REPLANTING GRANGE PARK December 1st 2011 Public Meeting with Network Rail

Network rail public meeting in grange park 1.12.11

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REPLANTING GRANGE PARKDecember 1st 2011Public Meeting with Network Rail

This meeting, chaired by David Burrowes MP, was called

because local residents in Grange Park are unhappy with the replanting of the site following the completion of work on the embankment b Network Rail.

We are not here today to relive the horrors that were inflicted on Grange Park in February, euphemistically referred to as the ‘Great Grange Park Chain Saw Massacre’ but to consider whether Network Rail’s replanting of the site has been adequate recompense for the destruction of hundreds of trees, with a massive impact on the local environment and quality of life, in particular for the residents directly adjacent to the site.


1. The ‘consultation’ exercise was a token gesture, virtually none of the residents’ requests were accommodated into the replanting scheme

2. The ‘concessions’ made in the meeting with local residents in September were not adhered to

3. The replanting in essence is almost identical to the proposals in February

Our Grievances

“Residents in Nesta Avenue feel terribly upset with the replanting. We are looking at a mud embankment. Further to this, when we get some substantial rain, we get mud running into our gardens as there was no soak away installed”.

“I write this as I look out of my window at a very desolate scene. I was once faced with a lovely view of tree tops and wildlife. All I see now are mud banks with 2 rows of plastic cylinders and of course the trains. Quite unbelievable!“

“I live down Merridene and with all the trees & plants gone its made the area look very down market & very open for everyone to see within our properties”.

Local Residents have said:

"I have noticed the puny little plants that have been planted along the embankment in Grange Park and I think Network Rail has really done a very poor job of restoring the site"

"totally appalled by planting scheme - what have Network Rail got in their brains?“

“these neat (almost parade-ground) lines of shrubs that Network Rail have planted are a feeble attempt to restore the environment”

“What are those God awful triffids that Network Rail have planted on the embankment?”

Local Residents have said:

Presented by Network Rail in February 2011 at the Enfield Council Scrutiny CommitteeFull details can be found at www.n21online.com

REPLANTING GRANGE PARK EMBANKMENTSDraft report for Network Rail from the Grange Park Residents Replanting Committee May 2011

Our Response to Network Rail

Initial response to Network Rail’s Replanting Plans

The initial planting will be too meagre to provide effective acoustic and visual screening from the embankments, especially on the West side, which is very close to residential properties.

Most of the species proposed by Network Rail are deciduous, so, unless reasonably densely planted, there will little screening from the Autumn through to Spring.

We wanted random, natural planting, not straight rows.

David Burrowes meeting with NR Chief Executive

Mr. Higgins apologised for the mistakes made in previous months and confirms that going forward, Network Rail will learn from this incident and adapt their community engagement and consultation.

He also make assurances that when it comes to replanting, budgets will not be an issue and that there will be full involvement of community groups with the process.

Network Rail Revised Planting August 2011

Network Rail’s response(which took three months)

Can we give nature a helping hand?

The Committee would argue that Network Rail did not listen to our suggestions coming up with various reasons as to why they could not be implemented

Whilst the orchard trees are attractive, there are too few and they do not provide any screening for residents

The bare areas covered with weeds on the embankment are of major concern. Where residents used to look out on leafy embankments they are now faced with an ugly vista, which will take years to recover unless further remedial work is undertaken

In our September meeting with NR it was agreed that semi mature evergreens would be planted along the Green Dragon Lane fence. Having been told by Network Rail that planting was completed, it was announced at the meeting that these plants have now been ordered.

We had agreed that bulbs would be planted n this corner by local school children. In the meeting residents expressed a strong desire to have native oaks planted here, well away from the embankment - a memorial to the lost oaks felled by Network Rail?

We had expected to have laurels planted along the Vera Avenue fence, NR say that they have now been ordered. We were delighted to see these trees on the steep embankment, but none have been planted where they are most needed, to provide some screening for residents living in Nesta Avenue, Deepdene Court and Merridene.

The committee had understood that trees could not be planted at this level, so we were delighted when planting began. However, there are not enough of them and they do little to screen the line from residents’ homes, which are in very close proximity to the site.

Network Rail admitted that the current planting scheme will take a generation to provide any effective screen for residents in Merridene

WHERE ARE THE EVERGREENS? We would like Network Rail to consider planting many more evergreens across the site, such as laurel, shown here by Grange Park station, which is fast growing and dense

MEMORIES OF A VERDANT, GREEN GRANGE PARK –we didn’t appreciate it until it was gone!

We would to remind Network Rail that they have removed hundreds of trees from the site, many of them mature oaks and other broad leaf trees

Views from the floor

Residents in the packed Church, reiterated the sentiments expressed by the local residents replanting committee that the replanting has been woefully inadequate and that once again, Network Rail has failed to consult and listen to the views of local residents.

It is not just the loss of this natural habitat at the heart of our community which deeply concerns us, but also the lack of consideration for the residents bordering the railway line.

Whilst Network Rail would like to wait a year to see how the site matures, it is feasible to plant more trees over the next few months, up to March and we would like you to consider doing more in this planting season.

Summing up by David Burrowes

“I was pleased to arrange a second public meeting about the Grange Park embankment. The attendance of senior representatives of Network Rail reflected the seriousness of the impact on the local community. We were able to get into the detail of replanting plans and establish that we have not reached the end of the line but there is a long way to mitigate the damage of the loss of trees.

We have a commitment of more trees before March and a review within 12 months to establish whether more trees are required. I will continue to hold Network Rail to account over the next 12 months”.

Network Rail it is your land –but all railway embankments are deemed to be wildlife corridors.

Surely the technological problems of replanting the embankments are not


More information of the Grange Park Embankment campaign can be found at
