The family with a supernatural Jewish heart. Number 1306


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News from Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! Television and Messianic Vision

The family with a supernatural Jewish heart. Number 1306 November 2013

got vision?By Richard Mull

Are you hungry to hear God’s voice? Do you wish you

could see visions, experience angelic visitations, or have

other supernatural encounters with God?

Continued inside

Cover Story got vision? By Richard Mull


voice.Iwouldalwaysleavefrustrated.Iwouldhaveallkindsofpicturesscrollingthroughmyheadandallsortsofthoughts.TheyweregoodthoughtsbutIbelievedthattheyweredistractingmefrombeingabletohearGod.IwantedeverythinginmyheadtobequietsoIcouldhearthe“stillsmallvoice.” EveryoneknowsthatwhenyouhearGodHewillhavealowresonantvoice—maybethunderwillberollinginthebackground—thenavoicelikeJamesEarlJonesorMorganFreemanwillboomfromheavenoverthethunder.Then youwillknowthatGodhasspokentoyou! Right?Isn’tthatwhatGodwillsoundlike?Ifyouarelaughingrightnow,that’sgood.IfIjustdescribedwhatyouhaveneverputintowords,butitdescribeswhatyouatsomepointexpectedGod’svoicetosoundlike,thenyouarenotalone.WhenIspeakonthesubjectofhearingGod’svoice,Ioftensurveypeopleandeverywhere,ineverytypeofgroup,peoplehavethesamepreconceivedideasaboutGod’svoice. Ihadsevenyearsoftheologicaltraining,andI’dbeentochurchmyentirelife,buttheonlywayIhadbeentaughtthatGodspeaksisthroughthewrittenWordofGod—theBible. IspentthelastfouryearsgoingthroughtheBibleninetimes.IexaminedeverywaythatGodspeaks,everytimethatGodspeaks,everypersonthatGodspeaksto,anditchangedmylife.ThatexperienceisthefoundationofanewBiblecalledtheGod Speaks Interactive Bible. TheonefacetthatIwanttohighlightfrommystudy,outofamillionpowerfulkeysthatcouldbeemphasized,isthequestion,“What do you see?”GodspoketoJeremiahandaskedhimthatquestion.

Later the Lord asked me,“What do you see, Jeremiah?” (Jeremiah1:11NET). Ifsomeonehadaskedmethatquestionmanyyearsago,whenIwastryingtohearGod,thatphrasewouldhaveliberatedme.AllofthetimesItriedtohearGod,Isawimages,yetIneverdreamedthattheycouldbevisionsfromGod.Theyseemedsorandom. LookatJeremiah’sanswertoGod. I answered, “I see a branch of an almond tree”(Jeremiah1:11NET). Howrandomisthat?Whatintheworlddoesabranchofanalmondtreehavetodowithanything?Whywouldsomeonewritethatdownorpayanyattentiontoit?Whatawimpyvision!ThatiswhatIwouldhavethought.ActuallyIwouldhaveconsidereditjustanotherrandompictureinmyhead. GodthengaveJeremiahthemeaningofthatsimplepictureinhishead. Then the Lord said,“You have observed correctly. This means I am watching to make sure my threats are carried out” (Jeremiah1:12NET). EventheinterpretationseemsrandomtousintheEnglish,withoutthefollowinggreatercontext:ThealmondtreeisthefirstonetoblossomandbearfruitinIsrael.Ithadbeennicknamed“thehastytree.”GodencouragesJeremiahthatHehadseenwellandthatHewasgoingtohastentoperformHisword. GodoftenspeaksinpicturestoHispeople.I was having visions for years and had no idea that they were manifestations of God speaking to me. IwasmostawareofthemwhenIwasaskingGodtospeaktome,butnooneeversaidtome,“Whatdoyousee?”IwouldaskGodtospeaktomeandthenbesofrustratedthatIhadallthesepicturesandthoughtsaboutGod.Iwaswaitingforthunderandtheboomingvoice,thewayHollywoodportraysGodspeaking.

Recently,afterhearingmepreach,awomantoldmethatsheonlyhadtwovisionsinherlife.Ithenaskedherif,whenshewaspraying,shesawpicturesinhermind.Shereplied,“Allthetime.”Itoldher,“Nexttime,writethemdownandaskGodfortheinterpretation.” Lookattheseotherexamples:

The Lord again asked me, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a pot of boiling water; it is tipped toward us from the north.” Then the Lord said, “This means destruction will break out from the north on all who live in the land” (Jeremiah1:13-14NET). The Lord said to me, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” I answered, “I see figs. The good ones look very good. But the bad ones look very bad, so bad that they cannot be eaten.” The Lord said to me, “I, the Lord, the God of Israel, say: ‘The exiles whom I sent away from here to the land of Babylon are like those good figs. I consider them to be good’” (Jeremiah24:3-5NET).

And the Lord said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said: “Behold, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of My people Israel; I will not pass by them anymore” (Amos7:8).

God often speaks in pictures to His people. What do you see?

There is no other Bible like this!

Thequestionis:what do yo u see? MaybeyouarehavingvisionsfromGodandyoudon’tknowit!IbelievethatallofGod’schildrencanhearHisvoice.TheproblemIfindisthatmostpeoplehaveneverbeentaughthowtorecognizeHisvoice.“What do you see?” isjustoneexampleofasimplekeythatcanhelpyoutodiscernwhenGodisspeakingtoyouinvisions. Payattentiontotheimagesandwordsthatcometoyourmind.WritethemdownlikeJeremiah,AmosandZechariahdid.ThenaskGodwhattheymean.Writedownthefirstthingthatcomestoyourmind. Godspeakstoourspirit.HeisSpiritandwearespiritualbeings,butweare

He said, “What do you see, Amos?” I replied, “A basket of summer fruit.” Then the Lord said to me, “The end has come for my people Israel! I will no longer overlook their sins” (Amos8:2NET).

He asked me, “What do you see?” I replied, “I see a menorah of pure gold with a receptacle at the top and seven lamps, with fourteen pipes going to the lamps” (Zechariah4:2NET).

Someone asked me, “What do you see?” I replied, “I see a flying scroll thirty feet long and fifteen feet wide” (Zechariah5:2NET).

The God Speaks Interactive Bible highlights in different colors everywhere in

the Scripture where God speaks directly, plus…• Every supernatural event• Every word spoken by angels• Every healing• Every miracle• And more!

You will clearly recognize every time and every way God speaks. You will be able to examine each miracle of God. You will grow in faith to walk every day in the

supernatural. And you will be able to discern God’s voice and direction for your life!

There is no other Bible like this! With its beautiful and

durable leather-like cover, this remarkable New English Translation will quickly become your favorite Bible for reading and studying! Included is Richard Mull’s powerful and life-changing four-week course, Learn How to Hear God. This easy-to-understand workbook takes you on a journey from the basics of “Does God still speak today?” all the way through more mature facets of hearing God. Included is a bookmark with color-coded symbols so you can easily find Scriptures and subjects related to God’s desire to communicate with you! The color-coded God Speaks Interactive Bible, Learn How to Hear God workbook and the bookmark are available for a donation of $79 ($95 Canadian). Order on the enclosed reply card, by calling 800-548-1918 or by going online at

Cover Story got vision? By Richard Mull

Announcing a revolutionary new interactive Bible and anointed course on how to hear God every day!

Richard Mull is a renowned author, speaker and ministry leader. He is the Founder and President of Operation Light Force near Tampa, Florida, whose vision is to equip men and women — old and young — to think, act and be like Jesus for their entire lives.

Recently,afterhearingmepreach,awomantoldmethatsheonlyhadtwovisionsinherlife.Ithenaskedherif,whenshewaspraying,shesawpicturesinhermind.Shereplied,“Allthetime.”Itoldher,“Nexttime,writethemdownandaskGodfortheinterpretation.” Lookattheseotherexamples:

The Lord again asked me, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a pot of boiling water; it is tipped toward us from the north.” Then the Lord said, “This means destruction will break out from the north on all who live in the land” (Jeremiah1:13-14NET). The Lord said to me, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” I answered, “I see figs. The good ones look very good. But the bad ones look very bad, so bad that they cannot be eaten.” The Lord said to me, “I, the Lord, the God of Israel, say: ‘The exiles whom I sent away from here to the land of Babylon are like those good figs. I consider them to be good’” (Jeremiah24:3-5NET).

And the Lord said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said: “Behold, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of My people Israel; I will not pass by them anymore” (Amos7:8).

moreawareofourthoughts.ThatiswherewetendtointerpretwhatGodisspeakingtous.WhenyoutaketimetolistentoGod,justpayattentiontoyourthoughts.Writethemdown,andthenaskHimtohelpyoudiscernthemeaning. Ifyoudothis,youareonyourwaytoseeingvisions!Someofyouwilldiscoverthatyouhavebeena“Seer”yourwholelife,butnooneeverhelpedyoutodiscoverthatyoualreadyhadthegift.

God often speaks in pictures to His people. What do you see?

I interviewed Tommy Welchel last month. He is the last living link to the greatest revival to ever hit America — the Azusa

Street Revival. As a teenager Tommy was privileged to hear amazing stories directly from the elderly survivors of this revival. God had told them that Tommy was chosen to share these stories with the world. The three major leaders of the Azusa Street Revival prophesied that 100 years from that time there would be another revival. This would be just before Jesus returned. It would be greater, be worldwide and “nobodies” would walk in the same miracles as Jesus and even greater! It is now 100 years later and Tommy believes it is the right time to see this explosion of creative miracles. Our ministry’s passion is to mentor you in the supernatural to present evidence of the reality of the invisible God to a world that is rapidly turning away from Him. This explosion of miracles by the average believer will turn the tide of the horrific anti-Christian avalanche we have all been witnessing. Our second passion is to reach the lost — to the Jew first. Several weeks ago I was a guest on a New Age radio show called Coast to Coast. They wanted me to talk about miracles. This show has the highest overnight

audience of any radio program in America. The estimated audience was almost 500,000! And 98% were unsaved. Since Jewish people are very interested in the New Age, it has a large Jewish audience. I was interviewed from 2:00 to 4:00 a.m. and then they opened it up for phone calls until 5:00 a.m. I tried to give an altar call three times, but the host did not permit it. However, I was able to give compelling reasons why Jesus was the Messiah and to share the Gospel. Then God exploded with miracles. One caller said he was healed and the host was amazed. Later on Facebook, 750 new people came to my page and the reports of miracles and interest in the Gospel were over the top. A believer who listened wrote to me about the show:

That was a ground-breaking testimony and prayer that went out across to a demographic of listeners that has never heard of Jesus as we know Him. You penetrated the darkness and principalities over the airways that have virtually been untouched by the Gospel, a mission field changed for eternity!— Ray C.

I offered my Jewish evangelistic book during the interview, and we had over 2,400 requests! Only eternity will tell how many people became believers from that show. A friend and previous guest on It’s Supernatural! told me he plays our new

TV network,, at home 24/7. He says this makes the presence of God saturate his whole house. We have hundreds of archived TV programs in high definition available free on any computer or smart phone in the world. Many are watching these archives several hours a day. People are getting healed and say the early shows are as anointed as the new shows! And please visit our newly redesigned website as pictured above. It is mobile-optimized for easier viewing on your iPad or smart phone. Our site has a huge collection of resources to mentor you in the supernatural for the purpose of reaching Jews and Gentiles with the Gospel. You are being equipped to be a main player in the greatest revival to prepare the world for the soon coming of Jesus!

Dear Mishpochah by Sid Roth

100 years is up! We are now on the cusp of the greatest revival

the world has ever seen. Get ready!

Number 1306 November 2013 Copyright ©2013. “Family” in Hebrew, Mishpochah is the newsletter for Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! To sign up to receive our Mishpochah newsletter or to place a credit card order, please call 800-548-1918. For all other inquiries call 704-943-6500, e-mail, or visit online at Mishpochah is published bimonthly by: It’s Supernatural!, P.O. Box 39222, Charlotte, NC 28278. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Emphasis added.



got vision?