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Home Remedies for Oral Thrush

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Lethomeremedies.com is the leading source for home remedies in Health and Beauty.


Lethomeremedies.com is the leading source for home remedies in Health and Beauty.


Oral Thrush or scientifically called Oropharyngeal Candidiasis, is the medical condition in

which your tongue or the inner side of your mouth is infected by a type of fungus known

as Candida Albicans.

This medical condition happens due to the weakening of your immune system which

cannot fight against the outgrowth of the fungus.

The symptom of this infection can be easily observed as there are wounds with creamy-

white color slowly appearing and the position is often on the tongue and the inner side of

your cheeks and lips. If the infection is not stopped promptly, it will spread throughout the

whole inner side of your mouth and even down to the back of your throat.

Further symptoms for confirming the infection can be swelling, soreness with a burning

sensation and unpleasant taste which affect swallowing ability.

This type of infection spares no one; however, common victims are infants and elderly

people who have weak immune system and especially people with dentures.


The major condition for oral thrush to occur is because of weaken immune system and

there are quite a few factors which contribute to a weak immunity such as:

HIV/AIDS: The HIV which cause AIDS is also responsible for damaging immunity cells, thus make your body prone to other infections and diseases.

Cancer: The chemotherapy and radiation from cancer treatment can significantly weaken your immune system and make you more vulnerable toward infections such as oral thrush.

Diabetes mellitus: It is when your diabetes is getting severe or uncontrollable, the increasing level of sugar in your saliva will create advantage environment for oral thrush to occur.

Vaginal yeast infection: It is caused be the same bacteria of oral thrush. Also in case you are pregnant and infected, your children will more likely to get infected by the bacteria and develop oral thrush.

On the other hand, there are few simple and effective home remedies which you might

consider applying in order to relieve the pain as well as preventing oral thrush in case you

are infected.

Home Remedies for Oral Thrush

Here are the top 10 most effective home remedies for oral thrush which you can easily

apply at home in order to get rid of oral thrush and prevent the bacteria from

infecting you ever again…

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Salt is considered one of the top home remedies for oral thrush as it helps destroying the

habitat of the fungus. Also, in case of infection, salt can reduce the symptoms and be a

quick cure.

Dilute ½ to 1 teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of warm water. Gargle using this water and repeat until the symptoms are reduced and you feel comfortable.

Use your fingers to gently apply some salt on your tongue and rub it for a few seconds. Then rinse your mouth using warm water. Repeat it twice every day for a couple of days.

For more information about the benefits and applications of salt for oral health, please read:

Home Remedies for Periodontitis.


Probiotic yogurt is said to be harboring active type of lactobacilli which is effective as a

natural treatment for oral thrush. Also, only use the type of plain or unsweetened yogurt

for best treatment of oral thrush.

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Consume 2 to 3 cups of yogurt every day for a couple of weeks.

Use your finger to apply some yogurt onto your tongue and the inner side of your mouth and keep it for 5 to 10 minutes. Then rinse your mouth using warm water. Repeat it once or twice every day for a couple of days.


Garlic is best known as one of the best home remedies for oral thrush due to its anti-fungal

capability which can help destroying bacteria and yeast inside your mouth and further

boosting up your immune system.

According to the Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy journal (2005), the study about

garlic has shown promising result regarding the anti-fungal capability of extracted fresh


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Consume 2 to 3 cloves of garlic on a daily basis in order to ward off the infection. If you cannot take fresh garlic, then there is garlic concentrated into tablets or capsules but should be taken carefully with doctor’s consultation.

Garlic is also proven to be extremely effective against diseases related to oral health. You can find out more about it at: Home Remedies for Blisters on Tongue.


Cinnamon is similar to garlic in its anti-fungal as well as anti-parasitic capability against

the Candida Albicans.

The Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine has published the result of the study about

the positive effects and curative impacts of cinnamon oil regarding treatment for oral thrush


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Consume 1 to 2 cups of cinnamon tea on a daily basis. First step, boil ½ teaspoon of

cinnamon powder or simply a little cinnamon stick with 1½ cups of water for about 5

minutes. Filter and consume with or without lemon juice depending on your preference.

Mix a few drops of cinnamon into 1 tablespoon of olive oil or any other substance. Directly

apply this solution onto the wounds and keep it there for 5 to 10 minutes then wash your

mouth. Repeat this every day for a couple of days.


Another helpful and easy-to-find treatment for oral thrush is coconut oil. It is very effective

in eliminating the fungus and easing you from any uncomfortable symptoms.

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According to the Journal of Medicinal Food (2007), researchers have found affirmative

evidences about coconut oil regarding its active response against various kinds of Candida


Use a piece of cotton cloth to apply coconut oil directly onto the wounds. Repeat this procedure for a couple of times per day for about 6 to 7 days.

On a daily morning basis, with an empty stomach, practice oil pulling with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Swirl the liquid inside your mouth for about 10 minutes then spit out. Wash your mouth with warm water and begin normal teeth brushing procedure. Practice this every day will give you excellent oral health.


Apple cider vinegar is said to provide enzymes that can fight the candida fungal and

therefore is labeled as the top natural treatment for oral thrush. Being vinegar, it is obvious

that it will return the pH level back to balance in order to control the growth of candida

fungal. Furthermore, vinegar is well known for its positive effect on the body’s immune


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The Journal of Prosthodontics in 2014 has confirmed the anti-fungal capability of apple

cider vinegar against numerous kinds of candida fungal.

Dilute 2 teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar together with ½ teaspoon of salt into 1 cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this mixture a couple times per day until there are signs of betterment.

Dilute 2 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar together with some raw honey into 1 cup of warm water. Drink this twice every day.

This household item is also extremely popular against many oral problems. For more

information, please read: Home Remedies for Loss of Smell and Taste.


Baking soda is one of the cheapest home remedies for oral thrush and still remarkably

effective. It can destroy the fungal that cause the oral thrush infection.

The Brazilian Oral Research in 2009 has announced that 5% sodium bicarbonate is very

effective regarding treatment of oral thrush caused by Candida Albicans.

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Similar to apple cider vinegar, this also helps balancing the acid level in your mouth.

Use enough water with 1 to 2 teaspoon of baking soda in order to make a paste. Then use a cotton cloth to direct apply this paste onto the wounds. Keep it for a couple of minutes then rinse by warm water. Repeat this 2 to 3 times per day for a couple of days.

Dilute ½ teaspoon of baking soda into 1 glass of water and rinse your mouth using that. Repeat it twice every day until the infection is gone.


Black walnut is famous for its tannin richness which contains strong astringent and anti-

fungal capability.

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Another ingredient of black walnut which is juglone has been proven to contain decent

antibiotic and anti-fungal capability. With many positive properties, black walnut is among

the top options as natural remedies for oral thrush.

Beside the fruit, there are black walnut capsules or even extract in order to make the

consumption more comfortable.


Cranberry is similar to black walnut as it also contains the “arbutin” which is a compound

responsible for destroying the Candida Albicans and acknowledged as an excellent natural

treatment for oral thrush.

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Consume the cranberry tablets daily according to directions, for children; fresh cranberry will be more suitable.

Drink fresh and unsweetened cranberry juice for a couple of times every day. Keep doing for 2 to 3 weeks until the Candida fungus is eliminated.


The last remedy is olive leaf; however, last but not least, olive leaf is one of the strongest

and most effective home remedies for oral thrush due to its strong anti-fungal capability.

Moreover, the ingredient “oleuropein” also play an important role as a powerful boost

toward the immune system.

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Consume 250 to 500 mg of extracted olive leaf 3 times every day

Also there is olive leaf tea which can be made by steeping olive leaf into boiling water for about 15 minutes. Drink 2 to 3 cups of tea every day.

Even when the infection is eliminated, you should keep drinking 1 to 2 cups of tea every

day for preventing the Candida fungus from coming back.

Extra Tips:

Exercise hygienic procedure for oral part every day such as brush the teeth twice, floss once and never use shared toothbrush.

Use soft cotton cloth or tongue scraper to clean the tongue.

Change toothbrush regularly

For people using dentures, do not wear to sleep and keep in denture cleaning liquid overnight. Use clean toothbrush and water for denture cleaning.

People with diabetes need to monitor the sugar level to prevent infection

Watch the consumption of sugar to limit the growth of fungus

While having infection, stop smoking or it will get worse

Drink cool or ice water to ease the discomfort

During the infection, consume food which is easy to chew and swallow

People need to go to the dentists regularly, especially people with diabetes and dentures.

Source: https://lethomeremedies.com/home-remedies-for-oral-thrush/

Lethomeremedies.com is the leading source for home remedies in Health and Beauty.