The latest methods of early revealing drug addiction and rehabilitation among children and teenagers by using “Strannik”- technology. This program is destined to increase the effectiveness of solving a problem of children’s drug addiction. It can be done by using Russian digital technologies, which have no analogies and work effectively in diagnostic (also early diagnostic) and liquidating chemical, biological, physical, psychological addiction of human’s organism. Authors: - Grakov I., D.M., Grand-PhD, professor, academician of RAEN, academician of MAISU, inventor in USSR. - Spassky J., D.T. - Borovleva J., D.M. - Egorov V., expert in narcology Direction Last 5 years the number of people, who use drugs has increased by 3,5 times, the number of death has increased by 12 times, among children by 42 times. There is no region, which can be called more or less good. Despite of this, in 90-s the number of narcological clinics cut by one third, the number of beds by 60% and the number of experts in narcology by 25%. Retained health centers are constantly short of money and cannot work with their full power. In 1998 financial necessities of system of narcological help were provided with money only by 18%, somewhere only by 10%.

Using Strannik Technology (ST) for the Early Detection of Drug Addiction & Rehabilitation Among Children &Teenagers

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Page 1: Using Strannik Technology (ST) for the Early Detection of Drug Addiction & Rehabilitation Among Children &Teenagers

The latest methods of early revealing drug addiction and rehabilitation among children and teenagers by using “Strannik”- technology.  This program is destined to increase the effectiveness of solving a problem of children’s drug addiction. It can be done by using Russian digital technologies, which have no analogies and work effectively in diagnostic (also early diagnostic) and liquidating chemical, biological, physical, psychological addiction of human’s organism. Authors:

-         Grakov I., D.M., Grand-PhD, professor, academician of RAEN, academician of  MAISU, inventor in USSR.

-         Spassky J., D.T.-         Borovleva J., D.M.-         Egorov V., expert in narcology 

Direction Last 5 years the number of people, who use drugs has increased by 3,5 times, the number of death has increased by 12 times, among children by 42 times. There is no region, which can be called more or less good. Despite of this, in 90-s the number of narcological clinics cut by one third, the number of beds by 60% and the number of experts in narcology by 25%.Retained health centers are constantly short of money and cannot work with their full power. In 1998 financial necessities of system of narcological help were provided with money only by 18%, somewhere only by 10%. It is a paradoxical situation for medicine: there is decease, but there is not means to reveal it especially in early stages, which brings more difficulties to this problem.  Basic principles of drug addiction treatment are voluntariness, individuality, complex and giving up drugs. Nowadays drug addiction treatment takes into account pathogenetical mechanisms of drug addiction’s forming. Clinical aspects of drug addiction are been studied since last century, in contrast to pathogenetical, which are being studied only last years. For a long time this problem has been considered to be social and psychological. Only the latest information reveals that drug addiction is also biologically determined. Alan Leshner, director of NIDA, who has  worked in Institute of psychological health, says: “If we want to know, what drug addiction is and how it can be treated we should realized, that we have such population, who brains are in fundamentally another state”.. He also compares drug addiction with

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schizophrenia. “Now nobody would be satisfied by ascertainment, that bad maternity cases to children’s schizophrenia. We should understand that changes in brains are part of drug addiction and drug addiction should be treated considering this case.This should help to create modern perfect method of treatment and rehabilitation. Professional medical system “Strannik” can change the situation. It gives effective diagnostic and opportunities to correct brains’ program, which controls human’s organism according to the information it has. The brains’ program is a system of connections or flows of electrical signals between nervous cells or synthesis or decay of proteins. Susceptibility to drug using is explained by brains’ program’s defects, which may have genetical or assumed character. Foundation This program’s foundation is authors’ work of 13 years about a problem of control of human’s organism, which bases on researching 350 000 patients and speaker’s work of 3 year in Carelia. Program is protected by Northern Lands’ Council of Ministers to be carried out in Petrozavodsk.   Doctrine Effective revealing and liquidation of drug addiction among children cases to solving this problem in community. Purpose is:

-         True early diagnostic of drug addiction among pupils of Russian Federation

-         Working out necessary corrective, preventive and therapeutic measures to liquidate drug addiction

-         Informing pupils about this program 

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Diagnostic of drug addiction by system “Strannik” System “Strannik” gives opportunity to estimate the state of brains’ functions: perception, imagination, associative thinking, memory and ability to make a decision.

1.     As a normal, graphics of brains’ functions should have smooth, synchronous character.


 2.     Estimation of ability to make a decision. Overage meaning is 80-120.3.     Estimation of dominative function. Every age has it’s own dominative

function: under 18 – perception, 18-31 – imagination, after 31 – associative thinking and memory.

4.      Estimation of variation (for each function). In summary variations should not be more than 10.

 Susceptibility to drug using is diagnosed by analysis of brains’ function’s graphics. 1.     Such patients usually have graphics with “angular” character. If angles

are not common, patient has susceptibility to drug using.  

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 If there are many angles patient is drug addicted.  


2.     Ability to make a decision is slower. It also says, that patient is susceptible to drugs.


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 3.     Variations more than 50 usually mean that patient is unbalanced and

nervous; s/he is susceptible to depressions.4.     Estimation of organism’s changes: biological age increases, circulation of

blood decreases; cells produce defective proteins, process of cells’ regeneration breaks.

 Liquidation of drug addiction and social rehabilitation by system “Strannik” Liquidation of drug addiction includes two stages.1.     Liquidation of intoxication2.     Liquidation of psychological addiction 

During the first stage initial normalization of brains’ program happens. Colourtherapy influences on such part of brains’ program, which does not work because of using drugs. At the same time, the last part of program begins to get rid of own defects. Organism begins to switch on all the mechanisms, which control tolerance. Producing of enzymes and hormones increases and intoxication is liquidated faster. Besides, because of program’s normalizing, patient receives motivation to continue the treatment. Usually the first stage lasts 1-5 days depending on organism’s opportunities. The first stage’s treatment usually needs 3-5 séances a day. The second stage (time depends on human’s individuality) takes the whole period of rehabilitation and it means that the last tuning of organism happens. We know that psychological addiction is the strongest and it dominates in drug addiction at all. Liquidation of physical addiction does not mean, that patient stops using drugs (in common), because physical addiction is not the reason. The main reason is

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psychological addiction. The latest information gives us such description: psychological addiction is program’s of brains shortcoming, and it causes to this:

-         Person is not able to estimate adequately the situation.-         Person is not able to estimate own organism’s condition.-         Person is not able to differentiate “pleasure” from “satisfaction”.-         Removing of accents in behavior.

That shortcoming causes to deviant behavior, depressions, and wishes to start using drugs again.Colourtherapy gives opportunities to solve this problem and to liquidate psychological addiction. Because it continues during the whole rehabilitation, colourtherapy normalizes brains’ program physically and psychologically. Now system “Strannik” is the only system, which considers organism to be a complex of psychological and physiological systems. Colourtherapy influences on all part of this complex (including brains’ program) at the same time. Brains, complex of psychological systems begin to work normally. Patient begins to be able adequately estimate his or her personality. This method solves two problems (physiological and psychological) at the same time and decreases time of the treatment and quantity of medicines. Results 

-         Full and detailed tests with modern medical methods, revelation people with drug addiction (including early stages).

-          Effectiveness of the treatment increases, early stages do not develop.-         Studying the processes, which causes addiction, gives new idea of

patient’s condition. It gives opportunities to stop the development of decease.

-         Level of crime among the children decreases.-         Level of education increases.  Обозначения на графиках

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