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Global 9/Period:

DIRECTIONS: Read about the Persian Wars below. As you read, complete each task.

TASK #1:

Using the map on Mrs. Reif’s website, label the Persian Empire and Ionian Greece.

Watch the video on Greek Warfare then complete the following:

· Describe the armor and weaponry used by the Greek soldiers-

· Define the following:

· Hoplite-

· Phalanx-

TASK #2:

Using the map on Mrs. Reif’s website, label Marathon.

Watch Mr. Corwin explain the Battle of Marathon (Begins @ 1:30).

Thoroughly answer the following question:

· How were the Greeks able to defeat the Persians?

TASK #3:

Using the map on Mrs. Reif’s website, label Thermoplyae.

Watch the video on Thermopylae and read more about King Leonidas.

Thoroughly answer the following question:

· The troops under the Spartan King Leonidas were able to hold off Persian troops despite being outnumbered. Explain the series of events that finally led to Greek defeat.

TASK #4:

Using the map on Mrs. Reif’s website, label Salamis.

TASK #5:

Read more about the Delian League and then thoroughly answer the following questions.

· What was the Delian League?

· What event did Athen’s poor control of the Delian League lead to?
