21st Community Dinner - Amazon S3Melbourne, travelling up to Clunes, Virginia was spotted doing a...


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Published monthly by the

Clunes Tourist and

Development Association Inc.

PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. clunesnewsletter@iinet.net


21st Community Dinner By Jane Lesock & Ken Gibson, Event Co-ordinators

Another successful event was held in Clunes with the “21st” Community Dinner held on Friday 10th August. With our magnificent Town Hall beautifully set out with tables and decorations and lovely and warm on a chilly night, 96 Guests enjoyed a night of fun, laughter, great food, meeting new friends and more.

The Community Dinner is held to acknowledge all our wonderful volunteers in this community and announce the “Citizens of the Year” for 2018 – 2019.

Our resident MC, Kath Milne was unable to attend due to a family commitment, but thanks to Tim Hayes who kindly stepped up for the evening and what was a funny and entertaining evening with his antics. Thank you Tim.

Official Guests that attended were, Mayor Cr. John Cottrell, Cr. Neil Newitt, Catherine King MP, Louise Staley MP, CEO Hepburn Shire Ewan King, Ben Marsland – Head of Clunes Wesley, Sarah De Santis – Candidate for Ripon and apologies from Cr. Kate Redwood AM and Cr. Fiona Robson and Steve Monaghetti.

CTDA President, Steve Hunter & Vice Neal Jedwab welcomed everyone and gave brief statics of volunteerism in Clunes.

Guests were welcomed on the night with mouth water canapés prepared Sujeeva Henadhira, followed by a 2 course meal catered by Hal Wright (Chef

from RACV Creswick) and

tables were waited on by 14 bubbly Wesley students. A fantastic job was done by all.

Guest Speaker this year was Virgina Moloney, Marathon Runner (Gibbo’s niece) who represented Australia at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Virginia looked magnificent in her Games uniform and was joined on stage by her fiancé Trent McCormick who very cleverly “interviewed” Virginia with questions on her career, highlights, commitment, and training programme. Virginia was supported on the night with her parents, aunts and uncles and cousin attending the Dinner.

Even after a long day working in Melbourne, travelling up to Clunes, Virginia was spotted doing a 15km run next morning – just something she does every day.

After the main meal, it was that time of the evening to announce our new Citizens. As Tim Hayes explained, no Young Citizen nominations fitted the criteria but urged for all us to think about next year.

Both Steve & Neal returned to the Stage for announcing Female & Male Citizens.

Steve kept us in suspense for as long as possible before announcing Janet Harrison as Female Citizen of the Year. Janet’s contribution to over 60 years association with Tourello Red Cross, Clunes Land Care Group, Friends of Mount Beckworth, assisting with programs at Wesley College, registered animal rescue, and does guest speaking for Pink Ribbon Days.

Watching Janet’s face on announcement, she was in total shock. Mayor Cr. John Cottrell presented Janet with her Certificate.

Neal Jedwab followed by announcing “Male Citizen of the Year” with Lindsay Prichard. Lindsay’s contribution to the Clunes community groups is endless. Clunes Football Netball club as Under 12’s Football Coach with leadership and guidance, training nights and match days.

Clunes Fire Brigade – Treasurer & Secretary, mentor to younger Members, Clunes Community Safety Co-ordinator, Fire Fighter, Clunes RS&L – contributes to both Anzac & Remembrance Day Services, White Ribbon Day Ambassador. Another quite achiever, who just gets in and does things. Cr. Neil Newitt presented Lindsay with his Certificate.

Like any Event it takes time and people to organize – planning, setting up and clearing. We have a wonderful team behind us and take this opportunity of thanking the following people who did not hesitate helping out:

Tim Hayes as Emcee, Craig & Cyn Drewer, Richard Mackay-Scollay, Tess Brady, Gill Jedwab, Jacqui Marshall, Donall Quigley, Jo Love, Peter Hanrahan, Paul Lesock, Graeme Johnstone, Gary Sharp, Malcolm & Alison Hull, Judith Fawcett and Wesley Students.

Thank you all it is greatly appreciated.

Left to right: Virginia Moloney, Neal Jedwab, Janet Harrison, Steven Hunter, Lindsay Pritchard, Mayor Cr. John Cottrell, Cr. Neil Newitt

Photo by Gary Sharp



Submissions (incl photograph) welcome, preferably sent electronically to the email address above. Priority given to news items and are subject to available space. Name of group or individual will be printed with all items submitted.

News items, notices of meetings, results-up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS page (space permitting).

Display ads are available to community groups at half commercial rates.

All material to reach the CTDA by the 10th day of the month.

Note: articles, photographs and ads are not to exceed 2mb in size. Hardcopy items can be left at the Clunes Newsagency, Fraser St.

Produced by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc.

Email address: clunesnewsletter@iinet.net


Business card size (90mm x 55mm horizontal only) $25 Quarter page (vertical) $40 Half page (horizontal) $80 Full page (vertical) $160

All ads to be supplied ready-made as Word or jpeg files. No PDFs please.

Discounts apply to CTDA members and for multiple month adverts. All advertising to be paid in advance of publication. Ads and payment can be made through Jane Lesock at Mt Beckworth Wines, Fraser St.

Edited by Jane Lesock. Layout & copyediting by Kira Annear. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the CTDA, its individual members, or its associates.

Introducing new Team Member to Clunes Community Newsletter

Jordan Rozanski

It is with much delight that we introduce a new enthusiastic Volunteer to the Clunes

Community Newsletter Team. Jordan Rozanski recently has moved to Clunes

from Melbourne where she worked as an Analyst in the Public Service. Jordan’s

background is in Social & Political Science as well as Literature, Public Policy &


Since moving to Clunes, Jordan has been inspired by much of the social organisation and

the people who are involved with respect to their welcoming nature, inclusive spirit and approaches to a good range of meaningful

community activities and services.

Jordan would like to introduce a “Community Group Roundup” section within the Newsletter that focuses on the events and achievements of

different groups in Clunes.

Jordan will be contacting local Groups, but if you have a story, please contact Jordan on

email jordan.clementine.rozanski@gmail.com

On behalf of the Clunes Community, we warmly welcome Jordan not just to Clunes but

being part of the Newsletter which is greatly appreciated.




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Creative Clunes Inc

Annual General Meeting

Date: Tuesday 11th

September 2018

Venue: Ulumbarra Room @

The Warehouse, Clunes

Time: 7.00p.m.


Clunes Football Netball Club

Pet Sheep Shearing

October 6th (Weather Permitting)

To book in your pet sheep for shearing

Please call 0400342656

We will pick up most sheep on Friday afternoon, shear, drench, backline

and return on Saturday.

If you are from surrounding districts and can transport your sheep we are happy to arrange a time on Saturday to shear your


Please call above number for more information

White Sheep $10

Black or Coloured



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Clunes & District Pre-School

Enrol Now For 2019

3 year olds & 4 Year

olds Contact the pre-school Ph: 5345 3228

109 Fraser St Clunes 3370


or enrol online www.ecka.org.au

Change of Venue The September meeting of the Clunes Writers’ Group

will be held on Monday, 10th September, (second Monday of

the month) from 1pm - 3pm in the lunch room at the

Neighbourhood House, 70 Bailey Street, Clunes.

New members and guests are welcome.

For further information contact Patsy 0407 377 610.




Clunes Crime Wrap Up 14th April - 16th July 2018 By Athol (Chaffs) Chaffey

April 14th Burglary on a wool shed in Glendonald area, $1000+

wool taken from shed Theft of NBN materials from New North Court area

May Burglary on Clunes Dairy, milk and juice stolen Theft of a wallet (pick pocket type offence) in Clunes

shop over the Booktown weekend

June Theft of a car from Fairview area, car located dumped

at Mt Beckworth a couple of days later Burglary at the Bowls Club sheds, nil stolen Burglary on the Bottle Museum minor theft Willful damage to trees on a vacant block in New

North Court Male charged with driving offences and damage to

verandah posts in Fraser Street to appear at Ballarat Mag Crt in August

Male processed re theft matters, again bailed to appear at Court in August

As you can see, cars and houses still being targeted for burgs, thefts and damages, opportunistic offenders stealing items from around town. Please make sure that your homes, sheds and cars are locked at all times, even if you are at home.

Continuing to issue tickets in and around the town, speed, seat belts and mobile phone use, especially in the 60km/h zones in Service Street, Victoria Street and Talbot Road. Also still catching the odd drink driver in the area; no excuse for drink driving.

Also been to a couple of very serious crashes in the area over the past month or so; speed and/or alcohol involved in most. I have had a spate of neighbourhood complaints over the past 3 months or so, most of them dealing with loud music. I ask that we be considerate of our neighbours when playing music, especially from sheds, the shed acts like one big amplifier and accentuates the bass of the music being played. It is usually the bass that causes the problems and on still days the noise can travel quite a long distance. There is a misconception that loud music can be played during daylight hours, if the music is so loud as to cause issues with any neighbours, it doesn’t matter what time of the day it is, it is still an offence. There are hefty fines applicable to anyone who breaches the EPA act in relation to loud music. So all I ask is that if you are playing music outside of your house, walk to the front of your property and if it can be clearly heard from outside the boundary of your property, it is too loud, just be kind to your neighbours.

Until next newsletter, look after each other and stay safe. As I always say I am YOUR local copper and can be contacted on station number 5345 3211, mobile number 0427 683 940, fax number 5345 3794 or email athol.chaffey@police.vic.gov.au.

If you need police attendance for an emergency situation ALWAYS ring 000.

Are you a local builder from the Clunes community?

Want to be a part of an exciting new housing project?

Not for profit housing organisation Community Housing Ltd is inviting local builders and trades from in and around Clunes region to register their

Expression of Interest in delivering four new affordable homes for the Clunes community.

To register your interest or to find out more contact Arjun Chauhan on arjun.chauhan@chl.org.au or call 02 9891 7632


New Affordable Home Announces for the Clunes Community By Arjun Chauhan, Project Manager Community Housing Ltd

Hepburn Shire Council and the Clunes community have partnered with Australia’s largest not for profit Community Housing Limited (CHL) to increase affordable housing in the Clunes community under the Hepburn Joint Venture Project. It comes as part of the Hepburn Council’s response to the shortage of affordable housing in the Shire.

The project will provide four purpose built double bedroom units to low income earners in the Clunes community including seniors, key workers and young people and will be built to varying disability design standards to allow future tenants to ‘age in place’.

CHL is an experienced housing provider with twenty four years of experience in managing end to end delivery of affordable housing including design, construction, tenancy and property management. The construction is expected to commence in the next couple of months and is jointly funded by Hepburn Shire Council and CHL. The new homes will be ready for occupation in the latter half of 2019.

According to Steve Bevington, Managing Director of CHL, “We are excited to be collaborating with the Hepburn Shire Council in the Clunes community where CHL has been managing properties for a long time.

These units will not only increase the much needed supply of long term social and affordable housing in the community but will also contribute to the local economy with the creation of local jobs and short to long term employment

opportunities,” adds Steve.

CHL will be releasing a tender invitation for the construction of the new units soon and encourages local builders and trades within the Clunes Community to partner in the delivery of this very exciting project.

And the Winner is … Art & Creativity By Sujeeva Henadhira

Bob was delighted to be awarded this $100 cash prize sponsored by Words in Winter, “This award is the one that I most value and that most warms my heart, as it comes from the people” he said. With over 350 visitors to the Annual Clunes Artists’ Group art exhibition over three weekends in August, indeed it did come from the people.

The winner of the 3D prize (a whopping $250 voucher kindly donated by Melbourne Artists Supplies) was Tony Redmond with his glass work “Circles”.

The 2D prize ($100 framing voucher donated by Creative Framing Gallery Ballarat, $50 voucher from Talbot Provedore & Eatery, $25 from The Book Fossicker Clunes and $75 cash from Clunes Artists Group) was “Blue Mountains” by Geoff Roderick.

Judge Robyn Barnett (an exhibiting artist and experienced art teacher who many of you will know from her work at Wesley @ Clunes) said of “Moments of Clarity” by Amanda Fisher, the winning entry for the Encouragement Award ($60 voucher from Talbot Picture Framing and dinner for two voucher from the National Hotel Clunes): “As artists we mustn’t forget to give ourselves permission to play more often with our work and that not to have the idea that every glaze or painting is going to be Grand Final Piece. Try new colours, new techniques and new media and step outside your comfort zone” which really inspired many of us budding artists to go forth and experiment freely.

There were prizes galore for the exhibition visitors too - the bumper raffle raised funds for this and ongoing group work for CAG - was drawn by Annie Gunnar at the exhibition closing on the 19th, with prize winners as follows:

1 – Glass bowl made by Tony Redmond winner Janet Cameron

2 – Saori scarf made by June Redmond winner David Dorizzi

3 - $50 Quigley & Clarke voucher winner Jasmine

4 - $50 produce box donated by The Clunes Greener Grocer winner Anthony Schilling

5 - $50 breakfast voucher from Bread & Circus Provedore winner Peter Hanrahan

6 - $50 confectionery bundle from Widow Twankey Confectionery Emporium winner Kate Edwards

Congratulations to all the winners, thank you to all our contributing artists and the members that organised the exhibition, much gratitude to ALL our wonderful sponsors of artist and raffle prizes above as well as to Gallery Five, Creative Clunes, Hepburn Shire Council and Clunes Neighbourhood House for their ongoing in-kind support – we are both humbled and buoyed by your generosity.

A reminder that the Clunes Artists’ Group also display at The National Hotel Clunes (updated every 3-4 months) – so do pop in to see (or buy) more examples of our work.

Photo supplied

Photo supplied

Picture: Bob McKinnon with his sculpture “Autumn” People’s Choice Winner 2018

Photo supplied



Last Swoop for the Season By Jordan Rozanksi

Clunes Magpies Football and Netball

Players of all grades and ages were joined with supporters to bring their best for final games of the season on Saturday 11 August. Playing on home grounds with the fortune of some winter sunshine, many came along for a day of fun and rose to the challenge with positive team spirit and excellent sportsmanship.


One of the goals of the Footy Club is to be a good family club. Captain, Brendan Sheehan identifies the beauty of this outlook when he comments they are: “…Creating opportunities for keeping families around”. Sheehan admits the side are under no illusions and have identified some challenge including recruiting juniors, due to competing interests such as soccer as well as time and travel involved with the general commitment of weekend sport. Moving forward, the side would like to improve incentives for young players and make local football more identifiable to parents. Mutual support with the local community is something that the Club have been successful in building this year and many members agree; the people involved and the input they contribute is golden. Appreciating the value that everyone has to contribute grows an excellent ether. For example, Seniors Coach John Leoncini was instrumental with regard to some of the Club Community Service events such as the ‘Kindergarten Clean Up’ which received positive feedback from all involved. Player, Jason Yole provided insight towards the Club’s approach when he

mentioned: “Being part of a Club is being part of a bigger Community”. The Magpies will be finalising their recruitment for next season by late December and are looking forward to an improved pre-season ahead later in the year.


The Clunes Netball club are distinguished for their friendly and encouraging reputation. Vice President and player of the Magpies Club, Chris Hill comments on how players are known to travel from elsewhere to be part of Clunes Netball due to the fun and supportive atmosphere the Club has sustained over

time. Volunteerism is a significant source of vitality that the teams show on court with many players growing with Netball from an early age. ‘Net Set Go’, an ‘under eight’s’ category was welcomed this year, creating many skills and experiences players can potentially use in future age and grade levels. The Club understand how important attributes such as flexibility, agility and consistency can be and appreciate how this creates cohesion as players evolve through netball. Senior players coaching Juniors fosters leadership and responsibility as well as generating the reward of a club that ‘feels like family’. Although the sides have been more competitive in previous years, Hill says this season there has been; “… A lot of new players learning to gel. Every season you go through, you love it”. The Club are set for sustainability with previous director, Kath Milne coaching ‘Under 15’s’ this year, a side from demonstrating a healthy club life-cycle, the girls in the team were seen to be: “… Having an absolute ball!” Hill mentioned. Magpies Teams can enjoy training even at night now with the introduction of lights for the grounds.

Photo by Lisa Madden

Photo by Suzi Rainford

Advanced Spiritual Development Group

If you are a Psychic Medium and wish to join

this group please call us on

0428 286 821

This group will be led by a Spiritual Development Teacher with over 30 years’

experience Living Angels Foundation was established in

1995 and has been assisting many throughout Australia to develop their spiritual growth through a “Facilitated

Meditation Process”


Clunes Golf Club to Receive a Life Saving Defibrillator By Craig Wilson, Media Contact Jaala Pulford MP

The Hon Jaala Pulford MP has just announced that we were successful applicants to receive the package from the latest round of governments Defibrillators for Sporting Clubs and Facilities Program.

Ms Pulford said in a life threatening sudden cardiac arrest, every second counts, and bystanders play a vital role.

“Here in Western Victoria we are proud of our local sports clubs like Clunes Golf Club and their efforts to make their sports mire safe and enjoyable for all.”

The Program ensures clubs and sports venues are on top of their game when it comes to helping players and spectators when they need it most”

Training on how to use the devices is provided by program partner St John Ambulance.

Notes from the Past Clunes Guardian & Gazette September 1901

Raindrops are, as a rule, larger in summer than in winter.

The size of a raindrop when it reaches the earth depends on the height from which it has fallen. In the summer the lower strata of air are warmer than in winter, and therefore clouds are formed at a greater height where conditions are favourable for rapid condensation. The drops failing from these high summer clouds have more time to grow, and therefore become larger than those falling from the lower winter clouds.

News Flash - Filming in Clunes By Rebecca Pedretti

A new Stan original TV series called Bloom with some high profile Australian actors will be filmed on location in Clunes from 4 - 6 September 2018. For further information on the series, or a list of locations and changes to traffic conditions, please go to Council’s website www.hepburnshire.vic.gov.au, speak to a CTDA representative, or call in to The Warehouse Clunes.

Clunes Former Free Lending Library By Phil Taig

A circa 1883 report of a thorny issue for the Clunes community was discovered by Louise Wilson

A largely-attended meeting of subscribers to the local Free Library was held in the lecture room of that institution this evening. Mr Rivett H. Bland, president of the library, occupied the chair, and stated that the meeting had been called to consider the question of opening the library on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Philip Boulton then moved that it is desirable to open the reading rooms of the Clunes Free Library on Sunday afternoons from 3 to 5. He had neither the desire nor inclination to enter into an agreement on the respective merits of the question, but contented himself by simply moving the motion. Mr J. E. Meyers, J.P., whilst disclaiming any sympathy with the motion, seconded it, merely as a matter of form.

Lots of heated discussion followed. The local doctor offered that he and others would man the library as a volunteer, but the townsfolk were 4:1 against the idea of disrupting the Sabbath day.

What would they say about today’s ‘Booktown on Sundays’ events at Clunes?

Artwork supplied


Neighbourly Natter By Lana de Kort

Now that winter is nearly behind us we are looking forward to getting into our new garden project adjacent to the Art Factory. We have beds to build and need to decide on what plants we need, and when to plant them.

Unfortunately, while the weather has been cold I (in my wisdom) moved our office into the Lunchroom temporarily while we wait for heating in the main building to be installed. In the process of doing that, I managed to lose the list of people who had popped in to express interest in being involved in the garden project! If you are one of those people would you mind reconnecting with me? So sorry!

Meanwhile, have you ever wondered what Clunes Neighbourhood House is all about? Why not join us at our first Open Day event on Sunday, 4

th November

from 2pm til 6pm? We’ll be featuring entertainment, a sausage sizzle and mini-workshops to give you a taste test of all the activities that we have happening (now and in the future) at Clunes Neighbourhood House.

A Child Safe First - in Clunes By Siobhan Altham, Clunes Neighbourhood House Committee Member, and our Child Safety Champion

On September 3, representatives from organisations across Clunes will meet to participate in the Child Wise training program “Creating Child Safe Organisations”. This is a one day training program that provides participants with an opportunity to develop an understanding of the Victorian Child Safe Standards and how to implement the Standards in their organisations.

It is particularly exciting that this is the first time that Child Wise have been asked to deliver this training on a community-wide basis. For small organisations the task of complying with the Standards can be overwhelming. By taking a collective approach, we are creating a network of child safety champions who can provide each other with information, support, advice and resources to establish and build upon existing approaches to the Child Safe Principles in our organisations.

There is enormous potential in this approach to effect broad cultural change not only in our own community, but to inspire others and lead the charge in developing strong and safe communities for children.

Furious Fiction Challenge - 55 Hours. 500 Words. 500 Dollars. (Australian Writing Centre)

On the first Friday of every month the Australian Writers’ Centre issues a new set of story prompts to writers interested in participating in a 500 word (or fewer) story challenge – all for a chance to win $500.

Furious Fiction is open to anyone 17 years and older, located anywhere in the world. Clunes Neighbourhood House, in partnership with the Writers Group we are once again, hosting a jam for anyone who would like to participate. Bring your laptops and notepads for this 2 hour session which will include a 30 minute discussion of the story prompts and 1.5 hours of silence so you can write your winning words!

WHEN? Sunday, 9th September 2018 at 1pm til 3pm.

WHERE? The Gallery and Hub area, Clunes Neighbourhood House

ENQUIRIES: Register in advance (ideally via emailing co-ordinator@clunesnh.org and we’ll send you the story prompts in advance)


FOR THE KIDS: Y3370 Youth Program (during term)

Our kids program is about to change dramatically now thanks to Art Attack! Keep an eye out for the Art Attack announcement coming shortly, and the Kids Program (Spring/Summer) that we’ll be releasing. This will be circulated to all households, and repeated in next month’s newsletter. Clunes Tutoring Program Every Wednesday, 2-6pm sessions (ex. Holidays)

Neighbourhood House

FOR EVERYONEEVERYONE Clunes Open House Dinners Every Tuesday, 6pm – 7.30pm

Town Hall Supper Rm

Craft-ternoon Fourth Monday of every month

In the Lunchroom Neighbourhood House

Social Bus Trips Wednesday op-shop tours and social trips target-departs 9:30am-booking essential

Neighbourhood House

Yoga Various sessions each week - see advert


Writers Group Second Monday of the month, 1pm - 3pm


Men’s Shed Every Monday and Wednesday, 10am - 12 noon

Men’s Shed 18 Alliance Street


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Want to get involved?

Yes, it’s time to start planning again for Christmas in Clunes. Since this community-led month of activities was first started

we’ve gone from a small event to something that attracted hundreds of visitors/residents last year.

We’ve also had lots of people put their hand up and

say they’d be keen to be a part of Christmas in Clunes, so this year we are kick starting with a Working

Party meeting of interested volunteers on Saturday, 8th September at 11am – 12 noon at Clunes

Neighbourhood House.

Each year we have a basic plan for where the decorations will go, and then have three Friday evenings of entertainment to

plan – including the Street Parade which was so hugely popular.

If you’d like to be involved don’t hesitate to call 5345 4078 or simply

join us at the meeting.



Send/receive emails

Online banking

Shopping & eBay

Printing service

Document scanning

A4 laminating

Training courses and workshops

Edit and print photos

Download information

Meeting room hire

About Clunes Neighbourhood House Ph: 5345 4078

Open: Monday-Friday 9am - 3pm

Email: co-ordinator@clunesnh.org

Address: 70 Bailey St, Clunes, 3370

(Lee Medlyn Home of Bottles)

Anyone over 50 years old gets free internet access at Clunes Neighbourhood House via the

Broadband for Seniors initiative.

Come in anytime, we’ll help you get started. Clunes Neighbourhood House Inc. acknowledges the support of the Victorian


There’s so much on offer Our friendly staff and volunteers are always on hand to

lend assistance. Save yourself the drive to Ballarat by using our

computer and printer services.

YOGA IN CLUNES Tuesdays 7pm

The Warehouse - Fraser St

$16 casual / $60 monthly / $120 for ten

Mats available/ BYO For info call Lily 0459 138 797


Classes supported by Clunes Neighbourhood House

Opening Times on Weekdays & Weekends

Monday & Thursday 10.00am – 6.00pm

Wednesday & Friday10.00am – 4.00pm

Closed on Tuesdays

Saturday 10.00am – 3.00pm

Sunday 11.00am – 3.00pm

These times you may visit the The Warehouse, Library

& Museum


Glass Artist & Weaver


Entwined Designs

www.facebook.com/atstudio125 125 McDonalds Road, Clunes

0427 128 594 Present this ad for 10% discount

Earthmoving or Landscaping need doing?

Allan Stacey 10 years

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Allan has all the equipment and experience for these

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Allan services Clunes, Ballarat & surrounding areas

Equipment available: 5 Tonne Tip Truck | 2 Bobcats (Rubber Track & Tyre)

2 Excavators (2&3 tonne)

Please give Allan a call on

Mobile 0408 903 870 for a quote



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for the



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MOUNTJOY WOOL Garry Mountjoy

: Any quality of wool bought

: Prompt Payment & Service

Mob: Ph 0417 510 228 or Ph 54488 470

151 Sargeants Road, Epsom

MOUNTJOY WOOL Shed 2 Wiltshire Lane, Delacombe

Open: Tuesday & Friday

9.30am – 4.00pm

Contact: Garry 0417 510 228 or

Hayden 0408 308 845


Next Market is on Sunday 9th September 2018

9.00am – 1.00 pm Fraser Street Clunes

Last month’s market was held in cool fine weather and well supported by everyone which was appreciated by all.

Lucky winner for the wood raffle with Ticket No 37 was Peter Hanrahan, drawn by Greg Child at the CTDA meeting.

Thanks to Steve Hunter from Quigley & Clarke who kindly donated.

Congratulations Peter, nice stash of wood to finish off these cold nights before warmer weather is here.


Karl Schaefer Mobile: 0418 508 558

Email: schaeferant@bigpond.com

Your digital specialist Servicing Clunes & District

38 Years Experience Prompt Service & Expert Advice Satellite Installation & Service

UHF, VHF & FM Antennas Free Signal Test & Quotes

Clunes Free Library By Phil Taig

Water we coming to? A water payment issue

Hopefully, by the time this Clunes Newsletter is distributed, the following issue will be resolved:

Over the last two quarters, two water invoices have been received from Central Highlands Water who claim that the Committee of Management (COM) are non-residential tenants of the Clunes Free

Library and therefore are liable for water access, sewer access and water volume used and have issued an invoice for over $800.

There is no tenant, residential or otherwise. There is no income. The building is derelict. There is no water usage except by Hepburn Council who have a branch pipeline to the adjacent Skate Park.

Apart from the Booktown Weekend the only people who have ever been on site are workmen who have been authorised by COM to carry out improvements.

The COM does not need to use the Free Library building and does not need to have water available in it. The last COM meeting was held in a private home. The owner of the Free Lending Library is the state Department of the

Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP) who have allowed this heritage listed iconic building to become dilapidated by neglect. Although the COM has raised and spent tens of thousands of dollars on renovations, DELWP are unwilling to cover the cost of water access and sewer access. The COM is happy to pay for all the water it uses (Zilch)

Admittedly, for the last couple of years the COM has paid CHW the (total) water bills by both personally donating funds and by badgering members of the public to assist but it is unconscionable for DELWP to expect volunteers to pay what is obviously their debt. There is a limit to accepting these unjust demands, and this limit has arrived. More news on this matter next month.

Work Party

A fortnight ago on a day of bitter chill, a work party spent the day clearing sucker growth, cutting grass and dealing with weeds around the boundaries of the Free Lending Library building. The next work party will tackle graffiti removal from the Free Library brick walls. The COM appreciates the support of the local community at large and is grateful to Michael, Ken and the work party participants.

Photo supplied

Photo supplied


Motorbikes & Mowers Sales . Service . Repairs

All Makes & Models

Jim Robinson:

03 5461 4619 / 0418 132 821

18 Johnson St Maryborough Vic 3465

Clunes Garden Club

Monday 3rd September 2018 Guest Speaker:

Peter Haeusler

“The Propogation of Clivia”

Peter will bring potted Clivias for sale. Please bring a

small plate for morning tea. Guests and friends


Monday 1st October 2018 Excursion to Buda House and Gardens in Castlemaine

Meet at 9:15am at the Senior Citizens Club for 9:30am

departure, car pool.

Enjoy a guided tour of Budda House and Gardens and

then lunch in the Buda Garden Room. Cost $27.00 per

person. Then wander through Buda Nursery and Gift

Shop. Invite a friend to join us!

For further details, please contact:

Maryanne – Mobile 0425 232 442 or

Jill - Mobile 0438 640 431

Mira Robertson: The Unexpected Education of Emily Dean By Sharalyn Rozanksi

16th September Booktown on Sunday Author Talk 2pm-3pm The Warehouse - Clunes Esmond Gallery

In 1944 Emily Dean is dispatched from Melbourne to stay with her father’s relatives in rural Victoria. At the family property of Mount Prospect, Grandmother is determined to keep up standards despite the war, while Emily’s young aunt - the beautiful, fearless Lydia - refuses to befriend her. Feeling lonely and isolated, Emily can’t wait to go home.

But things start to improve when she encounters Claudio, the Italian prisoner of war employed as a farm

labourer. And become more interesting still when her uncle William returns home wounded. He’s

rude, traumatised and mostly drunk, yet a passion for literature soon draws them together.

A delightfully wry novel about desire, deceit and self-discovery.

Mira Robertson is an award-winning screenwriter who has also published short fiction. Her feature film credits include the multi award winning films Only the Brave and Head On, co-written with director Ana Kokkinos. The Unexpected Education of Emily Dean is her first novel. She lives in Melbourne.

‘Funny and poignant and wise, it’s a tale of self-discovery and emotional intricacy, full of brilliantly written, complex women.’ Cameron Woodhead, The Age

‘A resonant and engaging story - illuminating and subtly compelling.’ Rosalie Ham

‘A rich evocation of an era and a beautiful insight into the process of emerging from childhood into womanhood. Such a great read!’ Margaret Pomeranz

Photo supplied

St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Clunes Templeton St. (Enter via Alliance St)

Services and Community Connection 11:00am Sung Eucharist including historic pipe organ

1st & 3rd Sunday in month

St. Paul’s Community Group meet weekly and home of the Four Seasons Fine Music Festival

More information: Fr. Ryan Bennett - 5345 2060 or bennettr1978@gmail.com or Pam Habib 0417 160 857

We seek to be an engaged, inclusive and progressive community of faith.


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Ph: 5345 4028 or 0412 810 612

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Phone Mick on Mob 0418 142 022

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Clunes Football Netball Club By Chris McLennan

Clunes FNC finished the season with the success the senior team was craving. A 7 point victory against Rokewood made for a great celebration. Coach Johno Leoncini was elated after the game after good showings in the final six weeks of the season. Nick Clarke kicking 4 majors, Ryan and Josh Thompson playing strong games and Matt Wrigley in the ruck

amongst our best performers on the day. It is important that the senior players reflect on the finish to the season Where they Clearly displayed their best form.

Our U/15's football team also had a great victory against Waubra the previous week also.

Senior best and fairest night will be held at the Clunes Stadium on Friday 17th August. Junior best and fairest will be held Sat 18th August also at the Stadium.

Good luck to our u/15's netball team representing the club in the finals series. Senior netball teams finished strongly with 3 wins against Rokewood in A,B and C grade.

Thanks to all the coaches, team managers and other helpers in both football and netball. Clubs are unable to run without your support. We need people getting involved so that our future can be brighter than the past few years.

We have had a challenging year on the field but achieved some great things off field. We begin the search for a Junior football coordinator to help the club manage its junior program. The club is holding discussions with sponsors to help subsidise junior programs in Auskick and Net Set Go for 2019. We hope to announce some news on this front in the coming months. Anyone who has interest or available time to discuss any involvement please contact Chris McLennan on 0417 303566.

The club still has events to fulfil within the community with its Annual Sheep Shearing Day coming up the first weekend in October (contact Andy Hill for those wanting sheep shorn) Show Bar on the third Sat in November. The club also aims to help in other areas around town before the 2019 season gets underway. Thanks to coach Johno who continues to promote the club within the community and we will see people around town over the Summer break.

Clunes Golf Club By Graeme Johnstone

The Clunes Golf Club is inviting new members to join this historic club. It has been built around and by the community of Clunes – all holes were built by Clunes families. This has resulted in a beautiful 18 hole course just minutes away from the town centre. The Club owns the course and receives an annual income from the mobile phone towers. We welcome all ages and genders, particularly young adults and developing players, professional lessons are also available. Our annual tournament has recently been successfully completed with wonderful support from local business. Club day is Sundays with hit off at 10.00 am.

For further enquiries, lessons and membership details please contact Laurie Steart 5345 3499 or Laurie Lees 5345 3034.

Photo by Gary Sharp

Photo by Gary Sharp


All Nations Masonic Lodge Every first Tuesday except January. New members most welcome. Contact Secretary: Peter Billing, 0413 213 596 or peter.billing@iinet.net.au

Anglican Church St Paul’s, Templeton St. Worship- Eucharist for all ages 11am on 1st & 3rd Sundays, followed by bring & share lunch. All welcome. Enq: Father Ryan Bennett 0422 864 108 or email bennettr@7mail.com for baptisms, weddings & funerals.

Carpet Bowls Indoors at Clunes Senior Citizens Hall. Each Wed and Sat from 1.40pm. New members welcome. Come along for a fun afternoon. Enq: Eileen Bradsworth on 5345 4097.

Clunes & District Agricultural Society Meet 3rd Thur of month from Feb - Oct. Nov meet Thur before Show & Thur after. President-John Drife Ph. 0427 434 233 ; Secretary-Gayle Wrigley Ph. 0400 907 506 Homecrafts-Julie Spittle 5343 4201. Website www.clunesshow.com.au

Clunes & District Young Farmers Meetings every 2nd Tues 7.30pm at the Young Farmers club rooms at show grounds. A friendly, social environment for anyone aged 16-30. Contact Jenny 0400 613 153.

Clunes Angling Club All welcome. Meet on the first Monday each month 7.30pm, old SMB building behind Clunes Mechanical Repairs.

Clunes Artists' Group Meet 2nd Sat of month 10.30am at Bottle Museum. Mingle, discuss art and promote artistic opportunities in Clunes and region. Enq: Marlene 0409 355 857 or Ann 0422 726 132

Clunes Badminton Club Inc For further info ph Billie Drife 5343 4233. Competition runs at Clunes Sporting Complex, 7.30pm. All levels and ages from secondary school to veterans welcome.

Clunes Bowling Club: Mark Vorbach 0421422 895 Email clunesbowlingclub@outlook.com

Clunes Book Club Enq Karen ph: 5345 3703. Book Club meets 7:30pm on the 2nd Thurs of the month at the RSL.

Clunes Card Playing Group Every Thurs Neighbourhood House 3pm. Games usually Bridge or 500. Cost $2 per session. New players welcome. Enq: Beat - 5345 3749 or Deidre - 0425 707 972 (for Bridge).

Clunes Crafternoon Mondays Meets 4th Monday of the month at the Clunes Neighbourhood House 12-3pm BYO lunch + craft projects, all crafts + kids welcome. Join Clunes Crafternoon Mondays Facebook group for more info.

Clunes Community Garden Alliance St. Open 10am Mon & Wed. Contact Clunes Neighbourhood House 5345 4078 or Stephen Arrowsmith 0429 709 720.

Clunes Field & Game Enquiries to Eric 5345 3571.

Clunes Football & Netball Club Enq: Chris Hill 0420 780 588 or Kath Milne 0448 453 665. Email clunesmagpies.com.au. All welcome.

Clunes Garden Club For info please contact Maryanne 0425 232 442 or Jill 0438 640 431

Clunes Golf Club Inc Ph: 5345 3499. Contact Kevin Steart 5345 3127 or Laurie Lees 5345 3034. Course: 18 holes, sandscrapes, par 70, all year round play. Non members $5 green fees for 18 holes. Under 16 free! Wednesday is 50+ (younger players welcome).

Clunes Landcare and Waterways Group. Meets 4th Thurs of month at the Angling Club. Contact Chris O’Donnell 0408 034 017 for more info.

Clunes Library at The Warehouse-Clunes, 36 Fraser St (next to Collins Place). Open Mon & Thur 10am-6pm, Wed & Fri 10am-4pm. Sat 10am-3pm & Sun 11am-3pm. Closed Tue. Ph: 5345 3359.

Clunes Men’s Shed Open from 10am Monday & Wednesday at the Community Gardens, 18 Alliance St. A safe and friendly space for men to meet in a workshop setting. Enq: Vaughan 0419 430 250.

Clunes Museum Seeking volunteers to help catalogue the Collection in the Museum Workshop from 10am each Thursday. Committee meetings every 2nd Thursday 10am in the Ulumbarra Gallery at the Warehouse. Enq. The Warehouse 5345 3359 and leave message for Museum.

Clunes Neighbourhood House Youth, art & community programs. Printing services, free internet, gallery available for hire. 70 Bailey St (at Bottle Museum) Ph: 5345 4078, Email co-ordinator@clunesnh.org. Open 9-3 Mon-Fri. See our website www.clunesnh.org for more details.

Clunes Playgroup Fun & friendship for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers & their parents/caregivers. Clunes Health Centre Wed 10am-12pm, term time. Enq Catherine Rhodes 0431 908 212

Clunes Pre-School 109 Fraser St. Enq 53453228 or clunes.district.kin@ kindergarten.vic.gov.au.

Clunes Probus Club Meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Clunes Town Hall at 9.45am. Visitors most welcome. For information contact Barbara Reynolds ph 5345 3946.

Clunes RSL Sausage Sizzle and Devonshire Teas held on the second Sunday of the month at the RSL, 30 Fraser St, from 10am to 2pm. Enq: Lindsay 0427 028 556

Clunes Senior Citizens Club Inc Further information from the Secretary, Eileen Bradsworth on 5345 4097.

Clunes Sustainability Group Enq. Barbara Curzon-Siggers b.curzonsiggers2@gmail.com 0400 855 926

Clunes Tourist & Development Association Monthly meeting held at The Warehouse. Everyone welcome from community and business. Meet 3rd Wednesday each month 6:30pm at the Warehouse Enq: President Steve Hunter on Mob 0400 696 794 or email shunter@closedloop.com.au

Clunes Writers' Group meets second Monday of each month except public holidays 1.00-3.00pm at The Neighbourhood House (in the lunch room) 70 Bailey St, Clunes Contact Patsy 0407 377 610

Creative Clunes Inc. Organisers of the annual Clunes Booktown festival and monthly Booktown on Sunday author talks. Volunteers always welcome. Enq 5345 3947 or at the Railway Station, Service St.

Lee Medlyn Home of Bottles Management Committee Meets at the Bottle Museum, 70 Bailey Street Clunes on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30am. Visitors welcome.

Monday Night Netball Clunes Every Monday evening during school terms. 2 seasons per year. Enq Lana 0427 781 080 or Liz 0429 453 808.

Spare Parts Club Meets 1st Tues of month 2pm to 3:30pm Clunes Community Health Centre. Enq Georgina 5345 9150 or Barbara 0410 946 095.

Tourello Red Cross Currently our meetings are on hold until further notice. For more information, please contact Janet Harrison on Ph 5345 3060.

Y3370 Youth activities for primary and secondary kids on Monday afternoons at Clunes Neighbourhood House during school terms from 3pm-6pm. Includes Band from 5pm-6pm for teenagers. Call 5345 4078.

Yoga Classes Clunes Warehouse every Tuesday at 7pm All levels welcome anytime. Enq Lily 0459 138 797, or lilymason75@gmail.com, www.lilymasonyoga.com.

