Webinar Jan 6th

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REMINDER: If you feel unwell when you stop drinking – such as sweating, shaking, anxiety – this might indicate a greater physical dependency on alcohol than you thought. If this happens, please don’t continue this programme, as you may need medical support to quit drinking.

You can arrange a time to speak confidentially with Helen, or go to your family doctor/GP to discuss other options.

Health Benefits and what brought you here

★ Longer term health issues★ Current niggles★ Emotional as well as physical★ Productivity/energy

What type of drinker are you?

★ Feelings and moods★ At the watering hole★ Extreme sport★ Habitual

Setting Goals

Quantified Self

Survival Kit

★ Quick wins★ 20 minute fixes★ Month-long binges

Internal pitfalls

★ HALT★ Fuck It Button★ Pitfall cocktails

External pitfalls

★ Avoid★ Control★ Escape


★ Lie★ Joke★ Avoid★ Co-opt


★ Understand immediate satisfaction★ Riding discomfort★ Default to logic★ Focus on long-term goal★ Plan ahead

Building a daily routine

★ Wish★ Outcome★ Obstacle★ Plan

discount code: mobVIP(for mixed cases of 0% beer)