Comenius Project Cinema Group Names : Funda İrem Meydan Merve Doğan Hacer Onat Class : 7/A Numbers : 108 - 64 - 319 School : Pakmaya Muzaffer İncekara Middle School

Comenius project sinema grubu funda irem meydan merve doğan

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Comenius ProjectCinema Group

Names : Funda İrem MeydanMerve DoğanHacer OnatClass : 7/ANumbers : 108 - 64 - 319 School : Pakmaya Muzaffer İncekara Middle School

Cinema, dividing any pictures of them on a regular basis to determine the movement of the pointer, and then with the help of them in a dark place, reflecting the movement of a curtain, the job of rebuilding.Reflected in a special machine for the images to show the movie to the big screen in the cinema hall or building is called. The first film magic lantern device (Lanterne magique) was told. According to Article 5 of Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works Cinema: regardless of the material is detected, electronic or mechanical, or other similar instruments that can be displayed with or without audio, interrelated series of moving images. Cinema, is considered to be the seventh art.

What is cinema ?

Cinema, discovered by two brothers Auguste and Louis Lumiere name, which will show the pictures in a row cinematographer (cinématographe) began with a show of a movie in a cafe in Paris. 28 December 1895, the show made a train main station entrance is shown. Viewers are all going to hit the train cafe, thinking they have taken out. Representations made in 1896 in London and New York. But cinema is an exploration of non-thinking about the future, Georges Melies offline, then the big movie producer, sold ilüzyoniste Houdini Theatre.

History of the cinema

Auguste & Lois Lumiere

Georges Melies, who directed the movie 531 in his career, is one of the most important figures in the history of cinema. Invented the stop-motion and hand-coloring techniques. Tool called Autochrome Lumiere Brothers until 1903, there are a lot of films hand-colored. The most famous film Melies'in month Travel (Le Voyage dans la Luna) was taken in 1902. Travel the Moon Jules Verne story, as well as the first science-fiction film. The main character in the film Jean-Luc Dupont, Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek series to name the father of the famous captain.

History of the cinema

Georges Melies

Thomas Edison, the fact that the history of cinema has entered the scene in 1893, but 20 until the first quarter of the century has not produced a remarkable film. Georges Melies'in Moon Travel movie, showing in New York, has earned large sums of money and has not paid any money Melies'e. Black Maria film studio is set up. 35 mm film strip Fred Ott's Sneeze this method is developed and attracted film. Cinema is a medium (medium) that is due to Edison.

History of the cinema

Georges Melies

These four people are the starting point of the history of cinema. Notwithstanding the fact that three of the cinema as an art, a work of Thomas Edison transformed cinema. 20th The difference between American and European cinemas in the first quarter of the century began to form. profit American theater, the Europeans have continued to develop the art of cinema. Currents movies seven main groups, most were born in Europe, due to this reason. Now find out what is going on these trends briefly:

History of the cinema

cinema Streams1 export In the early 1900s, especially in Germany, France, Russia, Sweden, Norway and the United States in the current, which is outside of normal consciousness as a reflection of gold, also known as Expressionism as definition.Other current, composed of people to revolts. Created by the people living in repressive regimes and acceptance.1919 and the subsequent 20 years, especially those used by the German theater style, surreal decor, artificial role-playing, and the stories stand out in a world of surreal. The film is dominated by rough images, the longing for the real world and happy life is explained. Here are the current most important films: from Rye Stellan Prag'lı Student Galeen'den Golem Henrik Otto Rippert'dan Homunculus, Robert Wiena'dan Kaligari'nin practice for a doctor.

History of the cinema

Rye Stellan

2 poetic Realism A movement born in France. The audience gathered at the top again in this country. Poetry and realism of the current two important element. Poetry, places and characters, the behavior can be observed. Wet streets and outdoor cafes starring desperate killers in the events or the women are unhappy marriage. Forbidden love affairs, one of the issues that are highly processed. Realism, however, is used to highlight the hardness of life is the result of the police or gangster characters. Here are the current most important films: Zero for Conduct Jean Vigo, Jean Vigo Catana passing.

History of the cinema

Jean Vigo

3 new Realism The main idea of this movement, who was born in Italy in 1945 is as follows: Total Men and women need to address. Files should be done outside the door of the formation of real life, almost a documentary should be in the same style.New Realistic directors, studio cameras moved off the street. They prefer to use natural light and the actors did an improvised role. Moving the camera and sounds of nature, current defining feature. Without the script, as well as the events was shown. The main subject unemployment and economic chaos. Determines current films include: The Postman Always Rings Twice Luchino Visconti's Rocco brothers Germany Year Zero, Vittoria De Sica'dan Bicycle Thieves.

History of the cinema

4 new Wave Only those who lived in France, current, emerged after 1950. Main starting point was to have the respect it deserves and cinema to rival Hollywood. Established after the war CNC (Contre National Cinematographie), French cinema played quite a few. Women in films like And God Create Pierrot and one of the pioneers of this movement. New realistic example and used natural light. The first time, references to other films, were made by this current. "Tarantino Style" is called a complex scene of fiction and non-chronological order, the first built in this period. There are scenes of stunning transitions and incompatible. Funny scene, the murder may run at a time. Characters are not relevant to society as a whole too, the concept of politics and family away from the students. Representing the main stream flickers are: Alain Resnais Last Year Marienbad, François Truffaut'dan 400 Blows.

History of the cinema

François Truffaut

5 free Movie Directed by Karel Reisz and Tony Richardson in 1956, this trend is reflected even in politics, social issues, and draws attention to the problems of the working class. British Film Institute (BFIY) supported this movement started in documentaries, films, and then passed on. Current notable films include: Lindsay Anderson, This Sporting Life, Tony Richardson angry youth.

History of the cinema

Lindsay Anderson

6 new Movie This trend began to spread in the 1960s in Brazil, away from foreign influences, aimed to make a movie of their own culture. Social issues that permeate the current reality of documentary films, folkloric elements in each country fed. Two important element of the freedom of expression and the independence of the new cinema. Economic crisis that began in 1967, was a blow to the stream. Colorful carnivals and fun meetings to explain the beginning of the new films, current deflecting. Hunger and passion of the New Cinema theater lost its importance as soon as possible. The main filmer include: Glauber Rocha ecstatic Country, Antonia Des Mortes Storm, Ruy Guerra'dan Desire Beach.

History of the cinema

Ruy Guerra

Glauber Rocha

7 experimental Cinema What's new in this current unusually trying to cinema, has a structure that wearing traditions. This trend existed throughout the history of cinema, there are around the world. Independent, avant-garde and underground types included in this movement. Major examples include: Andy Warhol, Sleep, Tony Conrad Flicker, Louis Buñuel Andalusian Dog, Viking Eggeling'den Symphony Cross.Finally, talk about the incident a couple of milestones in the history of cinema. In 1922 Fox film studios, newsreels (articles published in the cinema) voice began shooting. Warner Brothers studios in 1927, took the first sound film The Jazz Singer. In 1932, the first full-color film drew Disney studios: Flowers and Trees. In 1937, Disney Studios Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) produced his first feature-length animated film.

History of the cinema

Walt Disney

Cinema, today, within the mass media, television and the internet is one of the most effective ones. The mass media within the film, which is the most common, it even appeals to people who are not illiterate, the motion picture that is easily understandable, it is a narrative composed music, or writing and have the opportunity to

Films, especially in terms of public education, is a tool to improve the overall culture. People's knowledge, experience and behaviors have a significant impact modifier. Talking to recognize hostel, eating, drinking, dressing, such as a tool to positively affect behavior change in a variety of situations.

Impact of cinema on society

Cinema also reflects a country's social problems. Youth issues, property, family, sexual problems, labor issues, immigration, women, crime, political problems by addressing problems such as' işleyebilir7 them in a positive way. Which not even a real critique of their wrong doing and some of the state may also recommend remedies. But no time in doing so unilaterally by certain segments of society, and not just their own specific and common interests, to protect the interests of their class, provided it is in a format and reinforce their dominance continues. Our applications are mostly developed in the form of mirroring the values of the upper classes.

Impact of cinema on society

In other news, movie channels, audience, reading, or listening to the degree of not less than the comparable wants to make an effort for the education of the masses is more effective. And play an important role in explaining the spread of ideas and convictions rolayısiyle affects the masses. Today's audience, instead of read novels came on the market these qualities thereby they would prefer to see a movie filmed wait. However, public education, films, a certain culture, norms, attitudes and values criticized by praise or vilify serves exciting news. It plays a role in enhancing the masses information.

Impact of cinema on society

Some major award-winning films

Some watching blockbuster movies

3-6 years old children watch movies :This age children often love to watch cartoons. Cartoons as their dream worlds because it overlaps with. Fun and funny to watch what they do.

Followed by age film genres

6-12 years old children watch movies :entertainment to children between the ages of integral and continue to watch Cartoons.

Followed by age film genres

Wactch movies youth 12-15 years of age :Teenagers watching movies all kinds.

Follewed by age film genres

Young people aged 15-25 :People usually catch the romantic films of this age.

Followed by age film genres

25 years of age and adults :keeps track of all kinds of adult movies

Followed by age film genres

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