What Kind Of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product And Why By Holly, Kelly, Harry, Ryan

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What Kind Of Media Institution Might

Distribute Your Media Product And Why

By Holly, Kelly, Harry, Ryan

What is Distribution

The Definition of Distribution is the process that is taken to be able to sell films to the exhibitors or also known as the cinema’s.

Paramount Pictures Paramount Pictures Corporation is a global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, with robust and multi-faceted divisions across all areas including digital, home entertainment, network and cable television distribution, studio operations, and consumer products and recreation.  A unit of the leading global entertainment content company, Viacom, Paramount is part of a family of prominent and respected brands including MTV Networks and BET Networks.

 Our film is under the genre Thriller and is aimed at young teens up to the older teen. Paramount Pictures are known for Distrusting films like Paranormal Activity and other under the same Genre as our film. Because our film is under the same genre as their previous films that they have distributed and because it is also aimed at roughly the same target audience as they are use to distributing to we feel as though they would be interested in our film due to these circumstances.

UK Audience Or Wider

We feel as though our audience should be of a wider field then just the UK. The reasoning for this is because looking at Paramount Pictures distribution, they are a well known global producer and distributor. Also most of the well known films that Paramount Pictures have distributed are known on a global concept so we feel that not only does our film have the potential to be popular globally but we also feel, that because we feel as though liking Paramount Pictures to distribute our film it would be better for the audience to be globally as they are a Global Corporation.

Self – Distribution Self - distribution is a method of distributing that not only makes your company more known but also a way where you can keep all the profits made during distributing the film.

Although this does sound like a good opportunity as a group we feel as though self – distribution wouldn’t be the best method of distributing our film. Because we have chosen to make our film seen globally, we don’t feel that we would be able to distribute the film to this wide audience through our own self distributing. Another reason why we feel that self – distributing wouldn’t be a good method of us to consider is because many people enjoy watching films from certain Distributors if their chosen well known distributor is known for distributing enjoyable and fun films to watch. Because of this and because we wouldn’t be known to many people we feel they might not chose to come and watch our film because of this reason.

For a self – distributor to become global they would have to start of small first like in the UK and then over a long period of time slowly progress bigger and wider. We would like this film to have a global audience straight away so we feel that it is best to play safe and stick with a already well known global corporation rather then starting up our own self distributing corporation.

Marketing Strategies Looking back at how other films that are already released have been marketed to their target audience we have chosen a few of their ideas and some of the most known marketing strategies, that we fill will be able to fulfill the task of marketing our film to our chosen audience.

One of the ideas that we have chosen for a marketing strategy is to place a short trailer of the film on the T.V Channels that our target audience are known for watching for example ITV or E4. as well as this you could also place the trailer as the opening credits to a film being released before our film that once again mainly our target audience are likely going to watch. Another marketing strategy that many films uses to get out the word of their film is by having posters up on the side of busses and at bus stops on their large panels. Some companies also place posters in subways and even on the London Underground walls. We feel that these two ideas would make good marketing strategies as not only do we know off but we have also heard off films being released and also because it is also a good way to catch our target audience’s eyes and way of drumming our film into their minds.