Electronic Participatory Budgeting Supporting Community Deliberation and Decision-making with Online Tools Cory Allen Heidelberger Dakota State University MWDSI—April 18, 2009

Electronic Participatory Budgeting

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Presentation on electronic participatory budgeting at Midwest Decision Sciences Institute 2009 conference, Miami University, Oxford Ohio, April 18, 2009.

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Page 1: Electronic Participatory Budgeting

Electronic Participatory BudgetingSupporting Community Deliberationand Decision-making with Online Tools

Cory Allen HeidelbergerDakota State UniversityMWDSI—April 18, 2009

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OverviewMotivation and ObjectivesBackground on PB Gaps in research/practiceNormative framework

1. participatory budgeting/participation in general

2. use of online decision support tools for PB (ePB)

3. design guidelines for ePBProposed prototype/experiment

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What got me thinking...citizen participation: great goal... or is it?learn about complicated budget issuesattend public foranavigate large-group discussionsthousands of person hours to do what city

commission can do in dozensworth the effort?

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Objectivespropose justification for participatory

budgeting political science, public administration

propose justification for use of computer-assisted decision support: electronic PBinformation systems, PB practice

propose practice design guidelines for ePBuse these guidelines as basis for prototype,

local trial

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Participatory Budgeting: Principles and Practice

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Participatory Budgeting (PB): Design Principlescitizens and/or delegates discuss and debate

public needsformal rules link participatory inputs and

budgeting processopen public process and broader range of

actors expand monitoring of budgetneighborhoods receive tangible returns,

which encourages participation

(Baiocchi et al. 2008)

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Participatory Budgeting: Where?Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1989spread elsewhere in Brazil early 1990scurrently hundreds of cities worldwide

some small cities (15K-20K)four Canadian citiesrare in U.S.

property tax resists redistribution to low-income areas?

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PB Lite: Online Educational ToolsAmerican Public Media’s “Budget Hero”

U.S. federal budgetdeficit reductioncomparison with presidential candidatesdiscussion forum on Gather.com

Copenhagen Consensus Centerpriorities for global problems (hunger, disease,

terrorism, air pollution)Both educate; neither official

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Gaps in Current Theory and Practice

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Gap: Normative Framework for Citizen ParticipationDemocracy/participation good... right?

New Public Administration“exclusionary technocracy”

descriptive theory (Stewart 2007) proposes game theory/competition approach

competition model ignores cooperative public admin. goals

need guidelines for establishing civic partnership to check political games

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Gap: PB Practice in USABirthplace of modern democracy... PB should be breaking out all over

No large-scale implementationsHard to find examples in small-town USA

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Gap: PB-Information Systems ConnectionPB literature rarely mentions information systems

websites often appear in PB communitiesno evident systematic use of online tools to support

PBPB tends to focus on face-to-face interactionNote: Computers/Internet not necessary

Athens! Agora!Philadelphia 1776

Computers/Internet certainly useful!online organizingDSU

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Justifications and Guidelines for Electronic Participatory Budgeting

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Citizen Participation: Justification in Political LanguageLegitimacy

all have capacity and right to participate

Property rights“It’s our money!”

Trustworking together means less

distance, less alienation

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Citizen Participation: Justification in Business LanguageStakeholder buy-in

Democracy = project managementParticipants take ownership of budget

Competition in marketplace of ideasMore ideas/perspectives to choose from

Better systemsParticipatory design discovers user needs better

(Mumford, 1983)Increased public resources

PB more tax revenue, less delinquency (Cabannes, 2004)

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Electronic Participatory Budgeting: JustificationParticipation is expensive – opportunity

cost!Three ways to overcome opportunity

cost:1. increase citizens’ wealth (hard)2. increase citizens’ motivation to

participate (hard)3. decreasing cost of participation

(online DSS!)

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Electronic Participatory Budgeting: JustificationBroader representation

PB focuses on increasing low-income representation

ePB lowers opp. costSocial auditing

online records = many eyesTransparency

More citizens see what’s happening and what happened

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Electronic Participatory Budgeting: Justification“Deliberation within” (Goodin, 2003)

PB usually in public meetingsePB allows asynchronous, more thought timecan check informational and social pressures of

group deliberation (Sunstein, 2005)Education

frequently cited as pre-req and positive outcome of PB

online information augments public meetings, supports ongoing learning

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Electronic Participatory Budgeting:Design PrinciplesGood gov’t budget Web design

(Tanaka, 2007)up-to-date infoclear graphicsmultiple formats (prose, charts, graphs...)

relevant linkseasy navigation and search

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Electronic Participatory Budgeting:Design PrinciplesData accessibility

offer budget data in formats users can easily access and manipulate

HTML, Excel – never just PDFGood example: Stimulus.Virginia.Gov

Excel format—download, sort! First 48 hours: nearly 1,000 proposals Feb. 10 – Mar 6: over 9,000 proposals

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Electronic Participatory Budgeting:Design PrinciplesBackground materials

complete, balanced, neutral (Lukensmeyer & Brigham, 2005)

Deliberation spaceonline forum or wiki captures citizen

discussionSocial auditing

integrate site with municipal record-keeping

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ePB: Research Directions

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Prototype 1: “More or Less”Allows citizens to define “more” and “less”

percentagesaverages based on historical budget dataassume inflation

Asks citizens whether they want to spend “more,” “same,” or “less” on various budget items

Displays current spending and savings/expense of user choices

Can include links to explanatory materialsCan include discussion, summary of other citizen


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Prototype 2: “Chopping Block”Assesses citizen priorities

“Would you consider cuts...?”“definitely” – “never”pick number of programs to cut, see savings......or set amount to cut from budget, see

programs cut by chosen priorityAlso aggregate all submitted responses

Can include links to explanatory materialsCan include discussion, summary of other

citizen inputs

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Future design/research workCapture suggestions for new programsDeploy and test online with real citizensHost face-to-face meetings for comparable


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Research QuestionsDo citizens and public officials find ePB tools

useful?Do ePB tools draw participants

representative of the population?Is there a minimum population for

communities that can derive benefits from ePB?

Can ePB serve as a decision support tool for elected officials?

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Electronic Participatory Budgeting

Questions, Comments,and Suggestions welcome!

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