A Longitudinal Study of Mandibular Growth Rotation


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A Longitudinal Study of ~andibular Growth Rotation

Richard Steinberg D.M.D.

Submitted in partial fulfilllnentof the requirements for a

Certificate in Orthodontics

Department of OrthodonticsUniversity of Connecticut Health Center

Farmington, Connecticut 06032

June 21, 1977


A Longitudinal Study of Mandibular Growth Rotation

Introduction - Treatment of skeletal deviations of the jaw can

be facilitated if f~cial growth can be predicted. "Facial growth is

controlled by the inherent genetic make-up and the environmental

influences upon an individual. Morphologic characteristics of the

craniofacial complex are believed to be polygenic in nature and

identification of the specific genes or gene groups which control

facial morphology has not yet been accomplished. On the side of

environmental influences, investigati.on of treatment effects has

revealed that the facio-skeletal growtn:pattern can be modified by

means of orthopedic and orthodontic. forces. _It has been established

that there's a considerable individual variability in the amount,

timing ·and velocity of faclal growth~ and that sex, facial type and.:; I .

heredity are factors that influence individual variatility of growth. ttl

In a study concerned with pre~icting the future growth of ~

bone, the effects of environment must be minimized. It has been"I' ... _ '".r'"

demonstrated by several investtgators that mandibular morphology

is highly heritable. 2 ,J,4 Sassouni and Dudas showed that the- .. ",

dimensions N-S-Go, N-S-Gn, lower anterior facial height (palatal

plane-menton) and total anterior facial height (SOR-Me) were under

strong hereditary or weak environmental influence during growth.

Thus if one could quantify the hereditary future of the mandible

(within statistical probability) it would be immensely valuable

in predicting the individual's growth. The specific aspect of

mandibular growth the project will deal with is mandibular growth


backwards as it remodels. At the same time he found that nasion was

not a stable point for superpositioning, thus the techniques of anterior

cranial base superpqsitioning are compromised. Using superpositioning

of implants, Bjork.. was able to study areas of remodeling, paths of

tooth eruption and growth changes. He discovered that little if

any, growth occurs at the tip of the chin: and that growth of the

condylar cartilage occurs vertically or horizontally a~ong with...

concurrent changes in direction of mandibular growth and changes

in the mandibular morPhology.6 In addition, he found that the lower

border of a developing molar germ is fairly stationary until the

roots begin to form. To improve the accuracy of superpositioning

techniques with longitudinal headfilms, Bjork suggests using natural

reference structures. He compares the growth rotation of the mandible

with cranial base by measuring the angular change in the superposed

nasion-sella line. 7 This teChnique utilizes the tip of the chin,

inner cortical structure of the inferior '"border of the symphysis,

trabecular structures related ,to themandibul~r canal and the lower

contour of the molar ge.rm ~rom mineralization~u~til the beginning,..

of root formation. Bjork, using a mixed longitudinal study of

approximately 100 Swedish children of .~ach sex, constructed a

schematic account of three~,~tyI?es of forward mandibular rotations:,........ -.,..

: "':

(about the condyles, incisal edges and center of the premolars,

Type I, II, III respectively) and two types of backward rotation

(about the center of the condyles and last occluding molar, Type

I and II respectively). In addition, he summarized a structura~

technique of predicting mandibular rotation based upon the inclina-\

tion of the condyle, curvature of the mandibular canal, shape of

.......-......... ",


backwards as it remodels. At the s~e ~i~~ he found that nasion was

not a stable point for superpositioning, th~s the techniques of anterior

cranial base superpQsitioning are compro=ised. Using superpositioning

of implants, Bjork, was able to study areas of remodeling, paths of

tooth eruption and growth changes. He discovered that little if

any, growth occurs at the tip of the chin; and that growth of the

condylar cartilage occurs vertically or horizontally ~~ong with... ...~.",

concurrent changes in direction of m~~dibular growth and changes" .

in the mandibular morPhology.6 In addition. he found that the lower

border of a developing molar germ is fairly stationary until the

roots begin to form. To improve the accu~acy of superpositioning

techniques with longitudinal headfilms. Bjork suggests using natural

reference structures. He compares the gro~h rotation of the mandible

with cranial base by measuring the ~~lar change in the superposed

nasion-sella line.? This technique utilizes the tip of the chin,

inner cortical structure of the inferior border of the symphysis,- .

trabecular structures related-·to the~dibular canal and the lower

contour of the molar germ from mineralization~u~tilthe beginning

of root formation. Bjork, using a mixed lor~itudinal study of

approximately 100 Swedish children of ~ach sex. constructed a

schematic account of three types of forN~rd mandibular rotations,- ..

-:~ ~~... -- -

(about the condyles, incisal edges ~d cente~ of the premolars,

Type I. II, III respectively) and two -types of backward rotation

(about the center of the condyles and last occlUding molar. Type

I and II respectively). In addition, he s~:marized a structura~.

technique of predicting mandibular rotation based upon the inclin~­


tion of the condyle, curvature of the m~~dibular canal, shape of



lower border of the mandible, inclination of the symphysis,

- interincisal angle, interpremolar angles and anterior lower face


In another implant study of twenty-one subjects, Bjork and

Skeiller quantifi~d facial development in relation to mandibular

growth rotation. 8 Nineteen sUbjects demonstrated :forward growth

rotation with a mean of seven degrees (over the five to six years

pubertal growth period.) It was noted that more than half of the-,

" forward .rotation was marked by remod·eling by bony apposit.io·n below

the symphysis and resorption below the angle of the mandible. In

the two cases of backward growth rotation there was remodeling in

the opposi te direction with slight apposi tion below the .symphysi·s

and marked apposition below ~he ~ngle of the mandible. The mean

decrease in gonial angle over the :fiva to six y·ear growth period

was 2.40 by tne probable mechanism ·of bony apposition at the

posterior border of the mandible and res~rption at the lower border.

Marked rotation of the jaws during growth causes compensatory adapta~

tion in tooth eruption. In forward growth rotation patterns the

intermaxillary growth space wedges anteriorly and in posterior

patterns wedges .:po~eriorly. Mandibular rotation correlated strongly

with intensity and direction of condy~~ growth and with change in

gonial angle.

Enlow and Moyers 9 demonstrated how structural variation in

development can produce facial balance. For example, with posterior

rotation of the mandible the anterior maxillary height increased,

the occlusal plane, aligned by alveolar growth and mandibular molars,


intruded to increase overbite. Forward rotations produced opposite


Another study of mandibular rotation utilizing implants was

done by Odegaard. 10. He analyzed the degree of rotation of the man­

dible in relation to facial skeleton, age, sex and orthodontic

treatment. An interesting finding was that orthodontic treatment

led to a decrease in anterior rotation when measured to the S-N

line. Possibly, this could be due to eruptive. treatment techniques.

A significant finding was that when estimating the growth of the

mandible, the evaluation must be based on the mandible alone and

not its position in space (i.e., degree of rotation was unrelated

to degree of prognathism and degree of cranioflexure angle, but was

related to mandibular morphology.)

Additional insight into the area was shown in a cephalometric

11study by Isaacson, J. et ale He states that it is necessary for

vertical growth in the anterior face to exactly equal vertical

growth inthe~~osterior face to prevent rotation at the mandibular

articUlation. He studied changes in ramus height, post maXillary

and mandibular height and vertical position of the glenoid fossa.

An interesting point he makes is that A-P position of the teeth can

be expected to affect mandibular rotation. As teeth or skeletal

parts are located posteriorly, the MP-SN angle ?an_~e expected. to

increase and vice-versa. Similar~Y, a loss in anchorage during

treatment would decrease the angle. Additionally he indicated that

backward rotating mandibles increase facial height and therefore elongate

the facial musculature. It is suggested that this increases the

tension and can constrict the maxillary arch. His data shows higher


incidence of buccal crossbite in backward rotating patterns. Similarly,

increased lower facial height results in increased level of 'mentalis

activity to raise the lower lip for a se~l which will affect lower

incisor position. One can construct typical patterns and apply these

relationships clinically. For example, if a patient presents with an

anterior open bite and a low MP-SN angle one would think the etiology

was environmental and the prognosis would be good once the habit was

corrected. Isaacson, et aI, ranked descriptive parameters and

discovered that vertical height of the. maxillary molar was significant

in predicting MP=SN angle. Therefore, mandibles that rotate backward

might indicate intrusive molar mechanics and ;~~e-versa. Similarly,

changes in vertical position of the glenoid" fossa would pI:0duce the

same effect as vertical changes' in ramus hei~h:t•.

A study of mandibular growth relative to cranial base was done

by Knott. 12 She investigated the changes in si~e and position Pg­

Postgonion relative to cranial base (Frontal ~inus point and Pituitary

point). Although she quantified the changes to demonstrate growth

means, she superimposed sev~ral quadrilaterals on her cranial base- .... -~ .• ". ,?'._,

segment at age six and early adulthood to ,show: individual variation

in size and angles. Her examples showed horizontal, vertical and

combinations of both patterns in what Bjork would define as forward

and backward rotation patterns. Similarly, if her points Pg and

Postgonion were used to superpose, the angle between her cranial base

lines would show type and degree of rotations.

There are several difficulties in longitudinal cephalometric

studies. Johnstonl ) suggested that accuracy may be limited by

errors in the cephalometric method itself.


According to Baumrind et al14 tracing comparisons have three

.error sources: 1. "errors of projective displacement" 2. "landmark

identification" 3. "inaccuracy in superpositioning". They concluded

that while superpos~tioning errors may be large when comparing two

headfilms, they shpuld not be of consequence in a large sample of


Hirshfield and Moyers15 added two additionallimitations:

1. assuming that the growth coefficients remain constant over the~. :

study and 2. the difficulty of. ~aking a predic:tion in a different

population group.

Materials and Methods

Thisstudy utilized headfilms from the Denver Growth Center .

taken at approximately one year intervals" for 'the purpose of investi-•~t

gating the relationship between eight structural parameters and

mandibular rotation and A-Pg(OP) changes over two years.

The sample consisted of 35 males ~nd'31 females who were

x-rayed annually. Each sex was divided into six chronological agel

categories with each film placed into the nearest whole year group

between ages 10.0 and 15.0. As there were insufficient wristfilms

available to determine skeletal age, chronological age was used.,

Several films are missing in all categories.

Eight cephalometric measurements were made on each film:

1. Gonial angle 2. Symphyseal angle 3. A-Pg(OP) 4. UR6 (pFH)

5. ANS-Me (pFH) 6. Ar-Go (pFH) 7. Ar-Pg 8. N-S to OP angle (Fig.l).

Symphyseal angle is defined as the inside angle between the N-S line

and a line that approximates the best straight line fi t of the symphysis~

of the chin in the area between point B and Pogonion. Parentheses


Parentheses indicated that the points are to be measured along that

horizontal plane. (pFH) is measured on a perpendicular to frankfort

horizontal. The frankfort horizontal used is a line drawn seven

degrees below the N-S line. The occlusal plane is the l~ne which

connects the mesio-buccal cusp tip of the upper right first molar

with a point that bisects the subject~s overbite. The ramal plane

connects articulare with the posteriormost point in the lower

one third of the ramus. The mandibular plane connects' m~nton

wi th the inferiormostO point of the posterior one thi~~oof: the

mandibular body. A constructed gonial ~~le is measured between

ramal plane and mandibular plane. The vertex of this angle is the

gonion. UR6 refers to the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary right

first molar.

The tracing for age ten was superimposed on age eleven and

growth rotation was measured. The superpositioning technique

utilized the anterior border of the chin and the inner cortical

structure of the inferior border of-~ the symphysis (Fig. 2).

Growth'rotation is defined as the ~gle be~Nee~ the N-S lines of

the first and second films. ~ positive, or ~orwardt rotation

was used if the lines crosseod at a poirit anteri-Gr to the older... __• 4..,..(

age's headfilms sella point and a negative rotation if they crossed

posteriorly. Similarly, the-film at age eleven w~s superimposed:...: ~ -

on age twelve, twelve on thir~e~n•. ~hirteen on' fourteen, fourteen

on fifteen. If a film was missing, the next"oldest film was used

and the growth rotation was divided by -the number-of intervening

years. This maintained the sample size of each measurement without


having a large effect on accuracy. At most, four of the thirty-

five male subjects and five of the thirty-one females were missing.

All headfilms were digitized using a tablet digitizer

(Summagraphics, Fairfield, ·Connecticut). All measurements were

made using comput~r programs in BASIC on a Computer Automation

(Irvine, California) alpha-16 mini-computer at the Department of

Orthodontics, University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine.

Correlations were run on an 1106 Univac and an SPSS computer.,

program. To test tracing reproducibi.lity two tracings were repeated

five times on the headfilms of five subjects in each of two age

groups. A one way analysis of variance was performed on the

differences in variable measurements. There were no significant

differences for any measurements.

Correlations as well as descriptiv~ statistics of the samples

were studied for all variables. Multiple regression analysis was

performed comparing two year's growth rotation and two year changes

in A-Pg(OP) with the eight craniofacial dimensions at ages ten,

eleven, twelve and thirteen. The sexes were analyzed separately.

The variable symphyseal angle accounted for more variation

than other variables in growth rotatiq"n. Regression analysis

was done versus symphyseal angle alone.


Tables A through F show means, standard deviations and

distribution of variables in each group.


The following variables were significantly correlated (p~.05)

at all ages versus two year's growth. All listed coefficients

. were posi tive.


'lariables Age

10 11 12 11.~ig coef ,- :sig coef- sig coef sigj~

I II.474Gonial Angle to Ar-Pg .002 .497 .00) .001 .56J .0011.530,

tA-Pg(OP) to NS-OP Argle .001 r .577 .001 I -538 .022 (371 .002 r489'

IUR6(pFH) to Ar-Pg .001 l ~ - 568 .005

I~451 .001 1.530 .00) .468

I .564. I

UR6(pFH) to ANS-l'IIe(pFH) .001 .001 .648 .001 .619 .001 .600t

1 .4841

.0011. 598ANS-Me(pFH) to Ar-Pg .001 r .661 .002 .001 .696.

Ar-Go(pFH) .001 J .002 I .487 .0021.493 .001j.550to Ar-Pg l .564


Variables Age

10 11 12 11sig coef sig coef sig ieoef sig ,coef

I I iA-Pg(OP) to NS-OP 'Angle .020 I .389 .002 .507 .008 .453 .046 .344

UR6(pFH) ANS-Me (p FH) I .626 .001 j .616 11.643to .001 .001 .743 .001

UR6(pFH) Ar-Go(pFH) I ·.~01 I .553 f1.574to .0]1 ·357 .022 .382 .001


I .001 1. 720 I .829UR6(pFH) to Ar-Pg .001 t • 716 .001 .775 .001

Ar-Go(pFH) to Ar-Pg .001 f .681 .001 t .688 .0011.575 .002 1.555


Multiple regression analysis showed the following significant

. relationships (- = not significant at .05 level, * = significant

at the .05 level, ** = significant at .01 level).

Males two year growth rotation age 10-12 vs. one variable at age 1"0:

Gonial Angle

Males two year growth rotation

Symphyseal AngleANS-Me(pFH)A-Pg(OP)Ar-Go ( p'FH )

age 1)-1.5r 2





vs. four variables athr2.176"




age 13:

Females two year A-Pg(OP) changes a29 10-12 vs. five variables at age 10:r ~r2. ~."

UR6(pFH) .251** .251.- .

Ar-Go(pFH) .310" .059 ..~

A-Pg{OP) .359* .049Symphyseal Angle .387* .• 028

Ar-Pg .414* .027

A-Pg(OP)Gonial Angle

• ~_4

'",,;"' ... -::f

, ''': ~:-::. r:~:~<11 .......~ :;~ '0("

Females two year A-Pg( op) changes age 13-15 vs. two variables at age i3 ;;~?:rz l1r2 > "'~;~

.417** .417 -..~~~~.:;

.445* •029" .:~~;...:-. ,,"~~,~{


Females two year growth rotation age 13-15 vs. seven variables at age 1):. ~_. dr2 "

Gonial Angle ..' : .:224- • 224

NS-OP .606** .382Symphyseal Angle .716** .110

UR6(pFH) .795** .079A-Pg(OP) .807** .011

ANS-Me(pFH) .824* .017Ar-Go(pFH) .831* .008


The values for ~r2 demonstrate th~ s~~~~gth of the additional

- variable as a predictor. Thus in the ~~ove analysis, A-Pg(OP)

(6r2 = .417) was almost 14 times as strong a predictor as Gonial

Angle ( r 2 = .029).~

When it was seen that Symphyseal Angle ~ccounted for more

variation in growth rotation than the o<the'r variables, this variable

was analyzed alone versus the two year growth rotation and, the two

year A-Pg( OP) changes. It,,, was found to be a significant predictor

at the ,.05 level in th~'., following samples:

Males two year's growth rotation age 12-14 vs. Symphyseal Angle age 12:

Symphyseal Angle

Males two year's growth rotation age 13-15 vs. Symphyseal Angle age 1J:

Symphyseal Angle


The purpose of this study is to describe the growth changes_in the

mandible that can be expected during a typical orthodontic treatment

span of two years. Growth rotation describes mandibular movement

in relation to skeletal cranial base. A-Pg(OP} changes describe

the effect of mandibular growth relative to the occlusal plane.

This dimension tells the orthodontist how skeletal growth changes

the effective tooth bearing area on which he must align the dentition.

Thus a positive A-Pg(OP) change me~~ there is an increase in the

area available to place the denti tion ~~d vi'ce versa. An attempt


was made to quantify the relationship of eight craniofacial dimensions

to growth rotation and A-Pg(OP) to see if g~owth prediction was a

possibility. However, only in females age 1)-15 did seven of the

variables suggest the pattern of gro~h; accounting for 83.1% of

the variance. Although other patterns were discernable. they

accounted for only 15 to 45% of the variance and -are not useful

clinically • Either these variables can..11.ot predict future growth J~

or because of the complicated inter"actiorLS involved ··in growth and

the extent of individual va~~ation_individualizedgrowth p~ediction, ,.-.; ~< --; - .,.,. .

is precluded. One could explain the'pattern in ~3 year females to

h~ due to the small amount of gr~w~h ~.emaini~g.,(~, = 1.97°) at that


This lack ·of' predict'abili ty is undoubtedly due for the most

part., to the great varialili ty of the time of onset t ampli tude, and

duration of the growth spurt. Thus. attempts to predict growth

more accurately than that obtainable by applying expected values

to present status, are unlikely to be improved upon by regression


However, in males symphyseal angle was significant in two age

categories: growth rotation 12-14 (r2 = 15.6%) and growth rotation

13-15 (r2 =.17.7%). Although the variance accounted for is low,

the relationships occur at peak growth velocity. As Bjork suggests

the contour of the symphysis of the mandible is related to the

pattern of future growth.

R was plotted (Fig. 3A) against age to show the relationship

between the significance of symphyseal a~~le and peak growth velocities.


For males, symphyseal angle is a better predictor at large growth

velocities (12-14. 1)-15). The female sample did not show this

relationship although the highest correlation occurred at 12-14


The plot of R (Fig. 3B) vs. age for two year change in

,A-Pg(OP) shows no pattern, however, for males the highest correla­

tions occurred during periods of small changes and for females

highest correlations occurred during periods of greatest. change.

The mean two year growth rotations (Fig. 3C) followed normal

growth patterns, i.e., males peaked at 1)415 'and females at 11~13.• v

However, A-Pg(OP) peak changes (Fig. 3D) occurred at 11-13 in males

and 12-14, 1)-15 in females. This may be due to rapid changes in

A-Pg(OP) when there are small changes in the cant of occlusal

plane while large amounts of mandibular growth would only moderately

affect A-Pg(OP). The dimension NS-OP shows a flattening during

peak growth velocities in ~ales and females (Fig. 4). This would

counteract th~ effect of mandibular growth on A-Pg(OP). In addition,

for both sexes at all ages A-Pg(OP) and NS-OP angle were signifi-

cantly correlated.

The flatten~ng of occlusal plane with growth explains how

anterior-posterior dental relationships <remain the same or worsen

with growth even though the skeletal ·relationships are improving.

This is caused by a decrease in the dimension' A-Pg(OP) and thus

the effective.denture bearing area~ .~ossibly one objective of

orthodontic treatment should be to maintain the cant of occlusal

plane, with which the patient. presents, and to prevent the natural

tendency for it to flatten.


D~scrintive Data

From the means and standard deviations for two years changes

in growth rotations and A-Pg(OP) (Fig. 3), it can be seen that

over a two year period the average individ~al can expect a forward

rotation of the mandible of approximately ~NO degrees. During

peak velocities this average approaches Slig~,~lY more than three

degrees in both sexes. The five year mean changes in males amounted

to +6.42 0 and in females +5.99°. These number~ are very similar

to the figure of' +7° that Bjork and Sk~i1le~9-Creported in their

study of. five to six years growth changes with the use of implants.

The data on one year growth rotation showed the most common range

to be +1.0° or less in males in each o~ the five one-year intervals,

and +1.0° or less in thre~ of the five female intervals (11-12 and

13-14 the most common ,range was 1.01 - 2.-0°). It is stressed that. .~lthough the means "demonstrated a forward rotational pattern,

individuals showed frequent changes in rotational direction over

~one year changes. A person with a forward rotational pattern;.

could show a backward pattern at times along the growth curve.

Only two females of the 66 male and female subjects displayed

a negative mean rotation over the five year period.

The data on A-Pg(OP) changes demonstrated very small changes

over a two year span for either sex. Without" treatment, very little

A-P dental changes can be expected. The five year mean change for"

males was -.44 and for females +.41. Thus. over a five year span

with no intervening treatment, the average female will only show

about t rom· :o:f' anterior-posterior improvement wi.th growth/ and the

average male i rom worsening. However, there is a large amount of


individual variation. The data on one yea~ char~es in A-Pg(OP)

demonstrates a consistent most cow~on rar~e ~etween -.99 and +l.OOmm

(exception being females 10-11. most common range of -1.00 to -2.49).

It is interesting to note that during the pubertal growth spurt the

tendency in both sexes is for a negative ch~~ge in A-Pg(OP) in the

one year period. That is, during peak growth velocities with no

treatment, the 9cclusal situation (i.e., the effective denture base)

should worsen in the average individual.

'( Summary

This study used lateral headfilms of )1 female an~ 35 male

children from the Denver Growth Study taken ~etween 10 and 15

years old. Growth w:a's measured by superp,ositions of succes'sive


An attempt was made to develop an individualized two year

prediction of mandibular growth rotation ~~d A-Pg(OP) changes by

performing multiple regression analysi~ or these two measurements

versus eight craniofacial variables· that would describe mandibular\,;.

morpho~ogy. These variables ~ere go~al angle~ symphyseal angle,

A-Pg(OP). UR6(pFH), ANS-Me(pFH), ~r~Go(pFrl). Ar-pg and ~~ to OP


Although several patterns emerg~d, none were clinically useful.

The strongest relationship was· for;females' two 'year growth' rotation--

between age 13-15. Seven of the variables-' {all except Ar-Pg)

accounted for 83.1% of the variance •. :However, there was a very

small amount of growth (x = 1."9"7°) during this period.

The significance of symphyseal angle as a predictor of growth

rotation improves during peak growth velocities. No such pattern.

emerged for A-Pg(OP).


The m'~an t\A/O year gro'Nth rotat;ions p~a.1{ed at normal pubertal

-growth spurts in both males and females. The mean two year A-Pg(OP)

changes peaked at periods of lower growth velocities.

The five year mean changes of growth rotation was +6.42° in

males and +5.99° in females. This was similar to the value of

+70 that Bjork and Skeiller reported8 over a five to six year

period in a study that utilized implants.

The five year mean changes in A-Pg(OP) were small, -.44mm for

males and +.41mm f.or females-.·

ClinicallYrsolid prediction is difficult, due to the large

variability of time of onset, amplitude and duration of the growth

spurt. Future work in this area might concern itself with predicting

the baseline growth patterns of specific bones and quantifying

growth changes during pubertal growth spurts. By analyzing the

baseline growth with pubertal increases one may come closer to

individualizing growth predictions.

The author would like to express appreciation to Drs. Rippey,

Solonche, and Weinstein for their most valuable assistance in

preparation of the manuscript. In addition, the author thanks

Dr. Robert McCammon and the Denver Research Council for use of

the Denver Growth Study. Funds for reproducing this study were

from the University of Connecticut Research Foundation


:- -- .._:-.-.. ~••,~. 1a.


Cephalometric Measurements

Figure I:

1. Gonial Angle (degrees) 2. Symphyseal Angle (degrees)

3. A-Pg(OP) (rom) 4. UR6(pFH) (mm) 5. ~AI'IS-Nle(pFH) (fum).

6. Ar-Go(pFH) (rom) 7. Ar-Pg (rom) 8. N-S to OP Angle (degrees)


Gro\'1th Eotatio~

2: Solid line represents film 1, dotted line representsfilm 2. 9 is the growth rotation measured in degrees.


Symphyseal Angle vs •. ·2 YearAGrowth Rotation




WIean Values of:

2 Year A-Pg(OP) Changes





2 Year Growth Rotation


""/ .....




IO·,.~ 11-') 1). ...''1 I)-I,


.. 1.0

[) 2 Year A-Pg(OP) Changes

'0-/).. " -I) I).-'V ')-'~

Figure 3: = rV:ales = :e~ales


rliean Values of 1'1-3 to Occlusal ?lane Angle







- .. - Females

Figure 4

10 I ,



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. -



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Table A-23-



Conial Angle



Casesl{;eanStandard Deviation

Casesrt.eanStandard Deviation

Casesfl.eanStandard Deviation













CasesMeanStandard Deviation

CasesMeanStandard Deviation

CasesMeanStandard Deviation

CasesMeanStandard Deviation

12 1)2 )1 I))59.21 60.73 62.)6 l 6).95

2.15 t 2.55 2.49! 2.74t .....1 _

)2 1)2 31 6))57.58 58.73 59.46 0.17).54 ).39 ).)0 4.02

~j2--·-)1 334~.Z~ '42.68 4).56 44.8)3.39 _I 3.6~ __>_?02 _ 3.99

)2 1)2 )1 )-5--96.55 I 98.52 100.42 102.763.99 ).78 4.27 4.56

NS-OP Angle CasesMeanStandard Deviation

2 Year Growth. Ca"sesMeanStandard D~viation

2 Year A-Pg(OP) CasesChange rt.ean

Standard Deviation



2.05 ";l.e?i


)2 -- -'-jl----"'-)-)16.70 15.46 15.88).46 ).28 ).48

)) --)J- 281.88 2.69 ).461.87 1.53 2.04

)) .-- ''_OJ)' .._-- 28--.28 .19 -.26

2.18 1.65 2.41


.!!. 12

29 i 28122.09 J 122.44

6.62 6.))

Gonial A~g1e


'CasesMeanStandard Deviation

CasesMeanStandard Deviation










2682. 4 )6.29

2 Year Growth . CasesMeanStandard Deviation

2 Year A-Pe(OP) CasesChange r.~ean

Standard Deviation










29 t57.87 J

).19 1





29 I2.25 t3.)9 "





28 I

56.")8 i).16 !

28 i



55.22 i).18



Standard Deviation

Caseslw!eanStandard Deviation

CaseslI.eanStandard Deviation

CasesIt!eanStandard Deviation

Casesl/.eanStandard Deviation


Standard Deviation

NS-OP Angle






Table B-24-


117 121 99 I ~ 5 7~

Dc~rees _1--.O...--_--1-1__--1...,..2----~_:;:]----1"""::4=___~--lr5;__-

(. 118~8,· 21?9"~ 12\'" 2::~27~ 10\-: J2\~l 11 · 99 8 8 14 10 14 10- . 25~ 25~ 45.c~ : "32.)~ I 50 It . /~. 10 9 7 ~ 8 I 4 I 4122-126.99

Jl.l~ 28.1;: 22.6~ , 2a..~ : 14.)~ I 14.J~

4 5 4t

J ! 4r


12.5~ lS.6~ 12.~ 9 ,tf., 14.;~ 7.1~, .-') 2 2 i 4 I J

r21'2-116.99 9.4~ 6.):f, 6.S~

I12.1~ 10.~ 2.1'-;I


1 1 0 I 0 ' f 0 i 1) 117.001.1~ 3.1< 1.6·~

N:: )2 )2 )1 )) 28 28

Gonial AngleFemales

Degrees 10 11 12 1) 14 15.5 5 1 I l;.

t 4 ai.116.99 17.9< 24.1CO: 14.~ 15.6;-: 19.2< 36.4~, !10 10 11 i 14 • 11 5lli·....121.99J5.7~ )4.5~ 46.4~ I 5J.e~ I 42.3% 22. -r::

5 5 4 I 4 , 4 5122-126.991?~ 17 .2~~ 14.Y;; 15.~ , 15.4;C 22.7~


7 5 .5 I 1 I .5 4127-1)1.9925~ 11.2~ 17.~;; J.8~ 19.2~ 18.2~

0 1 1 I 2 I 1 0132-1:16.99 J.1v! J.6~ 7.??! ).8~

1 1 1 t 1 I 0 0') 137.00).6~ ).4:( ).6~ ! ).8~

N= 28 29 28 26 26 22














I 0 I 1 I 0 I Z ") 1J. 70.991.1~

,6.1~ lO.r.. ).6~

71~74.99 2 0r

2 I 2 2 56.J~ 6.5~ 6.1~~ 7.1~ 17.9i~

J 4 i ., I 7 ) I 675-79.999.4~ 12.5--': 22.&; I 21.2;; 10.~ 21.4%• ;

80-84.99 12 1) f 10i 7 12 i 10

J'7.5~ 40.6:: I )2.J:( 21.~ 42.9"': I )5.~

8.5-88.99 12 14 I 12 I I} I 6


J7.5~ 4J.8~ J J8.7~ _, J9.~~ 21.4~ 17. 9-~

>89 :3 0 I 0 I 2 2 I 19.4c; 6.~< 7.1~ I J.6Y;I

Symphyseal An~le















. 26.~



I 2 JI '7 .1~ . t




1 I 2 I 2j 1 I 1 I 2I. 70·99 J.6~ 6.9:; i 7.1~ ! J.8~ i 3·8~ 9.1~

2 I 2 I 2 j 2 I 1 I 071-14.991.1~ 6.9"~ 7.1;; 7.7~ :3.8~ I

75-79.99 J I 2 I ) i 4 I 2 ~ 410.1:~ 6.~ ! 10.~ l 15.~ 7.7'5 I 18.2~I

80-84.99 10 I 1 , 10 i 7 i 10 : .,J5.7~ 24.1~

1 )5.~ ,26.~ 38.5~ J1.8~

85-89.99 10 I 14 I 6i

10 i 9 8J5. 7:~ 48.)~ 21.l:..~ J3.5~ ! 34.6~ 3.6 .4~~i

Table C



rom 10 11 12 1) 14 15



~--put-t 0 --,-

1 1 I 0£-6.00

I i J .15~ t ).1~ ).6~ I6 I 4 I 6 7 6


-5.99- -1.00 I 19.4·~ I 12.5~ 20~ 21.2~ 21.4~ 22.2~

19 I 22 I 22 I 17 10 18-.99- ..4.99

61.)~ 68.8~ 13.J~ 51.5~ 57.1·~ 66.7~

4 J , 1 9 5t

1+5.0-+9.99 12.9.-0: 9.4':'~ ).')~ 21. J"~ l?~ ).%

2 2 I 0 0 0 i 2+10.0-+14.99

6.5~ 6.J~ 7.4~.0



rom 10 11 12 1) 14 15

.L -.L--0 1L~ 4.5~

26 222S






0 0 0 0 1 I 0(..-6.00


0 5 4 0 0 I 0-5.99;- -1.00 l?~ 14.3~

2 0 0 I 2 1 I 4--.99- +4.99 7.1< 8.0~ ).8% 18.2~

20 18 20 11 19 I 11+5,.00- +9.9971.4~ 62.11 I ?1.4~ 68.();~ 7J:l~


6 5 , ) 5 5 , 6+10.0-+14.99 21.4¢ I

11.~ lO.7~ 20.~ 19.~ 27.J~I

0 I 1 i 1 1 0 I 0

I ! 1.~ It Jo·6~====0[_0.28















I 2 2 , 0 0 0 o.(,55.99

6.1~ 6.)~

19 11 4 ) 0 056.0-59.99 59.4C'": J4.4~ 12.9:: 9.1~

11 16 19 1) 6 160.0-61.99

14.~ 50.0~ 61.3~ J9.4-~ 21.8-1, ).6:~

0 J 8 15 15 , 1064.0-67.99 9.4~ 25.8~~ 45. 5'~ 5J.6~ J5.7~

0 0 0 2 '1 1568.0-71.00 6.1~ 25.0~ 53. 6~~

0 0 0 0 0 2) 72.00 7.1~





rl;;,! 10 11 12 1) 14 1'5

~55.991) 10 I 4 0 I 0 046.4~ J4.5~ 14. J~

56.0-59.99 9 12 I 11 10 I 5 1J2.1~ 41.4~ i J9.)~ ! )8.5;4 19.2~ 4.5~

6 --.-----60.0-6).99 5 I 11 11 14 I 10

21.4;: 17.2~ )9.J~ 42.):-: SJ · 8 ~ t u 5• 5:~0 2 I 2 4 5 I

764.0-67.99 a6.~:: 7.1~ 15.~ 19.2~ ! Jl.8·~

>68.0 0 1 0 I 0 1 2 I- 4J.8:~ 7.?~ ! 18.2.:';

~ i --,

Table .D -26-



10 11 12 1) 14 15o15?8<55.99

17.5~ I 25'~ 22.6'": 15,2~ ).t;;

56-59.99 I 11 , 9 I 8 9 8 JJ4.~ 28.1:: 25.8~ 21.)~ 28.6~ lO.7j::,

60-6).~99 1J I

rq. 12 9 .# 928,1~ 40.6:;':; 45.2't

I)6.45' )2.1:. )2 .l~-:

0 2 2 6 7 1164-61.99 6.)·:; 6.5% 18.~ 25-i'; , 39. J~~ .1 2 J0 0 068-11.99

1 ~ 7.1~ 10.~.u 0 -0 0 1 2) 72.0

).6~ 7.1~

N= )2 32 )1 )J 28 28



16 16 I 12 I 8 6 I 4(55.99 57 .l~~ 55.2~ 42.~ I J2.8~ 2J.l~ 18.2~

56-59.99 10 10 I 9 I 10 9 5J5.7;~ )4.5'-4 J2.1~ )8.5% )4.6~ 22. 7t~

2 3 I 5 I 5 7 1060-6).997.1~ lO.J~ I 11.~ , 19.~ 26.~ 45.5%0 0 I 2 I J 4 164-67.99 7 .. 1~ 11.5':; 15.4~ 4.5/~


0 0 l 0 -0 2)68.09.1~

N= 28 29 28 26 26 22



10 11 12 1) 14 15( "\7.99 o 0


42-45.99I,11 ~.27. 5:~1r 10 9 1 1)4.4~ _ .., )2. 3~ 27. )',1 ).6~ J.6~

141 03•6.':..~ 12 14 11 14 8J J7.5~ 45.2~ J).J~ 50~ 28.6%

45-49.99 1 5 7 8 7 10).1¢ 15.6~ 22.6~ 24.2~ I 25.01 I J5.~

50-5J.99 1 1 i 0.0 4 5 i 7J.lc1 J.l~~ i 12.1~ 17.9i-; 29.0;:




2--- _._-

>54 •0 J • 65~ I 7 _1~)2 J2 )1 28 28

Ar-Go( pFH)













-110 6 I 4 t 2 I 0 0( 37. 99 35.7» 20.7~ I 14.J~

I 7.7{"l1) 11 14 i 10 I 6 038-41.99 46.4~ , 58.6;1, 50.0~ i J8.5~ 2J.l~

42-45.99 5 I 5 a I 10 I 14 1217.~ ! 17.2~ 28.6< I )8. 5-'~ 53.G~ 54.5~

0 I 1 I 1 4 I 4 646-49_99).4~ J.6~ l 15.4;:

,15.4-:~ 27.)';:

I 0t

0 1 i °0 I 2 4>50.0

J.6~ I t 7.7'::' 18.2~

Table E -27-

1291 91 99- )7.5:: J4.~·-; 2S.0 1.;. . 3I ----

98-102.99 t 12 I 15 I 1; 11 9 4l 17.5·~ I 46. 9"~ ·...1.9=- j

J).J~ J2.1~ 14.J~

I 1 I 4 i ? 1:- 1) 1)101-10?99 j.l~ 12.5~ 22.~ ~ 3).1:: 46.4% 46.4~t j

108-112.99 ! I) I 0 I 1t 5 J 5

J.2~ 15. 2:~ lO.7~ 17. 9:;I ;

I 0 I 0 .j 0 ! 0 3 6>111 10.~ 21.4i~

10 11 12 1.J 14 15

_ ______'""'t'-__-9-_-2- -:-0_~!'__-O--IO-~92.99 2i.~ J 6.J~ ;.2~ l ______

111 " 5 0 I 0

~ 2~

N= )2 )2 )1 )J 28 28



! JI










11)(92.• 99 I • -46.4:; I 48.J~ , 25.0=;: .. lie 5;~

12 I 9 ,~2 i 1) 8 493-97.99

42.~ )l.~,

~2. cr: I50.~ )o~e~ 18.2~,


98-102.99 J ! 4 I ? i 6 9 9lO.r. I 1').8~ 25.0:( ,

2J.1~ J4.6~ 40.~

0 ! 2~

2 I 2 6 410)-101.99

I 6.% 7.1~ 7.~ 2).1~ 18.~

)108 0 I 01

0 i 2 )t

s... J ?~ 11.5% 22.7<

N= 28 29 28 26 . 26 22

NS ...C?


26. ,.~1-10.99

De~rees 10 11 12 1) 14 15--- -- -----10-- ·---O----l----l----,---~\--..--2

<6.99 I J.2~ J.O~ ):6~ 1.1~-.

1 2 J )3.~ 6 .l-~ 10. 7~ 10. 7~

I 5 6 10 5 9 1111-14.99 I 15.6~ 18.8~ ;2.~ 15.2~ )2.1~ 39 )~

-------~I-1-4~··----:---1-6-~--1-7---......2-0-------1-)--hf--15-18.99 ; cJ.E~ 50.~ ~.~ 60.6~ 46.4~ )9.)<

19-22.99 i 10 5 2 5 2 1t 11.3~ 15.~ 6.~ 15.~~ 1.1> J.6~

)23 .1 2 0 0 0 0: J. l·~ . 6.)e;

N= j2 )2 )1 )J 28 28


Degrees 10 11 12 1) 14 15



i 0i; 1. ).6:-:









J1) .67:

11-14.99 : 7~ 25. o·~











10.' )8.5~

415.4~ ;










; 9! J2.1~. 9I j2.1~

----=-----~-------~~-=-----:--2! 7 .l~.>2)




Table F-23-

. )6.0

5.01-6 .. 0

De~rees 10-11 11-12 12-1J 1)-14 14 -15------------- _. -- - 19 ----- r ---19 - -: --- .-20 .-- - T .- --fo-- -i - -9--

--- .-~~~-- .. ~ .5~·~-~-1· -.J~:T~·~-i·:·e~!l· .~~.)~ I 3:. 12-1.01-2.0 ; 12.5··~ t 2S.7~ 1 35.)"· 30.):-; i 28.6·=;

--------- --~-s- --- ·------i-- --t---2------·---8---·---1---2.01-1.0 i 1;.6-: I 8.6.0 I 5.~ ! 24.2'~ I 25.0"--------~._" I ---~. -----t----·4---·---+-- ..-1.01-4.0 . I. .. ,~ '1 8 3L~! 0 I 12 1~ , 7


:;). _ .' .0"'- I '.'. "

2--r-Io I 0 : 0 I 1

6.)1, I 2'9?~ i ).6~

o i 0 ! 0 I 1 1, I i ).~ ).6~

-"-.--------)"'"'""':2--.4---35 )4 )) 28

One Year Growth RotationFemales

10-11 11-12 12-1) 1)-14 14-15







i 19 1 1~ "\~ i ~~,,~ I 9 ~ 12t 6?9~ i J~_'_.E.1~ I 54.5~I 7 I 11 &1 9 i 1) Sf 25.~ : 16.?C" i 29.0~ i 46.4;: 27. J~ .,2 l 4 , 7 I J JI 7.1-~ i l).J~ i 22.6~ 'I lO.7~ i 1).6%-h--1-J--- i 1 2 I 1

; 10~ ).21- I 7.1~ I 4.5%o ~_~ III 1 0! J.J~ I ).Z~ -l- J.6~

I 0 : 1 : 1 i -0·----+--0I ~ J. Jt1_._ ....l_....:.)_._2_~_~· -~---

-N-·:-------+-·-2-=-"8--)0 )1 28 22

One Year A-F~(OP) ~h~n~e


One Year A-PG(OP) Change


< -2.5


10-11 11-12 12-1) 1)-14 14-15i 1 -----l-----O---~-O--'·--l---

: J.1:f, J • )~ t 4. 5~5 7 2 ---r:r:-

-2.~9- -1.00 LJ~.J~ 16.?~ 22.6~, ?l~ I 22.7~----------; -8 21 16 r--i-7---r9---

-.99- +1.00 : 29.6~ 70.0~ 51.6~ I 60.7~ : 40.9~

1.01- 2.00 : 2t2~ . 6~?~ 2t8~ 1-·1~~~~-1-;f-y:------I-1---r---l--r---o---r--4---- ~ 1

2 4! 01- J. 00 ! 1 i 1~ I))~ I , 14)·4' ! 4 5,-1';. I· ,1 I _ , • ~-L-_._:1__

27 30 )1 28 22
