LOOT preset with high load buff An insight in a useful preset and how to use it

Loot preset with high load

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LOOT preset with high load buff

An insight in a useful preset and how to use it

Page 2: Loot preset with high load

This set is based on HIGH LOAD BUFF & SIEGE LOAD BUFF and is used to

counter (AFK) Presets or PRESETS where the target does not want to be looted

quickly and counters with LOAD DEBUFF.

Highlighted in red are the important stats

Highlighted in orange are the 2nd important stats

Page 3: Loot preset with high load

311% Attack

16018% Load

1.58% Accuracy

155% Bonus to PvP on Offense

1101% Bonus vs. Wilds

-311% Defense Debuff

-155% Combat Speed Debuff

-77.5% Range Debuff

790% Infantry Life

-155% Infantry Combat Speed Debuff

155% Ranged Range

-627% Ranged Attack Debuff

-155% Ranged Defense Debuff

469% Horsed Attack

523% Horsed Combat Speed

4417% Siege Load

489% March Size

1055% March Speed

155% Attack March Speed

1886% Reinforcement March Speed

311% Transport March Speed

1289% Reassign March Speed

316% Scout March Speed

158% Upkeep Reduction

948% Food Production

469% Storehouse Protection

155% Chance to Find Items

239.5% Chance to Find Items in PvP

78% Bonus Food from Raids

234.5% Bonus Raid Speed

156% Spellcaster Defense

311% Spellcaster Life

311% Spellcaster Combat Speed

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What We Use This TR for ?

Looting targets that have high load debuff either in AFK preset or a preset that they do

not want to be emptied quickly.

What Troops We Will ATTACK With?

Wagons This preset has almost no COMBAT stats so sending troops will not help

much. Thus wagons alone it is.

NOTE: Teamwork can overcome this. If 1 or 2 team members run troops at high

intervals trough target killing the reinforcements or troops set to defend, protecting

/clearing the way for the wagons on this preset.

Why This Preset ?

This is for special cases where you encounter targets that are offline and have left a

preset on with high load debuff.

You can/could adjust this preset to include some combat stats if the target has lower

LOAD debuff, like 10k etc.

This Preset focusses on the max obtainable LOAD BUFF to overcome MAX LOAD


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Below are CARDS & JEWELS used

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( general): A general Buff or Debuff benefits all troops.

I.e : Range, Defense, Attack, Life, Accuracy, Combatspeed. LOAD

(specific) : A specific Buff or Debuff benefits specific troops or troop types.

I.e: Horsed Load, SIEGE load etc

Thus you should always have as much general buffs or debuffs as possible and then add the

specific buffs or debuffs to make the difference or enhance the TR.

The dictionary is at bottom of tutorial of General & Specific buffs/debuffs by troop types.

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1) Sometimes changing 1 Card in an existing preset can make a world of difference. For

example if you change a Candelabrum or Pillar in an existing set to a card with LOAD

BUFF. This can make you loot the target quicker while preserving combat stats.

1254.00% Attack

19427.00% Defense

627.00% Life

2553.00% Combat Speed

2810.00% Load

9.48% Accuracy

-9525.00% Attack Debuff

-479.00% Defense Debuff

-1015.50% Life Debuff

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2) USE Reinforced bags

3) Sacrifice wagons to increase LOAD stats

You want your wagons to carry as much as possible

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- ACCURACY debuff decreases the accuracy of all enemy troops

- ACCURACY buff Increasess the accuracy of all your troops

- ATTACK increases the attack of all troops

- ATTACK debuff decreases the attack of all enemy troops.

- BONUS ON DEFENSE TO PvP increases attack and defense in the defense against another


- BONUS ON OFFENSE TO PvP increases attack and defense when attacking another player

- COMBAT SPEED increases the combat speed of all troops

- COMBAT SPEED debuff decreases the speed of combat troops opposing

- DEFENSE increases the defense of all troops

- DEFENSE debuff decreases defense of all enemy troops

- RANGE increases the reach of all troops

- RANGE DEBUFF decreases the range of all enemy troops

- LIFE increases the life of all troops

- LIFE DEBUFF decreases the life of all enemy troops

- LOAD increases the load capacity of all troops

- LOAD DEBUFF reduces the volume load of all the enemy troops

- MARCH SIZE increases the sending of troops for each run (run size)

- MARCH SPEED increases the driving speed of all types of gear

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- CHANCE TO FIND ITEMS IN DARK forests increases the probability of finding an element in

the dark forest

- CHANCE TO FIND ITEM IN PVP increases the probability of finding an element when

attacking another player

- BONUS Vs. BARARIAN CAMPS increases attack and defense when attacking the barbarians

- BONUS Vs. DARK Forests increased attack, defense and life when you attack dark forests

- BONUS Vs. Wilds increases attack and defense when attacking the wilds

- BARRIERS TO BONUS spiked increases life and defense of the barriers with spikes

- BONUS TO TRAPS increases the attack of the traps

- BONUS TO WALL increases life and defense of the walls

- BONUS TO WALL MOUNTED increased attack, defense, life and range of crossbows and

trebs mounted on the walls

- HORSED ACCURACY BONUS increases the range of your horse mounted units - HORSED

ACCURACY BONUS debuff decreases the range of enemy cavalry

- HORSED ATTACK increases the attack of the Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry

- HORSED ATTACK DEBUFF decreases the enemy cavalry attack

- HORSED COMBAT SPEED increases the combat speed of cavalry

- HORSED COMBAT SPEED DEBUFF decreases the speed of enemy cavalry

- HORSED DEFENSE increases the defense of cavalry

- HORSED- HORSED LIFE increases the life of cavalry

- HORSED LIFE DEBUFF decreases the life of the enemy cavalry

- HORSED LOAD increases the load capacity of the cavalry

- HORSED LOAD DEBUFF reduces the volume load of enemy cavalry

- INFANTRY ACCURACY BONUS increases the range of the infantry (scouts, supply troops,

spearmen, swordsmen, pikes)

- INFANTRY ACCURACY BONUS DEBUFF diminishes the range of enemy infantry

- INFANTRY ATTACK increases the attack of the infantry

- INFANTRY ATTACK DEBUFF decreases the attack of enemy infantry

- INFANTRY COMBAT SPEED increases the speed of combat infantry

- INFANTRY COMBAT SPEED DEBUFF decreases enemy infantry speed during combat

- INFANTRY DEFENSE increases the defense of the infantry

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- INFANTRY DEFENSE debuff decreases defense of enemy infantry

- INFANTRY LIFE increases the life of the infantry

- INFANTRY LIFE DEBUFF decreases the life of the enemy infantry

- RANGED ACCURACY BONUS increases the range of the archers (range type)

- RANGED DEBUFF ACCURACY BONUS output decreases the range of the opponents archers

- RANGED ATTACK increases the attack of the archers

- RANGED ATTACK DEBUFF decreases the attack of the opponents archers

- RANGED DEFENSE increases ranged defense archers

- RANGED DEFENSE DEBUFF decreases defense of opponents archers

- RANGED LIFE increases the life of the archers

- RANGED LIFE DEBUFF decreases the life of the archers opponents

- RANGED RANGE increases the range of the archers

- RANGED RANGE DEBUFF decreases the range of the opponents archers

- SCOUT SPEED MARCH increases the running speed of your scouts

- SIEGE ACCURACY increases the range of siege weapons (catapults, rams ballistae)

- SIEGE ACCURACY DEBUFF decreases the range of enemy siege weapons

- SIEGE ATTACK increases the attack of weapons of siege

- SIEGE ATTACK DEBUFF decreases attack of enemy siege weapons

- SIEGE COMBAT SPEED increases the combat speed of weapons of siege

- SIEGE COMBAT SPEED DEBUFF decreases the combat speed of enemy siege

- SIEGE LOAD increases the carry load of siege weapons

- SIEGE LOAD DEBUFF decreases the carry load of enemy siege weapons

- SIEGE RANGE increases the range of weapons of siege

- SIEGE RANGE DEBUFF decreases the range of enemy siege weapons

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