
Storyboard yr12

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Page 1: Storyboard yr12


Page 2: Storyboard yr12

Genre SignifiersWe can tell this is an action film/adventure film because of the gunmen shown in the background to give us the effect war and violence. The castle also shows power, and tells the audience that whoever owns this has authority over everyone in the castle

Mise-en-scene In this image, the lighting is very sinister and dark, giving the audience a hint that something bad is going to happen. Also by having the light shining behind the noose, draws the audiences attention towards the object that the camera is trying to focus on to show what is going to happen in the scene. The colour is also very dark and gloomy, to show the seriousness and the sadness created within this scene

Camera WorkIn this shot, the camera is showing a close up of the noose to show the importance, impact and relevance of the noose in this scene.

Camera Angles This shot is a low angle shot. This makes the noose look powerful with makes the audience feel nervous due to the link to death

Sound In this scene, the sound is a drum roll. This is a juxtaposition because the music doesn't match the shot because a drum roll signifies a victory. Whereas a noose symbolise death


Page 3: Storyboard yr12

Genre SignifiersWe can tell this is an action film/adventure film because of the soldiers holding their guns towards the people chained up. This suggest war and violence. Also the fact that the prisoners are in shackles this shows possession and something will happen to them.

Mise-en-sceneThe costume shows the audience what time period this film is based on. The lighting is dark and gloomy to show the audience that something bad is happening. The make up on the prisoners makes them look dirty and disgusting, this contrasts between the soldiers because they are all clean, so this suggest that the class they are in. The props in this image are guns and they are shown firmly over the prisoners which shows the power they have over the people in chains. Also by it being set in a castle it shows how much authority the person has over all of these people.

Camera Work This is a wide shot, so from this shot we can get a sense of the body language and movement. This helps the audience understand what is going on and the situation the characters are in.

SoundThe sound is the man reading out why they are there, so you understand why they are going to kill the them. This gives the effect of they will die, but we as an audience don’t feel sympathy for the prisoners because we know what they have done. But it also creates that this is their fate there's no getting out.


Page 4: Storyboard yr12

Genre SignifiersWe can tell this is an action film because so far there is so much happening in this opening that you relate it to being a action film.

Mise-en-sceneThe lighting is dark and gloomy to show the audience that something bad is happening. Again you can tell by their shoes what time period this film is taking place. The setting is taken place in a castle where they are about to get hanged, this suggest that these people have died because of the latch opening, as an audience you feel shocked because this wouldn’t happen in today’s society and defiantly not this many people, so to us this is more of a big deal.

Camera WorkThis is a close up of the feet to show the audience that the hanging is completed, but also to create emotion because they have just died and as the audience they feel bad about this happening.

SoundThe sound is their chains on their feet rattling. This creates a sad effect because they have now died and it might of not been there fault.

EditingThe pace of this section is quite fast so you could relate this to be how quick they are killing them because it’s just one pull of the lever and they are dead and we think that is shown though the pace.

Page 5: Storyboard yr12

Genre SignifiersWe can tell this is an action film/adventure film because a little boy is just about to be hanged, this shows that the person doing the hanging has no sympathy for what this boy has done, which shows how big his crime was.

Mise-en-sceneThe lighting in this scene emphasises the boy about to be hanged because he is surrounded by light compared to the people nest to him because they are very dark. Also you could also say that the light surrounding him could show his innocence as a child. The prop in this image is the noose but it looks like that the noose is small so it can fit around the boys neck. This suggest that the people actually hanging him are being heartless because they aren’t taking into consideration how young this boy is.

Camera Angles This is a high angle to show that at this point the noose is more powerful than the little boy. This creates sympathy because you feel sorry for him because he is just a little boy.

SoundThere is no music or sound effects going on at this point because they want the audience to really reflect and understand why this is a big deal. This shows that the people killing them what everyone how has done this crime dead even a little boy, this suggest how much they care that piracy stops.

EditingThe pace a this section is slow, which emphasises that this is a big deal and the director really wants the audience to think about what is really happening.

Page 6: Storyboard yr12

Genre SignifiersWe can tell this is an action film/adventure film because there is an enigma because we want to know what’s so special about this coin.

Mise-en-sceneThe lighting is brighter on the coin to show that this is important to the rest of the film.The prop is a coin which links to why he is being hanged because of piracy.

Camera WorkClose up to show the audience that this coin is very important to the rest of the movie. But also because of that coin the boy is about to be killed.

SoundThe sound is the boy singing which gives the boy innocence's, which makes the audience feel worse, also it shows how young the boy really is.

EditingThis section is slow pace to show that the boy is scared that he is about to die.

Page 7: Storyboard yr12

Genre SignifiersWe can tell this is an action film/adventure film because of the soldiers holding their guns towards the people chained up. This suggest war and violence. This contrast with the second picture because this is the guards backing away so show that something is going to happen between the two sides.

Mise-en-sceneIn the actors facial expressions you can see that the pirates look really scary when they are singing which suggests that they are passionate about this song because it’s their song. With the lighting the soldiers are in the light and the prisoners are in the dark. This emphasises that the prisoners are the bad guys in the opening even though, the audience thinks that the soldiers are the bad guys. We the realise that the prisoners are there because they have done something bad and they deserve it.

Camera WorkThis is a wide shot, so from this shot we can get a sense of the body language and movement. This helps the audience understand what is going on and the situation the characters are in, which is the soldiers are scared and backing away.

SoundThe guards are backing away because of the pirates singing, this shows that they are scared that something is going to happen. But also from them singing it creates an eerie effect because their singing is so low. Though out the whole part of them singing they have added Foley because the sound of them singing sounds like it has been enhanced but this creates a creepy effect.