Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195 DOI 10.1007/s00204-007-0237-y 123 GENOTOXICITY AND CARCINOGENICITY The inhibitory eVects of garlic and Panax ginseng extract standardized with ginsenoside Rg3 on the genotoxicity, biochemical, and histological changes induced by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in male rats Wagdy K. B. Khalil · Kawkab A. Ahmed · Myung H. Park · Yong T. Kim · Hyung H. Park · Mosaad A. Abdel-Wahhab Received: 12 June 2007 / Accepted: 15 August 2007 / Published online: 14 September 2007 © Springer-Verlag 2007 Abstract Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is widely used in food and other industries to sequester metal ions and to prevent their disadvantageous eVects. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the protective eVect of Panax ginseng extract standardized with ginseno- side Rg3 (ginsenoside Rg3 content was 3.6% w/w, i.e., 36 g/mg P. ginseng extract) and garlic against EDTA- induced biochemical, genotoxic, and histological changes in rats. Forty male rats were divided into eight treatment groups and treated for 7 days as follows: the control group, the group treated with EDTA (20 mg/kg b.w) and the groups treated with P. ginseng extract (20 mg/kg b.w), gar- lic (5 mg/kg b.w), P. ginseng plus garlic alone or in combi- nation with EDTA. In vivo bone marrow micronucleus test and random ampliWed polymorphism DNA-PCR (RAPD- PCR) method were performed to assess the antigenotoxic eVect of both protective agents. The results indicated that EDTA administration caused a signiWcant decrease in the serum biochemical parameters and antioxidant enzymes activity. The administration also increased lipid peroxida- tion and the incidence of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MnPCEs), caused appearance of some changes in polymorphism band patterns, and induced diVer- ent histopathological lesions in the livers, kidneys, and tes- tis. Treatment with P. ginseng, garlic alone or plus EDTA signiWcantly improved all the tested parameters. Moreover, P. ginseng extract was found to be more eVective than gar- lic in restoring the parameters that were altered by EDTA. Keywords Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid · Panax ginseng · Garlic · Genotoxicity · Protection Introduction Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is one of the most important chelating agents that widely used in food and other industries to sequester metal ions and to prevent their disadvantageous eVects (Fishbein et al. 1970; HeindorV et al. 1983; Muralidhara and Narasimhamurthy 1991). FDA has also approved EDTA as a food additive that is generally recognized as safe (GRAS). EDTA’s array of biochemical properties make it extremely valuable as a food additive. In pharmacy and medicine, EDTA has become a valuable drug for the regulation of metal-ion concentrations in bio- logical systems, as well as for the removal of noxious sub- stances from the human body (Fishbein et al. 1970; HeindorV et al. 1983). Previous reports indicated that EDTA induced DNA damage or chromosome breaking in human (Basrur and Baker 1963) and mice (Manna and Das 1976). Chromosome W. K. B. Khalil Cell Biology Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt K. A. Ahmed Pathology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt M. H. Park Ambo Institute, Seoul, South Korea Y. T. Kim · H. H. Park Lotte R&D Center, Lotte Group, Seoul, 150-964, South Korea M. A. Abdel-Wahhab (&) Food Toxicology and Contaminants Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt e-mail: [email protected]

The inhibitory effects of garlic and Panax ginseng extract standardized with ginsenoside Rg3 on the genotoxicity, biochemical, and histological changes induced by ethylenediaminetetraacetic

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Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195

DOI 10.1007/s00204-007-0237-y


The inhibitory eVects of garlic and Panax ginseng extract standardized with ginsenoside Rg3 on the genotoxicity, biochemical, and histological changes induced by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in male rats

Wagdy K. B. Khalil · Kawkab A. Ahmed · Myung H. Park · Yong T. Kim · Hyung H. Park · Mosaad A. Abdel-Wahhab

Received: 12 June 2007 / Accepted: 15 August 2007 / Published online: 14 September 2007© Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) iswidely used in food and other industries to sequester metalions and to prevent their disadvantageous eVects. Theobjective of the current study was to evaluate the protectiveeVect of Panax ginseng extract standardized with ginseno-side Rg3 (ginsenoside Rg3 content was 3.6% w/w, i.e.,36 �g/mg P. ginseng extract) and garlic against EDTA-induced biochemical, genotoxic, and histological changesin rats. Forty male rats were divided into eight treatmentgroups and treated for 7 days as follows: the control group,the group treated with EDTA (20 mg/kg b.w) and thegroups treated with P. ginseng extract (20 mg/kg b.w), gar-lic (5 mg/kg b.w), P. ginseng plus garlic alone or in combi-nation with EDTA. In vivo bone marrow micronucleus testand random ampliWed polymorphism DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR) method were performed to assess the antigenotoxiceVect of both protective agents. The results indicated that

EDTA administration caused a signiWcant decrease in theserum biochemical parameters and antioxidant enzymesactivity. The administration also increased lipid peroxida-tion and the incidence of micronucleated polychromaticerythrocytes (MnPCEs), caused appearance of somechanges in polymorphism band patterns, and induced diVer-ent histopathological lesions in the livers, kidneys, and tes-tis. Treatment with P. ginseng, garlic alone or plus EDTAsigniWcantly improved all the tested parameters. Moreover,P. ginseng extract was found to be more eVective than gar-lic in restoring the parameters that were altered by EDTA.

Keywords Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid · Panax ginseng · Garlic · Genotoxicity · Protection


Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is one of the mostimportant chelating agents that widely used in food andother industries to sequester metal ions and to prevent theirdisadvantageous eVects (Fishbein et al. 1970; HeindorVet al. 1983; Muralidhara and Narasimhamurthy 1991). FDAhas also approved EDTA as a food additive that is generallyrecognized as safe (GRAS). EDTA’s array of biochemicalproperties make it extremely valuable as a food additive. Inpharmacy and medicine, EDTA has become a valuabledrug for the regulation of metal-ion concentrations in bio-logical systems, as well as for the removal of noxious sub-stances from the human body (Fishbein et al. 1970;HeindorV et al. 1983).

Previous reports indicated that EDTA induced DNAdamage or chromosome breaking in human (Basrur andBaker 1963) and mice (Manna and Das 1976). Chromosome

W. K. B. KhalilCell Biology Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt

K. A. AhmedPathology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

M. H. ParkAmbo Institute, Seoul, South Korea

Y. T. Kim · H. H. ParkLotte R&D Center, Lotte Group, Seoul, 150-964, South Korea

M. A. Abdel-Wahhab (&)Food Toxicology and Contaminants Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypte-mail: [email protected]


184 Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195

aberrations are induced in bone marrow cells and spleencells in vivo of mice after injection of EDTA (HeindorVet al. 1983). EDTA also induces UDS in SHE cells (Fukuda1987). However, it does not induce morphological transfor-mation in the same cells (Fukuda 1987). Hagiwara et al.(2006) reported increases in the levels of chromosomeaberrations were induced in SHE cells treated with EDTA.Because EDTA is a chelating agent, the sequestering ofmetal ions by EDTA may be responsible for the aberrationsof the genetic apparatus. However, the molecular mecha-nisms leading to such potentiation are not clearly under-stood. The wide use of EDTA and its salts as foodadditives, especially in human diets including breakfastcereals and cereal bars (Heimbach et al. 2000), its knowncalstogenic potency and its ability to potentiate the muta-genic response of chemical and physical agents clearlynecessitates the generation of comprehensive data on itsmutagenic potency in well validated in vivo mammaliansystems.

There is growing evidence in the literature to use someplant extracts that possess an array of interesting pharmaco-logical eVects. Ginseng is the traditional herbal remedyused in Chinese medicine for thousands years (Loo et al.2004). One of the most commonly used and researchedginsengs is Panax ginseng, also called Asian or Koreanginseng (Kakizoe 2000). The main active components ofP. ginseng are ginsenosides, which have been shown tohave a variety of beneWcial eVects, including anti-inXam-matory, antioxidant, and anticancer eVects (Lee et al. 1998;Kakizoe 2000; Kampen et al. 2003; Loo et al. 2004).

Garlic (Allium sativum) is a common spicy Xavoringagent used since ancient times. It has been shown to possesmany medicinal properties including bactericidal, hypolipi-demic, hypocholesteromic, antineoplastic and anticancereVects (Jonkers et al. 1999; Duncan 1999; Siegers et al.1999) and antioxidant properties (Abdel-Wahhab and Aly2003, 2005; Abdel-Wahhab et al. 2004). Moreover, garlichas chemopreventive potential against cyclophosphamideinduced chromosomal mutations in Swiss albino mice(Shukla and Taneja 2002). The aims of the current studyare twofold (1) to evaluate the potency of EDTA to inducebiochemical changes, bone marrow micronuclei, DNAdamage, and histological alterations in rats, and (2) the abil-ity of P. ginseng extract and garlic to prevent the toxiceVects of EDTA.

Materials and methods

Chemicals and kits

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic (CAS no. 60-00-4) was pur-chased from Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA. Alanine amino-

transferase (ALT) and Aspartate aminotransferase (AST),Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), albumin, createnine, andblood urea nitrogen (BUN) kits were obtained fromBioMe´rieux, Laboratory of Reagents and Products, MarcyLétoile, France. MDA kit was purchased from OxosResearch™ Co., kit (USA). Glutathione peroxidase (GPX)and Superoxide dismutase (SOD) kits were purchased fromRandox Laboratories Co., Crumlin, UK.

Plant extracts

P. ginseng

The standardized P. ginseng extract EFLA400 (Phoenixginseng) (Batch no. 303298) of P. ginseng C. A. Mayer wasprepared according to the published procedure (Korean pat-ent 0425022, PCT/KR2003/000003) and was supplied fromLotte Group R & D Center, Seoul, South Korea. The con-tent of ginsenoside Rg3, a pharmacologically active ingre-dient of phoenix ginseng, was 3.6% (w/w) as determined byHPLC (i.e., 36 �g/mg p. ginseng extract).

Preparation of garlic

Fresh garlic bulbs were purchased from the local market,Cairo, Egypt, homogenized and freeze dried using Freezedryer system (Dura-Dry Freeze Dryer, Model PAC-TC-V4;FTS system Inc., Stone Ridge, NY, USA). The dried garlicpowder was kept at ¡40°C until used.

Experimental animals

Forty adult male albino rats (100-130 g, purchased from theAnimal House Colony, Giza, Egypt) were maintained onstandard laboratory diet (protein, 16.04%; fat, 3.63%; Wber,4.1%; and metabolic energy, 0.012 MJ) and water ad libi-tum at the Animal House Laboratory, National ResearchCenter, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt. After an acclimation period of1 week, animals were divided into eight groups (5 rats/group) and housed individually in Wlter-top polycarbonatecages housed in a temperature-controlled (23 § 1°C) andartiWcially illuminated (12 h dark/light cycle) room freefrom any source of chemical contamination. All animalsreceived humane care in compliance with the guidelines ofthe Animal Care and Use Committee of National ResearchCenter, Egypt.

Experimental design

Animals within diVerent treatment groups (Table 1) weretreated (daily at a 24-h interval) intragastrically for 1 weekas follows: group 1, untreated control; group 2, treatedintragastrically with 5 mg/kg b.w. of garlic powder


Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195 185

suspended in distilled water; group 3, treated with 20 mg/kg b.w. of P. ginseng extract dissolved in distilled water;group 4, treated with 5 mg/kg b.w. of garlic and 20 mgP. ginseng; group 5, treated with 200 mg/kg b.w. of EDTA(i.e., 1/10 LD50) suspended in distilled water (positive con-trol group); group 6, treated with garlic plus EDTA; group7, treated with P. ginseng plus EDTA and group 8, treatedwith garlic and P. ginseng plus EDTA. At the end of theexperimental period, blood samples were collected from theretro-orbital venous plexus of all animals after being fastingfor 12 h for DNA isolation and the biochemical analysis.The activities of ALT, AST, and BUN were determinedaccording to the method recommended by Henry et al.(1974). Serum albumin was determined according to Dou-mas et al. (1971), createnine was determined according toBartles et al. (1972), and LDH was determined according toTietz (1987). All animals were sacriWced and dissected onday 8. Bone marrow samples were collected from bothfemurs of each animal and extracted immediately and pro-cessed for the MN assay.

Biochemical analysis

Livers, kidneys and testes were collected for the histopatho-logical examinations. Another sample of liver of each ani-mal was dissected, weighed and divided into two portions.The Wrst portion was homogenized in phosphate buVer (pH7.4) to give 20% w/v homogenate (Lin et al. 1998). Thishomogenate was centrifuged at 1,700 rpm and 4°C for10 min and the supernatants was stored at ¡70°C to the nextday until analysis. This supernatant (20%) was used for thedetermination of hepatic lipid peroxidation (LPO) and it wasfurther diluted with phosphate buVer solution to give 2 and0.5% dilutions for the determination of hepatic GPX (2%)and SOD (0.5%) activities. Hepatic LPO was estimated bythe measurement of malondialdehyde (MDA) by spectro-photometeric method (Esterbauger et al. 1991). The level oflipid peroxides was expressed as �mol MDA/mg protein.The protein content in liver tissue was measured by applyingthe method of Lowry et al. (1951). Hepatic GPX activity

was determined by spectrophotemetric method usingreduced glutathione and cumene hydroperoxide as substrateusing 20 �l diluted liver homogenate according to the modi-Wed method of Paglia and Valentine (1967). Hepatic SODactivity was assayed spectrophometerically by red formazandye reduction procedure (Suttle 1986) using 50 �l dilutedliver homogenate. The speciWc activity of hepatic GPX andSOD was expressed as unit/mg liver protein.

MN assay

The bone marrow cells resuspended in a small volume offetal calf serum on a glass slide were used for smear prepa-ration. The smear of bone marrow cells was prepared fromeach rat. After air-drying, the slide was Wxed in methylalcohol for 10 min and stained with 5% Giemsa stain for10 min. Three slides were prepared for each animal andwere coded before observation and one was selected forscoring. From each coded slide, 3,000 polychromatic ery-throcytes (PCEs) were scored for the presence or micronu-clei under oil immersion at high power magniWcation. Inaddition, the percentage of micronucleated polychromaticerythrocytes (%MnPCEs) was calculated on the basis of theratio of MnPCEs to PCEs (Adler 1984).

Molecular analysis

The genomic DNA was isolated using phenol/chloroformextraction and ethanol precipitation method with minormodiWcations (Sambrook et al. 1989). The purity of theDNA was evaluated by absorbances at 230, 260, and280 nm (Aquardo et al. 1992). When impurities were pres-ent (pure DNA has a ratio A260/A230 = 1.7–2.2), the DNAsample was passed through the commercial UltraClean Soilkit until satisfactory purity was reached.

RAPD-PCR analysis

To generate RAPD proWles from rats DNA, Wve oligodeca-mers (5-mer random primers: A01: 5�-CAGGCCCTTC-3�,A02: 5�-TGCCGAGCTG-3�, A10: 5�-GTGATCGCAG-3�

and C09: 5�-CTCACCGTCC-3�, C15: 5�-GACGGAT-CAG-3�) from Operon Technologies, Almeda, CA, USA,were used. DNA ampliWcation reactions were performedunder conditions reported by Luceri et al. (2000). PCRampliWcation was conducted in 50 �l reaction volume con-taining 100 ng genomic DNA; 100 �M dNTPs; 40 nMprimer (Operon); 2.5 U of Taq DNA polymearse and 5 �lpromega 10X Taq DNA polymearse buVer. The reactionswere carried out in Thermocycler (Perkin-Elmer 9700) pro-grammed with a Wrst denaturation of 5 min at 94°C, fol-lowed by 45 cycles of 0.5 min at 94°C, 1 min at 36°C and2 min at 72°C and Wnally, one cycle at 72°C for 5 min. The

Table 1 Experimental groups and the respected treatments (n = 5)

Groups Treatment Dose (mg/kg b.w)

1 Untreated control –

2 Garlic 5

3 P. ginseng 20

4 Garlic + P. ginseng 5 + 200

5 EDTA (positive control) 200

6 Garlic + EDTA 5 + 200

7 P. ginseng + EDTA 20 + 200

8 Garlic + P. ginseng + EDTA 5 + 20 + 200


186 Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195

PCR product was analyzed by electrophoresing 25 �l of theampliWed mixture on agarose gel. The Gel-Pro Analyzer(Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD, USA) was used todocument ethidium bromide DNA gels.

Histopathological examination

Tissue samples (liver, kidneys, and testes) were Wxed inneural buVered formalin 10%, dehydrated in ascendingconcentrations of ethanol, cleaned in xylene, and embeddedin paraYn. Sections 4–5 �m thick were prepared andstained with hematoxylin and eosin (Bancroft et al. 1996).

Statistical analysis

The binomial data for biochemical analysis and micronu-cleus showed normal distribution. Therefore, all data wereanalyzed using the General Liner Models (GLM) procedureof Statistical Analysis System (SAS 1982) followed byScheVé-test to assess signiWcant diVerences between groups.The values are expressed as mean § SEM. All statements ofsigniWcant were based on probability of P < 0.05.


The acute toxicity of EDTA Wrst appeared as a signiWcantdecrease in food intake accompanied by a decrease in bodyweight gain (data not shown). The animal in this group con-tinued to refuse the feed to reach nothing on day by the sev-enth day of treatment. Whereas, all animals in the othergroups continued to consume feed and gain normal weight.By the end of day 7 we stopped the experiment due to thesevere toxicity for the animals in EDTA group.

Biochemical assay

Results of the biochemical study revealed that treatmentwith EDTA alone caused a signiWcant decrease in ALT,AST, LDH, albumin, createnine, and BUN, whereas, nosigniWcant diVerences were noticed in the animals treatedwith P. ginseng alone, garlic alone or P. ginseng plus gar-lic. Animals treated with EDTA plus P. ginseng, EDTAplus garlic, or EDTA plus P. ginseng in combination withgarlic showed a signiWcant improvement in all the bio-chemical parameters tested. Although P. ginseng extractwas found to be more eVective than garlic in this respect.Moreover, the combined treatment of P. ginseng plus garlicwas the most eVective one against the biochemical changesinduced by EDTA compared to the individual treatment ofP. ginseng or garlic alone (Table 2).

The eVects of diVerent treatments on the oxidant–antiox-idant status of the livers are depicted in Table 3. It is worthy T



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Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195 187

to mention that EDTA produced a signiWcant increase inhepatic LPO level with concomitant signiWcant decrease inhepatic GPX and SOD. Animals treated with P. ginsengalone were comparable to the control regarding the level ofLPO or the activity of GPX and SOD. Treatment with gar-lic alone or garlic plus P. ginseng resulted in a signiWcantincrease in SOD whereas MDA and GPX were in the nor-mal level of the control. The combined treatment with P.ginseng or garlic plus EDTA, as well as the treatment withgarlic and P. ginseng plus EDTA led to a signiWcantimprovement in the oxidant–antioxidant status of the liverof the treated rats compared with those treated with EDTAalone. This improvement was pronounced in the animalstreated with the combination of P. ginseng and garlic plusEDTA since this group was comparable to the controlgroup (Table 3).

MN assay

Data in Table 4 shows the eVects of diVerent treatments onthe bone marrow MnPCEs. The results revealed that EDTAwas able to cause a high incidence of MnPCEs in rats(Fig. 1). The number of MN in polychromatic erythrocytesin the bone marrow cells after EDTA administrationincreased signiWcantly compared with the values of control.P. ginseng extract alone or in combination with garlic wereable to reduce the elevation of MnPCEs number in the bonemarrow cells resulted from EDTA administration. Thisinhibition in MnPCEs reached 51 and 42% in the groupstreated with P. ginseng extract alone or P. ginseng plus gar-lic, respectively. Meanwhile, garlic alone was not signiW-cantly eYcient to decrease the MN formation in the bonemarrow induced by EDTA (28%).

RAPD Wngerprinting pattern

The molecular genetic variability among the treated ratgenomes was evaluated using Wve oligonucleotide primers(A01, A02, A10, C09, and C15). Two primers (A10 and

Table 3 EVect of garlic and P. ginseng on the oxidant–antioxidant status of liver in EDTA-treated rats (mean + SE)

Groups Parameters

Lipid peroxidation (�mol/mg liver protein)

GPX (U/mg liver protein)

SOD (U/mg liver protein)

Control 35.4 § 1.6a 1.87 § 0.04a 103.2 § 2.4a

Ginseng 36.2 § 1.5a 1.95 § 0.13a 104.4 § 1.4a

Garlic 34.6 § 1.8a 1.98 § 0.07a 117.6 § 3.2b

Ginseng + Garlic 36.8 § 2.7a 1.99 § 0.03a 123.7 § 3.8c

EDTA 66.4 § 2.6b 0.62 § 0.02b 74.8 § 2.9d

EDTA + Ginseng 42.3 § 2.3c 0.92 § 0.05c 98.9 § 5.3e

EDTA + Garlic 43.4 § 1.9c 0.99 § 0.08c 99.6 § 2.7e

EDTA + Ginseng + Garlic 38.2 § 1.7a 1.57 § 0.03d 102.4 § 3.6a

Within each columns, means superscript with the same letter are not signiWcantly diVerent (P > 0.05)

GPX glutathione peroxidase, SOD superoxide dismutase

Table 4 Inhibitory eVects of ginseng and garlic alone and in combi-nation on EDTA- induced bone marrow MnPCEs

PCEs polychromatic erythrocytes, MnPCEs micronucleated polychro-matic erythrocytes, within each column means superscripts with diVer-ent letters are signiWcantly diVerent (P · 0.05), total counted PCEswas 15,000 per a group

Groups Parameters

MnPCEs (%)

MnPCEs/2,000 PCEs

Mean SEM

Control 0.36 7.2c 0.58

Ginseng 0.41 8.2bc 0.37

Garlic 0.41 8.2bc 0.58

Ginseng + Garlic 0.40 8.0bc 0.89

EDTA 0.85 17.0a 0.84

EDTA + Ginseng 0.40 8.2bc 0.37

EDTA + Garlic 0.61 12.2ab 1.02

EDTA + Ginseng + Garlic 0.49 9.8bc 1.46

Fig. 1 Normal polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs) and micronucleat-ed polychromatic erythrocytes (MnPCEs) in male rats treated withEDTA


188 Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195

C09) only gave positive and detectable bands (Fig. 2),where, they ampliWed a total of 57 diVerent bands, rangingfrom 280 to 1,516 bp (Table 5). Of the 57 scorable bands,one was similar “monomorphic” for control, P. ginseng,garlic and P. ginseng plus garlic (A10-530); six were simi-lar for control, P. ginseng or garlic (A10-1163, A10-795,A10-714, A10-603, A10-304, and, C09-299); three were

similar for control and P. ginseng (C09-708, C09-488, and,C09-383); and four were similar for garlic or garlic plus P.ginseng (C09-889, C09-686, C09-446, and, C09-372)(Table 5). However, only two bands (A10-1328 and A10-946) were monomorphic for control, P. ginseng, garlic andEDTA samples (Table 5).

The DNA of the samples treated with EDTA analyzedwith the two primers revealed the appearance of eight newbands (A10-1516, A10-852, A10-736, A10-631, A10-415,A10-377, A10-325, and, C09-281) which did not appear inthe samples of other treatment groups (Table 5). These newbands could be considered as potential markers whichattributed to EDTA treatment. Furthermore, RAPD primerC09 in the samples of rat exposed to EDTA displayed lossof 18 stable bands (C09-906, C09-889, C09-779, C09-767,C09-708, C09-686, C09-675, C09-488, C09-459, C09-446,C09-383, C09-372, C09-361, C09-299, C09-297, C09-285,C09-283, and, C09-280) which occurred in the DNA ofnormal or protected rat samples (Fig. 1).

Histopathological results

The histopathological examination of liver tissues of rattreated with EDTA alone showed kupVer cells activation,sporadic cell necrosis, dilated hepatic sinusoids as well asmassive vacuolations of periportal hepatocytes (Fig. 3a, b).Multifocal areas of hepatocytic necrosis associated withmononuclear leucocytic cells inWltration were alsoobserved in this group (Fig. 3c). Liver of rats treated withgarlic or P. ginseng extract showed normal histopathologi-cal pictures. However, sections of liver from rats treatedwith EDTA plus garlic revealed activation of kupVer cells,hyperplasia of epithelial lining bile ducts associated withoedema in the portal tracts (Fig. 3d). Moreover, liver of rattreated with EDTA plus either P. ginseng extract alone orwith P. ginseng extract plus garlic revealed no histopatho-logical changes except proliferation of kupVer cells(Fig. 3e, f).

Histopathological examination of the kidney tissues inEDTA-treated rat revealed marked vacuolar degenerationof epithelial lining proximal convoluted renal tubules aswell as endothelial lining the glomerular tufts associatedwith hypertrophy of the tufts with narrowing of Bowman’sspaces (Fig. 4a, b). Small focal area of tubular necrosisreplaced by mononuclear leucocytic cells was noticed insome sections (Fig. 4c). Kidney of garlic or P. ginsengextract-treated rats showed normal histopathological pic-tures. The sections from rats treated with EDTA plus eitherP. ginseng extract or garlic revealed no histopathologicalchanges except congestion of renal blood vessels (Fig. 4d,e). Apparent normal histological picture was observed inkidney sections of rat treated with EDTA combined withgarlic plus P. ginseng extract (Fig. 4f).

Fig. 2 Comparison of RAPD Wngerprinting proWles of diVerent ratgenomic DNA. a Represents PCR products with primer A10, b repre-sents PCR products with primer C09. The DNA marker was in lane 5.Lane 1 represents untreated rats, lane 2 represents rats treated withP. ginseng, lane 3 represents rats supplemented with garlic, lane 4 rep-resents rats treated with P. ginseng plus garlic, lane 6 represents ratsexposed to EDTA alone, Lane 7 represents rats treated with P. ginsengplus EDTA, Lane 8 represents rats treated with garlic plus EDTA, Lane9 represents rats administrated with P. ginseng in combination withgarlic plus EDTA

1353 bp- 1078 bp- 872 bp-

603 bp-

310 bp- 271 bp- 234 bp- 197 bp-

118 bp-

1353 bp- 1078 bp- 872 bp-

603 bp-

310 bp- 271 bp- 234 bp- 197 bp-

118 bp-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195 189




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190 Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195

Testis of EDTA treated rat suVered from degeneration ofspermatogoneal and sertoli cells accompanied with intratu-bular accumulation of cellular debris (Fig. 5a). Severe alter-ations were observed in testis sections of rat treated witheither garlic alone or EDTA plus garlic. Marked testiculardegeneration with complete loss of germinal cells liningsome seminiferous tubules was recorded in the examinedsections (Fig. 5b). Apparent normal testis was noticed inthe sections of rats treated with P. ginseng extract alone,EDTA combined with P. ginseng or EDTA combined withgarlic plus P. ginseng extract (Fig. 5c, d).


In 1974, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on FoodAdditives (JECFA 1974) recommended that CaNa2 EDTAor Na2 EDTA be permitted as food additives at doses up toan ADI of 2.5 mg EDTA/kg b.w/day, based on the factsthat these additives are poorly absorbed from the gut,appear to be metabolically inert, and have a history of usein treating metal poisoning in humans. Subsequently, theInternational Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group(INACG 1993) and JECFA (1993b, c) evaluated the bene-

Wts and potential health concerns associated with the use ofiron EDTA as an iron fortiWcation in food.

In the current study, we evaluated the ability of P. gin-seng extract contain 36 �g ginsenoside Rg3/mg and garlicto protect the experimental animals against the biochemi-cal, genotoxic, and histopathological changes of EDTA.The selective dose of garlic and P. ginseng extract werebased on our previous work (Abdel-Wahhab and Aly 2003;Mannaa et al. 2006). The signiWcant decrease in ALT andAST reported herein in the EDTA alone-treated group indi-cated a marked destruction of hepatocytes (Wang et al.2004) and the decreased level of LDH indicates the hepato-cytes injury (Wang et al. 2002) as a severe eVect of EDTA.Albumin level in EDTA-treated rats decreased signiWcantlysuggesting the liver cells injury. Although albumin is not afrequently used as an index to hepatic failure, its changewith a steady pace giving concrete conWrmation to the sta-tus of hepatic anabolism (Gao et al. 2002). Moreover, thedecreased level of BUN in this group indicates proteincatabolism and/or kidney dysfunction (Abdel-Wahhabet al. 2002). The signiWcant increase in MDA accompaniedwith the signiWcant decrease in SOD and GPX reported inthe current study in the EDTA-treated group indicated thatEDTA induced oxidative stress. These eVects may be

Fig. 3 Photomicrographs of liv-er of male rats: a treated with EDTA showing kupVer cell acti-vation, sporadic cell necrosis, di-lated hepatic sinusoids as well as massive vacuolations of peripor-tal hepatocytes (H & E £200) b treated with EDTA showing massive vacuolations of hepato-cytes (H & E £400). c Treated with EDTA showing focal area of hepatocytic necrosis associ-ated with mononuclear leucocy-tic cells inWltration (H & E £400). d Treated with EDTA combined with garlic showing hyperplasia of epithelial lining bile duct associated with oedema in the portal tracts. e and f treated with EDTA combined with either (ginseng alone)/or with ginseng plus garlic, respectively, showing proliferation of kupVer cells (H & E £200)


Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195 191

indirect response to EDTA as a chelating agent; conse-quently, the sequestering of metal ions by EDTA may beresponsible for the oxidative stress (Hagiwara et al. 2006).

The clastogenicity eVects of EDTA in animals were doc-umented previously (HeindorV et al. 1983; Muralidhara andNarasimhamurty 1991). Previous study showed that EDTAwas able to inXuence the mutagen-induced micronucleusyield (Muralidhara and Narasimhamurty 1991). The bone

marrow micronucleus assay is a very sensitive and reliabletest being used as a screening test for in vivo chromosomaldamage (Ashby et al. 1988). In the current study, we haveapplied the random ampliWed polymorphism DNA-PCR(RAPD-PCR) to evaluate the genotoxic eVects of EDTAand the possible protective eVects of P. ginseng extract and/or garlic. Our results clearly indicated that the in vivo muta-genic activity of EDTA resulted in an increase in the

Fig. 4 Photomicrographs of kidney of male rats: a and b treated with EDTA showing marked vacuolar degeneration of epithelial lining proximal convo-luted renal tubules as well as endothelial lining the glomerular tufts associated with hypertro-phy of the tufts with narrowing of Bowman’s spaces (H & E £200). c Treated with EDTA showing small focal area of tubular necrosis replaced by mononuclear leucocytic cells (H & E £400). d and e treated with EDTA combined with garlic or ginseng, respectively, showing congestion of renal blood ves-sels. f Treated with EDTA com-bined with garlic plus ginseng showing apparent normal histo-logical structure (H & E £200)

Fig. 5 Photomicrographs of testis of male rats: a treated with EDTA showing degeneration of spermatogoneal and sertoli cells accompanied with intratubular accumulation of cellular debris (H & E £200). b Treated with EDTA combined with garlic showing marked testicular degeneration with complete loss of germinal cells lining some seminiferous tubules (H & E £200). c and d treated with EDTA combined with ginseng and EDTA combined with garlic plus ginseng showing apparent normal testis (H & E £200 and 100, respectively)


192 Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195

incidence of micronucleated PCE. These results conWrm theearlier observations of other investigators (Manna and Das1976; Muralidhara and Narasimhamurty 1991), whoreported a higher incidence of chromosome aberrations inbone marrow cells of mice treated with EDTA and Syrianhamster embryo cells (Hagiwara et al. 2006).

Furthermore, DNA Wngerprinting assay indicated themutagenic eVect of EDTA since RAPD primers displayedsome changes in polymorphism band patterns of DNAincluding lose of stable bands in EDTA alone-treatedgroup. According to HeindorV et al. (1983), the mechanismby which EDTA causes these genotoxicity remains poorlyunderstood. In despite of this fact, the clastogenicity eVectof EDTA may be attributed to two reasons: (1) the inhibi-tion eVect of EDTA on DNA synthesis in mammalian cells,which may be due to impairment of several enzymesinvolved in DNA replication; and (2) the mutagenic eVectof EDTA may be attributed to the viewpoint that EDTA-induced cation deWciencies, which is responsible for thechanges of chromosome morphology or mitotic abnormali-ties. Furthermore, FDA scientists (Lerner et al. 1986) con-cluded that the observed events were probably spuriousindications of genotoxic potential caused by the chelationof cations that are important as enzymatic cofactorsinvolved in DNA synthesis in the cell. In the same respect,Taylor and Jones (1972) reported that transient inhibition ofDNA synthesis was observed in rat kidneys following intra-peritoneal injection of various chelated forms of EDTA likecalcium, sodium or manganese, but not by zinc salts ofEDTA. These authors speculated that the lack of eVects bythe zinc EDTA salt provided evidence that zinc is requiredfor the initiation or continuation of DNA synthesis and thatthe other EDTA salts probably caused a depletion of therequired zinc ions in the kidney tissues.

The present study indicated that there were prominent his-topathological alterations in the liver, kidney and testis of ratstreated with EDTA alone. In this respect, Reuber and Schmi-eller (1962) claimed that the liver of rats treated with 500 mgof EDTA was normal. Furthermore, M. J. Appel (1999, sub-mitted data) reported that histopathological examination ofsections of the liver did not reveal any dose or treatment-related changes. Such observations were considered to beunremarkable and occurred either sporadically or with a uni-form distribution across all groups. Reuber and Schmieller(1962) reported that the kidney showed mild to moderaterenal hydropic changes with focal subcapsular swelling andproliferation in glomerular loops, which is supportive to ourresults. Grass et al. (1985) and Grass and Robinson (1988)stated that EDTA is a toxic agent and capable of penetratingbiological membranes and tissue stroma. It might postulatethat the cytotoxicity of EDTA is related to its ability to bindto intracellular metal ligands, thereby resulting in the forma-tion of a more active toxic-inducing form (Ogundele 1998).

The natural dietary supplements have recently beendemonstrated to possess many medicinal properties (Sieg-ers et al. 1999; Loo et al. 2004). In the current study, ani-mals treated with EDTA plus garlic, P. ginseng or acombination of garlic plus P. ginseng showed a signiWcantimprovement in all biochemical parameters tested. In a pre-vious work, we reported that garlic contains organosulfercompounds that have protective eVects against the develop-ment of many diseases (Abdel-Wahhab and Aly 2003). Itsucceeded to restore the level of diVerent biochemicalparameters and antioxidant enzymes toward the normal lev-els of the controls. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) thatinduced cellular damage was estimated by monitoring theLPO, which is a well-known indicator of cellular damageby oxidative stress. The current results supported the anti-oxidant properties of organosulfur compounds in garlic andtheir ability to scavenge free radical-intermediates of LPO(Abdel-Wahhab et al. 2004). In addition, the increase inhepatic GPX activity, as shown in rats treated with garlicmay be facilitated by the regeneration of GPX from its oxi-dized form (Abdel-Wahhab and Aly 2003). This postula-tion is consistent with the increase in hepatic GPX level inrats treated with garlic with or without EDTA challenge.Generally, the organosulfur compounds in garlic enhancethe defense mechanisms against EDTA and supported theearlier Wndings that organosulfur compounds enhanced theprotection of liver against many toxicants (Tadi et al. 1991;Siu et al. 1996; Abdel-Wahhab and Aly 2003; Abdel-Wah-hab et al. 2004).

Moreover, Panwar et al. (2005) reported that more than95% of protopanaxadiol ginsenosides in natural P. ginsengare converted into ginsenoside Rg3 and Rg5; of courseother protopanaxatriol ginsenosides are also converted intotheir congeners. This conversion makes P. ginseng haseight times more potent antioxidant action, 97 time potentvasodilatation action than conventional white ginseng andred ginseng. In this regard, Kim et al. (1997) reported thatginseng has a potent protective action against CCL4-induced toxicity and it showed inhibitory eVect oncytochrome P450- associated monoxygenase activities.Therefore, it is suggested that the protective eVect of p. gin-seng is attributable to its free radical scavenging activity(Abdel-Wahhab and Ahmed 2004; Mannaa et al. 2006).Generally, these Wndings indicated that both garlic and P.ginseng extract have protective eVects against EDTA-induced liver injury and they play a role in increasing theantioxidant status as well as lowering the oxidative damageof nucleic acids in the body (Abdel-Wahhab and Aly 2003;Mannaa et al. 2006).

To date, few studies were investigated the antimutageniceVects of ginseng against mutagenicity actions includingmicronucleus formation in animal models (Panwar et al.2005; Ivanova et al. 2006). The chemoprotective action and


Arch Toxicol (2008) 82:183–195 193

antimutagenic eVect of the standardized P. ginseng extract,EFLA 400 was studied in Swiss albino mice (Panwar et al.2005) and in C57BL/6 male mice (Ivanova et al. 2006). Leeet al. (1998) suggested that supplementation with antioxi-dants such as ginseng might protect smokers from oxidativeDNA damages and could reduce cancer risk or other dis-eases caused by free radicals associated with smoking. Inthe present study, we have found that P. ginseng alone orcombined with garlic was able to prevent the mutageniceVect of EDTA. It reduced signiWcantly the number ofMnPCEs in the bone marrow cells, as well as absence ofchanges in the polymorphism band patterns of the DNAinduced by EDTA. Consistent with our observation, Pan-war et al. (2005) reported that P. ginseng extract had anantimutagenic activity in mice in a dose dependent manner.On the other hand, Abraham and Kesavan (1984) reportedthat micronucleus formation in albino mice treated withgarlic was not signiWcantly diVerent from control values.Consistent with these observations, we have found that ratstreated with garlic showed micronucleus values similar tothe control values. Kumaraguruparan et al. (2005) reportedthat the protective eVect of garlic against N-methyl-NV-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced genotoxicity was moreeVective when garlic was combined with tomato thantomato alone or garlic alone. In the present study, we havealso found that garlic was more impressive to prevent themutagenicity eVect of EDTA when combined with P. gin-seng extract than garlic alone.

The histopathological examination of liver, kidney, andtestis in rats treated with EDTA combined with eitherP. ginseng alone/or with P. ginseng plus garlic revealed amarked improvement in the histopathological picture. Thehistopathological results reported herein supported the Wnd-ings of Salvati et al. (1996), who stated that ginseng stimu-lates spermatogenesis in rat testes and increasedspermatozoa number/ml, progressive oscillating motility,increased plasma total and free testosterone, DHT, FSH,and LH levels. It is suggested that ginsenosides may havean eVect at diVerent levels of the hypothalamus-pituitary–testis axis. Ginseng extracts increases biosynthesis of pro-tein and nucleic acid (Lee et al. 1993; Kim et al. 1997).Moreover, it was reported that the non-saponin componentsof red ginseng suppressed the harmful eVects of ROS (O2,H2O2, and, OH2), which exercise an important role in tissuedegeneration (Kim et al. 1997). Moreover, Zhang et al.(1996) showed that hydroxyl radical formed by the Fentonreaction were completely inhibited by ginseng extract. Thisantioxidant eVect of ginseng may be responsible for itswide pharmacological actions in clinical practice by a freeradical reaction-inhibition mechanism. Therefore, the pro-tective eVects of P. ginseng or garlic may be related to theirantioxidant properties. Furthermore, earlier studies demon-strated that garlic protects against the genotoxic eVects of

carcinogens by modulating LPO and enhancing GSH-dependent antioxidants (Arivazhagan et al. 2000, 2001;Chandra Mohan et al. 2003; Abdel-Wahhab and Aly 2003;Abdel-Wahhab et al. 2002, 2004). The possible reason forthe apparent synergistic eVects of P. ginseng and garliccombination may be due to the presence of several phyto-chemicals which were reported to display both complemen-tary and overlapping mechanism of actions, includinginduction of detoxiWcation enzymes and antioxidants (Kiket al. 2001; Weisburger 2002).

In conclusion, although FDA stated that EDTA may beregarded as GRAS for the intended food uses, the currentstudy demonstrated that EDTA (20 mg/kg b.w) inducedsevere biochemical, histopathological, and genotoxicchanges in rats. These eVects may be due to the higher doseof EDTA used in the current study, eightfold of the esti-mated daily intake (EDI) recommended by JECFA (1974).Both garlic and P. ginseng extract contain 36 �g ginseno-side Rg3/mg extract have protective eVects against EDTA-induced alterations. P. ginseng extract was eVective thangarlic, whereas the combined treatment was more eVectivethan the single treatment.


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