Design brief


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Design Brief

Harry Hartland

Features that I will include on my Front cover: Puffs will say World’s Best Rock Magazine above the logo/title Masthead will say the name of the magazine in a logo form in the top left of the

magazine Plugs will be used on my magazine as I will want to be advertising Have a certain house style that is promoted throughout the magazine Feature article photograph, Mid shot/long shot and a low angle shot The magazine will be Named R as this resembles Rock and the magazine is

based on rock music I want to have a 3D layering affect so that the title is in front or behind the

feature article photograph on the page. I will need to use good typography and a font that is easy recognisable and can

be read. Some pull quotes could be used from the feature article photo

Features to include on my contents page: I plan to use about half and half with images and text to list pages There should be minimal writing on the page there should not be much said about

each article to make sure that the reader goes to the specific page and reads it there.

The contents page must include persuasive typography to make the readers want to read the entire article

Most contents pages have a date on so that the reader can see when this magazine was published

The same colour scheme should be used throughout the magazine even on the contents page, I plan to make this red and black

Non or little fillers should be used Feature photo’s should also be used to represent the secondary main article in the

magazine The layout of my contents page needs to be simple but not messy, this means there

should be equal spaces between items on the page so that the pages look balanced.

Features to include on my double page spread: I would like to include on my double page spread a feature article photo that will

show what the article is about and portray the point of the article. The layout of the page would need to be so that the image is rather in the

centre of both pages or on its one single page to what the text is on. Fillers could be used to take up some space around the edges of the double

page spread I don’t want to use too much though as it will make it look un-neat Text will need to be in columns so that the magazine looks conventional and

neat. I should also include some other smaller photos other than the feature article

photo perhaps in a different type of shot such as maybe in a different area. There will need to be a masthead on the page that is qwerty and attracts the

attention of the reader. Pull quote can be used to show a quote that the subject in the photo is saying Drop caps will need to be used to make the text look funky and like a magazine