Target Audience Survey Summary.

Target Audience

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Target AudienceSurvey Summary.

Page 2: Target Audience

Question 1.What gender are you?

To ensure a fair test we sent our questionnaire to an equal amount of males and females, this is to ensure we gained a balanced response and to reduce the likeliness of anomalies

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Question 2.What age are you?We asked a range of people from 15-24+ about their ages and the majority of people where between 18-20 (45%) followed closely by 15-17 (30%). This tells us that if we were to put an age rating on our film it would have to be a 15 as otherwise we would be disregarding a lot of potential audience. It would make sense to try to appeal to 15-20 year olds. We have also noticed that this age bracket is the most popular for use of social media, so from this we can judge that social media would be the best place to advertise our film.

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Question 3.What occupation do you have?After asking about peoples occupations it came to our attention that the majority of people (64%) were students tells us that the student age range are most interested in horror film. This would mean we could use this information to help cater our advertising and marketing to them. A possible way of doing this would be to give a ‘student discount’ to those watching the film who are students, to attract them. A possible problem with our results is that they were only sent to people within our college.

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Question 4.Do you watch horror films?

90% of people from the survey said the liked horror, this tells me that horror is a very popular genre within film. This shows that horror is actually attracts a wide range of people as 90% of people like it.

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Question 4.Do you often watch horror films?

Nobody said they watched horror films daily or weekly. This can be down to a few factors, such as the fact that it isn’t very often horror films are released into the cinema or just because people have other things to do than watch films. The price of films or to go to the cinema has risen a lot recently and this may also be a factor within this result. The fact that they are still viewed monthly and yearly shows that they are still relevant in modern society.

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Question 5.What type of horror genre do you most prefer?

As you can see on the pie chart the most popular genre of horror are psychological where killers are often psychologically troubled or unstable. The second most popular genre was supernatural, films including ghosts or demons. Slashed horrors which are based around stabbings and knifes got 1/5th of the vote. Gore was just under 20% these films are often based solely around a lot of blood and torture. Finally hammer got 6%. This was quite unpopular.

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Question 6.Do you prefer a male or female villain?

This pie chart was to decide whether the villain in our horror should be male or female. As you can see from the pie chart the favourite gender of villains is male, this could be due to the stereotypical idea that females in horrors are vulnerable and victims. However some people do enjoy women as villains this could be due to it being different and against the norm. An example of this could be in ‘Women in Black’ released in 2012. So it is a current example.

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Question 7.Do you prefer the villain to survive or die?Whether the villain should survive or die is always a big issue when making a horror film. When surveyed 72% of people said they prefer it if the villain survives. This could be due to leaving them wondering what is happening when the film finishes if the villain is still alive. Also it leaves a greater area for a sequel of the film. However the other 28% said they preferred the villain to die this could be due to preferring a clear ending to the film and also as good overcomes evil.

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Question 8.Would you rather the hero be male or female?

After the villain we asked whether people preferred the hero to be male or female. The majority of people preferred the hero to be female, this could be due to females being stereotypically vulnerable in horror films and this shows them overcoming this stereotype and winning. However 32% also liked Males being the hero maybe living up to the idea of men taking control due to their nature.

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Question 9.Do you prefer the hero to survive or die?

The vast majority of the people we surveyed said they preferred the hero to survive all the way through the film. This could be to maintain the idea that they are a true hero if they’re still alive at the end. A small minority said they’d like the hero to die this could be used to create an emotional ending helping to interact with the audience. Also it could just to be to keep in the typical horror style of death and gore.

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Question 10.What weapon do you most like to see used in horror films?

The most popular weapon that people liked in horror films was knife which got 44% of the vote. A knife is very common and people enjoy the basic nature of it. It got almost double the amount of votes as second which was a rope with 21%. Also hammer got just over 1/8th of the vote as the favourite weapon in horror films. This was just in front of a chainsaw which can provide a lot of gore but is hard to experiment with and expand on. The rest of the survey was made up from other weapons but the results were so wide there wasn’t point in separating them.

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Question 11.What location do you like better in horror films?From our survey it has become clear that 32% of people prefer to have their horror located in a deserted location, other popular ones are a haunted house and a woods. We are going to take all these into consideration by setting our film in a deserted location, which is a woods and we are also including a haunted house, by doing this we hope to appeal to the majority of people who have answered the survey.

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Question 12.What makes you watch horror films?

We asked people what made them watch horror films, we thought this an important question as it would be the best source of information as to how we should advertise our film. The most popular answer was the trailer, as we are making a trailer this highlights to us how important it is to ensure our trailer is good as it is the most popular advertising for films. We also noticed that the internet was the second best source so this tells us that the internet is a vital place to advertise our film on

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Question 13.When you view horror trailers do you prefer them to leave you guessing or tell the whole story?From this result we have decided that we will not be revealing our villain or the majority of the story line as this tells us that people like to be kept guessing , so instead we are going to give a little glimpse of the story line, which will hopefully capture the attention of the other 27% of people as well.

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Question 14.Do you prefer horror films to be…This pie chart tells us that the majority of people prefer to have a sequel to the film, this is important to us as it is important that we don’t kill off the villain so then there is still a story line for a sequel people also liked a stand alone films, by leaving the film on a cliff hanger which leaves room for a sequel may also please these people, if the ending is good enough

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Question 15.If the horror film was based on a particular occasion, which would you prefer it to be?

From this pie chart we can see that most people prefer horror films to be set on halloween. From this information in the pie chart we can make an informed decision on when to set out teaser trailer to make it more scary.