They are fleeing poverty, hunger, unemployment Sie fliehen vor Armut, Hunger und Arbeitslosigkeit

Asylum flood (fil eminimizer)

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Page 1: Asylum flood (fil eminimizer)

They are fleeing poverty, hunger, unemployment

Sie fliehen vor Armut, Hunger und Arbeitslosigkeit

Page 2: Asylum flood (fil eminimizer)

The European Union is experiencing a steep rise in the number of Kosovar citizens smuggling themselves into the affluent bloc in search of a better life, with 23,000 migrants reaching Hungary in the first six weeks of 2015, compared to 6,000 for the whole of 2013. This influx follows a relaxation of travel rules allowing Kosovars to reach EU borders via Serbia and has coincided with political turmoil and unrest in Kosovo fueled by poverty, high unemployment, and economically debilitating corruption. Though most migrants are Kosovar Albanians, the Associated Press reports that many are Syrians, Afghans, Iraqis, and others. Once migrants are inside Hungary, they are able to travel freely to most other EU nations. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterreshas called for the EU to consider imposing a quota system to force its nations to more equitably handle the spike in asylum seekers. The rush of refugees into Europe comes as the number of people driven from their homes by conflict and crisis tops 50 million, a first since World War II, according to the UNHCR.

Asylum Seekers Flood Into Hungary Asylbewerber Flut in Ungarn

Die Europäische Union erlebt einen starken Anstieg der Zahl der Bürger des Kosovo die versuchen, auf der Suche nach einem besseren Leben, sich in die wohlhabenden Blocks zu schmuggeln, Mit 23.000 Migranten die in den ersten sechs Wochen des Jahres 2015 nach Ungarn gelangten, übertrifft diese Zahl die 6000 für das Gesamtjahr 2013 bei weitem. Der Zustrom erfolgte durch eine Lockerung der Reisebestimmungen die mit politischen Unruhen, hoher Arbeitslosigkeit, genährt durch wirtschaftlich lähmende Korruption im Kosovo zusammenfiel. So versuchen die Kosovo-Albaner über Serbien die europäischen Grenzen zu erreichen. Obwohl die meisten Migranten Kosovo-Albaner sind, berichtet die Associated Press, dass viele Syrer, Afghanen, Iraker und andere dabei sind. Sobald Migranten sich innerhalb Ungarns bewegen, sind sie in der Lage, zu den meisten anderen EU-Staaten zu reisen. UN-Flüchtlingskommissar Antonio Guterres hat die EU aufgefordert die Einführung eines Quotensystems zu prüfen, welches Nationen zwinge, die Spitze in den Asylsuchenden gerechter zu übernehmen..

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A Kosovar man carries his baby as he crosses the Hungarian-Serbian border illegally, near the village of Asotthalom/ Laszlo Balogh/ReutersEin Kosovar trägt sein Baby als er die ungarisch-serbische Grenze illegal nahe dem Dorf Asotthalom überquert.

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Serbian border police stop Kosovars, who are trying to cross the border to Hungary, as they walk in a field near the town of Subotica, near the Serbian-Hungarian border/ Marko Djurica/ReutersNahe der Stadt Subotica stoppen serbische Grenzer Kosovaren die versuchen über ein Feld die serbisch-ungarische Grenze zu erreichen.

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Serbian border police detain Kosovars who tried to cross the border into Hungary, near the town of Subotica/Marko Djurica/ReutersSerbische Grenzpolizisten stoppen Kosovo-Flüchlinge, die versuchen die Grenze nach Ungarn zu erreichen.

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Kosovars, who were trying to cross the border to Hungary are detained by Serbian border police near the town of Subotica/ Marko Djurica/ReutersKosovaren, die versuchten die Grenze nach Ungarn zu erreichen werden nahe der Stadt Bubotica von serbischen Grenzpolizisten festgenommen.

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A Kosovar child sits in a Serbian border police vehicle after being detained with his family near the Serbian-Hungarian border/Marko Djurica/ReutersEin Kind aus dem Kosovo sitzt im Wagen der Grenzpolizei als es mit seiner Familie nahe der Serbisch-ungarischen Grenze festgenommen wurde.

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Clothes left by illegal immigrants lay in woods near Asotthalom, southern Hungary, on December 16, 2014. The mayor of a southern Hungarian village is proposing to build a fence to keep out the growing number of irregular migrants

coming across the nearby border with Serbia. The forests of Asotthalom have become a popular stop for migrants, most of them from Kosovo, seeking to reach Germany and other destinations in Western Europe. / Darko Bandic/APBekleidung illegaler Immigranten lieg im Wald nahe Asottalom im Süden Ungarns

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A migrant enters an abandoned brick factory in the northern Serbian town of Subotica / Darko Vojinovic/APEin Flüchtling betritt die verlassene Ziegelei im Norden der serbischen Stadt Subotica.

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Migrants gather around the fire which they use for cooking and for warmth in an abandoned brick factory in the northern Serbian town of Subotica, near the border between Serbia and Hungary, on December 15, 2014. Coming from as far away as Afghanistan and Syria and as near as Kosovo and Albania, thousands of irregular migrants a week are crossing into Hungary and requesting asylum, turning the country into a new hot spot in a transit route into the EU. /Darko Vojinovic/APMigranten versammeln sich um das Feuer in einer verlassenen Ziegelei um sich zu wärmen und zu kochen nahe der serbischen Stadt Subotica.

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Migrants gather around a fire which they use for cooking and for warmth in an abandoned brick factory in the northern Serbian town of Subotica, near the border between Serbia and Hungary. / Darko Vojinovic/AP

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Migrants rest in a makeshift camp near an abandoned brick factory in the northern Serbian town of Subotica / Darko Vojinovic/APMigranten ruhen in einem provisorischen Lager nahe einer verlassenen Ziegelei

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A pair of shoes belonging to a child lie in a snow-covered field in the northern Serbian village of Backi Vinogradi near the Hungarian border on February 9. During the past several weeks a large number of Kosovo Albanians tried to illegally enter the EU, mainly via Hungary, as they were fleeing economic hardship in their country. Kosovo is one of Europe's poorest nations with one third of its population of 1.8 million being unemployed and some 40 percent living in poverty. /Andrej Isakovic/AFP/Getty ImagesEin Paar verlassener Kinderschuhe im Schnee auf einem Feld der nordserbischen Stadt Backi Vinogradi.

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A group of Afghan asylum seekers walk over a field in an attempt to illegally cross the Serbian-Hungarian border from the northern Serbian village of Backi Vinogradi / Andrej Isakovic/AFP/Getty ImagesEine Gruppe afghanischer Asylsuchender gehen über ein Feld der nordserbischen Stadt Backi Vinogradi in der Absicht die serbisch-ungarische Grenze illegal zu überqueren.

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A Kosovar woman holds her child as they warm up around an open fire after they crossed illegally the Hungarian-Serbian border near the village of Asotthalom / Laszlo Balogh/ReutersEine Kosovarin hält ihr Kind al sie versucht sich an einem offenen Feuer zu wärmen nachdem sie illegal die serbisch-ungarische Grenze überquert haben.

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A group of Kosovars walk along a road after they crossed illegally the Hungarian-Serbian border near the village of Asotthalom.Eine Gruppe Kosovaren läuft nahe der Stadt Asotthalom über die Straße nchdem sie illegl die ungarisch-serbische Grenze überquert haben.

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A Kosovar boy cries, after he crossed the Hungarian-Serbian border illegally with his family, near the village of Asotthalom.Ein Kind aus dem Kosovo weint nachdem es mit seiner Familie die ungarisch-serbische Grenze nahe der Stadt Asotthalom illergal überquert hat.

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A group of Kosovars stand near a road, after being detained by Serbian border police while trying to cross the border to Hungary, near the town of Subotica. / Marko Djurica/ReutersEine Gruppe von Kosovaren steht nahe einer Straße bei Subotica nachdem sie bei dem Versuch die Grenze nach Ungarn zu überqueren von serbischen Grenzpolizisten festgenommen wurde.

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Kosovars try to enter a Serbian border police vehicle after being detained while trying to cross the border to Hungary, near the town of Subotica. / Marko Djurica/ReutersNach ihrer Festnahme versuchen die Kosovaren in ein Fahrzeug der serbischen Grenzpolizei zu gelangen.

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Kosovar Albanians arrive at a police station after being arrested as they tried to illegally pass the border near the northern Serbian city of Subotica close to the Hungarian border. / Andrej Isakovic/AFP/Getty ImagesNach ihrer Festnahme erreichen die die Kosovo-Albaner die Polizeistation.

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An Afghan child sits in a Serbian border police vehicle after a group of Afghan asylum seekers were detained for illegally trying to cross the Serbian-Hungarian border in the northern Serbian village of Backi Vinogradi. / Andrej

Isakovic/AFP/Getty ImagesEin afghanisches Kind sitzt in einem serbischen Grenzpolizeiwagen nachdem eine Gruppe afghanischer Asylsuchender bei dem Versuch die serbisch-ungarische Grenze illegal zu überqueren, festgenommen wurde.

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A Kosovar Albanian woman hugs her child at a police station where a group of Kosovar Albanians were brought in after being arrested as they tried to illegally pass the border near the northern Serbian city of Subotica. /Andrej

Isakovic/AFP/Getty ImageEine Kosova-albanische Frau umarmt auf der Polizeistation ihr Kind.

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Kosovars wait in a police station after they were detained while trying to cross the border to Hungary, in the town of Subotica. /Djurica/ReutersKosovaren warten nach ihrer Festnahme in einer Polizeistation.

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