St Paul s Geelong ,29th August 2021 The Fourteenth Sunday


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St Paul’s Geelong ,29th August 2021

The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost


Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

– Day of prayer for refugees– Sunday 29 August 2021

Song of Songs 2.8-13; Psalm 45.1-2, 45.6-9;

James 1.17-27; Mark 7.1-8, 7.14-23

James tells us to ‘be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. For

if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a

mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were

like’. James wants us to let what we have heard impel us into action. No sitting in the pews

not letting the Spirit into our lives to disturb us. He wants us to ‘welcome with meekness

the implanted word that has the power to save [our] souls and then get out and do some-

thing for God.

Send your Spirit to us, Lord, that we might find ourselves disturbed into action for the

sake of your kingdom

Give thanks for the work and witness of the Church of South India.

Text: Robert McLean ABM’s Partnerships Coordinator© Anglican Board of Mission, 2021

St. Paul’s is fitted with a hearing aid loop. Tune in and stay connected!

Quote of the Day “Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating. By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.” ( Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Who’s 0N next week—5th September ?

(Subject to Covid)

EUCHARIST (8:00 am)

Sidesperson Glenda Theys

Server Tom Cochram

Eucharistic Assistant Tom Cochram

EUCHARIST (10:30 am)

Morning Tea Alyson Dillon & Helen Robarts

Sidespersons David Endean & Michele Eldridge

Servers Jennifer Rau & Pauline Weston

Intercessions Pauline Weston

Eucharistic Assistants Pauline Weston


It is with a sense of deep loss and sadness that I

inform you about the demise of ELISE NESS who

went to be with the Lord on Thursday 26th at

around 1:00pm . She died surrounded by

William and the family at their home in Barwon

Heads. Please uphold William and the family in

your prayers.

“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of

his faithful servants.” (Psalm 116:15)

This week’s Covid 19 Update.

Services can be held at St. Paul’s with up to 96 people - based on the 4sqm per person rule. We must have a COVID check-in marshal to ensure everyone checks in using QR codes or with the tablet. Masks must be worn indoors and outdoors apart from one person leading/singing/preaching at one time, and please remember to maintain social distancing of 1.5m. Morning Tea: We can hold morning tea in the hall, but we are limited to 37 people at one time. You must recheck in at the hall using the QR Code there. Except when actually drinking or eating, masks must be worn- e.g. when queue-ing for your coffee, or when chatting. Please maintain a 1.5 m distance from each other. Thanks Ruth Oakley

Volunteers required

Volunteers are required to help pick

up and drop fellow parishioners for Wednesday and Sunday Services who are una-ble to drive anymore and could do with a lift. If you are able to support this ministry of care then please speak to me and we can offer this sup-port to those in need. Many Thanks Nigel

JAM FOR REFUGEES Jam for Refugees is a ten-hour concert which will occur in St. Paul's Church on Saturday 30th October between 11.00 am and 9.00 pm. It will take the form of a series of 30-minute per-formances by some of the best musicians and school groups in the Geelong area.

People are encouraged to come at any time (Come when you can, go when you must!) and entry is by donation at the door. The idea is to raise both funds and awareness regarding the plight of refugees.

Please put this date in your diary, and mention it to everyone you can think of.

On the day, we will also need volunteers for various jobs, so if you can help in any way, please contact Terry Norman on 0411 875 033, or at

Interment of Ashes The interment of Ashes of

Donald William Hewitt will be held at the ‘Memorial Garden’

on Saturday 4th September at 11:30 am . ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND


Working Bee Saturday 11th Septemebr10.00am

It’s that time again, to give the church grounds a tidy up. If you are able to help out on the 7th, could you please let Iain Coombs know on 0406610394 We will advise further If Covid

restrictions are still in force and working bee unable to go ahead. Many thanks. Marylyn

This Week’s Diary

Tuesday 31st John Bunyan, preacher and spiritual writer (d.1688) Aidan of Lindisfarne, bishop and missionary (d.651) Wednesday—1st Colossians 1,1-8 Psalm 52.8-9 Luke 5.1-11 Thursday– 2nd MARTYRS OF GUINEA Friday—3rd Gregory of Rom, bishop and teacher (d.604) Eliza Darling, pioneer social reformer in NSW (d.1868)

Daily Bible Readings

30th Mon Psalm 148 1 Kings 3.16-28 Acts 23.12-24 31stTue Ps 83.1-8(9-18) 1 Kings 3.1-15 Acts 23.25-24..9 1st Wed Ps 1 1 Kings 3.16-28 Acts 24.10-27 2nd Thu Ps 5 1 Kings 4.20-34 Acts 25.1-12 3rd Fri Ps 9 1 Kings 5 Acts 25.13-27

4th Sat Ps 11 1 Kings 6.1-14,37-7.1 Acts 26.1-18

Based on: An Australian Lectionary 2018

Sunday 5th September—The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Lections & Lectors: 8.00 am Glenda Theys ; 10.30 am: Sharon Nicholls

Proverbs 22.1-2,8-9,22-23; Psalm 125; James 2.1-10, 14-17 ; Mark 7.23-37

CHRISTMAS FAIR Planning is well underway for the St. Paul’s Christmas Fair to be held on 13th November.

Plant Stall As part of the Fair we will be having a PLANT STALL, and we are asking parishioners with green fingers to get busy potting up in preparation. If you are able to help, please contact Marylyn Pettit, Shirley Girvan or Antun & Genie Hidic, who are help-ing with organising the stall, for more information. The Christmas Fair promises to be a great event, with numerous stalls, refreshments and children’s activities. We will be advertising widely, and hope to draw in a big crowd. In the com-ing weeks, we will be letting you have more. Meanwhile ….. Get Potting!!

Fair Craft Stall

No fair is complete without the traditional craft stall, however craft work requires time, so if you have ideas, are able to contribute, or would be will to take direction in creating please contact Gillian Hall or Claire Pratt who are helping the organisa-tion. Perhaps you have scraps of cotton fabrics in Christmas prints or colours that you would be willing to donate- - they would be gratefully received. Lastly, if you area proficient on the sewing machine and would be willing to help I assembling a quantity of calico carry bag, please see Claire in the back of the church after next Sunday’s Service or ring her on 0439553468.

The Prayer Group (prayer chain) is always open to new participants. Please speak to Alyson Dillon (5272-1049) or the Vicar for details on this Ministry. A Dedication to praying for others in need, is a requirement of participation.

For Our Prayers This Week SUNDAY BETWEEN 24 and 30 JULY APBA pew edition p. 462 [17]

O God, the protector of all that trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy, increase and multiply upon us your mercy. That, with you as our ruler and guide, we may so pass through things temporal that we finally lose not the things eternal. Grant this, O heavenly Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

The World Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan

Our Community The Queen. The Governor-General, General the Honourable David Hurley; Mrs. Linda Hurley. The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison; The Leader of Federal Opposition, Anthony Albanese, and their families. Richard Marles MHR Libby Coker MHR Senators for Victoria Stephanie Asher the Lord Mayor of Geelong

The wider church: We pray for all who promote Christian unity: - The World Council of Churches, General Secretary, The Rev. Dr. Olav Tveit. The Department of Ecumenical Affairs and Study of the Anglican Communion.

Mission & Outreach: The Bridge Op Shop at Corio. The Meals programme at Christ Church. Geelong Refugee Assistance Group: Anglicans in Action.

Parish Community Choir, Tower Bell Ringers., Sides person.

Need or Sickness: Derek Reilly, Jan Cullen, Tamara Gleave, Peter Finch, Tehbeh, Hameed, David Heyes, Dorothy Bailey, Jennifer Rau, Leigh Bryen, Kaylene Bryen, Laura Pieterse, John and Lena Townsend, Graeme King, Kim Taylor, Keith Smith, Maureen Smith, Sheila Dawson, Tom King, Linda King, Sean Hill, Yvonne and Michelle Little, Fiona Garrigan, Jonathan Hults , Reagin Hults-Curless , David Galloway, Robert Nicholls

Faithful Departed: 29/08 Arthur de Quetteville Robin 1990 17th Vicar 1968-1978

04/09 Stewart Bryce Marsden Humble 1993 04/09 Ronald Codman 2019

Rest eternal grant to them O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon them.

The Wardens and Parish Councillors wish to advise that no photographs or video images of any person under the age of 18 years,

taken at St. Paul’s Church or at any St. Paul’s Church function, is to be put onto any form of electronic media such

as Facebook, Instagram or a website, without parental consent.