Creating Change in a Digital World

2012 Abundance

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Given as a key note at the Alliance of Mid-South nonprofits in Memphis, TN

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Creating Change in a Digital World

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I have an agenda

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Social technologies provide us with the tools to access an abundance of resources.

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70 countries

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$2.5 billion

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1. Open data

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2. Ability to congregate

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3. You

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Thank you!

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Please! Contact me:

Marnie Webb- [email protected] Work: http://www.techsoupglobal.org - Twitter: @webb- Delicious: http://www.delicious.com/ext337

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Books• Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff• Anna Karenina by Leon Tolstoy • Here Comes Everybody by Clay Shirky• Networked Nonprofit by Beth Kanter and Allison


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Web• NetSquared from TechSoup Global• Beth’s Blog from Beth Kanter• #nptech tweets on Twitter• Networking on the Network by Phil Agre• Nonprofit Social Media 101 wiki from TechSoup


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Twitter• @kanter• @rachelannyes• @ntenhross• @rootwork• @techsoup• @amyrsward

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• Food Desert Locatorhttp://www.ers.usda.gov/data/fooddesert/fooddesert.html

• UK Online Centreshttp://www.ukonlinecentres.com/

• TechSoup Globalhttp://www.techsoupglobal.org

• I Love Mountainshttp://ilovemountains.org

• SeeClickFixhttp://www.seeclickfix.com

• DC Central Kitchenhttp://www.dccentralkitchen.org/

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• Youth center began as a Safewayhttp://articles.sfgate.com/2006-01-26/entertainment/17277231_1_east-oakland-health-center-offer-views

• Youth Uprisinghttp://youthuprising.org/

• OpenDataPhillyhttp://opendataphilly.org/

• Phind It For Mehttp://phinditfor.me/

• Twitter Search Results for homeless+memphishttps://twitter.com/ - !/search/homeless memphis

• Facebook Search Results for domestic+violencehttp://www.facebook.com/search/results.php?q=domestic%20violence&init=quick&tas=0.37488734791986644&type=groups

• Storify search immigration lawhttp://storify.com/search?q=immigration+law

• Heroes by videoplaceboisnothttp://www.flickr.com/photos/videoplacebo/2476230102/

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