8 Things The Top 1% Of Sales Reps Do Differently

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#1: They Closely Manage Their Time

Time is always limited.

• The top 1% prioritize their best leads

to improve the end results and

maximize every minute of their time

spent working each lead.

• The reps know exactly what they’re

going to do at every step of the way

throughout the deal.

Million Dollar Insights

#2: They Keep Their Stress

Levels Under Control

Calm, cool and collected.

• The top reps are confident in their

abilities, so they don’t get as

stressed out as other reps.

• They know which deals will close

and when, and they’re not often

surprised by the outcome.

• They always act calmly and work

well under pressure.

Million Dollar Insights

#3: They Ask Effective and

Challenging Questions

The right questions at the right time.

• The best 1% ask questions to draw out

prospects, gain their trust, and get

information needed to close the deal.

• These questions helps sales reps get to

the root of a buyer’s problems and work

with their needs so they can offer their

product as a solution to their problems.

Million Dollar Insights

#4: They Understand the

Buying Process

Follow the buyer’s lead.

• Great reps know their company’s sales

process, but they think about the sale

from the specific buyer’s perspective.

• They guide buyers to the point that

they’re ready to buy and understand

that some prospects need time, while

others will buy very quickly.

Million Dollar Insights

#5: They Compare and Contrast

Their Product vs. Competitors

Research competitors.

• The best reps not only know their own

product thoroughly, they also know the

competition’s products.

• This helps reps beat out the competition,

because they can easily point out

weaknesses in a competitor’s product.

• Extensive knowledge of the competition

allows them to outsell at every turn, and

win more deals.

Million Dollar Insights

#6: They Are Able to Walk

Away When Necessary

Stop chasing reluctant prospects.

• The best reps are able to tell when a

prospect isn’t going to convert and

they are willing to walk away.

• They waste less time selling to

disinterested buyers, and instead

focus all of their attention on winning

deals that are the most likely to close.

Million Dollar Insights

#7: They Never Stop Learning

Always work to improve.

• Great sales reps are always reading

sales books, learning new skills, asking

for coaching, and improving their own

selling abilities. They are always

striving to do better.

• This work ethic pays off and results in

sharper selling skills and improved win

rates across the board.

Million Dollar Insights

#8: They Have an Insatiable

Drive to Win

Feel the need to win.

• The top reps have incredible drive that

pushes them to win the most deals

and beat out everyone else.

• These reps are competitive people at

heart. This innate ambition and need

to win means they’re never happy

unless they’re at the top of the sales


Million Dollar Insights

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