HAPPY IRTHDAY WISHES St. Ambrose St. Matthew St ......Interested parties, please submit resume with...


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August 30, 2020

St. Ambrose St. Matthew St. Sylvester Avonmore Saltsburg Slickville


A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust

Our Mission Statement

The Partner Parishes of St. Ambrose, St. Matthew & St. Sylvester, under

the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are committed to be witnesses of Christ in

our local and faith communities . We invite one another to grow in a spirit

of friendship and unity through the Word and the Eucharist. While striving

to nourish our faith families, we encourage Evangelization, Service,

Worship, Stewardship, and Leadership.

22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Confessions: First Saturday of the month, 11:00-11:30 AM at St. Ambrose or by appointment with the Pastor.

Baptisms: Please contact the parish office to schedule a date and formation session..

Marriage: Please contact the office at least six months before the wedding date to schedule marriage preparation sessions..

Pastoral Care to the Homebound: Please contact the parish office..

Eucharistic Adoration: First Thursday of the month, 6:30-7:30 PM. All are welcome.

RCIA: If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Roman Catholic, please contact the parish office.

St. Vincent de Paul Hotline: Please contact the parish office. St. Vincent dePaul poor boxes are at entrances of all partner parishes.

Bulletin Deadline: Please submit bulletin information via email or in written form to Angela Palmiscno at the parish office by Wednesday noon.

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM—St. Ambrose Sunday Masses 8:30 AM—St. Sylvester 11:00 AM—St. Matthew Weekday Masses: Mon.—8:30 AM, St. Sylvester Tues.— 8:30 AM, St. Matthew Fri.— 8:30 AM, St. Ambrose PARISH OFFICES & HOURS St. Ambrose, St. Matthew & St. Sylvester P. O. Box 617 Avonmore, PA 15618

Monday—Friday 9:00 AM—1:00 PM

Phone: 724-697-4129 Fax: 724-697-4484

St. Matthew Church Hall: 724-639-9338

St. Sylvester Rectory Phone: 724-468-5794 Fax and church hall: 724-468-5765


Reverend John Harrold, Pastor


Deacon Craig Gilbert


Virginia Long, Partner Parish Financial Secretary


Angela Palmiscno, Partner Parish Secretary


Kristin Andree, Partner Parish Web Coordinator


Jessica Clawson, Coordinator of Faith Formation,

St. Matthew, 724-875-0638 or jgallek@gmail.com

Connie Shannon, Clearances Coordinator, 724-697-4059

Knights of Columbus—Council #15373

Website: partnerparishesmas.org

A Warm Welcome to All

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES Blessings to all our Partner Parish family members who are celebrating a birthday this week:

Sadie Andree, Gloria Murphy, Carol Rossi, Kathleen Farabaugh, Cathy Holmes, Joshua Deemer, Jenna Trybus, Cooper Hoe, Abigail Pazak, Amy Wano, Darlene Cornman, Thora Sokolowski, Lynnette Colton, Logan Bonnoni, Linda Lasher, Michael Bebar, Stanley Brejda, Mark Novak

Happy Anniversary to all couples celebrating an anniversary this week:

Robert & Irene Fulton, Brandon & Deanna Fink, Kenneth & Fran Noca, Wayne & Elizabeth Jones, Timothy & Catherine Driscoll, Stanley & Shirley Brejda, Joseph & Ethel Palmiscno,

Bruce & Cynthia Criado, Joseph & Bernadette Valero

Diocesan Coat of Arms


Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church in the United States. Parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Now is the time to begin the formation process. If you or anyone you know is interested in entering into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, please contact the parish office (697-4129).

“St. Ambrose Faith Formation Parents— St. Ambrose is starting with a “Faith Formation at Home” method this year. Each student will be given a book to take home and will learn with their parent and check in with teachers periodically. Our teachers will meet soon to discuss specifics as more instruction comes from the Diocese as well. We hope to still have students meet to do reviews and some service work as well in a socially distanced manner. Program will probably start in early October. More details to come!! “ St. Matthew Faith Formation Program—is tentatively set to begin on Sunday, October 5th. There will be no in-person weekly instruction. Rather, the Pre-K through 5th graders will receive materials to participate in a Faith-At-Home program. The Middle School students will be receiving information on a virtual-learning program. A letter will be sent out to parents in the coming weeks. Please contact Jessica Clawson at 724-875-0638 (jgallek@gmail.com) with questions. Thank you.

Town Yard Sale—St. Matthew Church and the Knights of Columbus are participating in the town yard sale, September 11/12 from 8:00 AM-2:00 PM with an early-bird sale on Sunday, September 6th from 12-2 PM for parishioners. If parishioners would like to set up a personal yard sale on the church grounds, donation is $5.00 and you must bring your own table. Masks and social distancing are required. There will be no donations accepted for this year, however donations will be accepted at a later date for next year’s sale. For further information, please contact Chuck Colton at 724-840-2136.


The partner parishes of St. John, Delmont & St. Mary, Export are seeking applicants for a full-time parish secretary. Strong computer, organizational, and bookkeeping skills, as well as good communication/people skills are important. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of Catholic faith is also important. 32 hours/ week, Mon-Thurs, Fridays off. Interested parties, please submit resume with references to Fr. Daniel Ulishney, 5900 Kenney Avenue, Export, PA 15632 or dulishney@dioceseofgreensburg.org.

St. Sylvester Centennial Committee—is sponsoring a raffle ticket for a homemade quilt and other homemade items. Donation is $5.00 with two numbers on the ticket. For info, contact Bridget @ 724-771-5616.

Mass Intentions for the Week


Saturday August 29 St. Ambrose 5:00 PM For the Parishioners

Sunday August 30 St. Sylvester 8:30 AM +Bernie Buczak (Joseph Burik)

Sunday August 30 St. Matthew 11:00 AM +Theresa DeLuca (Ed & Donna Stemplinski)

Monday August 31 St. Sylvester 8:30 AM +Judith Perfetta (John Kempka)

Tuesday September 1 St. Matthew 8:30 AM +Michael Cornetto (Dennis & Annie Cestra


Friday September 4 St. Ambrose 8:30 AM +Enrico & Nicolina Fontana (Family)

Saturday September 5 St. Ambrose 5:00 PM In honor of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP Society)

Sunday September 6 St. Sylvester 8:30 AM +Christie Hewitt (Family)

Sunday September 6 St. Matthew 11:00 AM For the Parishioners






St. Ambrose St. Matthew St. Sylvester

Offertory Collection: $ 2,020.00 $ 1,743.00 $ 1,259.00

SCRIPTURE INSIGHTS FOR THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Today, Jeremiah, Peter, and Jesus teach us about responding to suffering that faithfulness to God and one’s God-given vocation often brings. Almost always, the suffering comes at the hands of the very ones to whom God’s servant is sent. Unable and unwilling to hear God’s message, they try to destroy God’s messenger.

No prophet in the Old Testament suffered as greatly as did Jeremiah. He was rejected and persecuted by others and inwardly conflicted about his call from God (Jeremiah 26:7-15). Today’s First Reading—from the so-called confessions of Jeremiah (see Scripture Insight for June 22) recounts one such incident.

So great is Jeremiah’s anguish that he is ready to abandon his prophetic call. Yet, God’s Word is like a fire burning in his heart; his is compelled to speak. He cannot help but be faithful.

Jesus, too, knew distress and anguish in the face of his sufferings (Matthew 26:37-38) and he, too, was faithful to the Father’s will, as we see today and later in 26:39-46. It’s no wonder that the early believers were reminded of Jeremiah when reflecting on the sufferings of Jesus (see Matthew 16:14). Significantly, Jesus’ words about taking up our cross in today’s Gospel reading remind us that the way of the disciple can be no different from his, and it is a way that must be shown in one’s actions and deeds (or “conduct” as the Lectionary renders the Greek praxis, at the end of the reading).

In a similar vein, Paul describes this manner of losing one’s life as an offering of one’s self, one’s very body, as a “living sacrifice.” Where else are one’s actions and deeds expressed than in and by the body?

A living sacrifice given up to God; suffering not only accepted, but embraced—so Jesus lived and so must those who follow after him.

PARISH INCOME Please be aware that the incomes of all three parishes has decreased in the last two fiscal years and the ordinary income has not been enough to pay our ordinary bills. The parishes did well this Spring, in light of the pandemic and the quarantine, but all 3 would be in debt if it were not for the Payroll Protection Loans that we got from the government. We need every parish family or household to support the parish. Even $2 - $5 from people who have been giving nothing would make a difference. If you are still not coming to Mass in person, please consider mailing in your offertory donations or setting up a monthly BILL PAY to the parish directly from your checking account. Your parishes need each of you to support them as you can. THANKS


You are invited to NOT bake a cake, pie, cookies, or brownies. You do NOT have to find the recipe. You do NOT have to shop for the ingredients. You do NOT have to mix. You do NOT have to cook. You do NOT have to cut. You do NOT have to wash dishes. You do NOT have to clean up your kitchen. You do NOT have to deliver the baked product. You do NOT have to stand in the heat/cold/rain to sell the baked product. You can donate to St. Ambrose Rosary Society and stay home and enjoy doing something yourself or with your family! In lieu of our annual bake sale during the Avonmore Festival, we are having a Bakeless Bake Sale during the month of September. If you are interested in donating, please drop your donation in the collection basket at church, or mail it to the parish office (P.O. Box 617, Avonmore 15618) to the attention of Angie. Any donation is greatly appreciated! Thank you!!!



SERVING OUR COUNTRY. Please pray for our men and women in the military: MSgt Matthew Leightner, Col. Ross Monta, John Newcomb, Master Sgt. Jeremy Morgan, Ryan Nagg, Daniel Henderson, Tech. Sgt. Justin Morgan, Tyler Carnahan, Bartholomew Marsh-Slavin, Jacob DeSanders, W01 Jacob Berg (Afghanistan), Brandon May, Tyler Kunkle (Afghanistan), Martin Novak, Jr.

OUR PRAYER LIST—FRIENDS AND FAMILY: Ally Anderson, Charles Mark Angell, Dean Corridoni, Luke Dobrosky, Elvia Eckenrode, Lawrence Eckenrode, Ronnie Edwards, Donald Gabor, John Galo, Rachael Garzone, Edith Hollick, George Hollick, Larry Klukaszewski, Gary Lemon, Mary Musial, Joanne Neiderhiser, Chris Nemchik, Bill Rupert, Fred Salo, Chad Toth, Judy Valore, John Waynar, MaryLou Waynar, Jenny Lou Wincek, and all who need our prayers.

IN SYMPATHY: Our Partner Parish family extends their deepest sympathy to the families of Nick Clement, Evo Prenni, and Stephanie Schardt who died recently. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY One hour, one day a year across our country, people of all ages and backgrounds stop to pray and witness for life. On Respect Life Sunday, October 4, 2020, the local line of the National Life Chain will take place at Routes 156 & 981 (Avonmore Crossroads) from 2:00-3:00 PM. We will stand in quiet prayer for one hour and witness for life. EVERYONE IS INVITED. Please bring a chair if standing is difficult. Call Angie @ 697-4514 for more information.
