Storytelling and Digital Media

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I want you to take away three things from this presentation: 1. Story trumps everything. Great storytelling is powerful because stories are an inherently human creation. 2. Great storytelling is trade-craft – you can learn to tell powerful stories by ensuring that your story has a few time-tested narrative elements. 3. Great storytelling does not have to cost a fortune. Others out there – even your peers – are creating inspiring and immersive stories across media – and you can too. It is not out of reach. It merely requires that you take a chance.

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2. STORY > EVERYTHING 3. SO,WHAT MAKES YOURSTORY STAND OUT? 4. VOICE & TONECOMPELLING CHARACTERSCONFLICTSTAKESRESOLUTION 5. VOICE & TONE 6. saganseries.com 7. girleffect.org 8. COMPELLINGCHARACTERS 9. nytimes.com 10. helmandafgn.com 11. cainesarcade.com 12. CONFLICT 13. So Gaynohomophobes.com 14. playspent.com 15. STAKES 16. boostup.org 17. targetnuclearweapons.org.au 18. RESOLUTION 19. charitywater.org 20. intervalhouse.ca 21. SCENE BEATS 22. + 23. SO,WHAT THE HECKDO I DO NOW? 24. THANK [email protected]