Leveling the Playing Field: The Efficacy of Thinking Maps ... · of Thinking Maps on English...


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24 • The CATESOL Journal 25.1 • 2013/2014

Leveling the Playing Field: The Efficacy of Thinking Maps on English Language Learner Students’ Writing

Many students, especially English language learners (ELLs), struggle with writing expository texts. This study examined the impact of several writing strategies on ELLs’ writing skills, including prewriting strategies and scaffolding strategies in-herent in the Thinking Maps (TM) program. The purpose of the study was to see if ELLs were able to use these strategies to express their ideas more effectively in compositions in a more organized way. The participants were 8 students in grades 3 through 5 in the South Bay School District. The students were participating in an after-school writing class 2 days a week for 6 months. As a result, the overall average of students’ writing scores in the areas of “Ideas” and “Organization” increased. While the overall averages were below the proficiency level (3.0), these writing strategies can be seen as having a positive impact on ELLs’ writing skills.


As educators who focus on working with urban students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, we have tried to find ways to improve the teaching and learning of literacy skills, par-

ticularly because writing is a gatekeeper to academic success. One writing strategy that has been used in elementary schools is Thinking Maps (TM). The program was created by David Hyerle in 1990. He based Thinking Maps on the belief that people’s ability to learn visu-ally is greater than their other senses (Hyerle & Yeager, 2007). As with concept maps and graphic organizers, the nature of this program is constructivist in that students can make meaning of an abstract con-cept by reducing it to paper (Hyerle, 2004). Although there have been studies on using Thinking Maps (TMs) for standard English-speaking students (Brooks, 2005; Burden & Silver, 2006; Gallagher, 2011; Hyer-

JAMAL COOKSSan Francisco State University

ANITA SUNSERIWriting Consultant

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le & Williams, 2009; Sunseri, 2011), there are few studies that examine their use for teaching English language learners (ELLs) (Holzman & Gallagher, 2006).

Hispanic students, especially those who are ELLs, appear to struggle with writing, as documented by their performance on stan-dardized tests. According to the results published in 2003 by the Na-tional Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), there was a sig-nificant difference in fourth-grade writing scores between white and Hispanic students. While 10% of white students scored “Below Ba-sic,” 23% of Hispanic students received that score. Also, 31% of white students scored “Proficient” while 16% of Hispanic students received that score. Further, the scores for eighth-grade white and Hispanic students mirrored those of the fourth graders (Grigg, Daane, Jin, & Campbell, 2003). In 2011, fourth-grade writing was not assessed but eighth-grade writing was. White students scored 13% in the “Below Basic” category and Hispanic students scored 31%. In the “Proficient” category, white students scored 30% and Hispanic students scored 13%, according to The Nation’s Report Card: Writing 2011 (2012). These scores appear to indicate a gap in writing achievement between white and Hispanic students, including ELLs, that does not appear to be narrowing through time. ELLs have particular struggles with writing because they do not have native language literacy skills, as do their classmates whose first language is English (Echevarria, Short, & Powers, 2006). Without oral and written proficiency in English, these students are at a disadvantage because they are not able to show what they know in content subjects such as mathematics and science (Banks et al., 2005).

A major concern in teaching ELLs is the reclassification process that moves these students from being limited English proficient (LEP) to fluent English proficient (FEP). Although students’ scores on the California Standards Test (CST) and the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) are generally high, these same students struggle when asked to write a paragraph that meets grade-level stan-dards. The problem that frames this study is that ELLs have difficulty writing proficiently. The question is: What are the effects of using a TM and other prewriting strategies for ELLs on their writing achievement as evidenced by growth in the areas of “Organization” and “Ideas” on a writing rubric?

We, a professor at a California university and a former elemen-tary school principal and writing consultant, worked with a group of ELL students to chart their writing improvement through a school year by teaching students how to deconstruct a writing prompt and to develop a TM writing outline that evolved from determining the key

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ideas from the writing prompt. From there, we helped the students develop a composition that addressed the prompt’s requirements and the ideas they laid out in the TM writing outlines. In this article, we describe the research we conducted to evaluate the efficacy of TMs in ELL student writing of compositions.

This article is organized into several sections. First is Relevant Lit-erature, which presents the learning theories undergirding the benefits of using TMs with students. Another section discusses the training we received to present the Tree Map and other writing strategies to ELLs. The next section, Participants, details the demographic and academic backgrounds of these students. The Data Collection section presents how the data were collected to measure if students’ paragraphs im-proved. The Procedures section details the research methods used to measure the efficacy of TMs in relation to ELLs’ meeting proficiency standards and writing well-organized compositions. The Results sec-tion presents the rubric scores for “Organization” and “Ideas” based on scoring the students’ compositions and determining the efficacy of using TMs as an instructional strategy with ELLs. The Discussion sec-tion presents the findings of the study. The Implications section dis-cusses how the findings might affect writing instruction with students. Finally, the Conclusion section discusses how these results could be used to improve student writing, especially for ELLs.

Relevant LiteratureAccording to Powell (as cited in Viruru, 2003), one way to de-

fine literacy is the ability of children to read and write at a competent level. In addition, several authors maintain that the ability to read and write are not only important goals within themselves but are linked to academic achievement (August et al., 2008). Hence, it is impor-tant to understand how children acquire literacy so they can achieve academic success. Sociocultural theory, also referred to as “cultural-historical” and “socio-historical,” uses culture as a central point in the learning process (Wertsch, 1993; Wertsch, Del Rio, & Alvarez, 1995) and represents a way of explaining how students develop literacy. Un-der sociocultural theory, human thought emerges in the context of activities that are embedded in specific social and cultural settings and influence the learning process of an individual (Dixson-Krauss, 1996). Sociocultural theory focuses on specific mental functions rather than universalities (Wertsch, 1990). This approach targets familiar infor-mation from previous experiences and prior knowledge to determine learning as opposed to general set “standards” or “norms” of learning.

Another aspect of the learning process can be explained by the zone of proximal development (ZPD) theory (Dixson-Krauss, 1996;

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Vygotsky, 1978), which is the distance between the actual develop-mental level of the novice as evaluated for independent problem-solving capabilities and the level of potential development the novice would experience under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers (Vygotsky, 1978). The developmental level of the indi-vidual lags behind the potential learning level, resulting in the ZPD. In other words, learning can occur with the assistance of an adult mentor or the help of other individuals close in age or academic ability. Using the dynamic described by ZPD, teachers, adults, and peers can assist individual or novice literacy users to move past their point of develop-ment and closer to their potential abilities. The zone enables individu-als to propose a new formula, namely that the “only learning” is that which is in advance of development.

Scaffolding theory is similar to ZPD in the way it explains how students learn. It maintains that a tutor helps to shape a tutee’s task by “imitating in idealized form, an attempted solution tried (assumed to be tried) by the tutee in the expectation that the learner can ‘imitate’ it back in a more appropriate form” (Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976, p. 98). Many authors state that scaffolding is an important instructional strategy in helping ELLs develop literacy in English and manipulate higher-level concepts (August et al., 2008; Cobb, 2004; Echevarria, Short, & Powers, 2006; Education Alliance, 2006; Novak & Canas, 2008; Rosenshine, 1997). Typically, scaffolding is an instructional strategy teachers use to help students comprehend reading material. However, scaffolding can also be used as a cognitive strategy. It can structure related concepts to make it easier for students to represent these ideas on paper. Scaffolding can also make it easier for students to add new information to these concepts. The use of scaffolding as an instructional strategy is supported by research that maintains the importance of teachers’ initiating activities that require students to process and apply new information (August et al., 2008). Scaffolding can be readily applied to TMs because concepts can be reproduced on paper. Teachers thus create a TM to connect related concepts and use scaffolding to help students form a writing outline from the map (see Appendix A). Appendix B contains an example of an outline created by a student. In this way, teachers help students process information by taking the concepts from the writing outline and fleshing them out in expository paragraphs.

Because many of the strategies developed to help ELLs learn Eng-lish involve visual presentations such as scaffolding reading selections, visual organizers are believed to help ELLs in two ways. First, visual organizers can help ELLs learn important concepts by showing their relationship on paper. Second, these organizers, particularly TMs,

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can help ELLs transfer the conceptual relationship created on paper to textual outlines they can use to structure paragraphs that explain the relationship among the concepts (August et al., 2008; Cobb, 2004; Echevarria, Short, & Powers, 2006; Jiang & Grabe, 2007; Novak & Ca-nas, 2008). Thus, TMs are visual organizers that help students concret-ize their thinking into writing. Moreover, TMs can help ELLs organize their writing and thus practice academic English by explaining the relationship among the concepts. This study examines the effects of using TMs on the expository compositions of ELL students and mea-sures the impact of TMs on students’ organization and idea develop-ment in their compositions.


In 2008, we participated in two days of TM staff development with a school’s teachers. The staff development consisted of show-ing the participants how to use the program’s eight Thinking Maps with students using the training manual Thinking Maps: A Language for Learning (Hyerle & Yeager, 2007). Specifically, we studied how to use the Tree Map (see Appendix A) by observing several teachers use this model as a writing outline with their students. We learned how to model prewriting strategies such as brainstorming when we attended writing in-services in 2012. From this information, we developed a writing program by adapting the Tree Map and using the writing strategies we learned to help the ELLs we were asked to teach.

ParticipantsThe participants took the writing class because they were all try-

ing to get reclassified from LEP to FEP. While the students were taking the writing class, they passed the writing section of the reclassification process by scoring “proficient” (3.0 on the district’s writing rubric—see Appendix E) on “Ideas,” “Organization,” and “Elaboration” in a composition. As previously mentioned, two other measures indicated when a student was ready to be reclassified. One measure is the CST, in which a score of 400 on the Language Arts section is considered proficient. These students’ scores ranged from 322 to 393, lower than the proficient score of 400. The other measure, the CELDT, measures oral proficiency in English. The students scored a 4 or 5, indicating that they were orally proficient. The students’ individual scores on these two measures, their grade levels, and their ethnic backgrounds can be found in Appendix D.

The 8 ELLS ranged in grade level from third to fifth grades with ages between 8 and 10 years. They attended a suburban school in Northern California. The students’ teachers viewed 3 of the 5 fourth

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graders as being at grade level. The remaining 2 fourth graders, the 2 fifth graders, and the third grader were viewed as being slightly below grade level.

Students participated in a four-month after-school writing pro-gram that began in January and ended in May 2012. The writing class was offered two days a week for one hour each day. We, the authors, taught the writing class. The quantitative data for this study consisted of assessing students’ compositions that were written between January and May.

Data CollectionThe quantitative data consisted of 13 compositions written be-

tween January and May of 2012. These compositions were assessed using a district rubric (see Appendix E). A scale of 1 to 4 was used: 1=Below Standard; 2=Approaching Standard; 3=At Standard; and 4=Exceeds Standard. The rubric had five assessment categories: “Ideas,” “Organization,” “Elaboration,” ‘Word Choice/Sentence Struc-ture,” and “Conventions.” The source of the writing prompts is the Tennessee Writing Assessment Practice Prompts and Scoring Guide. The prompts can be found in Appendix C. We chose the writing genre of personal narrative because we believed it would be easier for stu-dents to write about their personal experiences because they had am-ple firsthand information.

The qualitative data consisted of asking the students to evaluate the writing program by responding to two questions. The first ques-tion asked the students what they liked about the class. The responses were varied. One student stated the program was “good for my grades.” Another student remarked, “The best thing about the program was writing a paragraph.” An additional response was that the students got help from the writing program. Finally, a student said, “I could improve my writing.”

A second question asked students how the program could be im-proved. Three students said the program was good the way it was. An-other student remarked, “Do more days and more writing.” Another student recommended, “Do one [prompt] easy, one hard, and switch around and do interesting writing.”

ProceduresWe used the following procedures in presenting the writing

prompts to students when they responded to the prompts using the adapted Tree Map writing outline format from the TM program. Each student received a paper copy of the prompt and a visual copy was projected on the overhead screen. Students took turns reading

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the prompt out loud. As a group, the students would identify the key words in the prompt that they would then underline on their cop-ies of the prompt. We wrote the key words on the whiteboard. Stu-dents were given a minute of think time to generate ideas about their prompt. Students pair-shared their ideas with a student sitting next to them. Students would then share their ideas with the class. Using the whiteboard, students would brainstorm the major ideas they could use in their outlines. For example, if students were writing about their favorite activity, the major ideas might be telling what the activity is, where students do it, and with whom. We would hand students white copy paper and a copy of the Tree Map from the TM program. Using a document reader we projected our sample outline on the whiteboard to show students how to complete the outline. That is, we showed them where to put their topic or main idea. We showed them where to put the three supporting ideas. We told them how to write three specific details under each of the three supporting ideas. We told them that the specific details told the reader more information about each supporting idea. Then we showed students a copy of a student outline that appears in Appendix B. We went over the details of the student’s outline. The students then completed an individual outline. When stu-dents were finished and their outlines checked, students would get a copy of our outline and paragraph. Our paragraph was projected on the screen, and students would take turns reading the composition aloud. We showed the students how we took each detail on the outline and made it into a sentence. The students and we composed sample beginning and ending sentences that we wrote on the whiteboard. The students could use these sentences when they began writing their compositions. We handed out lined paper for students to write their compositions. Before students began writing, we reminded them to capitalize their titles and indent the first word of their paragraphs. Fi-nally, we reminded students to check off the details in their outlines as they wrote them in their compositions.

ResultsThe students completed 13 compositions when we worked with

them. The first composition was considered a pretest, and the students received no instruction in writing it. In the subsequent compositions, the students received the instruction that we described in the previous section. The students’ compositions were assessed using the district’s writing rubric (see Appendix E). The pretest, and each of the 12 com-positions from the 8 ELL students, were assessed to yield scores for “Ideas” and “Organization.” All student scores for “Ideas” were aver-aged and appear in Table 1.

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Table 1Rubric Scores for Ideas

Students Pretest 1 Assts. 2-5 Assts. 6-9 Assts. 10-13Student 1 2.0 2.87 2.93 3.0Student 2 2.0 2.37 2.68 2.8Student 3 2.5 2.75 2.62 3.0Student 4 2.5 2.5 2.87 3.06Student 5 2.5 2.5 2.75 2.81Student 6 --- 2.83 3.0 2.93Student 7 2.5 2.62 2.81 2.81Student 8 2.0 2.58 3.0 2.83Average of all scores

2.28 2.62 2.58 2.83

Note. 1.0=Below Basic; 2=Basic; 3=Proficient; 4=Advanced

As Table 1 shows, the data showed a definite increase in the ru-bric scores for “Ideas.” Students’ scores increased, especially if one compares the scores of the 8 students on Pretest 1 with the scores of Assignments 10-13. The differences in these two categories for the individual students ranged from .31 to 1.1. In Table 2, the scores of “Organization” for each of the 8 students were averaged.

Table 2Rubric Scores for Organization

Students Pretest 1 Assts. 2-5 Assts. 6-9 Assts. 10-13Student 1 1.0 2.68 2.87 3.0Student 2 2.0 2.37 2.68 2.75Student 3 2.5 2.75 2.75 2.87Student 4 2.0 2.25 2.68 2.87Student 5 2.5 2.62 2.75 2.93Student 6 --- 3.08 2.93 2.93Student 7 2.5 2.62 2.5 2.81Student 8 2.5 2.58 3.0 3.0Average of all scores

2.14 2.61 2.76 2.89

Note. 1=Below Basic; 2=Basic; 3=Proficient; 4=Advanced

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Looking at Table 2, the rubric results for “Organization,” one can observe a greater increase in students’ scores between these scores and the ones for “Ideas.” If one compares the 8 student scores on Pretest 1 in “Organization” with the average scores for Assignments 10-13, the differences in the rubric scores ranged from .31 to 2.0. As mentioned previously, the differences in the rubric scores for “Ideas” were .31 to 1.1. Thus, the “Organization” scores increased by almost 1.0 (.90) compared to those of “Ideas.”

The results of the study revealed three findings:

1. Students’ compositions were more organized if they used a Tree Map writing outline;

2. Students’ compositions improved in the way their ideas were elaborated; and

3. There was a positive relationship between “Organization” and “Ideas” in that rubric results increased in both categories with each succeeding composition the students wrote.

For example, if one looks at the average of all scores for Pretest 1 for “Organization” in Table 2, the results show that students’ pretest scores in “Organization” were 2.14, well below the “Proficient” score of 3.0. However, the average of all scores for Assignments 10-13 was much closer to 3.0 (2.89), a gain of .71. Similarly, in Table 1, the average of all scores in “Ideas” for the pretest was 2.28, which went up to 2.83 for Assignments 10-13, an increase of .63.

DiscussionIn completing the compositions, the students used the same for-

mat that was presented in the Procedures section. That is, we gave them a writing prompt, and they used a TM outline, the Tree Map, in mapping their ideas before they wrote their compositions.

The findings mentioned in the Results section appear to indicate that students’ compositions became more organized if they used a TM writing outline every time they wrote. This finding is important be-cause students’ compositions are considered well written if their writ-ten work is well organized. Organization is the foundation for express-ing ideas effectively. The TM writing outlines helped students develop their ideas and scaffold them so the supporting details elaborated the main idea. Presenting ideas in a systemized way is the key to writing effective compositions.

Also, the data show the students’ compositions improved in the way ideas were elaborated. Using a TM writing outline helped stu-dents flesh out the specific details for each of their main ideas. As a

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result, students enriched their compositions by writing more precise representations of their details.

In addition, the results demonstrate a positive relationship be-tween “Organization” and “Ideas.” From looking at the results, one sees that “Organization” appeared to affect “Ideas” because students’ ideas were effectively presented in their writing when their composi-tions were well organized. Thus, the posttest rubric scores in both cat-egories showed that students’ scores rose at a similar pace, especially if one looks at the averages for each cluster.

Three writing strategies helped students write more organized compositions. In the prewriting phase, visual aids such as prompts, Thinking Map writing outlines, and sample paragraphs for each com-position were displayed on a screen. Also, students had these pieces on their desks so they could refer to them while they were writing. Oral strategies, such as having students read the material from the board aloud, may have helped them comprehend the material. The students also talked about their prompt ideas before they began writ-ing the outlines. In the drafting phase, students were monitored while they were working on their outlines. These outlines were checked be-fore students began writing. Also, students checked off details in their outlines as they used them in their compositions. Checking off details ensured the paragraphs were complete.

ImplicationsThe results of this study demonstrated that students’ writing im-

proved when they used TMs that resulted in outlines and organized their essays according to the outline. This finding has important policy implications. One of the Common Core State Standards is the students’ ability to write expository compositions in all curricular ar-eas. The Anchor Standard for Writing #2 states: “Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and informa-tion clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organiza-tion, and analysis of content” (California Association for the Gifted, 2013, p. 17). If educators want students to succeed in writing nonfic-tion texts to meet this standard, ELL students must be able to write well-organized compositions. Thus, teachers must prepare students to use writing outlines that will help them structure their essays. This instruction should begin in the primary grades and extend to senior high school. This ongoing preparation will help students refine their outlining and writing skills as they advance through the grades. From this instruction, students should learn that their ideas are better elabo-rated when they are organized because content and form are not sepa-rate but build on each other in a synergistic relationship.

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ConclusionWorking with the ELL participants in this study was significant

for us because we could see for ourselves, as their teachers, how the writing strategies we used improved their writing. That is, we learned that when we used these strategies consistently, students knew what do to when they began the writing process. The students learned that they needed to know how they were expected to respond to the writ-ing prompt. Then the students needed to create TM writing outlines based on the writing prompt’s requirements. Also, we learned that some writing prompts were harder for students to respond to than others. Therefore, we adjusted our teaching to give students more sup-port when they worked with the harder prompts. Finally, as a result of doing this research, we learned that standardization was important, particularly in using a rubric in evaluating their work so the writing scores were more reliable.

Equally important, this study was significant because it demon-strated how important it is for these students to write well-organized compositions if they are going to succeed academically. This study showed these students could progress satisfactorily if they could be shown how to use Thinking Map writing outlines in organizing their writing. Another factor that may have helped their writing was using the same procedures every time they wrote. This consistency of treat-ment may have engendered a cognitive pattern that caused students to outline their details in an organized way. As a result, their com-positions reflected this standardized procedure. Equally important, these students were shown the rubric scores for each composition they wrote and learned what these scores meant. We told students that they needed to write complete sentences and provide specific details in elaborating their ideas if their compositions were to be evaluated as being on grade level. This knowledge helped students ascertain the quality of work they needed to produce that would meet grade-level standards.

Several schools hold academies during the summer to give ELLs additional academic support. We think this writing program could be used in these academies to jump-start students’ writing. It can be continued during the regular school year. In fact, we have been asked to provide professional development to in-service teachers so they can use the TM writing outline model with their ELLs in their two-week summer academy. Whatever we can do to help ELLs realize their aca-demic potential is absolutely worth doing and writing well is definitely an essential part of that potential.

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AuthorsJamal Cooks is an associate professor in the College of Education at San Francisco State University. His research explores examining language diversity, building basic literacy skills, and working with teachers to im-prove teaching and learning of students.

Anita Sunseri is a former elementary school teacher and principal who has worked as a writing consultant at several schools in the Bay Area. She earned her doctorate from San Francisco State University and her dissertation was titled Examining the Impact of Thinking Maps® on the Expository Compositions of Elementary School Students.

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Appendix AThe Tree Map

Source: D. Hyerle & C. Yeager. (2007). Thinking maps: A language for learning. Cary, NC: Thinking Maps.

Main Idea


| | |

Supporting Idea Supporting Idea Supporting Idea

| | |

detail detail detail

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Appendix BStudent-Created Outline

This outline is third-grade student’s response to the writing prompt “My Favorite Activity.”

Flag Football

Supporting Idea Supporting Idea Supporting IdeaNice Park Getting the ball Playing Q.B.Playground Throwing You get to throw the

ballLots of Shade Catching it Run with the ballSchool Tackling people Doing playsBlack top Getting touch downs Being different


Three Reasons Why I Like to Play FootballReason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3Get to take a shower afterwards

Fun to play Getting lots of energy out

Hot water from shower relaxes me

Like playing footballWith my friends

Makes me feel fit

Appendix CWriting Prompts

Source: Jefferson County Schools, Tennessee

Assignment #1 Pretest: Future Career

Everyone has an idea of what they would like to do when they “grow up.”Think about the career you would like to have when you finish school. Think about why you would like to have this career.

Write a paper explaining what career you would like to have when you “grow up.” Explain at least three reasons why this is what you would like to do. Use specific details to explain and support your reasons. Use adjectives and descriptive words to make your paper interesting to read.

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Assignment #2: Favorite Activity

Everyone has a favorite activity they enjoy doing. It might be playing an instrument, or a sport.Think about what you like to do the most.

Write a composition telling what you most enjoy doing and at least three reasons why you like this activity so well. Be sure to use specific details to support each of your reasons. Use descriptive verbs and adjectives to make your paper interesting to read.

Writing Assignment #3: Best Friend

Best friends are special people in our lives.Think about your best friend and reasons that you like him or her. Think about things that you enjoy doing together.

Write a paper telling about your best friend. Include at least three reasons why s/he is your best friend. Remember to use specific details to explain and support your reasons. Use interesting adjectives and descriptive words to make your paper interesting to read. Include a short personal story about your best friend to help explain one of your reasons.

Appendix DReclassification Indicators

Student/Ethnicity Grade Level CST Language CELDT ScoreStu #1 White 4 385 4Stu #2 Asian 4 326 4Stu #3 Hispanic 4 339 4Stu #4 Asian 4 385 5Stu #5 Black 4 322 4Stu #6 Hispanic 5 332 4Stu #7 Hispanic 5 393 (CMA) 4Stu #8 White 3 333 4

Note: CMA is an alternative state assessment test in Spanish for Spanish-speaking students.

40 • The CATESOL Journal 25.1 • 2013/2014

Appendix EWriting Rubric











Elements of


(Parts of the w

riting task)

• Contain few, if any errors.

• Dem

onstrate appropriate English usage-parts of speech, subject/verb agreem

ent & verb tense.

• Have correct capitalization and end of sentence

punctuation.• H

ave spelling that is mostly correct.

• Word choice is lively and precise.

• Include a variety of sentence types.

• Include vivid descriptive language that enables the reader to visualize the people, places, things, or experiences.• Elaborate using relevant details, facts, and/or explanations.

• Provide a thoroughly developed sequence of significant events to relate ideas, observations, and/or m


• Have clear coherence-ideas flow

naturally and are understandable.• M

aintain a consistent point of view, focus, and organizational structure including paragraphing w

hen appropriate.

These essays:

• Present a central idea in a perceptive and/or thoughtful w

ay.• H

ave a clear understanding of purpose.

4 Above StandardAbove standard papers clearly address all parts of the w

riting task. They dem

onstrate ease and facility expressing ideas, observations, or opinions.

• Contain som

e errors.• D

emonstrates m

ostly appropriate English usage-parts of speech, subject/verb agreem

ent &

verb tense.• H

ave correct capitalization and end of sentence punctuation.• H

ave spelling that is usually correct.

• Word choice is adequate and appropriate.

• Include some variety of sentence types.

• Include some descriptive language that

enables the reader to create an image of the

people, places, things or experiences.• Elaborate using m

ostly relevant details, facts, and/or explanations.

• Provide an adequately developed sequence of events to relate ideas, observations, and/or m


• Have overall coherence and are generally

understandable.• M

aintain a mostly consistent point of view,

focus, and organizational structure, including paragraphing w

hen appropriate.

These essays:

• Show adequate ideas that m

ay be predictable.• D

emonstrate a general idea of purpose.

3 At StandardAt standard papers address all parts of the w

riting task. They present an adequate response

to topic, though they may address som

e aspects of the topic w

ith uneven success.

• Contain several errors.

• Have errors in gram

mar and usage

that may interfere w

ith readability and m

eaning.• H

ave errors in basic punctuation skills and capitalization.• H

ave comm

on words m


• Com

mon and lim

ited word choice.

• Include little variety of sentence types.

• Have lim

ited descriptive language.• Elaborate in generalities; topic sparsely developed or thin; m

ay contain lim

ited facts, details, and/or explanations.

• Provide a minim

ally developed sequence of events to relate ideas, observations, and/or m


• Show a sense of coherence but m

ay ram

ble or have a jumping around

quality.• M

aintain an inconsistent point of view, focus, and/or organizational structure.

These essays:

• Show sim

plistic ideas or repetitive ideas.• M

ay be an undeveloped list.

2 Approaching StandardPapers approaching standard address only parts of the w

riting task. They

demonstrate a developing com

petence, but have clear lim

itations as a response to the topic.

• Contain serious errors

• Have errors in gram

mar and usage that interfere w

ith the reader’s understanding of the w

riting.• H

ave punctuation omitted, haphazard, or incorrect

and capitalization is inconsistent, incorrect, or haphazard.• Frequently m

isspells comm

on words.

• Word choice does not m

ake sense or is inappropriate.• Include no sentence variety.

• Lack descriptive language.• Lack elaboration w

ith little or no development but

may contain m

arginally related facts, details, and /or explanations.

• Lack a sequence of events to relate ideas, observations, and/or m


• Dem

onstrate little evidence of coherence: may be brief,

garbled, unfocused.• Lack a clear point of view, focus, and/or organizational structure.

These essays:

• Show ideas that m

ay be a simple restatem

ent of topic w

ith no development. M

ay be written in a language

other than the one being assessed.

1 Below StandardBelow

standard papers address only one part of the w

riting task. They suggest fundam

ental weaknesses in

writing skills.

Source: San Jose Unified School District, Curriculum Department. (2003). Narrative writing scoring guide grade 4: (Personal/fictional).
