Midterm proect interaction night for china and japan


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Antonio, Magtiza, Octaviano



How did it start? The war between China and Japan started when they fought

over who would control the small nation, Korea, located between them. The Japanese initially won and took over Korea until the end of World War 2 in 1945. The war between the two countries continued when Japan invaded and bombed the province of Manchuria in China because they were insecure of their natural resources. Japan continued to invade the other provinces of China because of the abundant natural resources of the country. However, the United States of America helped China defeat Japan. It lead to the end of the war and the Japanese surrendered. 


What is their current status? Today, although China and Japan have close economic ties,

their diplomatic relations have been strained by their bitter history, clashing interests and cultural friction. The two countries continue to fight over larger and more successful economies and natural resources. 


Current tie-ups Several companies between China and Japan are starting to build mutual

associations. Japan’s Gree Inc. ties up with China’s Tencent Holdings because the first

believes that the tie-up would help to give it access to China’s growing market for mobile games.

Japan’s trading house Mitsubishi Corp. and Chinese steel producer Baoshan Iron and Steel Co. are forming a strategic alliance focused on the areas of new energy and the environment. The two companies plan to explore ways to offer businesses technologies geared to efficient energy use.

Another company in Japan, NEC, stands for a joint venture with China’s Tianma because NEC efforts to pull up its unprofitable operations and focus on more promising lines of businesses in China.

Japan and China also ties up to save energy. The Japanese lead the world when it comes to capitalizing on problems. Japanese companies started operations in China and it was a good thing for both countries since the Chinese government's plan of improving energy efficiency was realized with Japan's assistance.


Current disagreements History book scandal of Japan

In April of 2005, it was claimed that the Japanese are re-writing history. It re-opened old wounds for the Chinese but at the heart of the dispute is the struggle for dominance of the region.

Japan’s reluctance to face it’s second world war is impossible. Even today, many Japanese politicians dismiss events like the 1937 Nanking massacre as minor incidents. The Japanese see themselves as the victims of the war and not the aggressor.

News that Japanese schoolbooks left out war crimes in China provoked a wave of anti-Japanese protests. But the real issue at stake is not only Japan's reluctance to confront its past. It's dominance of Asia. One professor explained it, “You can't forget that China wants to be a world superpower and project its strength, but it is up against another world power in the region."


Current disagreements China and Japan disagrees over detainment of trawler captain

Anti-Japanese feelings are running high in China after the Japanese’s treatment over a Chinese trawler captain who was arrested after a collision with two Japanese coast guard ships.

China has suspended top level ties with Tokyo and has warned Japan that strong measures will be taken and has already postponed a meeting with Japan over important coal issues.

China overpowering Japan, its long-time rival, as the second of the world’s largest economy.

Beijing has cut senior-level government contacts and Japan’s top spokesman has warned against extreme nationalist sentiment.

Japan begins to fight for their country again. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan’s government declared war on currency traders, which includes China, intervening in the markets to strengthen the yen for the first time in six years.



Purpose We believe that the two countries opt to

participate in a peace talk in order to: To show the individuality of both countries

which in turn teaches them the fact that they are beautifully unique in their own ways and culture, therefore making wars as unnecessary.

To practice cooperation which thus lead to the equal prosperity of both countries;


I. VenueII. Date and timeIII. Motif IV. Decorations (Walls, tables, chairs and stage)V. FoodVI. MusicVII. SouvenirsVIII. Personnel(Host and waiters)IX. Booths


Function hall at Intramuros, Manila Intramuros is one of the places in Manila

that projects the culture of the Philippines. Holding the event there would enable the guests to know more about the Filipinos also and to admire the beauty of the Philippines.

A function hall is simply a bare room wherein decorations can be freely embellished.


Date: 08-07-2011 Chinese people believe that

the number 8 is a lucky number. It is because of its unique symmetry and its resemblance to the Greek symbol for infinity. It also because the sound byte of “eight” is close to that of “prosperity, wealth or fortune”

The Japanese consider the number 7 as their lucky number. They, as Buddhists, believe in seven reincarnations and they celebrate the seventh day after a baby’s birth.

Time: 10:00 to 15:00 Since August 7 falls on a

Sunday in the year of 2011. Both the Chinese and the Japanese do not have work. Interestingly, the overwhelming majority of the Chinese and the Japanese take their lunch at exactly 12:00 noon. With this, there will be enough time for the gathering before and after the lunch time.


Red and white China considers red as the lucky color. The color

red symbolizes happiness, freshness and purity. It is also a symbol that gives color to the soul of the nation.

Japan do not really consider red as the lucky color. But when it is combined with white, it signifies happiness and celebration. The Japanese treat the combination of the two colors as one word, called “kouhaku”. Red and white are the colors of the Japanese flag; the red signifies the sun.


The walls will be decorated with hanging scrolls in their narrow upright formats. The scroll is imprinted with detailed designs, in which the Chinese and the Japanese are both skilled in, and is one of the rarest treasure in both China and Japan.

Since the architecture of Japan is originally and heavily influenced by the Chinese Architecture. The theme of the venue would portray a place that is similar with an ancient palace in China or Japan. Ancient Chinese architecture features flexible structure, wonderful and elegant appearance, regular layout and gorgeous ornaments. Both nations would love this because they are people who gives importance and are skilful in details.

Tables and chairs Tables will be round in shape because round tables are more popular than rectangle or

square tables in China. As many people who can be seated comfortably around it conveniently face one another.

Each person will be provided with a chopstick, a chopstick rest, a cup for the tea, 2 bowls for the soup and the rice, a Chinese spoon and a small dish.

Chinese people do not put bones in their bowl. They place them on the table or in a special bowl/plate.

Chairs will be made of wood because it is a popular choice for material in China and Japan because it adjusts well to earthquakes and works well with season changes


Food will be served on the table. It will consist of dishes that are meant to be shared. This is because in both China and Japan, sharing several

dishes is more common than giving individual dishes. However, serving chopsticks will be provided for that purpose.

Instead of dishes in fusion of Chinese and Japanese food, the food to be served will both cater the Chinese and the Japanese. Some will be Chinese food, some will be Japanese. But whichever table, whether occupied with Chinese or Japanese people, all types of food will be served on that table. This is to allow both countries to taste the lovely food of the

other country.


Menu Rice

Both also love rice. Rice was the first grain farmed in China and it serves as China’s staple food. Chinese people eat rice several times a day. In Japan, rice is the most important ingredient and also the main staple in Japanese food.

Ramen Noodles Both countries love noodles. Japan and China consider noodles as a staple in their cuisines. It is an integral

part of the many savory dishes known. In China, food using wheat as its main ingredient, such as noodles, are prevalent. Since long noodles are a symbol of longevity in Chinese tradition, the noodles will be served long and uncut.

Ramen noodles are the equivalent of Japanese comfort food. Surprisingly, they originated in China. The guests are allowed to produce slurping sounds when eating them because it shows that they are enjoying

the food. Slurping and belching sounds are not considered as bad manners in China and Japan. Soybean curd or Tofu

This is an important source of protein for the Chinese. On the other hand, Japan treats soybean products as staples.

Stir-fried celery Chinese people mainly live on the five common cereals and vegetables, added by a small supply of meat. This

eating habit is formed by the mode of production which is centered by agriculture. Vegetables play a central role in Chinese cooking. Moreover, stir-frying is the most common method of cooking in China. Japanese people also love adding vegetables to their dishes. This is because Japan’s climate is good for farming various crops.

Tempura Tempura is one of the most popular food in Japan and also one of its best-known exports. This dish will not

cause a problem with the Chinese because Chinese people are very fond of seafood.

FOOD Sweet and sour pork

This dish is for the reason of a supply of meat that is part of the Chinese dining culture. This dish will not cause a problem with the Japanese because Japanese people are very fond of the sweetness in food.

Onigiri For the sake of the Japanese guests, instead of serving sushi, the more popular rice dish in

Japan, onigiri with plum filling will be served. This is because it does not contain raw meat and Chinese people do not like eating raw meat. Chinese people love to eat food that are hot and well-cooked.

Green tea Green tea is the national beverage of Japan. In China, green tea is the most popular among all

the teas they drink. These are drunk plain, without milk or sugar. Fresh fruits and mochi

Desserts are a huge popular food culture in Japan and the Japanese definitely have a sweet tooth. Mochi is one of their popular desserts. It is a sticky rice that has a red bean filling. Interestingly, red bean is always known to as stuffing in China. Mochi is also traditionally eaten in Taiwan, a country situated by Chinese people.

Although desserts do not feature prominently in Chinese cooking, fresh fruits are what Chinese people usually looks forward to after a meal. They prefer eating fruit because it is a more healthier choice. In addition, Japanese people also like eating fruits. They usually cut the fruits into nice shapes for a prettier presentation.


"The Venerated Patterns of China and Japan,“ a CD by three master musicians and

scholars of ethnomusicology who explore the rich and integral common threads linking the traditional music of China and Japan.


Food basket containing pairs of various fruits and eight different types of candies. Since the giving of gifts is an important custom to both countries, souvenirs

will play a vital role for the celebration to be a success. There are eight types of candy in the food basket because Chinese people

believes that giving gifts in eights is lucky. On one hand, the Japanese considers a gift with a pair of item is lucky; that is why the fruits are given in pairs. Neither will come in 4’s because both countries believe that the number 4 is very unlucky.

The wrapping of the souvenir will also be special because the Japanese believes that prettily packed gifts are better. White, blue or black wrapping papers will not be used because the Chinese considers it as unlucky.

The process of handing the souvenirs will be made with great respect. Both in the Chinese and Japanese cultures, the practice of using two hands in handing someone something symbolizes great respect.


The host and the waiters will be wearing an American suit or the western style of clothing in order to avoid conflicts on the different type of clothing that the two countries dress to.

Both the Chinese and the Japanese associate certain colors and designs with specific seasons. However they do not actually coherent.

In China,  green represents spring, red symbolizes summer, white represents autumn, and black symbolizes winter.

In Japan, clothing that has rustic hues and patterns, such as those that feature russet leaves, are preferred for autumn wear. Floral designs, such as those that feature cherry blossoms, and more vibrant colors are more common during the spring time. For winter, people who are dressed in kimonos like to wear darker fabric and more layers.

The host will be a citizen of a different nation, a Filipino for example, who is knowledgeable of both cultures of China and Japan and who is able to speak both languages. The language to be used will be English.

The personnel must be punctual and hard-working. This is because Chinese culture emphasizes on punctuality; while, in Japanese culture, work is treated as a form of worship.


Stalls and booth will enable the guests to learn and fully experience the culture of the two countries not only during the event but even as they go home. Booths will be selling goods that are loved by the Chinese and the Japanese.

Tea booth (Tea is loved by China and Japan) Origami booth(Chinese people can take home books about origami, special

papers for making origami and origami displays) Porcelain booth (Porcelain, also called 'fine china', featuring its delicate

texture, pleasing color, and refined sculpture, has been one of the earliest artworks introduced by China)

Ukiyo-e booth (Ukiyo-e is a specific style of Japanese painting produced by woodblock prints which was popular between the 17th and 20th centuries. This style mostly featured landscape, theatre, pleasure quarters, and history motifs.)

Chinese kite booth (The earliest kites were invented in China about 800 B.C.. Chinese people flew kites for fun, and also used kites in war to carry messages, to signal people far away, and to carry explosives into besieged cities.)


I. Flag Ceremony (10:00-10:30) Entrance of the Chinese and Japanese flags Singing of the Chinese and Japanese national anthems

II. Opening Ceremony (10:30-11:00) Lion Dance

By far the most popular folk dance performance in all of China is the Lion Dance. The symbolism according to the ancient Chinese is a guardian figure and a defender. The lion also has symbolic significance in Buddhism, yet another reason for the typical Chinese Imperial subject to admire this fierce beast.

Kabuki Performance Kabuki is a form of Japanese theater that combines drama,

dance and music. It is a very lively performance.


III. Tea Ceremony (11:00-11:30) The Chinese tea ceremony is the most ancient ceremony and plays a central

role in Chinese culture. The tea ceremony reflects the search for beauty in every object of the world, in accordance with the Chinese Tao philosophy.

The Japanese tea ceremony is a unique Japanese cultural tradition, which began in the 15th century. The Japanese tea ceremony was inspired by Zen Buddhism, according to which spiritual elevation is achieved by engrossing oneself in the small details of daily life. Thus, the attention paid to the minute details of the tea ceremony is meant to induce a sense of serenity and harmony among the host and guests. 

IV. Talk (Saving energy, saving money) (11:30-12:00) Today, China’s government plans to pour billions of dollars into special

projects to help meet the country's energy-saving targets. Japan’s government, on the other hand, issued a national battle cry against the soaring global energy prices. Because of such problems, a talk regarding such will be very helpful and interesting to the Chinese and Japanese guests.

The speaker of the talk will neither be a Chinese or a Japanese but must be an expert in the field.


V. Lunch Break (12:00-13:00)VI. Kendama Activity (13:00-13:30)

A kendama is a wooden toy known all over the world. Records show that the game came to Japan from China about 200 years ago. The guests will each be given a kendama and the person who does the game the fastest will win a prize. The prize will be a small red packet that holds money. The giving of this packet is both practiced in China and Japan so there would not be any problem.

VII. Geisha Performance (13:30-14:00) Traditionally popular in Japan, Geisha are female entertainers

who perform various arts, like dancing, playing classical music, or performing poetry. This performance will enable the Chinese people to appreciate Japanese theatre art.


VIII. Beijing Opera Performance(14:00-14:30) In turn, for the Japanese to appreciate the wondrous culture of

China, this performance will be held. Beijing Opera of China is a national treasure with a history of 200 years. Beijing Opera is a synthesis of stylized action, singing, dialogue and mime, acrobatic fighting and dancing to represent a story or depict different characters and their feelings of gladness, anger, sorrow, happiness, surprise, fear and sadness. 

IX. Ceremonial toast (14:30-15:00) Toasting before drinking is always done in China and Japan as a

sign of social respect. In China and Japan, beer is the most popular alcoholic drink. The guests will be provided with a glass of beer and then they will all stand up and do a toast. Japanese people will say “kampai”, while the Chinese will say “Ganbei”.



Learning experiences What we learned in this project is that for every

conflicting person/country, there is always a certain common ground that connects the two. Furthermore, even if conflicts arise, there is always a way to stop and prevent it through understanding each other's point of view in order to relate ourselves in their predicament. Absence of biases is very important. We were also able to appreciate the culture of China and Japan. It was the first time for us to gain much knowledge about the two cultures and it was interestingly fun.


What helped us in finishing the task? Comprehensive research about the two

conflicting countries is the most important factor that helped us finish the task, alongside with the guide questions provided. It served as a strategy for us to think of the programs to be held in the event easier. In addition, the task became much easier due to the fact that each of us contributed a part in the project.


What made the task difficult? What really made the task difficult is in

finding the "common ground" of the two conflicting countries and develop this common ground as a corner stone of our activities that will hinder the opposing countries from criticizing each other.


Realizations and insights We realized that people loves competition. People

tend to compare themselves to other people and criticize anything that for them seems to be out of their own concept of ordinary. In short, people practice ethnocentrism. With this, the only way for us to see the truth beyond the rationalizations we make is to see their point of view, to know why and how it is for them to be correct while in ours is not. Cultural relativity is important. Finally, we believe that all of us can discern the true nature of a certain situation, it only depends on how we look at it.





http://www.aneki.com/comparison.php?country_1=Japan&country_2=China http://www.theglobalist.com/storyid.aspx?storyid=4487 http://www.china360online.org/2010/02/material-culture/material-culture-confu

cius/ http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e629.html http://facts-about-japan.com/modern-religion.html http://www.japan-zone.com/omnibus/buddhism.shtml http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/virtual/index.html http://chineseculture.about.com/library/china/whitepaper/blsreligion.htm http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/china/ http://www.etiquetteinchina.com/


http://www.three-musketeers.net/mike/colors.html http://www.cyborlink.com/besite/international_gift_giving.htm http://japanese.about.com/od/japanesecultur1/a/Japanese-Conception-Of-Red.ht

m http://www.chinaodysseytours.com/special-topic-about-china/china-red-the-colo

r-of-china.html http://www.chinatravel.com/facts/traditions-and-custom/chinese-lucky-numbers.

htm http://japanese.about.com/od/japanesecultur1/a/062401.htm http://library.thinkquest.org/20443/g_clothing.html http://www.suite101.com/content/types-of-noodles-in-japanese-cuisine-a192550 http://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/culture/ http://www.wtea.com/about-tea_teatime-Ceremonies.aspx http://www.asianinfo.org/asianinfo/japan/architecture.htm http://web-japan.org/nipponia/nipponia26/en/topic/topic01.html http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2037.html






http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WC0WE9BUY8 http://www.englishcafe.com/chatcafe/group-forum/china-japan

-disagreement-over-trawler-captain-94774 http://www.businessweek.com/blogs/eyeonasia/archives/2010/

09/japan_cant_afford_fight_with_china.html http://micgadget.com/8709/japanese-held-anti-china-protest-t

o-show-disagreement/ http://www.healthy-chinese-recipe.com/chinese-dessert.html http://www.j82productions.com/2010/05/popular-japanese-des

serts.html http://www.foodbycountry.com/Germany-to-Japan/Japan.html http://www.foodbycountry.com/Algeria-to-France/China.html http://www.beijingmadeeasy.com/beijing-society/chinese-drinki
