Typology versus petrography: analysis of unique Scythian Age cups from Nyírparasznya (NE Hungary)


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An der Grenze der Bronze- und eisenzeit

FestschriFt Für tibor Kemenczei zum 75. GeburtstaG


An der Grenze der Bronze- und eisenzeit

FestschriFt Für tibor Kemenczei zum 75. GeburtstaG

Herausgegeben vonildiKó szathmári

Magyar nemzeti MúzeumBudapest 2015


die Publikation erfolgte mit unterstützung:

des Herman ottó Museum (Miskolc)

des institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften der eötvös Loránd universität (Budapest)

des ungarischer Kulturfonds

redaktion: Gábor ilon und ildikó szathmári

textverarbeitung: János Gábor tarbay

Layuot und umschlagplan: Anikó Gyapjas und Ágnes Vári

umschlagbild:Bronzehydria aus dem schatzfund von Ártánd, 6. Jh. v. Chr.

(Photo: András dabasi, ungarisches nationalmuseum)

isBnisBn 978-615-5209-41-3

© Autoren, 2015



tibor Kemenczei – 75 ........................................................................................................................ 8Bibliographie von tibor Kemenczei .................................................................................................. 10

bader, tiberius

eine kleine Lanzenspitzengruppe in osteuropa. Lanzenspitzen vom typ Krasnyj Majak ...... 23

t. biró, Katalin

realgar in scythian burials....................................................................................................... 39

czajliK, zoltán

Luftbildarchäologische Forschungen im Komitat Borsod-Abaúj-zemplén (ungarn) ........... 53

cziFra, szabolcs–Kreiter, attila–Pánczél, Péter

typology versus petrography: analysis of unique scythian Age cups from nyírparasznya (ne Hungary) ......................................................................................................................... 67

Ďurkovič, Éva Weaving-related finds from the Early Iron Age settlement at Győr–Ménfőcsanak (Hungary) ................................................................................................................................ 81

P. Fischl, Klára–Kienlin l., tobias

neuigkeiten von einem „unbekannten Bekannten“. der bronzezeitliche Fundort tiszakeszi–szódadomb (ungarn) ........................................................................................... 109

Fodor, istván

skythenzeitliche stabenden aus Bein von Hajdúnánás (ungarn) .......................................... 121

Furmánek, václav–mitáš, vladimír

Bronze Full-hilted Sword from Hill-fort Strieborná in Village Cinobaňa (Slovakia) ............ 129

Groma, Katalin

das Gräberfeld aus der Früheisenzeit bei tatabánya–Alsó vasútállomás (ungarn) ............... 137

Guba, szilvia

Eitle Männer, arbeitsame Frauen? Geschlechtsspezifische Gebrauchsgegenstände im Gräberfeld von zagyvapálfalva (ungarn) ......................................................................... 167

Gyucha, attila–Gulyás, GyönGyi–török, bÉla–barkóczy, PÉter–kovács, árPád

Connecting regions, shared traditions: A unique Middle iron Age burial from the Danube-Tisza Interfluve ......................................................................................................... 179


b. hellebrandt, maGdolna

die Häuser der Gáva-Kultur auf dem Fundort Köröm–Kápolna-domb (ungarn) ............... 199

ilon, Gábor

the Golden diadem of Velem (Hungary) ............................................................................ 213

Jankovits, katalin

neue Angaben zu den Kontakten zwischen dem Karpatenbecken und norditalien aufgrund einiger spätbronzezeitlicher schmucktypen ......................................................... 235

Kacsó, carol

Bronzefunde vom typ uriu-Ópályi in der Maramuresch (rumänien) ................................ 253

Канторович, анaтoлий P. Статистический анализ изображений восточноевропейского скифского звериного стиля the scythian animal style of eastern europe (statistical correlation) ................................. 273

kobaľ, JosyP v. der Hortfund von Makarjovo (transkarpatien, ukraine) .................................................... 285

kozubová, anita–skakov, alexander

Einige kritische Bemerkungen zur Datierung der Dolche vom Typ Posmuş und ihrer kaukasischen Parallelen ........................................................................................................ 301

lászló, attila

Früheisenzeitliche entdeckungen aus der Moldau. ein skythisches Gräberfeld in Cozia (Bezirk Iaşi, rumänien)? ....................................................................................... 317

lochner, michaela

eine Mehrfachbestattung mit Keramiktrommel aus dem älterurnenfelderzeitlichen Brandgräberfeld von inzersdorf ob der traisen, niederösterreich ....................................... 339

maráz, borbála

The Cemeteries of the Urnfield Culture East of the Danube and the Tisza .......................... 353

novotná, mária

ein Hortfund aus Kaloša, Bez. rimavská sobota (slowakei) ............................................. 371

rezi, botond

The spearhead from Corunca (Mureș county, Romania).................................................... 379

szabó, miKlós

des « riches » et des « pauvres ». sur la structure sociale des Celtes orientaux à l’époque de l’expansion (iVe-iiie siècles av. J.-C.).............................................................. 391


szathmári, ildiKó

ein spätbronzezeitlicher Bronzedepotfund im Bükkgebirge, Bódvaszilas–nagy Bene-bérc (ungarn) ................................................................................ 411

tanKó, Károly

die skythischen Funde der Alföld Gruppe aus Kazár und szurdokpüspöki (ungarn) ......... 431

teržan, biba

ein reiterkrieger in kaukasischer tracht vom rande der südostalpinen Hallstattkultur ..... 445

trnKa, Gerhard

ein spätbronzezeitlicher Bronzedepotfund von Bátka (südslowakei) .................................. 459

váczi, Gábor

Axes of Bölcske–Bolondvár. A Middle Bronze Age hoard from the Mezőföld (Hungary) .. 477

vörös, istván

Archäozoologische untersuchungen in den präskythischen Gräberfeldern vom Mezőcsát Typ ................................................................................................................ 485

Abkürzungen ................................................................................................................................... 501Autoren ............................................................................................................................................ 505



Tibor Kemenczei – 75

dr. tibor Kemenczei, ein international anerkannter, hervorragender Kenner der spätbronze- und Früheisenzeit, vollendet am 11. september dieses Jahres sein 75. Lebensjahr. seine Freunde, Kollegen, Verehrer und schüler sowie die Leitung seiner Arbeitsstelle, des ungarischen nationalmuseums, beschlossen, seinen besonderen Jahrestag mit dieser Festschrift noch denkwürdiger zu gestalten. Auf den Aufruf der redakteure hin haben zahlreiche hervorragende ungarische und ausländische Forscher ihre wertvollen studien für diesen Band eingesandt.

der Jubilar wurde im heute bereits zu Budapest gehörenden Kispest geboren, besuchte dort die Grundschule und das Gymnasium. nach dem Abitur – 1957 – bewarb er sich an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Budapester eötvös-Loránd-universität für das Fach Geschichte-Archäologie, wo er auch immatrikuliert wurde. nach dem erwerb seines diploms war er von 1962 bis 1971 der Prähistoriker des Herman-ottó-Museums in Miskolc. unterdessen promovierte er 1963 an der universität (titel der dissertation: „Beiträge zur spätbronzezeitlichen Geschichte nordungarns“). zwischen 1967 und 1971 war er Aspirant. seine Kandidatendissertation verteidigte er 1972, aber erschienen ist sie erst 1984 im Akadémiai Kiadó („die spätbronzezeit nordostungarns“). Wie die Archäologen zu jener zeit in den Provinzmuseen allgemein – da sie sehr wenige waren – hat auch tibor Kemenczei sehr viele Ausgrabungen durchgeführt. Am bedeutendsten von diesen sind die bronzezeitlichen siedlungen von Köröm und Prügy, die bronzezeitlichen Gräberfelder von Gelej, szajla und Litke sowie die bronzezeitliche erdburg von Bükkaranyos. er war auch an den archäologischen Fundrettungen im zusammenhang mit dem Bau des Wasserkraftwerkes von Kisköre beteiligt.

Von 1971 bis zu seinem ruhestand 2007 war seine Arbeitsstelle das ungarische nationalmuseum. Bis 1977 war er wissenschaftlicher Hauptmitarbeiter, ab 1977 bis 2003 Leiter der Archäologischen Abteilung und dann von 2004 bis 2007 wissenschaftlicher Berater. Wirklich entfaltet hat sich sein wissenschaftliches Werk hier, der reihe nach erschienen seine wichtigen Abhandlungen über die spät- bronzezeitlichen Bronzeschätze und über die chronologischen und Verbreitungsfragen der mittel- und spätbronzezeitlichen Funde, Fundgruppen und Kulturen. zu dieser zeit wandte sich sein interesse stärker der Hinterlassenschaft der früheisenzeitlichen Bevölkerungen ungarns zu. 1997 verteidigte er seine Habilitationsschrift über die östlichen und steppenkontakte der präskythischen Bevölke- rung der Großen Ungarischen Tiefebene im 8.−6. Jahrhundert v. Chr. In der Serie Régészeti Füzetek [Archäologische Hefte] des nationalmuseums erschien 1979 die Veröffentlichung des mittelbronze- zeitlichen Gräberfeldes von Gelej. er ist der Verfasser dreier Bände der serie Prähistorische Bronze- funde, über die schwerter ungarns und die für das ostkarpatengebiet typischen Funde. Vor allem in den letzten Jahren erschienen sehr wichtige Werke von ihm über das früheisenzeitliche, in erster Linie präskythische und skythische Fundmaterial. die für diese epoche maßgeblichen Funde ver- öffentlichte er erneut und bewertete sie auch neu gemäß des heutigen niveaus der Wissenschaft. Besonders wesentlich ist, dass es ihm gelang, den Beginn der skythenzeit in ungarn auf ungefähr ein Jahrhundert früher zu datieren. dieser Frage widmete er die gehaltvolle Abhandlung über die östlichen Beziehungen des ungarischen Fundmaterials skythischen Charakters (ComArchHung 2005.) sowie seine jüngste, der Zahl nach sechste Monografie, die als Band 12 der Serie Inventaria Praehistorica Hungariae des ungarischen nationalmuseums 2009 erschien.

Als selbstverständlich kann gelten, dass die Ausgrabungstätigkeit des regelmäßig und hart arbeitenden Gelehrten, auch nachdem er in die Hauptstadt kam, nicht unterbrochen wurde. Als besonders herausragend sind die Freilegungen des früheisenzeitlichen Hügelgräberfeldes von nagyberki-szalacska und der urzeitlichen siedlung von Pilismarót zu betrachten. im nationalmuseum organisierte und leitete


er die Fundrettungsgrabungen im zusammenhang mit der geplanten donaustufe von nagymaros, die von 1978 bis ans ende der 1980er Jahre dauerten.

ebenso selbstverständlich ist auch, dass tibor Kemenczei am ungarischen und internationalen Leben des Faches teilnahm. Von 1988 bis 2010 war er Mitglied der Archäologischen Kommission der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2008−2010 nahm er an der Arbeit des Fachkollegiums des János-Bolyai-stipendiums der Akademie teil, er wirkte in zahlreichen expertenkommissionen mit und war von 1975 bis 2000 Fachinspektor der nordostungarischen Komitatsmuseen. Auch der universitären Lehre blieb der nicht fern: regelmäßig hielt er Materialkenntnisseminare für die Hörer der urzeitarchäologie und von 1990 bis 2008 Vorlesungen über die eisenzeit am Archäologischen Lehrstuhl der universität szeged. Bei mehreren Gelegenheiten war er an unseren universitäten ein opponent von Kandidaten- und Phd-dissertationen. Von 1974 bis 2010 war er Mitglied der redaktionskommission des archäologischen Jahrbuches des nationalmuseums, der Folia Archaeologica.

Mit seiner niveauvollen wissenschaftlichen tätigkeit war er nicht nur in ungarn, sondern auch im Ausland zu einem bekannten und anerkannten experten geworden. er wurde um seine teilnahme an internationalen Projekten gebeten, neben den genannten Bänden der PBF ist er im Bereich der ungarischen Archäologie der Verfasser des Kapitels über die spätbronze- und die präskythische zeit im in Moskau erschienenen russischsprachigen Handbuch. Geschätzt wurden seine Vorträge auf wichtigen Fachkongressen und Konferenzen (nizza, Krakau, Prag, Berlin, novi sad, Hallstatt, Bonn, dresden, München, Potsdam, regensburg, neapel, stockholm). Auch auf studienreisen besuchte er viele orte im Ausland.

da er während seiner gesamten aktiven Laufbahn in Museen arbeitete, hat er sich auch zu einem hervorragenden Museologen entwickelt. er kannte nicht allein selbst noch die kleinsten einzelheiten der registrierung und Lagerung des Fundmaterials, sondern wurde auch zu einem Meister der Kunst, archäologische Funde zum Leben zu erwecken und Ausstellungen einzurichten. so war er auch an der Gestaltung zweier großer ständiger archäologischer Ausstellungen des nationalmuseums 1977 und 2002 beteiligt. zahlreiche zeitweilige Ausstellungen hat er geschaffen, er schrieb drehbücher für Ausstellungen und war ihr Kritiker. Auch lernte er hervorragend, dass die vollkommenste und zugleich kompakteste Publikation der Gegenstände der Ausstellungskatalog ist. Bei vielen Publikationen war er Mitverfasser, darunter auch solchen, die nicht nur in ungarn, sondern auch im Ausland in die Hände der Besucher gelangten. die vielleicht erfolgreichsten ausländischen Ausstellungen des nationalmuseums waren: An der Grenze von ost und West (Mont Beuvray 1998), schätze aus der Keltenzeit in ungarn (Hochdorf 1999), Prähistorische Goldschätze aus dem ungarischen nationalmuseum (Frankfurt am Main 1999, saint-Germain-en Laye 2001), im zeichen des Goldenen Greifen (Berlin 2008).

die beispielhafte wissenschaftliche und museologische tätigkeit von tibor Kemenczei wurde auch amtlich mehrfach anerkannt. dreimal erhielt er Ministerauszeichnungen, anlässlich der 200. Jahreswende der Gründung des nationalmuseums bedankte sich die Museumsleitung mit der széchényi-Medaille für seine Arbeit über mehrere Jahrzehnte hinweg, und die ungarische Akademie der Wissenschaften verlieh ihm in Anerkennung seiner niveauvollen wissenschaftlichen tätigkeit 1988 den Akademiepreis. Für ihn aber bedeutete gewiss mehr als diese die Anerkennung des ungarischen und internationalen Archäologenfaches, die sich sehr gut in der hohen zahl der Berufungen auf seine Werke in der Fachliteratur spiegelt. Auch aus ihnen geht hervor, dass unser Freund tibor auch schon bisher ein Achtung erheischendes Lebenswerk geschaffen hat. dieses Lebenswerk vermehrt sich jedoch auch heute ständig um immer wieder neue Werte, und wir erhoffen uns von Herzen, dass es sich noch lange vermehren wird. dafür wünschen wir ihm gute Gesundheit und ungebrochene schaffensfreude!

Budapest, 11. september 2014

istván Fodor


biblioGraPhie von tibor kemenczei


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Bemerkungen zur Kontinuität und diskontinuität auf ausgewählten Gräberfeldern des donau-theiss- Gebietes – Megjegyzések egyes Duna-Tisza vidéki őskori temetők használatának folyamatos vagy időszakos voltáról. ArchÉrt 135 (2010) 27–51.Funde der skythisch geprägten Alföld-Gruppe in transdanubien. FolArch 54 (2010) 101–125.


(rec.) Vasić, R.: Die Halsringe im Zentralbalkan (Vojvodina, Serbien, Kosovo und Mazedonien). PBF XI, 7. stuttgart 2010. ArchÉrt 136 (2011) 321–322.


Angaben zur Kenntnis der eisenzeit in der südwesthälfte des Karpatenbeckens. ActaArchHung 63/2 (2012) 317–349.

(zusammengestellt von Éva Ďurkovič)


Typology versus petrography: analysis of unique Scythian Age cups from Nyírparasznya

Typology versus petrography: analysis of unique Scythian Age cups from Nyírparasznya (NE Hungary)

SzabolcS czifra–attila Kreiter–Péter Pánczél

In this study an archaeological and thin section petrographic analysis are carried out on two special Scythian Age cup types from Nyírparasznya (NE Hungary), which were initially identified as imported wares. As this ceramic type plays an important role in the assumed cultural and ethnic movements in the Upper Tisza region, it was our primary aim to establish the possible provenance of the cups and their technological similarities or differences to the local products. In order to characterize the technological characteristics of the vessels 55 samples from Nyírparasznya were analyzed petrographically, including all the main 4 characteristic pottery groups. The results suggest that the cups were probably made locally from local raw materials. Moreover, the review of the available archaeological records clarified the earlier typological observations and also modified the spatial distribution of such cups confirming that this special cup type is originated from transformed, local Late Bronze Age, pottery traditions.

Keywords: Carpathian Basin, Scythian Age, Upper Tisza region, ceramic petrography, pottery traditions, ceramic technology, provenance

Archaeological background

The archaeological site on the outskirts of Nyírparasznya lies in the specific, sandy subregion of the Great Hungarian Plain called Nyírség (Fig. 1. 1). This geographical area is nearly 5000 km2 large, and its average height is about 20–50 m above the surrounding floodplain. The Tisza and Szamos rivers and the wind played a major role in the surface shaping (Sümegi et al. 2004, 29–32). The site was discovered and excavated in several phases prior to the construction of the M3 Motorway between 2009 and 2011 (berecz 2012). The final size of the excavated area was 18,444 m2, which yielded 144 Middle Iron Age (also known as Scythian Age in the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin) settlement features.

The Iron Age settlement has a scattered structure, consisting of semi-subterranean houses, storage and rubbish pits and wells. Settlement features occurred most frequently in the middle zone of the excavated area, while moving towards the northern and southern parts of the site fewer features appeared (Fig. 1. 2). Although this scheme sheds some light on the settlement pattern, it is not an easy task to define settlement units. Elsewhere, at the settlements of the Scythian Age Alföld group, rectangular buildings with sunken floors were surrounded by round and oval storage pits; these together determine a household unit (czifra 2006, 173), while in Nyírparasznya these rectangular buildings are absent. On the contrary, a surprisingly large number of oval and round structures were


SzabolcS czifra–attila Kreiter–Péter Pánczél


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Typology versus petrography: analysis of unique Scythian Age cups from Nyírparasznya

found with multiple postholes and sunken floors (e.g. features 56/87 and 62/93). Such features have only a few analogies in the Iron Age Carpathian Basin (cSeh 1999, 52–53; Scholtz 2007, 54).

56/87. building: oval, vertical-sided shallow feature with slightly uneven bottom. Its diameter ranges between 500 and 580 cm, while its relative depth is 60 cm. Thirteen postholes were documented along the side wall (Fig. 1. 3). Finds: 9 sherds of barrel-shaped pots with different decorations, 3 fragments of bowls with inverted rim, another bowl fragment with everted rim, a cup fragment, 2 base sherds, 11 undeterminable body fragments, 5 sherds of wheel-made jars or mugs, a wheel-made bowl fragment and a fragmented grinding stone (stored in HNM NHPC Inv.No. 1.34849.87.1–37.) (Fig. 2. 1–17).

62/93. building: round, shallow feature with declining side and slightly uneven bottom. Its diameter ranges between 400 and 420 cm, while its relative depth is 85 cm. Eight postholes were documented along the side wall. Their average diameter varies from 40 to 60 cm, while their depth is usually between 15 and 25 cm (Fig. 1. 4). A relatively large number of finds were revealed from the building: 32 sherds of barrel-shaped pots with different decorations, further 9 sherds belonging to undetermined pot-like vessels, 8 fragments of bowls with inverted rim, 2 bowl sherds with knobs on their rim, 1 cup fragment, 1 fragment of a sieve, 1 fragment of a handle, 2 sherds with incised decoration, 4 base fragments, 38 undeterminable body fragments, 3 sherds of wheel-made jars, 1 spindle-whorl and a slag fragment (stored in HNM NHPC Inv.No. 1.34849.93.1–104.) (Fig. 3. 1–20).

The ceramic material of the site and the highlighted settlement features

Four main ceramic groups were defined for the site, which are also characteristic for the assemblage of the abovementioned settlement features: 1) common types of household ceramics, 2) archaic types, 3) wheel-made pottery, 4) cups, assumed to be imported.

1) The basic pottery sequence of the Nyírparasznya site belongs to the main vessel types of the Scythian Age Alföld group (Párducz 1940, 91; bottyán 1955, 13), such as biconical and squat-shaped (barrel-shaped) vessels, bowls with inverted rim and cups with high swinging handles (Fig. 2. 2–6, 10–14; Fig. 3. 2–5, 9–20). Researchers agree that the basic forms of vessels seem to be rooted in the local, Late Bronze Age pottery traditions and a gradual simplification and homogenization in forms and decorations can be recognized towards the Iron Age (dušeK 1966, 27; chochorowSKi 1985, 32–51). It must be noted that undecorated or decorated barrel-shaped pots, biconical pots, and bowls with inverted rim cannot be linked to a single archaeological culture, as they are common vessel types during the Iron Age all over the Carpathian Basin (chochorowSKi 1985, 32; PoPovich 1997; PoPovič 1981, 28; Kovačević 2008, 56). Their late, slightly different versions are also attested at Celtic settlements (Szabó et al. 2007, 236–252; Kemenczei 2009, 96). Besides the common forms several other vessel types were documented, which rarely occurred previously: e.g. miniature vessels, flat covers (miroššayová 1987, 122; miroššayová 1994, 53) and sieves (gyucha 2002, 62) (Fig. 2. 7; Fig. 3. 6).

2) Bowls with everted rim and bowls decorated with two or four symmetrical knobs on their rim (Fig. 2. 8–9; Fig. 3. 7–8) show archaic vessel forms (lengyel 1960, 64; németi 1982, 119, 121; miroššayová 1987, 119; Kemenczei 2009, 97), which represent the simplified versions of the corresponding pottery types of the local, Late Bronze Age Gáva culture (Kemenczei 1984, 67–78; 334–371). This phenomenon is not surprising as the Gáva population played an important role in the forming process of the Alföld/Vekerzug group. Therefore, the appearance of Late Bronze Age ceramic traditions in the material culture of the Iron Age indicates extensive social relationships between the communities (Kemenczei 2007, 57; 2009, 95). Bowls with knobs on their rim are documented in two different cultural


SzabolcS czifra–attila Kreiter–Péter Pánczél

Fig. 2. Nyírparasznya – III. forduló: Selection of ceramic assemblage of the Building no. 56/87. (1-14 hand made, 15-17 wheel-made)








8 9




13 14





Typology versus petrography: analysis of unique Scythian Age cups from Nyírparasznya

Fig. 3. Nyírparasznya – III. forduló: Selection of ceramic assemblage of the Building no. 62/93. (1, 6-20 hand made, 2-5 wheel-made)



3 4


















SzabolcS czifra–attila Kreiter–Péter Pánczél

and geographical regions in the Carpathian Basin. In the west they appeared mainly in the Iron Age Ha C period, in the North Transdanubian group of the Hallstatt culture (Stegmann-rajtár 2002, 199), while in the east these bowls were associated with the Alföld and Transcarpathian groups that were influenced by the Scythians. The Upper Tisza region with the Ér, Bódva and Hernád river valleys can especially be characterized by this special pottery type (németi 1982, 119; miroššayová 1987, 119).

3) One of the most intriguing features of the Alföld group is the wheel-made ceramic. Its appearance has been widely debated, but researchers agree that the potter’s wheel was introduced in the Carpathian Basin from the Greek settlements of the Black Sea coast, mediated through the forested steppe zone by the Scythians around 600 BC (romSauer 1991, 365–366; chochorowSKi 1998, 483). Apart from the barrel-shaped pots, all basic vessel types have handmade and wheel-made versions as well, but wheel-made mugs, jars and bowls are the most common forms at Nyírparasznya (Fig. 2. 15–17; Fig. 3. 2–5).

4) Cups with rooster comb-shaped handle (Fig. 2. 1; Fig. 3. 1) are generally seen as typical vessel forms of the Transcarpathian group (böhm–janKovich 1936; németi 1982, 119; PoPovich 1997, 140), therefore two such cups from Nyírparasznya were initially considered as imported wares. Similar undecorated cups with wide mouth and everted rim have antecedents in the local Late Bronze Age Gáva and Kyjatice cultures, while their Iron Age variants are dated from the third quarter of the 7th century BC to the middle of the 6th century BC (Patay–b. KiSS 2002, 128–129). As a result, these cups clearly display a more archaic form as the common high-handled mugs of the Scythian period (dušeK 1966, 28; hänSel 1974, 210; Kemenczei 1989, 66).

The review of archaeological publications dealing with the Transcarpathian group did not reveal any cups with rooster comb-shaped handle. The well-known jar from Kushtanovytsya/Kustánfalva (Ukraine) (böhm–janKovich 1936, T. VI. 3) is similar to one of our cups from Nyírparasznya (Fig. 2. 1) in terms of its handle shape, although the vessel shape is rather different (Fig. 4. 1). Nevertheless, none of these cups have a real rooster comb-shaped handle.

A closer similarity can be observed within the cups from Nyírparasznya (Fig. 3. 1) and Alsótelekes (Patay–b. KiSS 2002, Abb. 23. 2 and Abb. 24) (Fig. 4. 2). A recent archaeological excavation revealed an Early Scythian Age cemetery in the Bükk Hill (N Hungary), at Dédestapolcsány (tóth 2012, 68–69), which yielded at least one such cup (czajliK et. al. 2014, Fig. 6). Based on recent archaeological investigations, several local cup types emerged in the Iron Age from Late Bronze Age pottery traditions, which display different handle forms and decorations (Kemenczei 2007, 48–53; tóth 2012, 68–69). High-handled cups with knobs are assumed to be the most general type, while our special cups, distributed on the northeastern fringe of the Carpathian Basin, represent a rare type (Fig. 4. 3).

Chronology of the examined vessel types

Cups with inverted rim (and sometimes with rooster comb-shaped handle) occur in the earliest phase of the Alsótelekes and Dédestapolcsány cemeteries; they are dated to the end of the 7th century or the beginning of the 6th century BC (Patay–b. KiSS 2002, 128–129; tóth 2012, 74). This horizon is characterized by handmade wares at Alsótelekes. In contrast, at Nyírparasznya, both of such cups are accompanied by wheel-made vessels. Based on recent studies, the earliest wheel-made pottery appeared in the Carpathian Basin around 600 BC (romSauer 1991, 365–366; chochorowSKi 1998, 483; Patay–b. KiSS 2002, 130), while the local manufacture of wheel-made wares is documented from the middle of the 6th century BC (czifra et al. 2012, 337). According to a radiocarbon date (2445 ± 30 BP - Poz-54740) of feature


Typology versus petrography: analysis of unique Scythian Age cups from Nyírparasznya

No. 56/87 in Nyírparasznya, these cups may still have been in use in the second half of the 6th or even in the first half of the 5th century BC.

Petrographic analysis

Detailed macroscopic and microscopic petrographic analyses were carried out to characterize and examine the similarities and differences within the ceramic material of the site. A particular attention was given to the cups, which were initially considered as imported wares, and to their possible technological relationship to the archaic type pottery and common household ceramic material. Furthermore, a possible relationship between the wheel-made and handmade pottery groups was also analyzed. After macroscopic examination of the whole ceramic assemblage, 55 samples were selected for petrographic thin section analysis.

During the petrographic analysis the inclusion density, size categories, inclusion sorting and roundness of the components were determined based on the directives of the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group (Pcrg 2010). Inclusion density: rare (< 3 %), sparse (3–9 %), moderate (10–19 %), common (20–29 %), very common (30–39 %), abundant (> 40%). Size classification: very fine (<0,1 mm), fine (0,1–0,25 mm), medium (0,25–1 mm), coarse (1–3 mm), very coarse (>3 mm). Inclusion sorting: poorly-sorted, moderately-sorted, well-sorted and very well-sorted. Inclusion roundness: angular, slightly angular, slightly rounded, rounded, well-rounded.

In this study we only present the detailed petrographic description of the assumed imported cups with rooster comb-shaped handle. However, in order to better understand their possible relationship to the handmade, wheel-made and archaic vessel types in terms of technological characteristics, we also summarize the results of the analysis of other pottery groups.

Handmade household ceramics are characterized by a relatively small variability in terms of their raw materials. They mainly contain moderate to common amounts of very fine and fine inclusions. Larger grains occur in rare or sparse amounts. As the fabrics in this vessel group display a relatively uniform appearance, it is assumed that their raw materials may have been derived from a homogeneous local clay source. However, the variability within vessel fabrics at Nyírparasznya could also be understood by differences in ceramic production technology: handmade vessels are considered to be made in domestic circumstances. This mode of production is characterized by the co-existence of several different potters and preparation methods. In many cases, the raw materials are inappropriately prepared; they show inhomogeneity, cracks within the fabrics and uneven distribution of inclusions. These characteristics do not suggest specialization but rather the existence of household productions.

The almost uniform raw materials of the wheel-made vessels show little variability. Nine from the eleven analyzed samples are associated with very fine-grained fabrics, while rare amounts of fine grains occur only in one ceramic. Wheel-made vessels were probably not produced in households as the production of these vessels required higher technological skills. The uniformity of the raw materials of wheel-made vessels may also suggest their specialized production (czifra et al. 2012, 246–247; Kreiter et al. 2013, 488). Unfortunately we cannot determine whether the raw material was available in this ‘clean’ form or its uniformity was achieved by different cleaning processes such as levigation. Petrographic analysis also revealed that the wheel-made vessels have very similar raw materials to the 2nd and 3rd fabric groups of handmade ceramics. In many cases the raw materials of wheel-made and handmade ceramics are so similar that they can be correlated


SzabolcS czifra–attila Kreiter–Péter Pánczél

Fig. 4. Selection of Iron Age cups from the Carpathian Basin: 1: Kushtanovytsya/Kustánfalva (Ukraine); 2: Alsótelekes (Hungary); 3: Geographical distribution of the cups with rooster comb-shaped handle in the

Carpathian Basin (base map after buchwaldeK et. al. 2007, Karte 24a with modifications)

with each other (the first number in the list represents the Inv.No. of wheel-made vessels, while the second refers to handmade ones with very similar fabric): 09.19/94.11; 23.19/85.2; 60.12/91.2; 60.111/94.11; 76.3/23.61; 113.7/87.34.

There is no significant difference in the composition and technology between the archaic type vessels and household ceramics. Each sample is characterized by very fine and fine grains; however, inclusion density varies from moderate to common. Thus, the used raw materials are not uniform, but these differences may be accounted for by the differences in the preparation of raw materials as well. Some vessels are grog-tempered, while others display traces of clay mixing. Considering

1 2



Typology versus petrography: analysis of unique Scythian Age cups from Nyírparasznya

the raw materials of the archaic type pottery samples they could easily be paired with household ones. Therefore, we must assume a direct correlation and thus a direct continuity from the late Bronze Age potter’s traditions in terms of the use of raw materials, clay processing, tempering and the slab-building technique.

Cups with rooster comb-shaped handles were initially defined as imported wares, however their raw materials are rather similar to the household ceramic group. Therefore, they are also similar to the archaic types and wheel-made vessels since there is considerable similarity between the raw materials of the different ceramic groups. Beyond the similarities of raw materials, the abovementioned cups also display grog/argillaceous rock fragments and inappropriate raw material preparations.

The raw material of one such cup (87.1) (Fig. 5. 5) displays extensive similarities to two handmade squat-shaped pots (60.7; 85.3) (Fig. 5. 6–7) and to the raw material of a bowl with inverted rim (94.39) (Fig. 5. 8). In this cup very fine-grained inclusions occur in sparse amounts, which consist mainly of quartz and potash feldspar. Rare amounts of muscovite and plagioclase feldspar also appear. The average size of inclusions ranges from 0.05 to 0.1 mm. Moderate amounts of medium to coarse-grained grog/argillaceous rock fragments can also be observed. The composition of the cup, similarly to the raw material of local handmade ceramics, also shows inappropriate raw material preparation such as mixing errors and inhomogeneity.

The other cup (93.1) is also very similar to the household ceramics in terms of its raw material (Fig. 5. 1). It also shows moderate amounts of very fine-grained inclusions (mainly quartz, potash feldspar and rare amounts of muscovite) just as do local household ceramics (Fig. 5. 2–3). Sparse amounts of fine-grained inclusions are also observed, but besides quartz and potash feldspar, plagioclase feldspar also appears. Medium or coarse argillaceous rock fragments are also present in sparse amounts. Inappropriate raw material preparation is observed in the form of cracks, but the fabric is denser and more uniform than that of the previous cup. Its raw material contains more very fine-grained inclusions, therefore the raw material of this cup may be different from that of the other cup (87.1). It must also be noted that this cup (93.1) also shows more similarity to the household ceramics than the other cup (87.1).

The raw materials of the above analyzed cups and archaic types show slight differences; a closer similarity in raw materials appears only in one case. This may be the result of the small number of archaic type vessels in the whole assemblage. It must be noted, however, that the raw materials of all the archaic as well as the assumedly imported vessels can be traced back to the raw materials of handmade ceramics. In the light of petrographic analysis the non-local origin of the examined, assumedly imported, cups is doubtful. The extensive similarities of their raw materials to local handmade ceramics may suggest that they were manufactured locally.

Interpretation: traditions in transition

After the Scythian type artefacts from the Carpathian Basin had been discovered in the 19th century (nyáry 1870; aSPelin 1877; hamPel 1893; reinecKe 1896; 1897), several attempts were made to differentiate between regional subgroups within the Carpathian Basin (fettich 1928, 1931; böhm–janKovich 1936; roSKa 1937; bottyán 1955; Párducz 1973). In this process a special attention was given to the Upper Tisza region. It was m. Párducz (1958, 63) who first suggested that the Szatmár Plain may have been the distribution area of the Nyírség group and this group was influenced by the Transcarpathian group. According to Párducz (1969, 84; 1971, Taf. I; 1973, 40, 46), the borderline between the Alföld and


SzabolcS czifra–attila Kreiter–Péter Pánczél

Fig. 5. Thin sections: 1: The matrix of the cup from Building 62/93. (Sample 93.1) and selection from similar fabrics; 2–3: barrel-shaped pots (Sample 19.1 and 23.4); 4: biconical vessel (Sample 23.61); 5: The matrix of the cup from Building 56/87. (Sample 87.1) and selection from similar fabrics; 6–8: barrel-shaped pots (Sample 60.7

and 85.3), bowl with inverted rim (Sample 94.39). All photos are +N.

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8


Typology versus petrography: analysis of unique Scythian Age cups from Nyírparasznya

Nyírség groups could be drawn along the line of Nyírmártonfalva–Nyíregyháza–Tiszalök. Unfortunately he did not elaborate on the characteristics of the relationship between the Alföld and Nyírség (elsewhere called the Upper Tisza) groups (Párducz 1973, 40, Karte 5). Nevertheless, he suggested some sort of intermingling and mixing between the Nyírség and Transcarpathian groups within the territory of the Nyírség group (Párducz 1971, 590). Later, other territories were also added to the distribution area of the Nyírség group. As a result, the whole Upper Tisza region was incorporated into one single subgroup (so called Sanislău-Nir/Alsótelekes-Sanislău/Szaniszló group) (németi 1982, 131–132; chochorowSKi 1985, 153). However, in the last few decades, the cultural influence of the Transcarpathian group on the northern periphery of the Great Hungarian Plain has been widely debated (bóna 1986, 42; bóna 1993, 94) and several researchers even questioned the existence of the Nyírség group (véKony 1986, 78; almáSSy 2004, 263).

More than 50 years have passed since the Nyírség group was outlined, but only a few Scythian Age sites have been identified in the periphery of the Nyírség (Scholtz 2007; Scholtz 2008; Kemenczei 2009, 142–157). Since the Iron Age settlement at Nyírparasznya lies exactly in this region, its archaeological assemblage is very important in the understanding of the cultural relationships of the Upper Tisza region.

The cultural influence of the Transcarpathian group was based on the domination of cremation burials in urns, the presence of tumuli and on the frequency of certain vessel types (e.g. barrel-shaped pots and cups with rooster comb-shaped handles) (Párducz 1958, 63; chochorowSKi 1985, 148). Although the different types of barrow burials (encircled graves, and graves with stone-ring) can be found on the whole territory of the Alföld group, they represent a unique burial rite, which have close analogies both in the Scythian World (Scholtz 2010, 300–301) and in the local Late Bronze Age cultures of north Hungary (Kemenczei 2009, 29).

The analysis of the Iron Age ceramic assemblage of Nyírparasznya sheds further light on another element of Párducz’s theory. Beyond the basic forms of the pottery tradition of the Alföld group, uncharacteristic vessel types are also documented in the ceramic assemblage (e.g. disk-shaped lid, miniature vessels and sieves), which were previously rare in the eastern part of the Carpathian Basin. Nonetheless, the ceramic material recovered from Nyírparasznya is not radically different from the characteristic domestic assemblage of the Alföld group. The results of thin section analysis correlate well with the typological observations: archaic type pottery and wheel-made vessels were more probably locally made from local raw materials and their raw materials could well be correlated with the raw materials of handmade household ceramics. Petrographic analysis also highlighted similarities between cups, which typologically seemed to be imported, and the other three ceramic groups (archaic, handmade, wheel-made) from Nyírparasznya. For this reason, we consider that the origin of the analyzed unique cups with rooster comb-shaped handle lies in the transformed, local Late Bronze Age pottery traditions. It must be mentioned that territories lying closer to the Carpathian Mountains (as the Upper Tisza region) were only indirectly influenced by fundamental cultural changes, which took place in the transitional period between the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages, and led to the formation of the so-called Mezőcsát-Group. Thus in east Slovakia, Carpathian Ukraine, and partly in east and northeast Hungary and Transylvania the Gáva culture continued to exist almost until the emergence of Scythian-influenced groups (PoPovich 1999, 137; metzner-nebelSicK 2000, 163; bóKa 2012, 153–154). In the light of the above, archaic type pottery – recorded not just across the broader Upper Tisza region but also from the eastern and southern periphery of the Great Hungarian Plain – suggests a more complex social and cultural relationship between the local Late Bronze Age Gáva and Kyjatice cultures and the Scythian communities than it has previously been assumed (Kemenczei 2007, 57).


SzabolcS czifra–attila Kreiter–Péter Pánczél


We owe a profound debt to Barbara Berecz for providing the right to publish her excavation. We are very grateful to Ágnes Kazsóki for the vessel drawings and to József Bicskei for the photographs. We would also like to thank Szilvia Romankovics and Zsolt Zsiga for the digital settlement maps.


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bottyán, á. 1955: Szkíták a magyar Alföldön [Scythians on the Great Hungarian Plain]. RégFüz 1, Budapest 1955.buchvaldeK, m.–liPPert, a.–Košnar, l. (ed.) 2007: Archeologický atlas pravěké Evropy – Archaeological atlas of

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Bader, TiBerius

71282 Hemmingen,Max Eyth Str. 12. Deutschlandtib.bader@web.de

Barkóczy, PéTer

University of Miskolc, Institute of Physical Metallurgy, Metalforming and Nanotechnology. Faculty of Materials Science and EngineeringH-3515 Miskolc-EgyetemvárosHungaryfembarki@uni-miskolc.hu

T. Biró, kaTalin

Hungarian National Museum H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 14–16.Hungary tbk@ace.hu

czajlik, zolTán Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Archaeological SciencesH-1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 4/B. Hungaryczajlik.zoltan@btk.elte.hu

czifra, szaBolcs Hungarian National Museum H-1113 Budapest, Daróci út 3.Hungaryczifra_sz@yahoo.com

Ďurkovič, Éva Archeologické múzeum SNMŽižkova 12810 06 Bratislava, SlovakiaP. O. BOX 13.durkoviceva@gmail.com

P. fisch, klára

University of Miskolc, Department of Archaeology and Prehistory H-3515 Miskolc-EgyetemvárosHungary fklari@gmail.com

fodor, istván

Hungarian National Museum H-1370 Budapest, Múzeum körút 14–16. Hungary fodor.istvan1943@gmail.com

furmánek, václav

Slovak Academy of SciencesInstitute of Archaeology Akademická 2.SK-94921 NitraSlovakiavaclav.furmanek@savba.sk

GuBa, szilvia

Kubinyi Ferenc MuseumH-3170, Szécsény, Ady Endre utca 7.Hungarygubaszilvi@gmail.com

Gyucha, aTTila Hungarian National MuseumH-1113 Budapest, Daróci út 3. Hungarygyuchaa@gmail.comThe Field Museum of Natural History1400 S Lake Shore Drive, 60605 Chicago, IL.USAagyucha@fieldmuseum.org

Gulyás, GyönGyi Ásatárs Ltd.H-6000 Kecskemét, Futár utca 12.Hungarygulyasgyongyi@freemail.hu

B. helleBrandT, maGdolna H-3534 Miskolc, Benedek utca 15. Hungaryhellebrandtmagdolna@mail.com

ilon, GáBor H-9730 Köszeg, Várkör 18. Hungaryilon.gabor56@gmail.com




Jankovits, kaTalin

Pázmány Péter Katholische UniversitätH-1088 Budapest, Mikszáth K. tér 1.Hungaryjankov@btk.ppke.hu

kacsó, carol carolkacso@yahoo.de

kantorovich, anatoliy robertovich

Lomonosov Moscow State University,Faculty of History Department of Archaeology11992, Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospekt, 27-4.Russiakantorovich@mail.ru

kienlin, ToBias l. Universität zu Köln, Institute für Ur- und Frühgeschichte50923 Köln, Weyertal 125.Deutschlandtkienlin@uni-koeln.de

kobal’, Josyp v. Transkarpatischen Regionalmuseum Uzgorod, Kapituljna 33.Ukrainekaisokj@gmail.com

kozbuková, anita

Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava Sk-814 99, Gondova StreetSlovakiaanitakozub@gmail.com

kovács, árpád University of Miskolc, Institute of Physical Metallurgy, Metalforming and Nano-technology. Faculty of Materials Science and EngineeringH-3515 Miskolc-EgyetemvárosHungaryfemkov@uni-miskolc.hu

kreiTer, aTTila Hungarian National Museum H-1113 Budapest, Daróci út 3.

Hungary attila.kreiter@gmail.com

lászló, aTTila Alexandru Ioan Cuza Universität Iaşi, Bd. Carol I. nr. 11. Rumänienarch_atticus@yahoo.com

lochner, michaela

Institut der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Institut für Orientalische und Europäische ArchäologieA-1010 Wien, Fleischmarkt 20-22.Österreich michaela.lochner@oeaw.ac.at

maráz, BorBála H-1025 Budapest, Krecsányi utca 5. Hungarybarb.maraz@gmail.com

Mitáš, vladiMír

Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Archaeology Akademická 2 SK-94921 Nitra, Slovakiavladimir.mitas@savba.sk

novinszki-GroMa, katalin

Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Archaeological SciencesH-1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 4/B. Hungarygroma.kata@gmail.com

novotná, Mária Katedra klasickej archeológieTrnavskej univerzity v TrnaveHornopotočná 23Sk-918 43 Trnava, Slovakianovotna.mar@gmail.com

Pánczél, PéTer

Hungarian National Museum H-1113 Budapest, Daróci út 3.Hungaryp.panczel@gmail.com



rezi, BoTond Mureș County MuseumRo-530428, Târgu Mureș, Mărăști Street 8/a. Romaniareziboti@yahoo.com

skakov, alexander Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences117036, Moscow, Dmitriya Ulyanova Street 19.Russiaskakov09@gmail.com

szaBó, miklós Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Archaeological SciencesH-1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 4/B. Hungaryarchinst@ludens.elte.hu

szaThmári, ildikó

Hungarian National Museum H-1370 Budapest, Múzeum körút 14–16. Hungary szi@hnm.hu

Tankó, károly MTA-ELTE Research Group for Interdisciplinary Archaeology H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/B. Hungarycsisztar@gmail.com

teržan, biba

Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta,Oddelek za arheologijoSLO-1000 Ljubljana, Zavetiša 5.Slovenialjubinka.terzan@ff.uni-lj.si

Török, Béla University of Miskolc, Institute of Metallurgical and Foundry Engineering, Faculty of Materials Science and EngineeringH-3515 Miskolc-EgyetemvárosHungarybela.torok@uni-miskolc.h

Trnka, Gerhard Universität WienInstitut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte A-1190 Wien, Franz Klein-GasseÖsterreich Gerhard.trnka@univie.ac.at

váczi, Gábor Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Archaeological SciencesH-1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 4/B.Hungaryvaczigabor@gmail.com

vörös, istván Hungarian National Museum H-1370 Budapest, Múzeum körút 14–16.Hungary voros.mnm@gmail.com



Druck: Kódex Könyvgyártó Kft., Budapest

Verantwortlicher Leiter: Attila Marosi
