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Effective Meditation Habit, Inspired By Cheese!

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Cheese tastes delicious and it’s good for you. It provides calcium and protein in each serving. Cheese is like a

staple for many. The average French man eats almost 60 pounds a year, and Crayola named one of its crayons

after macaroni and cheese.

No wonder just saying cheese makes you smile. Now, imagine how thinking deeply about its good qualities can

enhance your happiness and wisdom. Try these unusual meditations inspired by cheese.

‣ Meditation on Cheese and Aging

The price we pay for a youth-oriented culture is that many adults fear growing older. Cheese reminds us that

many things grow better with age.

Ponder these thoughts as you meditate on aging:

1. Count your gains. Tally up the valuable assets that you’ve accumulated over the years. Maybe you’ve

learned how to perform brain surgery or play the violin. Give yourself a pat on the back for becoming more

patient or insightful.

2. Assess your lifestyle. Aging well depends on taking care of yourself. Are you exercising regularly, eating a

balanced diet, and sleeping enough?

3. Set new goals. Look forward to the years ahead. Work towards objectives that are challenging but feasible

for you. Climb your first mountain or tutor children.


‣ Meditation on Cheese and Moderation

While a little cheese livens up a healthy diet, too much can widen your waistline and leave you feeling

dehydrated. It’s a good lesson on setting reasonable boundaries, and sticking to them.

In this meditation:

1. Slow down. The first step in finding balance is to quiet your mind. Sit down and observe your thoughts. Let

them drift by without making any judgements about them.

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2. Express thanks. If you feel like you’re usually craving more stuff, take a moment to be grateful for what you

already have. You’ll instantly feel more content. Think about your family and friends, your career, and

happy memories.

3. Relieve stress. Chronic stress can lead to overeating and other excesses. Find healthier substitutes like a

warm bath or evening walk.

4. Simplify your routine. Focus on meaningful activities that draw on your strengths. Eliminate unnecessary

tasks that drain your energy.

‣ Meditation on Cheese and Warmth

If there’s anything better than cheese, it’s melted cheese. Picture the bubbly crust on top of your lasagna or the

rich filling oozing out the sides of your grilled sandwich. A warm heart can be just as delightful.

Feel the warmth in this meditation:

1. Connect with loved ones. Picture the faces of your family and friends. Let kind and generous feelings swell

up as you remember how much you care about them, and how much you count on their support.

2. Identify obstacles. Spot anything that holds you back from expressing your affection. Maybe you’re

concerned about looking weak or sounding foolish. Think about what you can do to ease the friction with

someone that you have conflicts with. Try letting go of past resentments and approaching them with a more

neutral mind.

3. Create triggers. Develop quick rituals that are guaranteed to make you feel more friendly and cheerful.

Listen to Louie Armstrong or The Chipmunks singing on YouTube. Carry around a picture of your children or

your dog.

4. Reach out. Reinforce positive emotions by sharing them with others. Let another commuter board the train

ahead of you, and enjoy their pleasure at finding a seat even if you need to stand. Call an elderly relative

who lives alone instead of waiting for the holidays to catch up.

Whether you love mild Brie de Meaux or extra-sharp Cheddar, cheese provides a lot of rewarding topics to

think about. You may even find it easier to meditate when you’re concentrating on a mouthwatering wedge of

smoked Havarti.