Cloaking making visible things into invisible


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BY Pradeep

(Aurora’’s ATRI, hyderabad)


DefinitionTypesDescriptionApplicationsFuture scope

DefinitionInvisibility is the state of an object that

cannot be seen., Invisibility is often considered to be the supreme form of camouflage.

Cloaking is a revolutionary technology for making visible things/persons invisible by using either artificial “meta-materials” or invisibility cloak system.

CLOAKING is the ultimate form of camouflage.

Camouflage is a natural practice in case of animals since 1000’s of years & also can be practiced now a days artificially for hiding purposes.

TYPES Invisibility by cloaking can be performed in 2 ways

i. By using meta-materials and

ii. Invisible clock system of image projection

DESRIPTIONwe know Objects/living things can be called ‘’ VISIBLE’’ only when the reflected rays

from them reaches human eyes.

i. To make visible things “invisible” we need to consider the law of reflection of light property, which is obtained by metamaterials (material cloaking).


Metamaterials are artificial materials engineered to have properties that may not be found in natural materials.

Metamaterials can : create negative index of refraction guide wave in desired direction

“Metamaterials” are tossing the laws of physics out the window.

A picture from “PREDATORS” movie that has INVISIBILITY kind of technology similar to CLOAKING USING METAMATERIALS


This is generally used for making visible stationary objects / buildings invisible.

This system utilizes a high efficiency VIDEO CAMERA , COMPUTER PROCESSER , IMAGE PROJECTOR .

‘INFINITY TOWER’ an “invisible skyscraper” IN SOUTH KOREA (under construction)

Future scope and Potential applications

Improving the range of wireless devices by allowing waves to bend and flow around obstructing objects.

Making a large building invisible so that the park on the other side can be seen.

Cloaked military and commercial vehicles.