Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1) Photographer: Zaytsev Dmitry Image 1

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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Zaytsev Dmitry Image 1

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Image 2

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Image 3

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Image 4

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Image 5

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Image 6

Theme or focus of images

This is a photographer I found on deviant art, I chose to study his pictures because I think a few of them have interesting angles. In image 1is a picture of a male standing in the woods. It’s a medium shot from a fish lens. The photo was taken some were in Russia, as they were going for a hike. In this photo all the colours go together really well and it looks like a very cold setting.

Image 2 is an extreme close up of a woman’s face. The main focus is on her eyes and he paint on her face. I think he would have carefully made sure the lighting was right so you couldn’t see the camera in the eyes reflection.

Image 3 is of two women lay on a rock on a hill above a small town. The picture was taken in Russia. It’s a full body shot. There is good depth of field after the drop of on the hill. The light is also shinning on the girl on the right while the other one is in the shade.

Image 4 is of a couple who are getting married. The image was taken at a long shot and through a fish lens. The angle it was shot from is low and they are position directly in the middle of the photo.

Image 5 is a photo of a woman holding a small branch in front of her face. It’s a full body shot from a high up angle looking down. In the background there is a single

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tree and some rocks.

Image 6 is taken from a slightly sideways angle at close up. The colour comparison between black and white is very strong, the only other two colours that are in the shot is skin tone and brown hair.


In Image 1 the photographer chose to include a large amount of scenery as well as the man. The photographer chose to stand right in front of his friend, although if he had zoomed out you would of seen more of the scenery but then the attention from the person in the photo would be lessened.

Image 2 seems to have been taken from close up and slightly zoomed, if the photographer would of zoomed out I think it would be a less interesting shot as the background might distract you from the eyes which seem to be the main vocal point of this photo.

Image 3 was taken with the camera looking down on everything in the shot. The main focus is the two girls lay on the rock but there is also a small town captured at the top of the image, I feel like this image would be better if the camera was at different angle capturing more of the background and less of the ground in front of the camera.

Image 4 is taken from a low angle shot from far away. I think this effective as it captures the church and a full body shot of both the groom and bride. Everything in this shot depicts a wedding. Although I think the shot would of worked better more close up, focusing more on the couple rather them and the background.

Image 5 is an interesting shot because of the angle, for example it looks like it was taken while stood in front of her but then the bottom of the image looks like it was taken while looking down. Whether this was done intentionally I’m not sure but in this shot if the camera was to be placed further back I would think more of the boulders and foliage behind her would of made for a better shot.

Image 6 is just focused on the person in the shot with a blank background. Its taken from the side of her face I think this is to make the black patch on the bandage the focal point of the photo, although all the dark colours in the shot make a very good contrast, I think this image is shot at the best distance because it emphases all the key parts of the face.

Techniques used

This photographer in my opinion defiantly used rule of thirds on all his photos, this is shown because in the close ups the eyes always seem to be on intersecting lines which makes them a main focus of the image and there always seems to be

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balanced weight in the image. The shutter speed and aperture stay the same for most of the images iv analysed from this photographer, I think this because the lighting and colours in the images are fairly similar and all the photos are of a people laying or standing still. Only one image was cropped as far I could tell and this was image 2, this was done to help focus on the eyes.

Strengths & Weaknesses

I think strength of this photographer is finding certain points in an image that are interesting and making them a good focal point. Strength is that he uses lens effectively in my opinion, like the fish eye lens in image one, it captures the person very well as well as the background around him. A weakness is that in some of the images there is certain parts that are boring in the shot. I like some of the shots used by this photographer and I think they look interesting I would probably experiment with different lens more from looking at his work I can see some of the effects you get from it.