7 Ways to Make a Bio Bang



Just like with other forms of content marketing, it’s all about the right spin. If you need to write about yourself and don’t know where to start, follow me through these 7 tips that can make a bio bang.

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No  ma&er  which  side  of  the  divide  you  fall  on,  chances  are  you’ll  need  to  write  a  bio  at  some  point.  

•   In  a  small  business,  you’re  not  just  selling  a  brand,  you’re  selling  yourself!  •   Giving  your  clients  a  face  and  a  name  to  connect  to  the  business  builds  trust.  •   If  you  have  a  blog,  you’ll  need  to  have  a  bio  for  the  bo&om  of  your  posts.  

Writing a bio is NOT difficult!

A  bio  is  more  than  just  a  list  of  your  accomplishments  –  it’s  not  a  resume  or  a  CV.  To  help  you  write  the  best  bio  possible,  remember  this:  

Just  like  your  kindergarten  teacher  said,  YOU  are  unique.  There’s  something  in  everybody  that  makes  them  their  own  special  snowflake;  you  don’t  want  to  be  just  another  CEO,  or  writer,  or  accountant.  You  want  to  be  YOU.  The  good  news?    At  least  you  don’t  have  to  do  any  research  on  the  subject!  

It’s  not  all  about  work.  

A  bio  is  supposed  to  be  a  snippet  of  who  you  are  as  a  person,  and  who  you  are  goes  beyond  your  work.  

A  great  way  to  start  with  this  is  to  think  about  polite  cocktail  conversaPon.  The  conversaPon  might  start  with  work,  but  generally  branches  out  into  more  topical  subjects.  You  don’t  want  to  go  on  and  on  about  your  hobbies,  but  a  sentence  or  two  goes  a  long  way.  

•   What  do  you  do  on  weekends?  •   Do  you  have  a  family?  •   Where  do  you  live?  •   Do  you  have  any  unusual  hobbies?    

Keep  it  Uniform  

Bios  can  be  wri&en  in  first  person  or  third  person  as  you  like.  Just  remember  to  keep  it  uniform  across  all  bios  featured  on  your  site.  

If  you  are  uncomfortable  with  promoPng  yourself,  third-­‐person  allows  you  to  put  more  “distance”  between  yourself  and  the  subject  (which  is  you).  First  person  is  more  conversaPonal  and  is  generally  assumed  to  have  been  wri&en  by  the  subject  (again,  you),  so  be  careful  with  the  bragging!  

No  ma&er  which  you  choose,  make  sure  that  your  bio  and  your  colleagues’  bios  are  all  wri&en  in  the  same  tense,  otherwise  it  looks  unprofessional.  

Watch  your  adjecPves  

AdjecPves  make  a  difference  in  the  way  your  bio  is  perceived.  Two  bios  with  the  same  content  yet  different  adjecPves  can  be  very  different,  indeed!  

Be  parPcularly  careful  with  adjecPves  if  you  are  wriPng  in  first-­‐person,  as  too  many  of  the  bombasPc  variety  can  come  across  as  pig-­‐headed.  No  ma&er  what  tense  you’re  using,  avoid  “the  best”  or  “the  most,”  since  these  are  adjecPves  that  are  impossible  to  quanPfy.  

On  the  other  hand,  don’t  avoid  adjecPves  altogether  –  like  with  most  kinds  of  wriPng,  adjecPves  make  sentences  interesPng  to  read.  You  wouldn’t  speak  without  adjecPves;  don’t  write  without  them!  

Update.  Update.  Update.  

Life  changes.  Things  move  around.    People  evolve.  Make  sure  you  take  the  Pme  to  update  your  bio  at  least  once  a  year  for  best  results.  

This  is  parPcularly  true  if  you  include  things  like  interview  links    or  references  to  awards  in  your  bio.  Of  course,  if  you  win  a  Nobel  Peace  Prize,  that’s  an  ageless  award,  but  generally  it’s  best  to  keep  menPons  of  awards  on  a  two-­‐year  basis  unless  they’re  seminal.  

Even  if  you  don’t  include  interviews/awards,  it’s  a  good  idea  to  freshen  things  up  at  least  once  a  year.  Doubtless,  something  has  changed  in  your  life  over  the  span  of  a  year!    

Use  a  picture.  

No,  you  might  not  be  photogenic.  However,  people  do  have  a  trust  reacPon  when  they  can  see  the  face  of  the  business  owner  they’re  working  with.  

The  disadvantage  of  online  business  is  that  you  don’t  physically  interact  with  the  client,  and  it’s  enPrely  possible  you’ll  never  stand  face-­‐to-­‐face.  Trust  factor  goes  up  when  customers  can  see  a  human  face.  

It’s  best  if  you  can  get  your  picture  taken  professionally  with  high-­‐quality  equipment.  Consider  going  to  a  studio  or  finding  a  freelance  photographer  for  best  results  –  you  don’t  want  your  professional  bio  to  be  accompanied  by  a  grainy  photo.  

Get  an  outside  opinion.  

Write  your  bio.  Show  it  to  your  friends.  This  might  be  the  most  important  step  of  the  process.  

Yes,  it  might  be  awkward  to  admit  to  your  friends  and  family  that  you  sat  around  for  an  hour  and  slaved  over  five  sentences  about  yourself,  but  assuming  that  you  have  friends  and  family  that  know  your  personality  and  accomplishments,  the  advice  they’ll  give  will  be  invaluable.  

Your  friends  can  tell  you  whether  you  need  to  tone  it  down,  pump  it  up,  or  add  more  personality.  Don’t  be  shy,  now.  

Don’t  overthink  it.    

A  bonus  Pp:  if  you’re  sidng  around  for  three  hours  sweaPng  blood,  you’re  thinking  about  it  too  hard.  

RealisPcally,  a  “long”  bio  shouldn’t  be  over  200  words,  unless  you  have  some  incredibly  compelling  reason  to  write  a  novel.  WriPng  200  words  shouldn’t  take  you  more  than  an  hour  –  it  might  help  to  set  a  Pmer  to  keep  you  on  track.  

Of  course,  once  the  Pmer  goes  off,  stop.  
