ALICE PROJECT REPORT N°1 – NOV. 2015 Attn : SHINING HOPE FUNDATION The 3-years Shining hope sponsorship has begun in October 2015 with the donation of 60 000€ for the last 2015 trimester. This is the beginning of a great change for Alice Project Schools since this support will allow them to improve the daily conditions and projects and will also permit to build the future. The gratitude of ALICE PROJECT to SHINING HOPE is immeasurable. As soon as Alice Project schools received the donation, they have begun to put in action the vision and the projects planned. According to the operational plan and the operational budget, this first donation will be used in the last 2015 trimester for the following projects.

Alice Project - Report 1 (Nov. 2015)

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The 3-years Shining hope sponsorship has begun in October 2015 with the donation of 60 000€ for the last 2015 trimester.

This is the beginning of a great change for Alice Project Schools since this support will allow them to improve the daily conditions and projects and will also permit to build the future.

The gratitude of ALICE PROJECT to SHINING HOPE is immeasurable. As soon as Alice Project schools received the donation, they have begun to put in action the vision and the projects planned.

According to the operational plan and the operational budget, this first donation will be used in the last 2015 trimester for the following projects.


1-Repairing one wall classroom and build a new floor in Primary classroom n. 3 after earthquake : the earthquake in March 2015 which touched Nepal alo touched India and Bodhgaya school. Some classrooms have been damaged and need some work repairs that are in process (wall and floor)

2-New Junior Bodhagaya High School

The maps and plans of the new Junior school are now completed and the foundations have already begun in November ! We are planning to build a 3-floors bulding and a veranda.

3- 5 projectors & 5 lap tops set-up inclassrooms and will be used to show englishvideos programme and about all othertopics (maths, sciences...)


4—Cameras (surveillance) set-up for security purpose (legal obligation)5- Two videos camera to record the children experimenting the new « Educating Attention Project » (Learning maths and developping attention through visualisations)6- 1 LED TV set-up in the courtyard, for morning assembly and special programmes

SARNATH SCHOOL7- 1 LED TV : in the new bulding school, in the big meeting room at the top floor, a big screen have been set-up for morning assembly and special programmes

8- 5 projectors & 5 laptops set-up in classrooms and used for english videos programme and all other topics (maths, sciences...)

9- Cameras (surveillance) set-up for security purpose (legal obligation)

10- Printing 1200 books (I learn English Part 1&2)

11- Guest house maps & plans bulding : the maps have been completed recently because we had make some changes in order to save the trees in the schools. The construction will begin soon and will last 6 months approximatively.

More to come soon.....