

General Information課 程 簡 介


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對 於 商 界 給 我 們 的 肯 定 我 們 非 常 感 恩 ; 對 於 珠 海 商 學 院 畢 業 同 學 多 能 脫
















I am honoured to have the opportunity to lead a team of highly motivated and well qualified staff in the Faculty of Business at Chu Hai College of Higher Education, a private tertiary education institution with a long and distinguished history dating from 1947. Over these years it has produced numerous prominent and successful alumni with great contributions in different fields, serving Hong Kong and beyond.

The Faculty of Business staff is devoted to grooming a new generation of business executives and community leaders who will contribute to Hong Kong’s success as a global financial centre, business hub, and a vibrant cosmopolitan city. We consciously design our programmes to meet the needs for both hard and soft skills in the business world, and to strengthen the ethical sense of our future business leaders. We are happy that our programmes have received strong recognition in the business world. Many of our graduates have built a rewarding career and many have taken up important managerial positions. We are particularly grateful that many banks and businesses have not only hired our graduates but have also offered opportunities for our students to benefit from internships to learn about business practices. We are thankful to our external advisors and mentors from industry and from various professional bodies.

The Faculty comprises three departments, including Accounting and Banking, Business Administration and Finance. Currently, we offer four undergraduate degree programmes in Accounting and Banking, Business Administration, Finance, and Finance and Information Management. All our business degree programmes are accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation and Vocational Qualification and have been fully recognized by the Hong Kong Government. The Faculty of Business aims to become a leading business school among Asia’s private higher educational institutions. We offer high-quality interactive teaching programmes usually in small classes. We also strive for visible research outputs and scholarly achievements by promoting research to enhance teaching and engaging students in final-year projects. Our Faculty has a record of publishing in refereed journals, including in particular SSCI journals, and scholarly books.

The programmes in the Faculty of Business are designed to nurture ethical business leaders through “holistic development”. We have exchange programmes, Leadership and Mentorship Programmes, a strong alumni network, and support from the business sector. All this helps us greatly to realize our goals. Let me take this opportunity to thank all our supporters.

珠 海 學 院 商 學 院 院 長

何濼生 教 授


Lok-Sang HoDean, Faculty of BusinessPhD (Toronto), BSocSc (Hon) (HKU), BBS

Dean’s Message Dean’s Message院 長 的 話 院 長 的 話

院 長 的 話Dean’s Message

何濼生教授接待了一群來自德國法蘭克福大學的碩士生和研究員。Prof. Lok-Sang Ho received a group of master students and research fellow of Frankfurt University, Germany.

珠 海 商 學 院 透 過 珠 海 學 院 的 國 際 學 術 網 絡 提 供 眾 多

交 流 計 劃 , 讓 商 學 院 同 學 出 外 擴 闊 國 際 視 野 。 即 使

在 珠 海 學 院 校 園 , 同 學 一 樣 有 機 會 跟 來 自 不 同 國 家

的 交 換 生 接 觸 。

The Faculty of Business, in line with the policy of Chu Hai College

of Higher Education, offers an Exchange Programme that covers

countries from Asia to Europe to provide you the opportunity

to gain global exposure. Meanwhile, you also have plenty of

opportunities to meet inbound exchange students on the College





“This exchange programme has undoubtedly broadened my world view. I have had the chance to explore and understand international business operations and economic systems in Germany and other European countries.”



“I am very happy to meet people with different cultural backgrounds in the Exchange Programme……”



個人發展, 也啓發了我無限的可能性。」

“I enjoyed the environment as well as living here on the brand-new campus. Chu Hai College provided me with the opportunity to explore many different possibilities for my future.”



“All of the professors and the entire staff are really kind. If we had any questions they would always be generous with their time to help……”


Seddanth Karkar


Yan-Kei Wong

Leo Lee





Accounting and Banking outbound exchange student to University of Duisburg Essen, Germany



Finance inbound exchange student from the Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main, Germany



Business Administration inbound exchange student from Universitat Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Chowdhary Seny

Business Administration outbound exchange student to University of Duisburg Essen, Germany

擴 闊國 際 視 野Exposing Students to the Global Environment


Exposing Students to the Global Environment Exposing Students to the Global Environment擴 闊 國 際 視 野 擴 闊 國 際 視 野


體 驗 真 實商 業 世 界Experiencing the Business World





























Business CompetitionsBusiness competitions can provide students with a platform to show their talents, test their ideas and develop their potentials. They also allow students to enrich their résumé and establish connections with top employers. At the Faculty of Business, students may get sponsorships for a number of challenging and rewarding open competitions that will help them learn and grow in the fun way.

MentorshipThe Faculty invites our alumni and industry practitioners to serve as mentors of our students, to share their professional experience and provide career guidance.

Graduation Preparation SeriesThe Faculty organizes numerous activities including career talks, alumni sharing sessions and information sessions for professional qualifications under its Graduation Preparation Series to better prepare our students for challenges after their graduation.

InternshipThe Faculty Internship Programme offers our students the opportunities to gain valuable experiences in real life business settings, learn more about their career interests and passion, and explore career options in different industry sectors. Interns would have the chance to work full time at the sponsoring organization’s local office for at least eight weeks in the summer holidays. Our sponsoring organizations include Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, Pizza Hut Hong Kong Management Limited and Worldwide Flight Services Holding S.A, etc.

Company VisitsExperience and expertise sharing from those who have travelled the same path before can greatly accelerate students’ learning process. Through visiting leading companies and talking to their management in Hong Kong, students will be able to gain valuable insights into the business world and better prepare themselves for the challenges of tomorrow.

The Faculty of Business provides students with numerous opportunities to experience the business operation in the real world through internship, company visits, competitions, mentorship and graduation preparation series.

珠 海 商 學 院 透 過 企 業 實

習 、 參 觀 企 業 、 商 業 競

賽 、 師 友 計 劃 和 畢 業 準 備

計 劃 等 活 動 , 讓 同 學 於 在

學 期 間 已 能 認 識 和 體 驗 現

實 世 界 中 的 商 業 運 作 。

Experiencing the Business World Experiencing the Business World體 驗 真 實 商 業 世 界 體 驗 真 實 商 業 世 界


我 們 的 校 友Our Alumni

商 學 院 多 年 來 培 育 了 不 少 商 科 人 才 , 亦 建 立 了

一 個 來 自 不 同 商 學 專 業 範 疇 的 校 友 網 絡 。

Having offered quality business education in Hong Kong for decades, the Faculty of Business has established a strong alumni network comprising people from various disciplines.




Jay Chu

Kitty Mak

Ying-wai Wong

會計及銀行(榮譽)商學士Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) in Accounting and Banking












了香港會計師公會的專業課程(Qualification Programme)




A graduate of 2009, Jay has completed his Master Degree in Risk Management Science at CUHK after his graduation. He also holds the professional qualifications of Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) and Financial Risk Manager (FRM). He is now a Risk Analyst of an asset management company.

A graduate of 2011, Kitty pursued her Master’s Degree in Economics, Accounting and Finance at the University of Bristol, U.K. after her graduation. After returning to Hong Kong, she joined one of the Big 4 and has worked her way up to an Assistant Tax Manager. She is now a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a senior tax accountant in the business sector. She thinks accounting is much more than dealing with numbers. To her, working in a big four accounting firm provided her “the opportunities to work with different levels of people, including the Head of the Accounting Department and Financial Controller of clients. This, in turn, had greatly improved her interpersonal skills.”

A graduate of 2012, Ying-wai is now responsible for fund valuation work in a trustee. He completed the Qualification Programme (QP) of HKICPA and became a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) shortly after his graduation. As an accredited programme by HKICPA, the Accounting and Banking Programme at Chu Hai College has provided him a solid foundation to prepare for the QP.

Our Alumni我 們 的 校 友 Our Alumni我 們 的 校 友










Tiffany Chan

Alvin Poon

King-Wong Yu

Sam Chow

Michael Yuen

Alex Law

Christine Lau


Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Finance

Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)









生銀行任職投資顧問。他於2010年考取CFA Level 1,認為學


2011年畢業(一級榮譽),成立“GeBe Job”公司並出任 CEO。

「珠海學院BBA的課程 知識很 廣,學系的老師具有豐富的教學經 驗和技巧,使學生

可以學到很多額外知識,對我個人創立“GeBe Job綠業”非常之有幫助。如果畢業後有


2010年畢業,同年考獲CFA Level 1。現於滙豐銀行任職客戶











A graduate of 2009, Tiffany became a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) in 2013. She is now working at Convoy Financial as an Associate Director. Three years after graduation, she made an annual salary of a million dollars and was promoted to Associate Director leading her own team.

A graduate of 1995, Alvin is now working as a Senior Vice President & Team Head, Business Banking at a famous local bank. “Chu Hai College gave me hope and an opportunity! It offers a valuable chance for students to realize their dreams of earning a HK government recognized degree and building up competence. With this opportunity, we can seize new opportunities in our career and life!”

A graduate of 2010, King-Wong became a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) in 2014. He is now working at Hang Seng Bank Limited as an Investment Consultant. He passed CFA Level 1 in 2010. He feels thankful to the curriculum of the programme for helping him prepare for the subsequent CFA examinations and join the banking industry.

A graduate of 2011 (first class honours), Sam is the CEO of his own company “GeBe Job” “The content of BBA programme is diversified. Teachers are experienced and able to articulate additional knowledge to me. This is of paramount importance to the establishment of my entrepreneurial business – GeBe Job. If you are considering doing business after graduation, you should consider BBA of Chu Hai College.”

A graduate of 2010, Michael passed CFA Level 1 in the same year. He is now working at HSBC as a Customer Manager. He thanks Chu Hai College for its academic and caring endeavour in positioning him as a member of a major banking corporation.

A graduate of 2011, Alex is now working as an Area Manager at 7-Eleven of Dairy Farm.“After graduating from Chu Hai College, I attempted two different jobs before spending a few months to identify my career path. Finally, I decided to work in the retail industry and in the last few years, I have been able to apply management knowledge and theories I learnt in class to my work.”

A graduate of 2013, Christine is now working as a Learning and Development Officer at ImagineX Group. “The 4-year BBA programme is neither easy nor difficult for me. The programme is a good balance between theory and practice and it allows me to apply theoretical knowledge to my work. After graduation, I joined the field of Training and Development. As a corporate trainer, I’m confident with my competence to overcome challenges and be convincing at work. ”

Our Alumni我 們 的 校 友 Our Alumni我 們 的 校 友


在 珠 海 學 院 , 同 學 有 機 會 藉 著 參 與 國 際 學 術 會 議 和 研

究 講 座 向 知 名 經 濟 學 者 甚 至 諾 貝 爾 得 獎 者 學 習 。 透 過

研 究 講 座 和 學 術 會 議 , 商 學 院 期 望 教 職 員 能 夠 接 觸 到

特 定 範 疇 的 卓 越 研 究 、 提 升 研 究 實 力 、 營 造 研 究 氛 圍

和 促 進 研 究 活 動 。 珠 海 學 院 設 有 三 所 與 商 學 院 相 關 的

研 究 中 心 , 包 括 :

• 企 業 道 德 與 社 會 責 任 研 究 中 心

• 國 際 商 務 與 貿 易 研 究 中 心

• 一 帶 一 路 研 究 所

At Chu Hai College, you have the opportunity to learn from renowned economists or even Nobel laureate through seminars and distinguished lectures. Through research seminars and international conferences, the Faculty also seeks to connect our faculty members with the leading research in certain targeted fields, enhance our research capacity, foster a research culture, and promote research activities. Related to the research of our Faculty are three research centres. They are:

• Centre for Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibilities • Research Center for International Business and Trade • One Belt One Road Research Institute

以 研 究充 實 教 學Enriching Teachingand Learning with Research


Enriching Teaching and Learning with Research Enriching Teaching and Learning with Research以 研 究 充 實 教 學 以 研 究 充 實 教 學


珠 海 學 院 商 學 院 提 供 四 個 四 年 全 日 制 本 科 課 程 , 包 括 :

• 會 計 及 銀 行 ( 榮 譽 ) 商 學 士 學 位 課 程

• 工 商 管 理 學 ( 榮 譽 ) 學 士 學 位 課 程

• 財 務 金 融 學 ( 榮 譽 ) 工 商 管 理 學 士 學 位 課 程

• 金 融 及 資 訊 管 理 學 ( 榮 譽 ) 工 商 管 理 學 士 學 位 課 程

為了 讓 商 學 院 同 學 在 各 個 課 程 的 高 年 級專修 科目建 立 穩 健

的 基 礎,所 有 商 學 院 的 課 程 在 首 兩 個 學 年 都 會 為 同 學 提 供

一系 列 的 商學 院 必 修 基 礎 科目。

The Faculty of Business offers four 4-year full-time undergraduate

programmes, namely:

• Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) in Accounting and Banking

• Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)

• Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Finance

• Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Finance and

Information Management

To build a solid foundation for your study in a specific business area, all of the undergraduate programmes offered by the Faculty provide you with a series of business foundation courses during the first two years of study.

課程結構概覽Programme Structure Overview

科 目 類 別

院 校 共 同 必 修 與 通 識 學 科

商 學 院 必 修

註 :如 非 特 別 註 明 ,所 有 科 目 均 為 3 學 分。Note: All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise stated.

課 程 必 修 及 選 修

自 由 選 修

總 共 :






共 修 學 分Course Category

College-wide Required and General Education Courses

Faculty Required

Programme Requiredand Programme Elective

Free Electives



四 個專 業 課 程供 你 選 擇Which Programme Suits You Best?

Which Programme Suits You Best? Which Programme Suits You Best?四 個 專 業 課 程 供 你 選 擇 四 個 專 業 課 程 供 你 選 擇


會計及銀行(榮譽)商學士學位課程Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) in Accounting and Banking

會 計 及 銀 行 學 系 開 設 會 計 及 銀 行 ( 榮 譽 ) 商 學 士 學 位

課 程 。 課 程 旨 在 為 會 計 及 銀 行 業 培 育 專 業 人 才 。 除 了

為 各 專 業 考 試 提 供 充 足 準 備 外 , 課 程 亦 為 學 生 提 供 各

種 商 業 知 識 及 技 能 , 以 便 應 對 瞬 息 萬 變 的 香 港 以 至 國

際 商 業 環 境 。 本 課 程 獲 香 港 會 計 師 公 會 ( H K I C P A )

認 可 , 學 生 可 參 加 公 會 之 專 業 資 格 課 程 ( Q P ) , 成 為

專 業 會 計 師 。

The Department of Accounting and Banking offers the Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) in Accounting and Banking Programme which aims to nurture professionals in accounting and banking areas. The programme provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the business environment in Hong Kong and overseas, including the preparation for professional examinations. As the degree programme is recognized by the Hong Kong institute of Certified PublicAccountants (HKICPA), graduates of our programme are eligible to join the Institute’s Qualification Programme leading to the qualification of a Certified Public Accountant.

香 港 會 計 師 公 會

特 許 公 認 會 計 師 公 會

英 國 特 許 管 理 會 計 師 公 會

審 計

會 計

內 部 審 計

稅 務 會 計

基 金 會 計

風 險 管 理

• Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)

• The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

• The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

• Auditing

• Accounting

• Internal Auditing

• Tax Accounting

• Fund Accounting

• Risk Management




Career Prospects

Which Programme Suits You Best? Which Programme Suits You Best?四 個 專 業 課 程 供 你 選 擇 四 個 專 業 課 程 供 你 選 擇課程編號 Programme Code 502201會計及銀行學系 Department of Accounting and Banking

工 商 管 理 學 系 開 設 工 商 管 理 學 ( 榮 譽 ) 學 士 學 位 課 程 。 課 程

旨 在 提 供 學 生 商 業 管 理 的 知 識 , 培 養 學 生 的 領 導 和 管 理 才

能 , 以 應 對 各 行 各 業 的 挑 戰 。 此 課 程 最 大 特 色 是 以 綜 合 管

理 、 人 力 資 源 及 市 場 行 銷 等 領 域 為 基 礎 , 建 立 學 生 多 元 化 的

管 理 知 識 和 技 巧 , 以 支 持 學 生 終 身 學 習 及 專 業 發 展 。 課 程 首

兩 學 年 著 重 加 強 學 生 對 商 業 知 識 的 基 本 認 識 。 內 容 主 要 為 企

業 經 營 、 基 本 管 理 技 巧 及 社 會 經 濟 發 展 等 , 第 三 及 第 四 學 年

則 著 重 培 訓 學 生 對 管 理 理 論 的 實 際 運 用 , 如 市 場 學 管 理 、 人

力 資 源 管 理 、 小 型 企 業 管 理 和 策 略 管 理 等 。 另 外 , 此 課 程 亦

獲 香 港 市 務 學 會 ( H K I M ) 認 可 , 有 關 專 業 資 格 的 認 可 不 但 提

升 了 同 學 建 立 專 業 能 力 的 信 心 , 也 對 他 們 將 來 事 業 的 發 展 有

莫 大 裨 益 。


The Department of Business Administration offers the Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) programme which aims at providing students with a broad training on business and management, preparing them to become competent leaders with the skills to work in a wide range of business fields and functions. The programme offers a focus on three core streams of disciplines: General Management, Human Resource Management and Marketing Management, which are vital in supporting students in their professional career development as well as further studies. The curricula of the first two academic years aim at strengthening students’ understanding of fundamental business knowledge, such as business, management skills and socio-economic development. The third and fourth years concentrate on training students with practical applications of management theories, such as marketing management, human resources management and general management. The BBA programme is recognised by the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM). The professional recognition has enhanced our students’ confidence in developing their specific areas of expertise and future career goals.

香 港 市 務 學 會

• Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM)


工 管 課 程 提 供 綜 合 及 全 面 的 商 業 及 管 理 知

識 , 讓 學 生 具 備 相 關 的 知 識 應 付 日 益 複 雜 的

社 會 需 要 。 我 們 的 畢 業 生 都 具 備 能 力 在 商 業

社 會 的 不 同 界 別 上 有 所 發 展 , 例 如 在 公 , 私

營 機 構 , 本 地 及 跨 國 的 企 業 , 零 售 , 財 務 金

融 界 等 不 同 界 別 中 擔 當 人 力 資 源 管 理 , 市 場

推 廣 , 客 戶 服 務 , 商 業 顧 問 等 不 同 職 業 。 發

展 非 常 多 元 化 。

The integrated and comprehensive training on businessand management enables our students to master the knowledge and skills they need to excel in an increasingly complex business world and allows them to benefit from wider job opportunities. Over the years, our graduates have been able to develop their careers in a wide array offunctions and disciplines including HR, marketing, customer services, business consultancy, etc., in private or public sectors, financial institutions and IT industry.

就業方向Career Prospects

Which Programme Suits You Best? Which Programme Suits You Best?四 個 專 業 課 程 供 你 選 擇 四 個 專 業 課 程 供 你 選 擇

工商管理學(榮譽)學士學位課程Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)課程編號 Programme Code 502301工商管理學系 Department of Business Administration


香 港 經 濟 結 構 現 已 轉 型 為 世 界 領 先 的 環 球

金 融 中 心 , 並 與 紐 約 、 倫 敦 和 新 加 坡 並

列 , 專 攻 國 際 銀 行 、 金 融 產 品 、 資 本 融 資

等 業 務 。 由 於 金 融 財 務 市 場 之 操 作 日 益 繁

複 , 優 質 財 務 管 理 人 才 長 期 供 不 應 求 , 財

務 金 融 學 ( 榮 譽 ) 工 商 管 理 學 士 學 位 課 程

除 培 育 學 生 掌 握 日 新 月 異 的 金 融 專 門 知 識

外 , 並 配 合 會 計 銀 行 、 工 商 及 現 代 資 訊 科

技 知 識 , 重 點 提 供 綜 合 性 之 財 務 與 金 融 核

心 理 念 , 透 過 畢 業 論 文 、 講 座 、 實 習 、 公

開 考 試 及 比 賽 , 實 踐 所 學 理 論 , 讓 學 生 成

為 具 備 國 際 視 野 的 優 秀 金 融 專 才 。

隨 著 互 聯 網 和 流 動 資 訊 科 技 的 全 球 化 普

及 , 金 融 業 界 對 資 訊 科 技 人 才 殷 切 需 求 。

有 鑑 於 此 , 商 學 院 財 務 金 融 學 系 於 2 0 1 6

年 9 月 開 設 金 融 及 資 訊 管 理 學 ( 榮 譽 ) 工

商 管 理 學 士 學 位 課 程 , 成 為 亞 洲 第 一 個 提

供 此 課 程 的 金 融 學 系 。 課 程 結 合 財 務 及 資

訊 管 理 的 專 業 知 識 , 旨 在 培 訓 金 融 領 域

的 資 訊 科 技 人 才 , 在 今 天 互 聯 金 融 的 趨 勢

之 下 , 領 先 培 育 具 財 經 分 析 、 數 據 處 理 、

獨 特 掌 握 運 用 金 融 科 技 資 訊 的 創 業 和 學 術

人 才 。 課 程 內 容 包 括 : 財 務 管 理 , 投 資 管

理 , 技 術 性 金 融 、 互 聯 網 數 據 分 析 、 流 動

資 訊 科 技 及 大 數 據 信 息 管 理 。

Hong Kong is a leading global financial centre in the ranks of New York, London, and Singapore. Today’s financial market is ever more complex. Quality finance professionals are always in demand. The BBA (Hons) in Finance programme equips students with state-of-the-art knowledge in finance integrated with knowledge in accounting and banking, business, and information technology. It offers an all-round training in understanding finance. Through a final-year project, talks, an internship, public examinations, and open contests, students are on track to become business professionals with a global perspective.

As a result of the worldwide development of information technology via internet and mobile technology, there is a surge in demand for finance professionals with outstanding IT skills throughout the world. Our new undergraduate programme, BBA (Hons) in Finance and Information Management, which was introduced in the fall of 2016, provides theoretical and practical training in FinTech. Graduates from this programme will gain a head start to become leaders in finance and information management, in academic pursuits, and other careers requiring advanced financial analysis skills including starting up their own businesses. The degree programme covers financial management, investments, quantitative finance, internet systems and analysis, mobile computing, and big data management.

Which Programme Suits You Best? Which Programme Suits You Best?四 個 專 業 課 程 供 你 選 擇 四 個 專 業 課 程 供 你 選 擇

財務金融學(榮譽)工商管理學士學位課程 Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Finance課程編號 Programme Code 502601財務金融學系 Department of Finance

金融及資訊管理學(榮譽)工商管理學士學位課程Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Finance and Information Management課程編號 Programme Code 502602財務金融學系 Department of Finance


Chief Banking/Investment Officer

Senior Banking/Investment Officer

首 席 銀 行/ 投 資 官

高 級 銀 行/ 投 資 經 理


課 程 獲 得 「 香 港 財 務 策 劃 師 學 會 」 的

全 面 專 業 認 可 , 並 適 合 擬 考 取 國 際 「 特

許 金 融 分 析 師 」 和 「 財 務 風 險 管 理 分 析

師 」 資 格 的 同 學 。 我 們 已 獲 列 入 為 特 許

金 融 分 析 師 協 會 大 學 加 盟 計 劃 成 員 , 當

中 成 員 包 括 不 少 知 名 大 學 , 如 馬 里 蘭 大

學 、 麥 馬 士 達 大 學 、 北 京 大 學 、 清 華 大

學 、 香 港 中 文 大 學 、 香 港 科 技 大 學 、 悉

尼 大 學 、 倫 敦 大 學 、 蘭 卡 斯 特 大 學 、 蒂

爾 堡 大 學 等 。

Fully recognised by the Hong Kong Institute of Financial Planners (IFPHK), our programme is suitable for preparing for Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA), and Chartered Risk Managers (FRM) qualifications. We are listed under the CFA Institute’s University Affiliation Programme, alongside well-known North American universities: University of Maryland, McMaster University; Asia Pacific universities: Peking University, Tsinghua University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, University of Sydney; European universities: University of London, Lancaster University, Tilburg University; etc.

Banking/Investment Officer

Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

Chartered FinancialAnalyst (CFA)

Financial RiskManager (FRM)

Insurance Investment Risk Management

Passed the 4 courses*,plus 3 years of

approved experience in the industry

Passed the Level I to IIICFA Exam, plus 48 months of approved experience in


Managerial Level (5 to 10 yrs. exp.)

• Head of Treasury/Capital Market • Branch /FX Manager

Supervisory Level (2 to 5 yr. exp.)

• Market Dealer/Officer• Operation Officer

Supervisory Level (2 to 5 yr. exp.)

• Financial Advisor • Investment Analyst/Officer

Supervisory Level (2 to 5 yr. exp.)

• Actuarial Assistant • Account Supervisor / Underwriting Supervisor

• Policy Services / Claims Supervisor

Managerial Level (5 to 10 yrs. exp.)

• Chief Investment Officer• Portfolio Manager

Managerial Level (5 to 10 yrs. exp.)

• Actuarial/ Reinsurance• Underwriting/Claim Manager

Becoming a Professional in the Finance Sector such as

• Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

• Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

• Financial Risk Manager (FRM)

by passing the examinations of the respective institutions plus required experience

Passed the FRM Part I & II Exam, plus 2 years of related experience

By working experience

Securities & Asset Management InsuranceBanking

By professional qualifications

高 級 銀 行/ 投 資 經 理

認 可 財 務 策 劃 師 特 許 金 融 分 析 師 金 融 風 險 管 理 師

保 險 投 資 風 險 管 理

取 得 四 個 課 程 合 格 成 績及 三 年 相 關 工 作 經 驗

取 得 C F A 卷 一 至 卷 三之 合 格 成 績 及 4 8 個 月

相 關 工 作 經 驗

*Courses I, II & III are exempted from attending*I, II & III 課程免修

管 理 層 ( 5 - 1 0 年 經 驗 )

• 資 本 市 場 總 監

• 分 行 / 外 匯 經 理

管 理 層 ( 5 - 1 0 年 經 驗 )

• 精 算 師

• 承 銷 / 索 賠 經 理

管 理 層 ( 5 - 1 0 年 經 驗 )

• 首 席 投 資 官

• 基 金 經 理

通 過 相 關 機 構 的 考 試 加 上

所 需 經 驗 , 成 為 金 融 部 門

的 專 業 人 士 :

• 認 可 財 務 策 劃 師 ( CFP )

• 特 許 金 融 分 析 師 ( CFA )

• 金 融 風 險 管 理 師 ( FRM )

監 督 級 別 ( 2 - 5 年 經 驗 )

• 財 務 顧 問

• 投 資 分 析 師 / 主 管

監 督 級 別 ( 2 - 5 年 經 驗 )

• 金 融 市 場 交 易 員 / 主 管

• 營 運 管 理 員

監 督 級 別 ( 2 - 5 年 經 驗 )

• 精 算 助 理

• 客 戶 主 管 / 承 銷 主 管

• 政 策 服 務 / 索 賠 主 管

取 得 F R M 第 一 和 二 部分 之 合 格 成 績 及 2 年 相

關 工 作 經 驗

通 過 工 作 經 驗

證 卷 與 資 產 管 理 保 險銀 行

通 過 專 業 資 格

Finance Graduate

Finance Graduate

金 融 系 畢 業 生

金 融 系 畢 業 生

Graduate Trainee畢 業 實 習 生

Trainee實 習 生

專業認可及就業方向Professional Recognition and Career Prospects

Which Programme Suits You Best? Which Programme Suits You Best?四 個 專 業 課 程 供 你 選 擇 四 個 專 業 課 程 供 你 選 擇

財務金融學(榮譽)工商管理學士學位課程 Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Finance

金融及資訊管理學(榮譽)工商管理學士學位課程Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Finance and Information Management

(852) 2972 7200 / 2972 [email protected]/

珠 海 學 院Chu Hai College of Higher Education香 港 新 界 青 山 公 路 青 山 灣 段 8 0 號80 Castle Peak Road, Castle Peak Bay, N.T., Hong Kong