10 great ways to increase engagement on facebook (1)


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10 Great Ways to Increase Engagement on Facebook

Stay a couple of steps ahead of your competition with an engaging Facebook page. Obviously, no business owner would like to be left behind. And if you’re a smart one, you’d know that it’s not enough for your company’s fan page to have thousands or even millions of likes, it’s more important to have engaged fans. Here are ways to achieve that.

1. Post personal, relevant, and helpful content

No one likes to be bombarded with countless of advertisements. Although it’s good to post about your new products and services from time to time, it’s more beneficial to post content that’s not only relevant but also helpful for your fans.

2. Ask questions

Spark curiosity and dialogue by asking questions. It’s the quickest way to get people to respond to your posts. Be sure to ask questions that are not only interesting but also related to what your business offers. For example, if you’re an online travel agency, post a poll asking people about their dream vacation destination.

3. Know the right timing

Timing is key when posting at social networks like Facebook. It would just be waste of time to post content when everyone’s already asleep. According to experts, the best time to post on Facebook is during lunchtime and after 7 pm.

4. Post lots of photos

The adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” still holds true today as it did many years ago. Compared to links and status updates, photos generate more buzz. It’s no surprise since internet users today are notorious for their short attention span.

5. Launch promotions

Contests, games, offers, and vouchers are just some of the many options on fun promotions that can keep your fans engaged. These also give you a chance to reward your loyal fans as well as stir excitement, making users go to your Facebook page more often to see if they’ve won the much-coveted prize.

6. Crowdsource

Another effective way to rouse the interest of your Facebook fans is to crowdsource. This term, which was coined by Jeff Howe in an article published on Wired Magazine on 2006, refers to getting the community involved in solving problems, offering suggestions,

or addressing an issue. Crowdsource for tips, ideas, and answers and surely, you’ll get people to contributing in no time.

7. Call to action

The right words can actually get people to like your page, share your content, or post a comment. Add the phrase, “Click like/share if you ___” and you’d be surprised that people are more than willing to do what they’re told. Keep in mind that action words such as “like,” “post,” “share,” “comment,” “take,” and “tell us” are most effective.

8. Learn the right posting frequency

How often you post content on your page also plays a role on Facebook engagement. Pages that update their statuses one to two times a day had 40 percent higher user engagement than those who did more than three times a day. Don’t forget too that quality is more important than quantity.

9. Encourage fans to get notified

Facebook utilizes an algorithm called Edgerank that prevents users from seeing every update from their friends and the pages they like. This means, not all your posts can be seen by your fans. You may have 1,000 fans but you’d find that some of your content have only been viewed by 200 to 300 users. What you can do is to create a Facebook post and encourage your fans to get notifications whenever you post something. You can post a message that says something like this:

Hi everyone! It seems like you’re not receiving updates from (insert name of your business here) page due to recent changes in Facebook. To resolve this, go to our Facebook page, click “like”, and click “get notifications” to stay in the know. Thanks and have a nice day!

10. Use Facebook ads

Since only a small percentage of your fans gets to see your posts, you can also make up for that by using Facebook’s page post story ads.

Explore all these tactics and find out which one works best for you.