking. government

spending is not uncommon to stimulate the economy. When spending goes into better standard

of living it is called 'grandiose'.

They still do not realize that they are losing out thinking the same way for decades.Please! Mr

politicians our universities are producing the same graduates for developing malaysia since the

past 30 years. our graduates will step out of the institutions unemployed.The macroeconomics

will get worse!

How about sports? can our universities produce physicians and athletes of world class so that the

country can host international sport events? How large the forex shall in flux into the country if

this is possible? Or are we still thinking of burning the money producing athletes and hosting

sport event? Or are we still thinking we are small and we have no hope of competing with

others? Wake up Malaysian!

By der AusländerAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 6:47 AM

Dear Tun,

1. Malaysia had enjoyed period of high employment in the mid 90's;

2. In that period we have built many world class infrastructures;

3. The construction of various high profile projects vis-a-vis KLCC, LRT systems, Express Rail

Link and Putrajaya to name a few have provided employment opportunities for many Malaysians

including thousands of foreign nationals [some of them are still in Malaysia till now];

4. These infrastructures [if well maintained] will provide the foundation for our future


5. Many local companies have made millions of profit from participating in these projects;

6. Many foreign companies have milked millions of Ringgits from our country;

7. Many Malaysians have also gained good experience by participating in these projects;

8. Many Malaysian companies have capitalised the experience and went on to win many projects


9. We should not forget that the Commonwealth Games held in KL in 1998 was a great success


10. The experience gained in organising one of the high profiles sporting event will undoubtedly

be priceless;

11. I have checked out the cost of the book and hence I can't see why I should spend my hard

earned money to buy this book;

12. Will I gain any benefit from reading this book? I doubt it;

13. One thing for sure, I have gained a life time experience, and an utmost joy having

participated in the various projects that you have mapped out for our future generations in


By [email protected] Profile Page on December 24, 2009 6:45 AM

alam TUN,

Mungkin tajuk ini tidak bertepatan dengan tajuk yang Tun perkatakan namun ini adalah luahan

saya sebagai anak melayu siswazah yang mencurahkan bakti kepada kerajaan.

saya mohon dengan perasaan rendah diri untuk TUN memberi sedkit komen demi anak bangsa


TUN yang ku sayangi,

kekalahan umno dan BN pada PRU ke12 lalu pada pendapat saya adalah disebabkan faktor kos

sara hidup yang terlalu tinggi disamping faktor kepimpinana yang lemah ketika itu . keadaan ini

telah menyebabkan rakyat merasakan diri mereka tertekan dan kurang yakin kepada kerajaan BN

pada masa itu. DAN kini kepimpinan telah bertukar namun adakah punca utama kepada masalah

yang dihadapi kerajaan memerintah telah berjaya atasi.


saya merasakan sudah sampai masanya tun pekerja-pekerja yang berkhidmat dengan kerajaan

diberi layanan yang adil.

adil bagi saya bermaksud adil dari segi peluang untuk bersaing dipasaran untuk terus hidup

dengan selesa.

tun apabila kita berkhidmat dengan kerajaan bermakna kita telah menyerahkan jiwa dan raga kita

pada kerajaan. kita akan bekerja dengan sekuat tenaga dan fikiran untuk kerajaan.

namun apa yang saya lihat kerajaan gagal memberi pendapatan yang setimpal dengan keadaan

ekonomi semasa.

sepatutnya tun, gaji pekerja kerajaan adalah ditahap yang tinggi sama dengan pekerja-pekerja

koprat atau peniaga-peniaga koprat lain.

apakah kita rela mengatakan kalau nak kaya jangalah kerja kerajaan.

apakah pekerja-pekerja yang bekerja dengan kerajaan ini adalah golongan yang tidak mahu

hidup kaya dan tidak produktif.

sebagai kerajaan yang dipilih oleh rakyat sepatutnya kerajaan memberi pendapatan yang

setimpal dengan keadaan ekonomi semasa.

bayangkan TUN, kini kos rumah paling rendah adalah sekitar RM 200,000. 2 RATUS RIBU ini

adalah kos biasa rumah pada zaman kini. adakah pekerjaan kerajaan mampu untuk membeli

rumah-rumah yang berharga sebegini.

dengan kos yang terlalu tinggi bermakna tahap upah benar pekerja sektor awam telah merundum

jatuh terlalu rendah.

apakah tun selepas ini, kita bangga dengan rumah yang ratusan ribu ringgit dibandar namun

semuanya dimiliki kaum cina.

apakah melayu layak untuk tinggal di pinggir bandar.

saya sedih tun.

saya belajar sehingga menara gading kerana ingin hidup senang.

namun setelah bekerja dengan kerajaan keadaannya amat menyakitkan.

apakah kerajaan tidak sedar benda ini.

apakah kerajaan terlalu bongkak untuk mendengar rintihan luahan rasa pekerja kerajaan.

saya rasakan tun,tidak salah jika kerajaan memberi gaji dan elaun-elaun yang lebih stimpal

dengan keadaan ekonomi semasa setelah kami menyerahkan jiwa dan raga kepada kerajaan.

jika konsep satu malaysia yang dilaungkan oleh pak Najib ini tidak memberi pulangan yang

setimpal kepada kami anak siswazah melayu yang bekerja dengan kerajaan adakah salah jika

kami ingin mencuba kerajaan yang baru.


saya rasa pak najib kini angkuh dan sombong. apakah tututan cuepac rm 500 untuk anak-anak

beli peralatan sekolah ini tidak boleh diberi setelah pekerja-pekerja ini tidak dapat bonus.

pak najib, jangan sombong dan angkuh dengan tuntutan CUEPAC. alasan tak ada wang kami

boleg terima tapi jawablah dengan sopan.

tapi hairan pula, takada duit pun PRGORAM PERMATA 200 juta untuk rosmah boleh juga

dilaksanakan dalam bajet.

rasanya jika kerajaan tidak berani untuk mengubah nasib pekerja-pekerja yang dimonopoli

golongan melayu ini mungkin kami akan mengubah mereka .

percaya lah Tun KAMI PASTI AKAN MENGUBAHNYA JIKA secebis permintaan kami ini

dipandang enteng dan jelik.

sesugguhnya saya amat menyayangi UMNO dan bangsa melayu.FROM ALOR STAR KEDAH

By kenyalangAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 5:24 AM

Salam Tun,

Kita orang Melayu dah masuk perangkap LKS dan penasihatnya yahudi. Orang Melayu bila

digertak akan dedah semua. LKS dan DAP ada motif disebaliknya dengan sendiri seluruh

kepincangan BN khususnya UMNO kan didedah. BN harus bersatu dan kuat menentang taktik

Yahudi diseberang tambak.

By ujang_pilotAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 2:55 AM

Y.A.Bhg Tun,

Ada kewajaranya Tun untuk menyaman mereka berdua ini. Terserlah diatas sikap kurang ajar

mereka. Pemimpin dalam DAP memang patut diajar. Ini disebabkan lemahnya kepimpinan yang

sebelum ini hingga merebak pada pimpinan sekarang. Tambah pula barisan pembangkan bersatu

dalam Pakatan Rakyat. PAS yang tidak cerdik, dapat di manipulate oleh DAP. Bertapa lemahnya

pemimpin PAS diperbodohkan oleh pihak yang ingin mengaut untung. Sedih saya melihat

keadaan ini berlaku di negara tercinta.

By cargo expressAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 2:49 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Saya setuju dengan pendapat bloggers yang mengatakan : DAP pun bukannya bersih sangat.

Cadangan :

1-Dilaksanakan siasatan terhadap wakil rakyat DAP ni. Tak payah jauh-jauh, kita mulakan

dengan Selangor dahulu. InsyaAllah kita akan jumpa. Kalau takde angin, takkan pokok

bergoyang bak kata orang tua-tua.

2-Kempen secara sistematik bagi pendaftaran ahli UMNO baru yang terdiri dari kalangan

profesional dan dimulakan dari 'fresh graduate' atau individu berkelulusan diploma/ijazah sarjana

muda/ sarjana / PHD dari mana-mana universiti sama ada IPTA atau IPTS ( Sertakan salinan sijil

sebagai syarat untuk dikecualikan dari bayaran pendaftaran ) Pendaftaran tersebut boleh

dilakukan secara online. Salinan sijil perlu di 'scan' di samping muat turun borang keahlian.

Sekian, terima kasih.


Selamat berjuang Tun !!

By shafinazhAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 1:47 AM


Tindakan Lim Kit Siang memperbesar-besarkan sesuatu isu yang sebenarnya bukan isu untuk

dibangkitkan di Parlimen menunjukkan betapa rendahnya cara pemikiran ahli-ahli politik kita

terutama daripada parti pembangkang.

Siapa Barry Wain? Siapa dia untuk mengajar kita bagaimana kita harus menguruskan negara


Sebenarnya Tun, cara penulis murahan seperti Barry Wain menulis meloyakan saya dan lebih

meloyakan lagi apabila ahli-ahli politik kita terutama daripada pembangkang tanpa sebarang usul

periksa dan mempunyai agenda peribadi masing-masing menggunakan buku penulis ini (yang

tidak akan saya baca walaupun jika kerajaan membenarkan pengedaran buku tersebut kerana

bagi saya membazir masa saya) untuk menimbulkan isu di negara ini.

Sepatutnya orang seperti Lim Kit Siang dan konco-konconya daripada parti pembangkang

bertanya kepada diri mereka sendiri adakah kerajaan tidak boleh membelanja wang untuk

memajukan negara ini?

Apa salahnya wang dibelanjakan dengan banyak untuk pembangunan negara?

Sebenarnya Tun, mat salleh seperti Barry Wain ini iri hati terhadap cara kita membangunkan

negara sendiri.

Saya teringat bagaimana seorang ahli politik tempatan memberitahu saya sebelum ini berhubung

seorang mat salleh yang enggan mengiktiraf keupayaan kita untuk memajukan negara ini.

Menurut ahli politik ini, mat salleh itu tidak yakin kita boleh mencapai Wawasan 2020 sebagai

negara maju tanpa pertolongan bangsa (mat salleh) ini.

Secara tidak langsung Tun, mat salleh ini cuba memberitahu kita, seelok-eloknya kita kena lantik

mat salleh sebagai pentadbir atau penasihat negara ini, baru negara kita akan maju.

Ia seoleh-olah seperti zaman kita sebelum merdeka dijajah oleh bangsa asing.

Sayang sekali, segelintir rakyat kita terutama daripada parti pembangkang sanggup bersekongkol

dengan orang seperti ini untuk memusnahkan negara kita.

Saya juga hairan dengan sikap segeintir rakyat kita yang membantah pembinaan projek-projek

mega yang mereka anggap membazir tetapi dalam masa yang sama juga membandingkan

kemajuan negara ini dengan negara asing terutama Singapura.

Saya pernah ke China dan melihat sendiri bagaimana bermacam-macam projek pembangunan

dilaksanakan di negara itu walaupun kawasan projek yang dijalankan agak sunyi kerana mungkin

masih baru untuk dihuni oleh penduduk.

Bagaimanapun saya percaya bahawa tindakan kerajaan China tersebut adalah tepat kerana ia

akan merangsang pertumbhan ekonomi negara itu dengan lebih pesat lagi pada masa akan


Sehubungan itu,Tun tidak perlu ambil kisah terhadap sesiapa juga yang mempertikaikan tindakan

Tun memajukan negara ini semasa menjadi PM kerana di bawah Tun lah negara ini maju dan

dikenali di peringkat antarabangsa.

Saya juga yakin jika terdapat pungutan suara, Tun akan disokong penuh oleh golongan majoriti

senyap di negara ini.

Salam Tun.

By emvilleAuthor Profile Page on December 24, 2009 12:16 AM

Apa yg LKS buat utk Malaysia? Nothing

apa yg pembangkang buat utk Malaysia? Still nothing

Yg mereka buat hanyalah kritik pasal pemerintah2 yg ada skrg dan yg lepas.

Ada diberi apa2 kritikan membina utk negara? Masih tiada

Anwar masih nak mengelak dari kes main belakang dia di mahkamah.

RPK buat fitnah. Bila kena dakwa lari ke luar negara mcm org takde telur!

Klu mcm tu buat apa nak percaya mereka ini boleh tentukan kejayaaan dan keharmonian negara

kita kelak?

Jgn perjudikan masa depan negara dgn telatah pembangkang ini!

By AsvocalasyouAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 11:49 PM


1)First and foremost,some of your supporters are displaying irrational emotions and give an

impression that they want to show violence to LKS and others.

2)You support the call to set up the RCI,the question is will the present government oblige and

fall into the trap?I foresee that it will not happen.I say sorry in advance if I am wrong.

3)Is it a crime when a person while in office made decisions involving alleged extravagance?I do

not think so nor it is against the principles of humanity.

4)Further,will you or your successor ever be charged for plummeting the economy? My answer

is a definite no.I cannot see that it will be a reality.

5)The following are just specifically general statements and no particular individuals including

your good self are implicated in whatsoever manner.

6)What concerns the people of this country is the leakage aspect of the alleged extravagance.And

it is this specific aspect that whoever are the recipients of the leakages must be brought to

books.Otherwise it is NOT fair to the taxpayers or why bother the taxpayers have to pay the tax

when it is gone to somebody's pockets.Why LHDN did not go after public figures for their

unexplained wealth remains a big question mark.

7)We also know the limitation of the RCI in respect of testimonies thus far read in the press.

8)"I don't remember";"I can't recall";"it's sound like me,it's look me but it's not me" are all too

plain,simple yet cheeky and insulting to read them in the press.I suppose one has to save one's

skin when about to be placed into the oven.

9)But the sum involved for a 22-year period is 100b which is less than a tenth when compared to

270b over a 5-year period.

10)They are all not small sum but not moved by notes and coins.The flows must be from bank

account to another.Why is it difficult to trace?What is BNM or the reporting banks doing?

11)The people here want to know how huge sum of 270b was being moved around and spent in

such short period.

12)Was it being used to fund the national budgets or otherwise?

13)There should not be a problem to list of ministries which had received the money if it used for

the budgets and the take it from thereon.(Question of want or do not want?)

14)Using the law against the practitioner of law is a waste of your time especially the law of tort.

15)The apex court has capped the damage limit to RM100,000 citing excessive amount would

inhibit the freedom of speech.

16)Veteran like him would have taken the necessary precautions to mitigate against the judgment

not in his favor.The case of Jaya and LKY would support my point.

17)Abuses and corruption seem never ending in this country.We just read that a ministry lost its

"two balls" which only reported its disappearance after a year later.What a joke?

18)It's dishearten ordinary folks like me and made me phew to look up to people in the "higher-


By mofaz0880Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 11:28 PM


Buruh, nelayan dan juga petani

Gaya hidup kini dah berubah

Anak-anak terasuh mindanya

Lahir generasi bijak pandai

Pakar IT, pakar ekonomi

Jaguh sukan dan juga jutawan

Berkereta jenama negara

Megah menyusur di jalan raya

Alam cyber teknologi terkini

Kejayaan semakin hampiri

Biar di kota ataupun desa

Kita semua pasti merasa bangga

Keranamu kami mendakap tuah

Keranamu kami bangsa berjaya

Keranamu kami hidup selesa

Limpah budi kemakmuran negara

Keranamu kami bebas merdeka

Keranamu myawa dipertaruhkan

Keranamu rela kami berjuang

Demi bangsa kedaulatan negara

Terima kasih Mahathir!

p.s Tun tidak berhutang kepada kami, kami yang beratus billion kali berhutang budi atas jasa

yang telah Tun taburkan di Malaysia ini.

By Objective QAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:07 PM

Al Salamu Alykum Tun Dr. Mahathir,

I direct these basic, yet important, questions to all the Negative commentators.

Who is the real Mr. Barry Wain and who is behind him?

Who is financing Barry Wain and facilitating his contracts with Amazon, Barnes and Noble...etc

Who is coordinating his systemic and well-Choreographed online marketing efforts?

What game does Mr. Wain serves as a Pawn in, and whom does it Serve?

Why publish this book now and not during Tun Dr. Mahathir's time in government or even

shortly after that ?

Why target Tun Dr. Mahathir who has been out of office for a long time?

Why not mention Tun Badawi's government and their follow-up on all the projects in question?

Where are the standard references, sources and documentations of his "Third-Party" allegations?

Why did Mr. Barry Wain neglect conducting a real financial analysis of what he deems to be

useless projects? Where is the cost-benefit analysis for these projects?

Why did Mr. Barry Wain ignore the mention of his references, sources and documentations on

the most important issues that he claims to have the most insight into?

How could a below-average journeyman writer, such as Mr. Barry Wain coordinate such

financial and media resources?

What are the real objectives behind Mr. Barry Wain's Handlers?

Without the answers to the above mentioned questions, what value does this book have? What

purpose does it really serve, and How credible is the book and its writer ?!?!

Objective Questions,

God Bless Malaysia

By nashAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:38 PM

Salam Tun,

Syabas Tun, you are really gentlemen. I salute you for your transparency request and not to let

wrong doers enjoy without being punished. This include Lim Kit Siang and Barry Wain. Sue

them to the bone. The Royal Commission should not leave any single leave unturned and let

people know the facts. SIANG Lim Kit Siang cukup cukup hingga tercabut lidahnya dan buat

DAP bankrupt. Dia ni jarum dalam daging.


By tuan tulis talangAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:36 PM

Dear Tun ,

In the first place who in the hell is this guy Barry Wain ,

making up stories about Our beloved Tun . How could we allow an

outsider belittle our former PM ? How could we allow this 'pale

face'guy make such accusations ? Where on earth did he get this

information ? Malaysians, lets not forget that our beloved Tun had

developed our beloved country ,from an agricultural base country to

an industrial , transformed the thinking of all Malaysians,put

Malaysia on the world map and lots of other achievements which

we are aware of .

And came this 'pale face guy ', not a Malaysian ,writing a book on

Tun , accusing him of burning Rm 100 billion in grandiose projects,

and what happens , we have many ungrateful individuals like LKS

and the gang , who jump at this opportunity, to agree and support

accusations without proof AND MAKING STATEMENTS TO WORSEN .

We should defend our beloved Tun,being a Malaysian and not succumb

to accusations by NON MALAYSIAN and we should stand as one family

if ' wild accusations ' are made against Tun. We should have that

sense of 'MALAYSIANNESS' , and defend any accusations unless




These " pale face species " are still haunted by what Tun had

spoken against during his days as The Malaysian PM , so now they

have their own agenda to tarnish his name with the help of


Tun Mahathir is a great guy with far vision and proved critics

wrong . He is sincere and passion in developing Malaysia and aimed

for a developed nation in 2020.

Tun, I have faith in you , if need to , SUE THEM AND MAKE THEM DRY

and I pray to God for your good health and well being .

P/s Just one question, our new PM , how is he ? can he manage the

country. ...2 jet engines missing right under his nose ????

...only after 1 year .....it surfaced .....like scorpene

By xexengAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:24 PM

Assalamualaikum wrt Tun

Obviously LKS is a cheapskate politician, using barry's wet dream trying to convince the

government of malaysia to burn malaysian money, to set a royal commission, to prove himself is

really a "bankrupt".

By Malaysian christianAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:14 PM

Dearest Tun,

Good for you! our prayers and support are with you. No matter what others might say about you,

they cant deny that you did a lot for our country. Ask them to compare our country with other

countries which achieved independence around the same time as ours. Keep in mind that our

country is unique because we have so many races and religions. I'm not a malay, but still had an

education, a scholarship and now a profession. I dont understand why some say your policies

were racist and beneficial to only one race. The only thing I saw was that your policies were

abused and thus the end result was not as expected. Then again I was raised never to see an

obstacle but only see the way of getting around it.

Take care Tun, we still need you.

By storepictAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:06 PM

Tun Mahathir..

ZAQ25, you are rude! Where is your brain? your brain at ASS!!!



By AtaturkAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:52 PM

Dear Tun,

I salute you sir! This is the type of answers Malaysians hunger for.

Not the daily dose of garbage we are getting from our leaders. Goes for the Opposition too but

BN leaders take the cake.

They think the masses are idiots when in actual fact, they the true morons.

I am just an ordinary Malaysian. I have never met you when you were PM and all of us who sing

praises to you have nothing to gain from it.

We do it because were are sincere in our appreciation to God for having given us a leader like

you for 22 years. And we make no apologies for it.

Some people just don't get it.

Every ounce of my being tells me that you are a person of the highest integrity.

The most important lesson a leader can learn is not to compromise his or herself.

Best Regars Tun, God bless


By manoukAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:46 PM

Salam YBhg TDM dan pembaca semua.

Saya cuba fikir perkara baik dari yang ZAQ25 utarakan. Tidak nampak ada yang positif. Saya

hanya faham, ZAQ25 marah, emosi dan benci atas TDM. Hasilnya ZAQ25, merumuskan

antaranya berikut;-

1. TDM - pemimpin kecil atau kerdil.

2. Ramai yang lebih baik (maksud ZAQ25...jauh lebih baik) dari TDM seperti ahli politik luar

negara, penyanyi/pengacara antarabangsa hinggakan penganas dunia terkenal seperti pemimpin


3. Pembangunan Malaysia semasa era TDM tidaklah ada kesan ke atas kemakmuran negara.

Bagaimanapun, 'orang ada otak' berpendapat;-

1. TDM tidak pernah minta untuk diagung-agungkan sebagai pemimpin terbilang, negarawan

agung. Saya percaya, Mahatma Ghandi pun tidak berfikir begitu.

2. perbandingan personaliti yang dibuat oleh ZAQ25, kebanyakkan mempunyai rekod yang

'buruk' dan 'teruk'. (i.e Britney Spears - penyanyi bermsalah, Yitzak Rabin - Penganas Israel).

Menjadi terkenal (famous) dengan cara ini bukanlah satu ukuran untuk perbandingan.

3. Suka atau tidak, era TDM membawa banyak kemakmuran kepada negara ini. ZAQ25 tidak

boleh menafikan kenyataan ini.

Saya percaya ZAQ25 sayangkan negara ini, kerana dia boleh berbahasa Malaysia dengan fasih.

Saya setuju, bahawa kerajaan BN sekarang masih banyak kelemahan, cuma saya tidak setuju

sekiranya kita tidak membantu kerajaan sediada menjadi kerajaan yang baik.

Kita tidak perlu jadi pengampu untuk mengiakan apa saja tindakan kerajaan BN yang tidak bijak

dan merugikan rakyat. TDM sudah memainkan peranan dalam mengkritik menerusi blog ini.

Kita hanya perincikan lagi dimana kelemahan itu boleh dibaiki supaya diambil tindakan oleh


Sekiranya Kerajaan BN tidak ambil tindakan, terpulanglah kepada rakyat untuk mengambil

tindakan dalam PRU13 akan datang.

Bukankah suara rakyat, merupakan suara keramat.



By inaAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:44 PM

untukmu..By penduduk on December 23, 2009 2:15 PM

Saya juga nak turut serta berdoa dan mengaminkannya.... amin.

By MatAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:41 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,

Depa ni sikit-sikit Royal Comission. Sikit-sikit Royal Commission. Masa nak guna sebut lah

Royal Comission. Bila kita sebut Raja-Raja Melayu, Ketuanan Melayu semua kutuk. Racist lah,

apa lah. Ni tak lain tak bukan la, cuma nak main politik lah ni. Bukan ada apa-apa untuk rakyat

atau negara. Takat tu je lah orang politik Malaysia ni.

Buat masa sekarang ni saya rasa macam tak ada seorang pun ahli politik Malaysia ni yang nak

majukan negara. Kerajaan-kerajaan negeri yang baru dapat kuasa tu, cuba-cuba lah bangunkan

negeri tu. Ni, asyik dok cari dok korek salah orang dahulu je. Negeri dok macam tu jugak. Apa

cerita? Kalau macam ni, PRU13 kita tukar balik lah.

Terima kasih Tun Mahathir.

By PangaitAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:35 PM

Tun, you're very cynical on the prospect of being probed by a proposed Royal Commission that

you'd like to drag Tun Ahmad Badawi in as well. If you have your conscience you should go to

MACC straight away as you have the access to TAB's dealing with the Petronas Fund being the

Petronas Chairman. Why, are you scared of anything to expose him? In Islam you are equally

guilty if you hide a criminal..

By zaq25Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:18 PM

Fine; lets put this to a simple test shall we. you can answer on this blog; yes, you besi berkarat (I

mean wajaperak) and all your other blind supporters whos fav tv channel is RTM.

Yes or No?

1)Dr Mahathir is greater than JULIUS CAESAR?

2) Dr M lebih hebat (bukan sama hebat tapi lebih) daripada NELSON MANDELA

3) Dr M lebih hebat daripada CLEOPATRA?


This should settle it and set things right.


Scores of international singers and Hollywood actors hosted a concert for Mandela's Birthday.

Only the budak kecik LIMkokwing sang something to Mahathir.

So, since you all are his biggest fans and think he is so greatest, why don't you all, or any Msian

for that matter, host a concert for this Dr M? Where's the concert or anything?


Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam

Blind supporters be quiet! Mangsa 'Spin doctor" duduk diam-diam




LITTLE SUKARNO (that’s what the Indons called you right)

LTTLE SUHARTO (money; yes your useless money-minded friend)


…and of course the LITTLEST ASEAN DICTATOR like your bloody friend Suharto


* “TIMELESS” – You and your friend (yup, Suharto) and the only two strongman not listed in

Time Magazine’s and Asiaweek’s 100 Asians of the century. Needless to say you were definitely

not in Time’s 100 people of the century of the WORLD. Gandhi according to them was the

greatest while Lee Kuan Yew they said would easily make it into any Asian shortcut list and he



*Last time magazines refered to Anwar and Southeast Asia’s Golden boy. Just only Economist

called him “Southeast Asia’s MOST EXTRAODINARY POLITICIAN”. You on the other hand

are Southeast Asia’s LEAST extraordinary politician who even if did so made it did so barely by

the skin of his teeth.


International statesman and universal icon VS the little ASEAN strongman

Final score: TKO (total knock-out) Call medic.


Little ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN

statesman Little ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN statesman Little

ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN statesman

Little ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN statesman Little ASEAN

statesman Little ASEAN statesman

By antikmalayaAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:12 PM

Salam Tun,

Tumpang lalu Tun.

I have a message to zaq25.


Sorry Tun, this guy is tainting your website way too much.

By y2yAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:03 PM

lawan tetap lawan tun. tapi mmg LIM KIT SIANG x berhati perut. where is his honor?

By rossiAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:46 PM

ZAQ25 wrote-

*WHITE ELEPHANT missed Thailand, instead it came HERE!*

- why build two tallest buildings (Petronas Twin Towers) when ONE could do the job (of being


- Kalau buat satu memang tak cukup. Petronas is building just another building next to Tower 1

just for its E&P company. Tower 2 -fully occupied.

- ZAQ25 - u salah. or just plain stupid.

I presumed the rest of his writing is rubbish also.

By JoAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:24 PM

No royal commission in Malaysia is ever going to prove anything so long as it is not independent

of the government. The same goes for the executive and judiciary in Malaysia. Lets see the

outcome of the missing jet engines investigation. After a 2 year lapse, all the documents have

surely disappeared. Even the ex-Selangor MB managed to pull that off, what more need anyone


By CDEEKAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:21 PM





By jojo51Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:21 PM

Failures are always envious of other people's success. They continuously seek solace and

fulfillment by discrediting others. They are so pathetic. They have sold their hearts to the devils.

They crave for attention and recognition. But instead of condemning why not we assist and guide

them. Look at Tun Mahathir. Instead of criticizing Lim Kit Siang he supported Lim's fantasy by

insisting that the Government establish a Royal Commission. Despite all the falsehood thrown at

him Tun is so magnanimous and forgiving. Long live Tun.

By CDEEKAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:17 PM







By sullyAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:16 PM

Salam hormat Tun Mahathir

Sering sudah saya katakan Lim Kit siang dan Malaysiakini bukan niatnya menyatukan raayat

tetapi segaja timbulkan hal2 yang boleh

buat raayat bermusohan antara kaum apalagi kaum majority.Kita kaum majority tidak perlu

orang seperti lim kit siang dan juga Malaysiakini di kuasai party pembangkang.Sudah sampai

waktunya Malaysiakini di haramkan.Banyak penulis2nya menghina bangsa kita. ada yang bilang

fikiran kita sempit mereka ini harus ingat bangsa ini masih boleh maju tanpa mereka

Kami anak bangsa serantau dan serumpun tetap akan membela seorang pembela bangsa yang

tidak ada ganti nya.Tanpa perjuangan Tun mungkin orang seperti Zaid sekarang jadi driver atau

tukang potong rambut dan Anuar ibrahim jadi orang jual obat di kaki lima dan juga orang

melayu yang tidak sadar diri masih jadi pengoreh getah.Bangun wahai bangsa ini dan doakan

mendatang di lahirkan seorang bangsa kita seperti Tun Mahathir.

By nazrimalikAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:01 PM

Who is this Ir Shahrizan...? Can someone tell us who this guy is?

Tun, let's talk about a NEW POLITIC PARTY... I have no hope in the existing political parties

now (UMNO, MCA, MIC, PAS, DAP, etc.). They are all rubbish!

I have no idea what Najib was thinking about when he introduced the 5% sales tax on property in

the recent budget! WHAT THE HELL HE WAS THINKING?! No more hope on Najib sorry to


By al-DinAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 5:52 PM

Dear Tun's bloggers;

Tun has given plenty of rope to many people and at any time the rope will ensnare them. Now

the trapdoor is closing.

To show our support on Tun would be suing Lim Kit Siang, Barry Wain and Malaysiakini.com I

would like to suggest to make collection as a token contribution for the court case. I am not

saying or implying that Tun does not have the financial standing to bring in the lawyers.

For Lim Kit Siang we need to show him the Chinese (over the Causeway strategy) way, make

him a bankcrupt. Let him and the others have their balls camatose.

With the case on, the destroyer has no place to hide. Options - he may stay in orbit forever in his

jet, preach at the Reviera nude camp with the RM270 million, buswhacking in Australia, or

anywhere else outside Malaysia.

The current leadership has his hands tied behind his back by his own doings. He is a puppet by

many masters within and outside the country. The parlimentarians are showing him the exit door.

By Panglima GarangAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 5:31 PM

untuk pembaca melayu sahaja.

Assalamualaikum Tun,

semoga dalam keadaan sihat dan dipanjangkan umur...

Saya percaya semua ini ada agendanya yang tersendiri terutamanya DAP yang mahukan lebih

kuasa untuk memerintah,memang mereka ini licik (bukan cerdik)untuk mengelak dari dikesan

tujuan asal mereka yang mana untuk menguasai negara ini dengan sepenuhnya dan dapat

menjadikan seperti Singapura,tidak mustahil sekiranya mereka dapat memerintah negara ini

maka singapura pun masuk malaysia lagi ataupun malaysia masuk singapura dan jadilah

Republik Singapura-puraMalaysia(panjang sikit nama negara tu).

Mereka ini memang tidak pernah puas dengan apa yang diberikan,mereka akan tetap mencari

jalan bagaimana nak mempergunakan orang lain untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri.Baru-baru ini

berkenaan dengan "pengerusi BN PP",

cadangan dari UMNO amatlah berasas tetapai bagaimana dengan riaksi Presiden Gerakan?..pada

pendapat saya DS Koh Tsu Koon lebih rela Pulau Pinang ditadbir oleh DAP dari di tadbir

BN(UMNO), kerana?sendiri mahu ingatlah....

sekian.terima kasih TUN.

By Rimba EmasAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 5:28 PM



































By fairuzstoneAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 5:07 PM

Dear YABhg Tun

Makin lama makin menyampah saya tengok gelagat Lim Kit Siang dan rakan-rakannya. Mereka

ini betul-betul bagai orang mabuk arak diberikan pentas untuk berucap merapu-rapu. Lim Kit

Siang ini mmg nampak sangat sudah muflis idea dan isu, maka dikondemlah hiway yang dia dok

pakai hari-hari, LRT yg diguna kaum kerabat dia untuk pergi kerja, KLIA yg semakin sesak,

Putrajaya yg dah memudahkan urusan orangramai dengan jabatan2 kerajaan, semua benda-benda

yg elok ini dikatakan membazir, kah kah kah kah, tara otak punya orang, lu tak boleh pikir ke

Lim Kit Siang oiii, ini semua adalah untuk kebaikan kita dan anak cucu kita semua, lu jgn ingat

hanya lu seolang saja mahu hilup tanpa memikirkan anak cucu lu, tersangat boloh lah lu Lim Kit


Habis lu mau ini Malesia jadi selupa macam itu Vietnam atau Papu New Guinea atau Bostwana

ka, bila wang ala tapi hanya dihabiskan untuk makan besar saja dan membeli kereta busar sahaja

mehhh, tidak mahu melabur untuk membangunkan infrastruktur yg bakal berguna di masa


Lu meman manyiak kelakar lah itu Lim kit Siang.

Fairuz Kamarulzaman

By ibumimiAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 4:53 PM

Salam Dear Tun Mahathir,

u always be in my humble prayer evrytime...insyallah.

i can only found 1 reason from "the book", which is - ENVY.

why r they not writing about other leader..Bush,LKY, ANUAR.. but only u.funny isn't it??

TUN, by being BRIGHT, BRAVE n MUSLIM moreover how malay n other races has benefit

rapid development under ur era is what s'pore leader n Israelis proxy ENVY about.

u hv to be proud of yourself n utilise it as much as u can by being specially created by ALLAH...

which I'm sure that there must be reason behind.

semoga Tun terus diberikan ketajaman fikiran, kesihatan fizikal dan diberkati selalu...amin

By azzatAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 4:36 PM

Lim Kit Siang, DAP - adalah PEMBELOT Negara

By tukang_dok_peghatiAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 4:21 PM


This is the DIRTY worked of those RACIST and KIASUs in Singaporean that never feel unease

with the Malays rule in this country.. Lim Kit Siang and his party members only a PUPPET for


If we compare with those RACIST and KIASUs in Singapore, we cannot asking at all why the

wife of Singapore PREMIER is allowed to control the country's investment company like

TEMASEK Holdings? If the same thing happened in Malaysia and did by any Malay leader, for

sure that Lim Kit Siang will 'bark' non-stop..

It is the same if we asking why Lim Kit Siang applying nepotism in his party with his son and

daughter in law involvement as a full time party leaders? What you think he will say if any

Malay leaders did the same?

Why DAP backed Penang and Selangor government are facing demonstration over the land

status with the locals recently? Why DAP members are being questioned by SPRM until they

have to fool public by doing 'HOCUS POCUS' with the dead of Teoh Beng Hock? Do they ever

asking themselves on that?

Don't you all ever try to say that PKR Advisor is a victim of politics etc..

Do you know how RICH he is? Do you know what kind of luxury car that he is using daily? Do

you know the actual price of his new house at Segambut? Do you know where he get all the

money to spend at the time when he have no permanent job at all?

Do you know why he able to bring along his COFFEE BOY travelling while in front of rakyat he

keep saying that he have 'NO MONEY'? Even PAK ARAB TOKEY MINYAK too will



The Malay should know that this kind of 'FAIRY TALE STORY' is made in Singapore and

distribute by their agents in Malaysia.. Once the Malay leadership in this country is weakened,

we are once again will be under a colonialism for our neighbouring southern country..


By anirazAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 4:19 PM

Dear Tun,

Hari ni saya nak tulis dalam bahasa melayu sebab dah fedup melayu di negara ini sering dihina

dan di permainkan oleh bangsa lain.

Sentiasa doakan tun dan keluarga sihat sahaja. Belasah dan saman habis-habisan je semua wakil2

PR yang perasan mereka tu putih bersih umpama nabi. Maksum macam tak de dosa atau

pemikiran penipu.

Sejak saya terlibat dalam perniagaan ni tun, pemikiran saya benar2 berubah. Politik cuma alat

untuk meraih populariti dan kuasa. 2008 saya pun mengundi pr gak sebab fedup dengan paklah

dan tingkat 4. Tapi setelah menyaksikan hakikat kehidupan di malaysia ni baru saya fahami.

Semua orang tanpa kira bangsa hanya fikir nak kaya cepat. Yang melayu bersengkokol dengan

india dan cina dalam mendapatkan kontrak kerajaan. Sebenarnya semua bangsa sama2 merasa.

Kalau melayu yang dapat projek sapa pulak subkontraktornya???? Supply chain construction

dikuasai dan dikontrol oleh bangsa apa. Melayu2 bodoh hanya duduk atas angin makan

commission bukan nak belajar buat projek sendiri....Ni hakikat perniagaan yang berlaku di serata

dunia cuma negara lain majoriti bangsanya satu bukan tiga. Kita dapat business senang2 boleh

sub kat sesapa tanpa kira bangsa, tapi yang lain nak sub kat melayu.......dalam 1000 satu dapatlah


Rakyat malaysia yang tak biasa terlibat dalam benda2 ni bolehlah ditipu oleh wakil2 PR seolah-

oleh hanya UMNO dan orang melayu aje yang 'squandered' duit rakyat. Tapi

hakikatnya.....takkan setiap ringgit dan sen yang keluar tun nak jaga....apalah punya bodoh lim

kit siang ni....pencen je lah macam tun sudah lah....anak dia kat penang pun tak sure berapa lama

boleh tahan....rasa2 tak lama lagi balik melaka la.....saja nak laga2kan semua bangsa.....sedarlah

awak hidup di bumi melayu....terima sajalah....kalau tak pindah duduk kat london ke atau new

york....tengoklah cam mane mat saleh layan korang.

Bersyukurlah semua kerana kita masih hidup aman damai, malam2 boleh tidor lena, makan

cukup....kalau teringin sangat nak gaduh2 atau berperang pergi lah kat Iraq atau Afghan.


By Hang MalangAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 4:11 PM

Salam sejahtera buat Tun Dr. Mahathir,

Saya tersentuh bila baca apa yang di tulis oleh zaq25 pada 22 Disember 2009 jam 4:08 PM. Dari

apa yang saya baca dari komen-komen yang beliau luahkan, seolah-olah, beliau rapat dengan

Tun Mahathir, dan amat mengenali Tun. Dari apa yang saya teliti, mungkin beliau adalah Sdr.

Anwar Ibrahim, orang yang paling rapat dengan Tun satu ketika dahulu. Kebencian yang

mendalam terhadap Tun yang teramat, menguatkan tanggapan saya ini.

Jika benar zaq25, adalah Anwar Ibrahim, atau mungkin pejuang upahan Anwar, saya dengan rela

akan berjuang untuk Tun tanpa apa-apa bayaran, dan saya percaya, ramai di luar sana, yang

selama ini senyap, dan sabar dengan gelagat konon-konon nya pejuang Anwar, yang hanya lah

sampah-sampah upahan Anwar dan Azmin. Saudara zaq25, jika apa yang saudara tulis itu benar,

buktikan yang seperti berikut:

1. Anwar dan konspirasi:

Seperti di dakwa Anwar, jatuh nya beliau dari tampuk pemerintahan dahulu adalah konspirasi

kerajaan ketika itu dan arkiteknya adalah Tun Dr. Mahathir sendiri. Jika benar, mana bukti?

Mana saman terhadap tuduhan-tuduhan tersebut? Tuduhan oleh kerajaan ketika itu telah pun

dilaksanakan, dan Anwar didapati bersalah mengamalkan rasuah. Kenapa bila disabit kan

bersalah, tiada penjelasan? Mana bukti yang mengatakan Anwar tidak mengamalkan korupsi?

Sedang kan mahkamah ketika itu, dengan bukti-bukti berasas telah mendapati kamu bersalah.

2. Azmin dan Bakun Hidroelektrik:

Buat saudara Azmin, saya salah seorang anak dari pelobi Melayu, yang ketika zaman

pemerintahan Anwar sebagai Menteri Kewangan, kamu menerima banyak wang hasil lobi-lobi

untuk mendapatkan projek-projek kerajaan. Terutama sekali berkenaan projek BAKUN, yang

mana, hasil wang melobi, di kaut habis oleh kamu dan kroni, termasuk pegawai-pegawai

kerajaan ketika itu. Kamu sudah lupa?

Buat tun, kami, orang Melayu, yang masih diam, akan bersuara, jika Anwar dan kroni, termasuk

para pembangkang yang kurang ajar, bertindak keterlaluan. Kami tidak teragak-agak untuk

bertindak, demi mempertahankan hak kami yang kami pelihara selama ini. Pendusta Anwar,

perlu di hukum.

Anwar Ibrahim: Dah makan, cuci lah pinggan.

By sangtawalAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 4:00 PM

Salam Perjuangan buat Tun yang dikasihi.

amat tertarik dengan point-point yang terakhir oleh Tun :

11. I will co-operate fully with the commission.

12. Depending upon the result of the commission, I reserve the right to sue Barry Wain, Lim Kit

Siang and Malaysiakini.com for libel for a sum to be disclosed later.

13. If the Government is witholding the book: "Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in

Turbulent Times", I would request that the book be released forthwith. I am not in need of

Government protection.

* Teruskan perjuanganmu!!!

"Bersolat dan berzikirlah- Kita pasti akan menang!"

*apa jadi dengan tape/ video Lingam hari tu?


By PohAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 3:53 PM

Dear Tun,

The book has not been released by the Customs. So many of us have not read the book. How

would we know what is written? So I would agree that the Customs should release the book for

sale so that the citizen could get to know the story and make the judgement.

Have a happy holiday and a Happy New Year.

My sincere regards to you and your family.

By musatoAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 3:51 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun.

Saya lihat kebanyakan buku yang dikarang oleh PR menjadi best seller di kedai buku satu ni.

Tapi okey jugak melihat banyak buku politik yang diterbitkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin,macam

zaid ibrahim i'm malay too,Malaysian budget oleh DAP,Anwar on Trial,Akhir Impian oleh

Mohamed Rahmat.

Lukisan kartun yang kutuk PM Najib pun ada.Oleh Zuna.

Selamat membaca.mungkin suruhanjaya membaca juga patut ditubuhkan supaya rakyat Malaysia

bertambah banyak pengetahuannya.

Terima kasih Tun.

By BenderbuzzAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 3:20 PM

Salam Tun.

Anggap saja Si Barry Wain ni seorang pemabuk yang sememangnya cuba melariskan buku yang

karut-marut dengan dakwaan-dakwaan yang direka-reka. Yang bestnya, puak pencinta al-juburi

sudah cukup teruja kerana berjaya mendapat senjata baru dan semestinya akan menjadikan buku

ni sebagai bible mereka ke arah cita-cita menakluk Malaysia pada PRU-13 nanti.

Dalam hidup ini, itu saja yang mereka mahukan, kuasa,kuasa,kuasa.

Sayang sekali, mereka ini bila berkuasa terus lupa peranan yang sepatutnya dilakukan. Negeri-

negeri pentadbiran PR masih tak ke mana. Baru-baru ini,saya ada terlibat dalam satu taklimat

pengurusan sisa pepejal negara yang disampaikan oleh KP JPSPN Datuk Dr Nazri. Taklimat

berserta soal jawab ini melibatkan CM,para EXCO, Adun, Ahli Majlis PBT dan kakitangan

kerajaan negeri PP. Yang pasti kualiti, para Adun dan ahli majlis yang mengemukakan soalan

kepada panelis amat buruk sekali. Mereka berkelakuan tak ubah mcm budak-budak mentah

ketika mengemukakan soalan dan pendapat. Mereka mengambil peluang ini semata-mata untuk

menghentam polisi kerajaan persekutuan dan mempertikaikan akta yang telahpun diluluskan di

parlimen pada 2007.

Mereka berada di pentas yang salah. Mereka gagal memahami bahawa ianya semata-mata sesi

penerangan dan bukannya sesi meminda akta. Yang jelas para exco, adun dan ahli majlis ini

pandai menyalak bagai anjing menyalak bukit. Mereka gagal melaksanakan tanggungjawab yg

diamanahkan rakyat. Mereka hanya pandai bercakap dan berpolitik .... hal mentadbir ... hancoq!

Nasib baik, majlis tersebut dibuat secara tertutup dan bukan terbuka pada masyarakat umum, jika

tidak, pasti memalukan rakyat PP.

Akhirnya, majlis bersurai tanpa apa-apa keputusan dan pihak yang mengharapkan jawapan akan

terus ternanti-nanti. Untuk makluman, itulah cara sebenar PP ditadbir kini. Segalanya tiada

keputusan kerana para exco takut melakukan kesilapan kerana khuatir hilang jawatan dan


Para wartawan media yang hadirpun telah dipilih kerajaan negeri. Sudah pasti yang baik-baik

saja disiarkan. Kalau Utusan yang masuk, pastinya kerajaan PP akan dibuat ulam.

By Ir. SyahrizanAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 3:12 PM

Asalamualaikum Tun & Bloggers,

I can sense that Zaq25's comments are full with anger, hatred and condemnation (I feel you

brother). But I try to look it on the bright side. As what our forefathers mentioned; "Buang yang

keruh, ambil yang jernih". Zaq25 has some good points too (minus the rage).

Our hatred are the same (or at least on some points), after being flamed by years of tyranny

under BN ruling. I'm starting to think that DAP and PAS (except PKR) are not really that bad. At

least they're being honest (apart from some flip-flop decision) on their respective agendas. How

about PKR? PKR is basically a by-product of outcast political figures from UMNO, MCA, MIC,

DAP, PAS etc. I don't mind calling PKR; the second BN. Most of its candidates have "lompat"

party several times.

DAP wants a democracy ala-Singapore state (which DAP could dream for another 1000 years).

Meanwhile PAS wants an Islamic-country (which they could try to fought another 1000 years

too). But by all means, by the end of the day, BN still won major seats. Why? Because

Malaysians themselves are in wary and disarray. Malaysians are basically spoiled with too many

choices and too many agendas. Might as well I chose BN which has ala "3 in 1 nescafe" style.

NOT the kind of genuine Democracy nor Islamic, more like DEMONcracy. But at least it work

for the past 50 years. So it seems.

The main reason why DAP is not widely supported by Malays; cause they're very open with their

anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Sultanate remarks. Making DAP rendered useless in the eyes of

at least 60% Malaysians (Malays/Muslims). DAP needs to realize that they can't create a

Chinese-State in a Malay-land. You don't see a Malay as the head ruler in Singapore, so DAP

should expect the same genre over here in Malaysia too. DAP needs to find a new strategy and a

better agenda to win the hearts of the Muslims/Malays. Loosen up a bit. Be a bit more "teh tarik"

and not that ala-western "capuccino" you worshiped a lot. Bend some rules for the sake of

majority. You can't do it without the 3M formula: Malay, Muslim and Malaysia.

PAS on the other hand, is a total opposite of DAP. The problem lies with PAS rooted from PAS's

so-called Islamic understanding (I don't claimed my self as "ulamaks" but this is basically my

opinion). The ones which are opposing Islamic rules in Malaysia are NOT the non-muslims (of

course we don't expect them to support), but ironically, the ones which oppose the Islamic rules

are the Muslims/Malays themselves. Most of them are NOT even UMNO people (as what most

PAS claiming). "Undi PAS masuk syurga, Undi UMNO masuk neraka"? Very classy indeed, as

PAS has the upper hand when it comes to religious-agenda. But that's not the case. Calling

people names and condemning them "neraka" for eternity will only make people run away from

Islam. "Jauh panggang dari api".

PAS needs to understand and learn on how Prophet Muhammad unite all the Pagan Arab tribes

under the name of Islam. For that first 13 years at Mekah (before Hijrah), the Prophet uses

encouraging words and positive remarks to lure its people to Islam. If Rasullulah wants to say

NO to certain things, Rasullulah will always find the wisdom to say it nicely or with "hikmah".

Unlike PAS, trying to "play God" uses FEAR to lure people to Islam. It's doesn't look like

Dakwah anymore, it look more like "Threatening" or "Forcing" people to join the Islamic cause.

PAS needs to learn the basic of "dakwah" and "hikmah". Furthermore, how many of us Muslims

are willing to visit our brothers/sisters in the name of Islam "rumah ke rumah, kampung ke

kampung, bandar ke bandar"?. I only know one "jemaah" in the world that does this. PAS dare to

do this?

The new generation as what we see today are the by-products of the past generation. The great

EVIL and HATRED we seen today are due to the negligence of the people from the past. It's no

wonder, when something happens in the now present, people will still point their finger to the

previous predecessors. In this case; Tun.

I have no actual hearsay on this matter Tun. Somethings are better left untouched. The more we

tried to dig the closet (Royal Probe), I'm afraid we may end up with more "old skeletons". I

personally believe, "Padang Masyar" is always the best place to find the truth.


By fizli mansorAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 3:03 PM

Dear YBHg Tun,

You hv sucessfully run the country. Leave DAP & Kit Siang skirting around finding ways &

means to Putrjaya. For to discredit yr success is a reflection of their failure !

Regards - MEN AT WORK

By orgkgAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 3:02 PM

Ybhg Tun,

Merry Xmas kepada semua pengunjung blog Tun yang beragama Kristian. Kerajaan dalam usaha

meningkatkan menangani gejala rasuah, salah guna kuasa dan memenangi semula keyakinan

serta sokongan rakyat sebelum PRU 13 seharusnya melaksanakan saranan yang dicadangkan

oleh Tun untuk melantik Suruhanjaya DiRaja menyiasat tuduhan yang dilemparkan sama ada

berasa atau tidak. Kerajaan mesti "to give full access to the commission of all the documents and

accounts of the Government over the period 1981-2009" kepada suruhanjaya.

Kebenaran akan terserlah.

Kemungkaran akan menjelma.

Ketelusan akan menjadi kenyataan.

Semoga kebaktian Tun dalam memakmurkan negara dan rakyatnya diberkati.

Semoga Tun dipanjangkan umur dan sihat sejahtera.

By zramliAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 3:01 PM


HIDUP TUN M!!! Berani kerana benar....

By manoukAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 2:50 PM

Salam YABhg Tun.

with your permission, I just want to comment on ZAQ25.

ZAQ25. with your comments and emotional writing, it is show that 'you have no brain'.

to other blogger and readers. ignore this man, he is 'mentally sick'.

May God bless those who think positive and gives constructive idea.



By bangsaMSIAAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 2:35 PM

It is U and your kind who are so full of crap and so full of shit HALU. People like u and your

families have benefited enormously from the policies of TDM - education, health, infrastucture,

security, stability, high economuic growth and many more. U better have material evidence to

support your claim otherwise it will be people like us who will sue u naked. U, like all the

Pengkianat Rakyats, the evil coalition are so full of vile..u have contributed nothing at all to the

well-being of the country and u probably never will..all that u and your kind have done is to

create chaos in the name of the so-called 'democracy', anarchy, sow hatred, slander, wickedness

among Malaysians towards all that is good..shame on u

By TechTitanAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 2:24 PM


I do agree with (thus with Lim Kit Siang) on setting up royal the royal commission to investigate

the alleged RM100 billion burned during your premiership. I strongly believe you did what any

premier would do to develop their country. As Father of Modern Malaysia, I'm grateful of what

Malaysia has achieved over 22 years of your leadership. The achievement is priceless when

compared to the value mentioned.

As for whether RM100 billion being burned or not, in my humble opinion, a simply calculation

would yield approximately RM 4.55 billion expenditure per year (22 years) and that would only

be around 5%-10% of overall annual government budget. So, correct me if I'm wrong but i don't

see any questionable spending when it's part of government expenditure. Is it wrong the build

schools or hospitals for the public? Or if KLIA is a waste, would Subang Airport capable of

handling A380 (or any large airplane) today? Aren't we proud to have our own submarines now?

A prime minister is only a person, a single human being and he has to manage the entire country.

How can a person trace every ringgit and cent of people's money spent when he has a nation to

govern? If corruption was involved, it was not the premier's fault, it was the person who execute

it. Our sin is definitely our own ticket to hell.

By orang2kilang.blogspotAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 2:22 PM

LKY Controversies on Wikipedia...

[edit] Devan Nair

Devan Nair, the third President of Singapore and who was living in exile in Canada, remarked in

a 1999 interview with the Toronto Globe and Mail that Lee's technique of suing his opponents

into bankruptcy or oblivion was an abrogation of political rights. He also remarked that Lee is

"an increasingly self-righteous know-all", surrounded by "department store dummies". In

response to these remarks, Lee sued Devan Nair in a Canadian court and Nair countersued. Lee

then brought a motion to have Nair's counterclaim thrown out of court. Lee argued that Nair's

counterclaim disclosed no reasonable cause of action and constituted an inflammatory attack on

the integrity of the government of Singapore. However, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice

refused to throw out Nair's counterclaim, holding that Lee had abused the litigating process and

therefore Nair has a reasonable cause of action.[31]

[edit] Defamation judgment

On 24 September 2008 the High Court, in a summary judgement by Justice Woo Bih Li, ruled

that the Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER) magazine (Hugo Restall, editor), defamed Lee

Kuan Yew and his son, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. The court found the 2006 article

"Singapore's 'Martyr': Chee Soon Juan" meant that Lee Kuan Yew "has been running and

continues to run Singapore in the same corrupt manner as Durai operated NKF and he has been

using libel actions to suppress those who would question to avoid exposure of his

corruption."[32] The court sentenced FEER, owned by Dow Jones & Company (in turn owned

by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp), to pay damages to the complainants. FEER appealed[32] but

lost the case when the Court of Appeal ruled in October, 2009 that the Far Eastern Economic

Review did defame the country's founder Lee Kuan Yew and his son Prime Minister Lee Hsien


By HBTAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 2:17 PM

Ayahanda Tun,

With comment posted "By Halu on December 23, 2009 11:47 AM"..... how to vote for PR (DAP,

PKR & PAS) and KJ??? Debit & Credit pun tak faham, you think she (he) will understand the

defination of assets as property in accounting and economics?

PR and "KJ" must have forgotten why rakyat voted opposition party. If these "gentlemen" want

to take over BN's planted seeds, show their capibilities, not show their "sour grape" anger and

frustration by demonising/fitnah!!!

Good day Ayahanda Tun.

P/S: Hi, Abang samuraimelayu (bangsa Melayu), it's good to read your comment again. Happy

New Year and Merry Christmas!!!

By pendudukAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 2:15 PM

Salam Tun sekeluarga...

Musuh-musuh Islam, Negara, Raja dan Melayu sudah menunjukkan mukanya sekarang. Dengan

bongkak mereka bersuara.

Semoga Allah memelihara Tun sekeluarga dari fitnah. Semoga Allah membalas pemfitnah

dengan azab yang pedih secepatnya. Amin...

By I See Stupid PeopleAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 2:15 PM

Dear Tun,

You are very lucky. During your time, not everyone savvy in IT and not everyone have PC at

home and that time Blog, twitters havent exist yet. If not, I'm sure its going to be interesting. You

have used blog as a weapon to bring down Pak Lah.

With Internet, information flies out super fast once got ppl dig it out. I guess old timers are

luckier as I think the evidence were destroyed b4 the existent of blog which began popular on


Anyhow, I think I will join BN in time to comes. I wanna get rich like leaders in BN. Joining

opposition will only get jail... err... wat happen to those BN leaders whom involved in money

politics?? Covered up edi??

By ExcellentThoughtsAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 2:07 PM

Dear Tun,

There is nothing so powerful as the truth. in this world we can accuse

people of bad things to do this we need "PROOF" yes challenge them its time that the

government look into those blogers in Malaysian Kini

you want to make allegations fine but with facts no facts be prepared.

You want to accuse people of wrong doings you must be prepared

with facts no facts they must be challenge and be sued in court.

Take care tun.

By smokeballAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 1:57 PM

Salam Tun,

I wish Tun and Tun Hasmah live happily ever after.

1. LKS is just bullshitting people around him. They have no idea on how to manage the country

or at least give something to upgrade certain key points/procedures in our country. What they

know is just to put all the blames and burdens on the government's shoulder. This kind of people

will manage our country wisely?? I don't think so..

2. For every move that he or his buddies in PKR made, i don't see any move that will give a

benefit to the country as a whole. And this has come into a picture when they have sponsored

most of the demonstration and pickets against the government. And again as a result our

economic either micro or macro plunge simultaneously. This kind of people will manage our

country wisely?? I don't think so..

3. I was follow most of the speach either by PKR or BN leaders in the last PRU and it was just to

hear their menifesto. and be frank, after PKR take over Selangor, i'm more than happy to enjoy if

the menifesto is realised. But it strikes me when it took more than a year to realise just one of the

those promises. it makes me wonder, how if they manage the country. Please don't make any

promises if you hard to keep even one of them. Don't promise a sky if you can't fly. even most of

the BN leaders are also the same, but i think it is better for me to not put any risk just to realise

one dreams.

4. Some people excel in talking while some not so good in talk but very hardworking and smart.

What we have to realise is no one is perfect. If all the citizens in Malaysia put their interest aside

we will live happily ever after.

5. If i were you Tun, i'm dare to say i will keep their mouth shut. Sometimes we must do like this

in order to survive for the sake of our country as what you 'did' during your time. 'Jagan di layan

mereka ni, makin di layan makin menjadi'...


By tauugisAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 1:45 PM

Salam hormat buat Tun.

Bagi pendapat saya LKS ini adalah seorang yang tiada pedoman dalam hidup agaknya kerena

sudah terbiasa dalam golongan pembangkang maka tiadalah yang baik semua dia bangkang juga.

Saya ingat dulu dia bukan main lagi bangkang dan heboh-hebohkan dalam parlimen dan media

masa konon Tun telah membazir wang rakyat membina jambatan pulau pinang, membina

lebuhraya utara selatan dan macam2 lagi dia bangkang.

Ternyata hari ini ekonomi Malaysia bertambah cemerlang sejak adanya pembangunan yang

dirancang Tun masa jadi PM dulu. Malahan jambatan pulau pinang dah tak muat nak ditambah

lagi satu.

Apalah LIM KIT SIANG ni tak belajar ekonomi kot. Janganlah asyik bangkang saja macam

orang takda akal. Bagilah credit mana yang munasabah.

By danielsdbAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 1:25 PM

"...Depending upon the result of the commission, I reserve the right to sue Barry Wain, Lim Kit

Siang and Malaysiakini.com for libel for a sum to be disclosed later...."

Dearest Tun, hope you will keep your words and not letting us down. We have been waiting for

that moment long time ago. Take care of your health Tun.

By sue Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 1:15 PM

Salam Dear Ayahanda Tun,

You know how much i love you?...more than i love my husband and i am only 34 years...

U know how many people hate u?...not as many as the one that love u...(some r just saying in the

heart..too arrogant to admit)..

U know how much i love our PM Najib??..not much at all.

U know why i love u...?..coz u r damn good n brilliant in everything u do..bad or good!

Wish u r PM again.

By zaki_77Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 1:02 PM

Barry Wain is a Jew who operates out of Singapore. His book is the usual trash trash that is

based on nothing but mere conjecture and assumptions. Only a fool would take his book


I would recommend that Barry and Lim Kit take up Tun's challenge and PROVE their

allegations through verifiable sources and documents!

By priss01Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 1:00 PM

From what I manage to read online I do agree with

This statement

"Wain, who is now a writer-in-residence at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore,

however credits Mahathir with engineering the country’s economic transformation, deepening

industrialization and expanding Malaysia’s middle class.

But Mahathir had undermined state institutions, permitted the spread of corruption and failed to

provide for Malaysia’s future leadership"

You did bring the country up economically but you have to admit our Justice institutions are


By LadyGAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:50 PM

Dearest Tun M,

Tun M was in KLCC shopping, I guess, on 19-12-2009 and I was there too.........nasib baik we

were not at the same floor.........kalau tidak............malulah Tun M pasal I would call out your

name and say "ME AND MY FAMILY LOVE..........YOU SO MUCH, TUN M" or I would be

speechless and run towards you for an autograph or a picture....

Frustrated when I was informed later the same hour but not too sure your whereabouts then.

I hope to kiss your hand and seek forgiveness for not successful in having many children to make

up the 70 million grateful and positive minded Malaysian people target you has been hoping for

Malaysia. But I think I will help the "yatim piatu" children wherever and whenever within my


My saudara dan saudari....faham-fahamlah apa yang tersurat dan tersirat yang datang daripada

Tun M yang kita kasihi selama ini..........

By ifanonlineAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:46 PM

Dear Tun,

Berani kerana benar. Not only the previous Prime Minister should be questioned, the past

ministers, menteri besar, ketua menteri should be put up towards a royal probe. Royal probe

should start during the 1957 year until now. Ministers who are dead now is considered lucky,

they avoid the punishment from human beings but they could never avoid punishment from god.

By ShakirahAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:34 PM

I love you for your truth, I love you for your bravery, I love you for not mincing your words, I

love you for your love of us all.

Way to go Tun


By BlackBelt7676Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:27 PM

Dearest Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr.Mahathir,

Kami sekeluarga (Siti Hadijah Umar, Muhammad Nabil Mahathir dan Nazhif Al-Hafiz)berdoa

semoga Tun sekeluarga diberkati dan di lindungi Allah sentiasa. Jika bangsa lain di dunia ini ada

tokoh pejuang mereka, bagi kami Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad adalah wira kami, pejuang agama

dan bangsa kami. Yang lain, yang kononya ulamak, habuk pun tak dak, harap air liur, membebel

disurau dan masjid, maki seranah dan memperbodohkan orang lain sahaja.

Kami merayu kepada pemimpin yang ada jangan terlalu memberi muka kepada mana-mana parti

ultra kiasu. "Rumah" kita perlu kita jaga, jangan terlalu percaya kepada tetamu atau pendatang

yang hadir, keterbukaan(transparency) perlulah ada had, kebebasan bersuara perlu ada had.

JANGAN KURANG AJAR DAN BIADAP. Balik tanya mak bapak tak ajar cukup ke? Ada

antara mereka yang tidak pernah rasa puas. Diberi betis nak peha. Apa kata kita beri penumbuk

dan terajang mereka ke dalam kem Kemunting. Cukuplah jangan berlebih-lebih DAP.

Kami sekeluarga cukup bangga dengan kepimpinan Tun mejaga "rumah" kita dulu, cukup tegas,

siapa kurang ajar Tun pasti terajang masuk kem. Baru betul nak ajar manusia macam ni. Anak

yang lahir di"rumah" kita tetap statusnya BUKAN tuan rumah. Sedarlah diri dan berterima

kasihlah. Kepimpinan yang ada jangan gadai maruah bangsa untuk membeli undi.

Ketika Tun memerintah hanya ALLAH sahaja yang tahu bertapa bertuahnya kami. Kami dari

golongan miskin, Alhamdulillah, dapat pelajaran yang baik, kini dapat pekerjaan yang baik dan

dengan itu di permudahkan mengerjakan ibadah harian. Berkat kepimpinan kerajaan Tun Dr.

Mahathir Mohamad, TERIMA KASIH TUN. Semoga Allah memakbulkan impian untuk

melafazkan sendiri ucapan Terima Kasih ini sendiri kepada YABhg. Tun.

Jaga diri Tun. salam sayang kami sekeluarga.

By huzannaAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:15 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun Yang Amat Dihormati,

1.Saya menyokong penuh tindakan yang akan diambil oleh Tun kepada mereka ini.Selama ini

Tun banyak bersabar terhadap mereka.

2.Pm ke 5,telah meninggalkan banyak kerosakan yang perlu diperbaiki oleh kepimpinan

sekarang no thanks to pembangkang yang hanya mengeruhkan keadaan.Tetapi DSNTR teruskan

bekerja dan buatlah keputusan dengan teliti dan bijak.

3.Lim Kit Siang,Anwar Ibrahim & Co.,pandai bercakap dan menuduh tetapi kepimpinan mereka

sendiri tidak seindah khabar.Kes Anwar Ibrahim semakin dekat,ini adalah salah satu talian hayat

terakhir untuk mengalihkan perhatian rakyat daripada kesnya di mahkamah.Mana pergi Si

petra,masih main sorok-sorok lagikah?Bila waktu untuk perbicaraan,pelbagai alasan dan cabut.

4.Lim Kit Siang yang sememangnya pemimpin 'Ultra Kiasu'ini,juga menghasut rakyat(selalunya

yang kecewa dan busuk hati)untuk mengalihkan perhatian rakyat daripada kegagalan kepimpinan

dan menyembunyikan agenda jahatnya.

5.Barry Wain bukannya rakyat Malaysia yang dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Malaysia,dia melihat

dari perspektif yang dia ingin percaya sahaja mendapat daripada sumber-sumber yang belum

tentu tepat.Agenda barat ni,tak boleh nak percaya sangat.

6.Jadi langkah Tun sememangnya dialu-alukan oleh kami yang sentiasa bersama Tun.100b

dilaburkan untuk pembangunan negara dan meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat jauh lebih baik

daripada memusnahkan 270b dalam masa 5 tahun,tapi hasil tak nampak,kewangan negara pula

susut,rakyat pula yang susah.Biasalah mana-mana negara di dunia ada pelaburan dan perniagaan

yang rugi,tetapi kebanyakan projek yang dimplementasi ketika era Tun memberi pulangan tinggi

kepada negara,tetapi telah 'pengsan',koma,tidur,sepi ketika Pm-5 ambil alih.Yang kedengaran

retorik macam pembangkang.

Kepada LIM KIT SIANG,ANWAR IBRAHIM &Co.Jangan ingat saudara semua boleh menuduh

setiap masa dan berlakon di sebalik 'topeng'yang pelbagai untuk menyembunyikan agenda dan

rahsia jahat.Lagipun,pemimpin pembangkangkan suka saman-menyaman.

Saya dan keluarga sentiasa mendoakan semoga Tun diberi kesihatan yang sebaiknya,untuk terus

berjuang menundukkan musuh negara samada 'halimunan'atau yang nyata.Kerana selagi

kesihatan diizinkan Allah teruskan berjuang sehingga ke akhir hayat.Percayalah Tun,kami rakyat

Malaysia yang majoriti yang mahukan keamanan dan kemakmuran serta bersyukur akan

memberi sokongan padu kepada pemimpin yang telah berjasa dan menunjukkan hasil,bukannya

kepada pemimpin yang membuang masa buat roadshow atau berdemonstarsi,hasilnya eelekk...!!


p.s:Amboi,Zaq25,banyaknya hantar 'message'kepada Tun,bagilah peluang kat orang lain sama

bagi komen.Taulah awak tu bijak sangat,baik sangat daripada Tun(kononnyalah).....tapi tak

payahlah nak tunjuk hati dan fikiran dok tension kat sini,tak manis,tau!

By anacoAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:08 PM


memang jauh dari sempurna,,,tapi yg terbaik setakat ini.lebih banyak kebaikan dari keburukkan

yg dibuat oleh tun. PAP (MALAYSIA) menjadi DAP tapi dasar perkauman sempit tetap sama.

musang berbulu ayam tetap seekor musang. mungkin kah kekalahan BN di pilihanraya yg akan

datang akan lebih banyak membawa kebaikan dari keburukan?

By manzinAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:07 PM

People Who Stay In Glasshouses Should Not Throw Stones.

The opposition cult is in serious need of a diversion. With the government's GTP quite

favourably received by Malaysians and they not able to neutralise the East Malaysia leadership

and frequent squabbles amongst themselves they need a new seler.

The missing engine, the money transfers and Balasupramaniam's disclosure are daily mosquito

buzz to us and they did not create any long-lasting impact. LKS have to seek foreign resources in

the form of a book that lacks content authentication.

Tun, you have said what need be said and just leave it there.

We shall tag along your intellectual wisdoms and move on.

By zul81Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:06 PM

Tun, kalau PM Najib tidak mahu menubuhkan suruhanjaya, Tun saman saja LKS, malaysiakin

and Barry Wain tu.

By sullyAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:01 PM

salam hormat Tun Mahathir Mohammad

Syabas saya ucapkan berani karna benar, mereka yang senantisa tidak menghargai pergorbanan

Tun akan di jait mulut mereka bukan saja party2 pembangkan tetapi bangsa kita sendiri dan

mereka ini di pimpin Anuar ibrahim ,Zaid dan lain2 akan membawa bangsa ke arah kehancuran

peseketuan tanah2 melayu.Tapi jangan bimbang ini semua pendapat minority kami bangsa

majority akan walau apa pun terjadi akan membela perwira2 bangsa ini jangan sampai tanah

keturunan datuk moyan kita jatuh di tangan bangsa asing.Kami dari seberang laut senantisa

medukung kedaulatan tanah melayu.Kami bukan hanya di malaysia tapi di rantau ini kagum

dengan Tun dapat menwujuhkan bangsa yang setarf dunia sekarang kita dapat banyak bangsa ini

yang pendidikan tinngi , memegang jabatan tinggi contoh dokter.pengsarah,peguam ,engineer,

banker dan lain2 belum ada pemimpin malayasis dapat berbuat demikian.Kami serantau siap

siaga membantu bangsa serumpum.Kami bangsa majority dan bansa serupum banga dengan

pencapaian Tun dengan harapan Tun terus memperjuankan nasib bangsa ini.


By ApaNakJadiAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 11:51 AM

Tun, i've been reading your blog quite few times and i noticed that Malaysia..ops..not Malaysia..i

mean your blog..have many good potential 'Shoe Cleaner' ^^ you dont post out my comment

nevermind but i don't even care..What to do? only melayu can ma..noob ^^

By FAUDZIAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 11:50 AM

Salam TUN dan semua

amat bersetuju dengan pandangan TUN; tapi pada pandangan saya ini cuma adalah taktik politik

kotor DAP yang bankrap idea dan isu. DAP cuma ingin mencari isu agar orang Malaysia nampak

kononnya DAP lah pejuang kepada mereka. Kita jangan terperangkap dengan politik murahan


DAP dan pembangkang memang suka melihat UMNO dan BN lemah maka mudah bagi mereka

untuk mencapai matlamat jahat mereka.

Rakyat bukan semuanya bodoh dan tidak tahu menilai mana yang betul dan salah.

Anyway Syabas TUN dan akan terus menyokong TUN dan Pi mampus dengan Lim Kit siang.

By HaluAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 11:47 AM

"By kamal ahmad"

"KLCC, outstanding Putrajaya, Sepang F1, KLIA"

U talk crap!! Due to all this megaproject, Malaysia owed other country BILLIONS OF

DOLLARS!! Don't talk like god here. And it bring down the whole RM.

Tun, the reason you sue M'kini / Barry / LimKitSiang is u want to shut them up from talking this

issue again. U taught us in your blog. If any issue, bring up to court, no one can ever mention

again. If close case, u will sue them again forever in order no discussion. Why dont u just keep

quite and enjoy your life. U earn and masuk more than enuf for entire generation. Now u always

blame Abdullah. I tak syok see him had better life than u? Masuk more than u? He just follow his

mentor previous PM. Janganlah ajar ketam jalan depan~ Malu.

By MachangAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 11:40 AM

Salam Tun,

Tabik untuk Tun.

By mgpunyaAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 11:26 AM

YABhg Tun,

...so what say you,.....guys??? My Man.....the Dr. has responded.

By dgtalcoreAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 11:21 AM

assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua...

saya tertarik dengan kenyataan "zammus2003", kenapa TDM tak puas hati sangat dengan

TAAB... saya rasa TDM tegur pasal kes "rasuah" dan "kroni", selain melingkupkan hasil usaha

TDM selama ini. mungkin ini ada kena mengena dengan peribadi atau pun hanyalah sebagai

teguran yang membina, hanya TDM dan ALLAH saja yang tahu.

jadi jangan la emosi sangat dalam memberi komen. sila jaga tatasusila... saya pun tak rasa diri ini

"perfect" tapi tolonglah jaga adab. bak kata pepatah "biar orang buat kat kita, jangan kita balas

balik, biar ALLAH saja yang balas". TDM dan TAAB pun manusia macam kita semua, masing-

masing tak sunyi dari membuat salah dan silap.



mk nizam

By Cucu Tok SelampitAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 11:03 AM

Salam sayang Tun Dr Mahathir,

Saya Khairul Rizal bin Osman aka Cucu Tok Selampit telah, sedang dan akan terus memberikan

sokongan yang tidak berbelah bagi buat Tun. Doa saya agar Tun dipanjangkan umur dan

diberikan kesihatan yang baik. Amin.


By RavenAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:54 AM

Dear Tun,

I really pity the state that you are at the moment. One end you are still providing the necessary

input to up-bring Malaysian mentality but the other end, certain people seem never happy from

condemning you.

I believe this is a tactic used by Pakatan Rakyat to build up their popularity again. There are so

many issues that they promised were not delivered till today. So, they are using some external

idiotic articles to divert and buy people attention.

No point of calling Royal Commision (I hope PM Najib is reading) as this is a waste of

time/resources. Every parties should be moving towards how to improve Malaysia as a whole

rather than keep bickering about the past. LKS is totally become relevant to current political

movement in Malaysia. Surprisingly why he can only willing to talk after a report of a guy not

related to Malaysia at all. I think Lee Kuan Yew and even their opposition MP Chiam See Tong

are more relevant to current issues to improve such a small country whereas our politicians are

always on the opposite.

People are no longer stupid. Information and evidences are widely available through many new

media platform. I hope those people will stop wasting our time by talking or reporting such



Dear Tun, Wishing you and your family members, all the best & Happy New Year. Please

continue with your critical ideas & writing.

Thank you.

By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:45 AM

Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun.

The very charge alone is preposterous Tun. But perhaps that was the whole idea. I have

mentioned before about the brand of politics which the opposition is playing now; it’s all about

public perceptions, they have moved into maintenance phase. As recently as last week, they have

step into the phase of “projecting solidarity” among the Pakatan Rakyat. You know what this

means? For each of their façade, for each of their displays, it would require a display of the

opposite for BN. It means that they have now actively moved and well into dismantling BN.

They are somewhat counting on your reactions Tun. They are counting on you to hit back all the

way deep into UMNO for a whiplash effect into BN. They have you in spot somehow; you must

defend yourself against these baseless allegations, and simultaneously the books that are on hold

in Port Klang would serve to heighten public interest; which is always hungry for any misguided

piece of dirt Pakatan Rakyat throws their way. I agree with you, the book should be let through.

Do not play into their trap.

I also think that the best course of action would be to take the author, Malaysia Kini and Kit

Siang to court. But you know how the legal system works; it would drag on and on. That is what

they want as well, molding and keeping public perceptions against BN, depicting BN as

misguided custodian to the nation’s dinosaurs left over, depicting UMNO as power crazy and

wastages of nation’s resource.

These people would like to think that they are well prepared. When they attacked you, and I must

state here that it came with an angle of attack that smells Washingtonians Jewish ancestry all the

way; they knew damn well that this Mahathir would fight back to no end; they know that this

Mahathir would finish them off. Seems that they know all the curves nook and crannies of this

game of theirs. People like PKR Johari Abdul would further attack on the issue in Parliament and

they know what you would do and they are dead-set counting on this reaction to make it work all

the way to PRU13 for them.

They want to keep reminding Rakyat at street level with regular demonstrations, and for that

Tian Chua and Mat Sabu is in charge. They want to keep reminding the Rakyat that UMNO and

BN is oil cash rich, deal in billions and milk Petronas at will. They are even trying very hard to

drag in the two Scorpene purchases and the depleting Felda reserve along this way too. All they

would be saying is: all with Petronas money, Rakyat money, and all wasted. Sadly, some senior

Kelantan UMNO prince is playing right into this. Now with this latest saga, they hope to keep

the “public-aghast” right up till PRU13. Keep those spooling the horses for the lights to turn


I think that what is utmost important when dealing with Pakatan Rakyat is that you must always

be aware, for whatever image they are projecting themselves as, they would work for an opposite

image on your side of things (BN). I believe in press freedom, but that is no license to play out a

silent political agenda against the Malays and the Institusi Raja-Raja Melayu. This observation

also implies to The Star Online network. Many are closely observing them line for line.

Abdullah is a joker. I have once heard from a dumb fart senior member of the Bertam brigade

that when Dollah took over Petronas there was hardly anything left in it – he said Dollah told

him that himself. If so I reasoned, why the Airbus A319 VIP variant with interior inputs from

Pininfarina coach? We have already the BBJ 800 and that is as plush as a private jet could be in

2004. We still had the Global Express then. But why the Airbus? How could you afford it if you

are broke Dollah? The truth is, when Dollah took over governing Malaysia there were hundreds

of billions in Petronas and many more millions coming in from revenue money from Petronas.

From 1976 up till present, Petronas remunerated the Malaysian Government some total of about

RM426 billion. That would means about RM 12.5 billion each year for the whole period. For the

whole 22.3 years of Tun tenure ship, Petronas paid out a sum total of Rm157.4 billion; simply

averaging RM5.8 billion a year (I stand corrected Tun). From 1997 right up to 2002, Petronas

was facing a severe reserve depletion issue. So much so that Tun Daim tabled in Parliament for

the 1999 budget the renewable energy option bill, and a study conducted at that time found that if

Petronas could switch role to global player, the reserve would run out by 2012 or 2013 and that

is 7 to 8 years short of Wawasan 2020. The period UK energy crisis had served as yardstick in

determining our won strength at attaining Wawasan 2020. In short, from that period on till 2002,

Petronas was running low on reserve and the contributions to the government were slower than

usual. In contrast to the revenue Petronas had generated in between Tun Dr Mahathri and Tun

Dollah tunere, and we simply take 2003 to fiscal 2009 as Dollah episode, Petronas paid out a

total of RM 269.2 billion or 63% of Petronas total payout, and that is averaging about RM34.86

billion a year.

So where did the money go? The 2008 40% fuel hike, why is this dog stubbornly not letting go?

Let me give a simple explanation here: because in my book, at that time Petronas had none to

subsidize anymore! What and why things when that way is at best vague. Double tracking

cancellation (Asia Land Bridge project), and the Penang Bridge 2 project was a last minute failed

maneuver to save Penang by Dollah – his own home state. Who got the contract and its by-

products? Answer that than you may know my plain disdain for BTN management today.

Tun Dr Mahathir spent the money and we could all see where it went; magnificent KLCC,

outstanding Putrajaya, Sepang F1, KLIA, weathering the 1998 recession and noted too as hedges

weathering out the IMF and George Soros in 1998. You went ahead and battled their take over of

Malaysia even though you know the statistic with Petronas at the time. You went ahead anyway.

You did not print money out of thin air like what Obama did now, but you sealed all windows

and doors and kept us insulated safe and sound. That was your time Tun, that was how money

was spent. But what about the RM 269.2 Billion during the tenureship of Dollah, Khairy

Jamalludin and Kamalludin? What is there to show of it? Don’t stop there too, dig deep into

Dewina, MAS Catering, ATM catering, go very deep into KLCC/DBS/Rodamco (2001), deep

into Scomi, deep into the UN oil for food program, and dig deep PAC! Dig into brothers,

nephews, certain “Director Generals” and also certain retirees. Check into PNB cash

management during Dollah time, check into Sime Darby, check into MTU Services (are they

servicing the two Scorpene’s electrics?) Go to US, go to Australia and dig hard.

Those are some of the hits that the opposition would hope to be able to stir things up from the

inside while they sit and watch from the outside. Along the way, Khairy would be innocently

(there is a first time for everything) – yes, innocently used by them to be pitted against the others.

Not all jack asses are masters of their trades. The Pakatan Rakyat target, by 2010 or latest 2011,

BN would be finish and they would then command at PRU13. A final salvo would be sending in

a wolf in sheep’s clothing into UMNO. Uneasiness from BN component parties would form a rift

and once all is ripe, they would reap everything and UMNO is finish for good.

These are all violent people we are dealing with. Just at past by-elections, they could stone a

policeman to profuse bleeding and think nothing of it and their leaders would blame the police

after that. How do you figure that one to work out at in PRU13? For them, they are resorting to

all tactics to finish off UMNO. Use all and everyone they could and they are now using you Tun.

Tun, the ball is now in your court pertaining what to do with the malicious publication against

you. No one has the right to advice you Tun. You have the fullest of rights to stand up and whack

them teeth for teeth. In fact, I am sure many here would do just that. At the same time they

would pitch you against Najib and Najib would be helpless; just admit it Najib. If this happens,

Mukhriz would be in very bad light and Khairy would steal the moment and that would be a

bonus for them. You know its Pakistan all the way with that kid from Rembau Tun. This is

classic Jewish play, many birds with one stone.

So what to do now, is really up to you Tun. Many of us here wants blood from DAP. Frankly I

think you should drag them to court ASAP. In fact I think you should do just that BUT with a

few new terms of your own so that they would be dancing along to that. I am very sure; almost

certain that the good lawyers have spoken with your good self already Tun. I say, release the

books and let common sense and imaginations speak, and then we kick their PAP and Jewish

asses all the way back to Washington DC (DeCeit). Go for it Tun, spare them no teeth. It is also

time Najib stop being a diplomat. Or at least get rid of “diplomat advisors”. Press too must get

rid of bad apples like the ones who in mainstream Chinese control media who have their own

agenda against the Raja-Raja Melayu. They must also stop running headlines like “Carla Brunni

pleased MAS plays her songs”. That is pure rubbish and as dumb as any ass could ever be high

up there. You know they are detrimental to UMNO and Malaysia, just as all their “liberalization”

ideas and what it is doing to UMNO now.

Remember, for each of their façade, for each of their displays, it would require a display of the

opposite for BN. It means that they have now actively moved and well into dismantling BN.

They are an open book, just see and you can spot things they don’t even see themselves.

At the present, we are plainly disappointed in Tan Sri Muhyiddin for not doing enough in his

own portfolio in his own home state. I am talking about big fish cavorting in his own backyard

pool. They (the Pakatan Rakyat) are slowly finishing him off from inside, and he is still clueless.

Overhaul Tan Sri, your wagon cant run any further and gets you there in one piece unless you

stop and take a good look at things and mend the woods and keep things running again.

Corruption charges against Anwar Ibrahim and the likes of Azmin and top PKR Malay leaders,

the abundance of charges and proofs must be put to public trial immediately, and that goes

against PAS as well.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin, you have plenty of arsenals to destroy your enemies in your own yard if you

just look better and see deeper. They are now getting into corruptions out of greed for

themselves. Get them and nail them good while you still can...before they do you.

By mickeyAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:38 AM

Salam Tun,

Kasi taruk cukup-cukup. Lepas ni kita tengok kalau ada apa-apa lagi depa nak hentam, kalau

depa berani lagi lah.

By nazrimalikAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:33 AM

Huh! I rasa Tun ok kut... Tun org politik, biasalah benda2 mcm ni.

Take care Tun.


By ArsefenAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:30 AM

Salam Tun.

ERM.. Ble tak saya cadangkan kan agar Royal Commission ditubuhkan utk menentukan sama

ada Lim Kit Siang dan ZAQ25 tu pernah berjasa pada negara atau pun tak. hehehe ...:P

Sory ya.

By BlackBannerAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:25 AM

Dear Ir. Syahrizan,

Tun wrote about politicians using civil suits to stop open discussions.

What Tun suggest hear is totally different. He said have the commission investigate and if the

commission finds no evidence of any wrong doing then he will sue.

A lot of difference.


By AnjasmaraAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:16 AM

Ya Allah..Kau berikanlah kemenangan kepada yang benar.Berani kerana benar, takut kerana


By aboriginalAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:15 AM

Bravo Tun.....May Allah Bless You always. Saman jangan tak saman. Kalau boleh up to the

maximum. Tun bukan saja kaya di akhirat nanti sebab dek kutukan orang yang pendek akal ni,

malah Tun juga bakal kaya di dunia hasil menang di mahkamah dunia. Di akhirat pula Tun akan

jadi orang kaya sebab setiap kutukan orang yang di lemparkan pada Tun bermakna mereka

berhutang dengan Tun dan terpaksa di bayar dengan pahala yang mereka dapat. Kalau setiap hari

mereka kutuk Tun, akhirnya mereka akan menjadi orang yang Muflis di akhirat. Kita kena yakin

akan janji Allah kerana semuanya benar. Mahkamah Allah tiada tandingan. Allah menggunakan

Teknologi yang tak pernah terfikir akal kita untuk membuktikan kebenaran. Dulu kita heran juga

macam mana di hari perhitungan nanti Allah nak tunjuk semua perbuatan kita? Tapi dengan

berkembangnya teknologi sekarang ni, dengan adanya virtual 3D film, dan database yang

semakin kecil, kita sepatutnya lebih yakin yang teknologi Allah sememangnya lebih tinggi dan

tak tercapai akal manusia...Subhanallah...

Semoga Tun sentiasa di lindungi Allah. Selamat Hari jadi Tun... Semoga panjang umur dan sihat


By oldmanAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:12 AM


Dear Tun,

I very much agree with you. Don't give those people a damn. If they can't prove their alligations

towards you. SUE Them.

Saya doakan yang Berbahagia Tun sentiasa dalam peliharaan Allah SWT

By tzAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:11 AM

Dear Tun,


All book authors write for 1 only reason. To SELL the book! Now whether it got facts or not,

that is another story.

However, we SHOULD NOT divert from the main topics in our country now. We are in a cross

road. To good or to bad.

are we GOING/WILLING/WANTED to change?

Those in charge are illegally transferring the money out of the country!! When Engine from the

Fighter Jet is missing, you know how serious it is. It is the National Shame!

Do you realized a Taiwanese top model's watch is reported stolen in KLIA!

It shows from the top to low level, we are a nation with no DIGNITY in their own work. They

are making Malaysia MALU!!!

This is the ultimate outcome of "feeding the the fish, rather than teaching how to fish".

By zadd79Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:10 AM











By Mag58Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:07 AM

zaq25.......you moron nincompoop.You think you wrote a lengthy lenghty statement,people want

to waste their time reading your stupid comments ahhh!!!!!Give something with value added

lah.You really make me sick lah.After wasting my precious time reading your stupid article,I

found it to be utterly garbage.Puiihhh!!!!Pleaselah,don't be in this blog again lah.Make yourself

disappear bro.Be bold.If you still insist to write,write strong condemnation on DR.M in real

name and not pseudonym so that if it is a blatant false accusations, you can be sued up your ass

and be left with just your underpant.so,beat it.

By LadyGAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 10:04 AM


You can call 10 kinds of name at Tun M but remember that we, his supporters can call you 1000

kinds of name at YOU and/or your idols.

So, do you understand that you are going nowhere with this name-calling and belittleing people

attitude??? and that it will never hit Tun M even one bit???

We will never let this country be like Singapore whereby Malays have become 2nd class

citizens........NEVER IN MY LIFETIME !!!!!!!!

To fellow readers,



HATRED AND VIRUS.....I will always read the name of the writer first before i read any

further so as not to waste my PRECIOUS TIME AND ENERGY AND TO AVOID THE




TUN M is too good for you, Zaq25 that he allowed you to hate him openly and you seems to

enjoy it without any shameful feeling at all. I hope you are not a MALAYSIAN.

To al-DIN,

I concur...

By ezaniAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:59 AM

Salam Tun

I think you are a very brave person to respond to the allegation in this way.

If you feel you have worked sincerely for the betterment of the country overall, then you have

nothing to fear.

I also want to bring up the plight of being a leader of men. Men only know how to complain -

they don't know how to appreciate the good things a leader has done for them. Good things are

overlooked. Small mistakes are amplified. All leaders are human beings and they make mistakes

now and then. I accept that. But with humans, if a leader does 10 good things and 1 bad thing,

that leader is automatically thought of doing 1 good things and 10 bad things.

In this light, I appreciate and want to honour in my comment all leaders of men who are sincere

and have worked hard to bring betterment to the people they lead. Only Allah SWT can Reward

them, certainly we cannot expect any reward from ungrateful humans. But I am happy to see

that, for you Tun, many people think very highly of you and appreciate what you have done -

Malaysians and non-Malaysians alike. Comparing you and the average Malaysian, I would say

you work much harder and sleep less - however you enjoy as Prime Minister of Malaysia, all the

grandiose of life which the ordinary Malaysian does not. For example, you get to stay in the most

luxurious of surroundings and your car entourage gets to sail through Malaysian traffic jams

while other Malaysian drivers suffer.

With respect to this allegation, I certainly do not believe it as I think you have the interest of the

nation in your heart. Yes I agree you have made many unpopular and 'catastrophic' decisions

such as Ops Lalang, the shooting of Ibrahim Libya, censorship of The Star and many

publications, ISA, Bakun Dam, Perwaja Steel, Anwar Ibrahim,building of Putrajaya, etc.

However, I believe a foreigner is not qualified to make allegations against you as he will surely

not know the innermost details. Even a Malaysian who just simply gets his knowledge about you

by reading the newspapers cannot make such an allegation. Only someone with detailed

knowledge and who have worked with you closely can make such an allegation if he or she is

sure of any wrongdoing.However any with the right frame of mind can see from your personality

and family history and the work that you have done that has brought tremendous growth and

recognition for Malaysia, that you are NOT such a person as alleged.

I am only a bit sad that so many DPMs under you were terminated and also the trial of Anwar

Ibrahim was not done under Islamic law (4 Muslim males meeting certain criteria - that is a total

of 8 eyes - MUST see the penetration clearly and without doubt). Instead of bringing the case to

Syariah Court, you opt to bring it to the Civil Court and also by hearing the testimony of only a

few people which you believe to be true. Clearly this is not enough grounds in Islam. The

allegation and trial on Anwar was not done according to Islamic principles (even though he may

or may not be a 'peliwat') so under Islam, Anwar telah dizalimi. This is purely my opinion but I

can see that Anwar wields enormous influence on the crowds and the Malaysian public with his

fiery, intelligent and hypnotic speeches and he can create riotic situations in Malaysia. Perhaps

you see this as an even bigger threat and you 'shortcut' the Islamic laws - I don't know - but alas

again, it was you who brought Anwar up to power.

Another saddening thing was that Islam was not brought up to power under your leadership.

Instead there was a lot 'secularism' and 'westernism' and 'materialism' in my humble opinion, and

there was a lot of 'cronyism' due to the many projects being handed out because of the

phenomenal developments in Malaysia during your time, termasuk the 3 years consecutive

growth of 8%. Malaysia was regarded as a tiger economy of South East Asia during your

tenureship. You also closed the sekolah pondok instead of allowing variety in the teaching of

Islam. There was a lot censorship of oppositions' viewpoints and strict restriction on opposition

media. The ISA was feared by everybody.

Anyway, that is all history now and thankfully, the opposition has managed to secure 5 states. I

am not in favour of the BA but I believe after seeing the excesses of the BN, I believe this will

limit it and lead to a more balanced government. Nowadays in the papers, we are reading of

more and more "previous" leaders being tried for corruption - however I note that this is only a

small minority. The majority of BN leaders have worked for the betterment of Malaysia and

produced results such as your team. I think also the people have also totally lost confidence in

the police but I note that the police also suffer a tremendous lack of manpower (1 policeman for

every 2,000 citizens).

Anyway I don't know what will happen in the next GE but Najib was not as bad as I thought he

was. So far he has been getting things right, even though he faces tremendous difficulties in the

more balanced Parliament right now (for example, the near failure of the Budget being accepted

because of non-attendance of BN parlimentarians recently). As for the opposition, they are too

loose a coalition and have no experience in governing in modern times. However, I believe and

hope there are many Muslims with good character in PAS.

I also note that you are devoting and spending more time on Islam now that you are no longer

PM and doing many good work promoting Islam in public speeches and seminars. Continue and

keep on reading on the vast wide scope of Islamic knowledge! God Bless!

By HBTAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:38 AM

Good morning Ayahanda Tun,

This is the best opportunity to “whip” Mr Lim Kit Siang's personal political agenda for

Malaysian Malaysia if he cannot prove any wrongdoings of Dr M during his 22 years + 8 years =

30 years (1989 – 2009) by making sure he is sued until he is bankrupt personally (not DAP).

Hm… the amount should be RM500 millions (similar to YB Ong TK) for libel damage.

Dr M should learn from Mr Lee Kuan Yew by making sure his opponent is erased from the

Politics, Economics and Socio Landscape if Dr M respects (sayang) Government (UMNO/BN),

Malaysians and Malaysia (Our King & Kings).

The Malaysiakini’s directors and management need to be “whipped” and make sure Malaysiakini

is sued for “permanent closure" because our PM Najib has warned them not to make slanderous

comments, but only the ikan bilis (the reporter who followed order due to paid responsibility)

was “pecat” immediately, and PM Najib agreed and gave Malaysiakini a chance to change and

survive their online business.

The book "Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times", must be released by

the KDN... because Malaysia is mature and civilised, and Malaysia honours and respects foreign

diplomacy/International Free Trade Policy.... and KDN.. must not make Malaysia looks

uncivilised and do not abide to foreign diplomacy in the eyes of Local and Foreign Media.....

If Barry Wain cannot provide documentary proof of any sum that he alleged Dr M had burned,

sue him for RM500 million (market rate) too. Recently, Times magazine (if I am not mistaken)

was sued for libel damage by Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore, and Mr Lee won.

Dr M must take action to make sure his opponents are erased from politics, economics and socio

landscapes if Dr M respects and loves himself, UMNO/BN and the Country (our King &

Kings)... he must act now to show good example of disipline to minimise the 'tidak apa" attitude

for the future of Malaysia's UMNO/BN....

Good day Tun.

P/S: Kamal Ahamad, Joceline Tan, The Star Columnist wrote “So, he (Ahmad Zahid Hamidi)

said: “If I become the Prime Minister at 12.50pm (the time then), I will appoint Khairy a minister

at 12.51pm. But I am not the Prime Minister.” And this may be the reason why YB Koh TK was

attacked by our current Defense Minister who yelled loudly that those who stole the jet engines

are “Traitors” to the country (or him?). This is the repeat of “tak sabar” attitude, our UMNO/BN

most serious mistake made that caused “Reformasi” lighted in 1997!!

And S..Tan(or S.Tan) is not a Genting Type of people, he is smart and patriotic to his own race,

and there is nothing wrong with it because he is holding the citizenship of Malaysia.., and for the

Nationality Column, he has no choice but to fill as "Malaysia".

P/S: Mr Lim Kit Siang, civilized and patriotic Malaysian businessmen do not like and do not

trust our YB Anwar Ibrahim… You don’t know meh….?

By isadarusAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:38 AM

Salam Tun,

Depa memang tak senang tengok cara Tun memerintah, biak pi depa lah.

Kalau LKY, awal2 lagi depa dah kena sue jutaan dollar..tapi Tun relax aja.

By LadyGAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:14 AM


Malaysia is a small country so no matter how great Tun M is the rest of the world will never

admit it ...it is a matter of ego, politics etc. Tun M is a Muslim and is fighting for Muslims in the

world and the poor countries........mana ada glamour di situ so for not watching Tom and Jerry at

that Madeleine "Penguin" Albright house does not make Tun M or YOU any lesser as a human


The way Tun M handled our economic crisis has not been "really" acknowledge by the West

except for some handful gentlemen....I wonder what would happen to you if Tun M did not

handle our economy the way he did it (with condemnations from the world) and that now we are

1000X better than other Asean countries....of course you MUST compare an apple with an


You must learn how to give constructive criticisms.

What goes around comes around, child.

You must always remember that Tun M is a better person than you because he allows your

childish and limited opinion of him be published in HIS BLOG !

WAKE UP !!! You can migrate to another country. Just tell me here, I will help you because you

are not an asset to this country. I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU and YOUR FAMILY.

By arbokingAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:10 AM

Salam Tun,

That's the way to give them a bloody nose. I somehow feel that this Barry Wain is in cohort with

your detractors to discredit you, especially when your influence had contributed to Tun

Abdullah's fall from grace to a certain extent.

I am glad that you have decided to come down hard on these people especially LKS and

malaysiakini. They could get away with so many allegations during the previous administration

because the PM was sleeping on his job and blundered on so many things.

But this time around, give them a real taste of their own medicine. I am with you and may Allah

be with you too.


By ekomputeAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 9:02 AM

Hi Tun, the number of preconditions you set boggles the imagination. Why not take them all

away as it looks like saying "yes, but no".

Truth is truth, so there is no need to worry if you had not done anything untoward. I hope to see

you clear yourself. Also, I hope you will not suffer another lapse of temporary amnesia.

Honestly, it didn't reflect too well, the last time you appeared at the Lingam Inquiry.

By Ir. SyahrizanAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:56 AM

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

Not so long ago, in one of your blogs, you've condemned politicians whom used "summons"

(budaya saman) to defend themselves rather than facing the accusations directly.

From my understanding (as what written up there), you've demanded that the royal commission

to be set up accordingly, and any outcome of the commission, you'll still have the benefit to

"pound" the accuser with "summons" so big that nobody wouldn't even dare to touch you

anymore. Kettle calling pot black?

From the looks of it you're getting very desperate. This will only add more fuel to the conspiracy


By Capt.Jag2020Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:55 AM

Assalamu'alaikum Dear Tun,

May Allah S.W.T always bless you with the good health to once again face another challenge by


opponents. And May Allah grant you the great victory due to your honest intention to develop


own race and religion in particular and nation in general. Thank You for all your great services to


country. InsyaAllah, All the prayers are with you.

Thank You.

May Allah S.W.T grant us the great strength and victory. Wassalam

By HuffyPuffyAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:44 AM

Salam Tun Dr. M,

Funny to see that some quarters are still 'tak jemu' to take some swipe at you after all these years.


1. The only ppl who see what you wrote as a threat are those feeling threaten. If one is open-

minded and have a case to argue, i don't think one should feel threaten in any way.

2. Acting on what a foreigner wrote in a book? Wow - we must be some dumb a** for not

noticing this when u were at your helm. Well, if I were Barry Wain, i would be smiling now

because now my book will sell since it's garnering enough attention in M'sia and hopefully the


3. And what exactly is the point of all this? Even it is true Tun Dr. M sqandered 100 billions, so?

Are we going to make him pay up? Oh sure if Tun Dr. M is found guilty, this would be a

precedent of some kind so that future politician wouldnt do such things. Right, itll just make

future politicians more vigilant when he/she in the process of squandering 100 trillion.

I kinda agree with you Tun Dr. M - yes, please welcome and probe what i did some years back.

To me Tun Dr. M, even if u squandered 100 billion - i think it's worthwhile. Because i think

what u did for msia is worth more than that.

By M.SuntharanAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:31 AM

Dear Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,


I totally agree with Tun’s statement that the evaluation should be done from the period of 1981 –

2009 considering the two ex-PM and the current regime.

The crooked bridge and the railway project cancellation brought massive amount of cash lost.

The cancellation was made in such an easy manner. Moreover, it has permanently curbed the

easy shipping route to Pasir Gudang which would have contributed good revenue for our


Bary Wain’s allegations against Tun will be remaining as a ‘Khabar Angin’ until he provides

some essential documents that support his allegations upon you.

Justice will prevail.

I will wait for your wise move.

Best regards,


By al-DinAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:29 AM

Zaq25. Muslims don't seek glorification in this world but in the hereafter. You can pray to the

devil or be the devil itself. Go and lick their balls whoever you admire.

By wajaperakAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:29 AM

Assallammualaikum warah matullah hiwabarokatuh..


bersabar..sabar..dan sabar..

Biar kami sahaja yang layan mereka-mereka ini..

Jo dan zammus2003..

Anda berdua biadap dan kurang ajar!!Anda buta kepada kebenaran maka tak perlu

mengemukakan detail tentang kebaikan Tun..

Masuk lagi ke dalam blog Tun ini dan terimalah akibatnya..

[[*Just for the record, I hate wasting my time on you... and you are a total waste of my time]]


Tun beri engkau ruang di sini dan kau gigit tangan Tun!!

I have many issue with you..just wait my flaming arrows..

Not many yet have taste my steel..Feels it seep into your soul bringing cold and desolation..to

your cold heart..

Your cold heart..

Terima kasih Tun..Sabaq..

By rahman abbasAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:25 AM

Assalamulaikum Tun,

Perhaps the propose commission should also investigate where the huge fund collected from

public for the "SAVE BUKIT CINA CAMPAIGN" by Lim Kit Siang gone to.

Jaga kesihatan Tun.

By cokanglaAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 8:15 AM

Dear Tun,

often people use u to get free publicity and this is one of them, before this i don't know who

Barry Wain is. pity u that the most effective and simple publicity is the bad one.

By panjihitamufuktimurAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:59 AM

salam Ayahanda Tun M...aper kata kalau kita buat penyiasatan tu sekalai terhadap Anuar

Ibrahim,Kerajaan Kelantan dan juga Negeri yang dipimpin oleh parti pembangkang..kan ke lebih

adil..biar semua merasa...buat mcm nie..siasat Anuar dan team dia..Abdullah dan Team dia

termasuk KJ sekali yee, Nik Aziz dan team dia gak, dan team2 yg lain..br adil..nie Tun M je kene

aper barang..Lim Kiat Siang nie nak kene siang kot...

By adamjohariAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:51 AM

You tell 'em Dr. M! These punks don't know where to stop. Pointing left and right, up and down,

every where in hopes that they will hit some point to downplay your achievements and hardwork

for our country. Talk is cheap Lim Kit Siang.


By rashidAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:40 AM

Dear Tun,

We support you.

By CheDin73Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:37 AM


1) Setuju 100% dgn cadangan Tun

2) Kalau boleh buat siaran langsung

3) Biar segala kemenangan berpihak kepada yang benar.

4) "Berani Kerana Tak Bersalah"

By pakpandir08Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:36 AM

royal commission for lingam case as well ...

By mekyamAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:30 AM

Nice one, Ayahnda Tun!

As at your FB, many here who love and respect you would probably be saying unkind things abt

YB LKS, but I personally am glad [and I suspect you are too] that he, wittingly or not, afforded

you this chance to throw the gauntlet at your cowardly detractors.

Let's see those scums who are so keen to denigrate your integrity and reputation put their own

shaky credibility and most probably ill-gotten money [it's usually the guilty themselves who love

to point fingers] where their rotten mouths and ugly conniving hearts are.

Many of us are really looking forward to see if they have any guts.


By Carlos Alberto CapueraAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:26 AM

Salam Tun,

Saya ingin menyatakan perasaan tidak puas hati saya kepada Tun....Tun begitu aktif dalam

aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan memerangi kekejaman Amerika Syarikat & Israel ke atas

penduduk Palestin...Tun juga sering berceramah dan menasihatkan agar umat Islam berbuat

sesuatu ke atas Israel & Amerika Syarikat...Ini termasuklah memboikot produk-produk keluaran

Israel & Amerika Syarikat...


Baru-baru ini saya ada terlihat satu iklan di laman web Tun ini yang memaparkan Iklan sebuah

syarikat multinasional yang berpangkalan di Amerika Syarikat...Syarikat ini memang amat

dikenali oleh umat Islam sebagai sebuah syarikat yang membantu secara langsung ekonomi

negara Israel...syrikat ini juga dikatakan sangat rapat dan sering memberi bantuan kewangan

kepada bangsa Yahudi & Israel...Syarikat itu ialah "STARBUCKS"..

Kenapa perkara ini berlaku TUN? Kenapa biarkan Starbucks advertise produk mereka di blog

TUN? Perkara ini tak seharusnya berlaku...saya harap Tun dapat membetulkan keadaan



By manifestogwlAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:20 AM

Tun, finally. Bring them to Court and sue them. I suggest that you file a USD 500 mil ringgit

lawsuit against them.

By hang nadim 2020Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:18 AM


How do I promote to my children and grandchildren to lead this country when all they hear and

see is a lot of corruption and mismanagement in our government. Even my youngest can sense

the unprofessionalism of our leaders. When I asked them can you lead our country? They will


very filthylah" or "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh father I do not know how to

cheat, lie and tell stories. They rather want to be an army , a doctor or a lawyer or policeman,

then I asked them again if you are one of the then you are assign to arrest your government

leader what do you do. then they will answer "If i do that who will pay my wages".

So you see TUN what kind of a design is this that makes our children to be either scared of tick

off to be our future Prime Ministers and design to be afraid of HONOR, TRUTH AND TRUE

CREDIBILITY. Please stop all this conspiracy to make our children run away from taking over

this from us and lead it to the right path and so on.

By JaquarAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:13 AM

Without a doubt, all Malaysia will be curious of the dirty laundry being pulled out. A good

Godfather would have layers and layers of insulation to protect himself from charges and

insinuation. Caporegimes and capo-bosses will fall before you will. Thus, I do not believe that

the truth and nothing but the whole truth will ever surface. There are too many people involved

and huge stakes at risk. They will do the bidding for you to stop the truth from ever coming out

at every turn and corner. You know that and so do the cronies that once supported you. It will

drag on forever and will never come to an end. Threats and charades will be made to stop the


This will only come out when the present government is relieved of duty and a new one comes in

that is fully supported by a new police and military . Alas, that will never happen. So smile and

live on as Malaysian politics is busuk from the top all the way to the bottom.

By malaysian_malaysiaAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:09 AM

Inilah dia pemerintahan Dr. Mahathir selama 22 tahun yang penuh rasuah dan pembaziran.

By adf55650Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 7:04 AM

Dear Tun,

I am only a minute figure. But I'm with the rest of the world. We believe in you and will be with

you all the way.


By azariAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:56 AM

Dear Malaysian Hero..

saya tetap teguh bersama Tun...(standing still)

go..go...go Tun...belasah balik...

bila la nak bubuh nama jalan kat KL...nama Tun ni,,,!

By jadiAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:55 AM

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir

1. !st of all, Barry Wain is a controvercial and biased writer. He wrotes a lot of rubbish stuff

about South East Asian Region current and former leaders.

2. Lim Kit Siang will always take whatever chance to grind on you. As a senior politician, Lim

Kit Siang should asked Barry Wain to support his claimed with supporting evidence and

documents. Lim Kit Siang has acted racist and similar to communist underhand tactics.

3. Malaysiakini.com is clearly an online media machinery used by the opposition to smear your

excellent record. It became popular during Abdullah's. Malaysiakini.com is a tool to fire up racist

sentiments in its own significant way. When Government act to controll Prime Media they seems

to close one eye on Malaysiakini.com. I belief the Government should hacked Malaysiakini.com

now before it is too late.

4. Dear Tun, to sue all this subjects are sheer waste of time and money.

5. They deserved stay in dustbin only.

6. What you should do is to continue writes about your thinking, experiences and ideas for the

society and Nation. The people enjoy your thoughts.

7. If the book did released, the opposition will enjoy exploit it like frog.

8. I am sure DS Najib and UMNO will defend you. (Will they do so ?)

9. So Tun, be cool and enjoy life.

10. P/S What happened to Dato Seri Sanusi Junid? He was a real fighter, dont you think so?

By belacantAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:53 AM

Dear Tun,

I want to see what kit siang and malaysiakini will say about this.

I support you tun.

By hang nadim 2020Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:45 AM

Dear Tun,

RM270 billion is a lot of money. If it is divided to 23 million Malaysian, each of us will received

RM11,739. So if that money is given to us for a five year period non active cash, this is not very

smart. Thus we must trust that the government is trying their best to bring in the highest value for

every ringgit they spent.

Dear Tun,

Why is that your regime and those before you can subsidizes sugar, petrol and all the rest of the

subsidies, while the regime after you can't do the same.RM720 million if divide to 23 million

Malaysian is only RM31.00 per Malaysian or 8 cent a day for every Malaysian. Is that too

expensive for the government to spend so that we can drink our teh tarik in the early morning

then go to work at the biscuit factory, sweet factory and other factories that uses that sugar to

generate income for the mass population. Why you and your predecessors can control the sugar

flow during war, poverty and old school management whereas it cannot be done today. Is our

government getting numb and number. Are they not as efficient as they were before, or they are

only efficient for themselves. I can keep on counting on other things too and it will show that the

government is only spending a few cents for every lovely Malaysian. The Americans are

spending more to the people of Afghanistan than we are.

Dear TUN,

Why is it that all the Malay leaders are being attack furiously without any prejudice. Is it a curse

to be born as a Malay that our kings and great great leaders are being labeled as bloodsuckers,

the people enemies and other such thing that is unfair to the job that they have done.

By iiziinAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:36 AM

.... sebelum 'terlewat' elok sangatlah hutang dan nama baik diselesaikan secepat mungkin. Syabas

ada niat begitu.

By shamsul kamarAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:13 AM


If only the current politician is as "anak jantan" as Tun.

I agree that decision of MOF to take over Bakun, to cancel the scenic bridge while losing pulau

Batu Putih, to demolish old Terminal 1 in Subang and other unwise decision causing the

Malaysian Rakyat goverment losing a lot of money.

We are in the era of even our best hope military losing their asset.

Have we not learn from all the other countries on how they manage their country and crisis

through all the ambassador that we send all around the world.

We use to be the best, the tiger of SEA but now down to be the alley cat.

All is not lost, we may have one or two generation as a failure but hopefully the next one will be

tougher and better.

Also Tun, in coming clean, take everybody and expose their wrong doing as well. Last time you

come so strong onto Anwar and you should do the same to everybody else that you already know

have the misdeed.

When you criticized it won't be without fact, exposed the fact.

For the love of thy country is much more than protecting so called classified information.

Don't wait for the RCI, we have seen sometime it does not arrive to the correct destination.

For the good of the country, we may not have any more time to spare and if wait too long you

may never got a chance to defend yourself as proven in history of Malaysia.

Tun Boleh. and I am supporting you all the way.

By kenyalangAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 6:08 AM

Salam ayahanda Tun,

Kecewa pemimpin selalu dipersalahkan sedangkan yang buat salah dan kenyang kakitangan

kerajaan.Beberapa minggu lepas keluar dalam surat-surat khabar SPRM mendedahkan

penyelewengan wang peruntukan projek pembangunan luar bandar oleh Pejabat Pembangunan

Negeri Sarawak dengan jumlah RM6 juta. Baru-baru ini saya terdengar pengakuan seorang

Konselar Majlis Daerah Betong, Sarawak bahawa beliau adalah salah seorang talibarut komplot

yang dikepalai oleh tokey cina bernama Awi. Menurutnya, komplot mereka telah membina

jalanraya luar bandar dari Daerah Kecil Sematan hingga ke Daerah Sarikei berjumlah RM1.8

billion dan 20% diberi sebagai komisyen untuk big boss dalam Pejabat Pembangunan Negeri

Sarawak. Menurut Konselar itu lagi ada banyak komplot kalau didedah ada beberapa billion lagi

diseleweng. Kita bimbang rakyat marah terhadap BN dan kerajaan perlu ambil tindakan cepat

sebelum pilihanraya DUN Sarawak 2011 dan PRU 13.

Semuga Tun sentiasa sihat dan rakyat tahu cerita sebenar.

By kenyalangAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 5:46 AM

Assalamuaialumkum ayahanda Tun,

Allah mengetahui segala-galanya. Yang benar tetap benar dan mendapat balasan rahmat Allah.

Saya sokong pendedahan ayahanda Tun semuga yang menghentam membabibuta sedar.

By hesmelAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 5:36 AM


Dear Tun,

I remember an old Malay saying, "Berani kerana Benar, Takut Kerana Salah..".

You are brave enough to counter back such allegation as mentioned in point 13 because you

know that you are right all along the way.

It is about time I think, to publish your memoir and let it be an answer to all of the allegations

made about you.


By dhssrajAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 3:56 AM

This is an excellent move on your part. I dont think I could have requested more.. If

investigations are done, lets hope there is no "i forgot" episodes though.. As you said, sometimes

Melayu mudah lupa..

With respect to an elder statesman,


By Amir RozaniAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 3:12 AM

My comment will be brief and simple Tun;

Macam mana? Ada berani?

By lemand64Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 1:55 AM

kepada tun salam sejahtera,

aku cinta padamu...lagu siti ketika saya melihat-lihat tulisan tuan.sedap,mendayu-dayu suaranya.

membaca catatan tun buat saya lupa lagu lain pula sekarang,climb oleh miley cyrus.menarik

sekali apa yang saya baca.satu kisah dan satu kenyataan yang sangat-sangat nak dilihat tindakan

oleh pihak-pihak yang tun sebutkan oleh penduduk malaysia,dunia pun.

saya agak najib tak akan buat apa-apa dengan alasan tidak ada bukti atas kes tun,juga tun paklah

hadhari.orang ramai akan melihat tun dan juga paklah sama saja iaitu orang-orang yang ada

skandal.kes ini nampak selesai atas IHSAN baiknya(najib).

apa yang saya perhatikan ialah najib bukanlan seorang yang ada ketokohan,kebolehan besar

tetapi beliau ada kebolehan utk mengambil peluang.

saya kagum dengan tindakan tun.berbanding dengan anuar ibrahim yang sentiasa dikelilingi

berpuluh-puluh peguam mengaturcara undang-undang untuk menghalalkan cara.

selamat untuk tun


By alqatabAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 1:44 AM

Salam Tun,

Saya rasa amat berpuas hati dgn apa yg Tun cabar di atas, tu la anak KEDAH. Berani kerana

benar takut kerana salah.

Apa nak takut Tun, kalau kita benar...

Saya berasa bangga jadi anak Kedah pasai Tun org Kedah dan Tun berani bertanggung jawab

apa yang Tun dah buat, kalau salah jumpa di Mahkamah pasal la pun Tun dah jadi org awam...

Lim Kit Siang jgn cakap saja nak cari punca,buktikan lah !!!!!! Lim Kit Siang ni lah syaitan

besax, nak pelinkup, perancux org Melayu.

Yang heran tu kenapa la PAS dan Keadilan boleh dok berpakat dgn syaitan mcm ni. Awat yang

PAS dan Keadilan ni buta perut sgt. Kalau lah org Melayu bersatu kembali dan jadi kuat, Lim

Kit Siang ni tak la jadi kurang ajar mcm ni...

Ni..suara yg kuat, PAS dan keadilan tapi DAP dlm sennyap je dapat sonkongan sepenuhnya dari

masyarakat Cina, jadi hero org Cina dan dapat kemenagan di semua kawasan penduduk cina di

Penang dan Perak.. Apa jadi pada org melayu, berpecah tiga dan jadi lemah... lepas tu Nizar

Jamaluddin dok kena katok kepala je ngan depa.. Malu jadi org Melayu.....

Maaf Tun, malas nak pikir panjang2, sakit hati dan sedih dgn kebodohan bangsa sendiri, menang

sorak kampong tergadai...

Apa jadi pun Tun, kita lawan.......

Pantang anak Kedah megaku kalah sebelum berjuang, saya dan rakan2 sentiasa bersama-sama


Kami berdoa supaya Tun panjang umur dan masih dapat membela kaum yang menghargai jasa


Terima kasih Tun.

By zaharAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 1:22 AM

Tun, I am very proud of you...

By akaAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:56 AM

Salam utk YABhg TUN.,

Sbnrnya semua tuduhan yg dilemparkan oleh pihak2 tertentu kpd TUN dr dulu sampai skrg

adalah berdasarkan andaian semata2. Sampai ke la ni xda satu pun bukti kukuh utk kaitkan dgn

TUN. Mrk ini mmg sedia maklum akan pengaruh besar TUN keatas rakyat Malaysia secara

keseluruhan dan kepada kerajaan Barisan Nasional khasnya. Senario politik Malaysia semakin

hari semakin tidak terkawal dan sy berharap kerajaan dpt mengawal suasana politik yg amat

tidak sihat ketika ini. Terima kasih TUN.

By orangmalasAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:48 AM


sue them until they only have underwear to wear.

By TanggangAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:41 AM

Salam Sejahtera Ybhg Tun,

Minta izin.

Bagaimana Mr. Lim Kit Siang... Ybhg Tun telah pun membuka dan sedang pun berdiri ditengah

gelanggang. Jangan tidak sambut cabaran itu. Adat orang Melayu apabila telah dicabar mesti

masuk gelanggang tak kira bangsa Melayu atau Cina. Kalau tidak nanti orang kata mulut macam

bontot ayam tapi penakut. Ybhg Tun kata berdua dengan DS najib pun tak mengapa. Dua lawan


Lim Kit Siang dah bercakap dan dia mesti ujudkan cadangan Royal Commission tersebut untuk

membuktikan. Kalau tidak bak pepatah Melayu "kokok berderai-derai, bontot penuh tahi".

By OnlookerAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:36 AM

"12. Depending upon the result of the commission, I reserve the right to sue Barry Wain, Lim Kit

Siang and Malaysiakini.com for libel for a sum to be disclosed later." (Tun Dr. Mahathir)


Please try to be steady a bit lah! Why must you waste your time saying something which

threatens to file a lawsuit against Barry Wain? Don't you know that the libel lawsuit involving a

popular public figure such as Tun will never be admissible in an American Court in accordance

with Americans' case law?

And why must you be so heart-hardening in saying something which threatens to file a libel

lawsuit against Lim Kit Siang and Malaysiakini.com? Lim Kit Siang was just trying to ask Najib

to give you an opportunity to explain off the accusations, whether true or false, which had been

made against you by Barry Wain. Malaysiakini.com was just a fair and impartial internet news

medium trying to be faithful and showing professionalism in journalism. Why must you pose

threat to shut up the mouth of both Lim Kit Siang and Malaysiakini.com? Please try to be much

more steady lah!


By hanzxxxAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:20 AM

tun i miss you (T.T)

alangkah baik nya kalau tun masih PM kami skarang ni...

apa apa pun saya doakan yang terbaik buat tun sekeluarga...


By sinisterAuthor Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:17 AM

Dear Tun,

I have trust in your leadership and I hope government would not hold up the royal probe. I can

bet a lot of people believed on what has been written in the book just because they want to

believe that you are evil.

The same goes for on the opposite side, people have the perception that DSAI is Mr Clean. No

matter what gossips that resurface, they will reject them without second thought.

I'm quite curious, when you are the UMNO president, none of you kids are in the front runner

but you are the most corrupt leader. However, in the Opposition Team, most of their Kids are the

front runner ands they are the most perfect leaders.

Well, may be Opposition Team is running out of ideas and need to create something to keep

Malaysian in general hates BN and its associates.

Dr M has spoken, so bring it on Kit Siang !!!

By aad10Author Profile Page on December 23, 2009 12:16 AM

Dear Tun,

You are such a brave Malay Hero who counters all accusations with ease. I know deep from my

heart, your reign was only to develop Malaysia and to provide a better living to Malaysians. May

Allah gives you the best in life and serenity

Salute to you Sir!

A fan of your brilliant ideas in taking Malaysia to the highest level

By DessAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 11:56 PM

Ha ha... ambik kau.. Well, Lim Kit Siang and who ever else...

Don't ever you try to "poke" Tun Dr. Mahathir... The Malay saying says " Sarang Tebuan jangan

di jolokkan, nahas kau...." You jangan pandai memandai tuduh2 tak tentu pasai..., silap2 you

kena saman balik wooo...

Tun is a clean (I mean really clean) leader.. Not like the other Mr. Clean (by name only). If

translate into PPSMI, Mr. Clean means "Sapu bersih"... Memang dia sapu habis !!!! he, he...

Eh..? What happen to PPSMI? Mr MBMMBI senyap je sekarang... tak nak ikut "Rakyat

didahulukan" ke?? Dalam papers sibuk orang minta PPSMI balik.., Nak bukak sekolah dah ni..

Budak2 pun tahu kepentingan PPSMI. Budak2 pulak mintak ajo dalam BI..., dah biasa dah..

Have a nice day TUN.. Gua caya lu lah....

By krishAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 11:52 PM

Salam Tun....

hahahahahah!! ayoo ayoooooo.....no coments.....no coments.

Tun Mahathir 100 billion...Tun abdullah 270 billion...

By Rocky's BruAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 11:42 PM

Bravo, Tun.

Clearly, even in retirement, you are still a great pain in their butts.

Thank you.

By Zulkifli MohammadAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 11:25 PM

Salam Ayahanda Tun,

1st to comment.





By dzulmanAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 10:42 PM

YABhg Tun,

Yes if the Govt really feels that there are strong grounds to establish a Royal Commission of

Enquiry to prove how corrupt Tun was then as you said that they should do it without any

reservation or condition. Open the books for all and sundry to scrutinse.

For 22 years you helmed the nation. There are abundance of physical evidences all over the

country to establish beyond any doubt the progress achieved under your leadership.

A corrupt leader normally will only think of himself first, the nation second as a result

development invariably will be second rated.

Tun Dr Mahathir for what he had contributed to the country, for what he had stood for both

within and without the country shall continue to have such allegations thrown at him by those

who simply cannot tolerate his guts.

Tun you can be less assured that there are millions out there who are convinced of your

substantive contributions towards the well being of the nation.

By kuthe2Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 10:37 PM

M sorry..

Merry Christmas to All.. Heheheh.. Santa knows whos naughty or nice..

Hope Tun been not so naughty.. But you are always nice thru my eyes. And I pray for your

health and happiness.

Salams to All.

By aahAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 10:35 PM

Well said Tun,lets see whether Najib has the guts to set up the COMMISION.

By kuthe2Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 10:32 PM

Salams Tun,

Loh..?? Pasai pa pulak dah.. Gadoh lagi ka Tun.. Hmmm...

Ni pasai pa pulak depa dok guna Najib pula untuk attack U..

Sabar la Tun.. Nak buat baik ni memang la susah orang nak terima.. Ada saja sangka buruk depa

kat kita.. Lumrah..

But where DID the money go to.? Adakah semua PM ahli sihir.?

Yang boleh gelapkan mata rakyat.? Lesap kekayaan negara.? Tanpa kebaikan atau pembangunan

yang boleh kita justify.? Ini kira tak AMANAH..

Ini lah yang kita semuO pOn wOrry.. Mcm baru2 ni Tun pi majlis Islamiah.. Bagus tu..

Jadi mai kita sama2 ingat dan selawat kepada Nabi kesayangan kita.. Maksud saya ialah

kalaulah semua Islam kan best..! Islam ni dari zaman Tok Nabi Adam lagi..

Sure dunia tak berperang.. Sure adil dalam membuat keputusan dan perhitungan..

Sure aman kaya raya dan berkat serta selamat..

Tapi dah tulis dah.. Yang Baik and Jahat.. Sure dah pada janjiNya.. Dan kita semua akan kembali


Berani kerana Benar.

Perjuangan belum Selesai.


By Syed Abdul LatifAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 10:20 PM

Syabas!...Yang Berbahagia Tun...Bravo.

Berani kerana benar...saya rasa penulis buku tersebut diupah oleh pihak2 tertentu utk mencemar

nama baik Tun...

By ismarizanAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 10:01 PM

senang je Tun,

berani kerana benar,takut kerana salah

dont worry be happy...................

By RadziSiAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 9:56 PM

salam buat Tun dan keluarga..

Sial/celaka punya mat salleh...termasuklah saki baki komunis pekan(dahulu mereka dalam hutan)

yang tidak senang dengan kemajuan yang telah dibawa oleh Tun...pengganti-pengganti yang ada

sudah tidak berupaya melaksanakan perancangan yang telah digariskan lebih awal oleh pasukan

Tun yang mana tinggal sakibaki anak didik Tun yang tak berapa cerdik....atau memang suka

membuat perubahan mengikut cara mereka...mana tidaknya ..suara wawasan 2020 sudah

dimatikan diganti dengan Islam hadhari(mr clean)...Islam hadhari pun dah senyap(jangan murtad

sudah.....gantikan pulak dengan 1malaysia....bagus sangatlah tu....binalah banyak-banyak rumah-

rumah teres RM150k keatas...kedai-kedai berniaga dengan harga Rm350k ke atas.....biarkan puas

hati komunis pekan membelinya....orang-orang melayupun boleh beli...selepas sebulan jual dapat

RM10k...yang mata sepit tidak akan jual sebab mereka mampu....melayu-melayu....malay

dilema.....singapura dah terlepas....sekarang Pulau Pinang pun dah sama macam

singapura..langkawi bagaimana...kuala lumpur dah lama terjual...Ipoh pun dah habis..Johor pun

dah selesai..tak cukup lagi bawak masuk kominis singapura ramai-ramai beli tanah kat

Johor...bagi pasir kat dia...sehingga banjir kat johor...diorang sepatutnya dah lama lenyap jika

tidak dapat pasir dari Johor...sultan pun dah tak larat nak tegur lagi....semua dah pekak...kalau

orang pekak selalunya bodoh....jadi macam mana ni....adakah Malaysia Tanah Melayu

lagi....Takut nanti 15tahun akan datang nak tanam melayu pun dah tak ada tempat...kubur-kubur

semuanya dah di komerSIALkan ...mayat-mayat melayu nanti terpaksa dibunag kelaut sahaja

baru lak melayu tahu......sebab bangsa kita ada pepatah...jika terantuk baru lah terngada...Maaf

Tun kalau saya terkasar bahasa....tetapi itulah padahnya jika mengganggu orang yang banyak

berjasa kepada negara...siapa mereka yang nak menegur Tun...apa yang DAP dah tolong Melayu

sehinggakan PAS pun mampu bersekongkol dengan mereka kalau PKR kita memangtahu dia

pura-pura sahaja....kalau dsai dah tak ada nanti tian chua lah perdana menteri kita....dia akan

bacakan doa dan talkin buat kita...masa tu baru lah pas dan pkr tahu(yang berbangsa melayu lah)

tahniah buat Tun sebab saya tahu Tun memang sangat berani....

By ibrahimAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 9:55 PM

Salam Tun

Let's have the full support of PR on this Royal Commission set up.

For once and for all, we all want to find the truth about 'kedai kopi' tale of how Tun have 'sold'

Malaysia and so forth.

We are also curious as to why a Dictator who 'systematically channeled' country's wealth is very

much alive within the Country he 'robbed' instead of being elsewhere savoring the fruit of 22-

year reign. Maybe the so-called 'Mr Clean' also can clear up the queries about the activities of his

son-in-law as Tun so often raises.

Before that, let's have a full result of investigation the stolen F5E engines case made public.

These are the real morons who have sold the Country...

Take care Tun.

By amir3333Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 9:48 PM






By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 9:46 PM

As Salam Tun sekeluarga.

Saya akan tetap memberi sokongan semangat sepenuhnya kepada Tun, dan saya percaya seluruh

bangsa melayu nusantara dan bangsa malaysia akan menyokong Tun...

Sungguh pun satu hari nanti Tun dianiaya oleh bangsa kafir yahudi seperti barry wain, saya

percaya seluruh manusia yang berbangsa melayu islam nusantara pasti akan turun beramai-ramai

dijalanan untuk menyokong Tun......kerana nampak jelas kini bahawa bangsa melayu nusantara

cuba dicabar oleh bangsa kafir seperti wain dan sekutunya.....teruskan berjuang Tun kami

sentiasa bersama Tun....

Kepada Perdana Menteri saya merayu kepada Datuk seri supaya membuat keputusan yang adil

demi menjaga kredibiliti datuk seri....Janganlah rosakkan kepercayaan rakyat kepada Datuk seri.

Sekiranya slogan kata Datuk seri adalah "rakyat didahulukan pencapaian diutamakan" maka

inilah platform terbaik buat Datuk seri untuk menjelaskanya kepada rakyat.....dan sesunguhnya

inilah KPI terbesar buat Datuk seri......

Saya akhiri komen saya dengan ucapan selamat dan terima kasih buat Tun dan seluruh warga

keluarga Tun kerana telah memberi ruang kepada saya untuk memberi sokongan kepada Tun

melalui komen ini, semoga Allah melindungi Tun sekeluarga



By Mag58Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 9:38 PM

Lim Kit Siang(LKT) is a maestro in commenting others doing,especially all negative

comments....purposely and intentionally to mar people reputation.That's what the jobscope be

given to opposition leader.Give him the 'whip and the horse' and we see whether he can

maneuver the horse gracefully.Hell No.Turmoil persist all the time.

This species is what we termed 'manusia cakap tak serupa bikin'.The 22 years tenure you have

taken to rein Malaysia if given to LKT,I truly do not know what it's gonna be.In Parliment,it will

be fracas forever without action,........that's what LKT and the Pakatan is good about.No doubt

about it.

So Dear Tun,don't get carried away and be distracted by LKT intimidating comments and I damn

well know that you are a highly professional man of integrity.Stay cooooooooooooL

Salute to the 'Father of modern Malaysia'.Salam Tun

By crazy diamondAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 9:37 PM

Dear Tun,

These are the people who surrounded with hatred against you which is not really to find the truth.

Actually they the one who should be thrown into jail for trying to create disharmony among

races, trying to make false statement or misleading people in order to gain cheap popularity.

These bloody irresponsible politicians are actually a menace to our country. Kick them out from

our country altogether.

By akeeAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 9:25 PM

Man of Truth. Truth cannot be burn by fire. I believe u didnt ate up the money for yourself but

you feed the wrong people. Anyway, however is was spent, most of the money is still in within

around us the Malaysian people. Except it is frozen up in your never ending greedy OVER RICH

kuncu2 accounts (maybe in Swiss Bank) & the innocent poor will have a slim chance to taste it

after that.

By MadudAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 9:10 PM

harap2 depa cepat jawab. tak sabar jugak tunggu jawaban. Sorry, tak sedar pulak track keretapi

dah kena batal. Memang terok lah pak lah ni, teringat masa arwah ayah nak dapat lesen bas

melaluli isteri barunya. tapi kena gadai tanah. Nasib baik kami bantah. Isteri ayah tu ada kena

ngena ngan Pak Lah, kisah lama. Sekitar tahun tengah 80an.

By rizwanhAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 8:56 PM

Tun Dr Mahathir,

It has been quite a long time since you 'picked a fight' against anybody. Last time you set all your

guns all blazing, a certain Tun Dollah stepped down in humility from the government and he was

last seen in a nasik kandar shop some where in Down Under.

Barry Wain and his ilk seems to be very keen to take you down. I say, keep your chin up and

prepare all the ammunition because those bastards won't give up until your good name tarnished

to the max.

I will prepare my BB Gun also and be your knight in shining armor.

My support and respect to you, Sir!!

By MasmerahAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 8:41 PM

Salam Tun,

Apa susah Tun , berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah. Saya yakin Tun di pihak yg benar,

biarlah apa orang lain nak kata.

Kalau PM Lah dulu dapat mengambil contoh apa yg Tun lakukan

-anak menantu tidak masuk politik masa mentua/bapa masih dalam kuasa

-gaji kakitangan awam tidak dinaikkan secara mendadak

-tidak memerintah negara secara proksi

-banyak membuat pembaharuan, tidak asyik berslogan sahaja

maka alangkah baiknya.

Datuk Najib sekarang nampaknya banyak sangat program huruf ringkasnya- KPI, IM, NKRA,

GST dan entah apa-apa lagi selepas ini. Kita lihat setakat mana program huruf ringkas itu dapat

dijayakan atau menjadi slogan indah spt PM Lah laungkan terlebih dulu. Harap Datuk Najib

tidak melakukan kesilapan spt yang dilakukan PM Lah.

Saya tetap yakin Tun berada di pihak yg benar. Allah bersamamu Tun M


By shahrimAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 8:39 PM

Salam Tun,


Way to go Tun...now lets see who has the guts to see this through. Hopefully DS Najib will set

up the commission soon.

BTW im a product of your administration and may Allah bless you for all your deeds...Amin

By eng a porAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 8:38 PM

your days are numbered,you better double your prayers to Allah for forgiveness

By Alpha TangoAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 8:37 PM

Dear Tun

It is easy for people to make allegations and accusation.

It is human nature to lay blame of one's own faults onto others.

In military strategy, it is called a "diversion."

In my opinion, Tun, do not waste your precious time over such "sickos."

Your contribution has always been and will continue to be appreciated by millions, not only of

Malaysians, but also by people around the world.

I am very sure you have many more ideas that you want to share with like-minded Malays,

Muslims, Malaysians everywhere.

And we are very keen to share our ideas, experiences, feelings, impressions with you.

For the betterment of all like-minded Malays, Malaysians, Muslims throughout.

Tun, may I suggest to have a "think-tank" discussion with the common folk and those who

represent the silent majority.

It is to be a frank, 'open" discussion - no politicians, businessmen, senior government officials

but just ordinary citizenswith common sense, logical approach to issues that matter to all in this


I shall participate in such a discussion.

It is the silent majority that are the "movers" of this nation, not the NATO groups !

Best Wishes to Tun and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah for a long and healthy life.



By zammus2003Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 8:11 PM

apa ntah dosa Tun Abdullah kat Tun, semua orang masih tertanya tanya... Sakit hati betul Tun

kepada Pak Lah yeak.... Ntah apa apa ntah Tun Mahathir nie....

By azizAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 8:08 PM

Najib, Berani kerana Benar,Takut kerana Salah.You must do something to clear Tun's

reputation.Not by banning it before reading.Give Tun a chance to defend himself,he is a big boy

he can take care of the situation.Please..........!

By orang2kilang.blogspotAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 8:07 PM

Dearest Tun..

Dari dulu kedengaran hanya Kit Siang, Anwar dan rakan2 sahaja yang suka saman menyaman

dan dalam masa yang sama memohon mahkamah tidak membenarkan orang yang di saman

mengeluarkan kenyataan.

Sesekali saman lah mereka seandainya tuduhan yang dibuat tidak benar dan berniat tidak baik.

Halang mereka dari membicarakan hal-hal fitnah kerana perkara yang tidak benar pun,

seandainya di hidang berulang-ulang, ramai yang akan percaya.

Jumlah gantirugi? Untuk seorang bekas Perdana Menteri yang membuatkan ramai berbangga

menjadi rakyat Malaysia, caya cadangkan Tun minta dari Barry Wain RM50 Bilion, Lim Kit

Siang RM50 Bilion dan Malaysiakini RM100 Bilion.

Pengajaran agar tidak lagi mereka sesuka hati menabur fitnah. Peringatan kepada rakan-rakan

mereka yang lain.

Saya, Hanya pekerja kilang..

By JebatAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 7:40 PM

saya rasa Tun tahu sangat apa yang patut dibuat...I always with you...

By HafizAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 7:32 PM

Just sue them Tun and they cannot comment on this issue anymore. The tactics used effectively

by the Oppositions especially DSAI.

Just don't understand some ppl who reacted over hearsay and libel. A person like Kit Siang

should know better...he is a lawyer. (DAP is full of "LOYA" to me who think they know the


This is another distraction by the opposition.

Takpe Tun, lawan je. Kita sokong Tun.

Note: Micheal Schumacher is making a come back, Tun bila?

By yeop zarulAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 7:20 PM

Askm Ayahanda TUN...

saya menyokong penuh dan berdiri teguh di belakang ayahanda Tun M.. saya juga melihat sudah

sampai masanye ayahanda menggunakan pendekatan ini (tindakan mahkamah)... kerana telah

banyak sangat fitnah yang dibuat oleh penyokong pembangkang... pendekatan ini bukan baru..

malah biasa di gunakan sendiri pihak pemimpin pembangkang ... saya harap... penyokong

pembangkang tidak akan mengelabah sehingga menuduh pula pemimpin kerajaan BN

mengunakan pendekatan ini sebagai cubaan menutup mulut mereka.. salahkanlah diri mereka

sendiri kerana mereka jugalah yg menggalakan pendekatan ini di ambil... saya juga menyokong

jika semua pemimpin kerajaan BN juga mengambil pendekatan ini..

Tahniah ayahanda.. berani kerana benar..

By Nothing But WindAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 7:10 PM

Dear Tun Dr M,

You are still the same as you were 22 years ago. Cool, witty, brave and at the same time cynical.

It is these qualities which enabled you to be the Malaysian Prime Minister.

I really want to see how you would overcome this current issue. May the force be with you.

On a different note, I am quite fed up and angry with all the graft and squandering news that is

being revealed one after another.

By samsolmorshidiAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 7:06 PM

Izinkan sekali lagi untuk saya menambah. Entah berapa ramai agaknya bekas menteri Kabinet

Tun yang kepanasan lepas ini jika Suruhanjaya Diraja "Amalan Menteri Kabinet Zaman Dua

Tun 1982-2009" untuk menyiasat mereka dilaksanakan mungkin dua atau seorang yang duduk

ketakutan tatkala menunggu 25 Januari nanti.

Hanya satira untuk mengubat duka.

By IHAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 7:05 PM

Dear Tun,

Thanks for your courage. But leave it to u all alone and dont drag others. Enough is enough for

smearing others. Why not u all united and help all the malaysian rather that wasting you good

brain over unnecessary issues.


By [email protected] Profile Page on December 22, 2009 7:02 PM

Since Tun Mahathir has accepted the challange, the Najib should set up the Commission and

declassify all documents asked for by all parties involved. As a citizen I would like the accusers

and the accused be given equal chances to put up their respective cases squarely rather than all

these slimy slandering and dirt shoveling.In my mind the ball is on the government's court. At

this point the brave response by Tun Mahathir means he's one up.

By samsolmorshidiAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:59 PM

Saya tidak melihat Suruhanjaya Diraja sebagai satu langkah yang bijak seperti yang disuarakan

oleh Sdr Lim Kit Siang. Sebagai ahli politik senior, Lim Kit Siang masih lagi bermain politik

walaupun adakalanya amat dangkal dan cetek. Jika ada bukti buktikan. Seolah Suruhanjaya

Diraja itu hak mutlak beliau bahkan akan membuka banyak pekung termasuk kawan beliau

sendiri iaitu DSAI.Jika Tun benar-benar bersetuju hendak menubuhkan baik saya cadangkan

sahaja penubuhan Suruhanjaya bagi menyiasat "amalan Menteri Kabinet Malaysia dari tahun

1982 sehingga 2009".

Saya belum lagi membaca karya Barry Wain ,"Mahatihr Mohammad in the Turbulent Time".

Tetapi melihat kepada content yang ada nampaknya banyak anggapan daripada fakta. Tidak

tahulah jika saya silap.

By ci54Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:54 PM

Salam Tun,

Yes, this is the mark of a true man. This is how things should be done. No one should be scared

of anything if he is not guilty.

Unlike the present leaders who mince their words behind technicalities and jargons. I have no

respect for them.

This is something worth having a Royal Commission.

Although some things you did during your reign remain questionable, my respect for you has

never wavered...

May Allah guide those who are on the right path...

By zaq25Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:52 PM










For the love of God just read this! (It's good for you and this time SUCK IT IN)

* I wrote this a while ago before I realized how bad your situation really was so many emotions

has changed but I'm still too lazy to edit it.

*Just for the record, I hate wasting my time on you... and you are a total waste of my time


In case you missed it the first time...

Imagine if all the greatest people since the dawn of time were ranked from first to last; where

would you stand?



In Malaysia you are great beyond; none higher. However on the international front you fallen

short. Please compare the overwhelming support and outpouring adoration of Malaysian with

other countries. Some probably just know your name, full stop. You have to reach out to all the

people of the world the same extent to which you did to Malaysian, like for as if you were

President of the United States or even leader of the entire world. You must do more. Unlike

others you have 8 mantles and you are active on international issues; slightly better than the

average Asian strongman. You are very close. Separate yourself from the pack and go the




Already in this very split second of a moment in time, there is Nelson Mandela, Margaret

Thatcher, Yasser Arafat, Mother Teresa, Lee Kuan Yew, and many others. Not to mention also

living legend from other fields such as Bill Gates, Marlon Brando, Princess Diana, Michael

Jackson and Marilyn Monroe just to name a few. What more in a 100 years and forget a

thousand; the list is endless!


WORLD-FAMOUS (not just Asia)

You are not to be famous and statesman merely in Asia or the Islamic world or any region. You

are to be a statesman and legend to the world. You are not to go from Malaysia to Asia or worse

still from Asia to Asia. You are to go FROM Asia, TO the world. TO the world!


…An Asian statesman (or European or African or Latin or whatever) simply because you herald


Too many names from Time Magazine’s 60 years of Asian Heroes did not make it into Time

Magazine’s 100 greatest people of the 20th Century. Why? ...Obviously because they were not

great enough. Their greatness was only enough to lift them to an Asian level, but not the world. I

hope you are not one of them.

Besides, there are already too many strongmen in Asia. Almost every country in Asia and even

Africa has at least some sort of strongman. There is no more significance; nothing special




Speaking of Asia Lee Kuan Yew is lucky. Singapore is in a unique position in the world as it

stands out as one of the very few (if not the only) island city states. Moreover, Singapore

uniquely sits at this historically famous aast-west entrepot crossroad, further cementing is name

as a modern, prosperous economic, financial and business hub of which on it lies the world-

famous world No 1 port (and also airport). That’s how Lee Kuan Yew became a household

name...because of Singapore.

By right looking closely Lee Kuan Yew’s influence was only up to an Asian level. He hardly

stood higher or spoke louder than others on the international front. I do not recall Lee Kuan Yew

introducing any particular policy, program or mega project that specifically added towards

Singapore’s growth and improvement. He merely oversaw Singapore’s natural transformation

into a Tiger economic from what was already - given Singapore’s easy small size, strategic

position and urban population – an outrightly foregone potential in a then already well

established and developed capital of the Straits Settlement. Lee Kuan Yew simply sat through

the job.



There is nothing worse than to be so close yet so far. Losing doesn’t compare. Rather be out of

the running than to be a close second separated by the second (or millimeter or any smallest

measurement). There’s no place but first place.

Even the Bible makes a reference to this by saying it is better to be cold if not hot rather than

being lukewarm, going further to say that Jesus will spit these ‘lukewarmers’ out of his mouth.



I’m not sure as to whether the great leaders of the past are as great as people claim them to be.

Let me air my doubts as to why.

In saying past I mean dinosaurs like Jesus Christ (and other religious figures), Plato (and the rest

of the philosophers), Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Shi Huang Ti, Asoka, Napoleon

Bonaparte, Queen Victoria, Caesar, some Pharoah and the likes. The list also includes musicians

and scientists like Beethoven and Newton among others.

Firstly I doubt because mostly of these figures are held highly by the west. Perhaps something

about the west and how they perceive make them like these people over others.

Secondly, no one particularly those today would possibly know what these so-called legends

actually did or accomplished and therefore no one would know exactly how great they really


The people today rely on (historical) written, handed-down records to judge these people. There

was no film footage or even photographs. And there is only so much a record can tell. We can’t

visually even to the closest of extents the true situation of their chronicles. We can only imagine

based on what was written. And no ones know whether that which was written is true. All these

are mere assumptions.

Genghis Khan might merely be a Jaguh Kampung. Alexander the Great might not be so great

after all. His influence might only extent to part of Europe here and there. We wouldn’t know.

Their greatness can easily be spun upwards (or downwards) by the intellectuals and authors.

I’m not too sure whether Mandela is adorned by China. Do African honour Gandhi? The only

people who honour all of the above are the western universalists.



I notice that the west particularly Englishman (Americans included) are very fond of honouring

two types of people as great and befitting of legends: freedom-fighter, and rulers of great

empires. They stand in awe of great men who lead armies and fight courageous battles to

conquer and build their empire. On the other hand these very same people adore peace-loving

freedom fighter like Mandela, Gandhi and Suu Kyi who advocate freedom and justice.



There are short-cuts and quick fixes into becoming famous internationally overnight. One way is

to be involved in something so big in the world that this project upon launch immediately propels

a person into instant stardom. Daniel Radcliffe a nobody became an overnight sensation after the

release of the first Harry Potter film and since the subsequent release of its sequels he has only

gone from strength to strength. The other way is to say/do something so stupid that people just

can’t get it out of their heads.



One way of measuring a person’s greatness is by pitting him against another great man. A truly

great man will not be diminished by another. The meeting between Roger Federer and Tiger

Woods for instance is a meeting between great men. However say if an ordinary leader were to

meet Mandela, this person will be immediately dwarfed and ‘subdued’ by this man and his


Another way of measuring a person’s greatness is by pitting him against a great phenomenon or

a historical event of this earth, for instance 911 or the tsunami. Again the greatest of men will not

be overwhelmed by such events in the sight of others. Their perspective of him in the news or

other material is that he is just as large and nothing is taken from him. A lesser man however

would seem sidelined and unheeded in the wake of such catastrophic events.



In Malaysia Mahathir (i.e. you) has reached the pinnacle of greatness; terbilang; as far as the sky

would take him. He is a national hero, warrior/crusader, statesman and legend. He is the stuff

stories and movies are made off. Anwar still has a bit more to go. Rafidah only needs the

opportunity and then she must move faster than she already is.

I believe and I can see that Mahathir has somehow reached even further than a Asian level of

statesmanship probably because of all the world issues he has been championing on the

international arena. However, on the world front, I believe there is still a short distance more to

go. Why? This is simply because Mahathir has just been pushing from the sidelines and not

directly involved inside the centre itself.



It is normal for a leader’s popularity and influence to wane once he has stepped down and is out

of the limelight. This goes the same for legends: they would be heard and seen less on TV and in

the papers; however their legend and memory should live long after him, and definitely so while

he is alive and a living legend. He should not be so easily removed and forgotten. However if a

great leader and statesman like yourself sees your influence waning drastically, there might be

cause for concern.


HOME GROUND SUPPORT – exaggerating the truth?

I wonder whether you are really as great or is it the Malaysian media which is exaggerating

(spinning upwards). I’m not being skeptic but it is good to have a true and fair viewpoint. Then

we can assess correctly and make the necessary adjustments forward.



The US Presidency does not guarantee legendary status and greatness. It is only a ticket which

the President must walk through and build upon by exemplifying greatness to truly become

great. Yes, the President is automatically and international person, but a lacksure and ordinary

performance will see him merely becoming one of the many presidents and merely a diplomat

and a hire agent for international affair. He will be just like the UN secretary-General: just doing

his job, only that it is on an international scale; there is nothing great about that. It does give him

a clear head-start though.



I notice US political figure and Hollywood celebrities get instant international fame. A person

who aspires to dominate the world should establish himself in the US. Don’t get me wrong. I’m

not talking about Europe or the entire west; just the United States of America. It’s so happens

that the USA is a western nation, that’s all. United States is the centre of the world. Yes there are

some small TV dramas and local acts which hardly make it pass their own border. However,

many moderate yet well-established people, films and other endeavors easily become a

worldwide phenomenon. Their movie and TV soaps broadcast throughout hundreds of countries;

literally the entire globe. Whoever is well established in the US most likely will be an

international icon.



Even singers, actors and other artists have their managers and promoters do their promotion.

They conduct surveys and market studies to counter competition and find the right music genre

or market niche for their artists. Life is a constant battle. There is nothing wrong planning and

charting one’s own popularity, success and ultimately legacy.



Footballer David Beckham and Spice Girl Victoria Adams were both already extremely popular

in their respective fields. However, their marriage boosted their popularity beyond popular. The

same went to other Hollywood ‘power couples’. Arnold Swazenegger was well-known as Mr.

Universe, extremely famous as a Hollywood action hero, and now beyond famous as the

Govenor of California. Cemerlang, then gemilang, and finally terbilang. There’s always room for




This passage is not just directed to you but also your think-tank and supporters. Once you pass

on they are the ones who must work hard to establish your legacy adequately.


One more video...this one's from the KIM JONG IL SHOW

Where's your show? No show? why? because you are a NO SHOW!


By cikokuiAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:38 PM

ya saya setuju. dalam kata lain BRING IT ON!!!... dan mcm yg tun cakap, jgn setakat tuduh

melulu je, bawak skali "BUKTI" nya. kalau takat tuduh, sapa2 pon boleh tuduh nak2 pulak mat

saleh yang tak tahu apa2.

By OumonoAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:32 PM

take the bull by the horn!

We will fight with you Tun. You are not alone.

Hazman Abu Bakar

By sitinurAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:25 PM


ceq bukanlah peminat no.1 bapak...sayang bapak mcm arwah bapak ceq...dgn ini sukacitanya ceq

akan mendoakan org2 yg cuba menganiaya

bapak dgn kebinasaan hidup org2 yg menjadi pendakwa para juri saksi pendakwa hakim peguam

pendakwa royal commission....mereka semua mmg patut masuk ISA....tak mengenang budi....p

mana2 pun guna highway..

internet pun depa guna....penatlah ngan depa nih...kalo najib tak reti2 gak nak bidas org2 ni mmg

najib mangkuk ayun plastik.....

SeDdihhhhhh ada pm lorat......penting diri sendiri...GErAMmmmmm...

By zaq25Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:23 PM

Videos and picture message. (here’s the proof)


Mandela and Oprah Winfrey





Mandela with Will Smith, Annie Lennox, Leona Lewis and scores of other celebrities

How come you’re not there? Not invited?





Mandela with Clinton

What about you? Not big enough?




Mandela and Hell’s Kitchen’s Gordon Ramsay

He even cooked a birthday dinner for Mandela. Will he cook for you?




Mandela with Sarkozy and his girlfriend



Clinton, Rabin and Arafat signing the Peace Accord

Arafat even watched Tom and Jerry at Madeleine Albright’s house.




Clinton and the “Fantasic Four” – the REAL world leaders

Where are you?








Usa and China




Bush and Blair

Love them or hate them, they are the two biggest world leaders



Obama: On my left, PM of Britain; and on my right, President of France

Behind - PM of Msia



Bush driving Putin

Who drove you?



Despots and their computer games

I’ve personally played the Osama one. Pretty fun!






Larry King with Hugo Chavez



President Kennedy eulogying Ataturk even 25 years after his death.

Even after just six years, You’re deader than Ataturk.



Mandela’s concert

Even in Msia nobody threw a concert for you.



Ashwarai Rai on Oprah show



Gaddafi on Letterman



Will they do any of these – even just 5% - for you? No? Why? Because you just a little ASEAN

statesman, right?


* If I mentioned earlier I would be helping you. But now that its too late, It seems that Im

critisizing you. Well...

By ddasmaraAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:22 PM

saman jer...lets keep their mouth shut....!!!

support u tun mahathir...!!

By ISA@kertihAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:20 PM

LKS wants royal commission and he should lead it as he is so perfect,have not done no wrong

have resigned after all the tanjung failures became robocop and wants to terminator. why no

royal commission on all the monies collected to save a hill in malacca.what happened to the

monies collected. also DAP should be very transparent and publish all the monies where they

getting from who are their donors etc that wud also requre a queen commission to ensure they do

it.....DAP dont hide behind shadows and see how you govern penang no difference, nepotism

strives in DAP with you and your son also making monies moving houses etc etc

By HajarAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:19 PM

Dearest Tun,

I would love to see the outcome of the investigation done by the Royal Commission.

ALLAH SWT will protect Tun - definitely.

And the RAKYAT will always be with Tun.


*** May Allah SWT bless Tun & family ***

By noorfaizaAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 6:01 PM

Salam Tun,

I pray for you Tun. I know you are a truly sincere leader. Thank you for your preciuos 22 years

of service dedicated for this beloved country.

By pwchengAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 5:51 PM

That sounds like a game of high profile poker. Somebody with a 2 bottom can up the other

player. That is why it is not wrong to call you a maverick but I only hope you will not have

selective amnesia during the commission's hearing.

Anyway lets see what is the next move by the other player, whether he will up you, see your

cards or pass.You are always a very interesting man. Even if you do not want protection ,

UMNO will insists you must have because if you fall, UMNO will tumble. The chain of reaction

is just too much for UMNO to swallow.

By bangsaMSIAAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 5:43 PM

Salam Tun. I fully agree with the strategy. Disclose the information in its entirety for the whole

world to see once and for all. U have nothing to hide and all to show for. As for Bary, LKS,

Malaysia Kini and their cohorts, initiate legal action against them now...Sue them for RM100bil

for their slander, for tarnishing your good name and all your tireless efforts in transforming

Malaysia into what it is 2day. Let it be a lesson to these people and morons like them that they

will never get away with their trigger-happy baseless idiotic criticisms. Lets do it. Lets make it

happen. Malaysia Boleh. Tun pasti Boleh.

By ShukorAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 5:35 PM

OMG these people ah... Haiyyo!

By zaidi aliAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 5:30 PM

Salam Tun.

Biaq pi la depa buat fitnah tahana kat Tun. Kepada yang kapiaq tu... sah dah masuk neraka.

Kepada yg Melayu tuu...sah depa dah lupa. Kepada yg Islam tuu...sesungguhnya fitnah itu lebih

besaq bahayanya dari pembunuhan! Saman saja Tun...kalau tak, depa naik lemak.

By GravityAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 5:28 PM

YB LimKS has been and will ever be a typical anolog dude that has a similar characteristic as his

comrade Chinpeng. The only different

is one long for his hometown dead site after a far failed attempt to converge this country into

communist state and the other yet to fall

due to his orthodoxy which is alike but inferior to his son ! He didnt bother to be the last

'mohican' to fight the uncertain dogma like his fellow wheelchair playmate ! ...and they has never

wash their own plates after eating !!!

By zaq25Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 5:06 PM

Yup, I don’t think you have done enough to cement your statue as a great man…little bit

only…and I’m not a critic of dissident…except in this matter.


As I said I did some sort of survey online, chipping into various international forums and sending

questions to various websites and people online from all over the world. They only had to answer

whether they have heard of you and a few other simple questions related. There were

respondents from US, UK, even Japan, Brazil, Africa, China, of course SE ASIA, Hungary,

basically all over the world. And the response was hardly overwhelming.


One or two only vaguely remember you as the long time PM of Msia. The rest have never even

heard of you. In the so called centre and capital of the world the USA most of the replies said

their most common name is FIDEL CASTRO, and he too is an enemy of America so there's no

excuse. Furthermore he's embargoed and banned by the US.


Crème de la Crème?

Are you sure you did not fall for your own spin?

By boonkweeAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 5:01 PM

Salam Sejahtera Tun,

It seems like slandering is also part of our Malaysian culture already beside corruption. The onus

to prove oneself clean is on the person being tainted.

By AnakMudaBerfikir...Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 5:01 PM

Alrite....! Thats how my great national leader bang the other "busuk" parties.... Dr M's Style!

By RAAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 4:56 PM

Assalamualaikum Yg Bhg Tun,

I will be more comfortable commenting in Bahasa Malaysia towards the issue brought out by

DAP leader YB Lim Kit Siang to urge the Prime Minister YAB Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak to

form a commission to interrogate the RM100 Billions spent by Dr. Mahathir during his time as

Prime Minister year 1981 - 2003.

Keadaan dan kedudukan Parti-Parti Pembangkang (Pas, DAP & PKR) dalam Pakatan Rakyat

dewasa ini agak kritikal disebabkan bebanan masalah dalam parti masing-masing yang tidak ada

nampak jalan penyelesaian yang konkrit. Penasihat PKR sendiri mengakui sudah agak letih

dengan masalah dalaman partinya yang berterusan tanpa henti-hentinya. Ini jelas menunjukkan

bahawa Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim sendiri sudah tidak berupaya menyelesaikan masalah dalaman

partinya sendiri kerana dibelenggu dengan masalah peribadinya yang masih belum selesai.

YB Lim Kit Siang juga berhadapan dengan masalah dalaman kepimpinan partinya sendiri

khususnya di Pulau Pinang yang diterajui anaknya sendiri dengan berbagai-bagai masalah tanpa

jalan penyelesaian seperti yang berlaku di Kampung Sungai Pinang dan lain-lainnya. Pakatan

Rakyat mengadakan Konvension dengan harapan dapat mengalih pemerhatian penyokongnya

dan rakyatnya amnya kembali yakin kepada kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat. Diantara strategi dalam

Konvension adalah bertekat memburukkan kepimpinan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional. Pakatan

Rakyat sudah ketandusan isu-isu yang boleh menaikkan imej mereka dimata rakyat disebabkan

kegagalan demi kegagalan dalam urus tadbir parti dan Negeri-Negeri di bawah tadbir urus

mereka. Maka Yg Bhg Tun juga menjadi sasaran mereka yang dikatakan telah berbelanja besar

berbilion Ringgit Malaysia untuk projek-projek mewah semasa menerajui kepimpinan UMNO

dan Barisan Nasional.

Pakatan Pembangkang gagal mempamerkan kepimpinan yang lebih baik daripada UMNO dan

Barisan Nasional. Tidak ada sesuatu perancangan yang konkrit dari segi pembangunan di

Negeri-Negeri di bawah tadbir urus mereka. Malah secara berterusan ditimpa masalah yang

berbagai dan disimpan di bawah carpet supaya tidak kelihatan nyata segala kelemahan yang

wujud. Yg Bhg Tun tidak perlu tunduk kepada saranan atau desakan YB Lim Kit Siang yang

sedang tercari-cari isu dan diharap boleh memulihkan impak negatif kepada parti mereka.

Biarkan Pakatan Rakyat dengan isu-isu remeh mereka untuk mencari keuntungan politik. Belum

ada negara di dunia yang dapat dibangunkan dengan belanja kecil. Yg Bhg Tun sudah berjaya

membangunkan Malaysia ke satu tahap yang sangat dibanggakan oleh majoriti rakyat Malaysia

dan disanjung oleh negara-negara sedang membangun di dunia. YB Lim Kit Siang dan

pemimpin-pemimpin parti pembangkang yang lain juga dapat sama-sama hidup selesa hasil dari

kesan pembangunan yang telah Tun usahakan dengan belanja besar tetapi amat berbaloi. Yg Bhg

Tun persetankan mereka yang berhasrat menjatuhkan maruah dan kredibiliti Tun dan Pemimpin-

Pemimpin UMNO dan Barisan Nasional bagi mengalih perhatian rakyat yang sudah nampak

bosan dengan gelagat pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat. Yg Bhg Tun bantulah kepimpinan UMNO dan

Barisan Nasional terus menerajui pembangunan negara demi kesejahteraan rakyat. YAB Dato'

Seri Mohd Najib Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang ke 6 amat perlukan sokongan dan dokongan

rakyat terhadap perjuangan berkonsepkan Rakyat Didahulukan Pencapaian Diutamakan. Biarkan

parti-parti pembangkang terjun dengan labunya.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Salam hormat Tun.

By zaq25Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 4:55 PM

“Crème de la Crème” Sure you’ve heard of this phrase…BEST of the BEST!


You on the other hand…


You are to be an INTERNATIONAL STATESMAN, known and respected in EVERY TRIBE,


like a certain Suharto.


You might be so-so greatest inside Malaysia like a jaguh kampong terpencil but beyond these

four walls you’re nothing but a little ASEAN strongman and just an AVERAGE

STATESMAN…like Suharto


Yup, I don’t think you have done enough to cement your statue as a great man…little bit

only…and I’m not a critic of dissident…except in this matter.


You mean to tell me that you think you are as great as Mandela, Julius Caesar, Queen Victoria,

Einstein, Cleopatra, Tutankhamen, Gandhi, Shi Huang Ti, Marlon Brando, Shakespeare, all your

other admirees, and even Britney Spears that little girl? Then you must be DREAMING!!!



strongman AVERAGE STATESMAN little ASEAN strongman AVERAGE STATESMAN little


STATESMAN little ASEAN strongman AVERAGE STATESMAN little ASEAN strongman


strongman AVERAGE STATESMAN little ASEAN strongman AVERAGE STATESMAN little

ASEAN strongman AVERAGE STATESMAN little ASEAN strongman


And don’t listen to your admirers and supporters – definitely not your blog readers – though how

sweet the sound. They watch too must RTM and read too much Utusan and only see the

kampongs and padi fields and are as blind as you.

By adri hemyAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 4:43 PM

Tun Dr M, I wonder though, if the findings are in favor of you and you sue Barry Wain, LKS etc

for libel, would they be around to face the charges or would he do a disappearing act like RPK?

By alpha1Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 4:34 PM

Classic! The one and only Dr.M! Bring it on dudes, our Grand Old Man is waiting to clear his

name! Good day Tun and stay healthy!

By njAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 4:33 PM

Yang Berbahagia Tun,

Alhamdulillah! BERANI KERANA BENAR !!!!

Kita tidak mahu pemimpin kita yang KURANG BERANI dan asyik bersikap "apologetik"

sepanjang masa.


By adri hemyAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 4:26 PM

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,

I do hope that this Royal Commission is convened by the government. And I hope that the

findings and conclusions are released to the public in your lifetime.

I see that this is the only way for Malaysians to finally put an end to all the allegations that are

hurled against you.

By mr rightAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 4:23 PM

Dear Tun,

Satu cabaran yang berani...Contoh pemimpin yang harus dicontohi oleh pemimpin skrg.

By daniel noorAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 4:14 PM

Assalam mualalaikum

Tun you a True Warrior who is not afraid to face whtever challenges in front of you. Sadly there

are not many like you in this country. More so among the Malays.

Nazri is just like Shariff Dol..Samseng Kampung Dusun dalam filem Bujang Lapok. He only

strut his stuff among his close frens aja.

I know that if ever there wil be a Royal Commission, they will not be able to pin you down. I

know the last 22 years you rule this country ..your ultimate aim is to make this country prospers

and the Malays respected.Of course a long the way ,mistakes tend to be made. But peope who

dislike you will only look for the mistakes BUT not the good things you did.

When you do good..Nobody Remembers.. When you do something BAD..Nobody Forgets. itu

lah sikap orang Malaysia tuh..terutama yg iri hati dgn Tun.

Also many of the Malaysians , more so your enemies will always put the blame directly upon

you. They fail to see or just refuse to accept that YOU SET THE POLICY but the

IMPLEMENTOR that screw up if they not sincere.

A good example was when Anwar Ibrahim was the Finance Minister. He controls the cash of this

country and he implement and oversee all the projects that you set your policies. He was very

corrupted because 90 percent of the projects were given to his crony contractors in KLIA,

Putrajaya, ERL, NBCT, dll. YET most Malaysians especially the Malays accused that it was

your cronies that got the projects. See how ' licik ' Anwar Ibrahim is.

Anyway, saya berdoa agar Tun dan kelaurga sentiaisa di dalam keadaan sehat dan baek dan

Allah itu tau sapa yg bener dan sapa yg merusakkan negeri tercinta kita ini.


By zaq25Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 4:08 PM

*Little ASEAN statesman*

*Kaki JALAN* - always walking the streets until mabuk

*LINESMAN / PERIPHERAL BOY / little man from the EAST* - always sniping from the

sidelines (Clinton and other world leaders in Bosnia and Mid East with King Hussein and Rabin

and Arafat and all that in Washington and you quietly donating for that little mosque (in Bosnia))

*Mandela’s little brother (and forgotten one too)* - “hard-hitting speech in CHOGM and all

that” but nobody cares and all the credit and honour goes to Mandela. “Nice”. Noble but foolish.

And still no NOBEL prize. Political prize? Only to sour grapes and a sore loser (like you!) Plus,

Mandela gets this mammoth birthday concert feted by legendary singers and Hollywood Actors

like Morgan Freeman and Josh Groban while the only people throwing a small party for you are

the little boys from Lim Kok Wing and all your other business cronies like Vincent.

*(a) LOUSY GAMBLER (you are)* - you lost Bank Negara money on speculation, billions on

Perwaja, bloating costs financing those megaprojects at the height of the economic crisis and

quite a sum on the E-village and not too soon after on that very same plot of land Biovalley (yup

I still remember those two! There’s no escaping me!)

-I want my money back! Refund now!

*Kepala Pusing* - yes I’m talking about you, if you know what I’m talking about.

*BIG eyes (esp your last son) BIG nose and BIG mouth* - yes; BIG MOUTH!!!, but nobody

hears and nobody cares. Strange. Where all the noise go?

*SLACKER / LATE BLOOMER / PROCRASTINATOR!!! – only become PM at 55 retirement

age, only become strongman and statesman in 89 (10 YRS LATER) and wasted 22 years

(definitely the first 10)

*Greatest UNKNOWN person* - even the little girls Britney Spears and Hannah Montana are

more famous than you; and they’re not even 20. (If even you’ve been led to believe otherwise,

DON’T! Rather believe me than those bloody shoe polishers RTM and New Straits Times who

only report the kampongs and know nothing of the outside world; besides of which you the Spin

Doctor Mahathir Spun to your blindness, deafness and destruction). Truly you are kepala pusing

(spin – pusing, get it?)

All those trips to London and not a single Mat Salleh soul know you! My goodness! They think

you’re some Malay tourist or something. Some tramp or some illegal immigrant picking up

pebbles or in those British supermarket. Of course those few foreign press guys esp. the South

East Asia bureau and some government officials from the foreign ministry know you. But I’m

talking about the MAN ON THE STREET.

Hugo Chavez just got a wonderful exclusive interview by LARRY KING. Bet you’ve heard of

him, though he’s never heard of you! I challenge you to even get 30 seconds on OPRAH or

something. Can’t?

On a lighter note; come on’ you knew the USA was the superpower, that this was the American

century; you even mention it in your book (New Deal). You confessed that Hollywood movies

beamed worldwide feature totally all-American settings and background (By the way how was

Beverly Hills?) You could have done something.

*KAWAN kepada LAWAN* - all your ‘friends’ have betrayed you. Tajuddin Ramli, Pak Lah,

Rafidah, Syed Hamid, Samyvellu, Nazri, ALL!!! Cabinet colleagues are rakan sekerja not

buddies. And don’t be friends with Kasitah G the smallest minister with no commodities (he was

commodities minister).

*WHITE ELEPHANT missed Thailand, instead it came HERE!*

- why build two tallest buildings (Petronas Twin Towers) when ONE could do the job (of being


- 50bil Putrajaya is only 1 precinct government and the other 19 residential; you basically wasted

money on mere houses and just built the PM’s office and the mosque and your freaking palace

which you only stayed for 4 years. I wonder whether Endon or Jeanne fancied the blue walls

your wife picked? Getting back that’s like just 5% of the place? Btw the ministry of Finance

building has officially taken over Angkasapuri as the most “beautiful building in Msia”. And

speaking of Parcel B, C, D and E; I mean 5 ministries in one building? Are our ministries so

small? These parcels look ordinary anyway, like some 3 star hotel. And Wisma Putra building in

Putrajaya definitely looks like a hotel.

- same with Cyberjaya; all those condos and just ONE building which already houses all the

companies! That’s like 2 floors per company?

- KL has Stadium Merdeka (outdoor) and S. Negara (indoor). Shah Alam has another outdoor

and indoor (melawati) stadium. Now Bukit Jalil has an outdoor and indoor stadium too. What

for? Apart from the opening ceremony, what other event is going to attract 100,000 spectators?

Who likes to play in a near empty stadium? What about Shah Alam? Are you sure the

Commonwealth Games is so big? Have you seen Manchester’s one? It was smaller than the


- of course not to mention the very spacious or should I say EMPTY KLIA.

Yup, these are all your megaprojects. Totally a waste of money and unnecessary for a small

country like Msia. Good for national pride though. The cost of national pride? – 100 billion. The

biggest payoff and your biggest achievement: F1. I have to say even Schumacher and all the F1

drivers were literally forced to come here to a place they would never come even for a holiday.

I might sound unpatriotic and traitor-ly here, but that’s totally untrue. These are just the costs;

that’s all.

*Last word: Don’t even bother defending yourself. Quickly run and hide! I’ll provide VIDEO


By arissaazlyAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:53 PM

I dare you TUN supaya SAMAN je LIM KIT SIANG,BARRY WAIN dan MAlaysiaKini kerana



By arissaazlyAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:52 PM

Sekarang rakyat MALAYSIA boleh tengak siapa yang BERANI KERANA BENAR dan SIAPA


By imahadiAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:51 PM




By jasmineAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:48 PM

MARCH ON TUN ! That's the spirit of a true fighter. Berani kerana benar. Our prayers are with


By eanisazmanAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:47 PM

Assalamualaikum Tokdet moga bahagia bersama keluarga,

The problem with corrupt people is that they think everybody is like that. Honestly, I don't think

that you're the corrupt person much less a failed PM. Guess they are barking at the wrong tree. I

am also tired of listening to endless barking of how the money was spent during your tenure. To

make my point, my life as citizen of this beloved country has never been as miserable as it is

now compared to the good old days during your tenure. I respected you for that while hating the

current politician lot for their waste of people time, corruption, incompetent and retoric. I can

almost generalise this to majority of them.

By asiAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:46 PM

Dear Tun,

These bunch of people, have got no other good things to do but to find faults, in the name of

justice.Tun, you have contributed so much to built this country as what it is today, not for your

own self interest but for this beloved nation. What ever agenda they may have,there are many

people including me, to stand by your side.

By ParpuKariAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:35 PM

Salam Ayahanda TUN,

Ayahanda memang seorang yang berani! Saya amat kagum dengan sikap Ayahanda ni, sekarang

confirm mereka terketaq lutut punya!

Saya rasa buku tersebut didalangi oleh Kalimullah dan KJ, dua bersaudara yang cukup paria

perangai mereka!

Namun mereka sudah terlupa bahwa Tun Dol AL Flip Wal Floppy punya hal, ini mamat Sleepy

Head anak beranak sudah rompak banyak harta negara!

Terusakan pendedahan Ayahanda Tun! You are the man!


By zul81Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:23 PM


Berani kerana benar.

By JoAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:23 PM

With all due respect Sir, are you insisting that you were clean during your 22 years as PM?

By OracleAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:14 PM

Tun don't owe anybody anything. Berani kerana benar. Bersih dan amanah. Salute you always.

By jurublogAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:14 PM

We should also form a Royal Commission on the allegation of cronyism by Brader Anwar Bin

Ibrahim during his reign as the Finance Minister.


By Dr.Siddiq AzaniAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 3:12 PM

Tun Dr. Mahathir! we support you no matter what happen! its not a waste of 100B, but it was

your attempt to make us proud to be Malaysian! come on Barry Whatever, we ll see u in court!


By bzzAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 2:56 PM

"Mari kita lihat, siapa yg kena!"

Have a nice day Tun.

By aadAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 2:55 PM

These ungrateful fools only know how to accuse and blame because it is their only profession.

Lim Kit Siang was at the opening of the Penang Bridge and reported to the RTD about you

driving a Proton Saga without road tax, instead of saying thank you. He also said the country

would rot because of the bridge that the people did not want. Now, he wants a second bridge?

Perhaps he should dismantle the bridge and use the ferries he loved so much.

To hell with the likes of fools like these anti-establishment empty cans.

Yes, please call for a Royal Commission and sue these twisted tongues once and for all. We've

had enough of these unproductive nonsense from these doom gloomers.

By John ByrneAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 2:53 PM

Salam Tun,

I salute you.

I support you all the way.

This people only know how to talk, bicker,shout, beating empty drum...

All they know is to criticize, back mouth, slander, and what ever rubbish words you can describe

of them.. But never was there an instance that they offer sounds alternative.

They were and would never be satisfied with whatever the government do or have done.

They would only be satisfied when all moneys go to them. As you know, these people GOD is


Just imagine, a government Project say ocnstruct a school, if it costs RM1 or RM100m, the Bumi

company may only get 20% of it and only if the project is completed on time. THE REST GOES



does include furniture & fittings and equipment, AND YET, THEY ARE COMPLANING




By antikmalayaAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 2:49 PM

Salam Tun,


1) This LKS is a real pondan. He dare not allow his website to be access by his opponents. He

only publishes those views that support him. Piiiiii........rah! Ungrateful bastard.

2) And his gang of bastards have never learned that they have no case against you.

3) I salute your bravery in challenging these bastards.

May Allah s.w.t bless you. Melayu itu hebat.

By myhaili_06Author Profile Page on December 22, 2009 2:47 PM


Here is one true hero...

Can't wait to see their reaction on this statement....

By AdamAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 2:41 PM

Dear Tun,

Apologies, but it seem very unlikely that those allegations are true. You seem not to afraid at all,

and even is willing to go the probe.

By azlanbinadnanAuthor Profile Page on December 22, 2009 2:32 PM


Berani kerana benar! DAP berlagak macam depa bersih sangat!

Source : http://chedet.co.cc/chedetblog/2009/12/form-royal-probe-on-dr-ms-squa.html