Case Studies: Hotel, Airline, NTO and TravelProduct Adver6sers

Studie Cases

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Case  Studies:  Hotel,  Airline,  NTO  and  Travel-­‐Product  Adver6sers  

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Holiday  Inn’s  Kids  EAT  &  STAY  Free  Campaign  Holiday  Inn  Hotels  in  the  US  and  Canada  help  families  save  on  travel  by  offering  free  meals  and  accommoda;ons  to  their  kids  as  long  as  they’re  with  their  parents  

Execu6on  Equally  eye-­‐catching  and  beau;fully  designed  Leaderboard  (728x90)  banners  were  rotated  evenly  on  all  Wego  Homepages.  The  promo  messages  “Kids  Stay  &  Eat  FREE”  were  heavily  employed.  


A  total  of  51,729  impressions  were  delivered  with  results  to  0.43%  CTR.  Users  from  the  United  States,  Philippines  and  Singapore  have  the  highest  click  throughs.  

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Marina  Bay  Sands’  Autumn  Special  

Over-­‐all  Results:  0.15%  Open  Rate  

0.13%  CTR  

AU  Subscribers:  16.01%  Open  Rate  

0.87%  CTR  

SG  Subscribers:  27.43%  Open  Rate  

1.82%  CTR  

Campaign  As  part  of  their  marke;ng  launch  efforts,  Marina  Bay  Sands  wanted  to  pique  the  interest  of  visitors  to  Singapore  par;cularly  from  Malaysia,  Indonesia,  Australia  and  India  

Execu6on  A  customized,  well-­‐designed  email  blast  with  value-­‐worth  efforts  were  sent  to  Wego  Subscribers  from  Singapore,  Australia,  India,  Indonesia  and  Malaysia  

Results  An  average  general  CTR  of  1.15%  for  the  EDM,  with  19.46%  open  rate  was  garnered.  Australians  and  Singaporeans  were  the  ones  mostly  interested  in  the  offer  in  terms  of  opening  the  email  offer  

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Accor’s  3  Day  Super  Sale  

Hotels  Homepage  Leaderboard:  0.68%  CTR  

Campaign  To  push  it’s  Hotel  Room  bookings  in  Asia-­‐Pacific,  Accor  held  a  3-­‐Day  Super  Sale.  

Execu6on  Wego  blocked  over  80,000  impressions  for  standard  banner  placements.  About  60%  SOV  was  secured  for  the  campaign  period.  All  Featured  Deals  edi;ons  also  displayed  the  exci;ng  promo  message.  

Results  An  average  of  0.43%  CTR  was  accumulated  by  all  placements.  Among  the  banners,  the  Leaderboard  (728x90)  has  the  highest  CTR  at  0.68%.  The  Featured  Deal  has  also  accumulated  a  total  of  368  clicks  for  all  edi;ons  –  AU,  SG,  HK,  MY,  PH  &  ID.  

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Asiarooms’  CNY  EDM  &  CaZish  

Hotel  Details’  CaZish:                      

0.74%  CTR  

Campaign  Asiaroom’s  launched  a  tac;cal  campaign  aimed  driving  awareness  of  exclusive  holiday  offerings  in  MY,  ID,  TH  and  AU  des;na;ons.  

Execu6on  Targeted  to  SG,  MY  and  HK  users,  a  Caeish  placement  was  u;lized  for  two  weeks.  This  placement  is  located  Airfares  and  Hotels  Details  pages,  two  of  the  highest  viewed  pages.  Finally,  an  EDM  was  also  sent  to  SG  subscribers.  

Results  The  placement  resulted  to  0.69%  average  CTR.  Users  from  Malaysia  were  the  ones  most  interested  in  the  ad  at  0.85%  CTR.  Almost  13,000  SG  subscribers  also  received  the  EDM,  which  resulted  to  20.32%  Open  Rate,  and  3.67%  CTR.  

SG  Subscribers:  20.32%  Open  Rate  

3.67%  CTR  

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Air  Asia’s  8  Years  Anniversary  Promo  

Flights  Spotlight:  0.79%  CTR  

Campaign  Air  Asia  celebra;ng  its  8  wonderful  years  in  the  industry  celebrated  a  limited  promo;on    “all  fares  from  SGD28”  special  deal  for  Asian  Routes  

Execu6on  Wego  ran  standard  size  banners  across  the  site.  Air  Asia  also  took  the  Flights  Spotlight  placement  to  heavily  promote  its  campaign.  The  Flights  Spotlight  is  located  on  top  of  the  flights  search  results.  

Results  Standard  size  banners  resulted  to  0.42%  CTR,  while  Flights  Spotlight  has  0.79%  CTR.  Users  from  Singapore,  Indonesia,  Malaysia  and  Australia  were  among  who  generated  the  highest  click-­‐throughs.  

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Lu]hansa’s  Early  Bird  Campaign  

Flights  Spotlight:  0.74%  CTR  

Campaign  Lughansa  encourages  travelers  to  book  early  to  push  sales  on  flights  from  Singapore  to  Europe,  par;cularly  to  Munich  and  Frankfurt  

Execu6on  To  highlight  the  Early  Bird  Campaign,  Wego  has  provided  the  Flights  Spotlight.  Targeted  Ads  were  also  delivered  to  Singaporean  users  search  for  Europe  flights,  including  a  special  deal  in  the  Singapore  Deals  Page  

Results  The  Flights  Spotlight  placement  garnered  0.74%  CTR.  All  other  placements  have  an  average  CTR  of  0.76%  with  the  Skyscraper  in  the  Flights  Search  Results  accumula;ng  1.38%  CTR.  Over  200  clicks  for  the  Featured  Deal  was  also  recorded  during  the  campaign  period  (8  to  30  Nov)  

Skyscraper:  1.34%  CTR  

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Lu]hansa’s  European  Sale  EDM  

MY  Subscribers:    5%  CTR  

Campaign  Lughansa  offers  key  ci;es  in  SEA  for  cheap  flights  to  their  EU  des;na;ons.  

Execu6on  Lughansa  sponsored  a  customized  EDM  to  Wego  subscribers  from  Singapore,  Malaysia,  Indonesia  and  Philippines  


An  overall  2.77%  CTR  and  an  open  rate  of  17.44%  for  the  key  markets  targeted.    Malaysia  and  Singapore  have  shown  a  high  interest  to  the  marke;ng  promo;on  at  19%  open  rate.    In  addi;on,  the  offer  from  Lughansa  seem  to  have  appealed  more  to  Malaysian  users  at  5%  CTR.  

Mail  Open  Rate:  17.44%  Overall:  2.77%  CTR  

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TWA’s  Extraordinary  Perth  Campaign  Campaign  Tourism  Western  Australia  launched  their  branding  campaign  promo;ng  Extraordinary  Perth  to  users  in  Singapore.  

Execu6on  Various  ROS  banners  and  Flights  Homepage  placements  were  targeted  to  SG  users.  Moreover,  newly  launched  TVC  ad  unit  provided  an  innova;ve  and  media-­‐rich  adver;sing  to  Wego  users  in  SG.  The  TVC  can  be  played  only  once  to  make  it  less  obtrusive.  

Results  Flights’  Homepage  Leaderboard  provided  prominent  presence  to  the  campaign  and  garnered  a  CTR  of  0.56%.  The  30-­‐sec  TVC  was  seen  by  over  14,000  unique  visitors  of  Wego  in  SG  and  has  produced  an  average  CTR  of  0.61%  

Flights  HP:    0.56%  CTR    

TVC:  0.61%  CTR  *for  a  demo,  please  check  


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Malaysia  Airline’s  Travel  Fair  Campaign  Campaign  Malaysia  Airlines  organized  a  week-­‐long  travel  fair  to  promote  its  low  fares  on  Kuala  Lumpur-­‐origina;ng  flights.  

Execu6on  Due  to  the  promo’s  ;me-­‐sensi;vity,  the  Caeish  was  employed  at  100%  SOV  to  MY  users.  In  addi;on,  an  ROS  Leaderboard  placement  was  also  used  to  generate  awareness  about  the  promo.  Both  of  these  placements  provided  the  necessary  prominence  in  the  Wego  site.  

Results  Ager  a  week  long  online  campaign,  the  MATF  Caeish  placement  has  accumulated  0.60%  average  CTR.  The  ROS  Leaderboard  also  produced  good  results  at  1.16%  CTR.  

CaZish:  0.60%  Ave  CTR  

ROS  Leaderboard:  1.16%  CTR  

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Malaysia  Airline’s  MATTA  Fair  Campaign  Campaign  Following  the  MATF  Campaign,  the  MAS  and  Malaysian  Associa;on  of  Tour  &  Travel  Agents  (MATTA)  held  it’s  annual  MATTA  Fair,  with  MAS  as  one  of  the  supporters.  

Execu6on  Wego  introduced  the  Premium  Leaderboard  at  100%  SOV  as  this  is  a  prominent  placement  for  short-­‐period  campaigns.  Other  placements  for  this  follow-­‐up  campaign  includes  ROS  Mrec  and  ROS  Leaderboard  

Results  The  Premium  Leaderboard  accumulated  a  good  CTR  of  0.59%.  The  Premium  and  Featured  Textlinks  also  did  well  and  produced  a  0.66%  average  CTR  for  this  campaign.  

Premium  Leaderboard:  0.59%  CTR  

Premium  &  Featured  Textlink:  0.66%  Ave  CTR  

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Tune  Hotel’s  Branding  Promo6on  Campaign  Tune  Hotels  promoted  their  various  SEA  and  London  hotel  proper;es  through  a  branding  campaign  using  various  crea;ves.  

Execu6on  Tune  Hotels  have  Des;na;on-­‐targeted  Banner  Placements  on  Wego’s  Hotels  and  Flights  search  pages.  These  banners  would  appear  in  key  ci;es  where  Tune  Hotels  are  located,  i.e.,  Kuala  Lumpur,  Bali,  Penang,  London,  Singapore,  etc.  

Results  Over  all  the  campaign  produced  a  0.68%  Average  CTR.  Tune  Hotel  banners  for  Penang  searches  proved  to  be  popular  at  0.94%  CTR,  followed  by  Kuching  and  Kuala  Lumpur  at  0.89%  and  0.83%  Average  CTR,  respec;vely.  

Overall  Results:  0.68%  Ave  CTR  

Penang  Searches:    0.94%  CTR  

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Hilton  Hotel’s  Great  Getaway  Campaign  Campaign  Hilton  Hotels  is  promo;ng  its  Great  Getaway  campaign  by  offering  up  to  40%  off  on  room  rates  to  its  worldwide  poreolio  of  hotels.  

Execu6on  The  campaign  used  the  Hotel  Deals  using  Featured  and  Top  10  Deal  placements.  The  offer  is  changed  weekly  and  thieplacements  are  shown  in  the  7  key  markets  inside  Wego,  plus  partner  sites  such  as  Yahoo  SEA,  De;k  Travel,  News.Com.AU,        eBay  Travel  and  ViaSingapore.com.  

Results  The  placement  has  produced  over  5,600  clicks  ager  the  campaign.  Two-­‐thirds  of  the  clicks  of  the  campaign  come  from  the  Indonesia  site.  Hilton  has  gained  addi;onal  exposure  by  being  part  of  the  Featured  Deals.    

1,910  clicks  from  ID  Market  Hilton  gained  addi6onal  conversions  from  the  

Distribu6on  Partners  exposure    

Featured  Deals:  3,000+  clicks  in  less  than  a  month  

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Celcom  Broadband’s  Instanet  Campaign  An  awareness  campaign  with  “No  Frills,  Internet  Access”  as  their  main  selling  point,  Celcom  Broadband’s  Instanet  launched  their  campaign  targe;ng  travellers  to  Malaysia.  

Execu6on  This  campaign  has  u;lized  Wego’s  ad  targe;ng  capabili;es.  Animated  Instanet  banners  are  displayed  across  the  Wego  site  to  users  searching  for  hotels  in,  flights  to,  and  even  packages  and  travel  deals  for  Malaysia.  

Results  The  placement  has  produced  over  200,000  impressions  in  less  than  two  months.  Users  from  neighboring  Indonesia,  and  even  Australia  searching  for  Malaysian  Des;na;ons  have  produced  the  highest  CTR.      

Indonesia:  0.27%  CTR  Australia:  0.28%  CTR  

Overall  Results:  0.23%  Ave  CTR  

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TNZ’s  South  Island  Promo6on  Campaign  Tourism  New  Zealand  launched  a  campaign  to  promote  NZ’s  South  Island  Des;na;on  and  to  boost  their  Facebook  Fan  Page.  

Execu6on  Singapore  users  were  en;ced  to  “like”  the  TNZ  FB  Fan  Page  and  submit  their  contact  details  for  a  lucky  draw  to  win  an  iPad.  Premium  and  exclusive  home  page  placement,  display  banners  and  Wego’s  social  media  network  were  u;lized  to  support  this  promo;on.  

Results  More  than  3,500  Singapore  unique  users  visited  the  promo  site,  while  over  700  entries  were  received.  Social  media  has  also  proven  to  be  a  great  marke;ng  support  where  40%    of  incoming  traffic  came  from  Twiner  &  Facebook  promo;ons.  

ROS  Banners:    0.36%  CTR    

Homepage  Placement:    0.39%  CTR    

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TNSW  &  SIA  Promo  for  Families  Campaign  Tourism  New  South  Wales,  in  partnership  with  Singapore  Airlines,  promoted  des;na;on  packages  for  Wego  Newslener  subscribers.  

Execu6on  A  customized  EDM  was  sent  out  to  over  31,000  subscribers  in  Singapore.  


Ager  a  week,  an  overall  1.30%  CTR  and  an  open  rate  of  22.77%  was  recorded  for  the  the  Singaporean  subscribers  

Mail  Open  Rate:  17.44%  Overall:  2.77%  CTR  

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Thank  You  

 Nuniek �Head of Sales in Indonesia�[email protected]�+62 817 0159 311�+62 9438 4740�+62 21 2557 1683�Skype : nuniek59��Wisma Metropolitan II, 6th Floor �Jl.Jend Sudirman Kav.29-31�Jakarta 12920��