
ISSN 0026-8933, Molecular Biology, 2008, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 243–252. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2008.Original Russian Text © K.V. Kiselev, T.Yu. Gorpenchenko, G.K. Tchernoded, A.S. Dubrovina, O.V. Grishchenko, V.P. Bulgakov, Yu.N. Zhuravlev, 2008, published in Moleku-lyarnaya Biologiya, 2008, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 275–285.



Expression of


, a component of


T-DNA, in plants causes dramatic morpho-logical and biochemical changes and plays an impor-tant role in the so-called hairy root disease [1–3].RolC is capable of inducing root development intobacco cell cultures [3, 4] and

Atropa belladonna

leafexplants [5]. The mechanism underlying the inductionof rhizogenesis by


C is unknown [1, 2]. The forma-tion of somatic embryos has been observed on hairyroots of papaya and spinach plants [6, 7].

We were the first to describe the embryogeniceffect of


C on ginseng cells in 2006 [8]. The mor-phology and histology of


C-transgenic embryo-genic calluses have been studied in detail, and


Cexpression has been identified as a cause of somaticembryogenesis. Weak


C expression does not causeembryogenesis in ginseng cell cultures, while higher-level expression induces root development.

The functions of


C are associated with the cal-cium signaling system [9]. Calcium serves as a univer-sal mediator in the complex signal transduction net-work: no other mediator responds to as great a numberof stimuli as free cytosolic Ca


does. Calcium-depen-dent protein kinases (CDPKs) are the main calciumsensors in plant cells. CDPKs belong to eukaryotic

protein kinases that catalyze the reversible transfer ofa phosphate group from ATP to the side chains of cer-tain amino acid residues of a protein. Phosphoryla-tion–dephosphorylation substantially affect the activ-ity of proteins and their interactions with other pro-teins. CDPK has three functional domains: a catalyticone, an autoinhibitory one, and a C-terminal calmod-ulin-like regulatory domain, which has special Ca


-binding sites known as the EF hands. These data sug-gest that CDPKs act as primary sensors in Ca


signaltransduction pathways. CDPKs presumably accountfor a major part of the Ca


-stimulated kinase activityin plants.

Complete genome sequencing of the taxonomi-cally distant plants



(monocot) and



(dicot) have revealed 27 and 32


genes, respectively [10, 11], suggesting that different


genes perform different functions and areinvolved in different signaling pathways. Four CDPKfamilies are recognized. The number of known CDPKtargets is continuously increasing and includes mem-brane transport proteins (plasmalemma H


-ATPase,potassium and anion channels of guard cells, aquapor-ins, etc.), transcription factors, enzymes (sucrosephosphate synthase, nitrate reductase, and phenylala-nine ammonia-lyase), cytoskeleton proteins, and othertargets [11–14]. Thus, CDPKs are involved in trans-

Calcium-Dependent Mechanism of Somatic Embryogenesis in

Panax ginseng

Cell Cultures Expressing the


C Oncogene

K. V. Kiselev

a, b

, T. Yu. Gorpenchenko


, G. K. Tchernoded


, A. S. Dubrovina

a, b

, O. V. Grishchenko


, V. P. Bulgakov


, and Yu. N. Zhuravlev



Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, 690022 Russia; e-mail: [email protected]


Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok, 690090 Russia

Received August 3, 2007Accepted for publication October 8, 2007



Panax ginseng

2c3 embryogenic cell culture was earlier obtained by callus cell transformationwith

Agrobacterium rhizogenes rol

C. Calcium channel blockers (LaCl


, verapamil, and niflumic acid) reducedthe production of somatic embryos in the 2c3 culture, implicating the Ca


signaling system in plant somaticembryogenesis. The protein kinase inhibitors W7 and H7 also decreased the yield of somatic embryos in the2c3 culture. The total


expression in the 2c3 culture was 1.2- to 1.5-fold lower than in a control callusculture as a result of a silencing of the genes belonging to the






) and




) subfamilies. Expression of the


subfamily genes (




) was increased. It was assumed that some genes of the


, and


sub-families were responsible for generation of embryogenic cells in the 2c3 culture. For the first time,


C expres-sion and embryogenesis were associated with changes in the expression of certain





Key words


Panax ginseng, Agrobacterium rhizogenes, rol

genes, somatic embryogenesis,

CDPK, rol


UDC 631.524.82




Vol. 42

No. 2


KISELEV et al.

mitting the Ca


signals associated with the membranepotential, regulation of carbohydrate and nitrogenmetabolism, stoma movements, stress response, cellarchitecture, embryo development, etc.

The primary objective of this work was to study theassociation between embryogenesis and


expression in


C-transgenic embryogenic ginsengcalluses. We found that the Ca


signaling systemplays an important role in generation of embryogenicstructures in the 2c3 ginseng cell line. Ginseng cellsproved to express genes of all four CDPK families.Expression of


C and somatic embryogenesis wereaccompanied by qualitative and quantitative changesin the expression of the


genes belonging to var-ious subfamilies.


Ginseng callus culture 1c

was obtained in 1988from the stem of a 2-month-old

Panax ginseng

C.A. Meyplant by the bioengineering group of the Institute ofBiology and Soil Science and was deposited in theRussian Higher Plant Cell Culture Collection (Insti-tute of Plant Physiology, Moscow) as a source of gin-senosides [15]. Calluses were cultured in 100-mlErlenmeyer flasks on the solid W


medium, con-taining 0.4 mg/l p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (4-CPA),in the dark at


with 30-day passages [16].

Transgenic 1c-


C cell cultures,

including 2c3,were obtained by transforming a 1c callus with




strain GV3101/pMP90RK [16], whichcarried the pPCV002-CaMVC/pMP90RK binary vec-tor [3]. In this construct,


C is controlled by the 35Spromoter of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV).The 1c-vector (GV) culture was obtained as describedpreviously [16], by culturing a 1c callus with




GV3101, carrying the pPCV002/pMP90RKbinary vector without additional inserts.

Culture conditions.

All cultures were grown in100-ml Erlenmeyer flasks on the W



medium inthe dark at


with 30-day passages. The grown reg-ulators 4-CPA and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D) were similar in efficiency, and the former waschosen as a growth regulator that facilitated stablesynthesis of ginsenosides [15]. Cell preparations forelectron microscopic and histological examinationswere obtained by a standard technique [8].


Inhibitors and dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) were from ICN Biomedicals. Sterile aqueoussolutions of verapamil and LaCl


and DMSO solutionsof niflumic acid, W7, and H7 were aseptically addedto the autoclaved medium at necessary concentrations.Equivalent amounts of DMSO were added to controlflasks.

Reverse transcription–polymerase chain reac-tion (RT–PCR).

RNA was isolated as in [17]. A 394-bp


C fragment was amplified by RT–PCR with prim-ers 5'-GCG TAA ACC CTT GAT CGA GC and 5'-TTC GAA CCT AAG CTG GGT GC and an annealingtemperature of


. To study the


expression,degenerate primers directed to the sequences codingfor conserved regions of the serine/threonine kinasedomain (5'-GTKCAYYTWGTKATGGAR and 5'-TTCKGCCCAAAADGGWGG) were designed onthe basis of the known CDPK amino acid sequences of

A. thaliana

, tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum

, tobacco

Nicotiana tabacum

, rice

O. sativa

, and maize




, D21805;


, AF363784;


, AF072908;


, D21806;


, AJ344154;


, AJ344155;


, AB042550; and


, D84408). Theannealing temperature (53


C) allowed amplificationof a single product (390 bp). The


C and


expression was normalized by the expression of the

P. ginseng

actin gene (AY907207) [18]. The actingene fragment (210 bp) was amplified with primers5'-GAT GAC ATG GAA AAG ATT TGG CAT C and5'-TGT TGT ACG ACC ACT AGC ATA CAG G. Theproducts were isolated from gel with a Glass Milk kit(Sileks, Russia) and cloned in pTZ57R/T as recom-mended by Fermentas (Lithuania).

The PCR products were quantitated using an Agi-lent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies) after30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 cycles to determine the intervalof linear product accumulation. The linear region cor-responded to cycles 30–35 in the case of


C and to45–50 cycles in the case of


PCR was carriedout as in [17].

Sequencing and sequence analysis.

The RT–PCRproducts were sequenced with a Big Dye TerminatorCycle sequencing kit v. 3.1. as recommended by AppliedBiosystems, using an ABI 310 genetic analyzer (AppliedBiosystems).

The amino acid sequences of the ginseng DCPKkinase domain fragments were deduced from thenucleotide sequences with the Gene runner 3.05 pro-gram and compared with the known CDPK sequencesof other organisms, using the BioEdit 7.0.8 andBLAST software programs. For each cell culture, 40–100 clones were sequenced. All sequences were num-bered in the order of sequencing. The qualitative com-position of the clones is characterized in Table 1.These results and data on the total


expressionassayed with the degenerate primers were used to esti-mate the expression level (in relative units) for each


subfamily. The relative expression was esti-mated as the total


expression normalized bythe actin gene expression

× % clones of each CDPKgene/100.

Real-time PCR. The specific primers and TaqManprobes for real-time PCR were designed on the basisof the sequencing results, using the Primer Premier5.0 program. Real-time PCR was used to assay the

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 42 No. 2 2008


CDPK genes most interesting in the context ofsomatic embryogenesis: PgCDPK1a, PgCDPK2b,PgCDPK2d, and PgCDPK3a. It was rather difficult toselect the specific primers because of the high homol-

ogy of some PgCDPK genes. Primers and probes spe-cific to PgCDPK1a could not be selected, becausetheir sequences were near identical to those forPgCDPK1b and PgCDPK1c. The primers and probesto PgCDPK2b coincided with the primers toPgCDPK2a. Only the primers and probes toPgCDPK2d and PgCDPK3a were specific to the cor-responding genes. The primers and probes are charac-terized in Table 2. The primers and fluorescentlylabeled probes (FAM, ROX, and Cy5) were synthe-sized as recommended by Sintol (Russia). PCR wasrun on an iQ5 BioRad amplifier, the results were ana-lyzed using Optical system software v. 2.0. Real-timePCR was carried out using a Sintol kit.

Statistical analysis employed the Statistica 5.5program. The results were represented as mean ± stan-dard error and were tested by paired Student’s t-test.The difference was considered significant at P < 0.05in all experiments.


Phenotype of Ginseng Cell Cultures and Generation of the Embryogenic 2c3 Culture

The 1c culture was a well-growing light yellowcallus without signs of tissue or organ differentiation(Fig. 1). Wet biomass increased 20-fold in 30 days.Differentiated structures were not generated in the 1cculture at various auksin–cytokinin ratios in the cul-ture medium, temperatures, and light regimes. The 1cculture failed to produce embryogenic cells at stan-dard hormone combinations added to the culturemedium. Transformation of the 1c culture withA. tumefaciens GV3101 carrying the pPCV002 binaryvector without additional inserts yielded the GV vec-tor culture, which did not phenotypically differ fromthe 1c culture.

The 2c3 culture grown under the same conditionsas 1c was a mixture of structured aggregates of a yel-

Table 1. Expression of the PgCDPK genes in the vector GVand embryogenic 2c3 cultures

Gene GV, % 2c2, % 2cR2, % 2c3, %


PgCDPK1a 37.5 31.8 31.6 10.8

PgCDPK1b 16.7 11.4 13.2 13.5

PgCDPK1c 2.1 2.3 5.1 13.5

PgCDPK1d 2.1 20.5 11 2.7

PgCDPK1x 4.2 4.5 5.9 2.7

PgCDPK1as 0 0 0 8.1


PgCDPK2a 2.1 2.3 2.9 2.7

PgCDPK2b 2.1 2.3 4.4 21.6

PgCDPK2c 0 0 1.5 0

PgCDPK2d 0 0 4.4 16.2

PgCDPK2ds 0 0 0 2.7


PgCDPK3a 29.8 22.7 14.7 2.7

PgCDPK3b 0 0 0 2.7

PgCDPK3x 2.1 0 4.4 0

PgCDPK3L 0 0 0 0


PgCDPK4a 2.1 2.3 0.7 0

PgCDPK4x 0 0 0 0

Note: The data were obtained for the cloned CDPK fragmentsamplified with the degenerate primers.

61.7∑ 70.5∑ 66.8∑ 51.3∑

4.2∑ 4.6∑ 13.2∑ 43.2∑

31.9∑ 22.7∑ 19.1∑ 5.4∑

2.1∑ 2.3∑ 0.7∑ 0∑

Table 2. Real-time PCR primers and probes directed to the PgCDPK genes

Gene Primer TaqMan probe












MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 42 No. 2 2008

KISELEV et al.

low callus, somatic embryos, and primordial shoots.Embryogenesis did not reach late stages in the 2c3culture. New embryos and vegetative buds were oftenformed on the surface of somatic embryos, startingfrom the globula stage (Fig. 1).

Expression of rolC in Ginseng Cell Cultures

Various levels of rolC expression were detected inginseng cultures [8]. The expression was high in rootsand moderate in embryos (Table 3).

Weak rolC expression did not cause substantialmorphological and anatomical changes. High rolCexpression, 8- to 9-fold higher than in the cultureswith a low expression level (1c-rolC-IV and 2c2), hada stable rhizogenic effect (Table 3). Root cells wereused to obtain the 2cR2 callus line, which alsoexpressed rolC to a high level. The 2cR2 culture pro-duced few differentiated structures, but retained thecapability of forming roots: root growth foci sponta-neously appeared during culturing, the causes ofwhich were unknown. Morphogenetic effects were

not observed in the 2c2 and IV cultures, expressingrolC to a low level. Calluses of these cultures grewrapidly and were structurally homogeneous withoutany signs of embryogenesis. Based on this analysis,we think that only a moderate level of rolC expressionled to the observed morphogenetic effects (2c3 andV), including generation of proembryonic structures,somatic embryos, and buds.

Effect of Calcium on Embryogenesis in the 2c3 Culture

The somatic embryogenesis rate in a Santalumalbum cell culture is associated with the cytoplasmicCa2+ concentration [19]. Embryogenesis is accompa-nied by an increase in [Ca2+]cyt, and its rate is lowerwhen Ca2+is removed by chelation or is absent fromthe culture medium or when Ca2+ channels areblocked. We studied the effect of the Ca2+ concentra-tion in the medium on embryogenesis in the 2c3 cul-ture.

Culture media usually contain about 3 mM CaCl2.Cell cultures were grown in the absence of Ca2+ and at

(c) (d)

(a) (b)



Fig. 1. Somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis in the P. ginseng 2c3 culture. The appearance of (a) a control GV callus cultureand (b) a rol-transgenic embryogenic 2c3 culture; (c) somatic embryos at the globule (G) and early heart (H) stages; and (d) 30-dayshoots formed in the 2c3 culture in the light. Bar, (a, b, d) 10 mm or (c) 100 µm.

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 42 No. 2 2008


higher Ca2+ concentrations (15–20 mM). The changesin Ca2+ concentration only slightly affected embryo-genesis. To estimate the effect of [Ca2+]cyt on somaticembryogenesis, we used Ca2+ channel blockers: LaCl3as a general inhibitor of channel-forming Ca2+ iono-phores, verapamil as a blocker of the outer Ca2+ chan-nels (located on the plasma membrane), and niflumicacid as a blocker of intracellular Ca2+ channels. Allblockers reduced the rate of embryogenesis in the 2c3culture (Fig. 2), and somatic embryos were trans-formed into loose heterogeneous callus cells. Themost significant suppression of embryogenesis wasachieved with niflumic acid and verapamil (17 and29%).

Effect of Protein Kinase Inhibitors on Embryogenesis in the 2c3 Culture

Since CDPKs serve as the main sensors of Ca2+, itwas of interest to study the effects on embryogenesisin the 2c3 culture for the general kinase inhibitor H7and the specific CDPK inhibitor W7. H7 and W7 sup-pressed embryogenesis in the 2c3 culture by 30–40%(Fig. 3). Complete suppression of embryogenesis wasnot achieved, because the ginseng cell died at highinhibitor concentrations (50 µM W7 and 100 µM H7).

CDPK Expression in Ginseng CulturesThe results obtained with the Ca2+ channel block-

ers and protein kinase inhibitors implicate the Ca2+

signaling system in embryogenesis in the 2c3 culture.

Since the CDPK genes play an important role in thissystem [14], we studied their expression in the controlGV and embryogenic 2c3 cultures and in the 2c2 and2cR2 callus cultures, differing in the level of rolCexpression.

PCR with the degenerate primers yielded frag-ments of the expected size for cDNAs of the GV, 2c2,2cR2, and 2c3 cultures. The fragments were clonedand sequenced. The fragments proved to code for apart of the kinase domain of several CDPKs. Allkinase domain fragments were highly similar to

Table 3. Expression of rolC and the phenotype of rolC-transgenic P. ginseng cultures

Culture Origin Phenotype rolC expression

1c Callus Initial callus line Homogeneous, rapid growth n.d.*

1c-vector (GV) Callus

1c cells transformed with the agro-bacterial strain carrying pPCV002

Homogeneous, rapid growth n.d.*

1c-rolC-II Callus

Independent cultures resulting from transformation with the agrobacterial strain carrying pPCV002-CaMVC

Heterogeneous, moderate growth 2.9 ± 0.4

1c-rolC-IV Callus

Homogeneous, rapid growth 1.5 ± 0.1

1c-rolC-V Callus

Heterogeneous, moderate growth, formation of proembryonic structures

2.7 ± 0.3

2c2 (GCL) Callus

Callus cell cultures deriving from 1c-rolC-II cell aggregates producing no roots

Homogeneous, rapid growth 1.6 ± 0.2

2c3, embryogenic

Heterogeneous, moderate growth, formation of embryos

2.6 ± 0.4

1c-rolC-II Roots

Hairy roots deriving from 1c-rolC-II Highly branching and rapidly growing roots 12.1 ± 1.2

2cR2 (GCH) Callus

Callus culture deriving from 1c-rolC-II roots

Heterogeneous, slow growth, the capability of producing roots is retained

10.1 ± 1.5

1c-rolC-III Roots

Root cultures deriving from 1c-rolC-III

Slightly branching and moderately growing roots, formation of buds

11.0 ± 1.5

* Expression was not detected.




02c3 NA VER







Fig. 2. Suppression of embryogenesis in the 2c3 culture bycalcium channel inhibitors. Cultures were grown in theabsence (2c3, control) or presence of 0.5 mM lanthanumchloride (La), 50 µM niflumic acid (NA), or 0.25 mM vera-pamil (VER). (**), P < 0.01. Here and in Fig. 3, the extentof embryogenesis in the control culture was taken as 100%.


MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 42 No. 2 2008

KISELEV et al.

known plant CDPKs. The ginseng CDPK amino acidsequences were aligned using the BioEdit programand formed four subfamilies (Fig. 4), as is the casewith A. thaliana CDPKs [11]. The gene subfamilieswere accordingly designated PgCDPK1, PgCDPK2,PgCDPK3, and PgCDPK4. Each subfamily was rep-resented by several groups of genes. In total, 17groups were identified. The identification was per-formed as follows. The PgCDPK nucleotidesequences of the amplified fragments were used todeduce the amino acid sequences. A difference inamino acid sequence in more than one residue sug-gested a new group. The genes of one group could dif-fer in nucleotide sequence, but their regions flankedby the degenerate primers coded for identical aminoacid sequences. The nucleotide sequences establishedin three independent sequencing experiments weredeposited in GenBank (Table 4). The sequences thatwere found only once were combined in one groupwithin the subfamily most close to PgCDPK1x,PgCDPK3x, and PgCDPK4x.

It is important to note that the embryogenic 2c3culture had CDPKs whose serine/threonine kinasedomain lacked catalytic subdomain VII, while thereading frame was preserved in their genes. Theamino acid sequences of these CDPKs were com-pletely identical to the known enzymes, except that17 amino acid residues were lacking. The genes forthese CDPKs were combined in the PgCDPK1asgroup.

The amino acid sequence similarity of CDPKs wasno less than 85% within a subfamily and no more than70% between subfamilies. Among all known CDPKs,the highest sequence similarity of the kinase domainfragment was observed with NtCDPK1 forPgCDPK1a (87%), with AtCPK10 for PgCDPK2a(84%), with OsCPK7 for PgCDPK3a (94%), and withAtCDPK17 for PgCDPK4a (94%) (Table 4).

The total intensity of the CDPK signals revealed bycDNA analysis for the embryogenic 2c3 culture wasalways substantially lower than that of the GV culture(Fig. 5). This finding was verified by cDNA analysisin several passages. The CDPK expression in the 2c2and 2cR2 cultures was lower than in GV, althoughwithin the confidence interval (Fig. 5). The CDPKamplicons were cloned and sequenced or examined byrestriction enzyme analysis. In total, we examined 350clones of the GV vector culture, 2c2 and 2cR2 rolC-transgenic cultures, and 2c3 embryogenic culture. TheCDPK gene set revealed in the ginseng cultures ischaracterized in Table 1.

The results (Fig. 5) showed that the total CDPKexpression is reduced in the embryogenic 2c3 culture.




02c3 H7 W7E




s, %

Fig. 3. Suppression of embryogenesis in the 2c3 culture byprotein kinase inhibitors. Cultures were grown in theabsence (2c3, control) or presence of 30 µM general proteinkinase inhibitor H7 or 15 µM calcium-dependent proteinkinase inhibitor W7. (*), P < 0.05.










Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree based on the amino acid sequencesof the kinase domain fragments that were encoded by thePgCDPK genes expressed in P. ginseng cell cultures.




0GV 2c2 2cR2 2c3



K e




Fig. 5. PgCDPK expression in the GV vector culture, 2c2and 2cR2 rolC-transgenic callus cultures, and 2c3 embryo-genic culture. Signals were obtained with the degenerateprimers. See text for comments. (*), P < 0.05.




MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 42 No. 2 2008


We estimated the change in expression (relative to theexpression in the control GV culture) for each CDPKgene, calculating the expression of the CDPK subfam-ilies with regard to the contribution of each form. Theresults, based on the data of Table 1 and Fig. 5, areshown in Fig. 6.

Normally, the GV callus culture expressedPgCDPK1a, PgCDPK1b, and PgCDPK3a to a higherlevel, while the other genes were less active. It was theexpression of these most active CDPK genes that sig-nificantly decreased upon rolC expression. The extentof their inhibition depended on the level of rolCexpression. The highest inhibition was observed in theembryogenic 2c3 culture, where these genes wereexpressed to the lowest level, lower than that ofPgCDPK2b and PgCDPK2d.

Real-Time PCR Analysis of the Ginseng CDPK Subfamilies

To verify the results obtained with the degenerateprimers, we carried out real-time PCR with primersbased on the known CDPK sequences. We chosePgCDPK1a, PgCDPK1b, PgCDPK2b, PgCDPK2d,and PgCDPK3a for the analysis, because their expres-sion in the embryogenic 2c3 culture significantly dif-fered from that in the control GV culture. The twomethods proved to report similar trends: the expres-sion of PgCDPK1a, PgCDPK1b, and PgCDPK3agrew lower and that of PgCDPK2b and PgCDPK2dincreased (Table 5). The amplitude of changes slightlyvaried (Table 5), which could be explained by mea-surement errors or the fact that the signals wereobtained with different cDNA preparations and a3-month interval between RNA isolations.

Table 4. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence for the kinase domain fragments encoded by the PgCDPK genesand known plant CDPKs


AtCPK1 (I)




AtCPK16 (VI)





PgCDPK1 NP_196107









PgCDPK1a DQ421785

68 74 84 67 62 87 64 69 68

PgCDPK1b EF546429

65 75 84 67 61 87 64 70 68

PgCDPK1c EF621917

65 75 83 67 62 86 64 70 68

PgCDPK1d n.d.* 57 68 70 59 52 69 59 62 61


PgCDPK2a DQ422856

70 75 67 84 64 64 71 70 71

PgCDPK2b EF541125

70 76 68 87 66 65 73 70 72

PgCDPK2c EF600555

71 71 65 88 62 65 76 71 72

PgCDPK2d n.d.* 66 74 67 88 65 65 68 68 70


PgCDPK3a DQ422857

83 71 62 70 57 70 82 94 81

PgCDPK3b DQ981494

74 78 71 65 64 74 70 72 72

PgCDPK3L n.d.* 76 74 64 68 59 70 74 86 73


PgCDPK4a EU043518

66 94 68 72 61 68 68 67 66

* Not deposited in GenBank.


MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 42 No. 2 2008

KISELEV et al.


The calcium signaling system is known to play akey role in regulating the majority of plant physiolog-ical processes [12, 13], including embryogenesis [19].

Our experiments with Ca2+ channel blockers show thata reduction of the Ca2+ flow into the cytoplasm pre-vents somatic embryogenesis in the 2c3 culture(Fig. 2). This result indicates that activation ofembryogenesis by rolC in transgenic culture is associ-ated with the Ca2+ flow into the cell. It is logical toassume that rolC changes the function of the Ca2+ sig-naling system and directly or indirectly affects the cellsensitivity to Ca2+. One of the possible effects is mod-ification of CDPKs, the main Ca2+ sensors in plants[11]. We compared the CDPK production in normaland transgenic cells. The CDPK genes were of partic-ular interest in view of the results obtained with theW7 and H7 kinase inhibitors (Fig. 3) and the pub-lished data that sandalwood Santalum album pos-sesses swCDPK and that the expression and activity ofits protein product are elevated and directly correlatewith [Ca2+]cyt in an embryogenic cell culture [19].

The analysis of the CDPK expression with degen-erate primers questioned the data [19]: the total CDPKexpression was almost halved in the embryogenic 2c3culture (Fig. 5). A more detailed analysis showed that,while the expression of several CDPK genes(PgCDPK1a, PgCDPK1b, and PgCDPK3a) did growlower, PgCDPK2b expression increased and newCDPK genes, silent in the control culture, came to beexpressed: PgCDPK1as, PgCDPK2d, andPgCDPK2ds (Table 1). It is possible that the newCDPK genes or the genes whose expression is ele-vated in the 2c3 embryogenic culture are analogs ofsandalwood swCDPK. However, the swCDPKsequence is unavailable for comparisons with the gin-seng genes. Further experiments with real-time PCRconfirmed the results obtained for the CDPK expres-sion with the degenerate primers (Table 5), and thefindings can be interpreted with more certainty.

Notwithstanding the efforts of many labs, themechanism of CDPK action is far from being com-pletely understood: the substrates and functions ofCDPKs and the expression regulation of their genesare unknown [10, 11]. Data on the ginseng CDPKgenes are also unavailable. Our experiments demon-strate that several CDPK subfamilies are expressed inginseng cells. Although some CDPKs may have notbeen identified, the available amino acid sequencesform a phylogenetic tree with four branches (Fig. 4).Likewise, four CDPK subfamilies have beendescribed in A. thaliana and O. sativa. This indicatesthat we found all major CDPK subfamilies of ginseng.Only the fragment coding for a part of the serine/thre-onine kinase domain was sequenced for most CDPKgenes, but this domain alone makes it possible toassign CDPKs to the known subfamilies [11, 20].

The differences in the serine/threonine kinasedomain are thought to affect the CDPK function [11].Hence, ginseng CDPKs can perform different func-tions. The PgCDPK1 (especially PgCDPK1a and







K e



n, r





1a 1b 1c 1d 1x1as


2a2b 2c 2d 3a2ds 3b3x3L 4a 4x






1a 1b 1c 1d1x1as


2a2b 2c 2d 3a2ds 3b 3x 3L 4a4x






1a 1b 1c 1d 1x1as


2a2b 2c 2d 3a2ds 3b3x 3L 4a 4x






1a 1b 1c 1d 1x1as


2a2b 2c 2d 3a2ds 3b 3x 3L 4a 4x

PgCDPK subfamily

Fig. 6. PgCDPK expression in the control GV culture, 2c2and 2cR2 rolC-transgenic callus cultures, and 2c3 embryo-genic culture. See text for comments.

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PgCDPK1b) and PgCDPK3 (PgCDPK3a) subfami-lies are actively expressed in the rapidly growing GVcallus culture. The genes of the PgCDPK3a group aresimilar in the encoded amino acid sequence to grapeVitis labrusca × V. vinifera VCPK1, which facilitatesbiomass growth in a cell culture [21]. Similar resultswere obtained in our experiments: a decrease in biom-ass growth correlated with a decrease in PgCDPK3aexpression in transgenic ginseng cultures. The aminoacid sequences encoded by PgCDPK1a andPgCDPK1b are most similar to NtCDPK1, whosegene is actively expressed in rapidly proliferating tis-sues and cell cultures. NtCDPK1 interacts with the26S proteasome and catalyzes degradation of manyenzymes and regulatory proteins, promoting cell tran-sition to mitosis [22]. It is possible that some proteinfactors initiating morphogenesis are degraded in nor-mal cells and the control GV culture, which conse-quently cannot give origin to somatic embryos.According to this scenario, rolC expression decreasesthe expression of PgCDPK1a and PgCDPK1b, whichinhibits 26S proteasomes and increases the concentra-tion of protein factors triggering somatic embryogen-esis. The embryogenic 2c3 culture actively expressesthe PgCDPK2 subfamily (PgCDPK2b andPgCDPK2d), whose products are most similar toAtCPK30. AtCPK30 acts as a Ca2+ sensor and isinvolved in hormonal signal transduction and rootdevelopment. Elevated AtCPK30 expression corre-lates with morphogenetic processes in cell and organcultures [23].

It is important to note that the mRNAs of someCDPK groups (PgCDPK1a and PgCDPK2d) experi-ence substantial modification: the entire catalytic sub-domain is deleted from the region coding for theserine/threonine kinase domain. We think that themRNAs are changed posttranscriptionally. The CDPKmRNAs are known to undergo alternative splicing inthe regions coding for the calcium-binding sites andthe N-terminal sequence and in the 5'-untranslatedregion, but the biological significance of these modifi-cations is obscure [10]. The modifications are proba-

bly functional, changing the affinity for the substratesto be phosphorylated; yet this assumption requiresfurther investigation.

Our findings and published data [19] indicate thatplant somatic embryogenesis is mediated by the Ca2+

signaling system. Initiation of embryogenesis in aplant cell culture depends, to a certain extent, on theactive expression of certain CDPK genes. These arePgCDPK2b and PgCDPK2d in ginseng. Expressionof the previously silent genes is accompanied by adecrease in the expression of the PgCDPK1 andPgCDPK3 genes. A certain role can be played by gen-eration of CDPK short mRNAs, whose significancealso awaits investigation.


This work was supported by the Russian Founda-tion for Basic Research, the Far East Division of theRussian Academy of Sciences (project nos. 04-3-G006-023 and 04-3-A-06-047), a Scientific SchoolSupport grant (no. NSh-6923.2006.4), and grantsfrom the US Civilian Research and DevelopmentFoundation (RUX0-003-VL-06) and the RF Ministryof Education (A03-2.12-524) to the Research andEducational Center of the Far East State University.


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