Social Media Marketing for libraries Neil Infield – Manager Business & IP Centre [email protected] @ninfield (twitter) britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/business

CILIP day - Marketing your library using social media - Feb 2016

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Social Media Marketing for libraries

Neil Infield – Manager Business & IP Centre

[email protected]@ninfield (twitter)britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/business



The British Library is for anyone who wants to do research - academic, personal or commercial

A bit about you…

7 out of 10 for social media

One hour to cover all of Social Media?

• I can’t cover everything in one hour

• A canter through key areas

• Thinking about your Social Media Strategy

• My top tips for success

• Question Time with some

Source - http://www.sxc.hu/profile/garwee

What is Social Media?


• Free or very low cost - Facebook

• or Freemium model - LinkedIn

• Simple technology - web browser or mobile Apps

• Lots of online help and guidance

• Interactive

What is Social Media really?

Why Social Media?


For the UK only…

• Facebook – 31 million

• Twitter – 15 million active accounts

• LinkedIn – 15 million

• Pinterest – 4 million?

• Instagram – 300m globally

• Google Plus – ?

What will Social Media do for you?

• Find out what your

• Customers

• Critics

• Fans

…are saying about you online

• Spot trends

• Monitor your competitors

What will Social Media do for you?

• Allow you to engage with your

• Customers

• Critics

• Fans

…in a transparent manner

• Measure your impact

• Crowdsource your products and services

Why you should blog


Why you should blog

Google logo render - Mark Knol

• To build trust – ‘real’ people vs anonymous


• To build an audience

• Increase Search Engine Optimisation without

the risk – Google loves blogs and hates



what happened

to MySpace


� Drive traffic to your


� Act as your social media


� Be seen as an expert in

your field


Why you should blog

How you should blog

• With passion… and patience

• For your audience

• On your own or in a team

• Always about things related to your business

• Include a ‘call to action’ if possible

Put the

‘good stuff’

in the first


Publicise your blog posts

� Regularly – minimum once a


� Content must be engaging /

surprising / controversial /


� Including images and videos

� Length must be right for your



How you should blog




Developing your Social Media strategy

• What are your goals?

• Brand awareness

• Improved customer service

• Quicker customer interaction

• Brand credibility

• Define your audience and find out

where they ‘live’ online

30CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

Business & IP Centre

• Our goals

• Promote specific services and activities

• Drive traffic to our web pages

• Raise our profile as a centre of expertise and

a success story

• Deliver value-added content

• Engage in a dialogue with our customers

• Create a user community

� Daily status updates – but no hard sell

� Peeks ‘behind the scene’

� Photos and videos of your library at work

� Show a keenness to interact – polls, quizzes

� You are allowed to have a point of view

e.g. yoga trainer on diet and exercise

What content should you post?

� Use tools to save you time

- Buffer or Hootsuite

� Use Facebook Insights to measure

� Shares are most important

� Followed by comments

� Least useful are Likes

Manage and keep track

Source pixabay.com

� What content has the

biggest impact?

– do more of the same

� Are people actually

spending time on your


� Vanity metrics aren’t good

for business

– only your ego

Manage and keep track

Source pixabay.com

Facebook for Business gives you the latest news, tips, and best practices to

help meet your business goals: www.facebook.com/business

�Please accept my resignation. I don't want to

belong to any club that will accept people like

me as a member.

Groucho Marx(109 chars)

�Please accept my resignation. I don't want to

belong to any club that will accept people like

me as a member.

Groucho Marx(109 chars)

�Aim for the sky and you’ll reach the ceiling.

Aim for the ceiling and you’ll stay on the floor.

Bill Shankly (95 chars)

�Please accept my resignation. I don't want to

belong to any club that will accept people like

me as a member.

Groucho Marx(109 chars)

�Aim for the sky and you’ll reach the ceiling.

Aim for the ceiling and you’ll stay on the floor.

Bill Shankly (95 chars)

� I can resist everything except temptation.

Oscar Wilde (41 chars)

What can you fit into

140 characters?

42CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

�Micro blogging – 140 character limit

�A technology without a purpose or vision

�The ‘Marmite’ of Social Media services

�Love it or loath it – it works

�But will it last?

What is Twitter?

44CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

� Smaller numbers than Facebook – but

bigger spenders

� Unparalleled access to celebrities and

decision makers

� An opportunity to ‘go’ viral

� The current reigning champion of

social media for business

� 0 to 10,000 followers in one week is


Why Tweet?

46CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

� Short term promotions and special offers

� Invite feedback / market research

� Enhance your reputation

� Improve your customer responsiveness

� Build good relations

� Remember to protect your

profile name

How to use Twitter

47CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

� Find trending topics and experts

� Find evangelists for your brand

� Make sure you separate work and play

� Be careful when re-tweeting (libel laws apply)

� BBC advice

“Never tweet when you're pissed…

or pissed off”

How to use Twitter

His first







17 outfits

for her



50CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

� Create a tweet button on your web pages

� Create and use lists to clean your stream

� Learn the twitter lingo

� @reply - Direct Message (DM) - Follower -

Hashtag - Retweet (RT) - Trending Topics

� Use tools to manage –

e.g. Tweepi, Tweriod


Twitter top tips

Spot and use Trends

Trendjacking works

� Customize your page:

� Change default profile picture

� Use 140-character BIO space, using keywords

� Install twitter on your mobile

� Be careful with hash tags

� How it was posted #susasnalbumparty

� How it should have read #SusanAlbumParty

� How it was read #SusAnalBumParty

Twitter top tips





� Tweet throughout the day

� Spread your tweets - up to 10 a day

� Don’t ignore complaints

- they are a test

� Switch to direct message (DM) instead of email

� Follow key tweeters including your rivals

Twitter top tips

Top 5 ‘twits’ quiz


63CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

� The ‘grown-up’

Social Media channel

� Your virtual CV

� Hubspot survey showed LinkedIn is 3

times more effective than Twitter or

Facebook for converting website

visitors into leads

LinkedIn for Small Business

64CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

� Good for consultants, trainers and professions

� Get recommendations

� Link to your other social media activities

� Join and build communities of practice

LinkedIn for Small Business

� Twitter for photo sharing

� No pushy sales messages

� Use it to showcase your

brand and customers

� Encourage your customers

to share their photos

Instagram for small business

� Research - then use the best


� But don’t overdo it

10 to 15 hashtags max

� Aim to get the best quality

photos you can

Instagram for small business

Instagram pros and cons


� Lots of users

� Lots of millennials

� Lots of engagement

� Created for mobile


� Does now integrate well

with other social media



� Links don’t work

� Limited advertising

� Not many ‘golden oldies’

72CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

Pinterest pros and cons


� Images can be linked to

your web pages

� Users can ‘repin’ your


� Pin It button makes it

easy for your fans to

share content


� 80% are women

� So only 20% are men

� Not very conversational

73CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

� Has failed to beat Facebook

� But is incorporated in search results

� So definitely worth adding your presence

� One to keep an eye on

� The latest set of stats

“would blow your mind” according to

Google UK’s head of agency

Google Plus for Small Business

� We upload:

� Video content from events

� Stories

� Case studies

� Walkthroughs

� 1,310 subscribers



� Manage using Hootsuite or Buffer

� Measure using Google Analytics

and Facebook Insights

� Sprout Social

� Monitoring-Social-Media.com

� SocialMediaToday.com

Tools to help you

Hootsuite for monitoring and scheduling

Share stuff with

78CPD25 - Marketing your library using social media - November 2015

� Try to limit to 30 minutes a day

� Keep it professional – you might go viral

in a bad way

� Keep an eye out for new services

� Measure results and

� Cull any activities that don’t help your


� Stay focussed – keep away from the


My top tips for Social Media success

�Don’t just lurk on social media

�Make sure you contribute valuable content

My top tips for Social Media success

�Be a person online – but not too personal

�Try to be ‘marketing lite’ - avoid spamming

�Have a consistent brand / name across your social media platforms

�Have fun with it

My top tips for Social Media success

