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globalization & new media: theoretical context and macro trends

Fontys - FHJ - Internetjournalistiek - WG1 !2theo ploeg, @theoploeg

understanding the impact of media

marshall mcluhan (1911-1980)

!7toronto, 1930

We invent a new media


The new media technology

alters our sense ratios

The altered sense ratio alters our perception

The altered perception

changes the way we think

With a new way of thinking we

create new models of reality

New models of reality give rise to

new inventions

McLuhan’s cycle of change

‘we shape our tools and tools shape us’, !Marshall McLuhan

cycle of change

mcluhan's main thought #1: media are extensions of some human faculty

mcluhan’s main thought #2: the medium is the message

!12mcluhan’s main thought #3: walking backwards into the future

‘history is bunk’, henry ford

‘History is more or less bunk. It’s tradition. We don’t want

tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history

that is worth a tinker’s damn is the history that we make today.’

henry ford in chicago tribune, 1916

adam smith (1723-1790)

‘The value of any commodity is equal to the quantity of labour

which it enables him to purchase or command. Labour, therefore,

is the real measure of the exchangeable value of


adam smith in ‘the wealth of nations’, 1776

surroundings of manchester 1780

!19early 20th century: capitalists as benefactor

fordism (1910 - 1965)

fordism: shopping as capitalist action

max weber: ’entzauberung der welt’

back to marshall mcluhan

‘societies have always been shapes more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication’

mcluhan as ‚technologal determinist’

tribal man living in acoustic space

literate man living in the gutenberg galaxy

network man living in the global village

historical fases according to mcluhan

in between: man becoming more symbolic

!26acoustic space

• ear is dominant organ (sense) • community as powerful structure • hearing is believing • truth is fluid and non-lineair • time and place don’t exist • involvement and equality • myths

characteristics of acoustic space

!28liquid truth at the agora in athens

!29gutenberg galaxy

• eye as dominant organ (sense) • truth becomes universal • individual replaces community • hierarchy and centralization • privacy, distance and isolation • time and place becoming important • objectivity and rationality • sound becomes vision • seeing is believing • becoming as central human idea

characteristics of gutenberg galaxy

around 1500

!31books are vehicles for objectivity and rationality

!32the global village

newspaper as hot medium: they feel like a hot bath

!34tv as cool, electric medium

!351960: US elections broadcast on tv

in Playboy (1969)

‘The computer thus holds out the promise of a technologically

engendered state of universal understanding and unity, a state

of absorption in the logos that could knit mankind into one

family and create a perpetuity of collective harmony and peace.’

the electronic age

macluhan’s advice: don’t drown in the media mahlström

observe, take distance, find patterns

so, what macro trends do we see?

trend #1: news isn’t relevant anymorehierarchies implode, subjectivity, experience, emotions, involvement, liquidity

trend #2: storytelling is backsubjectivity, experience, emotions, involvement, liquidity

trend #3: curating instead of classic journalism

hierarchies implode, subjectivity, experience, emotions, involvement, liquidity

trend #4: mass is defragments in nicheshierarchies implode, subjectivity, involvement, liquidity, being, networks

trend #5: local and globalhierarchies implode, subjectivity, involvement, liquidity, being, networks

trend #6: the network is everythinghierarchies implode, subjectivity, involvement, liquidity, being, networks

trend #7: just besubjectivity, involvement, liquidity, being

a few examples

thank you!