What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Qs 3

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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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The kind of audience that I had in mind were for a niche market, this I because the music video that we were producing was for an upcoming artist which was only starting in the industry and therefore starting off slowly. Therefore we have asked males and females aged roughly 16-25 which are into the modern indie pop as well as dance. The lifestyles of party people which go to gigs and have fun without needing to see highly popular mainstream artists. We have asked few of those people who fit in the description above to give us feedback for our video.

To generate pleasure from watching for the audience we have put an unusual twist to it, usually in generic music videos the audience gain pleasure from watching female artist portray themselves as sexy and seductive. Our music video does not have any female seduction as we were going for a sad narrative which would keep the audience engaged; the audience would want to keep watching the video as the narrative is disjunctive and therefore the audience are not able to get what’s happening from the first time they watch the music video.

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Another way, in which we have represented our artist, is to go against the generic codes of the pop/indie music videos where the artist would usually wear the skinny jeans with a shit or a tight top. However we have decided not to do his and instead include modern clothes. This technique would allow the audience to be surprised when watching the video and it would mean that they would have to be kept remained in watching the video to be able to understand the true meaning behind the song.

The feedback that we have received from our target audience was taken on board and therefore improved upon. The main aspect that needed changing in our video was to add more lip singing this was because our initial idea was to have more narrative. However from the feedback received by the audience we have inserted more singing footage to the video to please the audience. This idea allowed us to give the audience what they wanted so we could retain the fans.

Another aspect change due to the audience feedback was that the music video was too long. We have had ideas that this would be a problem however we didn’t know that the audience would not like it. At the end we made changes to the video and made it shorter; we have done this because we are trying to keep the current audience and maintain the fan base.