2016 February - The Shepherd's Watch



First quarter edition of The Shepherd's Watch, quarterly publication of Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Austin, TX.

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Shepherd’s WatchThe

February 2016

Quarterly Newsletter of Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas

Beginner’s Guide to LentWhat’s behind all of the tradition and practice of the Lenten season?

A New Day ComingWhat are we hoping for?

The New World of ParentingA spring parenting class and a favorite conference help you navigate unfamiliar territory.

From the EditorDiscipleship Prepares for the Next New Thing—Whatever It May Beby Mary Aversa

Hope. Light. Resurrection. For me, “A New Day Coming,” our theme for this edition of The Shepherd’s Watch, evokes all of these words and more. When I think about what’s on the horizon for Shepherd of the Hills, 2016 is a very hopeful year.

Reflecting back, 2015 seemed to be a year of constant pruning (of the kind referenced in John 15:2). I have every hope that 2016 will be a year of renewal.

In 2 Corinthians chapter 4, Paul writes to a Corinthian Church that has begun to lose its way. We sense Paul’s discouragement in the state of the church; however, twice in this short chapter, Paul tells the Corinthians not to lose heart, focusing on the One who bestows, restores and renews.

In verse 1, Paul acknowledges that the Corinthian ministry is not of his creation, but rather, through God’s grace when he writes, “Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.”

Again in verse 16, Paul writes, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

At Shepherd of the Hills, we have had our share of discouragement,

but we should not lose heart. We have been studying discipleship for the last several months, and we are learning what it takes to be disciples who focus on the One who gives us our ministry rather than the disappointments or uncertainty that have gone with surrendering a part of our vision to seek what God has in mind for us next.

We are learning to be disciples who focus on spiritual discipline—we pray, serve others, worship, study scripture, share our faith, give—and we are beginning to understand that these practices are what prepare us to grow in our faith and grow our church. They will prepare us to receive, hopefully, a new pastor in 2016. They will prepare us to create our new vision for the coming years at SHPC.

I hope that as you read this edition of The Shepherd’s Watch, you recognize in the articles and events a place (or more than one) where you can personally grow in discipleship over the next few months so that Shepherd of the Hills and you, may be renewed, day by day.

Mary AversaSHPC Business Manager & Communications Director

InsideLife In The Flock ....................................................................................1

Mission ....................................................................................................7

Children’s Ministry..................................................................................9

True Student Ministry ..........................................................................12

Adult Ministry ......................................................................................14

Prime Time ...........................................................................................16

Subscribe to this newsletter online at tinyurl.com/shpc-nl

STAFF GUIDE Senior Pastor (Interim) | Rev. Jim Capps Associate Pastor | Rev. Britta Dukes Associate Pastor | Rev. Mike Killeen

Dir. of Children’s Ministries | Chris Gordon Dir. of Adult Ministries | Sherry Smith Worship Arts Dir. | Beth Mueller

Choir Director | Tony Gibbs Worship Tech Dir. | Michael Glass Preschool Dir. | Pattie Lawrence

Business & Communications Dir. | Mary Aversa Office Administrator | Cathy Williams Accountant | Holly Spink

A New Day ComingAs we enter Lent, another season of anticipation, we have great hope for our future! page 1

On the cover...Several of our students left Red River, New Mexico with a renewed spirit after the high school ski trip. This sunrise was a perfect glimpse of God’s glory. Photo by Joey Killeen

Lectio Divina Psalm 139:23-24

by Kimbol Soques

test me and know my anxious thoughts

... those skittering bugs on a pond

little ripples from their feet

rolling out, overlapping, making

geometric patterns begging to be filled

those intersections, connections of worldliness ...

See if there is any offensive way in me,

and lead me in the way everlasting.

Search me, O God, and know my heart;

1November 2015 | The Shepherd’s Watch

Life In The FlockA NEW DAY COMINGby Rev. Jim Capps

I remember, as if it were yesterday, its sounds blasting forth from my radio:

There’s a new world coming and it’s just around the bend.

There’s a new world coming, this one’s coming to an end.

There’s a new voice calling, you can hear it if your try.

And it’s growing stronger with each day that’s passing by.

There’s a brand new morning rising clear and sweet and free.

There’s a new day dawning that belongs to you and me.

Yes, a new world’s coming. The one we have had visions of.

Coming in peace, coming in joy, coming in love.

If you were around in the “60’s and 70’s, do you remember that song and who recorded it? It was the “Mamas and the Papas” with the late Mama Cass Elliott

belting forth the hopeful lyrics. It was sung on the backdrop of war protests and racial unrest. A seismic transition was taking place in these United States.

As we move into Lent, we are going to journey toward the agony of the cross and the ecstasy of the empty tomb. Following Luke’s Gospel, we are going to walk with Jesus as He encountered all kinds of scorn and indignities. Like a pilgrimage in Israel on the ancient paths which Jesus trod, I hope that you will travel with us.

In a completely different sense, there’s a new day coming for SHPC! 2015 was a year when an exciting dream was dismantled with the Brodie Multi-site coming to an end and the decision to sell the 290 property. Along with that, there was a fear of financial failure and uncertainty after the departure of a much-loved leader.

As we live into 2016, where once we feared financial ruin, by God’s grace and your faithful generosity, we ended the year with a surplus. All year long, I have prayed for “enough.” God has blessed us with “more than enough.” In addition, the Session has

approved a 2016 budget which is balanced while giving long-overdue raises to staff and restoring some deep cuts in the 2015 budget. There’s a new day coming!

The Pastoral Nominating Committee whom you elected last fall is now hard at work searching for the person of God’s choosing to become your new pastor. SHPC and Austin are very positive places for a prospective Shepherd to come and minister alongside of you. There’s a new day coming!

If we look on the horizon of our history I also believe there is a new dream immerging. Instead of being compared with the dream dismantled in 2015, it is a dream informed by the exciting vision which caused your hearts to beat faster. Learning from the past, the immerging dream is rooted in the exuberant hope that God is going to use SHPC to serve one another, the community, and the world in a wonderful way in the future. There’s a new day coming! Coming in peace! Coming in joy! Coming in love!

May God bless you and make you a blessing,

2 The Shepherd’s Watch | November 2015

Life In The Flock


February 10 is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent. For many Protestants, the practice of Lent may be somewhat unfamiliar.

Historically, the Lenten Season is the 40 days before Easter and a time of penance, prayer, fasting, and spiritual good works. It can prepare us for the celebration of Easter and the mystery of our salvation. It is clear that the observance of Lent appeared very early in Christian history, and similar to Advent, is a time of waiting and anticipating. Lent predates and was a model for Advent.

Most Mainline Protestants (like Presbyterians) observe Lent in some form or fashion, but many non-denominational or fundamentalist traditions do not, so for some of us, Lent may be unfamiliar. Here’s a user-friendly guide to Lent who may wonder what the deal is with Lent.

The Special Worship Services:Ash Wednesday, Feb 10, 7PM

The Ash Wednesday Service is a contemplative service of prayer and liturgy that includes communion and the imposition of ashes. The ashes, remains of the palm branches from the previous year’s Palm Sunday Service, remind us that life is short, and “for dust you are, and to dust you shall return” -Gen 3:19.

In the Bible, ashes are symbols of mourning, mortality, and repentance. This sets the tone for the season. Lent is about remembering and aligning ourselves with the suffering of our Savior in some small way. Modern culture has begun the “Fat Tuesday” tradition in which people indulge and party before the fasting begins (although I’m pretty sure the Pope didn’t plan that part of the tradition).

Palm Sunday: March 20

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, which follows the Biblical story of Christ the week before his death and resurrection. Palm Sunday recounts Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey (or colt), where the Jews hailed him as King. They laid their coats on the road as a sign of respect for the King and waved palm branches, shouting “Hosanna!”

Maundy Thursday: March 24

Traditionally Maundy Thursday is the celebration of the Passover (or Seder) meal. This was the Last Supper of Jesus and the Disciples, which we remember each time we have communion. Many people observe Maundy Thursday with a Seder meal.

It can be easy to forget that the roots of our faith are Middle Eastern, but a Seder dinner will help you remember! It recounts

3November 2015 | The Shepherd’s Watch

the liberation of the Hebrew people from Egypt, with much ceremony, delicious and different foods, and 4 glasses of wine! The Hebrew calendar doesn’t correspond to the Christian calendar, so our Maundy Thursday is almost never the same date as the current year’s Passover.

Good Friday: March 25

Good Friday observes the day of Jesus’ death on the cross. As you can guess, it tends to be a very dark, sad service. Here at SHPC (and many other mainline churches) we do kind of a mash up service of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. For us, the service is held on Maundy Thursday (7PM) and begins with communion, but then moves into a tenebre service (a contemplative service of shadows). The liturgy tells the story of Jesus’ arrest and death, as the sanctuary is stripped of light, and the symbols of our faith (baptismal font, communion ware, candles, cross, Bible).

It is a very moving service, but quite dark. Some churches carry the symbols of faith back in on Easter Sunday, to again remind

us of the return of light, love and hope that came with the Resurrection!

Practices for the Forty Days:Fasting

I remember as a kid, friends asking me what I was going to “give up” for Lent. Growing up in a PCUSA church, I had no idea what they were talking about. It seemed like a really terrible idea anyway, since most of my friends were giving up good stuff like chocolate or sodas. The idea of giving something up is part of the practice of fasting. While most of us think of fasting as going without food, fasting can include going without most anything!

Some Christians use the practice of fasting as a way to suffer with Christ, and others use it as a way to be more aware of Christ during the Lenten season by remembering why you are fasting every time you crave the thing you are going without.

If you want to consider giving something up this year, you might think broadly, like unplugging from social media, video games

or TV. How about giving up going out to eat during Lent or giving up a modern convenience like the microwave? Be creative in a way that helps you and your family focus on Christ!


While prayer is hopefully already part of our daily life, adding a different element of prayer during Lent could be very meaningful. Perhaps you could set aside special times to pray (pray for the world in the morning as you wake up, pray for your community at lunch, and pray for your family in the evening). Because penance is also part of the Lenten practice, this is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge your own brokeness and to invite God into them.

The bottom line during Lent is that you your reward will be proportional to your investment. It can easily be a month and a half that just slips by, like any other time. Or, with a little investment of time and energy, it could be a jump start to your spiritual life!

4 The Shepherd’s Watch | November 2015

Life In The Flock

Thankful for the Day the Lord Has Madeby Rev. Britta Dukes

I received a thank you note in the mail today, and it made my day! May I just say how much I love receiving thank you notes? There’s something about opening an envelope and realizing from the handwritten and heartfelt message inside that a gift given or a gesture made has meant something to the recipient, that it has made an impact on them in some positive way and managed to brighten their day.

This may say a lot about why I love this verse from Psalm 118 so much. Many days, before my head even lifts from the pillow to roll out of bed, these are the first words that run through my mind: This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Lying there, I imagine our Sovereign Creator reaching out and presenting me with the gift of a new day, entrusting me to treat it well by relishing all that it may hold. Whether filled with a beautiful sunrise or stormy skies, exchanges with loved ones or strangers, new adventures and experiences or a repetition of the “same ol’, same ol’,” this day is indeed a gift…given to me…from God.

Whether I choose to cherish it is totally up to me.

Following the psalmist’s lead and responding with rejoicing and gladness are just two of the many ways that I can respond, but perhaps they are two of the very best ways I can respond!

When I tuck back into bed at night, I like to acknowledge what the gift of these hours given, these breaths taken, these new memories made in their midst—has meant to me. And I like to think of this prayer as my thank you

note. May it be so.

Gracious God, Creator of all good things, we marvel not only at the work of your hands, but that you share your creations so generously with us! Acknowledging that this day is indeed a gift from You to us, may we cherish it fully, filling it with praise and rejoicing in Your name. Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray.


Valentine’s Event 2016by Beth Mueller

Join us for a fun (and fancy!) evening of great food and fellowship at our annual Valentine’s Dinner!

You and your spouse or sweetie will enjoy a delightful dinner and entertainment hosted by Dale and Shannon Shumaker and our “Married People” program.

Registration is online at www.shpc.org/valentines-dinner or available in the narthex and Family Ministry Center (FMC).

Free childcare is available for preschool and elementary-age children with reservation. Please provide names, ages and any special instructions for all children needing care. The cost is $25 per person. Financial assistance is available. Contact Pastor Britta at britta@shpc.org for more info.

We hope to see you February 12th for the Shepherd of the Hills favorite. It will be a LOVE-ly evening!

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!

–Psalm 118:24

5November 2015 | The Shepherd’s Watch

Upcoming All-Church Events & OpportunitiesPrimeTime, Children’s, and Student Ministry events are listed in their own newsletter sections.

Feb 10 ...........Ash Wednesday Service ...................7 p.m. church@shpc.org

Feb 12 ............Valentine’s Dinner .............................6:30 p.m. Rev. Britta Dukes |britta@shpc.org

Feb 15............Gift of Imperfection Study Begins 7 p.m. Jody Wright jody.wrght@gmail.com

Feb 16 ...........Congo Dinner .....................................6:30 p.m. Sarah Stranahan | sstranahan4@gmail.com

Feb 21 ............Inquirer’s Class ...................................3 p.m. Rev. Jim Capps | jim@shpc.org

Feb 26-28 ....Austin Presbyterian Pilgrimage Carl Floto | chfloto@yahoo.com

Mar 20 .........Palm Sunday ...........Regular Worship Times Beth Mueller | beth@shpc.org

Mar 24 .........Maundy Thursday Service .............7:30 p.m. Beth Mueller | beth@shpc.org

Mar 27 .......Easter Sunday Worship .............8, 9:30, 11 a.m. Tony Gibbs | 512.892.3580

Apr 1 ..........Married People Date Night Rev. Britta Dukes |britta@shpc.org

Apr 1-3 .........Presbyterian Women S;pring Gathering Kimbol Soques | kimbol@alumni.rice.edu

May 1 ............Women’s Tea .........................................3 p.m. Rev. Britta Dukes | britta@shpc.org

May 9 ...........Newsletter Submission Deadline Mary Aversa | mary@shpc.org

May 15-22....IHN Week Lara Manire | ihn.shpc@yahoo.com

May 29 ........Holy Smokes BBQ Beth Mueller | beth@shpc.org

Check www.calendar.shpc.org for a full listing of church events and

calendar items!

Life In The Flock

EcoPalms: A Sustainable Traditionby Mary Aversa

Every year we wave palm branches on Palm Sunday as a celebration of Jesus’s glorious reception in Jerusalem as he entered the city on the back of a donkey.

What you probably don’t know is that the supplier of our palm fronds, EcoPalms, is a fair-trade supplier, promoting the collection of our Palm Sunday fronds in a way the allows the harvesting communities to retain more income while protecting the palm plants themselves.

To learn more about how EcoPalms provide higher wages for gatherers while protecting forests, vsit http://bit.ly/1QcXUUi.

Feed Your Soul at PilgrimageAustin Presbyterian Pilgrimage is a three-day weekend spiritual

renewal event designed to foster and support an individual’s long term commitment to living the Christian life.

Led by lay members and clergy of the Presbyterian Church, its purpose is to inspire, challenge and equip church members for Christian action in their homes, churches and communities.

In a thought-provoking, relaxing and fun-filled environment, participants enjoy fellowship with other Christians and leave with a desire to serve productively and live boldly for Christ.

6 The Shepherd’s Watch | November 2015

Any Time is Good Time to Join a Life Group!GROW WITH GOD. FIND TRUE COMMUNITY. DARE TO HELP OTHERS.Life Groups are not just average church small groups. Our

groups aim to deepen each person’s relationship with Jesus, help people find spiritual friendships and ask God how the group might be a blessing to its community.

Our Life Groups are designed to build community over time while studying scripture. At times, all of our Life Groups will work through the same study, and other times, each group will choose

a different study. Groups typically meet in homes, and all of our groups at this time meet within a short distance of Shepherd of the Hills.

To find out more about our Life Groups, visit www.shpc.org/small-groups. You can click on a group to email the host to sign up. If you would like to host a new group, email Dale and Shannon Shumaker. daleshumaker@gmail.com OR shannonshumaker@gmail.com.

Blessing Others at Thanksgivingby Stephan Haag

God presents us with opportunities to love our neighbors. What I love about SHPC’s congregation is their willingness to accept those opportunities with grace and action. A recent mission activity by congregants is illustrative.

While delivering day-old bread from the Brodie Lane H-E-B to the Baptist Community Center (BCC) in East Austin, my wife, Pat, was talking with Ms. Pat, who supervises the center. She mentioned that one of the groups that usually provided six 20-pound turkeys for the center’s annual Thanksgiving meal for the homeless and poor in Austin would not be able to provide the them this year. Pat immediately thought of our Covenant Bible Study class, and she mentioned that perhaps the class could provid the turkeys as a mission activity. Ms. Pat explained that the turkeys needed to be cooked, carved, and delivered to the BCC warm on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, when they serve the meal. Pastor Britta, our facilitator, thought that it was a good idea and suggested that we propose it to the class at the next meeting.

The response was excellent. Six members volunteered to cook and

carve the turkeys and others donated funds to purchase them. We also decided to ask the H-E-B at Escarpment and Slaughter Lane to donate to our effort. They provided store gift cards totalling $100, which nearly covered the cost of five of the six turkeys.

On Tuesday, the six volunteers cooked and carved the turkeys, then we met in the church kitchen on Wednesday morning to reheat them. Britta, Pat, and I took the turkeys to BBC. Ms. Pat was most appreciative of our assistance and that of H.E.B.

Class members had donated $110, which wasn’t needed to purchase the turkeys. The class voted unanimously to donate the money to SHPC’s Angel Tree to purchase gift cards for refugees. We prepared a card with the money, which was presented to Cathy Beard on Sunday, November 29th.

Thanksgiving is always special, but this demonstration of love for those who are less fortunate provided another reason to be thankful this year. May God continue to bless this congregation and their demonstrations of love for their neighbors.

Life In The Flock

7November 2015 | The Shepherd’s Watch


An Evening for CongoTuesday night February 16th, 6:30 pm in the FMC SHPC presents CONGO RIVER MISSIONS.

Join us for an authentic Congo meal and hear about the work of Congo missionaries Jimmy Shafe and Omba Ngandu Nuel of Rivers of the World.

To RSVP, contact Sarah Stranahan, 512-217-0870, sstranahan4@gmail.com.

New Day, New Supplies for Williams Teachersby Sue Lagerquist

Remember what it was like when you were a kid, opening a new box of crayons with those crisp, sharp tips on every color? That’s what it’s like for teachers setting out supplies for their students at the beginning of each year...IF they teach at a school that can provide those supplies. Or if their students’ families can afford to buy school supplies. Or if the teacher buys the supplies him/herself. It’s time once again for the generous people of SHPC to support the teachers at Williams Elementary through the Kids Hope Easter Egg Adoption.

Through the Kids Hope program, SHPC partners with Williams Elementary in south Austin, mentoring children and supporting teachers. Currently, 17 SHPC members mentor children at Williams, meeting with them weekly to help develop their academic and social skills. But other kinds of help are needed too.

Teachers often find themselves in need of materials the school district doesn’t provide. Therefore, we have asked teachers and staff to make a wish list of specific items needed to assist their work with these great students. Examples include construction paper, stickers, gift cards, scissors and books.

On March 6th, 13th and 20th, Easter baskets will be set up in the narthex filled with Easter eggs ready to be “adopted.” Each egg has a slip of paper with item(s) from Williams staff ’s wish list. You select an egg – or many! Purchase the requested gift item, offer your prayers for the teacher, and return the gift to the church no later than Easter, March 27th.

If you’d like more information about the Easter Egg Adoption or about the Kids Hope program, please contact Sue Lagerquist at (512) 663-5540 or kidshope@shpc.org.

February Is Guatemala Mission Info Month!Talk to Guatemala Mission Team members in

the Narthex after worship Sundays in February. If you are interested and would like more information, contact Pastor Mike, Associate Pastor of Youth and Mission. mike@shpc.org.

Refugee Update: Christmas Reflections And Next Chaptersby Cathy Beard

While cleaning out desk drawers this week, I came across an old SHPC newsletter from 2006. In it was an article I wrote about resettling refugees, in preparation for the first family SHPC would sponsor as we partnered with Refugee Services of Texas. The families coming to Austin at that time were from Burma, Ethiopia, Liberia, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq and Cuba.

Over the years it has been interesting to witness the change in countries whose refugees have resettled in the U.S.. About five years ago in Austin, we saw mostly refugees from Bhutan, Nepal, Burma, and Iraq. This past Christmas, SHPC volunteers delivered Angel Tree gifts to new neighbors who recently arrived from Eritrea, Sudan, Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Burma, Nepal, Bhutan, and Syria. Meaningful exchanges occurred as SHPC members were invited in for tea or coffee, fruit or nuts, with lots of demonstrations of appreciation! Many of the refugees were anxious to visit and to share their stories, while some were shy but very thankful.

My favorite quote (from a man) delivery day was, “never in my life have I been kissed on both cheeks, by a male, a Muslim, from Syria, REPEATEDLY!” While there were many poignant stories from that day, one other stands out in my mind when a family of four delivered presents and explained to a recently-arrived family from Afghanistan that the reason we give gifts at Christmastime is to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

In 2006 when SHPC began it’s refugee resettlement program, there were 11.5 million refugees worldwide, while today the number is staggering at 60 million, and half of those are children.

A few of us have kept up with some of the families SHPC has sponsored over the years. This month, two of us had the privilege of watching Saw Chim Pay, from Burma, receive his high school diploma from Gary Job Corp. He has been employed almost nonstop since he and his famly arrived over five years ago. His younger brother works at Central Market and also helps provide for their mother and grandmother. The family from Sudan has children excelling in school, while a daughter received certification in office administration. The Afghani family we sponsored this fall is adjusting well. The father received a steady job within a month, the mother continues to take ESL classes and hopes to resume teaching one day, and the children are thriving. SHPC can be proud to have had a hand in welcoming these families and others to our community. We are so blessed to have these opportunities to be the ambassadors of Jesus’s love.

This year SHPC is including the Multicultural Refugee Coalition (MRC) in the mission portfolio to further empower refugees towards self-sufficiency. We will be sponsoring another family early this summer, but there are plenty of ongoing opportunities for immediate volunteering. For more information on volunteering and working with refugees in our community please contact Cathy Beard at 512-589-5634 beardfamily@austin.rr.com or Sarah Stranahan at 512-217-0870 sstranahan4@gmail.com.

When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 19:33-34)

8 The Shepherd’s Watch | November 2015





9November 2015 | The Shepherd’s Watch

Children & Families

Preschool SUMMER CAMPS at SHPC!!Our summer camps are an excellent way for your child to experience a deeply enriched, engaging and fun summer! Each session

will consist of activities that encourage whole child development. Students will participate in developmentally appropriate science experiments, fine and gross motor activities, connected literature and so much more.

Each session will focus on a different theme so that your child can attend one or more sessions. The registration for summer camps will begin in early March. If you are not already on the wait list for SHPC Preschool, please contact the preschool office to be added: preschool@shpc.org or 512-892-7528.

The summer camps are open to children 2 years old through exiting kindergarten students.

Our themes will be Circus, Camping , Oceans, Gardening , Transportation and Cooking.

Preschool Spring CarnivalIn honor of our 30th year of operation, we look

forward to being able to replace our well-loved playground equipment within the next few years. As you can imagine, this is a costly endeavor and we are doing all we can do raise the funds we need to make this happen. So, we’re asking you to SAVE THE DATE: SHPC Preschool will be hosting a Spring Carnival on Saturday, April 9 (rain-out date Saturday, April 16).

Our Carnival will include games designed by our awesome creative teachers, food served by local food trucks, and a silent auction featuring art projects from each classroom. We will be asking for volunteers to work at the Carnival, donations from the community and individuals for the silent auction, and smaller donations of things like drinks and cups closer to the event.

We appreciate all the support that all our families give year-round, and we want to make this a fun event for our school, church and community. We hope that you all are as excited about the prospect of a new playground as we are! We can achieve this by all working together and helping out in small ways. And keep an eye out for more information as the year goes on.

10 The Shepherd’s Watch | November 2015

Children & Families

Sunny Days by Pattie Lawrence

Sunny Day Sweepin’ the clouds away

On my way to where the air is sweet Can you tell me how to get, How to get to Sesame Street

Come and play Everything’s A-OK

Friendly neighbors there That’s where we meet

Can you tell me how to get How to get to Sesame Street

Play - we know it well around SHPC Preschool! We play every day – inside with our friends and outside on the playground. If you come visit, you’ll hear voices of children working together in the classroom, teachers helping children learn to share and play cooperatively, and lots of singing & laughter! SHPC Preschool is a play-based preschool, offering exciting learning opportunities for children ages 4 months-5 years.

We spend lots of time outdoors, as well. Our well-loved wooden play structure has been on the playground for over 20 years now, and the hot Texas sun has been really hard on the wood. The SHPC Preschool Board of Directors and staff are working hard to raise enough funds to replace the structure in the next few years. We are planning a spring carnival in our effort to fundraise – we hope you’ll join us.

A Fierce Flourishing: MOPSby Erin Johnson

Do you know a mom who is interested in getting together with neighboring moms to enjoy an uninterrupted meal, laugh, make friends, try some creative activities and hear inspiring speakers while their children are lovingly cared for? If so, the answer is MOPS, a ministry whose purpose is to nurture moms!

MOPS stands for Mothers Of PreSchoolers but we are open to all mothers of children from birth through kindergarten. MOPS is a place where moms come to be encouraged and supported by other moms who are in the very same season of life…and best of all, to make some great friends! If you or someone you know are interested in joining the SHPC MOPS group, or if you’d like to try out a meeting, call Kim at (512) 699-9199, e-mail mops@shpc.org or visit www.shpc.org/mops.

Visit www.mops.org to learn more about MOPS International.

• We meet most 2nd & 4th Thursdays; January – May.

• Early Birds: 10am-12pm OR Night Owls: 6-8pm (dinner provided!)

• Next meeting 2/11

11November 2015 | The Shepherd’s Watch

Children & Families

Upcoming Children’s Ministries Events

Mar 5 ...........Children At the Lord’s Table Sacrements Class ....................9:30 a.m. Rev. Britta Dukes |britta@shpc.org

Mar 25 .........Big Story Live! .....................................................................................6:30 p.m. Rev. Britta Dukes |britta@shpc.org

Apr 9............Preschool Carnival (April 16 is bad-weather day) Ellen Perkey | eperkey@yahoo.com

Mar 25 .........Big Story Live! .....................................................................................6:30 p.m. Rev. Britta Dukes |britta@shpc.org

Follow SHPC Kids Online!!

@shpckids @shpckids

What is Orange?by Chris Gordon

Did you know that the whole premise of our children’s programming here at SHPC is based on parents and church working together? That’s why our strategy for Children’s Ministry is based on the color ORANGE.

Let’s pretend that parents—representing the heart of the home —are red. And the church—representing the light of Christ—is yellow.

What happens when those two colors get together? You create ORANGE. When you just use yellow, you get the properties that yellow offers; same goes for red. However, when you combine the two, you get a vibrant and bold experience. That’s what we want for our kids. It’s why we show up on Sunday mornings. Our Small Group Leaders make connections on Sunday and during the week or month. Parents participate, jump in and help, encourage their children to join in, and take the information home to build on it throughout the week.

We wanted to make sure our parents (or anyone involved in the life of a child) know about all of the resources provided to us through our connection with ORANGE.

Because we want you to have more to do or keep up with during the week?

No. It’s because we want you to have access to the amazing voices that encourage us and inspire us to do what we do and because we want to save you the trouble of wading through ALL of the information-overload out there, and help you connect with some folks who are worth knowing.

Here are some of our favorites:

• God Time Cards – these cards include a daily devotional or activity that ties into our Bible story. We hand these out each week.

• theparentcue.org – Blog filled with great thoughts on parenting and faith

• Studio252.tv – Awesome website with games and shows for kids, plus information and fun stuff for parents

• Orange Legacy App – Make the most of your time by paying attention to the time you have left (before graduation).

• ParentCue App – Everything from the blog, but in a mobile form

• Family XPerience: Big Story LIVE! – these quarterly events are opportunities to learn what your child learns on Sunday mornings (next one is: March 25).

• Weekly Parent Email – these are sent out each week, and include a post from the ParentCue blog, plus information on Sunday mornings, and news from the life of the church.

(if you are not receiving this email, please contact Chris)

Feeling Good It’s a new dawn, It’s a new

day, It’s a new life....For me.

And I’m feeling goodI’m feeling good

- Anthony Newley & Leslie Bricusse, performed by Nina Simone

Photo by Joey Killeen

12 The Shepherd’s Watch | November 2015

True Student Ministries

Upcoming True Student Ministries Event Dates & Times Visit www.iamtrue.org for more events & info, contact Rev. Mike Killeen: mike@shpc.org

Feb 26-27 ................Planet Wisdom, Dallas TX

Mar 3-5 ...................Totally Awkward

Mar 20 .....................Confirmation in Worship

Mar 26 .....................The Darkest Night Easter Vigil .......................7 p.m.

Apr 7 ........................Intentional Parenting Begins ...........................6 p.m.

Apr 15-17 .................Ms Pine Cove

Apr 22-24 ...............Hs Pine Cove

May 14 ....................End Of The Year True Celebration .................6 p.m. @tr



For up-to-the-minute info, follow us on Instagram!

REGISTER FOR CAMPS NOW AT WWW.IAMTRUE.ORGThese camps and more are available for registration online now!

New Life Dawning in Red River, NMby Rev. Mike Killeen

We had to be up and ready to head home from our ski trip well before the sun had risen. The darkness was deep, seeming to swallow us up as we entered it. We packed the van, turned on the head lights and began our 15 hour trek home. As we drove away from the snow-capped mountains of New Mexico, we were greeted with one of the most beautiful sunrises I had ever seen. The sky lit up not only with colors, but also with textures, as if God was allowing us to watch Him paint the new dawn of this new day.

As much as we wanted to stay in the mountains where we had just built community while having fun on the slopes, we learned that God is constantly calling us to move forward into the new life He has planned for us. On that cold, dark January morning, we also knew that taking those next steps meant leaving the comfort and warmth of the lodge where we had been staying.

We often see new life as being somewhere over “there.” For our

student group, changing that mentality meant leaving a place where we had all experienced God moving in powerful ways.

That meant abandoning comfort and leaving behind the weekend’s adventure. That new day that was being

painted before us as we drove eastward was exciting and inviting. It was as if God knew that we all

needed the hope that only He could provide.

And so it is with us in the church. We get stuck by comfort, safety and routine. We think that we can grow our faith by doing all the same things we have done in the

past. The reality is that, in order to live into whatever new day God has in store for us, we

will all have to go wherever God calls us to go and do whatever He calls us to do.

I believe this new dawn and new day that God has given us pushes us to become more like Jesus. For me it means risking and looking to Christ as the source of my hope and salvation more and more every day, and that leaves me feeling good.

13November 2015 | The Shepherd’s Watch

Join Us in April for Intentional Parentingby Rev. Mike Killeen

Every parent has dreams for their children.

As parents, we all start out with the best intentions, but at some point, we have a tendency to move from dreaming to duct-taping, hoping that everything will just hold together one more day. We call that Quick Fix Parenting. It’s easy to slip into—focusing on immediate problems rather than dealing with deeper and more important issues. “Surviving” each day may seem an appealing alternative to the time and energy we would need to consider how our parenting actions impact our children’s futures and act on that.

We get it. To be an exceptional parent, you need to be an intentional parent. But, don’t worry! You’re not alone and Doug and Cathy Fields via video along with Pastor Mike are here to help. They are veteran parents who can help you move from Quick-Fix Parenting to Intentional Parenting.

Sessions include:

1. Strong Belief & 24/7 Role Modeling, April 7th

2. Encouraging Words & Genuine Affection, April 14th

3. Consistent Presence & Peaceful Home, April 21st

4. Delicate Discipline & Activate Responsibility, May 5th

5. Positive Memories & Serious Fun, May 12th

6. Closing thoughts before they graduate, May 19th

It’s never too late or too early to become an intentional parent. Remember, you are the greatest influence on the life of your child, no matter their age! And it can all begin with these resources. Let’s walk this important journey together and be the best parents we possibly can be to our kids.

It’s Time for Totally Awkwardby Rev. Mike Killeen

Totally Awkward Parent and Teen/PreTeen Conference is all about getting parents and students together to begin the often awkward discussion on puberty, dating and social media.

At Awkward, we jump right into the important topics that make so many parents squirm. We start the conversation and make it easy and fun for you to continue the discussion at home.

Awkward starts on Thursday night, March 3rd with parents and students together. On Friday Night March 4th 6:30-9pm we meet again with parents and students. Students then sleep over at the church for a lock-in event on March 4th. Our final session is March 5th with parents and students together from 10 a.m. to 12p.m.. Totally Awkward is PERFECT for 6th-7th-8th grade students and their parents. Awkward is led by Pastor Mike from our True Student Ministry and Christina Gordon from our Children's Ministry.

Session 1: “How I Feel,” Thursday, March 3rd, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (STUDENTS AND PARENTS together)

Session 2: “ My Body is Awesome,” Friday, March, 4th 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (Students and Parents together)

Session 3: Overnight Party, Friday, March 4th, 8 p.m.- 9 a.m. (Students only)

Session 4: “Going Social,” Saturday Morning, March 5th, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Students and Parents together again)

A parent must be in attendance for each the parent sections.

Register now and save! Full Family price of $40 until March 1st! Price includes lock-in event and custom T-shirt for each attendee.

True Student Ministries

14 The Shepherd’s Watch | November 2015

Adult Ministry

Imperial Cities: SHPC Travel Study Tour 2016by Sherry Smith

The next SHPC travel study experience is planned for Sept 4-14, 2016. Registration is still open for our “Imperial Cities” tour. We will visit the beautiful imperial cities of Prague, Vienna, and Budapest as well as their surrounding areas along the lovely Danube River.

Prague is known as the “Golden City” or “The City of 100 Spires.” We will see such things as Hradcany Castle, the gothic St. Vitus Cathedral, and the statue-lined Charles Bridge.

In Vienna we will visit Schoenbrunn Palace (summer palace of the Hapsburg Dynasty) and experience a classical concert featuring melodies of Mozart and Strauss.

Our tour will end in Budapest, known as “Queen of the Danube.” We will visit Matthias Church, Fisherman’s Bastion, historic Old Buda, and Heroes Square where we’ll see the Millennium Monument which memorializes 1000 years of Hungarian dominion.

Also, along the way, we’ll take a scenic Danube River cruise through historic Wachau Valley, visit Melk Abbey to see its manuscripts, see the beautiful Baroque town of Szentendre, and visit a 14th century castle with knights in colorful costumes where we’ll enjoy a Renaissance supper.

This 11 day tour includes other treats and sights as well. Pick up a brochure from the narthex wall rack for more details. Contact Sherry Smith at sherry@shpc.org to be put on the interested list to make sure you receive further updates about the trip. Prior to the trip , there will be various free classes and activities so the group can get to know each other and learn about the church history involved with the places we will see.

Rejoice in the Spirit of Missionby Kimbol Soques

Registration opens Feb 8th for the Presbyterian Women’s spring gatheringWomen, refresh your spirit and reach out to the world April 1-3, 2016!

This annual Gathering, sponsored by Presbyterian Women, is a wonderful time to learn with and from other women, to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Each year's retreat combines a selection of seminars with plenary sessions, but feel free to design your own time.

This year's theme is "Rejoice in the Spirit of Mission: take part in the dance!" Along with Rev. Traci Smith, author of Seamless Faith, we'll dive into Psalm 100:2 "Serve the Lord with gladness!" Download a detailed registration brochure from http://missionpw.org/ to get more insight, and ask Kimbol Soques, kimbol@alumni.rice.edu any questions you might have. If you are interested, but need a roommate for cost reasons, let Kimbol know so she can hook you up.

While we encourage you to handle your own registration, the Shepherd of the Hills contingent enjoys driving over together. Let Kimbol know when you're registering so we can build a mailing list—we don't want to leave you behind!

New Covenant 1 Classes FormingJust couldn’t take a Covenant Bible Study

in the fall? Never fear, you now have another chance. We will start new Covenant 1 classes if we have enough interest. This set of 8 classes will be led by Pastor Mike Killeen. We would like to offer a Monday morning class from 9:30 to 11:30 or a Thursday morning class from 9:30 to 11:30. We’ll need 8 students at either time to start a class. The classes would start mid-February & go to mid-April.

Covenant is an in-depth group Bible Study that centers around our

relationships with God, with each other, and with the world. It differs from other Bible studies in that it emphasizes the biblical concept of Covenant—the enduring commitment between God and people—as a unifying pattern throughout the entire Bible. It underscores the unique relationship

that God chooses with us as God's people.

Each week's episode includes a thought-provoking 20-minute video conversation between biblical experts that stimulates further discussion and reflection among the group members. Through

community—through shared reflection and engagement together—we can best discover the Bible's transformative power.

Email sherry@shpc.org to sign up or ask questions. If you prefer an evening class, also let Sherry know.

15November 2015 | The Shepherd’s Watch

Imperfection: It’s a Giftby Jody Wright

Announcing a new women’s study. Sara Jensen and Jody Wright will (host or facilitate) a course by ‘Brene' Brown called The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are.

The course will be presented in two 6-week parts every Monday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. The first class begins Monday, February 15th. This course is an invitation to creatively explore what it means to take that long walk from "What will people think?" to "I am imperfect and I am enough." We'll get creative and messy as we dig into questions like:

• What really brings joy and meaning to my life?

• How can I cultivate a practice of calm to stop living in anxiety?

• How can I use creativity to cultivate a way to stay centered during those tough, vulnerable moments when my go-to move is to suck it up, run for my life or pull the covers over my head?

• How can I create more meaningful work in my life?

Part 1 Lessons • Courage, Compassion and Connection: Tools for Making the

Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough"

• Cultivating Authenticity: Letting Go of What People Think

• Cultivating Self-Compassion: Letting Go of Perfectionism

• Cultivating a Resilient Spirit: Letting Go of Numbing and Powerlessness

• Cultivating Gratitude and Joy: Letting Go of Scarcity and Fear of the Dark

• Cultivating Intuition and Trusting Faith: Letting Go of the Need for Certainty

Part 2 • Cultivating Creativity: Letting Go of Comparison

• Cultivating Play and Rest: Letting Go of Exhaustion as a Status Symbol and Productivity as Self-Worth

• Cultivating Calm and Stillness: Letting Go of Anxiety as a Lifestyle

• Cultivating Meaningful Work: Letting Go of Self-Doubt and "Supposed To"

• Cultivating Laughter, Song and Dance: Letting Go of Being Cool and "Always in Control"

• The Wholehearted Revolution

Adult Ministry

16 The Shepherd’s Watch | November 2015

Upcoming PrimeTime Events

Feb 16 ...........Soup to Nuts: Remember When ......11:30 a.m. Jeannette Box| dresserbess32@yahoo.com

Feb 27 ..........Field Trip to LaGrange ....................9 a.m. Mary Helen MacAllister| mary.macallister4@


Mar 9 ...........Elizabeth Ney Museum ...................9:15 a.m. Sherry Smith | sherry@shpc.org

Mar 19 .........Lunch Bunch ......................................TBD

Apr 16 ..........Lunch Bunch .......................................TBD

Apr 19-21 .....Spring Retreat - Camp Capers Sherry Smith | sherry@shpc.org

May 15 ..........Governor’s Mansion

May 17 .........Soup to Nuts: ANN” at Zach Theater Sherry Smith | sherry@shpc.org


A NEW DAY & A NEW CREATIONFor we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God

prepared beforehand to be our way of life. -Ephesians 2:10 NRSV

The Bible tells us that in the beginning, God created (Genesis 1:1). It also tells us that at the end God will still be creating. ( John reports in his vision, “And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new.’” -Revelation 21:5). God did not create the universe and then just let it spin; he continues to create each new day.

But the news is even more amazing than that – he invites us to join Him in that process. While He continues to mold and create each of us, He also wants each of us to be involved in recreating ourselves, others, and our world. Every day is indeed a new creation when we claim God’s promise to walk beside us while working in us and through us. As Christians, we live with the wonderful hope that when we walk in accordance with God’s will, we can change the world.

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. -Jeremiah 29:11

Living the Beauty of CreationPrimeTime Spring Retreat, April 19-21, 2016We will be at beautiful Camp Campers where we will study the beauty of

creation in a lovely meeting space surrounded on three sides by glass doors so we can see the beautiful countryside around us.

Accommodations are modern hotel-style rooms. The food is fantastic and just a short walk from our meeting space. It is a very inspirational setting and the perfect spot to be talking about creation and growth. We will be looking at the glory of God’s continuing creation and trying to discover how we play a part in it. Bible study, worship, and music leaders for the retreat will be Beth & Rob Mueller and Sherry Smith. Rev. Jim Capps may also visit with us on Wednesday. We will play, eat, study, discuss, pray, worship and sing together, and we will have free time to just be together or find quiet time alone.

Whether you are an SHPC member or a visitor, please join us for a wonderful time of Christian fellowship, and feel free to invite a friend. Brochures in the narthex will have information and registration forms.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. -Psalm 51:10

Event Information: PrimeTime Spring Retreat—Living the Beauty of Creation

• Dates: 3:00 p.m.Tuesday, April 19 to 11:00 a.m. Thursday, April 21

• Place: Camp Capers near Waring, Texas (Rides to the camp will be provided if requested.)

• Registration fee: $50, Total Cost: $170 per person double occupancy/$190 single for 2 nights & all meals & activities

• Contact: Sherry Smith at sherry@shpc.org or 512-656-1581

17November 2015 | The Shepherd’s Watch

REMEMBER WHEN…by Sherry Smith

Remember when… SHPC didn’t have a sanctuary in which to meet? There was no William Cannon and MoPac South ended at Barton Creek Mall? Children’s Sunday School met in the back of a pick-up truck? There was only one worship service? We only had two staff members?

It’s important to look ahead to the new day at Shepherd of the Hills, but it ’s also

really fun and interesting to look back at our past!

Our next PrimeTime “Soup to Nuts” luncheon will be held on February 16th at 11:30 in the FMC building. Gene Wright will present a video program on the history of SHPC. If you are new to SHPC, come to hear how far we have come. If you’re a long-time member, come to “remember when.” We will watch the presentation then take

some time for audience members to share details of some of the memories that have been stirred up. Prepare to laugh (or cry?) as we see ourselves “the way we were.”

A yummy lunch will be prepared by Beth Mueller. Contact Jeannette Box to register (dresserbess32@yahoo.com or 512-280-7751). Cost for the event is $10. Bring some of your own photos to share at your table if you wish.

PrimeTime Quilt TourOn Saturday, February 27th, the PrimeTimers will be headed to LaGrange to enjoy “The

Best Little Quilt Show in Texas” and the Texas Quilt Museum. The only museum of its kind in the Southwest, the Texas Quilt Museum showcases both antique and contemporary quilt art through new

exhibits every three months. It welcomes more than 10,000 visitors annually. If you would like to go, call Mary Helen MacAllister at (512) 288-6362 or email mary.macallister4@gmail.com. We will leave the church at

9:00 AM and carpool to LaGrange. Cost is $13-15 per person total for both entry fees.
