Essential Lambalicious Secrets 3 Reasons to Eat Grass Fed · Essential Lambalicious Secrets 1. Lamb...


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Essential Lambalicious Secrets 1. Lamb is not Beef it cooks differently. 2. Slow heat is better. 3. Time is the most important ingredient for best results, if cooked with haste, the

proteins tighten and toughen the meat. 4. Season the lamb before cooking. 5. Lamb is very rich. You need less than you think to be satisfied and well nourished.

3 Reasons to Eat Grass Fed Healthy

• Approximately 65% lower in total fat

• Three to five times higher in the champion anti-cancer fat - (CLA)

• Four times higher in vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol) - good for cardiovascular health and anti-cancer

• About five times higher in total omega-3 fats - good for the cardiovascular system, anti-cancer and good for a better mood

• A healthier ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids - good for cardiovascular health, anti-cancer, better mood and reduced potential for obesity

• Lower in trans fats, which may promote cardiovascular disease, cancer, anxiety and depression


• Contains about four times more anti-cancer selenium, which may improve mood

• The digestive systems of ruminant animals are naturally pH neutral and best suited to a diet of grasses made of cellulose

• Pasture grown animals receive more personal care, and are left to graze on their own and forage naturally on the pasture grass, the way animals were meant to feed and grow naturally

Environmentally friendly

• Grass fed animals have a symbiotic relationship with the land they graze. By clearing pastures, they not only encourage new plant growth, but they also help build productive soil with their nutrient-rich compostable manure.

• Fertile soil also keeps carbon monoxide at bay, which contributes to offset their methane emissions. The soil then feeds the pasture which then feeds the next lot of lambs! It’s the circle of life!

(Confessions of a reformed vegetarian)

Roasts At it’s most simple, rub a generous amount of salt all over the outside. Place in a pre heated oven at 140c - 1 hour per kilo weight. After 1 hour, remove from the oven, turn the roast over in the pan and rest the roast for 1/2 hour. Then put back in and repeat each hour as required. Cover with foil when finished and rest the roast again for 1/2 hour. Roast vegetables can be done in the same pan add them in the last hour of cooking time and brown off at a higher heat 180c for the last 1/2 hour. Carving??? Don’t panic! It was a mystery to me until recently … It goes across the grain and matters less with lamb than beef. I have also seasoned and placed a whole roast in the slow cooker on low for 8 hours, there is nothing else to do. The vegetables can be added later and will cook in the liquids of the roast. The meat explodes off the bone after this. No carving required! There is no easier cooking.


You can rub any spice combination you desire on a roast. Using the tip of a sharp knife, make several 8cm-long scores in the lamb. Rub spice mix into lamb, then chill overnight or for at least 4 hours to marinate.

RUB #1 2 tsp black pepper 1 tsp salt 2 Tbsp chopped fresh rosemary 4 cloves garlic, diced 2 Tbsp olive oil Zest and juice of 1 lemon 2 Tbsp finely chopped mint 2 Tbsp finely chopped parsley

RUB#2 4 cloves garlic, crushed 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper I Tbsp ground cumin 2 tsp ground coriander 2 tsp ground cinnamon 2 tsp paprika 2 tsp finely grated lemon Rind 60mls lemon juice

Chops - Cutlets Lamb Cutlets are incredibly tender and loaded with flavour. Perfect for entertaining, simple to prepare and visually impressive, cutlets crumbed or left as they are make a delicious addition to any meal. The tendency is to put these in a pan or on top of heat. If you choose this method, it also benefits from a low ‘sizzling’ heat. If done in a oven, place the individual chops on the grill and again, slow is better around 140c. This allows the fats to be rendered down, leaving caramelised crispy yumminess.

Sensational Slow Cooked Shanks

Lamb shanks are a popular ingredient on winter menus due to their fabulous texture and rich flavour. Easy to prepare they simply need slow, gentle cooking to release their full potential.

Lamb Shanks with Red Wine Sauce 4 lamb shanks 1 tsp each, salt and pepper 2-3 Tbsp olive oil 1 cut onion, finely diced 1 cup carrot, finely diced 1 cup celery, finely diced 2 1/2 cups red wine (Cabaret Sauvignon or Merlot) 800g can crushed tomatoes 2 Tbsp tomato paste 2 cups chicken stock 5 sprigs of thyme (preferably tied together), or 2 tsp dried thyme 3 garlic cloves, minced 2 dried bay leaves or 4 fresh

Preheat the oven to 180c. Pat the lamb shanks dry and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat 2 Tbsp of olive oil in a heavy based pot over high heat. Sear the lamb shanks in 2 batches until brown all over, about 5 minutes. Remove lamb onto a plate and drain excess fat from the pot. Turn the heat down to medium low. Heat remaining 1 Tbsp of olive oil in the same pot, if needed. Add the onion and garlic, cook for 2 minutes. Add carrot and celery. Cook for 5 minutes until onion is translucent. Add the wine, stock, tomato, tomato paste, thyme and bay leaves. Stir. Place the lamb shanks into the pot, squeezing them in to fit so they are mostly submerged. Turn stove up, bring to a simmer. Cover, then transfer to the oven for 2 hours. Remove from oven, remove lid, then return to the oven for another 30 minutes. Check to ensure lamb is tender - if not, cover and keep cooking. Ideal is tender meat but still holding onto bone. Remove lamb onto plate and keep warm. Pick out and discard bay leaves and thyme. Strain the sauce into a bowl, pressing to extract all sauce out of the vegetables. Pour

strained sauce back into pot. Bring to simmer over medium heat and reduce slightly to a

syrupy consistency. Taste then add salt and pepper to taste. Shanks, Necks and Briskets are beautiful to cook down as pie filling, stews, soups and curry. There are no end of recipes for these, Similarly the off cuts and flaps can be treated the same.


1. Season the outside of the rack and sear at a high heat to seal

2. Put in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius

3. Take out of the oven to rest for at least 1 hour

4. Roast again at the same heat for 5 minutes

5. Serve!

Bones? Broth Is Best!

We know, We know, Bone broth it's almost too hip for its own good. But whether you consider it a miracle cure for all ailments, or just a hearty broth to sip on during cold winter months, it's a cooking project worth tackling. That said, poorly made bone broth can be about as palatable as, well, a bowl full of bones. Avoid these common mistakes, and your bone broth will be the hottest ticket in town—or at least your kitchen.

1. Skipping the Blanching Step

If you think bone broth is too funky, you've probably had to suffer through a mug or bowl that was made without blanching. This step, to be done before roasting and boiling, removes any impurities ( the nasty bits) from the bones. And if you're using the right bones, there will be some nasty bits. A real bone broth is made with bones and cuts of meat high in collagen, like marrow, knuckles, and feet. A word on these collagen heavy bones they make for a stock that's gelatinous at room temperature. To blanch, cover the bones with cold water, bring to a boil, and let them cook at an aggressive simmer for 20 minutes before draining and roasting.

2. Not Roasting the Bones

Repeat after me: "I will always roast my bones." This browns and caramelises them, and we all know what browned and caramelised means, Better flavour. Don't be afraid to really take the bones to the limit, Crank the oven up high—a bold 200c, Take those bones right up to the edge of "too done." Once you're ready to boil the bones, don't waste the crisped brown bits on the bottom of the pan, loosen them with a little water and a metal spatula, and add those to your stockpot. This adds flavour to the finished broth.

3. Adding Too Much “Stuff"

A good bone broth doesn't need much more than bones and a few choice aromatics, like onions, garlic, and black pepper. This is not the best place to dump all of your compost scraps. Keep the flavour focused and concentrated.

4. Not Using a Large Enough Stockpot Use the biggest, heaviest stockpot you've got, and fill it up with roasted bones, plus your selection of aromatics. Add just enough water to cover, bring to a boil, lower the heat to a simmer, and cover. Adding too much liquid will make it taste watered down.

5. Not Simmering It Long Enough

How long can you simmer a bone broth? How much time have you got?

“What Should I Do With

The Off Cuts And Flaps?” This is the most common question we get regarding their purchase when people receive half a lamb for the first time. I can guarantee its all delicious when you know what to do. The flaps are the lambs ribs and belly skin. They can be separated, chopped and marinated cooked as ribs.

Sticky Hoisin Ribs 700g lamb ribs 1/4 cup hoisin sauce 1/4 cup oyster sauce 2 Tbsp soft brown sugar 2 tsp finely grated ginger 1 tsp crushed garlic 1/2 cup water

Pre heat oven to 180c. Place the lamb ribs in a large baking dish. Mix together the hoisin sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, ginger, garlic and 1/2 cup water. Pour over the ribs and toss well to coat. Cover with baking paper and foil, seal well and place in the oven. Cook for 1 hour. Remove ribs from the oven and uncover. Return to the oven and cook for a further 20 minutes until dark and crispy, turning halfway through cooking. Or you can bone flaps out, boil the bones as stock, chop the meat into bite size pieces and make an amazing curry a la Silas’s instructions (well why wouldn’t you?). The method he showed me does not require that even. Chop the flaps bones and all!!!

Curry Class with Silas Masih

Lamb goes best with star anise, fenugreek, cumin, caraway, cinnamon, paprika, Garam. Marsala can be made.

Paste made with: 1 bulb of Garlicgarlic 2 large lumps of ginger 2 green chilies Cut up into chunks and squash down in mortar and pestle. Slow mashing at first, add a large handful of salt, add fenugreek and star anise. Lots of oil - hot pop mustard seeds, onion, curry leaves, garam masala, curry powder all in and fry off, add most of contents of mortar and pestle reserving 1/3 to finish dish flavour at the end and brown this all off. Add more star anise, caraway, smoked paprika, cinnamon, cloves. Keep the heat high add only boiling water or stock to keep it hot. Add some canned or fresh tomatoes. Chop up flaps. Add them to sauce, Coat the meat completely and stay with it until it all again all comes up to a high temperature. Add stock or h20 as required. Eventually cover all contents with stock or water and let boil uncovered 1 -2 hours, (a small pot with one or two flaps would take an hour.)

Thank you…

Malcolm Batt

Samadhi Ami

Renee Wäst

Sofie Lines

Kim House

Antoine & Lilly

Laura Vermeulen

Silas Masih of Pepper & Salt Restaurant