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Welcome to Video #1

300 Internet Marketers

Who Is Brian G. Johnson

A Professional Internet Marketer Who Makes a 6 Digit Figure Annually With Affiliate Marketing Alone

Brian Has Also Made a High 6 Digit Figure By Creating His Own Products

Brian Has Helped Thousands Of People Make A Full Time Living Online

I Am Working With Brian Johnson DirectlyI Have Been A Part Of All Of His Online CoursesBrian Is The Real Deal- His Techniques Are Tested

and Proven While Other Products Are Theories To Make Money Online.

Some Of Brian Johnson’s Screenshots

Brian’s Web Hosting Commissions

Domain Sales


These screenshots aren’t posted here to show off

Brian posted these to show that “THIS REALLY WORKS”

Brian G. Johnson is in the trenches using these methods that will be taught in 300 Internet Marketers

My Story

I Was Working 60+ Hours A Week At A Dead End Job I Worked In A Mailroom Gave My Blood, Sweat and Tears I Was Disliked By My New Boss Overtime Was Cut Because My Boss Said I Didn’t

Deserve the OvertimeWas Constantly Competing With Ass Kissers

My Story Continued

Since I Couldn’t Survive On The Salary I Was Making I Looked Into Other Ways To Make Money

Started To Look For A 2nd and 3rd JobLooked Into Making Money Online

My Story Continued

The Job That I Had Before Was In Entertainment

Lots Of Fun, But Low PayI Needed To Make Extra Money Somehow

My Story Continued

I Was Burned By A MLM Company Before And Didn’t Want To Get Involved In A “Make A Million Dollars In Less Than A Year” Hype

I Only Wanted To Make $100 A Month With Internet Marketing. (talk about low expectations)

I Found Brian Johnson On YouTubeHe Spoke About Making $100,000 A Year

($100k seemed much easier to digest than $1 Million Dollars)

My Story

I Bought Revenue Domains ExposedThe Best Part Is Brian Answered All Of His

EmailsI Began Applying The Methods He SuggestedI Was Taking Action And Making MistakesI Eventually Began Perfecting The System

That Brian Johnson Laid Out


I Was Laid Off From My Crappy JobI Make A Full Time Living Online I Work In My Pajamas

My Work Schedule

Wake Up At 8AMEat Breakfast and Drink CoffeeCheck Emails and Respond To EmailsWatch The Price is Right at 10AMBegin Working Go For A Hike With My WifeWatch The Sunset From The Highest Hilltop

In My Neighborhood

While Doing Taxes It Dawned On Me

After Taxes I Was Only Making $65 A Day Working At A Dead End Job

I Drove 55 Miles Daily and Spent 3 Hours In The Car Every Day

That’s 15 Hours a Week In My Car!

The Price Of Gas Was Killing Me

Today As I Create This Gas In Los Angeles is $3.79 A Gallon

I Spent $160 A Month On GasI Was Too Afraid To QuitOnce The Pressure Was On To Make A Full

Time Living From Home, It Didn’t Take LongI Make A Lot More Money Now Than I Did At

My 9-5

The Time Is Now

I’m Not Saying To Go Out and Quit Your Job Today

Begin Learning How To Make Money OnlineTake ActionHave Belief In Yourself and Brian Johnson’s


See You In Video #2

Welcome to Video #2

300 Internet Marketers

What Is 300 Internet Marketers Going To Teach?

The Spartan 6 Figure Affiliate BlueprintLive Weekly Webinars With Brian JohnsonThese Webinars Will Go From April to JuneEstablishing A Solid Foundation To Create A

Successful Business

6 Figure Blueprint

Brian Johnson Has Made Just About Every Mistake In The Book in His 10+ Years Of Marketing

Brian Will Help You Avoid Those PitfallsWhether You’re New To Marketing Or An

ExpertBrian Will Show You All Of The Things You

Need To Do To Set Up A Perfectly SEO Optimized Website

I’ve Had Websites Rank In The Top 10 Within Weeks Using This System


I Became An Affiliate For A Friend’s CompanyBuilt A Website Using Brian’s TechniquesSearch Result Gets 27,000 Monthly SearchesGoogle Has Over 205 Million ResultsWas In The Top 10 Within A WeekHe Hired Me To Do SEO For His CompanyI Also Make Commissions Promoting His Products


What Brian Will Show You

Proper Keyword ResearchProper Niche SelectionSEO TechniquesWhat Sort Of Products Are Good To PromoteWhat Plugins To UseHow To Start Making Money ASAP

In Order To Succeed

You Need To Learn To Walk FirstBrian Will Cover All The Basic FundamentalsProper Link Building TechniquesWhat Sort Of Tools Brian UsesHow To Use The Tools In 300 Internet

Marketers and more

What Tools Will Come With 300 Internet Marketers?

Wordpress Theme – FlexsqueezeI Use Flexsqueeze for 99% of My SitesEasy To UseCreate Different Looking Templates Every

TimeGoogle Video Sitemap Plugin

Helps Sites Rank With Minimal Effort3 Month Access To Blogging Underground –

Example Next Slide

Aidan Booth

Aidan Booth Is Brian Johnson’s Most Successful Students

He Raked In Over $25,000 in 2 Months On Halloween Costumes

Aidan Is Promoting 300 Internet MarketersWhen Promoting Products For Others You

Will Have CompetitorsI’ve Talked With Aidan About SEOWhy Did Aidan Booth Outrank Me?

He Built Backlinks Using Blogging Underground

Blogging Underground Gives You Access To Other People’s Blogs

Create Content and Add A BacklinkThe Best Part Is Nobody Else Can Build

Backlinks Where Your Backlinks Are Without Blogging Underground

Aidan’s Sites Were In The Top 3Mine Was In 5th PlaceI Didn’t Use Blogging Underground

Spartan 6 Figure Blueprint

Also Includes: Core ManualsVideosMindmapsEverything Brian Has Done To Dominate

Online and Make A Ton Of Money300 Internet Marketers Will Also Include A

Private Members Forum- Huge Piece Of The Puzzle

Members Forum Will Make Sure You Stay The Course

See You In Video #3

Welcome to Video #3

300 Internet Marketers

After The Spartan 90 Days Course

We’ll Move Into The “Live No Pitch Experts Webinar With Industry Leaders”

These Pitches Have Been A Huge Success For Internet Marketers and Have Been Gaining A Ton Of Attention

These Webinars Usually Charge $1,000The Speakers Are Going To Be Amazing

Here Are Some Of The Speakers

Alex GoadJames J. JonesKevin RogersDaniel Morley (Brian’s Clickbank Rep)Many More

How These Meetings Help People

They Show You Different Perspectives Of Internet Marketing

Jay Boyer Was A Struggling Marketer That Attended One Of These Sessions

Jay Is Now Making $10,000 MonthlyHe Swears That If It Wasn’t For One Of These

Sessions That He’d Still Be Struggling

I’m A Sucker For These Types Of Webinars

I Buy Just About Every Panel WebinarI Download Them To My Iphone and Listen To

Them in My CarYou Never Know When That “One Interview”

Will Trigger Something To Make You RichYou Also Learn About All The Other

Marketing Techniques Out There

If You Belong To My Email List

You Received My Building Mini Sites Course For Free

I Also Included An Interview With One Of The Speakers On This Panel

If You Haven’t Signed Up For My Email List, Head Over To 300internetmarketer.com

One Last Thing

If You Purchase 300 Internet Marketers Through My Affiliate Link I Will Be Giving Away Big Bonuses

This Will Be The Biggest Bonus AvailableI Won’t Reveal My Bonus Until 24 Hours

Before Launch Of 300 Internet MarketersIt Will Be Extremely Limited

See You In Video #4

Welcome to Video #4

300 Internet Marketers

Live Case Study From Brian

Watch Over Brian Johnson’s Shoulder While He Releases An Internet Product To The Public

Brian Has Had Some EXTREMELY Successful Product Launches

Revenue Domains Exposed Was Brian’s First Product

1st Product Did OK

More Products From Brian

SEO Press Formula Was Brian’s 2nd ProductSold Pretty WellCommission Ritual Was a Top 10 Smash On

Clickbank.comAuto Content Cash Was Another Top 10

Smash On Clickbank- Brian’s Biggest and Most Successful Product

Halloween Super Affiliate Sold Well Too (Limited Amount Of People Accepted Into This Course)

How Did He Succeed?

Brian Leveraged His Products Through JV Notify Pro

What Is JV Notify Pro? An Online Forum and An Active Email List

Where People Promote Other People’s Products Online

Brian Collected Email Addresses For The 2 Products He Created In The Beginning

Brian Began Promoting Other People’s Products A.K.A. JV Partnerships

How Did Brian Promote?

Promoted To His Email ListCreated A Website That Was SEO OptimizedCreated A Killer Bonus If You Bought The

Product Through Brian’s Affiliate LinkThese Results Got Him In The Top 10 As A JV

AffiliateOther Product Creators Took NoticeBrian Was Contacted By Other Product


The Results

“You Promote My Product and I’ll Promote Your Product”

Once Brian’s Product Launched, Others Began Emailing Like Crazy

The Results = Successful CampaignsJV Partnerships Is A “Give and Take

Relationship”Brian Will Show You Exactly How He Did It

Want To Find Out More?

Want To Hear More Of Brian’s Story On How He’s Succeeded In Becoming A Top 10 JV Affiliate?

Sign Up For My Email Listhttp://300internetmarketer.comAfter Signing Up, Hit Reply To The First

Email That Is Sent To YouAdd In Title: Send Brian’s MP3 and I’ll Send

It Out

This MP3 Interview Is Limited

This Is Extremely LimitedWhy? This Is Part Of An Interview Product

That I Will Be Releasing SoonOnly 5 Copies Of The MP3 Recordings Will Be

ReleasedIf You’re Already Signed Up To My Email List,

Just Hit Reply To One Of My Emails and Fill In The Title

My Bonus

My Bonus For 300 Internet Marketers Will Be Revealed Soon

This Bonus Will Be LimitedThis Will Be The Best Bonus Around

See You In Video #5

Welcome to Video #5

300 Internet Marketers

Let’s Go Over Some Of The Stuff Offered

Flexsqueeze TemplateAccess To Blogging UndergroundVideo Site Plugin- Helps With RankingsPrivate ForumManualsVideosReportsWeekly Webinars

Are You Ready To Hear About My Bonus?

Next Video I Will Reveal One Of The Biggest Bonuses Available

This Bonus Will Be Extremely LimitedThis Bonus Is On A First Come First Serve

BasisSign Up To 300 Internet Marketers Through

My Affiliate Link To Receive My Bonus

See You In Video #6- The Bonus Video

Welcome to Video #6

300 Internet Marketers

Are You Ready To Hear About My Bonuses?

If You Sign Up For 300 Internet Marketers Through My Affiliate Link, You Will Have The Opportunity To Receive My Ultimate Bonus

Before I Reveal This Bonus To The Public, I Have To Stress The Fact That I Am Only Allowed To Give This Bonus To The First 5 People Who Sign Up

This Isn’t Some Sort Of GimmickLIMITED TO 5 PEOPLE

I Spoke To Brian

I Spoke To Brian and Talked To Him About My Bonus Package

Brian Has Helped Me To Make This Bonus One Of The Biggest Ones Out There

March 29th 300 Internet Marketers Is Scheduled To Open

This Product Is Going To Fill Up VERY FASTThese Bonuses Are On A First Come First

Served Basis

Are You Ready???

Drum Roll Please……….

Bonus #1

Revenue Domains ExposedThis Was Brian Johnson’s First CourseShows You How To Find Inexpensive and Old

Domain Names And Turn Them Into Cash Cows

My Personal Experience: Bought One Domain For $100, Built A Website And Within 1 Month I Was Ranking In The Top 10 For The Keyword Italian Leather

I Made My $100 Back In Less Than 1 Month

Bonus #2

SEO Press FormulaThis Was The Course That Took My

Marketing To The Next LevelAfter 60 Days Of Using This Course I Began

Making Money On AutopilotThe Sites I Built Back Then Are Still Making

Me Money Today

Bonus #3

SEO Press Formula 60 Day ChallengeBrian and I Have Been Working Together To

Revamp This ChallengeThis Course Helped Me Get My Butt Into

Gear And Take ActionThe Sites I Built Back Then Still Make Me

Money Today

Bonus #4

My Search Engine Domination Video CourseI’ll Show You Everything You Need To

Completely Dominate The Top 10 Of Google For Multiple Money Making Keywords

Domination Means Owning The Top 10 Of Google

Learn How To Make That Magical $100 A Day and More

Bonus #5

The A-Z Guide To OutsourcingThis Is Everything You Need To Know To

Begin Outsourcing Right AwayI’ll Show You How To Find Full Time

Assistants For As Little As $250 a Month!How To Manage An Outsource TeamHow To Get Projects Running On Complete

Auto Pilot

Bonus #6

My Domination Niche Formula CourseComplete Guide On How I Make Money On A

Daily BasisOutsource Training Videos That You Can

Hand Your Outsource Team So You Don’t Have To Train Them Yourselves

Bonus #7

100 Wordpress ThemesYou Can Never Have Enough Wordpress

ThemesDifferent Styles, Different LooksSimple Optin Pages To Whatever Style You

WantFlexsqueeze Is Good, But Sometimes You

Might Want Your Site To Look Very Different From What Flexsqueeze Offers

Bonus #8

How To Clone Your Wordpress SitesA Complete Guide That Will Save You

Countless HoursNo Fancy Software NeededClone Your Sites And Add New Content Build Wordpress Sites QuickerHelps You To Save Hours

Let’s Review The Bonuses

Revenue Domains Exposed -$57SEO Press Formula -$47SEO Press Formula 60 Day Challenge -$47S.E.D. Marketing Video Course - $27A-Z Guide To Outsourcing - $10Domination Niche Formula - $47100 Wordpress Themes - $250How To Clone Wordpress Sites -$47

Overall Total

Overall Total = $532.00One Last Thing To AddOne On One Coaching With Me For The

Search Engine Domination Course and Domination Niche Formula

This Total Comes Out To $998.98 In Awesome Bonuses

This Is Limited To 5 Customers

Why Only 5?I Am Currently Selling My Own Products And

Need To Keep Them LimitedI Am Only Able To Coach 5 PeopleThis Will Help Me Keep To My Promise Of

Helping You

What Do I Need To Do

The Second 300 Internet Marketers Opens You Need To Sign Up

Make Sure You Cleared All Of Your Cookies Before Buying

To delete cookies go to: tools>options>privacy>show cookies>remove cookies

Go To http://300internetmarketer.comClick The Giant “Sign Up Here” ButtonSign Up

The Next Step

Forward Your Receipt To david@dominationnicheformula.com

I’ll Send You The Bonuses A.S.A.P.Questions? Email Me At

david@dominationnicheformula.comOr Call Me at (323) 301-8219I Will Be By My Phone and Email From 7AM-

5PM PST On 3/29 To Answer Any Questions

Thank You