Initial ideas for music video


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  • 1. Initial Ideas Georgia Leaper

2. Spider diagram of songs I like GENRES Dance POP RnB Beyonc XO Love onTop Pretty HurtsIrreplaceable Drake Just Hold On John Legend All of Me (Remix) Shift K3Y Touch Calvin Harris Summer Thinking AboutYou Mr Probz Waves Sam Smith Money on My Mind StayWith Me Zedd Clarity Katy Perry California Girls Rita Ora IWill Never LetYou Down 3. Possible songs to use and first ideas Beyonc XO Calvin Harris Summer Shift K3Y -Touch 4. Beyonc XO OfficialVideo: 5. Calvin Harris - Summer OfficialVideo: 6. Shift K3y Touch Official video: 7. Initial Ideas: Beyonc -XO If I were to recreate this music video, I would choose to follow a narrative. Firstly the video would start in a dark bedroom and on the first line your love is bright as ever a phone will light up and the audience will see lots of messages left from a boy.Through the use of MES, I will make the audience aware that the main protagonist of the video is going through a bad break up, which I will by panning over her floor and usingCU shots of various items such as tissues, ripped up photos and chocolate wrappers. As the video progresses the girl will start to get ready and make her way to the dance studio where I will use lots of shots of her dancing, falling and improving. As there are lots of references to light in the song, I would like to use shadows of her dancing to make the video look more artistic. Somehow I will introduce her best friend who is seen meeting her from dance and cheering her up.To do this I will film scenes of him and her laughing/eating food/being cute. By the end of the video I will film the girl on stage doing her dance perfectly and then take a shot of the audience where the viewers will see her boy best friend watching and supporting her. The video will end by the two of them clearly getting together as a couple. 8. Initial Ideas: Calvin Harris - Summer My idea for this song also follows a narrative, however is less complex than my idea for the Beyonc song that I mentioned before. As this song is all about Summer, I would set my music video by the seaside and focus it on a young couple who are enjoying their day together. The entire video (or a large majority) will be shot using a handheld camera so the narrative will be from the protagonists point of view and make it seem like they are in their own little world. To begin, I will use shots of them in the car, driving to the beach. As the song is quite fast, I will take lots of different shots, such as POV shots through the window, filming in the mirror, and just the two of them being cute and silly together. Upon arriving by the seaside, I will use an ES of the Welcome to. (destination is yet to be chosen) to make the audience aware of the setting. The rest of the video will include them filming their day together and doing seaside things such as going on rides, going in the sea, sharing candy floss, him winning her a toy bear, etc. The video will end in the car as the girl starts to fall asleep on her boyfriends arm, with a CU shot of the teddy bear. 9. Initial Ideas: Shift K3y - Touch This is my only idea which does not follow a narrative. I really like the original music video as I feel it completely follows the codes and conventions of the dance music genre, so I will take elements of the video as inspiration for my own. Due to this, I will start the video the same way as the original, in a dark room, with lots of quick cuts of ECU shots, and zooming in on the changing coloured hand. I, too, will shoot this music video in black and white, with exceptions of the coloured hands of course. Throughout the video I will alternate between my 3 locations: my first, as previously mentioned, the dark room, my second is a forest and my third is a dance studio. In the forest, I plan to gather lots of my friends and have them all wearing black and film them having a giant paint party. If possible, Id like to film them in black and white too, and only have the paint colours showing up. My last location will only have my friend, Holly, who is a professional dancer, wearing all black and dancing to the beat of the song. Although I really like this idea, I feel there will be lots of difficulties such as editing, permission to use the forest and ensuring the video flows together. 10. Song Duration of song Strong start, middle and ending to keep interest throughout? Is it realistic? Pros Cons Beyonc - XO 3:30 Well thought through, however middle is a bit unclear Yes only problem not sure if boy I have in mind will want to do it My friend is a professional ballet dancer and therefore by casting her my music video will look more professional. Not really an original idea May be expensive to hire dance studio Song is quite slow in parts Not sure if boy wants to do it Calvin Harris Summer 3:39 Yes, really like narrative for this idea Yes, simplest idea and most achievable Person in video can drive and the two of them are already close so it will look realistic. If I can film over summer the location would be perfect. Location is far away so would have to get all filming done in one day Majority of filming is outside, therefore good weather is essential Shift K3y - Touch 2:58 Yes, will be very visually impressive if done properly Not really problems with editing, environmental issues and ensuring enough people turn up to look effective. The genre of music is quite unique and therefore will make my video stand out. The video could be really interesting to watch as so many different things will be happening. Probably my most difficult idea Requires lots of editing time and lots of confident, non camera shy people May not be allowed to pour paint over forest 11. Which idea have I chosen? Text version: I have chosen to use my second idea for my music video and recreate Summer by Calvin Harris. I chose this idea because it seems the most realist and there is lots to do at the location, meaning I can get a large variety of shots which will make the video look interesting and ensure I can keep up with the fast beat of the song. The only problem would be the weather, however this can be easily overcome by filming over Summer and choosing a sunny day.